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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Mar 1915, p. 7

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‘Progress of Allies Maintainet «/‘ . Furthermore London advices continue to rélate successes of greater: or ;,:’ w‘?fl fer the Russian forcés in Poland, operating against the armies es : d!!bl“ arshall Von Hindenberg. + : £4 * __~Â¥he aitied fleet again Bombarded Dardanciles forts, according to ~deâ€" â€" apatches from Athens, but the British Press Bureau has not confirmed this _â€" repbrt. " The Athers message says that four Ships shelied the interior forts .. from the Guif of Saros and that the an xiety at Constantinople is increasing. e C ~ "~"z°¢ 4A 74 a 1YÂ¥Y *Â¥ O Â¥P*4A P f l Â¥ s f s 3 f : conen x X,~ 11 e g ’ Â¥ 202 '3 .. .A special meeting of the Park Board was : *.Z'” @‘clock on Tuesday ‘ meeting was called to k the opening of the pro of Bt. _Leger St s ...l »p lh Mr. W. H. Breithaupt was + Stplain the layout of © the # ie ‘aad answoer any questions Te GERMANY AND AUST BIA ARE ): + > C FIEWTINC A LOSH NE CAE ALONG :â€" acC oF ENTRE ErSTen FRollt a }-fihu'-n. March 3.â€"According to w ‘hat appears to be virtually the unani. mious opinion of British obsarvers, Ger many and Austria aré fighting a Togilg gaiti® along almost all of the entife eastern front. ... ... . / i it L *nauuhfil%fmmm.muaw to ie unsatisâ€" factory, while the Russians, it is said, have definitely _ checked them ‘ in : eastern Galicia. % . y o paplimet Aor e +) ___ Paris, Mar,.3.â€"The afterricon . official ;communicaâ€" * Phere is nothing of importance to add to last night‘s communication. 2 f . .. In Champagne we hold the entire first line, . of Gerâ€" man trenches from a pointnorthâ€"west of Perthés to the north of Beausejour, and at several points we have.proâ€" gressed beyond this line. _ , : & ENTIRE FIRGT LINE: OF GERMAN: : â€" * TRENCHES ARE HELD BY ALLIES â€" ANOPROGRESS MADE BEYONQ LNE â€". The progress at various points which was reported yesterday, is confirmed. ‘This. progress hasâ€" been mainâ€" tained everywhere. â€" _ ig t e .. There has been cannonading in Argonne. . On the rest of the front there is nothing to report. LARGE STORE °. â€" WA BUMED N BRANTFORD ..â€"»;« (Canadian Press.) ‘ Brafitford, March 3.â€"Fire started in the babethent of the E. B. Grompton & Co. four story department store about 11.20 o‘ciock toâ€"day and swept . up M‘i‘ whale : store, causing a lose estimated at $175,000 to $200,000, Covered by.insurance. > _ Theâ€"blaze started in the furnace Â¥oom.~> ~Within 15 minutes . it had spread ‘so that the roof at the back ‘gave way and fell in. Every possible ffl’“ Hose, all the firemen, police, soldiers and many citizens . are now #ighting the blaze, which is being conâ€" fined to one block. It is not thought ‘that any lives were lost. ONLY TEX MEN _ ~Minton, W. Virginia, Mar, 31â€" Up to th M.flyt‘n mien â€"â€" have been resoued from the mine of the . Poch: Geal;@qp. . One hundred and P m&m entombed m it ‘ § s ore the working is exâ€" PARK BOARD TOOK NO ACTION 2 oN RoaADWAYS The situation of the Austrians. in â€" the Carpathians, judging from the offiâ€" lscussing the matter it was to take no action owing to the of Chairman D. Hibner and J. (Canadian Press.) lim. . Adjourament ler till the regular m« t the chaircman, â€" _ __ ARE RESCUED meeting BRITISH AAMY . . N REVARKIOU: uENY STit London, Mar. 3.â€"The British army ut home and on foreign service is in a remarkably healthy condition. _ .‘The low déath rate in the army which beâ€" gan the war with a half a million mn and has been raised to two and a ha tillion, is probobly a record. . Thars has not hean one death from typhus or cholera, and only one from smalipox, six from diphtheria, ninetyâ€" six from typhoid, | twentyâ€"six . from scarlet Tever, and sixty.seven . from measles.. . The report of Canadians beâ€" ihg mowed down by cathp sickness is unfounded. s Woodstock, Marth €.â€"Frank Angus, alias Frank Stnith . 6f Owen Sound, charged with the theft â€"of 41 suits of ctlothing from a Grand Trunk Afreight train, was atraigned ‘before »County Judgo AÂ¥allace this afternoon, and enâ€" tered a plea of guilty, notwithstandâ€" ing the fact that atithe Police Court secsion this . he had expressed his: desire, to a trial at the Spring Assizes. He«will be sentenced on "Ihursday morning.: ; .‘ ./ PLEADS GUILTY TO THEFT OF 41 gSUITS OF CLOTHES .At the Police Court this morning, Harold . Vandecar of London,who was associated with Angus,. pleaded guilty and turned King‘s evidence. He will be sentenced next Tuesday, . The Foune men were sneaking a ride in a box car . from Lonidon â€". to Toronto, ’Xnm w&“yd.mo%' suits. ol“m.ud mm-u train, came back, g up the tlothine . sont it to Toronto to dispose of it. Angus was arrested by the Toâ€" ronto police, and Vandecar by the loâ€" Queen St. N+ Miss ~Spencer of Victbria, B.C., is the guest of the Migsba Breithaupt, (Canadian Préss) An ovmt who has had a wide and suc experience, will begin an ‘evangelistic campaign next Sunday, in Benton St. Baptist Church. FEIGK MFG.. 50: MNES INTO; NEW QUARTERS The Féick Manufacturing ‘Co. . hay hoved into their new . and « > fous quarters in the Auditorium ble ‘The moving was mfi:fi Satu last, and they are fnicely setâ€" tled in their new factory home.‘ _ _ Mt. A. ‘W. Feick started â€"up in busiâ€" ness about two and a half years ago in the Janzen Block, above Woolworth‘s store. Since that time \ the bnslnwg has fo #apidly M&mh n * sita re space, which could not be sec in the old building. _ _ * '_;%ent building, which has fust been completed, the company has §u two upstair flats, each floor being 0: m At the present time The #econd floor.is being used for manuâ€" facturing purposes, and the third floor as a‘store room. \#de â€"fi!;-l;;w- ;;run are upâ€"toâ€"date in every way. There is abundance _ of light from the windows at three sides Of the building. +_ _ © .. _ ; ~ The ttu(:!u" s manuféctured are . laâ€" dies“&tr’e, dresses and q&z?u or the :ié:fi name ‘of ledies‘ kitchen over «#he company is not suffering _ as #ome 6ther industries are on account of the slack times. _ "Orders never nmolna_.fntutheymcom!uh at pm.” said Mr. A. W. Feick to a e representative this mornâ€" g. He stated that last week a new le "of overall was placed on the market, _ and yesterday an ‘order for $,000 wak received from one of â€" : the largest wholesale houses in Can@da. .. _ When all the employees are back in their places there will be about ‘“&fl:y on the pay roll. A dozen more operaâ€" tors are needed ‘at once. At pmnt the électric lights have not been inâ€" stalled, but as sooh as they are put in it will be necessary to work overtime, Frank> Bullen, the ct of sea stories, is dead The second instalment of the Canaâ€" dhfi Patriotic Fund is now due. _ Sub seri will kindly make payments to the Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, J. P. & Scully-, 59 King St. W.. â€" Office open Tuesday and ..Saturday evenings, ..7.30 to 9 o‘clock. > 323t ARCHDUCHESS AvGUBTA. WWembét of Austrian Royal Panilly Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, W atet CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. REV. ALEX/ TORRIE, B.A., in. hot whiform is a Red Cro#s WORKEE, _ . : os35 . . â€" ssmc c n _ writer 4396 * The. Divine Sarah, who has undergone an operation to remove a part of herâ€" ;. leg rather than give up her‘stage work. This wonderful actress is well GOMPLETE PUBLIG SCHOOL EDUGATION : o amatalns on d fls Special Comfhittee Presents Important Report to School . Board,; Providing for El imination of Germaii Teachâ€" ‘~‘ ing and More Frequent Promotions. . pottant reports presented â€"to the Ber‘ lin Public , School Board _ in many years; was : submitted= by Trustee C. Ruby, chaitnian of the special â€"comâ€" mittee on scliool curriculum, at â€" the special Board â€" meeting on Tuesday evening. ‘The report â€" recommended more frequent promotions in the Jowâ€" er grades. an â€" upâ€"toâ€"date equipment for the primary classes and the éliâ€" mingting of the teaching of German in the school ab the close of the preâ€" sent school tern. & Eo CHF 53 ‘The report was explained in detail by: Chairman Ruby and discussed at length by the members,. who were alâ€" miost unanimous in their support ~of the recommendations. Trustee .Sattâ€" ler: expressed his opinion that owing to the important. â€"nature of the reâ€" Fort it should not be fimally adopted luntil all the mempers of the Board wece present: Trustees A. L. Bitzer FINAL ACTION DEFERR ED UNTIL . . * THE NE XT REGULAR MEETING and J. E. Vogt were the absentees. Trustee Ruby did not ‘object toâ€" the mfi I of.the ropor: and so. movâ€" ed: Trustes Debus s ruzrl y . opâ€" prove of the :idea of deferring Dbusiness of the Board owing . to the absence of imembers.. _ The Board, however, decided to défer final action til the regular meeting. * Report of Committee, The report of the spccial committee cotmposed of Trustees Ruby, . Peoueâ€" what, Debus and ~Lang, was â€" as folâ€" lows : za hi The ages given are what the pupils will be at next promotion and an anaâ€" lysis ‘of the figurés shows that the majotiby of the pupils will teach the teaal‘ schoolâ€"leaving age (14) before cotmpleting the public ‘school course, assuming &nt;hlllMyouh occupted . in eack grade, That is to say, the â€"majority â€"of the pupils will not have received ~the work of the hfcis papit soquires. tne =\: . & . Ts woud in whict he is we fiuww:l»m, it To > theâ€" ~members â€" ofi . the .. Publi Sthool Board of the City of Berlin _ iÂ¥our..Committee, appointed .to inâ€" vestigate the question dnought ‘befote you by the. Public School lx_npecbl_'_, in regard .to _ the relatively small numter of pupils attending the Berlin public schools who do not complete the public school course and whether bomething. beneficial _ could not be done to hasten the progress of the pupils, bez to report as follows : {1} Phe nunmiber of pupils onâ€" the register of the school at the present time, above the kindetrarten, is 1924 of :various ages, ranging from 6 to 18 and _ distributed through ci. ‘ grades, as per subâ€"jdined schedule. One of the most interesting and imâ€" loo, Thursda: March 4, 1915 ~â€"Page 1 ast sixty yeats of age the <~members â€" of . the _ _Public SARAH BE RNHARDT schools, out intd the world with this handicap, is the obiect of the recomâ€" menuations your Committee make.‘ It is ‘evident that if a larger number of pupils are to have the advantage of the work of the highest â€" grade it is nessssary that some of the grades be sccomplished in less time than is contemplated ‘by the ~present timeâ€" table. We find on investigation that there are two ways in which the progress ol the pupils through the grades may be acceleraÂ¥ed. Ca* By a slight change in the meâ€" thodâ€" of bandling the work of the three lowest crades and, l thy By eliminating one of the opâ€" \ tional subjects. t _ It is theâ€" opinion .. of the PNDHC school Inspector concurred in almost unfnimousiv py the teathers . of the Rerlin Public Schoel, that it is posâ€" sible to accomplish the work of the three lowest ~ grades in two years. The Inspector recommends that the ‘teaching in the lowest fiuhdflo in ‘groups of not. more 10 in & group, asâ€"in this : way itiis possible to grade the pupils within a grads and thus not hinder the progress of jm brighter ~pupils by hoiding td back to the pace that can be made by the mverage or slower pupils. . To do this, it is necessary for theso grades to be equipped with material whereby the rest of the pupils in a grade may pe kept occupied while the teachet is engaged with one of the groups. We find that the necessary @qiipment required â€" for all schools will cost in round figures .about $200, This equipment . includes .about ten tables, .sundry colored cubes, coloted sticks, numeral frames . and sundry printed cards, etp. We recommend jthe adoption of the Inspector‘s sugâ€" }an.inn _and the purchase of . the equipment referred to. SBin J,. A. M. Aikins, Mr. J. J. Merâ€" n°t snd Preonjler Borden advocated in the Commons wider markets for Caâ€" Meaat t oo in t Es (2) We find that the teaching of the German languags in the public schools occupies considerable. . time, thereby rétardin~ the progress | the pupils otherwise might make in the tegular subjects that are taught. . In view of the fact that public school training constitutes>the whole schooling of the great majority of the pupils, it is of ‘te mol’t-bet importance “::oe:: puâ€" pils public school$ the }ntrm:t possible ml:& in ’.n-s. and those subjects which will best fit thenm for becoming \ uséful citizens. We. recommend, therefore, that _ the in Sehoon 4o UnboRtinied afiee se Tic Schools be > the Respect{ully submitted, * .. . . Chas. Ruby, Chairman opinion . of the public ~After having made a thorough inâ€" spection of the Public Schools in the city on â€" Tuesday afternoon the Pub~ li¢ School Board held a special nieetâ€" ing in the evening for the purpose of striking the estimates and fixing the te«â€"rate for ‘school purposes. The Trustees: were unanimously â€"ofâ€" the opinion that extensive repairs to the school > > buildings, â€" although <greatly needed in some cases, shouldâ€" not be mmnthh.ym.ndfln tax» rA struckâ€"at the lowest: possiâ€" $59,381.04 REQUIRED FROM THE CITY IN ~The actual expenditures to be made by the Board this year in zeepingâ€"the schools in a fair state of repair will be about $2050, or less than _ oneâ€" quarter of a mill. <>The other items in the estimates are practically . unâ€" controllable. The icost of the educating of the boys â€"and girls in the Public Schools gomr;yny'nthym'in be $59,884. plus the surplus of: $1602 carried forward from last year. This amount . will be equivalent to 6 25 mills on the dollar, â€" compared with ~"The sad and‘ untimely death took place . â€" Wednesday ‘at the Berlin â€" &| â€"..> kohat, She ,‘W-A.M itzer, batrister and Public . T y i""’"&"‘ u& tew days m:r reâ€" L mon and <a & as 3 40 mioved to the no»h:r where the best medical treatment and nursing ‘proved to ‘be of no avail. The late| Jj Mrs. Bitzer was born in East Prusâ€"|i sia, Germany, and came to Canada with her parents when a young girl|_ C# settied inâ€"Manitoba: jago the family moved to Berlin and | * took up their residencé on Cedar St. |2**° She was wedded to Mr: Bitéer in |Of ! ’June of 1912, and â€" was a kind â€" and choi ‘loving helpmeet to hef beréaved husâ€"|®*2" \band, who will have the sympathy of :?n ‘a wide circle of friends. Slleill!ll-‘bo \ vived by her father; Christoph, one ) {BCZ sister, Ertme, of Philadelphia, and | f lbur brothers, Chtistoph, John, David ;°"fC and Willikm, of Morris, Man:. The *\ l!lnenl will _ be‘ held on !lotlhy.‘h;o‘ March 8th, from the residence,â€" 91 m‘ ‘Chu‘rfi street, to the new St. lht-‘ a thew‘s Lutheran Church, fot m.c::“ and . from _ thence to Mount Hope; 1 (Ceniétery for dinterment. f Te SAD DEATH OF MRS. A. L. BITZER Reduction of Sevenâ€"Tenths â€" of a Mill is Decided 0 Trusteesâ€" Minor Repa irs to be Made to t Appointments Are Made. 4 24 BERLIN PUBLIG SGHOOL BOARD _ AXES TAANTE MT 02 FOUR LIVES LOST IN QUEBEC FIRE ~~â€"â€" PHIS MORNING (Canadian Press.) ! ~Quebec, *"March 3.â€"Four lives were iost ‘ in 3 firse in 6t Ranvenp ward @arly this morning, which destroyed the house occupied by the Talbot and Prouin families. _ Drouin with his wile and five children escaped through the window.. Arthur Talbot with his three year old daughter escaped . by j:mm’ through a second story winâ€" daw, although burned and bruised. His wife‘s . sister and brother were tescued with difficulty by the fireâ€" men. The victims ate. Mrs. Arthur Talbot, and three sons, Arthur aged 8, Paul aged 8, and Henti 9 months old FRANK SCHWOOB â€" WAS CAPTURED â€"IN MILTON Chief of Police O‘Neill left for Milâ€" ton this mbrning to bring back Frank Aoor o7 soiles., of that . Pikce . on C ce A on Tuesday afternbon. Bch:hoob. it is flm eas eques . on geveral m&’,”&’e‘.fim men. . _A au:r of horse theft also awaits him dn his return. â€" _ C enllt t NCF â€"â€" The po!u"'"â€"m been to locate .;?“lnfl-“ last 'r;:u‘:éy‘. mOII '== hn:-rmm in ca es inte" 4 e en f od a J g h“fl place. m 74 mills collected last year, crease of sevenâ€"tenths : year the total amount coll the city was $50,631.11.° of ummmnh%. ing the schools in 1915 will $6.000 more than last year. A special meeting of the We! Board of Health was held on M afterncon. â€" when â€" a distussigh . place on the proposed: garhage tem, with the result t a tion was passed â€"and sent . o. Council, urging them 20 inat garbage systems. The resviution be found elsewhere in these .col REGARDING NUKRS FOR PUBLIC SCHON An informal© discugsion . negirdi::ttho :mm ”.f'f ‘rge, no ;s The Board on the request of lic . School: Board. s Coovk cess were freely made. It was . Qe-litlnt every effort is . & mast thoroughly organize the ridi \that no matter .at what tim ‘etection might be brought . on lLiberals will be ready. ... | Wegistnirall sn * 'h:own and most progres$i the county, â€" being a suocess! ‘and cattle dealer, um!fl “m‘i- near G.lt. 3e c lt Galt, March 2.â€"The comvent Liberals of_ South Waterlco, hel the Town Hall this afternoo8," attended by delegates frons all .. of the riding. After the wnan choice of Mr.. John. P / aB â€" standardâ€"bearer, dictions . of MB: JOHN BAO FOR S. WA Enthusiastic ~O¢ Liberals Plage WELLâ€"KNOWN F. A ddressine .~ the . ~gathotin {;'3?.- Brown referred to s A for Canadian e..fi' ;,.Jz*"}![ Stetrs and tbo'h:fi: ot:: the : sent Gov nsure the â€" imvationu:m narket, He criticized the al Gover for the cutting of ite _ to. iniru. and said this was a; PooF to encourage the : %o. inc their production. _ _ _._.__ . | Dr. Ada â€" Thomson of Galt | sA and Mr. Frad â€" Hogs,: tha‘l iundldtte in North® Ontario, ‘an address. +R fa The Daughters of: the Empite . Room, which was opened in the . mises formerly occupied‘ . as Reo Restavurant, on Monday, has had sucecssful days. The Tea toom in charee of the Regent, Nss J son, and Mrs,‘G. H. Bowlby o§ doy. Yesterday Mrs., H.J mhe , * Evans and the Misses D we charre. An interesting C music has been arranged for @mt ternoon by the musical . com® Mrs, C. E. Hoftman, Mrs. D.A 4 and Mrs. J.J.Walters. The pM on Tuesday consisted of wall Pet ed piano solos wy Mrs. Hoftmab, Spencer of Victoria, B.C., and & al solo by Miss Rosa Breith Mrs. Oscar Rumpel and Mrs.. A Roos are in charge of the Tea R toâ€"day. Toâ€"mortow, Mes ea 1 Williams, F. E. m and / Bean will be in * SA DAUGHTERS OF â€" THE EMPIRE Bread rose to seven: cents | Brantford on Monday, dency of the wheat Y consequent on the forcing of danelles, w4 Marohg BRANTFORD BREAD7 CENTS. 2 L & a4»

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