pule fae stov ... stove, ba . 6 ‘Ac‘n ky C ‘Nett C and [‘_»;’ ouseh 3»- s Hrea in *ih an‘ belo t\‘{: â€" JM43 Mar % & of NE TT3 & yi6. p.’TdV v _â€"â€" »ewast of _ )‘ nortthwe $ 10. 1 â€D ‘ 7 wes w 11. Shn : W . ‘of Confan Rabpes, 1 mile southoast y â€u.. i1 and 34 miles north DP Wwellesiey. \ Mar.98.â€"Farm stock and Implements of Enard Meriau, 4 mile north east /\ of Nithburg, 2 miles North west of 148 & milea west of Wellesley. ioh 24.â€"Farm . stock and impleâ€" 1 of â€" Gus, mer, 1 mile, south of on the Presâ€" ‘ ‘gon und Breslau road. a4 % 1 "Durban i uuo' im " ‘bull, 5 i-w} cattie ris |I Pn dia t n * | 1 year . ; Mgs mmu sow is |" '_:, shoits 70 to |! , 6D chickens, turkey | Go , some geese, | > ments, â€" Etc..â€"Masseyâ€"Harris | 4 1t, cut, m:tou hay load Massey â€"Harris delivery hay | and tedder . combined, Masseyâ€" fls diskc _ drill, Masseyâ€"Harvis | it 6 1t, cut, Climax cultivator, | roller, Sâ€"sec. iton harrow, | @e. Iron harrow, 2 Oxtord ~twoâ€"] Tow ows, 3 single plows, 2 soutâ€" te,â€" Chi separator in good shupe, | Rorse power, 4 horse power, cutt ; Box, â€" fanning mill, 3 good hay Es, Jollictte chopper 10 in. plates, it chopper, @â€"horse International a engine, root pulper, 2 good vago , wagon bo%, lâ€"uttdumza y, 4 bob sleighs, light bot sleigh, oadl cart, iron spring cutter, turnip der, circular saw, bevel jack, . 2 v gravel ~ planks, scale cap. 0 ibs., 2 sets team harness, lady‘s addle, chains, crossâ€"cut saws, forks, ihovels, hoes, doubletrees and other Eticles too numBsous to mention. \ OFain :13 tons good hay, 700 ush. amixed . grain, 40 bush silyer Mousshold . effects :==8 rocking mite, spinning wheel, kitchen chairs, inÂ¥, corner cupboard, kitchen . cupâ€" Board,.â€" sideboard, bureau, extension Abplé, 8 tables, centre tabl», 2 good ook stoves, good double heater box itove, banging lamp, rug carpet, new M carpet, good cream separator, d â€" 4Â¥ mcmand abghat dA pr bndlitnt tss well u‘e in( utd Datey © churn, lounge, kettle stove, froi ‘Nettle, large copper kettle, woodâ€" chent : many other articles. Mousehold . goods and implements wil} be sold before dinner. | . . ‘ ‘ il‘, ‘ Junch at noon ~ TERMS :â€"Hay, grain, butcher catâ€" tle, @hickens, and all sums of $10.00 | under, cash ; over that amount 198 months‘ credit on approved securiâ€" 4%#, or 5 por cent. discount for cash ol credit amounts. A uP a \« * DAVID B. ROTH, Proprietor. b . E. J. BHANTZ, Auctioneer. ALF. KAUFMAN, Clerk. _ _ e 1 ° farch 4â€"Farm stook and implements ‘ ol Jos. Bast, 4 mlh west of St. ~~ AC and 2© north of PÂ¥ Aersburg. fiarehk 5.â€"Ilouschold. g#043 and ohAtâ€" 4 belonging to the ¢state of the . TAbz Martin Bauman, 8 miles north= wl of Waterloo on the old homeâ€" March 9â€"Farm stook and implements _ t pavid B. Roth,‘* 2 miles north _ wast of St. Agatha and ‘4} miles O AbEthwest of Baden.< _ _ _ _ # black . teare 1:"‘ i. b foal, heart k ,...‘ m’«: nare _rising 6 years old good ’. mate rising 4 . yoats "good driver ; 2 bay colts rising pre will be soid by public There will be sold by ulhï¬-dzul-:;uuaa-daz a:.-l“-l-mu-lnnndv , 44 â€" $wo wmiles west of St. |east of St.Agaths, on Ktb‘s 1o MUle, Etc.:â€"1 good cows, .A Holstein and +A x: "ealve by time of sale and soon PUBLICSAE :\ PUBLIGSALE Alex Frase:, Auctioneet Et'â€"!ud and implements . of ismer, 4J miles south west in, amd 2; ~miles east of 19.â€"Farm â€"stook and impleâ€" of Paul Herher, situated 4 west of Waterloo. 11.â€"Stoot and Implements o! ‘W. Schneider, $ mile north of ns mhet it vahoaks, Propes E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer ansheim Btock, Implements Household Effects. Auction Sales{ â€" Ame â€" yoke ol oxen, well and well broken, weight 10thâ€"Stock and â€"implements of Otfo, Lot 23, con, 2, Wilâ€" . west ol Haysville, M. A.mfl mmi-ol miles . west MAR, 9, 19186 M 8â€"2t Farm â€" Stock, Implements uomtuufl.-fl-'fl- -p,mnau;u-tx mware, 0 years olt, aged att, mxm.mnM., CATTLEâ€"S Pxtra gfl g:y:qvm‘.l-. ;fl'm Â¥eb." 5 ; cow tresh FÂ¥eb. 9 ; cow due to calse in June, cow due to calve in 6 in June, cow due to calve in %’:}"â€â€˜f‘ yeat steers rwing 1 yeat ?;4 calves, ':'":,'n‘:;t Aalt stects rising 2 years ‘nï¬â€˜mouh 50 chickens. / Implements, ete.â€"McCurmick binder 6 It. cut; Decring mower, 6 ft. out ; ulmnyuh.h{.:.qk. Noxon bzed drill, â€" Peter Mlm 'mmumu with seeder; toller, Oxford ‘}4urrow gang plow ;. Fleuty single plow, Vérity side hil} plow, fron harrow, 5 sections;. funâ€" ning mill, â€" cutting box, Daisy chopâ€" per. 10 in. plate; 34 band wheels, cirâ€" cular saw, wagon with box, 2p inch tm;vm.lmmï¬ifldy!& inch tire; Bâ€"seated ©, catringe, bugay, road cart, cutter, light 3â€"statâ€" ed sleigh, sleigh with box, nearly new; bop sleigh, 2 hay rac‘s, 2 stock rachs, horss powet lrm.,“rd as new: 60 1t. leather belt; e, 1000 new, 60 1t. IO@AVNCL _ DefS, Peenk CS Ibe, capacit~~ bag fller, bag truck, 2 sets gravel planks, hay fork, with carriage and rope; turnip pulper, grindstone, 8 sets team harness, set cartiage harness, 2 sets gingle harâ€" ness, fiy nets, horse plankets, sweeney collars, 22 inch; pair Scotch tops ; saddle, ““"E chains, doubleâ€"trees, neckyokes, pick, stone hammer, cross cut saw, log lifter, dinger bell, forks, shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN, ETC.â€"About 175 bus. date, 25 bus. barley, 3 bus. buckâ€" wheat, quantity of mang»‘!ds. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€"Nationâ€" al cream separator, Daisy churn, butâ€" ter worker, cheese press, milk cans, large cooking stove, box stove, cupâ€" boord, meat tub, nearly new; chairs, table 3 cornâ€"r cupboards, 1 wardrobe and many other articles. & l TERMS OF SALE.â€"Grain, chickâ€" Commpncing at 1 o‘ciock ens, roots, fat cattle, and all sums of 10 dollars and under, cash, Over that amount, 10. months‘ credit on aoproved security, or 5 per cent disâ€" count for cash on credit amounts. No reserve, as farmâ€"is sold. E. J. SHANTZ, PAUL HERBER, _ Auctioneer. Proprietor. WEDNELSDAY, MARCH 10, 1916 Suitable tor mixing with barley, at 75c per bushel. O. A. C. No. 72 late oats at $1,00 ger bushel. * John Steckie, R.R.2 Bctlin March 8thâ€"Dry Goods, etc., at. the 2ilMax House. Elmira. ... , March 9thâ€"Farm stock and . impleâ€" _ ments of Chas,. Stroh; 1 mile east of Elmira. March 10.â€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of Henry Lindsay, 2 miles North of, West Montrose. 6â€"8¢. March 11thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of Istrael M. Bauman, 1 mile west of Elmira. f March 18th. â€"Mortgage Sale of Real Moodu at â€"Schlegel‘s Hotel, Linâ€" wood. March, 15thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of Alfred Jackson, Con. 2, Pesl, 6 miles west of Elmira. March 17thHFarm stock â€" and . imple= _ ment#.of John Oppenseuser, 8 miles ncrth east of Elmira. March 18thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" nsents of Henry Kocbel, 2 miles Xotth west of St. Clements and 2 miles South west of Hawkesville. Morch 20thâ€"Furniture of Mrs. Welss, Geo, C. Class Auctioneer DAVBENEY OATS FOR SALE Elmira. ‘ Marrh 25thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" wents of Chas. Mann, “% Winterboutne, west of the G _ River. March 9thâ€"Farm stook and impleâ€" ments and householid furniture. of Thos, E. Bond, three miles west of Galt, on the Cedar Creek Road. Wm. G. Taylor, Chas, Crawley, hay, grain, and houschold effects for Mr. Theobald Kroetsch, on Monday, Murch 20th, 10156, on Lot 10, Westâ€" era Section. Wellesley Tp., 4 mi wext of Crosshill. Everything to ) disposed of, as the propristor h« sol4 the farm. Sale at one o‘clock w D. wl sc wavnotntox." Theobald Krostach, Proptri¢tor, Sale of farm stock, implements J. TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE stock and impleâ€" §â€"2t. { mile ‘ we will te gob suCâ€" t Cl O ho e ie e _ OA es oo ie P nmniies | Coaentnl on Sabitt it stt h-vnui'ln-dl. driver, & CaATH .â€"0â€â€œâ€™"“" ’luhm.tn‘b‘l“-“.‘3’ cows, due to calve in April. _ To soll dumping :Jo.fl.d' mower, hay disk harrow, Fleury. plow, Waterloo plow, oneâ€"Hotse plow (new), Iron hartoy‘ sted drill; 6 incts Vite wagen, sugar beet box, 2} inch tire + hay rack, pig_. rack, n.u'xl nuh:‘ wuy o + root pulrer, set team harness, light team harness, single haruess, plat torm scale. lawn mower, Joiliet grain chopper, for‘ s, shovels, double trees, ous to nmention. . â€" _ v 5 i ;uoumz.n GOOpPS.â€"â€" Washing larke galvanized bath tub, kitchen cupboard, kitchen table, parior stove (wood); wardrobe,. hall m‘z: Piotores cand gagy "olber arviies T EiMs "oP SALE.â€"All sums" of $10 and under ‘cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved securâ€" ity, or 5 per cent per annum discount for cash on credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer., m JOHN W. SCHNEIDER, Prop. . tion on the farm ‘of the ‘undersigned, five miles south u-u, three miléa southeast of Mannbeim :l two ahd oneâ€"halt miles west of, Strasburg, on ‘ MONDAY,: MARCH 18, 1018 â€"., l Commencing. at 1 o‘¢lock p.m. sharp the following propetty, viz.â€" . > Horses :1 am biack Percherons, rising 3 years old, 2 bay mares, 10 years old, good drivers, :o‘;ny horke rising 10 ‘{e:uu gld. :ol l:-:%‘: ears, col years, ’1' year old, :fu got by Temy Hal. e s > .i fls Cattle :â€"11 °> good â€" dairy cows, 1 Jersey cow ‘Atesh in December, . 5 Holstein cows fresh in Dec., Holstein cow due by time of sale, Jersey cow due in July, â€" cows due in Aug., Holâ€" stein heifer pmadtotnln dall, pure bred Holstein bull, bred by St. Bo&:.tdt,l Tavistock, Ont;l: 1;-;4 tat calves, 6 fall calves. _ 4: ~ Pigs :â€"0 fat pigs it not previously sold, 9 shoats. Poultry :â€"1 pair pure bred African _ ~OF Farm Stock, Implements, geese, 3 wh te Emden geese, 6 guiney :owl. about 40 tnickens, good , collie| O« N & Implements :â€"Deeting bindet, Mcâ€" Cormick mower, Deering steelâ€" rake, M.â€"H. combined â€" drill, twoâ€"fyrrow riding plow, threeâ€"furrow gangâ€" plow, 2 single plows, souffier, l'lmh cultivator, â€" ~5â€"section â€" iron + d sk harrow, land roller, scrapet, Bain wagon with box complete, carâ€" riage, top buggie, nearly new cutlet , bob _ sleigh, 6 morse power, Ideal gasoline _ engine, 2} horse power Inâ€" ternational ‘gasoline , . steel frame saw â€" plate chopper, cement mixer, fanning mill, cutting box, hay rack, wood rack, root pulper, . stune boat, bag truck grain cradle | emery stone, grind stone, wheelâ€"barrow, .2 steel troughs, 82 foot éxtension ladâ€" der, 25 gal. oil tapk with coal oil, a lot of lumber, some fite wood, winâ€" dow sashes, some wire fence, doubleâ€" trees, neck yokes," forks, chains, shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention, 3 sets heavy team harness, 1 set carriage harness, 1 set single harness. Ce â€" ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 4015 Hay, grain and roots :â€"About 18 tons good timothy hay, 4 tons alâ€" talfa hay, about 400 bush. cats, some O0.A.C. barley, 480 bush. turnips,; 100 bush. mangolds, 50 :g potatocs, Household Eftects : pire cream separator, for hand or power, 750 lbs. cap., cook stove, heating stove, reâ€" trigerator, sink, table, bench, chutrn, wash â€" machine, « vedsteads .with springs and mattress, apple barrels, crocks, fruit jars, milk pails, pump with lead pipe. . _ .. _ _ . and Houschold Effects TERMS OF, SALE :â€"Fat . cattle, tat pigs, poultry, hay, grain, roots, potatoes, and all sums of ten dollar and under, cash; over that amount 8 months®credit will be given on . ap» imnln-:r‘uyotOpuun. per ‘annum off â€"for cash on credit amounts PUBLIG SAE LOUIS HENHOEFFER, Prop ALEX AMBS, Auctioncer. _ â€"OW 8â€"3t 8â€"3t corn boat on < truck;, Elmira grain ra )lo..l; m-i and ‘rip combined .on : truck; 80 ‘ft. of 4 to. rubber belt: Parazon fanning mill; pulper, 2 v'vu wagou box with -:'a‘v_r stock rack, hay rack, taane, Toh melote, foox isteigh, ies ble harness, 1 new, gtBWiD6 . rubber ; single harnéss; 1 imitation . rubber mzâ€" 4 sets fiynets: . bevel jack, »â€"gasoline â€"tank,â€".wheelbarâ€" tow, â€"ntannre sleigh, hay fork,. rope and <pulleys : 1&s: truck, ï¬: secder, ?&Mh‘%fl scale, hl‘o robe, forks,: hoes, 2 chaff forks, scythe and. Wlmb-lnw rator, wood chest, t, % and reel. > . *A TERMSâ€"Pigs, poulity, and all sums of $10,00 and under cash; over that amount, . 12 montls‘â€"credit on Mmm“‘ ity, â€" or roent.ol ISRAEL M. BAUMAN,~Proprietor. G.G.CLASS, G.L,.ZIEGLER, Auctioncar. Plerk, 8â€"3t. Farm . Stock,â€" Implements ‘and Houschold Effécts § FEte." > . use ‘on The tarnt ol the Rviermignes, on f v » oneâ€"halt m_flr";'rfo(’flnï¬t,“(th Weidenhammer farm), on TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1916 Commencing‘ at. 1 o‘clock p. _ m. sharp, the following valuable l;tov:- by nemelyoms ch i0000 02 000 0000 Horses :â€"Span matched bay. Poerchâ€" eron mares, ofe supposed to be in foal, span weli matchew roans rising 5 years old ; ‘one bay mare exira iIood driver, colt rising 3 years â€" old, coach), colt rising one year old. Cattle â€"Cow fresh in October, â€" 2 cows fresh in February, cow dug‘ in luy.mdunhAgrfl.lyouc“F tle rising 1 year old, 3 small calves. _ Pigs :â€"Berkshitre sow supposed â€" to be in pig, 5 pigs 4 months old. Implements Etc.:«â€"20 horsepower|, Gilson â€" gasoline .8 cylinder engine,| Champion separator about â€"7616. 7). inch belt, about 8§ ft. 'IIIcth†45 gal. steel (gasoline tank, roller |, chopper, 12â€"inch plate chopper, Clh:q ton fanning . mill, â€" platform scale (2000 ‘lbs. cï¬ncuy). MeéCormick . 7 1t. binder with truck and. forecarriage neatly new, ~ McCormickâ€" mower 6 it cut, Elmira hay loader and side. deâ€" livery rake, Deeting hay rake 12 1t. McCormick 13 disc drill nearly new, McCormick 17 spring tooth cultivaâ€" tor nearly new, land rollet, 5 section harrow, neatly new, 3 section wooden harrow, two 24furrow gang plow, No. 31 Wilkinson plow, No, 231 Cocksbutt plow mfl{ new, disc, scuffler, shafts and couplings, separator gear, 2 wagons, one with box and pig rack, % top â€" buggies one new, two cutters one nearly ~ new, cart, threeâ€"seated Sares. atginions. tore bout, 4 pay barrow, & , corn ‘boat, 2 hay tacks nearly new, hay fork with rope and puileys, log lifter, neckyokes, whiffietrees, chains, forks, hoer, and |many other articles too numerous to ‘|mention. 2 sets team harness, 3 sets ‘\|plow harness, set single harness, | 2 bridles, 2 collars, fly nets. _‘ THURSDAY some potatoes. H:nn_hou Eftects :â€"DeLaval cream soparator, copper mmw m:mm. cider barrel and it ‘ t o h t tnilt .o No reserve as the proprietor.â€" has rented the farm. 3 'mnxs.â€"my,f‘h and potatoes and all _ sums $10.00 and under :::; over m‘n‘mt 18 months‘ it on appro or 4 per cent, discount for muw of sredit amounts.. PUBMHGSILE CHAS hand sleigh,. 8.g2ets dowâ€" COERUTs i2 t c c lt Achamhiviged 1.A 2+ A B0 ds uit sums â€"‘ of $10.00 and under| TERMS.â€"Hay, erain, chicYens, and c that â€" amount 18 months‘|all sums of $10.00 and under,. cash ; approved security or 4 per|over that amount, 14 months‘ credit unt for cash payments of| on approved security, or 4 per pent. punte... ~ |discount for cash payments of Credit 0. STROH, Proprietor. .| n J.SHANTZ, â€" CONRAD KAPPES, a. w % o ~â€" Proprigtor. is 4 CIOPK, .__._ :7}.}4'&‘."{ #% . C g * ',N' #234 onl Jink / _ Cthaud Aurk c hav 6 T mwfm "mo., T ie cfais 76 y PiF s ttaty bay cult. rising 2 Fears old, well matched ; heavy bay. .. colt wixing 3 years olds °. â€"= «.3 00. Castio P e s 4eel aelty suuths, n â€"_cow iresh 3 months, good cow tresh 2 months, ‘ mm.‘*v’ Dusâ€" ham. ‘dueâ€"to calve in May, _2 cows due to calve in August, 6 44t chers‘ cattie, :7 head young ‘cattle, . 1 e‘,amwwuck&dl mumu.mnm PR er‘8 1t, out, Masseyâ€"Harris side . deâ€" # ‘..l' ; .~ Masseyâ€"Harris disk . harrow 14â€" Awenty in. plates, land roller, â€" 2 Snoprinitniae i. mm‘ on A , ‘BeBK ® vb&-, scale 1200 Ibs. m.,’hnhl inillâ€"with bagger, 3 top buggies, gurâ€" tey, lightâ€"democrat, 3 cutters, 2 bob sleighs, & wagons, beet box,‘2= hay racks, B â€"sets gravel planks, 3 â€" ‘sets H n s e e L ME EGhec o‘ uin Aich :5 team hatness, set dr::: harness,© $ sets‘) e harness, stone,â€"work bench, ‘clover seeder, stalding : trough, Courtés seale 240 lbs. cap., â€" ~double 1.1# quantity of rope and. _ pullâ€" oys â€lw,é split log. drag, hay knife, some cedar posts, forks,.shoyâ€" els, hoes, doubletrees and many other "3"" numerous to mention.. | / .,..m id Efects :â€"Cream geparaâ€" tor, ‘ï¬â€˜;"' large meat tub, © parior w heater, vparlor wood heatâ€" er, 4 nedsteads, 2 fall leaf tables, exâ€" m“‘im' large sink, large ‘copâ€" per ‘kettie, hanging lamp,â€" milk coolâ€" ers, pails, crocks, ‘some apple butter Also several tons of hay. No reserve as: the farmis sold. "MTERMS :â€"Butchers‘ cattle, .. hay, chickens and. all sums of $10.00" ~and CS zish ‘aver thit ambunt‘‘ 12 under, cash ; cover months\~credit on Implements, Comtab ies 4B exicond epe e i aie C or‘ 5 per cent. discount for cash ‘pa:‘ mentsâ€"of ‘credit amounts, ~LIDAVID WISMER, Proprietor. ‘__ . J. SHANTZ, Auctionegr.. OLIVER KOLB, Clerk. . Rat ‘There will pe sold by. PublicAUC tioa on bhe farm of the undersigned, situated three miles north of Welles ley, one and oneâ€"hall miles south <of |Croashili, Concession five, on TU‘.DAY, MARCH 16, 1915 | Commencing. at 12 o‘clock _ noon, shatp, the following valuable pFOPCâ€" ty. vis.: .. 1 HORSESâ€"Héavy Bay Mare 4 years |{ cld, heavy plack mare, 8 years old ; 11 buy maré, 11 years old, good driver; black mare, 7 years old,, supposed to te in foal, good driver; bay mare, ge neral purpose, 12 years old; grey thorse, 13 yeatrs olflé colt, 3 years old, got by _ Flying. Sid; ‘black colt, 2 years old, bay colt 1 year old:. !~ CATTLE, â€" BTC.â€"1 Good Daity Cows. 2 cows dueâ€"to caite in Match, \| Jersey cow due to calve by time of sale; 5 cows due to calve in ‘April; 3 cows supposed to be in calf; heifet, 1 tresh; ruet due to calve by time of |aale:© Jersey . hsifer due to calve in \ May: Holstein and Jerssy heitet ‘{call; hélter,"1 year old; bull, 6 |old, S ealves ° rising. 1 year) old ; [_3 f steofs) 1 year old; heifer.. 2 years Pld; good Durham bull, 2 years old. | ~PIGS ..AND POULTRY â€"2 ‘\ broad sows, supposed to be in pig ; l \'om-to;t. 1 year old; 9 shoats, â€"| 4. matithe »old; 100 chickens. | / |â€" IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Masseyâ€"Harâ€" ‘\ria pinder, 716. out; _ Masseyâ€"Harris :\ mower, hoe drill, cultivator with seed Al box,: Noxon disc, Noxon cultivator, 0| lsnd roller, 2 gang plows, 2 single $\plows, iron harrow, 3 hay and stook 4| rac‘s comb ned 2 wooden hatrows, fanning milli cutting box, root pulp Mjer, sculfler. turnip seeder, 3 wagons, 0| wagon box. bob sleigh, top buggy, set of slings, spring .tooth cultivator, m|g sets team harness, set singlo < barâ€" t.\ness, for‘s, shovels, hoes, double r| trees, chains and many other â€"artigles too tumerous to mention. is\ GRAIN AND ROOTS.â€"13 tons of gaod hay, 1,000 bush. sate, 100 pus. s |bailey, 40 bus. peas. u. C Wls ud Lunch at noon, WEDNESDAY Farm Stock, Implements, i Household Effects BUBLG SAtE 5" ,Ҡo’duk': ve. aad. oaeball mle in and two miles cast 0 ht A it . 47. 4016 1d e3y heiter buil, 6 year) old ; [ 3 t,. 4 years Pid; ars old. _\ TRY.â€"32. go ~Harris security, Commencing at 1 0 clook “";" Wcfl;m-ï¬.lm old, mare); heayy ~ware, 3 y-noll..'h*to Favorite; . Mar® 11 years old, foal;~ Ally, rising 4 vears old, filly rising 2 years old; suckling colt.» ~> 4 4 ~CATBLE ETC.~â€"2 freah cows die to calve by time hi. Suf cncame on m t u0 t " B cows die to calve by time of sole, 2 cows due to calve in April, heifer, due to calve in May. heifer. due .to ealve in June; heifer supposed to be * IuP We C ct e ( 200 ; L E“u;hn 1 yeer â€" old; bull 10 months old, fat steer, 3 steers, tisâ€" ing 2 years old. 5 spring calves. * â€" PIGS . AND ~POULTRY 7 pigs, ubout 125 Its. each, about 10 chicsâ€" m_ a« hay : rack, . manure wm_m plow, 2 , fanning mill, set new heaâ€" Â¥y brass harness. . â€" . GRAIN AND ROOTS.â€"One, ton of hay, 300 bush. of cats, 100 ‘push..of HOUSBHOLD EFFECTS.â€"2 vookâ€" ing stoves. tbex stove, table and maâ€" ny other articles _ too numerous to TERMS.â€"Hav, grain, poultry, fat steer, pigs. and all sums of $10,00 and under. cash; over that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approved securâ€" ity, or 5 per cent. discount for cash pay ments of credit amounts, GEBO.; G. CLASS, Auctioncer HENRY KOEBEL, Proprietor les notth _ of~ S6.. miles wouth . wes$ s,bï¬z To CREDITORS. IN THE ;;‘,. TATE OF MARTIN H. BAUâ€" 4 m*fl.‘ DECEASED. ; x . NopIcE . Is HE PBY GIVEN, Wmcmurmdmm- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARTIN â€"H. BAUMAN, late of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterlo0, and Provincé of Onsario, Gentleman, deceased, ‘who died on Or t the tv entyâ€"fitst day of January, 1 5 are required, on or before the tw day of March, 1915, to deliver or gend y post pmdg to: MARTIN~S. BAUMAN, R.R.No. 8, Waterlo0, Onâ€" tario, one of the Executors of tn‘ . Will of the said deceased, their names~ in full, with their addresses and deâ€" scriptions, _ fuall particulars of their claims, and Statements of the secutâ€" ity, if any, held .by them; and that, aiter the said twentieth day of March |1915, the said Executors will proâ€" ceed to distribute the assets of the sain â€"deceased amomg the parties â€" en« titled thereto, having regard: only to \claims af which they shall then have .|received notice, and will not be lia ble for the said assets to any pefson ; |of whose claim theyâ€" shall not then ;{hvo received notice. | ‘DATED 15th February, 1915. NOTIGE T0 CREDNT _ AWMQ _/ he ~ LCE IMPLEMENTS â€" ETC Tebiuary 2318, 191 WANTED.â€"WORK â€" BY *MARRIED man, experienced farm hand. _ Apâ€" ply E. G. Horst, c, 0. C. C. Rosenâ€" THURSDAY, MAR ‘agâ€"L wantEpâ€"sTEAD WORK â€" IN Lm or oo|J\b! experienced LO . The property of the late Elizabeth I Kleeberger, on Cedar street, Waterioo, comprised of frame dwelling and lot §3x156. For furthe® narticulars oo d H M‘N:‘:?l- and H. \Y 4t ply Wm. Mogk, Fiora JAMES C, HAIGHT, »Solicitor‘ for the Executors Waterloo, Ontaric, HENRY S. BAUMAN, MARTIN S. BAUMAN, 5t General Wan! Of Executors A the undertsig400, . of Wellesiey, â€" 2 8. Clempats and clock p.m. sharp 2 iresh cows,. 8 Nov. 27, 1914. 18, 1916 of " â€"New disk 4 Ww LC# 9â€"23t posed of part of 1.9% MO. I WE D mdy‘ alcresaid beine more particularly m is fhad+s hb bal g. Rorbyâ€"six on . ® of St. Clements streot in the vil of St,Clements .and . secondly _ b composed of the North End of . No, Fortvâ€"seven on the FaSt sid €t.Clements street in the said . lage of St. Clements, Jchn Funk‘s survey :and k chains and Eightyâ€"eight links, a St.Clements street by twelve ch thirtyâ€"one links deep and immedia adjoining the said South half of At two o‘clock in erected on these Iands, .. .. _ . / / TERMSâ€"1Q per cent. of the Pu$ chase price to be paid down on the da of sale â€" and the balance within, 30 days. inss h f ; For further )fl’wm 0. i Â¥. 8: anume, = _ Solicitor for the Mortsagee, 1758 n?:m Street, Toronta. No. Fortyâ€"8ix. 1t 6 High Grade Holstein Cows. overstocked 1 have some ‘ good ings for quick buyers. Cows March and April , acres / sw acres in , t and . acres in grass. y to Mrs. . ephige Dor R. R. NO'."L;.’.'_'E r ‘The â€" undersigned offers his farm, consisting 104 acres. 9 acres in fall wheat, 25 acres in grass, 14 actes in hardwood bush and cedar swamp, the rest under cultivation, two and| oneâ€" half miles Northwest of St, 4,,“;_" pP.O., one and oncâ€"half miles . Soutk= west of Josephsburg. Apply to _ _. 4 ‘ CHRIST. E. LICHTI,_â€" .. } St. Agatha P.0. ~“fl n;;_. R. R. No.â€" 1. ~Jst Or to SATURDAY, Holsteinâ€"Fresian cattle, Tamworkh . Swine, and B. P. R. Poultty For Sale: . A few, more of those choice richâ€"bred bulls, aged from 2 to 12 months old. Do you know ‘ thatk their Sire, Sir Korndyke Boon is one, of the richestâ€"bred bulls in America.. His dam Fairview Boon just recently, sold for $4,100. She has a Jr. 4 Yt. old butter record of $2.17 ibs. in ons week and 130.11 lbs. in 30 days, milk testing 4.86 perâ€"cent. fat. . It you iwut such breeding â€"get 16 quick, ‘They are going fast. «° .« .. k Comprising 100 , situate iles west of »W;l:. and 2% far‘m consi i ACLCB, . dE TB less, Lot No. 1IP. Aimt A, ron. Road, four ‘th and. one f west of + m 6 tien . G AJR.O. Route uï¬ two north one mile .1 t yew Dundes. and straw ‘4. Seven roomed houb®» good celâ€" Spring Brook Stock Farm â€" late Peter A offer for sale" following valuble farm, vis., Lot G.C.T., Towns Woolwich, ted 3 miles north mm,c; 117 acres, mijpre or. Apply 8. The undigsigned offers for ~sale mss‘ On farm is a brick 8 h ki and woodshed, bank 80 Ay 78, straw shed, $4 by 40, ( ng shed and other ings. . is well and in a stete of cultivatfon. . There â€" iR of bush. On the place is neverâ€"laim with bydraulic\ram elevati good bearing okchard. ~Wil G. GLASS, Auctioneer, Floradale, Out.> on easy termsf Apply the mdm.\ CÂ¥ e i9 MGS bnkDni, Shak Farm For Sale. undersigfled executors . of. the A. L. SHANTZ, FOR SALE. * fommount Fabdh . C. HALLMAN, ~= °* _â€" Breslau, Ont. â€"|â€". 14. For For neverâ€"failin 0 ings. . T and in a . . There ~ busi. rerâ€"fa 1 either