â€"___ OO0O0O000000000AAACOGOCOOCOO~ >\ i . lkkq > ~ ‘000000000000000 ® W#, and MiÂ¥s. E.P.Clemibnt leit this | _ MI"â€" Aug. A. Lang is spenaiag E.‘;th.ha for Clifton Springs, where [wwk end in Toronto with her m: mopmnk 104 ~1000 C229 ... |Mrs. Ryan. .4 A Sher mother, Mrs. Frederick Snyder W#, and Nts. EP.Clemiént left this nogning for Clifton Springs, vhm’ mwln spend geveral weess, for the t of Mr. Clement‘s bealth. l : Miss Lena Snydér, Queen Street North, is spending a week in Buftalo. Mré. W.E.Butler is spending a couâ€" wle of weeks with her sister, in To Â¥Fonto. f to her home in Toronto aiter spendâ€" ing Easter with Mrs. C. Everett Hofimann Miss Allie Mover _ was in Toronto this week. +«Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex. Bean spent Monday in Toronto. They _ brought home their _ daughter Frances, who spent Easter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.W.Winter. Mr. Reinhold Lang and Mr. Harry Bell svent the week end in Toronto. The family of the late Mr. Andrew A. Voelker, have the sympathy of the community in their hbercavcment _ Mr. and Mrs.. W â€"‘ohn, and Nrs. Hue ronto on Friday. Mrs the v da Burns, Row streot, to Kimmel, son of Nr. A. i. a&nd Mrs. Kimmel bave t residence in Toronto. Mrs. Tom Connolly spent a few days this week with her sister Mrs Aug. R. Lang. F Mrs. Clemer of Toronto, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Gabel, returned to hor home on Wedâ€" nesday, The many friends of Mr. E.‘ P. Clement, will be. pleased to _ know that he has rocovered from his recert illness, and is able to be about again. Miss Rita MacCallum is home after spending the past ten days in Toronâ€" to. e The Berlin friends of Miss Downie formerly of this. city, . will be inter ested in the following :â€" NMrs guest Mr. and Mts. R.A.Williams, Torenâ€" to, announce the engagement of their gister, Rietta, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Canon and Mrs. Downie Of Port Stanley, to Mr. W. Hugh MHawkshaw, eldest son of Captain W. S. Hawkshaw (Naval Reserve) and Mrs. Hawkshaw of Chilliwack, B.C. The marriage will take place in ,the autump. Miss Adcle Landreth has returned Miss May Euler, damghter of _ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Euler, Frederick St., underwent an operation at the _ B. and W. Hospital this morning. Her friends will wish her an early recovâ€" ery. The marriage is announced of Wilda eldest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Charles â€" Burns, to Arthur C. Kimmel, son of _ Mr. A. J. Kimmel, of this city. They have taken _ uj their residence in Toronto. The morr i. daucht Col were week. Mr. and Mrs. A.J.Gough, and son Augustine of Toronto, spent the week r‘fn Berlin, the guests of Mr. and / Geo. C.H:Lang. _ ler W. Carruwsers of Cobourg, is st of ber sister, Mrs. W. D. Frederic St.. for a week. T.J.Mowat of Galt was the { Berlin friends on Wednesdayv. H..J.Bow man and son Victor n Niagara Falls, N. Y., last of.Bé! e hasg returmâ€" EHaster with 1. Motz vere in _ Arthur mel. Mr. their Hil To y. ‘Pleasantly Surprised. up lmnr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Bowlby ve returned, after spending the past |six weeks at Pinehurst, N.C., Atflanâ€" {tic City and other points. In the passing away of Mr. John B,. Authes, the city loses one of its Tost ressected and valuéd citizens. Mr. Anthes, during his life, z,ldm’- by. profminent and respoisible posiâ€" tions in this city, and the loss of a Mr. and Mrs. A. Kimmel h(t,;: Sunday evening for Toronto, ] they will take up tieir residence. man so éifciewt, will be keenly felt. ‘The sorrowing friends and relaï¬vaz of the déceased Have the Neartiel sympathy of the community. Mrs. Parker of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bakher of Port Credit, were the guests of Mr. M.M.Bricker, Fredâ€" erick street ‘c the wéek énd. members of the Grand River Country Club was hâ€"ld atthe Club House, Bridgeport, on Wednesday, April the fourteenth, when the following ladies { were elected to form the committee i for the (nsuin\syea.r c . | Fresidentâ€"Mrs. Geo.C.H.Lang. 1 l_at 7.40 _ o‘clock Thursday by _ an wlr.n sent in from Box .36 to a chimâ€" i1« qire at the residence of Mr. HL. |Janzen, King St. W. A spark fell on the roof, and the shingles were beâ€" ;zinning to blaze when the department ‘arrived. ‘The hose was turned on the |roof, and the fire was soon . °xâ€" itinzuisht‘d, without any great damage being done. The Ladies‘ Aid of St. Paut‘s church pleasantly surprised _ Mrs..P.. Hageâ€" mann. at her home at 215 King East, on Tuesday afternoon, prior to _ the removal to Waterloo. About 45 guests were present and a most pleasant afâ€" ternoon and evening was spent. Chimney Fire. J ‘The fire devartment was called out * ‘The fire department was called out #o a small fre _ shortly after eleven o‘elock Saturday, to a _ shock _ on the Gateman property on Peter St. No damage was. done. Smail Fire This Morning Another Charge Philip Plantz of theft in Po ing, and he wa thirtyâ€" days aft ‘The police have in their possession a wheel _ which Herbert Green _ had when arrested, and which he claimed to have bought in Waterloo for three dollars. The police believe that the wheel was stolen, and they would be pleased if the owner would communiâ€" cate with them. Who Owns the Wheel? The annual mesting of the lady Maple Syrup at $1.50 There was a good supply of maple syrup offered at market on Saturday, selling | at _ $1.50. to $1.80 _ per gallon. E~â€"s sold at 18 to 20 cents per dozen, _ and butter at 30 cents. There was the usual supply of vegeâ€" tables, etc., which sold at unchanged prices. Making Shells at Brantford The Brantford plant of the _ Steel Company of Canada has started _ on the actual manufacture of shells for the British and Canadian forces. For some time the company has been enâ€" gaged in the installation of the necesâ€" sary machinery. The men are now working full time. Cavtainâ€"Miss Hall Ass‘t. Captainâ€"Miss Lena Suyder itz faced another charge Police Court. _ Saturday was given a sentence of after being found guilty. of Theft PE T. SUOOEN DEATH OF a[mmw ? _2 L LMWELKER * EEAELEGTED Wellâ€"Known Citizen Droj Dead in Bathroom Early ‘This Morning. Was 1N Hig sorga vreas Oo##BgRENCE _ "The déath occurred & unexpectâ€" ed suddenness, at early Thursday. morning of a highly respected citizen and â€" wellâ€"known , bulnnbmu & the person of t. _ Ant drew : A â€" VoelKer, 4T ABrens St., W, Berlin, assistant manlager of the Merchants Rubber Co., of this city. Mr. Voelker had been in fairly good health, and was at his work as usual on Wednesday léaving the officé at 5.30 _ o‘clock.. _, U hit home he first compld?;:_‘ of ,'39 leené ing just as well as usual. Howeve the â€" matter was not thought to be serious, and it came as a great shock to his family and his friends when he expired at 5.30 o‘glock on Thursday in the bathroom of his bome. _ «* The late Mr. Voelker was a _ son of Mr.~ Andrew Voélker who came here from Wurtenberg, Germany, and “f was botn in St. Jacobs on Oct. 31st, 1858 being fiftyâ€"seven years of age. He received his school in _ St, Jacobs, and then _ took a business course and graduated from the North. western College, Naperville, ll1. Reâ€" turning home he had a varied _ and successful business career in different industries with which he was conâ€" nected until his death, When he came back from college he entered the emâ€". ploy of the _ late Mr. Lotis | Breit‘ haupt. From: there he went back to. St. Jacobs where he worked for _n:m E. W. B. Snider. _ He subséquently. joined the Waterloo Manufacturing: Co. as secretary. Leaving this firm he again entered the employ of the Breithaupt Leather Co. where he laâ€" bored for twelve years. In 1903 he accepted the position of sectretary of ‘the Williams Shoe Co. at Brampton, ‘where he remained _ for ten months, !but came back to this city again as secretary of the Berlin Rubber Co.. A few years later he assisted in the organization of the Kaufman Rubber Co. and became manager. He _ reâ€" mained with that company for two 'years. Severing his ;onnection with |this firm he became secretary of the Merchants Rubber Co. and for the last two years has been assistant manager. He was held in the highest esteem â€" by his business associates, and enjoyed _ their confidence to . a ivery great extent. â€" . He â€" was married on March 20th, 1882 to Mary Ann Winkler of St. Jacobs, who, with three sons _ and two daughters, mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. The children are Albert W. and Edâ€" ward â€" W. of Berlin, â€" Charles W. of Toronto, _ Ella May, and Amy iLouise at home. One brother, John, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Kucehner, 41 Samuel St. and _ Mrs. Werner Kuchner of Waterloo, also survive. The late Mr. Voelker was a promiâ€" nent worker in the Zion Evangelical Church. He _ was a member of the building committee which built the church in 1893â€"4, a trustee and steâ€" ward and Sunday Schoql superintendâ€" ent. _ At the time of his death he was president of the Missionary Soâ€" ciety and _ a membet of the building committee which had charge of the vuilding to be erected this summer. lllis father predeceased him on _ Deâ€" cember 3rd last. â€" v;fl;éisy"rvnpé"chy‘ol a wide circle ftiends will go out to the family their hour of bereavement. The funeral of the late Andrew A. Voelker, _ who died _ suddenly last Thursday _ motning, _ took place on Saturday _ afternoon from the residâ€" ence 41 Ahrens street, west, to the Zion Evangelical Church, and | from thence to the _ St. Jacobs‘ cemetery services _ were _ largely attended by where the remains were interred. The sympathizing _ friends and acquaintâ€" ances. _At the house a brief and impressive service was conducted by Rev. M. L. Wing, assisted by Rev. W. 0. linby, who read the 23rd Psaim, and Rey. C. L. Mclrvine, who _ ofâ€" fered the prayer. The Zion Evangelical _ Church was _ filled to its capacity and an fastest and appropriate sermon way delivered by the pastor,, Rev. Mr. Wiig, ftroc tne text Isaiah 3 ; 10, vit.,‘ ‘"‘Say ye to the righteous, _ that: it Shall be well with him." In leelir;h‘it'tm‘s he reâ€" fetred to the great 1588 Suffered . by the family, the chul’é‘fl‘f_n\: communiâ€" ty in the _ sudden derflfse of the deâ€" ceased, _ and _ spoke of the upright Christian character *h&ï¬ He has left as an example to those who strvive. The choir rendered & Beavtifift selecâ€" tion. [A A large _ number ¢f [;ï¬'gï¬l Accomâ€" panied the rmind,t“gS,‘."Jik‘obs, the bitthâ€"place of the , where they were buried in the tillage comâ€" etery. The pallâ€"bearers were Mmessrs: L. J. Breithaupt, T. H. Riedet, W O. Knechtel, S. F. Nippel, J. E. Bil er and J. Doerbecker, ‘The casket was covered with many beautiful and Appropriate floral _ ofâ€" ferings, â€" emblematic of the high esâ€" teem in which the deceased was held by those with whom he came in conâ€" tact. Wotien have yeen given the privilege of voting in all civic elections in Edâ€" mon ton. The last lithse in West Durham has peen cut off py the License Comâ€" mig9ioneI®.. â€" . s beachr d ;4 of in _ J, D: Fenuet oltntt» uty, Alta., A. P: Locke: of Toronto, D}v(} ‘ï¬.‘gï¬a of _ Eimira .xl Geo. Meissner were lw}" ’x,. c‘.‘;,,,,,, yÂ¥ ;.4 l 4460 w P ff pnttugt, rhantt se ahd F. w. U ht, Fin Seeâ€" }l‘_ï¬i&ry 0 h"';)r‘fbwmem Colléege, Naâ€" pérville, Ti1., addresscd . the conferâ€" e ‘Behalt (of thflustitutio"u they r% J .0. % M.A., &nd G. D. Damto, B.D,, were elected Presidâ€" ing Elders. es . i The conference accepted unanimo«usâ€" ‘ly the invitation from the Pembroke ;copgnegation, conveyed . by Rev.. F. ‘Mever, tb have the conference meet in Eflle town of Pembroke next year. This will be very fitting as the Pemâ€" broke â€" congregation â€" will celebrate their jupilee then, | being by that hime fifty years in existence. . [ Milverton, April 17â€"The second day ‘of the Canada Conference session here was a very busy one. In the absence of Bishop Hom, who had to attend ‘a funeral, Rev. J. P. Hauch of Chesâ€" [lev was elected to presid> and proyâ€" ed a very capable chairman, Not _ in the history of the conference have so lmanv ministers been called home ‘from a conference session to their rcl!ar;ws to conduct funcral. services ;:s during this session, especially toâ€"‘ ‘day. i en atasd The Presiding Elgers were station eï¬nï¬ fbllows f orthwest dmr'i&, L. H. Wagner ; North District, J. G. Litt, East District, G. D. Damm. Y.P.A. AND 8.3. SERVICE _ Rgr. T. C. Meckel of Erie, Pa., eave a stirring missionary address in the afternoon. . He is the genetal |misgion‘ary secretary for the whole lchurch abd is wonderfully succeséful in his work of creating missionary 'Oethnent‘and soliciting funds _ for the good cause. flls On Friday the conference had the jnlmu‘re of a visit and short addressâ€" es hy the Hon. Geo. P. Graham,M.P. ‘The evening service wag in the inâ€" terést of the Sunday schools and Young People‘s Alliances of the conâ€" ference. Rev. W.FE.Beese of Sebringâ€" ville, secretary of the Sunday school Board, was chairman, lte explained how the Sunday School Boards were créated by the General Conference in 1911 and the benefits and progress reâ€" sulting in Sunday school wotk inder the new arrangement. | * Rev. J. G. Burn, of Hamilton, spoke _ on ‘‘The _ Model _ Sunday School." The Bible depicts a model church, portrays a model life, gives a model set of.laws, the ten comâ€" mandments, records the model prayâ€" er, contains the model sermon, enuncâ€" jates the model rule; but, does not describe a model Sund«y school. The model Sunday school has : 1. A suitable â€" building, separate _ class tooms and furniture adapted to all grades. 2. Necessary supplies of hymn books, literature, maps, charts, sandâ€"box, etc. 3. All ages representâ€" ed in the community, all membpers of the Sunday school in the church and all chutch members in the Sunday school. 4. Spiritually minded superâ€" intendent and stafl of officers ~and teachers. 5. Wellâ€"behaved â€" scholatrs. 6. Aim to live up to the standard of efficiency in all departments. 7. Special days to promoté the intetest and attractions of the school. Rev. S. E; Schrader, B.A., of Shakespeare, President of the Canada Conference Branch of the Young Peoâ€" ple‘s Alliance, sroke on the "Essentâ€" ial Qualifications of a successful °Y. P.A."~ A successful Y.P.A. has a naâ€" tural endowment _ or _ acquirement which is indispensible â€" toward the 'hifzhest degree of efficiency in service for Christ and for man. This is characterized, (1). hy good organizaâ€" tion ; 1, by an iniative spirit; (a) variety of mertings, (b) variety in manner of conducting meetings; 3. By a coâ€"operative spirit, 1.°. (a) Absence of shirkets and fault finders, (p) acâ€" tive attendauit mensership; _ , by a soulâ€"winn.ng spitit. j & If the urine is hot and inlflmh tom free or too scantyâ€"or shows dust depesits or. m Gin Pills toâ€" day and .31 Kidney and Bladder troubles. ‘"Made in Crndn" B0c. box, 6 for $2.50â€" Free theatment it gl write National Drn*t Chemical of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 119 (Continued on page 5 Col 1) «BÂ¥ > : LiGHT GOMAIISSION MAY 60 DhX ~ o mï¬ iennitt seaver Night Service May Also be Discontinued Unless Re Unless thete -W“ h% in g’ï¬ï¬'ï¬t‘?‘m&“ :r I‘ the indicatjops . are _ that , the old thonll n-P'i- vervice. h 1h uioreâ€" :'ï¬ .m"mfn&ï¬*:h"& Wiil be tak. Th Fepruaty a defcit * réported in the operation of the line for the fitst time i&dlome years, and the reâ€" port prisen to the Light Commisâ€" sion at the, recular meeting on Wedâ€" nesday evenifg was not any too en~ ?nxng.u,v., _ although , a net profit of 163.20 , was report>d. Supt, Hï¬:â€" tyre informed the (E:mmi,u,ioneu t by retu.m‘â€_to . the lo#ng{ schedule there would be a saving of at least $240 per. month in wages. ; . . ~‘The allâ€"night service wa$ decidedly |iween Union and William streets, Waâ€" unprofitable, showing, a deficit of $81â€"~ | tiring, 31. If anotficr deficiy is repor '°" We have sufficient good rail on band April it vil te discontinued. i |to replace old type of rdil between m sstoncrs _ L.ippert . a~d Lang favored lvounz and Church Streets, Waterloo. takine sction at once, but Commi$â€" {mhis rail should be repiaced and the enz o. s asked for @MO%RET |oost of same should not excted $125.â€" mont1‘s. trial, and it was agréed t0. |po ong T would recommend that this Maycr Hett,. who arrived as the Commission , was about to adjouth, dfew thp attention of the members to a complaint made to him by patâ€" mï¬lzhulgin& the 6.35 car for Watetloo in the mofliims If they missed this cat it was necessary for them to wait iuhtil 7.10 before there is another car. He agked if it would not be possible g»tn have a cat leave Berlin between 6.35 and 7 o‘clock. The matter will be looked into. Object to Glating Headâ€"Lights. A petition was received from the motormen on the street cars, asking that steps be faken, to prohibit the use of the g'ldu'ulg headâ€"lights on autâ€" omobiles and motorcycles, owing to the blinding efféct they have when a car is approaching these lights,. The Commission _ will ask the Councils of Berlin and Waterloo to pass byâ€"laws to prohibit .. the use of headâ€"lights within the corporations. THREFE CARS HAVE BEEN Ne t B TA CCC | Theré was ohly ons intcrtuption in ‘The operating statement for March iHMydro Power during the month which showed receipts amounting to $4,â€" cavsed delay to strect cars of about 160.89, and the expenditures $2,824.â€" eight minutes. * 31. Aiter deducting the mornthly prqâ€"‘¥ Comihission+r‘s ltibpti'gf ‘ang.~ Detâ€" pbrtion of debentures~ and depreciaâ€" weilet,‘ Mayor f!ett Aid Sdpf: Mclnâ€" ues han c BIB . eVekk AWELhS nesuik 4 i k tion the> net â€" profits amounted to tyre were prefent WATERLOO GOUNTY MANUFAGTURERS _ WILL ASK COMMISSION THAT FREIGHT RATESON GOAL BF EQUALIZED Arrangements Made by Railway Committees of Berlin and Waterloo Boards of Trade to be Represented at Sitting of Railway Commission in Hamilton. When the Dominion Railway Comâ€" mission meets in Hamilton next Friâ€" day, April 23rd, fot the purpose of hearing evidence in connection with the proposed increase of freight rates on coal, there will be a strenuous fight put up by the manyfacturers and municipalities in Watetloo Counâ€" ty S IMPROVED MAIL SERV ICE IS ALSO DEMANDED The Railway _ Committces of the Bpl;lin and Waterloo Boards of Trade held a joint meeting in the | Labot: Bureau Hall on Friday evening . for. the purpose of discussing the . proâ€" posed increase of freight rates on coal. Thete was a representative atâ€" tendance, including Messrs. A. Bauer, W. S. Naylor, _C. A. Bochm, W. Hogg, _ J. M. Bahnsen, of Waterloo, and Messrs. D. B. Detweiler, A. G. McAvity, W. G. Cleghorn, A. Frank, W. M. 0. Lochead, E. C. Kabel, L. J. Breithaupt, H. Hymmen, A. R. Lang, W. D. Euler, A. R. Kaufman, Dr. Walters, A. W. Young, H. Stokes and G. M. DeBus, of Berlin. The chait was occupied by Mr. D. B. Dctâ€" weiler. The chairmah réad a communication from the â€" Hespeler Board of â€" Trade asking Berlin and Wateripo to join them in â€" opposing the incréase . in freight tatés on coal as proposed by iha eailwav..oomnanies, and to send delegates to mee;'the Dominion Railâ€" way Board â€" at Mamilton next week. Secretary J. H. Hancock, of the Galt Boatd of Ttade, _ alfo wrote utging action by tie Berlin &nd Waterloo Boards. â€" _ A lettée was also read from J. #1. | the first delivery each morning, and Walsh, quniï¬et of the transportation | to insute thrnug%delivqty of _ mail department of the Canadian Manulacâ€" | to Montteal, ttawa, and poirts turers‘ _ Assotiation, _ in which . he |eaSt of Torohto, that the Post Offite pointed out that the rates on bitiimâ€" |authorities be requested to chinge inous coal from Port Burwell to the |the mail from the 5 b‘c106Kk â€" éat to following _ points were :â€"London 58 |the 7 o‘cln'%l car to Ualt, to connect to 60c.; Galt 90¢.; anJ Toronto 80c.|via the C. R. train east, and that "Apparently _ the reason,"‘ he said,| the mails for this conhection should ‘the rate to Toronto from Port Burâ€" close not earlier than 6 p.m., at the Bervice cipth BhoW Thoneds6.~ Profits for March . * PBrof rmnod _Uniess Re to $162.20 Report of Buperintendent. Operating Statement Joint Action Urged FITTED WITH NEW SEATS in {$163.20... Fot. the same month last g‘w*lfl profits amounted to M 7.15, During . the month, 1864 id |transfers were collected, 64,006 tickâ€" |portion of track be repaired. . } Cars.â€"Cars Nos. 16, 18 and 20, ,ha\'e now been changed and fitted \with new longitudinal seats and steel §mattinx.. Station Car No. 10 has had {old seats covered, with new rattan. ets, and 29,346 r fares, total 94,â€" 716, compared with 97,300 last March a decrease of 2.6 perâ€"cent. Superintendent‘s Report. The Superintendent‘s â€" teport + for March was as follows :â€" fls Track and Lineâ€"A portion of the new No. 00 Trolley Wire was put up on Sunday last, betweet Water St, and w.mm St.. The old wire which was down, showed a deâ€" preciation of 141 Ibs. frons original weight im about 20 years. Another section of Trolley will} be replaced, weather permitting, next Subday, beâ€" tween Union and William streets, Waâ€" | terlo6. e _â€"The Bridgeport . Street Railway Company are repairing and repainting their car No. 11 at our car barns at present. â€" Remarks.â€"The operation of the night car service for the month of March was as follows :â€" # ‘Receipes, 729 fares at 10c... $72.90 Net LoS$ ...... ... 31.31 ‘The operation of the night cars for the thirtéen days during the month ef Arril, shows a small net proft,the receipts Réng $44.50, and the expenâ€" ditures $42.70. Expenditures Total well is s?‘f cenis is due to competiâ€" tion via Buflalo. It is true the tate of 90 cents to Galt, Preston, HeSpeâ€" ler, Berlin and Guelph is high as compared _ with these other points and it seems to me that an applicaâ€" tion should â€"be made to the Commisâ€" isiun for an equalization of the rates." The opinion of the meeting was that instead of increasing the rates oh coal‘ they should be equalized, as compared with London, Toromto and Brantford. Messrs. Bauer, â€" and Hogg, Waterâ€" loo, and _ Messrs. L. J. Breithaupt, A. R. Lang, and I. Stokes, were apâ€" pointed a committee to confer with Mr. J. E. Walsh, Manager Transporâ€" tation of _ the Canadian Manufacturâ€" er‘s Association, as to the equalizaâ€" :tion of coal rates, and to oppose any increase in freight rates for this disâ€" ‘trict. The committee is to report at !an early date. Every manufacturer in Berlin and Waterloo is dissatisfi¢d with the preâ€" sent mail séervice to Totonto, . Monâ€" treal, and pfl;&s East. All _ are agreed that the present service is not as good as it was fifteen years ago. The Subâ€"Station _ Postmaster _ says that he cannot handle the mail _ for the 5.55 â€" Toronto train, and _ that something should _ Be done to re!leve over crowulg tion was put and c@rried Iyl o _ i t Pss Moved py ‘A. (. McAvity, secondéd by W; q.“ggghom. ,ni.go in oxdetto 5 ingurg delivety of m; Totonto on thir?ht‘ dmlgety m morning, â€" and to insute thrnug%delivqty of _ mail to _ Montteal, ttawa, and poirts eabst of Torohto, that the Post Offite authorities . be requested to chinge the mail from the 5 6‘¢106k cat to the 7 o‘cln'%t car to (alt, to connect via the C.P.R. train east, and that Wases ... ..... Operating Costs Want Improved Mail Service In. Favor of Equalization $70.06 34.15 tinanitmous 104.21 The monthly meeting of the | Library Board was held un 1 unidieg Colmmittee held i _ " y â€" m ‘.7 ï¬:â€u' ird ‘i"“ in the building, and new tondory be called ~for on 3’ spec tions. ’ 5+ wel The Librarian, Miss sub ted a report on the i Association Convention ‘g onto last week, while the s6erl Mr. H. W, Brown, who was mM delegate; présented a all «t of thants for ... their interestink ports. _ s Miss I. Bittet, assistant applied for a month‘s '= sence owing to illness. 3 was . granted and the | instructed to secure a subt Chairman . Zinger d Brown wete mtrwï¬d%," whether the Board‘s pank might be profitably changed. ‘The financial statement sh ceipts for the month of $2441.38, penditures of $1824.13 leaving & | afice on â€" hand of $623.23. were passed totalling $406.76, 'l‘hebook report showed 40 readers for the month,. The is as follows :â€"â€" y7 Cw ELEVEN OUT oF CREW OF 22 WERE SA The . attention of the 0 zl dogs in the city is drawn to j that the civic | byâ€"laws make i |offence _ to _ permit dogs: to tun &Â¥ {large between April 15th to ber 15th. The police department g ‘received instructions to enforce the | byâ€"law and any canines found W 1r\ing at large unaccompanied by'E owner _ will be pounded as provide \by the byâ€"law. TWO CONSTABLES .. _ ARE APPOINTED The Folice Commission held m ial merting this morning, to, two new constables. These were m necessary through the tn‘flh fla P.C.Newport, who has gone to C wa, and P.C. Fricey, whose ticn goes into effect the end of the mon®h. The new men are Geo.The son oi D:rlin, and Fred Brady: of Toâ€" ronto. > t‘ The â€" question of a Sunday service }on the G.P. & H. was considered and favored. On motion of Alds. Waltérts: ‘and Cleghorn a committee, composed of Messrs. _ Kabel, Lochead, Walters and Chairman _ Detweiler, Sectotaty, |DeBus was appointed to meet _ Mr, Todd in connection with having Sutâ€" \day connection with the C.P.R. at |Galt. . | Messrs. Baver, McAvity and Eulet ‘were appointed a committee to Qb range with the G.T.R. Company for Ia through _ connection from Chicagb and â€" Detroit via London, h ‘Retlin at 6.20 a.m., havifig m DOGS ARE NOT 4 PERMITTED TO _ .. RUN AT LARGE i Secretary _ Hancock, _ of the Galt Board‘of Trade is atrafiging for & \meeting ol the \Zamloo County |Boards _ of Trade to be he!lem \next week, before méeting Mr. W lof Toronto. Post Office at Waterloo, and 6.15 p. m. at the Berlin Post Officé. CR sleeper, service London, April 15.â€"The | steamship Ptarmigan has pédoed and sunk hy a mafine near the North lightship in the North Sed, Elev» . en of the saitors of the Ptarâ€" migan‘s crew of twehtyâ€"two were saved. +s 99R | ME gi64.nyf civansing the the right help is sought at the right time. Indigestion is a tomndnt Bilicusness causes suffering. Eithet is likely to lead to worse and weak» ening sickness,. The right the best corfective for eonditions of the stomach, Hver, conditions ol INO SIDIMW@M, . 2L mamumwï¬i 4 T Jw sT ut mous fdrdily M is at the wign of toming trouble. +~Beseh Pills have so immediate an ¢ ~o 3 â€"AB s .9 mike ds . Adich in ds talem 4 e #ind purifying the Are the ain kng# ‘aiteh & â€" Disorders _ Yield When Beechams Pills _ FOR 164 ‘adee day