heal Convention Hold on t lauds, a the Victoria. School. MUHOAL SUBJECTS Min Principals ol Waterloo County‘ gm h com-mum. at Victoria tiehooll Saturday Mr. Fischer "at“? ii:; Pomeroy', absence. and red} itper otip "Discipline In the Pub Belmols.†l But ot all “as Mr. Brown's paper -“Sugges1lons to Public School mwtters In the tearhlng ol Arithmo tic." This drew out a thorough pot] heart to heart discusmuu on y or thr important points ip Rum; arithmetic. wiééialéal work in all the grades as ably handled by Mr. Wm. Lin “in ot Gall. "Time Tables", was discussed by r. Smith. The necessity of arranging our muse of study and school urgamla tttrtxtso as to be helpful to both ttr smut pupil and the dull puptl was taken up by Mr. Sheppard. ' Ollicers tor the coming year were (elected as follous _ I Hon. Prom-Messrs. Pearce, Shep pan]. and Norman. Pretr.--Mr. P. Fischer. Vice Pres.-Mr. D. L'olliyon. Sec. Treas.--Mr, J. D. Weir. Exec. com-Messrs. Ramsay am Kerr. Advisory L' O. u. Smith Toronto, March 29.-tStr Adam Beck has issued astateinent regarding the muniCipal deputation of 2,000 Much waited on Premier Hearst on Friday asking a53,500 per mile subsidy. ll: unplusiud the opinion that the On- wio Government must declare its policy upon the, question, particular- ly in view of the tact that nine mu- mcipalitics to the north-east of To- ronto had signed contracts with the 'Provincial Hydro Commission " the construction of a radial line. Sir Adam said that‘the Government would make pronouncement. "it was every large and influential deputa-l tion," said Sir Adam. “It was two-' fold in its sieniricatttre. Not only was the Government asked to approve, of the extension. but it was an expres- sion tw the nranieipatiti" ot their ap- preciation ot the Hydro power scheme. It was prooi ofamarked suéoess that had crowned the lly_dro eitorts. As to the attitude of the Government, it could not have been otherwise owing to the short notice given, and to the condition of the 'tinaneial world. We had no intention or desire to exact money immediate ty, but desired tydnclaration of poli- cy. As [have said, lthink we shall ttave it." SIR ADAM SAYS PREMIER MUST DECLARE POLICY. Pettrograd, March 29.--A mmrnme fat “VIEW of the naval operations in thr, Balbic since last night, says that the Russian tieet has developed im My: activity along the enemy's roast. German submarines have sur fend ronsiderably and numbers of the memry's bransporu, ' 1oadrd with stores. have hm dcstmx-ed, NAVAL OPERATIONS IN THE BALTIC . ARE ACTIVE BRITISH CONTINUE _ MINE SWEEPING (Canadian Press.) London, Mar. 26.-The battleship Queen Elizabeth and Agamenou aw cruiser Cornwallis entered the Danie nelles Wednesday night to protec mine swerpers, according lo a tit spatch to Reuters Win the Island o Tenedos dated Thursday. At tar. o'elock the Turkish artillery at Frenki fared five shells and the fort: at Kilid Bahr also fired. . The British vessels replied with 2! rounds to this. The Turks made n1 reply from midnight until mornin; and the mine Sweepers continua: their work without, disturbance am with satisfactory results. ltlll?llS If YOUR CHILD " 03088, 1nMattmtr. oonsrnuun "on: Miami" h' “was " 'uu elm mu. mm wtth "Call. lomIn â€nap of H..." Iona." can roll my uten- [mu “Calltomll Syrup ot Flu.“ became In 1 law hourl I“ the clogged-up waste. to!" bile Ind {grunt-nuns food sonny We: on! of the bowels. Ind you hue a well. playful chm nun. Sick children needn't be conxed to an tttla hurmlen "fruit lunllve." lllllonn of mothers keep it handy he - they know In nollon on tho atom-ch, llver Ind bowels In prompt and lure. Auk your drug!» tor A “can! bob P u. of "CIlltornIn Syrnpof Flu,†whlch I colt-In- dlrocuonn for babies. warm 1 all I." and tor "0.": “In. MlilllTlllt 'om.iistti. Naira am rent buy titer (Mg; t-_ytee.t", Wanting of Motel and Shop moon-es Will be Placed on Ron-Political Baaitr-- Shorter Hours in Bhoptr-- No . Bale to Soldiers in Uniform. t0lflllll. [IBENSE tilllllEililll Wlll REGIME LIUUUH Wilt TORONTO. Much 20:!‘u'nu Sir Jun Whitney. when In Opposition. cold to would do. gamma In power “unwed to do. t to ould re no“ u tar " pox-ill. lunar tulle from the tield ot pot "i in been corned out by tho Hen st Gov- arnmont," said Hon, W. J. Hnnna, In itttrodueiug the promised amend- mom: to the liquor llceme luv In tho non-mum In: night. Whu tho humid Secreury described u I moo! lmporunt Idvnnce In tempor- mce lam-lotion m a quarter of I century in the proposal to uppotnl “The commission to be nppolntedi will tonal-t ot probably tlet, men at " high n clue u the Government! an select, who clll bs called upon) to (We I" their time to the work and I be paid a sum commensurate with the mponllblllty and duty they are uk- ed to discharge. This commWsiotr." I, Illd Mr. Hanna, In explaining the; provisions of the hill on introducing; It tor a Brat reldlng. “will have as- I signed to It reapursibiuties that l no to-dny nulgned to and discharg- ') ed by the Bonds oi Justice In Etttt- ' land." _ l "I noisooutictsl brovinciat coinmm “on to udmlnlner the liquor MettttBe law tn Ontario." . . The commilsion will proceed to di- vide the province up into license dis- tricta, nnd place in charge of each an Inspector who will receive a enlary that will warrant him giving " whole time to the Antler. of that Mike. Under thin new arrangement they would expect to hive men compara- tively competent. or competent in comparison with what they were to- day. Considersble latitude is to be xiv- “ we commission in reguumng me hours of sale and number of licenses. The Provincial Secretary explained that the Government had decided not to interfere with the hours ot sale in tnverns until the commission had been in operation and would be in a position to make recommendations to the Government. The commission would have absolute power to shorten the hours ot sale, to order the clan in; of horn in certsin localitieB to meet local or special conditions sod could move or transfer licenses as might be considered expedient. In the meantime, however, it was pro- posed to chnnge the low in regard to shops, and after the tirat ot May sll shops in Ontario will be obliged to close at seven o'clock at night. unm- Dsy was also to he added to the dnys on which the sale of liquor is nrohihited. AUSTRIANS ADMIT LOSS OF 72,500 MEN TWO GERMAN BATTALIONS WERE CUT UP i NINE SMALL i HOUSES BURNED 1 1 IN TORONTO; 9 (Canadian Press l' I London, March 25--A Bantu de. match from Pmtrogrrd "ya. according j At a "mi.omeial automant. two ‘Ocrn nan ban-lions were completely cut 1p and another put to 'iight when the Eermanu attempted to recapture QM. ~enches taken by the Run-Inns ..on ueway near Karaska, North Poland. London, March 25.-- The boot" taken at Przemynl includes 500 wagons and 5,000 tons of coat. (Canadian Press Drsplur'n.) Toronto, March 29.-Pirr, supposed to have start-0d in .IJIMm-k's store iomaeharcoat burner at ' Number Bar this morning, Liu/i nine mall houses and nine shots. The A despatch trom Geneva says the Austrians admit the loll of only 6 Generals, 2,500 officer. and 70,090 men in the surrender at mnncn GENERAL _ SHOT BY BULLET ,5: 513.000 Przgmysl ELORA MAN DIED or MENINGITIS (Minna. March 29.--The casualty list issued todav II as follows: 71h "attalton--0ead. Pte. ROME Carter, Elma. ont, Meningitis. Princess T'atsr--Wounded. Pte, " Todmarten. Toronto, 13th "attation--Wouttded, rte, bed bert Hart Toms. Springhill, XS gunshot sound on non. "ioa Batutiott-4itMd in q Pte. Joan Tun-hull. Hamrxhin Ont. tCanadian Press0 London, March 25.--Generat La: rue, commanding a divmon in the French army, has been killed by a bullet while inspecting trench". (Canadian Press.) Press Ihsprat thirrrnrewNTig6tilr, mtgr1oespthhitair 'AiMt t,' 1915 Pat" , MOI ivva.'c"agmr. Mr. ttVP' Iain lun' it would tte' [uiiie to create “no I commission and not 31v. It minority to can out in odor-Juan; with can! mvbiou tor law ontércomenl u A. proildnd an; tho commiuion rill In" power to suspend or Ian- cet . license, with the approvul or the Government. Disobedience of the “I or regulations viii pin-c Iby li- cenue " the entire mercy of the commiuion. Along the line ot enforcement, the law in to be tstrengthened. For in- fractions of the law by hotclkeepera the mount penalty in a line ot ttoo to 8500. Thin will be changed and the minimum penalty will be "ol), For . mood offence thl present Ian imposed a abort term in jail with the option of a one. This in to be than: ed to tour month: in Jail without an) option amateur neapecx my the King'l uniiorm is to be demanded. “We have a condi- tion here that exists wherever the British tttstr tties," said Mr. Hanna. “We are at wan We have men in itraining for the front. and as a re- lault ot that we have decided in our ibill to put in a clause that will mean !that the men who wear the King's lunliorm ahall not he served with li- quor in any place inenaed under the flaw ot this province." This will con- junue tor the duration of the war. The remarks ot the Proi'incial See- retary were received with much itt- tereat by a crowded House. He sup- ported his reference to the reartrir- tion regarding soldiers by saying that the observations conducted by the Department all over the province had shown that in some sections where soldiers were gathered the hoteikeepers had voluntarily agreed to stop the sale of liquor to them, and he was assured that, although there might be arguments advanced against the provision. the large mass ot the men would welcome the amendment. Mr. Rowen said he would with- hold " criticism until the second reading. He expressed disappoint- ment because the bill, while making n radical crust) in administration, did not tour: the hours of sale or the number of license: places beyond what was involved in shortening the hours of sale in shops and adding Labor Day to the prohibited list. [ Mr. Hanna said that the commis- sion would have in the exercise of its powers just such authority as he had referred to with regard to the Boards of Justice in England. who re- _ sulated not only hours of sale put the tnumber of licensed places. * EBERLIN BOY KILLED i IN FRANCE " I The late Private my of age last August, and Horhn. He wah " mm \lnandrr Etna Ht bs his “Mar. Mtss 1M tvm aunty, thr Misses Munoz. _ '1riii.urue, apprnml 1n 1he list ot Canadian casualties issued by the Department last night as [Minus F-- Citi: Battalion. mum, Private Alexander Ralph Iiby. Nrxt of km; Miss A. G. Emu 33 Fihy stretri. Berlin, Ont. i).6hr'b. Private Fitry passed his mirance at the King Edward whom taking Jr, ty, and tit IV, in one yrar, Me ,ttere the Collegiate tour years 1w_:r1t~ulnlllgg HI 1908. Ewart Eby. at pretu'ttt attending the Collegiate, IN " half mnuwr. lt Pi a pmutlsar cotnr"ioti, that the law Pte. l-Iby Ipit, Berlin tive years my) yesterday, the day nu which the Infunnutlnn of hm death was rrceiv- ml. He tsent from here to Smiley, A were ago his card from him. stat! well, but did not n' was in. the trenches was in. the trenches, He also re- cently sent several snap-shots ol camp-lilo In England. The deceased “as a bright and am- hmous boy. During his residerwtt in Berlin he was u {anhlul member ot -Ttirrity,, 1.ittt?trvst Sunday School, "tii,' NAME “1th ,iri,hr-%eiTrr"rrali'ri.r'" as the first Berlin boy killed in the world's greatest war, T ANOTHER BRITISH STEAMER BUNK T BY SUBMARINE steamer .mmm was mum l tutl,marine ott Bishop's r mvrning. the new esvapm A French I llnl on Ute I'HIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION t ate I‘matr Eh; was 23 years last August, and a native! oi He wah " mm of the late ier Etna Hr IS yurxivpd mater. Muss llrlrn Em. and nu. thr Misses BM. 33 Ehy ch t'ourgtelirr of State was "to rrelri at bank. Match Atwila w his sister rrceived a stating that he “as ot mentton that hr l the militia , stating that had bro“ kill- “st. m 1he list of issued by the as [minus F-- --Tr :n k Sun- "ot.ish Herman _ this late Mk-Zac lashinn. across nnugc. vivrsd Can you SPF across the trridw' "ith I and headlieht? No. _ my tihat distant“ would " lair iol stop car ? About 200 ttwt. , ce at Melvin Baer, the conductor on Car Jr, ll, was next railed. (In the night. in Me quest/Inn ho heard thr morgfm‘y years whistle blown “kilo passing over the . 'r?t',)c,'F'r'lT'it" hridgr and when the car I, giate,ihad_tvrn stopped, motmman came him-k mm said the car had hit a My at ilicirnnn. The car had r.een running. years i ahotst thirtr milts an hour, I h the li, kir’mmd, Superintendent of the woiv- ll, P. & H. St. ltr. being sworn. I edley, said there are warnings at each end 1 home- of bridge. More than ordinary Vere Hwiit lay; suns. The bridge at Freeport e Pri- is narrow, The boards spoken of as war being nu bridge, are there for the report irsrewenirmcr of the repair gang. Tlr, P to Earp, as his opiniln that under the reraltv mmlltmns Misting Saturday night, . Car 11 could not be Mapped short of ived a [300 (vet. I ihink the woman was hit , "as; low dnnn and lhrn dragged. 1 he', Mr, E. Mitchell, who worksinPer- , /kitin and “w: in Gan, was spawn- ots "I‘M! that night, and'uas sitting in the smoking apartment. When the ttd am- car sinppnd he got out to spe what nvr in had happened and ,rltly nMrs.-lmmd Arr ot the hodv at a wtithi' jun-d under ;chool. frst brill!!! and latte tttiisststed m .A;_‘_.. T i-4.=~.!r-tinv~ twinge auacihygIq,,,e,,.c,,, WI FITILITY in l The above verdict was rendered by _ he Coroner's jury who were ampu- ‘cllrd in Preston an Monday to en- nuirr Into the death ot Loretta ' luau. who was run over and killed by car ll an the nan Preston and illnpnln’ Strut Railway, on Saturr lday last. Dr. A. ochs of Preston a comm for the counts. presided. Mr. D. S. Bowltw mad as Crown Attorney and Mr, M:A..cevord oi Halt looked after the interests of the Company. l The inquest was held in the Town Hall. and after the wrymeo had been we. the gunmen who have - â€bu uni “at. to look in!» the death ot Lamb Shanta. who “a and at as have“ mm on an â€can; ot Much Mth. a "I o'clock. - - -..-_l We. the jununm haw MT“ who: aad summed it q» "ti carefully and had that “do an be no Mama abtachnd to the mo- tonnun or conductor. i; ttkiure ttnd a verdict a a9- ddental death. We. the lurvutrn would "com- mmd that tho danger sup: at mm and of bridge, be repainted and kept in good order. 'wav owr. noticed an otsstecie on Iriuht hand side,,at “thh time he had whistle mm in his hand about flu blow the whistle for the crossing. :lle immediately apphcd the brakes land sounded the whistle. The per- "son kept on walking to the end of (the tridge. walking in a zig,-zag tash- “on. . To the Crown Attorney, witness'; said that homuld not ham stopped :‘ny nuickor than he did. Thee “en- hchwen 8 to l0 inches between I Icnd'r and road-bed, rnnuah space for _ the body to an under. The car i mtrrs-rd about 70 tret aim striking [tho mm: Ho Hm. told cl helping to '26"; body out and removing it lo UIC) Pomt of Herman Ikrtel near ihe rail- lmad crossing Thr Coroner-Nhat length is your car? MATH WA. ACCIDENTAL. CAVI JURY. l thunk 56 foot, . Foreman of Jvry--Ar" there any iooteoards on with?†Yes, [and ma MR-Zac Tashion across budge. Can you Mt across the trridp' "ith Herman ""107 was Giri Cfh'0Fifr the whistle and the car stoppim and he came out of his house directly af- I torwarxls. The woman lived about l three-quarters of an hour attcr being taken to his home. He noticed sev- eral marks on the scalp. Ire had Mn [ people trespass on the bridge More. , Fred Rock was tutothrr witness I who heard the ernergencr whistle ’whioh amused his amnion that mmnethinz was wrotttt iritttprs knew lot the danger signs, Amns Irie, who lives about a half Ili:',' from the svrm- ot the accident hurried tbre and heired to take I out, thr both. tc'onued In. Put 5.t orptt Ila AT IW?ilill tl mo nave - I to look in!» I . Shun, who I Wt. bride 1 Inch Mth. M I are been! in ad it up "er and Berlin ()n the running at works in Per was a passen- as sitting in . When the t to spe what L oMrs. 'lmmd t MM under It. ur- ol SIM-u an - than than “new. lad-(cl tn un- . .w it In - tantrum†any read “Dunn." maven no km. MI W, my: «I m “I km “a mm can. He um u when Iron -t. In: 'atrgMa. had toiled with Lincoln luv the! Feb. lst Int. He "" a in our to! that MI diu‘htcl. Loretta, had manly wanted to also unlit out home and may have ,vnettrd to his cu at import. sh. van 31 yearn) a! no on Dec. 6, Int. She was a} brill“ and healthy gm. He was giv- eniotmdrssuauithatuttrtt" gotten valvular)": mum and went to Berlin that night todosome shoo- plnx, Lincoln Easy, for than Au. deem wuaoumnlk, and his [and rub Wham “VIM" ’lmt'n the zoo-powwo- limits ot 12mm. She had asked him " live dollars, tiBy- ‘uu she was going on Benin. which he gave her. SM was expected tack '.stttat night. She never View may 'trom home excepting to church or ‘whcn on mints: trips. ( Cumin}: the: reviewed the can. Elle lubed he had neon called late Saturday night by the Railroad Company and upon arriving at the mm- of the accident a halt hour laV er lurnd ha still treathing. Uponi crannnatmu he lound base ot, skull; hnd jaw bone nut-um. Deceased bad I evidently born mt on abusinus (up: and while wal nu; cm the bridge and harm; the aprmach at the cat, may l have become stage frightened. lt was his opinion that the superstructure of the bridge would cast slot at shad- ow,. which “(mm interfere with the usotorman's vision. _ The wry/retired at 3.80 and at 1.15 p.111. brought In the verdict as given above. The omtltmus who served on the jury were: Messrs. ll. Schultz, ture man; It. Gatehouse, Geo. Jlaller, Wm. Zinusrrruats, Gus. Poul, Jack Thu» mas, Frank Czowlitz, tleo. Ruth and ;Jos. Ballet. H Halifax. March M.-Mrs. Andrew Borden, mother of Sir Robt. Borden, died this morning at 3 o'clock at her home at Grand Pun-aged 80. PREMIER BORDEN’S MOTHER DIED AT HALIFAX Death was the gradual rrsult of a paralytic shark suffered 2 years ago. The pritrte.Mitustcr was at the death ted.. I w i w F. To J: GUN CLUB SCURES ON SATURDAY on t scores I l w The "erlia gun club held u shoot , Saturday with the following H. human . Player tttte' Bowman V W. _Ferquson You .._.r_. ___ Httrgott. Itietrich Stumpf Mural" i Cleealt Britain Needs Food VEGETABLE growers can render a real service to the Empire try increasing the produc- tion of vegetables, especially those that can readily be stored and transported. The war Lt Europe has devastated thousands of vegetable-producing acres and made it ditricult for Britain to obtain her usual supplies'. Vegetable growers are urged to select carefully the best varieties of seed and plant in properly cultivated and fertilized soil. Work hand in hand with the agricultural specialists of both the Canadian Department of Agriculture and your Provincial Department. POTATO ES There is POULTRY and EGGS Remember that live stock is --------- M "m rr-ttr------:'"--':-: t?.tt.en/,t.trsiVer, 'l/IW,,',,',',',".'. I U I n I V In†------.--- no "nn crop the yield of which, perhaps, can be increased so much " pounoes. Baum have been grown in a small plot at the rate 'of over TOO bushels per Acre It the Central Experimentnl hm. Ottawa. So great is the differ- ence in the yield of varieties that while one pm this Inge yield, another, under same con- ditions, 9?" but tM bushels. It will us be uen how im- portant it is to plant I productive variety. The fact that Iy9t.!fi. bean: have been a good price for a number of years. and 1190 that they are of very great food value, should encourage every person who can to grow beans. Western maker prices will not be in- ttuenced this year by foreign beans, and for that reason we Ibould produce a bumper crop. m-ld will need them. To file fitrrtOri wile, the thu"rrntyylt maigi _q tet.ig!. appeal. Ti minimimm tgitlet garden and the poultry are largely under her direct management. Anything that I’M can do to Incrcau production will bu so much aid given to the Empire, Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada Shot at. Broke c, 0 30 50 in Cro ' at the sitration 1 1.3.: the woild will 33 Mi 18 31 3t 37 20 It) GENERAL- VON KLUCK SLIGHTLY INJURE' Merlin, Mam-h 3'J.--Thr? othcial announce tron' yesterday passed rather quietly. Only in the .hgomne and in Lorraine v and these Mere successful for thy Germans Gen. You Kluck was slightly wounded Gen. You Kluck was slightly wounded hy shrapnel while inspecting advanced positions of army. His condiuon IS sutisiactory. German troops have stormed Taurroggen across the Russian frontier uoc'uc.so's. UK Tilsit and when 300 Russian pr1soners. Russian attack on the rpilmad from Wirballen to Kovno at point near Pius iszkixasz broke dog n. _ I \ - .. Ch, 'ceq-.'.,' -c--a, ....... The Russians suiiered h 1,000 were taken prisoners ration in even its most favorable light, there will be I demnnd d will tind great Cilculty in supplying." BON. MARTIN BURRELL. Minister of Atrrieretture. Don't Wait For Business- Work For It! The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Up to the commencement of the yen, Great Britain im- Eorted from Belgium, France, Russia. Germany an: Austrin; u ultry to t e value 0 633%,“ per gut and eggs nmounting to 1 £00,000 don Canada in 1914 imported '200,000 more poultry than she exportedmld imirortedi009tl0 mireeggstteezported. Canada needs lege,', more hens, averagin 1 eggs yen to supply the home tjiU,h' he- fore having any eggs for export. The nvemge egg yield per hen in Canada is ut 80 eggs per ear, which is very low. Cue- ipl selection, feeding and hous- ing could in a few an: bring the nveraga up to t eggs per hen per year. It would be I probable' thing to strive for. s.,i.i':s'tj,sai'r"i"iiMJil,'rI0llil LIVE STOCK Breeding w-----------'- stock Ire today Can-dis most vnlunble asset. The one outstanding future of the wortd's farming is that thereJill soon be 1 tr,tt','gtrtu'i;ttt an lies. , " your hrcedirig 'r'k'h"."lfdte to increase your live stock. Europe and the United States, as well as Canada, will pay higher prices for beef, mutton, and bacon in the very near future. Do not "critics, now. 'Evert' Me business prosper. It is often a long, weary road to busi- ness success. and the goal is seldom reached by waiting for opportunity to come to you! Perhaps you have a plan, in mind for promoting business. Why not turn to your Long Distance Telephone and test out the possibilities of your plan? Your personal appeal will go far towards making it a success . Put the power of your personality into your efforts! It costs little to find out by Long Distance Telephone how you can get more business-the telephone may give you just the help you need to pull prosperity, WHEEL! +oo¢§o+4¢§+¢oo~.o+ Working, not waiting, will make ' County HOV. Q§9.99.99999§§.QOQOOOOQOOQQ " Trlephmu- I. a Long Dillantl Shut-m PO. Address puht'teatiorts Branch, centdi heavy losses m Krar,nopoidc district “here over when“ an nouncement says Haunt": Remember that live stock in the only bash for a pram ngriculturc. You no (It-ling. notystecutetimr . . n It has been said that Euro- pean farmers farm better on they know; Canadian and Ameri. can tanner: not as well , they know. Let u: this year " up to what we know. Let our contribution to the "Patriotism and Production" campaign he bumper crops. VACANT LOTS lh And this opportunity are not tor lumen only. Residents of wins And cities an ttehr the Empire hr growing vegetables on 'eily on or Tisirtryety in their back rm. City gaun- cils, Boards o Trade, Ind 'other orgtraizations an help by arrang- ing tor the cultivation at "can lots, which will relieve the iid employment ultuuion at the ulna time. Those at home have a duty to perform as well as those in the fuins line. From the interest tnrnliested by the people in the "Patriotism and IrRaurtion" amtotmeements, we "ir,?,?,?,'.,':,',',',,?",',':?".?",',';.',,"'.,,'," intentions. " we urge is that there good htterttiotts be carried into action. Get busy. Every or": bushel you grow means that much more for upon. [in l‘ipamnent of Agricultun, ttaw "s ere there minor engagementi -tt.tttttt++t FieH Roots. in Pro; Un the western 10 9990....“ '13 ii, ii