' ' hi It“ I yitl,tillFii?,'k'fi1h' Inn-tuna: ‘39:“.0‘-" Jill‘- .I. . L- T "was l .5 . b ' L, "t 4- 3. Human . ‘21:? 2 at â€when Err -.". .T L." “m†_. C", _ ' in be. u t 'ut «mm .0. C W i n I“ the m- a†‘w away ‘- â€I†g la t, _ 5:01“ tt 1lt)ii'i 113;?" ttrlt' {I “may“ ftlc,i if)" (a" --- Tb ion-Bra North Grinuby hit new ‘to win; enema um: ttrmsiC1htleirtrtitir o. magmat- amqm‘nrmv “one mu,~- the 'ttttttret may tretweem,ttm Warsawâ€: in Clinton. - sun’ym Jt,'q/'gt"tt: 'IS I ' t'ltgtd', and m 'tate, ' W van Mo. V dun nu. “We; hunt no. u' nu- hnlly living in all ',+,i'iiii . tn But Hannah. Inl- mater: yum†'3 tte, A mined mill. at! dt we the an m q ta city than“. tut! ft u- re- n In a mutant condition. _ It had with“ I tincture of 3mm Will“; l I" . (in: Crop - In ms. ya LightJ'WIp no“. 'tt - Mun-3,13!“ the his- , at can. when rpm! crop m, that rote is 1016. The . litany-ad Without my math immigrant in W: had it. it ' to am in you than V e the war Mata. lhdutrhl m4 i It cities and town: will be morn epics: quiet. and the one using which' 1y3l MFout will be good crops. Iti, I Uid lhit the conditions an Iatorri in ,the Fest, and may keep that: y. “4,,m ia the same wish ' m" - in. ' “but: can to (Nathan. " _ .c. J. Lone]. pastor ot lm-l ' ., epto,tir' yhurch, iuaruiiii/ that†n all tostanley Amm. , mum Church; Hamilton, and; Game hip duties there on the', 3mm mane, _ , i Harlow Appeal. ha ans-L was we by, ms Him- Ir; My. q..9. We: tttis mom- C ' in 'ir'hiii, Mr. w. H. Beeithatstrt {ha who» the ttttding. or the l! valieymon, The appeal wal iCeonncetioh with property owned ht Mr. IiLtttagisr3, on' Margaret Ave. Gia Giii "iTiiuued. Me. w. R, y acted lot as city. Tin-onto Hikes Etiort. , N Ignited efrorbswilt he maid 'ri"eorxsrAiir manufacturers to locate ATOM!!!» helore the new harbor 1mm imprm'ehnnl: are completed “In: magically with; umn ' Friday at a' j in china-cc bl :01:th the: or. an eitr, tt-rdot trade ‘and the harttor-eommisriort. It wu decided to npro_ittt a joint commas nuke. bongo“ ot one mombct' 'or the boant at camel, one member at the city tsotrneit,+to_rrpresmutiverr ttomtttteryrdof_tea_deami I re- 'rc-s-talive; of the harbor commis- 'iiiiFiiiGsuG-tiiiArsrmmauee.l, B. P. C H. Car Canned. A any» widen! haunts-ed on the (hit, _ Fir-001nm! finale: shat-t Railway on Satan!» awning which "gurred in the wltibulo oi Wt car No.51 Ming My Btoatrlted and a law and: ripped A! than freight 'yrtr., A freight moms. drawing a paring obtsox can. was muting the WW ' “as, from the “can!" line, and did-m; Us Ittt' Rain deal of an trteétt"titte; when â€and! car No. M, in cum.» d Comm Sub ton and N6bthetm Sam, ‘qttuck the an at of†thath. . um: om ht q I'lt'a ' I81 i. Tarn: , 'mr, 'RMiriMlll! it). a R EEN?, " " . E g . . j†" art,] tttf' 'ti' irc" ' _ E :3 'l Ml a.†.3 _ . I. . 2 . "ed, , Ifii,ri" but: l, aria itsliit? - Evan... 'ikT 'lik'it tf u. 2e.,2ttPr, v'11tfillti: t ' i' i II," E; 'iii, W r 'ii slr);.') 'iflrll'lu"lr w. .6- no ‘1 .tttitiassq' . Itr2tiyde thTriUiiG see" rg, tsN'fg, in! Thits new ‘blood drive-I . “1‘06ҠT. otdi-,an.dae.e “In! t 'i:'i'iil' m Womon, _aipd 1tldrr1U', iiri,ii'iiG 'l oo, sud strong. Mus . "ri was a W“ SIN“: no, “WI-.- _ .. Ca', {pol 313. ' I Sr, It. to Jr, 1u.--Mprea required to pass. 313.-ahnrtttt Wagner m. lNancy Suckly 461, Norman Keener J31. Waite; M61“. Evhniln “Jami 43:4. Leah , m 411. In: Pee! m, uni Wagner 86S, Annet- :ta‘Hoim’el 357. ' ’ . . 7 ' Jr. 11. to Br. 1r.c-s9stt required Ito pass, an: mac w- m._ ' itino Seth! tM, aplen- sueteq l886. . ‘ . _ " gag W1" F.i'""a' "Mr, - '1' '. sans-h 'iieij,'i _ . " 1 . w“: 222$; into I “in. 1 vii , some!» verrter are)“. a, “flock! What! no Mtse. ‘fl whammy“ " tm‘peu ttt some lime. but it did at In), line itâ€: hut. “Up; the "tttt ot ', his“ I may Min; Dr, Wilihm' Pink Etna, Sui in . very than. was Whey Kl" no but couple†AtRIttt, and mm" me to mum my diall- lu. 1 bnve enjoyed tho but. ot Mum. Imus, Rad ' it an to Dr: tttttnam' Pink Pub," . M99“ hie to!!! " atk mqdieitt. weiiiuco'reeantotmdtrrmirtr., a can" u Mammalian†Iroe Thom. mum" Whine ce, :Brockvinehmgt. . The human; in tho report ot no promotion â€minnow M Union, S. s. No. it, Wilmot an 'vruledey z, Jr. Ill. to Br. mam: [guinea to pass. an: pelt-on sum: as, Lizzie Jantzi tis, Nancy Isis "* any. Inger Mi, Renaultâ€: tst, Mary sway 321. John may. \ News Items '.--4tuite a number fl}! m the farmers hack in' the horse silo _ _ .W at Linwood or Tuesday.-Mrf and pe Mrs. Wm. Rennie', of menallen thm- “a dayed with their Wt, Its. Good Mex. Cooper-Mrs Tom. isuir,mitol, lite is attending “may“ Guelph, tttfr'". l the weekend at his bode tt"ereiat'r,.'/ and Mrs. A. Buriett.and gammy _ on Outing: spent Sunday With the lat-‘9 tir's parents, Mr. and girl. iiir1 Begga.--Mr. and Mrs. Wellingfol‘ ‘Vanstone of Listoirit,' ape-{hut Ne week With friends hag-rut. and My“ jst J TomICaasel spent Sundgi wiga'potln-lgug: ing tiiemts.-.Irr. Wm. Bani“; ol' Linwood, spent a few do" ot last week at Mr. c. 2,ttt'tiG",; no} Mrs. Jack Macmnem' Crlteitdar with lag Iormot's mm at Lug wood.--Rhitss taking out “mm In: Mr. C. Tabberl. on Friday. Mi. AV. um Kramer hnd‘his ttiit hadly-cut. We hop. he will soon be able. to be out main-Miss Laun'Logel has "re- dined home after spendmg"het holi- itp, insElmira.-Mt. and Mrs. Wm. um um! Mr. Roh. Heirhin‘ncy went Manny cvenihg' if Mt. .1ng: Ricteson'rc-let? PM Stan, Elminhnnd sanr'tgtatr, a Walpe‘g, were mowing old Maxim here on Betisrdar.--we are thte, bear that It. Pa}. INerts w, vying from on attack ot Moth. SCHOOL REPORT FEW: Mon. " an Sg, In. Li,i,iir,,tti'fiFt If an a , y. K: ttfit'; a Ti,' III- m-ou.. _ . C 'tttr, _ . _ 0! Hanna" ittilttll':,"iif,1v,e,'? tt.aqttt 'ee11'u'a'll. . 9"» I itt.tth t _ 1eeee11te, 2.'edtittNtt. .er kin» 'mrey.--at Witttertrmsrne. Aprtt we!“ s'-mllittsrt Hardy, and " you: and, aired Jo months. .1 4t4, Hteeotiiimstr-Near hambu- on Tue-7‘ will“ 3m. Angina. Mom maroon-3‘ Wm “0191mm. 4 manni- and a; “If! , m. _ -rm _" .' y Pp P"- Weir-At am. April is. an. Wm. ties/YS-ig)'-' - "tlt rm. F '.r' l .. Se-at Berlin, April 1m, at, tri : - "ta' _ :."J: , rs Ili, my. J. t.CAririr 18. mu it i New seep, k ‘. , c, 'pihrustont-At. In“. April " Mr. i, ' Geo. Johann. _ r Ir,,r,t-itt maintain. April IS, Mn. ...f 1 Wm “merit Preston. . 'Tit tiris-at Sutton. Aprjl 19, . De.' Btttt- “George For]. - " years. 3 Mrs. msoti-h' St. Jason. Ateit 18, Mn who}. Israel flood. sttJVgtirta, toruterfro.t mennSt. Jacobs. aand 32 years. g: I 15 i', H r ar ' , m - A: ' - [i " ir, ',l r . I ' vi::, ‘95 - s" f $933414†lM11gl8t82 " ' l .igaigoR-KJQE’L} 'l ii†i... . Jr w? “gm: ti a: N a? illtit " I A f: if 2, a Re I!!lelllElIl 'SB '0ti' e " Crt-i". yW.11'tri ‘ "S Fun“ “31-: tr', . thttir t F L e . . ', _ idlén- "t'", .;u . a.†h! , . L l ' _., brunt-Av ' A as, In; Uzi-Tm 3. ttAtt, V “it: 2Hltf . 140*. a. daqhtte, ".. . . .m Bmith.--At W, AMI Ira, to ; Mr. - Mix. Fl. Arith, a you. Gingrich,-.'At man. to w. attA In. Chan. Gingrich. n Mt.. _ Patturr.--At Pro-um, April/ttth, to Mr. sud Mrs. Anthony MI“. a SDI]. who?“ Preston, Apr. mu, u' W. and Mrs, Israel Good. a son. t1reoovooF4hytt,Mt-ht Mb I Js. gamma (limb, to NS, Amara wood: _ ', 1 _ Aiiiii-mitrt.Ht Tomato. Alum may "r,1itrktlrr my to tte. .WHW may»; _ P---' '", .‘ siytr,8tfitlit':.--Wt New QW- Apru lihb','ariic_eiya J.etrtti..i8r, to Nr. Ton Samar. V t"'t _ _ swinger-Vqll.a-Ac Berlin, April mnpaeirrararths Von ttr In. a," Bpulllnger. Jr. k I Fetatur-Eihe.---At Heapeler, April 17; 1 Min Jane Ia'liaahtrth End. to Mr. l Roland Evans. B k i i, New: "ee-Mr. John N. mm, ot Joaephstturg, was in St. Jacobs; gunning†and In mm on hp ')ur' on tmtritteq.-Mr. Home“ Schmn. Jr, has then over an Firiiirie Wines! mm It. 1m .oLSt. q1t1r.tmr,ts.-rNr, And Mn; Et‘ “(3! naming and childlh weft! v 1 “an; at John bounty": ,ei'rtpi,tts4s,r 1.3!,"er and Meir." am 1? Ioteeli in mummy, mm»; m, ,Chnsun G. Erb on "smutar'kat.'a- "Mr. and Mn. tru one and [daughth‘ Krmi,’ 2tt't1L, at Wr. Juan Mia-“III! CumrtMoee.. net from near Jon-lush“ 'amtr"tr6ik- ated' tat' "may to: WEI“); ms. Gum-pie. Ir9n'.'qetessyr" young people at an vbinhrw.» ‘very . able min at mum {a Mr: $1M“ 'G'l'lhdlt gammy. Quite a niititrbr frdm 'tuhitr' lid Broo- Tlu’wm MG. '; ' _ itosisphatmrg. Marriages. “rt?“ _ _ "W a A F ' A, r I Iii. N. o. teyhtiit r in“ m w“, , ll/ttAtrial' swam dt PstteyA, Shin-i} , 'Ltr- and} a',' __., 1'IPt'h' til iiiiiiii'ijll' [ I W ' _rehu1h'tr2bt,'! _ my. Mar. lot In: 'ett2Nlt will but» "tdihir.4,ttrt-ht _,,i,i,i2Ci'ii'ii.)) " *5 'ata,'.'.'?!,,'.,! i in. mm mac-go: tun-b.4- may; in 'treed in hit Mb- ei'aod"umteeehteb.. ' . t A'; Robe" conga“. usual ml, gnu-g 'em ion Jig huh . Minn _ 1 tft a; 'tfL't9i/2't'p Kiwis Wlmmm,“" f†I _Ais'tmnsee, committee " Elsi! in my hid-.8 my J2ty'ttt, i: God’l 1cm. Emu p . A. #1:! clean-In» in was place In! t ' mm; ts "a"! _tyotu,t1ftutrft. uh.an “1:21. A. m, I Thr. $52, w'gxmuh my: a. "TrG7Git ’ trom' the “imam My?“ I? tere? (I all H"pmoiq gluon a: It not: By the _ it“! and “Hunt“ m tural whom hi: to b be" h {be “I. , " I: I ' ", ‘ . ' -,'iiim Ellen .truetior,oirtret M10 hee ttttme mm teeming. J c'r, -- '. '; Mini Hm.Muellat is under ths doctor's one. p' _ . wt. H6561 Scion], who In: _ Wett vt!airt" triangl- in Bmadtra- tor may past 3"qu days. raw Mime. 'cNaotdis_18mrtr1er Deepen. who“ Ilia IQ; NOW,†'atati'gfiirsolt " day, ir; a have â€that. as In . " nicrh m!r ".takes hi, QMOIW t,'st','l1d"g,, .' ) News lump #4 t may - mm ftttl.itsu8tt's than! a r.i.0, "r t1tytru1ae,trrc- W; NEE Ed "etiltb't M... Kathleen FEE! Selim. Kuhn Visited m“ "rrsmid.s on 'ttti “It. and 'llrs. you F"ath.iyttt r' t Sunday with Mr. and In. Heaity Huehtt.--Mr. aid In. Wm. Reichert and his. and†Kit. Adam Solution spent Sunday nu; iGarers.2urui Viola Ratchet; " spending her vaw‘ tion in Tt,',e'rrfiirig't,eg.tdt1t tue, ringing In our ".ue tiitr.VAhitii n 'ew people to!!! here “may! we Aogei"reddit--leu, HM! F . is spending a low weak! wilh’ m. and 'Mrs. Htmsr-.-9ri" Ron Momma spent tho meek-cull with Mr. and Met. Henry Ktulln'g. ' "iG"'urirshitls. ts/ ta, L. guy-u: in?" of Wounding of Pte. Allen thnith waivedhy Mitt Amintti on“! St. _ ,Relqtins in £91111: "ot mp' - who an serving Mi country in Fraud. “in: mph it'll} pup ot-"ttre (r'aio'.i' t. 1m has mm “and“ ‘m/Ior an new tt,itiitdtst,'l'iiSti_ 'ff9Aeir 'p".',,)',,.,',','.'-')" "Y. Fttd,"il'itt) M.‘ 'iiza" 1 I. W-i-.. 1ut,tt,fP'e1' it)ii',t't ', “_ Ir," no iiaiFiuaudiuii boll; given. 18 1,'tit','T',tl slut-tn Tshe (119,19f E! b, i was s.tetet. . 'ttr.., "irkTl'll'il2ad2 'troitttti new won a n was MM. '; “While the new wn nut mince- d. " came as 1. diockJo‘nn. Smith ' Mam cl wa’empuzgo a ‘Whllo the news was nut mince» d. " can ash “you‘ll“. Smith ad Mend! M “swam; mouth in {a his Wt! year, aid with bill imam tune to Drug Iron $Nti- l-nd but Ttttrig no. 1h val-1mm- Mr of "C" 91mm Guy's Huh, Ind “a omen! minum: 001m 'tttt wk. Volunheh M’poncd te, Tfs/Gi/i/Fira/is" ot an: - an m a mummy an no sir-m4 _ their country. mm Al I the Mwoemoivfmauaaml "Pe non-no P" ,,‘ :53“... North t'gtehutsTr'dt) lui/t d't",','cttit,1hte , , u ' _ (iii. B- was " n was a»; “an“ " Quail. ll ' i no. Smith, it " I. tmr-ttsee" “NY In†'ttrt' Mug " not. ttAi, 'i'i11"i'r"/ii'i? fun we ot ttdike' ' I Into the; vm tNt'; at an an to 'II [W W oi "Wiatr: tonne if ions “can you - would "ototuttttrk. nr" , mu. snub my aatat.attt" «no to tte "at. a; he uni-ne- MM.- mm in mm. toe it liq-ad $tqtiMttr. ttqt,rt'ttt Buinelhardt 'lerattt1=e gm In. MM It,†' I'd Ctrst% [nu-‘m m Batardar-- was _ m.- lump. 1. tel who 'i,')'!' 'tttt a†iq 1e fSlllta " .. "an 8, 7-; C, 'l ' _ _.. r 'i'iil MF b JATiCret . F . _ / . A Ai r . IttEN â€WM-it q f Man, r,5il.R,) ') , tlil IJ" W. s" 'tt ty. It p ril "f?'. I “will: f null-Hindustani" , 'dMb's' (,1! t'tiiiiiiit-ai. , . "", I 2rrPtetaTaFafi'2 tel', . .0»!- '9tetttMt%r'd8Alh6, and ‘.,.mc‘, Ema-n. _iiiiiii:,iji,i,ii, ,~.«-[.::§‘?me ttit: tee-ups a" vom.uc.1..snm.mg .. u ' ftttfM2rd'ilttMt.'.' In Lint. T. D. Dustbin. , , 2ttMrlN8tttrtlMit worn Je ,i-catt?t,e,,N km . Inga"! m yzuti 33631. . ‘ its fun P4't"U In aren't-hi E. ' fNJd,','ttfl; inati,'autsrr â€we: cum-411'. Ion " mandolin cl- _ ' 3.1.â€, Limit. a. a. runs. .90" in " um it woumd.:"um l with Battalion - W and“. Pa. page has“ you an IEflltt can M. noun. A, eo-td-at-Cot. Wart ~Elghch ',2't'it'tialln'ltfc ttt Vlneouvot. Senna manna; u.- 11ml _ JIM u I ',dtltt col. Arthur P, Burch". of tho por- '13an B. a. Bu a. plea of h. mum nun. Ind Luann. nus-on L. yang»; qurlea p. nun-s. mm in .901" of Cree-cold. Amara. Tenth "etioit. PU. Audit n.1n'nm. mund- has)!“ . "tu it!!!“ War. 9.! Saturday mug out}!!! 191107113 pnehlrm: WWI. Int" fin tts. ‘nogim P"V animate: the emu-n. â€new hot! Wt. ad Iain- hmk, tall man»... no ttut thttittorthoifiMdtmttt. » than. Carmina t'l',ltlts'g yin! m bread to an [not ,riWrt, no» tn touch with warn-mt on!†neigh- bortstq "ootm." _'_'r1', p f, :“lnthomrottho! turbid boon foul-gum: 'G'rlltT,fl", Ihkh than piled into Mind! at tho “any. " nut mu m but In» pupal-I'- and. . "a'Lt,'ll',Q1 and JM vuee.ru¢a "reg It: gig-“cud “my: iit?ji'i'ilt no - _ dt German â€noun, awn: n ‘bolnnol. \ _ , 'c?t,t/ittr'ttt y, T,,'r,l'.r,,'l,fc , _ _ r’ m ' I am- tttttttint, “annually 3J1“ 1min: to; Ttsur.eematttit mung-gu- tet twat-am"... .g, _ LIL, ,' alt "iiianijrtttt the Comm " on In pit! alike - mn- tgAS1tt ?1tagu'-ig'g',iffili'l to. 1iiitrett.,tttt,derr coyI-lld.‘ tam-MW!- --- _ -, A: Tho 1ut of casualties showi that “twenty the entire ttmt Chadian _ ytn,tstri,try, " um hog†warm it lard, " when bud no?†mm "blund- dtatd in the "ttttstd Yer important positioning-n probolgly u: bung: comb vu‘uw “stern troht.' Friar to all 'sretrneqt, the only one of . ted Ahd1kaytu min Nam any pm. In ,rtuttetrytt.t, Malaya tmt- hem": iiiiiittt '?g,t,ft'gtt,rt,'agtt l h . but! took 'ilSri',S'i'f iF) "I. V , F . nominate. m the 1tt1ttf Pt' 1 and? from " tu'simrdti.ttttt the _ ltd siting unlu mm Guilds were ittig are: of tttryttttal--cthet W hrt mm. ht ,rhieerpinaeitery' hue lawmaker) part In thet country: hit-' wry, attd "ttteirsgnnarrter and deter- 'hmuon undoubtedly puc'd the lib, lawn," -- '., l I 1 . t t it)“. museum: itt mi going "T huh the may: dill In the from line Iceman; t? It)â€: Emulation. / Two new were. £1“:be ther Mm.. tin Department-dar. The my ll made up ot omr'wkh'ed, wound- ed Ind musings The mend Immune mums embitte- 01 u low hour- duh Gr dominate! emu And ttttat The use“ list. containing the mien cit non-cow. an; men, In nut in pro- barattort mad lg like]! to be tgutted 'Pt on: extending over neural am The Intent tut of one": is " (QR Km. ' Pint Battalion-for Albcrt B. 'Klmgnlns. can: George Ornithol- hymn, gout. A. D. irtttee?1ti".' (2eift 338mm - Cal Donna tlt ' ML Cancun D. Brut, LIA-Cpl. A. a. Biretmti. __ -' -- TrtTtil iiitiiiitG--uamst.. curre- K, #eitrts/ l -- U .. -- n; .-= "GsetVGtrt iattausn-- m- ad ttttmils, Lint. (born M. 't , -Th9tqotth Battalion-Melt-tt Ed- ward c. Normrortttr, Capt. William Emu: Kennedy. Capt. - tt. to“, ,Lleut. any MMrorCDrtimPolte. ',, math BBttattoni---Cqt, MI M. IN“. Capt. John MOI. m Puntin- Mall. Liam. Arthur L pub-1.7 -- -- -. - _ - love TiiaaVo ammo: - “.4301. w. m “calm 7 - - Itt.ist" waif ; or A. T. mm. at. “out. I. W. . Liam. I.' L. . d =i' Men! T. A. " 1,) '14itri" ', id I _':,'a'$i,r,t an ---L-' ML 3, x. 1- in, -- . warm..- ""N'JGG' . Janna. tg,Tg'dt/ C T ",siJitrlltg'c. h‘ggwiw‘ a. 11-4,“ swag; I .uL‘. .‘- . . , ' _ , . ir ', iiiitl! $1me " l ',tyL.s.i' " i." .3. ttttet) R. ï¬ght mount: W. mt _ - k. you. {Eng-19; i' 'diiaPiGuiiarcrtuacttr Imam. a ' l _ Mn B.ttatton--" ttm man when II I â€out. A. I. Bull more“ hm. but thuMmI Int-t It-ttet a an in: in the To.“ iguana Me ts n A. L. Econ, who It, In}, a, l - “ W 8mm: A. that. I A. MW “at. M. Quinta. lim‘tl' Botloat--Cqt. I o. n Ragnar. G. W. Jun-an; can I. a. "not. but. a, 8. MI“ “- -iiiid of Wound- kneel. Bun-ll ls Porle w“ a: " Imam m nun a" w E f. - ' 'fi,ii)ifi.lsi,lil;i'ii,i," 'tcitrate, Id2'f l. c. L. with.“ Inhabit at. Vii-Sgt. r. D. new: . c. Butter, -. ma. rtriiiiifirzgy3eti_ PIES]. ’“ZT'i'i B, -.-.W ,. . gmï¬gw "“““ _i!i't.fitij.it $4562: tu. IT , . Pte. Kenneth MeDonatd, Paul. a. M. Weld. V V " " * tititanitiruWdkttih. - Wounded, gum. amalgam _ _ n, “out. 931111111 11le Tunnel; “out. Gro- und “mum. ,gmtt."Ot a; at“; {swag 133nm" Wow anâ€: tttt t'g1'tt'd,it,",i 9:39! In. . . " H Ludwig?!“ A; t,,'rr,ii','yMl.' 0001'. a. Dunn. mm In Man, in}: J. lad-tin. c'r,te'tt'.%'iie','l: ' . ' ', .' . a I. {1mm 'ilea,1h, an new 'et t "an†t'iirieiaa,-Mhmttded. Pu. Hall ‘Kollp. Pte. Mt! 'ea1is We _ll,"3.. Egret], no. {Tend-d no. ‘Luitdn. “Fired In not an... 000. R. Clem-I Ion, tOti,t?'tti, G. h... Jamaal: Would , Plot lumen ll. RttMrsttrm,'Bergt Edwin CooAtr JiGiiAit)fii 1' 'FANU Vanna“, Wu ti',; Burn, â€out fel, Air?-, w, . T, at“: We tttfl. it pi,.qr.pt.,H. g. smug. -gmirrtaiiiti" inâ€! ‘vNuM‘oa tyhpt. GrsoriN ELLE?!“ Lr - _ -Tarri -illt" L..... low, it'." um. WPYoutz :49" - _.' i 'ttt _ got as ham; on: u ninth-Z “93“!“ __, 1etle_tWes, 'oe MIN» FOR LIA-prim! In flu-null. t “ 1lay,Qi,ftlt'1e,t .. it n has. _ not. BMW. .911. Ext " E133: F66 'ANA-rt, war“ 49!“! It!" wa9TRW-. â€WW auctioned ' Jami â€My pond omen need Apply. M_utsthetrrto0xrttlotpes, Wm. H. Wool'ne'r,13. It s, Berlin. Phone 748 this L , H ' 1.tt Ha. recount}! stock tl wrung until» cheaper grade text: on; a . hat“ hand than: “quid hand'm and ull kinds of - accused... [Ayn Yer. gunmen,†M " , t, HENRY a. HWI’ORN.‘ 12a. Prowl“. On account of being unmasked. .thl'underllgmd all". for all.‘ tAre. good dairy coup, from or up.“ ter. Mm to" _ 7 sr'. m qr0tgtg6etb-- tat' at llifllWlf F _ "lrftil,)llt'f.lllll, ", av .llllsljillll, NOTICE MPI, d!!- that lb! .. wâ€. by the Com“ ot at. com a the fund Wu- left on m inhabit! ar.. ot Mn“. IN6, Min; toe “also quantum Vb the uncut futk; W. h an rum-o " . my Io [my h carol aâ€: .0 itrieerese at the “and; q'segrr tst In torn. all but and "my! mtw._h‘.tlh Itil tl no Inky-mm by ot W. "to.' myan to and or at. nib the lane. at In! "rt M. and: )0 male “will "no and!» iiUr In Mst minimum oi an.» mo. all m be made Wit. Phoni mt." Berlin -'meLrrree'r"tr1"?"rgh" _ - - A. .. .-...z.n ttot, "33531) Tina-MW Tiuik "a turn. wk ' General WW Cows For $9.19. JAIES C. HAW, lama SHOP GILBERT “an“. . New Bunion. 111' attnfr., tHt. Cid. 01%- the Tu"? W a some: on anyway" " tce, and“ an ,-','i39tlijlli' m with» all _ than on Tl'ltp,1',,'il1 laâ€: m. “99F“ Com 031' a' m. th- Will “a tr, viz: L_.' £4; M There will M, my on the. maxim i new, unmask“ commencing an; 1af following "lung 7 _ 1tasattold mum m. a chain, r baton clubs. m. tables, '1:in - bond, man may ', with spring: at w r bell. new"; 1"tth EMI' ,'ratthirstt Mm, . 7 4 Range nanny "ttmt, 'ttarte, ‘wood heater, new L a utensils and my I lv, lama; what“; Yi)' 1- Emits on humus can. Por Sale: _A tor 'tt choice rich-bred bung, . . " months oht. be" their Site. Bir 't ot tho riettertamd . V Hi! dtttn PM. . Iold lo: $6,tt% " old - round cl . week and mpg â€it 4 mm; 4.†' y .v', in» . w Ga' .1' mi Aotsteirv-rrmian so“ Swine, Ind B. Eli. Pd 1'yttt wihoiin mam ' , te','.' T,'.",','.", an , _ am prune-m was); Mun - tel :30: “cost: II. " . Two â€an. et Jr! . $1.40. On. 'r,5i'i,ii',S; 'se Jacobo. we. r. o. m. at. otimtaitttA 1M TERMS CASH. mm. but _ _ you irtrotttdidra . catalogues. wttthA. " Gum'l m' LT ‘ 'tte; my; AISI, Spring Brook “am i FRIDAY APM? amino“; “Em iHouseliold nlll.lll "neuralâ€. H. B. Dugmm.thi, MRS. Ail-rm . 3131‘.er H. "a. was!!!» mas. PETERM - rues-mm Mltllr HOUSEHOLO. _ EEITM w.