'â€&h in Waterloo day removes one who . for years has been a prominent figâ€" i the business and civic life of e ghbor town. Succeeding to milling business, in which id been. thoroughly â€"trained, . in ,mn.w.udoomm up to the time of . his %, â€"_ thus . completing. about â€"â€" _ quarters of a â€" cenâ€" .; ._ _ which this . pioneer Waterâ€" industry taken over by his grandâ€" t from the late Abram Erb, has &,molms-mghn- ‘In addition to the milling busiâ€" Mr. â€" Snider had large interests ithier manufacturing and business "'. in ‘Waterloo and clseâ€" te. As the President and one of "oldest directors of the Waterloo M Fire Insurance Co. and direcâ€" ‘of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. . Snider possessed in a high ‘ the attributes of thrift, indusâ€" and sterling integrity, which are cal of the Pennsylvania Germans their ~ descendants in Waterloo ity. In his private life he was a sl and interesting companion, but t . happier ..than when at home h his family about him or perhapg 2‘.. &o a friend the history of ie rare tree, or shrub in his spacâ€" & and well kept lawns or gardens. k:old. caused by his passing will hard" to fill. § . lighly encouraging and satisfacâ€" y reports were presented at t.he' jual meeting of the North Waterâ€" Rarmers‘ Mutual Fire ln;lxance‘ mpany recently held at Waterloo. n a pericd of depression the y _ was able to increase its to the extent of over $800,â€" _‘u compared with the year prevâ€" $, being several hundred thousand m‘ more than the gain usually + . ‘The losses were comparaâ€" ry #mall being about $5000 on 6 than half of what they were the vious year. A noteworthy teatutel s the fact that no barns were lost lightning and the loss due to this ‘ se was exceedingly small. ‘he increasing business with which ) company is being favored, is . a irk .of confidence in the company ‘, hi' always been carefully and momically managed. It is now ‘%he largest Fatmers‘ Mutuds! he \Province, the business in force alling $11,000,000. 6 Directors and officers as well N‘l"olky holders have reason to Aogr ifled .. with the strong and: stactory â€"position of : the company: @videnced by the statements preâ€" d at the annual meeting. _ Snider‘s name has been promiâ€" iess for many ‘years. Notwith ling the multiplicity ‘of business inds the late Mr. Snider took a ‘Anterest in public affairs, being ed <with <the highest gifts at Wbythedflmo( his town and county. made known on application. A SPLENDID REPORT &:’m Laxative" can‘t harm little: Stomach, liver LATE WM. SNIDER | "SYRUP OP FIGS8" . o CONS8TIPATED OHILD at (the: tongue,â€" mother! _ If mm.m-mmu,nm need cleansing at once. sevish, cross, listless, doesn‘t t or act naturaily, or is feverâ€" mach sour, breath bad; has %“mam.m:( lï¬.mdlml. \, wndigested food t blle gentl i_w.or.‘dln well you ist for a bottle of Syrup of which conâ€" i babtes, chilâ€" $ON8, LIMITED. ONT *\ As seported in a recent ;um.'nâ€"u'nn-l Insurance Company cojoyed a satisfaciory ycaf. f Aiter the receiving of Akeâ€" reports, the directors and others were called business without any special effort having beeh exerted. He said the loss from: lightning. had been very small. He advised more care in regard to had occurred when people were not at. MM“"’-:- could not nerexercised in this respect.. ‘lnn-euuhn‘-om inside the chimney and stove pipes \mdnoalbn‘\ounm. causing fires. Manager Staufier, referting to. the year‘s statement, said that the comâ€" pany had not lost a barn by lightâ€" ring in two years, being most fortuâ€" nate. He alluded to the war tax, which was one â€"per cent. of inconm this were dome, he said, an inSpeClot ourhl to be appointed to see that barns and other buildings were proâ€" }pttlv rodded. _ Considerable discussion took place as to merits ‘of lightning rods. Among those who spoke were Messrs. Lackner, S. Cassel, J.H. Campbell, .J.B. Hagey, L. Bowman, J.C.Heaillâ€" man. ‘Mr. Amos and J. Harticip. ‘The general opinion was that lightâ€" ning rods were of much value in proâ€" tecting the buildings of farmets from ‘lightning if they were properly put A vote of thanks was tendered the Board of â€" Directors and â€" Manager Staufier for the efficient services renâ€" dered durine the year. Various Diâ€" rectors spoke briefly inâ€" response. The following Financial statement and Directors‘ Report were presented at the meeting : Fo The report of, 1904 shows risks carâ€" ried, $5,615,035, and at the end of 1914 the amount is $18,994,811, an ‘lncrem in the volume of Insurance in ten years of $5,379,776, and an Lincreese over 1913 of $805,751. m The Cash Assets of 1904 were $16,â€" 754.95, and Face Amount of Premium nctes, $290,548, and at the end _ of 1914. the Cash Assets are $33,737.74 and face amount of Premium notes, $560,740, The losses for the past year were $1,934.51 against $10,349.10 of 1013. During the year we adjusted thirty claims. Loss of houses and contents and damage to houses and barns and contents by fire $4,886.00, twelve bead of live stock killed, $470.80 and damage to barns and houses and conâ€" tents by lightning, $35.71. In conclusion we beg to call your attention to the two principal objects of your meetine here toâ€"day, viz.: The dispcsal of the reports and stateâ€" ments about to be read to you, and the election of four Directors, whose terms of office have expired. The Directors who retite are: J.B. Hagey. J.W.Hertleib, Val. Otterbein, and C.S.Wober. all of whom are cligâ€" ible for reâ€"election. The audited statement of the North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Inâ€" surance Co., presented at the Anntal Meeting held in the Library Hall, We terloo. on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, 1915. For the year ending December 3ist, 1914 : Hialance Dec. 31st, 1914...... $6,996.66 Principal paid on Mortgages 4,8600.00 Interest on Bank Deposits fii and Mortbages ... Assessments collected Number of Policies in ~_ foree 4,582 284. Amount at risk â€" 10,094,811 806,751 Face amount of Premidm notes 560,740 aa,m‘ J. L. Umbach, President. Expenditute., John Stahibaum, damage to oioml dt-%l‘...ll 50.00 m«z:m fire... _ 8.00 Elizabeth &* R â€" . Ap contents of fite â€" 3.50 Ge~. Reick, damage to z'h [ . Shed by Bte ... Ji~.s. . $ All of whichk is respectfully submitâ€" J. L. Umbach, President Limbilities None Statistics Receipts a highly OF $28,551.44 1,260.35 15,602.43 Increase ... sents of house by fire ...... Ja&h. damage to house Gev. L. Waters, 2 head of catâ€" _ ¢‘~ tilled by lightning ...... JuS. uoodyear, 1 cow killed by â€" lightaing ,..â€"â€"» ...~* M. A-ï¬:. demage to u:-m damage to house Salaties, Directors‘ and Audiâ€" / ed ~omefarmer to the Telegraph this tors‘ Fees .._.... ........... 1,508.60 imorrine. © ‘Agenta‘ Fees ..... .........._.. £,560.50 j (It"was very te that no catâ€" |Calendars ......_ . ... .. 200.00 |tle were out in the â€" fields, otherwise Printing, stationery and adâ€" it would have been almost impossible vertising" ... ... ._.__ 107.03 |to know whâ€"t cattle had been pitten. Statutorv Assessment and Liâ€" ‘Threeâ€"or > four dogs which were cense Fees ... «... 97.73 |thought to have been bitten ‘by the Investigations and adjustment UMog before it was. shot, have bech of claims «... ........ ...... _ §6.76 |disposed ofâ€"by their owners. TApenses collecting assessâ€" â€" NMr. Cook and Mr. Christmer left for ments |........ ....__. ....__._ ‘§§.30|Tcronto on Tuesday, and Mr. Gingâ€" |Travelling expenses ...... ......... 26.00 ‘l6ft on . Wednesday evening to !Uliee TORE w..cu... ......... .......... ©185.00 |take the P%mmt. weliesar ies i n penda td / ie on S Loo e Feeas (15000 * killed by lightnaing ......... . 90.00 Anthony and Addison Kennedy, heifer killed by lightning _ 20.00 Wm. G. Taylor. damage to . % ‘ bouse by. lightning ....... â€" 10.00 R.J.Kee. contents of barn â€"__ damage to barn by fire.., 1,407.00 J.A.Bennett horss killed by * ‘Total losses ..._.... ......... $4,934.54 Sqlaties, Directors‘ and Audiâ€" / _ ‘tors‘ Fees .._.._. .......... 1,508.60 Telephone and messages .......... 81:00 | Fusiness tax ........ ........ ... 8.14 J! Refund on assessments ....... 38.75 1 Gffice repairs and expense .._.. 20.74 Litraty: Hall for Annual *~> Meotine ... ...,, ....;:.. .......¢ â€" 4.00 Podtagke ... ... ... ... ......... *498.06 Sclicitors‘ Fees ....._.. ...._..... 13.00 Ungerwriters Association Fees 10.00 Expense attending Underwriters ‘ Association‘ Miscellaneous _ Cas‘; on hand Mortgages .... Unccllected assessments Net amount of Premium Office furnituré We the undersigned Auditors hereâ€" by certifly that we have duly audited the books, vouchers and securitics of ths North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual ’Firo *msurance Company for the year ercumg December 3ist, 1014, and that lwa find the same to be correct. F.. H. More t We ~have been using MINARD‘S LINIMENT in our home for a numâ€" ber of years and use no other Liniâ€" menat but IINABD'S,"M we â€" can recommend it highly: for sprains, bruises, . pains or tightness of the chest, soreness of the throat, headâ€" ache or . anything of that sort. We will not be without it one single day, for we ï¬l. new bottle before the other is used. 1 can recommend it highly to anyone. EAST ZORRA FARMER SUFFERS HEAVY LO8S JOHN WALKFIELD. â€" L@Have Islands, Lunenbarg Co., N.S wmu’,“u:.muâ€"rm 0::: destro: e house, m««.. of Chas. Rowe, ‘ow- with grain mplements. ‘vm.m-mmum assistance were cut oflnm in the * i7 e Wihgeng * """ "t 9t *k Menno S. Snyder, Auditors, Waterloo, Jan. 14th, 1915. Cash on hand Lorentz, loss of house contents py Ate ........ Manager‘s Statement of Assets. J. Stauffer, Man: Auditors‘ Certificate. 4# . 526,677.23 . 250.00 . $19,597.71 14,200.00 $562,429.03 $28,561.44 $ 9,013.73 19,537.71 $38,737.11 1,264.00 115.00 56: 15 <**5 \which showed the symptoms of being A m d the to Toronto. 4e lt . Cwlom not, and. John â€"._!‘ * rloc f»;i, *A & um 00 hanernao u‘ ... The first e i * |way between S u““‘"’ its race 1599 Ni roads. thp Bog ment ig <ft~4 36.40 who 42 m the ris "with MF at the time, jumped out of 10.99 Ie Te Sha " ‘the ~dog. immediately 1360 longed to, as he ~was a stranger . in the district. There is little doubt in the minds of the farmers that the dog was mad, as he was frothing at the wouth when â€" he bit the . three men. "It is ‘the worst case of hydrophobia we ever had in the Township," statâ€" SGHNEIDER‘S â€"CAEEK Who © PODLLUTED Members of the Waterlco Township Board of Health, in company with Dr...‘T.: J. McNally, the district ofâ€" ficer=of Health, made a trip of /inâ€" spection of Schneider‘s cteek on Wedâ€" nesday + alternoon, _ from the sewer farm to German Mills to see at first hand . the condition of the water, which it is . stated is being polluted by sewage from this city. Nally, Dr.â€" Thompson of Galt, Dr. Henhoefier of Berlin, and Mr. Josiah ‘"‘We found> the condition of the croek very bad," â€" ~ud one of the. members to the Telegtaph this » ornâ€" ing, "‘tliere _ being much raw sewage going down the creek." He stated that they ‘had evidence to show that w sewage had been going down the creek for the past month. Asked whether it was probable . a damage swit would be entered against the city, he replied that there would ‘likely beâ€"© something of that nature. A special mesting of Township Board of Health will b:neld in l1 tew days to discuss the matter, and Gecide on what steps shall be tdm.| ~ONairman Flessenauer gives as the reason for the sewage going down the creek, that the surface water off of the stréets all fowed into the sewâ€" érs, ‘and overflowed the beds. Naâ€" turaily. ‘this â€"was something over which the city had no control. It is understood, however, that the comâ€" mittes is arranging for eight more filtration beds. ‘Those in the party were Dr. Mcâ€" symptoms of being ty‘ Wilmot : by a dog §# INTERESTING LECTURE ONK srxifce in connection with the specâ€" ::‘ the Evangelical ‘ of c mii Te maong," se Soaes D; Horn, D.D. gave a very interest ing lecture on ‘The Book," and the throughout. ‘The music at this evening‘s service was rendered by the Waterloo Lanâ€" golral Church choir, and the anthems and solos were very sweetly rendered and much enjoyed by those presâ€" ent. Other ministers who assist>d in the service. were Rev. E. Bura. of Waterloo. Rev. J. Burn of Bridgeâ€" port, and Rev. Krauth. A hbearty vo$3 of thanks was tendered E:shop Huri for his excellent address, rld also the choirs for the music rendsrâ€" ‘edmtblmdï¬nr!m. _ _A% the conclusion of service the local choir members were at home in the school room of the church to the members of the Watérloo choir, when h dainty Junch was served, and a pleasant hour much enjoyed." The flors] decorations during the serzives were in charge of the Y.P.A. I:. vesterday‘s issue it was statad that the large Bible and window were dorated by Mr. and Mrs. M,C.Weber, whereas the donations were made by the Ladies‘ Aid. â€" There‘s a reason why nearly evetyâ€" body freckles in February and March, but happily there ishcho a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. ty " FEBRUARY AND MARCH WORST Simply get an ounce of othine, double strength, from your druggist and apply.a little of it night and morning, â€" and â€" in a few days you should see that even the worst freckâ€" les have, <begun to disappear, while the light ones have vanished entirely. Now is the time to rid yourself . of freckles, for if not removed ‘now they may stay all Summer, and spoil an otherwise beautiful complexion. Your money back if othine fails, Stratford, _ March 4.â€"Miss _ Katie Clarkei maid ‘at the General Hospitâ€" al here, is dead of cerebroâ€"spinal menâ€" ingitis, contracted from an unknown source afew days ago. The serum treatment failed, the patient being cnconscious since her infection. Gréat 'cam was taken by the health authorâ€" ities to prevent the spread of the deadly malady, the patient being isoâ€" lated on order of the Provincial Medâ€" ical Health Officer. Two brothers of deceased are with the third Canadian contingent, training at Gueiph, and a third brother with the 18th Battalion second contingent, at London. HOSPITAL MAID DIES OF DREADED Oltawa, March 4.â€"In order to fa~ cilitate the handling of mail at the front and to insure prompt delivery it is requested by the postal authotiâ€" Lies thab.all mail be addressed as follows : ® Rank. SENDING MAIL Kegimental number. & (‘moany, squadron, battery or othâ€" Fha+ § Rattalion. P \Brigade. P First (or second) Canadian continâ€" MONTHS FOR THIS TROUBLE â€"HOW TO REMOVE EASâ€" ILY. MNINARD‘8 . LINIMENT RELIEV ES NEUVRALGIA, . > _ , British expeditionary force. Army fost office, London, England Woman‘s best friend. ... TO SOLDIERS Mar. 1.â€"The closing «PHP BOOK" MENINGITIS TWO SOLOIERS GROUND TD PIEGES â€" QENEATH STREET CAA IN GUELPA Guelph, March ««â€"To be Eteraly men i der ground to pieces under the wheéels of CCL a street car. when returning from . a trip to Preston and Galt, was ~the fate, that befell Ptes. Percy Walloy, Galt, and Edward Ghagan, Dundas, of the 34th Battalian, toâ€"night. ‘The two men were dragged under the wheels of a Waterloo avenue Zar for fully 400 feet before being releasâ€" ed. It is almost impossible to â€" deâ€" scribe ythe condition‘ of the bodies when they _ were removed, â€" literally piece by piete, from under the heavy. trucks of the car. Both bodies were lodged against the bottom of _ the motor â€"and had been dragged and bumped on the frozen ground the enâ€" tire distance, finally throwing the ear off the track just at the intersecâ€" tion of Waterloo avenue and . Edinâ€" boro road. Privates Wallow, Galt, and Ghar»» «â€" ias, Meet Terâ€" rible Deathâ€" Drove Cut ter in ~~Ant‘ f Carâ€"Bodies Were Dragged Long Distance. Motorman _ Peter â€" Hohcnadel was driving one of the heavy cars on the: 8 o‘clock trip down Waterloo ;venue.} when be saw a cutter approaching on the wrong side of the road, he says. Apparently the soldiets in it thought they could get across to the _ right side of the road before they met the street car, for when they were only a few yards in front they turned diâ€" rectly in front of the car. ‘There was an instant smush, and the motâ€" orman saw something like a tobeâ€"fly out of â€" the rig, the hoise turning down a side street | just in front +J the old St. ~James‘ Ward public school. ‘The street car crew got out _ and picked up the robe and noticed that the fonder on the car was bert quite badly, in fact so much so that ‘hey concluded to fake it of which _ !~»s did leaving it beside the road. The horse, in _ the meantime, had disapâ€" lpeared along with the rig. Bodles Loft Benéath Car. â€"â€" The car was started up again . to complete the trip to the end of~ the avenue, where the car barns are sitâ€" uated. Little did the creow think, as they made the four hundred or more feet to Edinboro road, that the two Drove in Front _ of Car bust d SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT â€" aa LoMUNnD & O8LEN M.P. 'nhd‘m_.hfldmm“’, wâ€"ghvâ€"u‘w-fltl\u-fl- made a special trip to town for the purpose. & A Sevings Account may be opened in the name of two persons â€"man and wife, or two members of a familyâ€"so that cither ons san deposit and withdraw mongy from the same account WATERLOO BRANCH, Jaceb Hespeler, Mgr. THE DOMINION BANK BERLIN BRANCH : BADEN *®€ (a)g Do Your Banking By Mail CiRCULAR LETTERS OF CaAr BANK MONEY ORDERS ©C. A BOGERT, ,uwymwmmm“fld.hflï¬ï¬‚- wheéels of der the wheels _of the car.. . When ; from a Fdinboro.road was reached the driv= was the Cr felt something go wrong, and the . y Walloy, front trucks left the track. Dundas, of Eetting out â€" to make investigations, â€" it. parts of the body and clothing of the . ged under two men were noticed, and then. the . ivenue gar Work was proceedéd with of removâ€" ing releas. ing the torn remains from underneath a 5n ~an : the trucks. . PRESIDENT. w. o. MATTMEWS, 1OEâ€"PRESENT .‘ BERLIN BRANCH, _ J. K. Kirkpatrick, Mgr N. EVANS, Man-g:' E. R. FITZGERALD, Manager. es the condition ‘of Ptes. Walloy and Gahagan, when picked from underâ€" neath the trucks. _ ‘Their awful death must have been quick. _ There was hardly enough of the reniains _ left intact to identily either of them Dr. Orton, coroner, was immediateâ€" ty ...Litied and had the reromins _reâ€" «/cd ‘to the morgue,. Cese 4 I‘he soldiers left (iuelph this mornâ€" ‘ng ubhout 10 o‘clock, hiring a cutter itom the Kilis Livery Stable. â€" They phoned _ Mr. Ellis . Jater in theâ€"day that they â€"would â€"he back in the. city at about 6 o‘clock. _ â€" It is only a lew weeks ago since the radial railway put lisbility . inâ€" surance on the general public. â€"â€" This is the first case that will be affected hy ‘this. > itching, blind or }:n 2 by gfw w .bnotpï¬ot\ T C§F ome e new a ment; and will also send some of â€" this home treatment free for trial, with references fmg own. locality» if© requested. mediate relief and permanent cure assured. Sendnonm%bntull others,of this offer. , Write toâ€" day to Mrs. M. Summeérs, Box p.501 Windsor, Ont. ® <~ PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method "Torn to pieces‘*~correctly ‘describ~ If you suffer from bleeding, TRANSACTED Terribly Mangled.