Poome eP l e o g at pered & conimand to the stagehand | who sto ‘?bddc hi. ‘The man‘s face | Was déeathly white, he looked paraâ€" | Aysed with tetror. In a second Enoch | ‘Wealized that" something in. the maâ€" | had .jost its grip. The house | Mad grown _.un:t while Merry stood | soriiin “Pd talking in bis nonchalant fasbion." A 3‘wu'ml§:/._l~m & gleamâ€" nse of shirt , roge from \ @ Tower box and set hit Scot uyon the rafling, preparing to ‘ggb"otu to the Wtage. A woman beside . him ‘ clasy her bands n::‘u.m“..t prEY with horrorâ€"stricken eyes. , Her. ‘i?fl"umfm rabe i"" dn she shrieked, a long, . Whivering ¢ry of terfot.. Enoch sprang (=~ ~â€"=zccrea apou: the tneafer i udum"z-nm The ‘qfld, ‘d to have grown intolerable. He ; tea ‘the gay laughter in the -w-_‘l e,. the rustling : of. fans,. and, the ’!;v between the acts. ‘The | .,,,,;,f had chosen aifs that hrn_d' on, h. "'E" nerves. . He stood tehing the: rong when suddeply he fondered how he should meet toinor, w and. every tomorrow of, a long. iely, inactive summer. iss he ‘ Before the eurtain fell on the last. t he strelled through the darkenad mse and opened a nafrow dobr beâ€" a ;w'er boxes. . A. few â€"shadâ€" N + aa»wuuaru' . /A man food inside with his fingers moving Â¥e . the bntt".:ns. which, flooded the age ight or shadow. Went. ort] «-%" ‘past, him and, waiked wifth ind the drops until he ehed a corner which was compara: ve! ted. He stood inside m i n v@:fll the company take their urtail Ig. Last of all came Merry, lor The insistent applause imporâ€" e a speech. Wentworth. smiled [Erimly. Andrew‘s one Aerror was a Bpeech. .HMe caw the actof glance #bout. htm QvEeangly, then his eyes Mignaled to the man who controlled be curtain. )It began to déscend with \@ulet deliberation. Merry paused for m moment, then he camée Dack. wâ€"?“‘ gentlemeap.; e bogan . Whil "'i'ca;;'vorm stood listening he ;,q ered. y the degcent of the curâ€" tain did not stop. He turned and whisâ€" i,." Ahe muu::u with one swift p, & his h over his head it to nM off the heavy curtain, was still descending. He seized y with a desperate â€"gfip and ged the actor tar back on the stage, i he fell with the ponderous curâ€" aeross his nert body.. His closed were facing the glare of the footâ€" *ki* Wonesas weas and Merry, in a swift motor, | hed theâ€"Waverly Piace home beâ€" the ambulance, and a famous surâ€" oatne at their heels. When Wpon Kis own bed. The tood looking down on t riag n i erestt And. =sund on ore ,&::J. wide stain upon the bandage.. The. mian turned to _at : her. make up . lay. i. ubon her fage and Sho wore | gown whigh hbnï¬, " Ji the last act; her | ad imploring gate to the quiet f 1‘“ Uo dot knowâ€"yet," he whispercd, ‘the questlon in her eyes; too .adon to. tell Me lived .tnhueonu-ow . patient does not al ons by Kiisworth Young ir F, t Piro~Aim TI 7!‘! â€" +From & shadowy cofiick wear Ab, the reom. ‘ mt; his lgec m{ as one brood# over Mm id, The warm.grip in wBhicb R. held ber hat d beiwewn bis own giay hir.aalo and hope. . She tdee . her feek and ho led ber to. th@ #lï¬lï¬_ where . she sat dewn and:l00ked oo into the dark, quict equsre.:Out Of t« memory rbre the Abought of am #ar morhing=it. was. only &.year ‘ago when gho bad seen Adidrew Merry t the first time, stretched Matlessly 6 the park beneh, with. an'gy. m’h“c ‘oceasionally | blotting im frinm. . br sight. It was here, too, sWe Ned s: watching . chiléren. scuffle . throt windâ€"blown leaves,. wHile, ghe het. her brother read the matutornt . "The Houss of. Esirrbrock."~ , M+; . The nurse left the bedside and rÂ¥, tursed with a bunch of small keys strung upon a steel ring. Doreas I‘:I‘, them in her brother‘s hand. It was | pitifully â€"inert! Sheplifted them and | ran them throagh her fingers, one by | one, as a Catholie tells her beads in a. rosary... Her gaze was fixed upon hls | eager eyes... When she touched & shinâ€" | Ing brass koy a gleam of relief shone | in the man‘s beseeching eyes. . Sho. | rose to her feet.‘ . . ;. efr> } The doctor followed Mefry and Dorâ€" | cas to theâ€"door. . "Don‘t.come back un« | less I send for. you. .The exertion has ‘ been too much for hlip." + n3 ; \â€"*"This is the key to a small drawer | in Enoeh‘s desk,". explained .tbe. girl | "I can probabiy guess what he wants, "Miss Wentworth," she said. "} Mowbrity wants you. Your brothcr 1 been conscious for a few minuies . \ cannot speak, but he wants. soméethin Will you .come?* wilathi c .. They. followed the woman . swifth Buoch‘s eyos numm.:lm pitob;, t:;ua;,-m was al agony, 81 nt: to kiss him. ~His gare, travyelc to Merry and. tho. agony. seemed_t change to ReMC®, .. &0 2. > ~>>> _*"You saved hll life, Enoch," .ob whispered. â€" o dy : Andrew laid his fingers gently upo‘ the porveless hand whichrested out, gide the sheet. . The eyes of the tw‘ mes fuet; in those of one was 1 prayer. for mma‘h.â€hmm shone gratitude and the old affection grown steadfast. 4 ygfh Enoch‘s lips moved.. He wes trying to speak. Dorcas laid. her: ear. close to his mouth. . ~ : â€""He wants his. keys," she. S814 qu,’c,k!" & n3 900 iss oob hi ce Somebody led her a _ "I will go at onee, Efoch, and find it. 1 shall know :what you want, whatâ€" ever it is, and will bring It to you." I ‘ought to show. it to him. . If hi# mind is set on sométhing he may sleop, z\-yflu when, he knows,L have found . "I will call you it ho dges not sleep," ullilu’dcctor.. 1t a †h w Merry walked to the window and stired yaguely into the darkness.. A little clock on the mmahtel struck three Once.he. looked over his shoulder .at Doreas. He could Rear the Cragkle of stiff paper ag lhc,.nl:{ouod,p.hvy long, harrow sheets w were Hed in a thin bundle, oi t "I have found Enoch‘g will and .2 number of business papers, Here : his bankbooks and the cohtract Ji: Oswald for the play. . There are bonds and things of that sortâ€"things J do not understand. 1 infagine," the girl‘s voiee broke into a sob, "it must be the will he wants." 4 â€" . "Probably, it is, dear," said Andrew, gently. She laid the papers on the desk and lifted a yellow env@iope. There was no writing upon it; it was unsealed. . She took ont & slip of, read it. ‘Then her k ¢ groping way to .Oh a blaze of elsctHalty . undAap . the . groany _ #10b6 above the desk. + Â¥ "va. a o vows Ssiemcsad theneps tite and restore the courage h. of better hoalths T _ She dropped the paper upon the biotter in front of her and leaned «pon the desk with he face between her "Andrew," cried Doreas with a stified . moan, "come here!" He, crossed the room and »stoo¢ looking down over the gift‘s sgulder "See," sho whispéred, "see what ° have 1. Toll me what is it?" He &l to the bonad. Bh. "The room is so dark," she it jéâ€"4t -m mv%zw f raised her eyem to bis.; _ o .0 0t _( Was it this, Andrew, this that Jay. ;iv_e,!’.;‘t w ~~ 45 ‘mâ€-m;ï¬&""w;»u:u-g :mmwwhem ‘:ohhh’:d“! fngers across her eyen mflu-uï¬lyummhzm /~.‘"Then you came back, with the play ‘Anished, and pead it to. Enoch, and he, |â€"he.claimed itâ€"because he m& . jagainst you?" She laid a trembling. {fAnger upon the sbeet ofâ€"paper.. ; : "Was it This 4 We e o t oi d * yor May 37 ns Te mt ts tne n ie mnotarne. aight â€"~ morhing,â€" . w &j& had a stag party, and I came in, after you hd-anpn:n'†the ‘first time I saw you. Ihave tolé you about itâ€"when you satâ€"out there waiting for a‘bus." ~! ~> *3 "Yes," he whispeted,, _ ; .. "Then afterward»" she raised her head . withâ€"a quick gesture, "we went to Juniper, Point, _There you told me about your playâ€"and you. went.away to write it?" . : .. She paused, waiting for, Merry: to answer. She.did uot raise her eyes. Her head was bent as if she thok the shame of her brotherâ€"upon her own shoulders whisper Dorcas sat perfectly still with.Rer arms lying.0n the desk.> Merry bent over and gently: touched her~cheok. â€""Oh!". ske. shrank: away : from .. hins with a shnddering: oty. "Oh, â€" how could you let. him do such. a thing! It was so cruél, so;inconcelvably crual, so shameful, and .so unjust! Jt was such a mistake!. Why did you let my brother do .such a thing?" ger 2 ; _ "Tell. me why you let kim do it," ipersisted the girl 6 $ w\ . ~"L don‘t believe I can explainâ€"to you." . There was aâ€"hop@less tone in the, foan‘s . Â¥olce. "For a while it iscemed. to mo..like a. poker . debt. ‘Women .cannot. undérstabd . & . poker ‘m»n . ; ¢ F y hi / _ "‘No, I felt that way at first.. ?nw it seemed foolish. One night.1 déters mined for # mipute to set myselt free, to get the play back, and to make you understand.. _ It was the nightâ€"that nightâ€"when you took mé homeâ€"â€"when ‘you found me in theâ€"when, yourgave ‘â€"me new coutage and a fresh ‘outlock ‘on .lifeâ€"when. you. tmade ; a .man. Of "No, I . cannot: understand," . cof« Tessed Dotcas.: Then she went on hius riedly: "Was that your only reason?" . Doreas ‘rose and â€"stood. fading him with her eyes searching him. ‘"Why drdn‘t vou do It?" #he asked. . ==_ . mm:"m-nu‘m * ou ) wÂ¥ â€"Lâ€" agked rwm & ...:"'u'- taller as low.as I had if he had .; ing ‘teft that would pull him to mopg ton said, ‘Yes, #o long as ho has honâ€" \ pan‘s, way ‘ "Put what in my way? Degrest, that might 1 came around the .gornerâ€"I had : bean wandering in the desert. ‘Buddenly I toung}_lmh.l Aound love and hope, 1 found. you.. Tha! mightâ€"when you went awayâ€"I begap to understand that it was the ? wonderfnl chance God ever put 1W a _"Oh!" cried Poreas aghast. "Oh, to nlfl that 1, should have put that in your way!" o l im ~bon‘t," erted Doroas. "Don‘t!" . She #reed herself, from his clasp and held nim awiy from het. "Can‘t you ut derstand, don‘t. you seo, Androw, after what REnoch did to you, that 1 cannot be your . wite?" sa :« mt ‘You cannotâ€"beâ€"â€"miyâ€"" He stared at her in bewildered dismay. â€" y netand ahe lll is iss upon ber i‘Yes, that is â€"what 1 mean," she whis péred .tremuqusly. .. "Don‘t you undor stand?,. How could I marry wou with the thought of this nnmum wadh us? 1 could never lq-lg n-ntllm.uï¬. w bretherâ€"don‘t you . understaad ?â€"my "I don‘t know." Merry.spoke ab . there. is no end of. a, ehange . for th a slow totry I'fl_ ‘ e e L e 2 .: bes C “P:ï¬u' --u-m â€""‘ o k .‘.."".'ufl:.h’ ons mï¬r in bed flw s ..; . f *u .., | ‘.n 'N& Eo :;" -‘un E.“-..‘:;flf:;or & M Wiruiax e *â€"Mrs 4 :‘c::"*'."smm â€"Pleasan The m o rntotal F &mdm i e se rane poand does .%‘mw:b loes for is t esns iinfarine femplomdie Your lo“'er * .= m CA answered by wwro« wae and held in prothem»â€"who‘ dia this!. How could you goâ€"onloviug me andâ€"* *‘ ~ _ "Remembert=â€""t was ‘your â€" brother whoâ€"saved my lite," sald Metry }: slonately. "How eould 1 go on ing you,<deatest? How codld 4 Stop loving>you" : $ could go through hell for â€"you, and ‘yet I:confess I vcï¬u rather bo with you in heaven." fAuskhed and his face: grow grave. "You are mineâ€"all mingâ€"and 1 am yourk, 6 wholly and ‘truiy yours that ‘I have grown to think of this world as mersâ€" ty.one spotâ€"one little spotâ€"wHere wa can make & home and 1 can have you bekide meâ€"for the reat of my life." the: C wm’&- m dim as ml o hymm on chanige ‘to #.darkefied sickroom ‘for: on the threshhold. â€" As his ?‘lo- uï¬weut_amdmthe.ht)' 6 saw a whitegowned num-tndhï¬uh the bed.. Under the sheet lay mq tolp the lont wiget k. meur the . wound bandages. "Merry‘s hands. gripped to gother comrulsively, The nails cut Into: his palms~‘did an ache which: hurt tagged at‘‘ his heart. ‘Wentworth‘s chamber hHeld memories for.him: ‘he thought of nights when he had lain helpless upon thit: same bed> and Ehoch had taken care of him in a lumbering fashion. During these days he had seen the rugged face grow_wan from want of sleep;.still for him a smile always lit the stern features. of pain and rebellion. which for .tem months had been warping his nature iand clouding his life_fell away from ‘Merry‘s heart. The:â€"love, the. implieit conAdence,. even the: boyish dependâ€" enge upon the older mian, came fiood ing back into his sou! Hike a bigh tide. All that had ‘stood : between ‘him ‘and Wentworth #eemed ifnimportant comâ€" pared with‘ the vital fmot that: they When the s#surge beckoned Ne stolé nolwelesaly/across the Aoor. ‘Shopohit . ‘ed to > a ‘chair> by ~the‘ bedside. <"He hnasydosed off," she explained in a low â€" «whispor. â€" "He asked for you just beâ€" fore he went to sleep. 1 told him you were coming. Sit here.so that he can sse you when ho wakes up.* » | «Merry. droppedâ€"into the chair.‘ He began to see perfectly through ‘the gloom.. Wentworth‘s grim, gaunt face had startled bim for a minute. The eyelids were closed. with ‘depths of shadow below thom. ~The man‘a domé: hating noge stood out like a.sithouatte against the . white. pilliow. The muâ€" tache bad beon shaved away and 1ineg, whiseled by days and nights of pain, Wrinkled about the quiet mouth, Merry bat staring at the Baggard face with a hlt.â€t:,tu hope in his soul, which E “.‘uu‘nlu m‘"â€â€˜u:r wan timp~â€"time enough 10 ; that the old enrnilty was + that the old love was allve, «i ened by neow ties, A apasin of painâ€"r # At «P # 5 .@uddenly, as the last. remaant ofâ€" au old scab sloughs off, every ‘fragment of hatred, of resentment at injustice, ttrthgh * +!op m«n‘s.face, wrinkling the pallid forehead and twitching the lp#..., Merry. looked up atsa aurse, Bhe read the question in his eyesuls "No," she whispered, "he is going to live His brain is.clear now. (He hab a ~grent constitation.. That was.the only thing that saved him." "A | "ROUUH ON RATB" clears . out Ratsi Mice, etc. Don‘t Dis in the House. 156. and 25¢. at Drug mad #ras anA har mannar JoubntE$, . MEQIBNs .....__\_inaics The woman had a strong, intell!gant are Tor female t CHAPTER XXV. am s Vegptab was full of oalne mfluklï¬qhflomm She. was not young ans must have watched over any a batâ€" tie between iifo and death.. She know! Merry sighed with :rclief and peace ot mind, oven with a mad «2 ot P m t reot in in camse * there was »still time to tako up the vld bonds of love and to begin‘ lif# The Tace upon the pillow roved ano Hhoth‘s <eyes‘ opened slowly; m nition fashed into them, thei & e crept about the nned mouth= > ~* "Rnoch!" ‘‘The young> man dropped on his knees: beside the bed his Ail gers stolg under the sheet and eaugh: in a sérong grasp the handwhich be had | thought© was slipping . from: til# mu.Â«ï¬ id eyes ‘held & breathles duestion. *You were fot ‘burt?" hi "No, old man; no. "1 didn‘t have‘t scratell. Ycu took it all.~ You save my ‘life, &s you have done nigre tha; once, and;© Enoch, »you: understand= we are back where we‘stood in th: old days, â€"with everything: f6rgotter muï¬wud.‘m #o Gesp t neither of: us will ever give it ab hi PP 0. C warmar * v~.ve! _z strongest of all things humanâ€"& broâ€" ï¬#â€"ugmmmdw blood through the: veins of: theâ€"sitk man, H:zlplneu flushed into the wan face and his feoble strength returned Merry‘sagrip. . 0 \3> o Â¥ ; radiant. Andrew laughed nioud~*Yeu underâ€" stand, Enoch, we are friendsâ€"friends that wothing can separate ‘again as long a# life dastss‘* «/. 000. c) 3 % FAr â€"The wistfulness of gratitude dtimed the eyes of the sick man, "Asclong an life lasts! > That ‘won‘t be: a â€" grout while,â€" Boy," e . whispered : huskiiy;: "oily. nowâ€"itâ€" is all â€" rightâ€"and« it: sedme «different. ~ I felt Uke‘a coward aâ€"little while Ago. Yougemember thit wriiting chap who died latoly*>â€"Howald something :just before Ro= wents> i thought of it this: nmâ€"‘mnml to #5 bhome inâ€"the: dark!<â€"wash‘t: wiat Bbe said? I felt lomelyâ€"afnd .1 A pathetic eAgernecs ‘ fushed into ‘the eyes ‘of the: man on the‘bed. â€" The glare of the sunshine showed cliéarly the wanness and ghastly shadows in [‘ he 8 (hhmmfl.)f’j' * j "Listen, Rnock."~ Merry spoke wita a tone of passionate convictiont "Leok here; old man, xou'nmlosm in the dark, ‘not yet~" You‘ve got thirty or forty years before that homegothg:" He turndd imperatively to the nurse. "Push back the curtains, won‘t you? Push them away back; Tlere‘s a gloâ€" tious sun shinjagâ€"let it in." BUBMARINE I8 _ â€" 18 REPORTED wl / s SRTANCLED â€" The woman understood.. She ran up a curtain and fiung back the whutters. The room grew suddenly white and â€"~*Phere!l"â€"cried Moerry, . "Taik of go m.m:;"r dark?â€" See ‘how the Sun Go homle dark the ideat" © "O>© . "‘“‘ # Paris, April 6.â€"The ‘Petit,. Jourt says a Getman submaÂ¥iAb securely entangled in a net of » and the French maval authorities exâ€" pect to capture her when she: tomeW to the surfave. 4 4 NEUVTRAL SHIP REPORTED SUNK yo‘‘ ~ BÂ¥ COERMANES % “ .....sz;"rw“ o yidd o c:?:’-‘ Arm. t anm-:;lt to protést ‘to ‘Germany the Luigi Parod _ belonged Ato the demanding . that neutrab vessels" be respected ~and. : th matde for those surk ‘The pavement on King stréet is reâ€" ceivid nouu«h-mw. The .cup‘iuitvutk the assist» ance of a.gang ol city laborats. Y NINARD‘8:«LINIMENT RELARVâ€" EB NEURALOGIA, o 9 We Naples, April 6.«â€"Bt is dearéd ‘here y igs Conbilinefio # that reparation Be OcCUPANTS OF | Bugay Turown * .. 4iA MO PAVEMENT While Mrs. * friend m:m %‘mhm«?m were driving :l:l Kl:( street on h“i’u vening and wer to into e td strack ‘by @" Berlin & Waterloo #t car and the occupants were" thrown out to the pavement. ~:Mrs. CGoftoh sustained: some m'x about the head and ‘the othérs J:o ] .hruiud‘o?i li‘i:?"up * pr. F. H. mm-ukm the wounds‘ after which they were conâ€" veyed to their home byauto. . The bageky was slightly damaged. ¢ the need of gome good remedy, an i@&%â€"»‘"ï¬g _ Thsir scfion was mild and the seeutt o oldâ€" e 3 ts ?-: Â¥ . "I‘:&u†* greatesh itc Sfp Aiincy saepong c Havana, _ April 6. © +Jose Witlard m M“m Kanâ€" *as fitrher andcowâ€"puncher, is chamâ€" pionâ€"of the world, with all the wotld before him, whilé. Jack Johnson, laté lord of the c tealrmh, is" just aâ€"portly; m :solored " ~man‘ browsing on the memory of ons of the greatest pattles eyor made by a fight or of hit PORERY "Suge Bs 006 . Ts One ferocious rightâ€"hand smash to the pit of Johisoft‘s fat Black ‘stothâ€" wch, that crumpled, the ‘big body _ _of the negro hwmm at "the tm; of the twenty routd; * bhalt‘@ minute latet by _ & terrific flfM khand waltop ‘to Ma',‘ a&re the blows that made. new for the American sport on alen soil, with alien _ tongues >‘ drowning the #ound of Ame;izan voices in the weird demonstrsiion that followed. â€"Johnâ€" {son f¢.l and was counted out by â€"Reâ€" leree Jack Welch in his own cornet.‘ : *Braitatives‘" is sold by ail degiors um-mchflwwyd- , os 5oi be poaben reotint ot price by Fot twentyâ€"five ‘rounds the negto had battled <bitterly â€" and bravely, against his gigantic young white opâ€" ponent, ‘waging & warlare of such gameness ‘and ‘craft â€"as ‘to Mwlr sporting men‘ at the t who had : been v;&h'.llne 1910 Jor this: day. And < while Â¥he finish was ob vious, no of8 had‘looked for it "s9 "Apout 1t h "ih .‘ es is veel hai S( aod in Berlin toâ€"night ~has been smzob éd." Bince the Betlin Cubs have t ped out, and Waterloo is yoable put @strictly amateur team in â€"the ::ge. it is necéssary to secure two : teame. Eforts ‘are at present underâ€" way < to ~have> teams entered from â€"New Hamburg and Paris. WILLARD BEAT JOhNSON FOR WORLD‘S CHAMPIONSHIP. WANT PARIS AND HAMBURG TO JOIN PME COUNTY LEAGUE P; $1. Seetey ‘of Chicago) and Phila* delphia, the noted : trugs expert, will be at the Walpet Motel and will reâ€" main i# Beflin .this Monday only, ApL ©10th.: Mr:â€" Résley > says*~ ‘‘The Spermatic Shield a# now used and approved by the United Stites: Gov mnn:a Wwill not :’u retain any‘ case gupture ~per Y 4‘ f lh.fl!. and complete rellef, “:i tloses~ the ‘opening in 10 days ‘on the Sreley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia ‘\."Called %o Berfin..© _ ceived the only : award . ih England and :r:l.wohh‘ restits with« but \ hatmfa) injecticns; medi« val treatments or prescriptions, ) ‘Mri Seotey: has "documehts â€"from the J‘nit= ¢d ~States ‘Qoverntnent, 'n“h.v D.C0., dor inspection. All: charity cas« cs without chatge,‘ oril any: iterest» 60 call, Abe> will wgled to show satme without charke or Nt them if desired. Local Reétrrenc# py permission ‘Mr. F. G.~Warater of Preston, who will te ply /‘to any inguiri¢s â€" from personal experience, it‘ 1A4â€"18, £, C al in £, C al in n.a twot " Wnn Johnson Game and Crfafty RUPTURE EXPEAT HERE. 10 C !. A~}o~i-v~ A "Te w ( hï¬".‘ . Â¥ ( Bhe e % Con. J nd ndry> 8t Berlin. n marn **~ â€" D CumMBNT _ . . D. :. G.~ ~MeINTOSH, . BARRIGTER M â€" t * hee t~ (4+ eBMl K. LC lw 3e :: (Suecessor to mcR Barrister,. Solicitor,: i ete. to loan. m‘&:n@. it % ‘Barrister. Solicitor, .Notaty Publ h‘é"m†No. 547. Ipq'n..o-":' ts Dental Surgeons of Toronto. Offlce :in â€" Fixcher‘s‘ Block," ‘Wateridd. Dentistry practices . ‘in all m Dentist, x,,w o-n-g Denâ€" mlnfluu,: Foronto Univer t DKE doom 408 Weber Chambent‘ * o 0P WateAioo GOUNIY |â€" _ | ofk e aneanplen dot T. _ s cane Bov a M $ i of services readerad. _ ® R t ce Rrmanee Notary, C * \Pig.) ef 8t. LW 500 PRISONERS AT :« â€" aUELPH Prigon FARx Murch 36â€"The *) work :: u?:."’ï¬a..., the M!M a’ Central Prison at *Ao . we priban fatm un-n:a’.aw. an the population ® of ) d# now ‘around %mï¬? nï¬: aro ‘o% W i a ing> to the ~% ed ‘hini~ at " the fatni, . ‘ ®‘the reaon, the cunmi tm or ‘.m "n bave" shown ‘gh w "i;.m &, A. REID l%"a':m King in on Heime Ogen stemiigh, * DR. WELLINGTON K. JACORS MiLLAR, §1MG &4 GREGORY Dentist, Waterin®. â€" ~ â€"~ Office Hours 9 to 12, 130 to 6. :. OR. 8. ECKEL, 1£.0:%., D.0.s. D. 8. BOwLgv,‘8.A., LLB, CLEMENT & CLEMENT .. DR. F..G, MVGHES, Waterloo. _ DR. CLAYTON: W. WELLS. SCELLEN & W 1' E;,.‘I: .‘“"i‘g a IX’[‘J?M OR. J. E. METT Ji A.HILLIARO® REAL ESTATE <* !"‘. w