M#. and Mrs. J.W.Mitchell of Toâ€" | wto are vimitors at the home of"â€" Mr. ) latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter: two George St. i. T as c f , 4 ; fulends in teve ¥®. B. Seyler, of Toronto is visitâ€" .â€" Nellie Evans of Toronto, is an saster )l‘tol' at the Methodist parâ€" k" Mro. Hugh Rennie and e# Loandor, went the holiday mnnow Good spent Sunday Keen interest us being:taken in the .â€" Raster ball which the Acadian hb :will hold in their parlors on .qvening. :.ul’.- and Mrs. William Hogg were c visitors in Toronto with son, Mr. L. and Mrs. Hogg. Miss Minnie Bechtel of Buflalo, arâ€" ived home on Thursday for the Easâ€" M Easter, ; Walter Pierschbach of Dorchesâ€" & spending the holidays at his _ Cap(gin McRae of Guelph, who has been on the sick list, spent a _ few ï¬- with his mother, at the home of . and Mrs. S. B. Bricker . during %he past week. .:Marfjorie Carthew of Bishosp a College, Toronto, is spendâ€" holidays at her home. %he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerâ€" Â¥xs Marjorie Bricker, of St. Marâ€" m Céollege, Toronto, is spending ‘ Ske bolidays at her home. NE n e a® c os .3“.7-. She was accompanied «Ber @gousin, Miss Catherine Taylor iBufalo, who will spend several Meks. Andrew Miller of New Hamâ€" j urg spent Sunday at the» home of | tr and Mrs. M. Devitt. | Llï¬. @rieker, of Toromto, is May Â¥he Lolidays at his home. . Wae, Seibet of Welland, is bing a dow days here. hil Whlsioy, of Owon Sound was ut Wr. JP. Ufeiman‘s . on *iham Mickus of Dundas was wisitor at his home here on Sunâ€" .. and Mrs. E.D.Cupningham and Rowe, ars spending Easter at Toâ€" ;â€"',"i N. Grigg spent Good y im London. Belia Manse of London, is visâ€" es â€"Marjorie Carthew of Bishop rachan . School, Toronto, is‘ home #lfln. W. Hiteheock of Galt Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mary Valentine of Whithy is speading the holidays . at ¥¥ is spending the holiday in Â¥ Moge, of Toronto, spmu Albert L w in .town Airs. John Last of Galt, holiday with Waterloo weekâ€"end wÂ¥ Wis home. Yunghlu® is a visitor Devitt is in Toronto holidays. in Plattevilia. Kumpt is spending the hoâ€" Sayder and famâ€" | Miss Marths Bish accompanied |I~M'l“hm ; Les of Toronto spent tn W A T E A L . 4 â€"l!m feel bilious, ‘*headachy‘‘ and irritableâ€" for ‘a a sign your liver is out of order. Your ;oodh.otdlg::iaâ€"lt ouE.h Wukm. ‘ermented mass, poisoning . Just take a dose of Cham ‘s Shmuh.’.;d Liver Tabletsâ€" they make the liver do'l:: vwk‘â€"thqehn- and Td on lt the morning. At Til d apginte Te or by matl from Chamberiain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 wx‘s Cw Migontc: ns seviee qver _Miss Mary Valentine of the Ontario Ladies‘ College, Whithy, is spending the Easter ~bolidays at her home Park Avenue Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hall andcram" lly of Toronto, are Easter® visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs, J. H. Webb, Erb street. £ Miss Black of Toronto, is a holiday visitor with her sister, Mrs. D. A guest of Mr. and Mrs son, Allan street. Mr. B. W. N. Grigs is r“" Easter with his brother at xoter, _ Mrs, P. Groom and daughter, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Shub, John â€" street, for the bast fortnight, have _ returned to their home in Salem, Ont. in Mre. C. W. Wells is -v-dw ter with Windsor and Detroit + 0 Miss E. Baker spent Sunday home in Wiarton. Messrs. F.4. and HLM.MMOMIUDOOCIO ronto sz;ent Sunday at their homes , r. Geo. Malleck of Montreal is ‘I;Liin‘ a few days at his home here. Mr. Walter J was a week end Miss L. Wyatt is ter holidays at ber ford. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. IIC milton spent Easter wit the city. j> Mr. W.C.Boyer of 5 was a visitor in the city liday. Miss Mar is spending friends. Mr. C. Weber was a holiday visitof at his home in Conestogo. Mr. Walter Wilton spen at his home in Stratford Mr. Arthur â€" Davids wood is renewing | 3 town over ‘,he bO]iday ford for Mr. MRX * CJare 0 Easter at his home hereâ€" zk Messrs. Allan and OTDA spent Sunday at their home togo. ____.__â€"' Mr. W. USGelman of Toronto Uniâ€" versity is home over the holidaysâ€" + vevmconsped â€" Mr.and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, of New HambutZ, spent the holidays at the home of theif" daughtet, Mrs. R.Jâ€" Kerr, 150 Queen St., north. Enmomrsinizice Mrs. H. Eby and daughter Miss A. t Eby, and Miss E. Krueger, of Waâ€" Ca TenC 0. w Mr. W. Mrs. H. Eby and daughter Miss A. M. Eby, and Miss E. Krueger, of Waâ€" terloo, leave this evening On & two months‘ . pleasure trip to Oakland, Cal., where they will visit Mrs. Eby‘s two daughters, Mrs. E.D.Gordon and Mrs, J.W.Foster. Their many friends will wish them a pleasant journey. Mrs. A. â€" E. Currie left last Tuesâ€" day for her home in Cornwall, after a most delightful month‘s visit . at the home . of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hespeler, TUnion street. Mrs. \Cnnh is always a very popular itor in her native town, where . her lretm visits are eagerly welcomed by her numerous friends. All music lovers and friends . are. very cordially invited to attend the RECITAL in _ the Waterloo Presbyâ€" terian _ Church on Tuesday evening, April 6th, . 1915 at eight o‘c when the cnmh'c&ï¬â€œï¬‚us‘w% sisted by leulh:f Twinâ€"City Vocalâ€" ists, Silver collection. Â¥ r,. Max Lawrenct has ED"" two weeks spent in St. Ma1 enc ‘r. Eiton Umbach of Guelph w. Clare Willson of Port Colâ€" spent Sunday . at his home here. . F.H. and H.W.Martin of Toâ€" â€"ent Sunday at their homesâ€" ,, Margaret Schwalm of Mildmay ding a few days with Berlin Howles of Toronto, is C. Sturm 18. r a few, weeks r J. Strub of Woodstock end visitor at,his bhun 6. G.D.Richmond of Haâ€" ster with relatives in Davidson A. oi mastiW W[n‘ the Eas home in Stratâ€" James Thompâ€" visiting in Stratâ€" spent the, holiday acquaintances in has returned alâ€" in St. Mary®â€" St. Catharines ty over the hoâ€" in Conesâ€" <cheifele at ber spent sisters. She was nine years RQy: |The funeral son Sunâ€" Croni,, . from 00 Codat OW ay y Bethany CABRNEr Ww*&uâ€" â€""'*'m Mount Mm'- w4 J STRENGTH ©~OFTEN _ MAY _ BE .GaAINED â€"BY JUDICIOUS ACâ€" TIVITY ON PART, OF THE ~BICK. i â€" The woman suflering from the.. ills of her sex often loses ambition ~and will not â€" exert : herself in the least, her muscles become flabby, her cireu lation bad and nerves wrecked. . Anoâ€" ther woman â€"suflering from the same Exercise Beneficial ills will lay out for herself a systeim of convalescent â€" exercises of :t‘p breathing even before leaving her bed. It the woman _ will but write Dr. Pietce at the Invalids‘ Hotel, Buflaâ€" lo.N.Y..lhomptk“ler“" vice in such â€" cases, also .a m book with advice on Hygiene, to care for &ldck.st!mu‘ Diseases of women, etc., all.â€" for dimes or 50 cts. in stamps to pay for mailing. (duty prepaid). C iss â€" Sick â€" womenâ€"thousands â€"â€" of them have been sured by the use of . Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Préscription. _ It is a woman‘s tonic that has a singleâ€" ness of purpose in curing the disease of women only, The dull, sunken eye with its \ dark .eircles which : comes ot â€"~_â€" sut fering is banishedâ€"so too is the salâ€" low, sunken cheek, the shrunken: form â€"when this . ‘‘Prescription‘‘ is used. It is a _ temperance remedy because madewithout alcoholâ€"of native roots {uul herbs. ty i / : Kieâ€"S% £ Women who suffer should not wait: till a breakdown .causes ptqituthn.l If you are anxious to. correct the deâ€" rangement, to overcome irritability and nervousness, waste â€" no time, but get Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription in1 liquid‘ or tablet form this very day. at any miedicine dealers and toâ€"morâ€" ow you will know that you areâ€" on the highway to health and happiness. pr." Pierce‘s Pleasant Pelietsâ€"reguâ€" late and invl‘;lonto stomach, liver and bowels.â€"Adv. _ f â€"Dr. Pierce‘s medicines are manufacâ€" tured in Canada at the World‘s Disâ€" pensary, . Bridgeburg, Ont. The Council met at the Tp. Hall on Saturday, April 3rd, pursuant to adâ€" journment. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair, â€" .Minutes of the preceding session were read and approved. Ece ‘(oved by Mr. Veitch, seconded â€"by Mr. Groff, that the annual fee of the Hydro Electric Association, amountâ€" ing to $10.00, be paid. e 5 PM omen en t tiak Moved byâ€"Mr. Janzen, seconded by Mr. Veitch, that the Reeve be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Disâ€" charge of Mortgage on parts of Lots Nos. 15, 16 and 18, in the Lower Block of the Township of Waterloo. 5 . Moved by Mr. Hallman, seconded by Mr. Groff, that the Clerk be paid 1 per cent. and the Treasurer 14 per cent. for all monies levied, and the Collectors 14 per cent. for all monies collected by each of them for the Municipal Telephone System. _ . _ _ _ Moved by Mr. Janzen, seconded by Mr. Groff, that the Assessors be paid their respective salaries. e ts Moved by Mr. Hallman, seconded by Mr. Janzen, that the following atâ€" counts be paid, and the Reeve issue cheques for the several amounts, viz: To Fred Gmischow, bonus for wire §ONCE ... 42. 11. 12. (18 i.Â¥6+ $8,20 Bricker & Sons, horse hire ... . 3.00 John Stoeckle, repair for dise .. 2.00 John Becker, gravel ... ... ... 3.60 Paul Bergman, sewer tile and cemâ€" ‘_ @Bt 242 2220 d es ces e k c a d ee k AuAM Jno. Zimmerman, damage to plow. 4.00 E. D. Hallman, drain across road 20.16 Postmaster at Blair, 3 months‘ postâ€" Geo. A .Tilt, 3 months‘ W 125.00 Jesse Martin, supplies to eil Family ... ...0...0...0s 6100 k 15.28 Philip Koerber, refund electric Hight 4X 1.2.0...00.. .+ 2k +4 1.00 Moved by Mr. Groff, seconded by Mr. Veitch, that this Council now ad> rh to meet again at the Township 1A on Saturday, May 1st, at 10.30 GEO. A. TILT, & Clerk. â€"Mr. and Mré: George Wegenast are expected home toâ€"day, alfter a pleasâ€" ant month‘s sojourn in Florida. " Mr. Walter Hogg of London, spent Easter at his home. Miss Filla Groff has returned to Moronto after visiting in town for a few days Mr. Art Heuhnergard is home from Horonto University for the Easter vacation. Waterloo Tp. Council. days. Mr.H.Weichel of Elmira ness visitor in town on Miss Beatr ce Behrens of Elmira is Hisiting friends in town for a ftew to. Woamen. was a busiâ€" eircles n. Schweitzer, Hubest ieâ€"] Weinstein. |, _ K9 | ‘gr. III.â€"Joseph ®0|Bauman, Harold* L °8| Walz, â€"Loretta â€" Di¢ in}yrigh. ‘Allen Thorne, hrr Kuntz; .wamal? La o C * wlï¬ uh‘ on mm H 11.00 of the mai * vas the many â€" and. bedutiful pr received. Mr. : and Mr#.: Eds , who left in the early part of the even will be at home to theit many | next week, at o# David ‘St where the happy N sAE AZ ENE iT sat down to supper, joyable evening ° fol UNION SERVICE ON GoOoD FRIDAY lpriice of the mfl A, *prosbyâ€" fiecian and congregations was held in the Presbyterian church. Rev. F.M.Muthers ‘ of ‘the Methodist church delivered anâ€" appropriate setâ€" MacKeracher also assisted in the setâ€" WATERLOO SEPARATE _ §CHOOL REPORT ; FOR MARCKH Sr. IV.â€"Robert: Karges, #.Berges, W‘ Hartleib,: O. Fishbacher, M.Reinâ€" isch, Ruth ~Brandt, R.â€" Winterhalt, Jr. IV,â€"Cecelia Zimmetman, Gertâ€" rude Rafferty, G. Amlinger, Irene Rafferty, â€" Florence â€" Kuntz, â€" Gerard Districh, .: Minettg â€" Thomas, Jerome Sehi, John Reitzel, Herman Reinisch, Tillian Holle, Florence Killion, Vinâ€" , Hummel, J. Hinchberger,. Joseph Schweitzer. Hubest Rabb, Florence Ԥr. III.â€"Joseph . Ruchty, Beatrice | Bauman, Harold> Lackenbaver, Edna Malz, â€" Loretta â€" Dietrich, Anna Dietâ€" | righ, ‘Allen Thorne, Eva Engel, Oscat Kuntz; William Lackenbater, Wilfrid wmnw Kuntz, Mary Burns, Carl Lehman, â€" Amna‘ Herringer, Hedwig Egner Eugene McDonald, Alfted Emtn hn dobighs * * _ ""3r. TIFâ€"=Ehner (Hobbs, Joseph Haus, Harold Vogel, Marguerite Esch, Rose Meyer, :Olive Dorsch, George 7immerman, Virginia Amlineer, Desâ€" mond Kessig, Isabelle Schickler, Clarâ€" ence Stefiler, Sadie Sheppard, Colette Jr. II.â€"Anthony Bauman, Margueâ€" rite Boppre, Sophia Kishpacher, Clitâ€" ord Killion, ~Edwatd. Kuntz, Geneâ€" vieve Ruchty, Corine Kessig, Jerome UR OS oc C s en CCR L id Herringer, Adella Burbach, Celestine Lehman, Helen Bracy. her Our stock of things forlthe home is now very complete. designs and colorings for any room. # RUCS, CURTAINS and LINOLEUMS rUGl IN ALL StZES Every size and style of Rug is found in this Dept., for bedâ€" rooms, dining rooms, parlors, living rooms and dens, Some of the new things are reproâ€" ductions of Oriental colorâ€" ings, in fawn, rose . and blu: grounds, small designs .and apecial French designs. Pricâ€" special French designs. Pricâ€" es from um.uo.&).m.oo. $35.00 to ... ... ... .. $60.00 Also a special line of Balâ€" moral and ‘Tapestry Carpet Squares, rafiging in popular Squares, rang! 1 $rides from 90.90, ""â€"o!'?é":'."' $12.00, $13.50 to . CURTAINS. New Scrim, â€" Voile . and Marquesette Curtains, ecru and cream colorings, 36 to 40 inch wide, suitable "P' drawing roome and . living roome, very mm at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, to .. $8.50 We furnish Men for Paper Hanging. me Ecotland % ‘uttice, a H decoratied n and . a beautiful tikes, â€" which . â€"sbe the â€" charming deâ€" o was given away $ 'Jflb l'fl-- was supported by _ * Over 40 guests â€" and a very onâ€" lowed. ~A feature $15.00 & | I Sr. 1.â€"Walter â€"Lackenbaver, |Carl Walz, Monica Lemanski, Loretta Dietâ€" ‘flch, Jerome Moran, Herbert ges, Antonia Homeyer, Willie Strauss, Elâ€" mer Scickler, Ropert Bender, Madter, Loretta Weber, Carl Of d, ‘Monica Rumig, _ Edna. Haid, Hause, Florence Hinchper@set, Lot |Esch, Bertha Stumpf, John Arnold, Wemmakln:‘o’pecflpremï¬ulforthisw' ki t is f success, Special shipments nave recentl arrived -“aa ‘qï¬k‘“‘.; garment is claimed to be of extra nlucfzu the money. Ell RRC3 793 E.’..‘.'{J'm""m“".."‘m'.‘-“.."fl-'} of ":- WWAï¬:‘d aske: %mm harden?"* You seek the location of Leock Katrineor the tR ht e iescs en ts ,ï¬g"‘. History. w Languageâ€"History Blogtaph?; LA D 1 E S.. 20 only‘ Ladies Coats, in the nuestgi%s styles, woth 5* ©59,09 GENTLEMEN â€"â€" 10 only dark grey Coats, just ‘the thing for 9 76 only driving, vortï¬Â«gs for . * ~/<3>" 5475 Our $5 Coat beats anything shown in town. â€" Our $8.50 Coat is werth and our heavy leather lined Fawn Heptonette for rough driving is w« $13. © Our price $11.00. s3 f Tae‘. SPECIAL PRICES FOR APRTL . B. BRICKER . A few Children‘s Coats also on sale. 10 only dark grey Coats, just Ruth Bauman, Clare Diebolt, Joseph Lachance, Elenor Echert, A"g’"‘â€"‘ Holle, Irene Lorentz, Harvey obhnet, Clayton Karges, Eleanor Herrgoth, Arthur Suter, Helen Ruchty, Agnes Cunningham, Harold Sully. _ . _ â€"~Jr. I.â€"â€"Albert . Schickler, Lillian Austin, John Lutzkowski, Gerard Laâ€" chance, Edward Reid, Katherine Fisâ€" 15 only Ladies 10 only Ladies‘ fmpalcegt apbren, â€" if Shoes are advancing in Price Stock bought that we can wholesale prices.. lX NEXT TO POST OFFICE, KING ST., WATERLOO,â€" :4i &8 198 It is worth while. Don‘t Worry 5.00 ANOTHERâ€"~$4000 . BOHLENDER The newest and most upâ€"toâ€"date cher, Gertie Haid, _ Raymond Boegel, Norman Mohner, _ Ernest Fishbachet, Gerald Zimmerman, Alfsed Dietrich, Vincent Dehler, Edward Sehl, Elsic Exner, Clara Herringer, Jerome Voâ€" gel, ‘Leo . Boppre, Neomi Hummel, Gladys Dietrich, Marie Weber, Claude Herrgott, Katherine Amlinger, Dora DBietrich, Allen Haus.: ~ * Finest and Cheapest Wall Papers in Waterloo Conunty. SWIS$ AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. a For parlors, dtun‘ rooms, dining rooms and rooms, in white, ‘ecru and â€"cream, handsome patterns at moderâ€" ate prices, per pair $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50 to $8.00 LINOLEUMS > ~4ul New Surface, Printed and Inlain Lincleums, bought diâ€" rect from the makets, in all widths, ranging from 40c, 45¢ 50c, 60c¢, 75¢, 85c to 1.50 per spuare yard. 4 WINDOW SHADES. All kinds, any color, styles and sizes, made to order. Good oil opeque shades, at 6.95 sell at to $1 each