«123 F0 OB M 3 ?" five acres in grass, four in _Hors : wh’y.a:i.i;&:nm _ old 200« all harness, bay general pose 6 years old. > _ Heavy clyde mare nine years > old. \ _ ‘Cattleâ€"2 cows, Holsteâ€"n grade fresh d lolst grade heifer, heifer calf one ) .. d4OFSCRâ€" __. old good i _ ‘purpose T _ Heavy c M & ‘ month . Ibs, 2 shoa y3 Panltrvâ€" m _ »Reb. 26.â€"Farm: stock and implements <â€" . of Fli Horst, 3% miles north _ of _â€" Waterloo ‘and 1; miles south of .’ 0 togo. + * $ 4 t ;‘l Mar. 2.â€"Far~ stock and Implements ‘pl Fred Reier. 3 miles south of Berâ€" â€"~ "lin, 3 miles north east of Mannhcim. \‘ Wednesday, March 11â€" Farm _ stock _ ‘and ‘Iniplements, Qf George Moyer, â€"> /A mile west of ‘German Mills, 3 _ [niles éouth of Bévin. .. . w March 3.â€"Stock . impléements _ â€" of . Bam. Rhodes, 4 miles north and | 1 _ maile west of â€"New Dundee. \ Warch 4â€"Farm stock and implements " of Jos. Bast, 4 mile west of St. _ ‘Agatha, and 2 m#flos north of P Ets UE : _ March 5.â€"Houschoid goods and chatâ€" " Cels pelonging to the estate of the ~ Jnt llfl"villg:m. 3 imiles northâ€" O\ west of Watérlqo on the old homeâ€" March 9â€"Farm stock and lmplqmntll ‘David B. Roth, °2 miles northâ€" vest of St.Agatha and 4} miles morthwest of Baden. ‘ March 10.â€"Farm _ stock and impleâ€" ments, of Paul Hexber, situated 4 Wiiles west of Waterloo. March 11.1â€"Stock and Implements of Q‘ hn W. gflhflhr, } mile north of h 17â€"Stock. and implements of _ David Wismer, 44 miles south west » ot . B in, and 2$; miles east of ibeim. .. . . ?,f ) 16â€"Farm stock and implements jyâ€"> of. Kappes, 1 mile southoast Cromsiitl " and.,$4 _ miles north _ (Of Wellesiey. > ~"** / 48.â€"Farm stock and Implements nard‘ Metlau,: north cast Cithbu '_t‘hm“nltol ats 2 months â€"1 cockerel, 6 White Wyanâ€" dotte pullets _ Russian Collie dog. 2 s ntsâ€"1 14â€"plate disc, Sâ€"se0â€" fon harrow, ° spring tooth cultivator, busg et % itter, No. 21 Ay uy -:Io ty 1,500 :::-b b potai Â¥ c"‘b- sleigh, with Tox." Riiing mill, now, Petel Hammon#!u"v cuiter, hay rack ck rack, gravel planks, aboutâ€" :200 anrmne nimiiine "ad man billefl.l'ud‘;' ® in .and Rootsâ€" â€"150 bushel Tago extra quelity, quantity . of ks with co 1s, about 60 bushel tity pota 028. 5 hg‘da AElegtaâ€"-banook -t?‘e. , cup} ches, . table, AarBSS e ‘ & top buggies, nearly new; democrat ; eapacity 1,500 lbs., buggy harâ€" BBs, . ecal 6 stove, 2 wood atove: â€"â€"â€"â€" carpenter bench, Watohmaker‘s bench, 2.tables, 3 cupâ€" boards 2 sinks, couch, dresser, flour ‘chest, 4 kitchen chairs, rocker, parlor @ 8, 15 yards carpet, trunk, boxes, k coolers, jugs, carpenter tools, ‘mbout 40 feet inch rope, pump stock, B ladders, iron kettles, ‘cider barrels, *’ one, sledges, and numerous othâ€" same time and place the folâ€" articles belonging to the Esâ€" the late _ Gottlieb Bettschen ‘also be sold:â€" 7 Termsâ€" Terms of real estate can be had from S. Rhodes on the farm or be obu:;d on day of sale if not j sold. EOm . le An â€" Terms of .( ~â€"Hogs, poultry, rin and éog{mn%fl‘m sums of $10.00 ‘and under, cash, over that amount 7 months‘ credit will be allowed on apâ€" ov security or 6 per cent. per annum off for cash payment of credit Geo, C. Class Auctioneer E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer §. RHODES, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctionéer. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. Auction Sales ';f\'\"."y"{\': ,7‘»~ nlement oc Emoots _ E ’.gaa isting of 27 acres of of cultivation, and straw shed, seven $5th.â€"Farm ‘stock . and impleâ€" ts of John Scott at Macton. 4 i stock and implements mes Connelly. at: Macton. stook â€" and. impleâ€" ‘ John Deckert Jr., 8 miles od at Beechvale school. on. 8 miles west of Wellesicy. 94,â€"Farm â€" stock and impleâ€" ts of â€" Gus, Weldenhammer, â€" 1 ‘ south of Brestau, on the Presâ€" ~and vBreslau road. m ol dn AMisinie? 1. und 1 mile west of â€" N DAY, MARCH 3, 1915 at 1 o‘clocg the following mile . west Huron <Road SE stock amd impleâ€" SALE ADVERTISEMENTS)| â€" Farm at e of Mr. Jacob Ludâ€" wig ces the Villkge of Linkf)8 :,mll;.;r y mates, fve and zix years old, about 2,700 hs ; °1 bay team, and cleven years old, weirht about 2,800 the. : 1 tay horss, aged; 1 filly, rising %wo Vears, hred by Bock‘s horse; 1 spring filiy, bred py same horse; 1 bay gelâ€" ding, rising three years, ‘bred by Prince Victor ; 1 bay gelding, rhh.. two years, : bred by| D. Ferguson‘s ".CATTLEâ€"10 milch cows, one fresh three months, two cows fresh with calves at foot, one due time of sale, four due in March, one due 26th of April. 25 head of butcher‘s cattle, weighing petween 800 and 1,000 Ts. ShEDPâ€"25 ewes and 1 ram. ... FIGS AND POULTRYâ€"1 Yorkshite sow, due in April; 10 pigs, nine weeks old; 5 fat pigs; about 50 hens. . > IMPLEMENTS.â€"1 . Masseyâ€"Hariss binder, 6ft. cut; 1 Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; 1 side delivery hay rake ‘ 1 sulky; 1 Maxwell hay loader;â€"1 Cockâ€" shutt twoâ€"furrow riding plough (foot lift,; 1 Imperial _ twoâ€"furrow gang plough; 1 threeâ€"furrow gang plough; 2 walking ploughs, â€"No. 21; 1 land roller, 1 sugar beet and turnip drill; 1 Masseyâ€"Harris grain and Fertilizer seed drill (mew); 1 Noxon seed drill; 1 set of harrows ; 3 wagons, (on> new); 3 sleighs (one new); 3 hay racks, 2 wocd racks, 1 twoâ€"seated Surrey, 3 top buggies (one new) ; 2 oPen puggies, 1 road cart, 1 cutter, 1 fanning mill. 1 ta« truck, 2 disc harâ€" rows, double trees, neck yokes, forks, chams, hoes â€"grain bags, 1 Masseyâ€" Harris .cream _ separator, 1 Daisy churn. milk pails. HARNESS.â€"3 sets wagon harness, 1 set carriage harness, nearly new ; 2 sets plough harness; 2 sots single harness; 2 robes, some. blankets: . HAY..GRAIN, ETC.â€"20 tona good timothy hay: 900 pushels oats. ~ . A quantity of cedar posts and stakes. £." j A quantity of household furniture and numerous other articles No reserve as the farn» has been sold. FWsgi+s yev. rad LUNCH, AT NOON.: ! > TERMS.â€"All sums of $10 and unâ€" der, cash. _ Over +that amount 9 months‘ credit on furnishing approved security. A discount of 5 per cent. for cask on all sums entitled to creâ€" dit. Fat cattle, fat hogs, chickens, grain and hay, cash. ALEX. AMES, At 10 o‘clock sharp, ‘the following The ; undersigned offers his farm, consisting 104 acres. 9 acres in fall wheat, 25 acres in grass, 14 acres in hardwood bush and cedar swamp, the rest under cultivation, two and. oneâ€" half miles Northwest of St. Agatha P.O., one and oncâ€"half miles South west of Josephsburg. Apply to ; March 4thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments, including _ registered horses of Geo. W. Reist, 4 mile . east of Floradale. March $thâ€"Dry Goods, etc., at the Zilliax House, Elmira. ... ‘ March ~0thâ€"Farm stock and imple. â€" mentsg of Chas. Stroh, 1 mile east : . of Elmira. § March 10.â€"Farm _ stock and impleâ€" ments of Henry Lindsay, 2 miles North of West Montrose. 6â€"3t. March 11thâ€"Farm stock and‘ impleâ€" ments of Israel M. Bauman, 1 mile west of Elmira. March 13th.â€"Mortgage Sale of Real ‘Estate at Schlegel‘s Hotel, Linâ€" March 15thâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of Alfred Jackson, Con. 2, Peel, 6 miles west of Elmira. March 17thHFarm stock and imple ments of John Oppenseuser, 3 miles * ncrth east of Elmira, Alex Fraser, Auctioneet Feb. 27.â€"Stock and Implements of Henty Berg, Lot 12, Concession 8, North Easthope, 3 miles north east of Amulree, 2 miles south east of Lisbon. § March 3.â€"Stock and _ implements of Feter Seyler, Lot 19; con. 7, north Easthope. 4 mile east of Amulree. March 4thâ€"Stock and implements of _ Conrad Falhaufer, Lot 27, con. 9, North Easthope, 3 miles north west of: Amulrés. x March 10thâ€"Stock and implements of Mrs, C. Otto, Lot 28, con. 2, Wil« mot, 1 mile west of Haysville, M. l Phetbs es pgemuc We 3. MeGunieal) Lot 26, con $ £ OÂ¥ weonetoay, MAR. 3, 1918 PDBLNGSALE ‘A mulr66, CHRIST. E. LICHTI, St. Agatha P.0. R. R. No. 1. GEO. A. TILT, Clerk. Auctioneer Farm For Sale. JACOB « Proprietor LUDWIG, 7â€"2t% 1â€"ti ‘There tion on situated and one Farm Stock, OR Commencing at 1 o‘cleck p. m. M&Nw valuable proper ty. viz : . Horses :â€"Bay mare 18 years old, bay mare 6 years oldâ€"(extra . good driver), bay horse 9 years old. Cattle, Etc.:â€"Grade Jersey cow tresh, grade Jersey cow due to calve in April, ~ heifer 1 year old, 8 head butcher‘s cattle,. 8 pigs 4 months old, about 50 chickens, 6 ducks. . â€" Implements, _ Ete.:â€"Masseyâ€"Harr s binder, Shantz mower, hay rake, disk. iron harrow, single plow, reot pulpâ€" er, fanning mill, cutting box, wagon nearly new, beet box, bob â€" sleigh, cutter, <op buggy, ~market wagon, oneâ€"horse wagon box, scuffier, wheel barrow, set team harness, set single harness, hay rack, set gravel planks, 2 iron kettles, good heater {coal or wood), woad heater, 45 sap pails, 3 doz. 5 qt. pails, churn, lamps, forks, hoes, doubletrees, crossâ€"cut saw ‘and any other articles too numerous to mention. * ~ Grain andâ€" Roots :â€"50â€"bush. oats, 25 bags potatoes. 6 z. TERMS :â€"Grain, © potatoes, chickâ€" ens, butcher‘s cattle and all sums of $10.00 and under, _ cash ; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approyâ€" ed security, or 5 pér cent. discount for cash payments of credit amounts. ‘There will be sold â€"by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of Martin Bauman, situated 3 miles northwest of Waterâ€" loo, ;3 miles southwest of St. JacobS the chattels belonging to the estate of the late Martin H. Bauman, sale Farm Stock, Implements and Houscehold Effects $ Commencing at 1 o‘clock shm?p..\ h‘ it 1 horse, 14 years old, 2 buggies, 1 top buggy nearly new, cutter, light sleigh, single harness, 2 robes, 5 blankets, lot carpenter tools, â€" desk and book case combined, bureau, chest, 2> bedsteads with â€" spr ngs, sink, wash sink, kitchen cupboard, extension table, leaf table, lonnge) 16 chairs, 2 arm chairs, rocking chairs, flout barrel, trunk, coal heatâ€" er, cooking stove for coal and wopd. coal oil cook stove, 8 clocks, sewing machine, ‘washing machine, cider barâ€" rel, some bedding, some dishes, crockery, 3 iron pots, pans, granite kettles, some carpets and mats, iron kettle, churn, butter tub, 2 wash tubs, and many other articles, _TERMS OF SALE ;â€"All sums | of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed . security or 5 per cent, discount for cash on credit amounts. v Holsteinâ€"Fresian â€" cattle, Tamwortb Swine, and B. P. R. Poultty For Sale: _A few more of those choice richâ€"bred bulls, ages from 2 to 12 months old. Do you know that their Sire, Sirt Korndyke Boon is one of the richestâ€"bred bulls in America, His dam Fairview Boon just recently sold for $4,100. She has a Jr. 4 yr. old butter record of 32.17 lbs. in one week and 130.11 lbs. in 30 days, milk testing 4.86 per cent. fat. If . you want _ such breeding get it quick, They are going JaSt. . ~ € 0d .WF"‘ +4a 8 ul b po iJ ‘mhedld. mxig.m, ( Breslau, Ont. . i. The unftersigned offers for . sale his farm consisting of 27 acres, more of less, Lot No. 10. Block A, Huron Road, four miles south and one mile west of. Petersburg, Potersburg Staâ€" ten G.T.R.O;. Rural Route No.2) %wo miles north and one mile west of New Dundse. Bank barn and straw shed. Seven roomed house, good celâ€" lar, driving shed. Orchard of m: ve grass, four in M.i ï¬tk J[-ESF fation, "wolt mowing balt_dokt Spring Brook Stock Farm PUBLIG SAE MONDAVHWRAREH 1, 1915 FRIDAY, MARCH ~5, 1915 GEO. MEYER, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer PUBLIG SAE HE] will be sold by public . aucâ€" “m‘“ 3 » three miles soutit of ‘| mile west of German E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Tâ€"2% MARTIN BAUMAN, NRY BAUMAN, Executors â€"OFâ€" OF For l fe 7â€"2t. m:flfl"!fl*’ by auction ." his Farm istock, ; 1ME and Household E FURNITUREâ€"Melotte cream sepaâ€" rator, wood chest, flour chest, bench, large milk can, pureau, spinningwheel and recl. 4 TERMSâ€"Pigs, poultry, ‘and all sums of $10.00 and under cash; over that amount, _ 12 months‘ credit on approved security, or per cent, off for cash. + t G.G.CLASS, _ . . . G.L.ZIEGLUER, Auctioncer. dTlerk. * 8â€"2t There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion, on the farm of the undersigned situated 4 mile west of St. Agatha, 2 miles north of Petersburg, on + THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915 ‘Commencing at 1 o‘clock p. m. sharp! 4 aP £9, ie Horses :â€"Coach mare 12 years old; Clyde mare 12 years old in foal, â€"2 aged horses. ~â€" MAE CATTLE :â€"5 good ~dairy cows : Cow due to calve in March, Holstein cow due to calve in May, cow due to calve in April, Holstein heifer due to calve by time of sale, 3 spring calves. 6 Pigs and â€" Chickens :â€"6 m 5 months old, 1 brood sow,, 1 Y hire and 1 Tamworth ‘boar, 8 young pigs, 24 chickens. # Implements :â€"Frost & Wood binder 7â€"4t. cut, nearly new ; disk drill, nearly new ; disk harrow, cultivator, Frost & Wood side delivery, nearly. new ; hay rake, mower, scale cap, 1200 lbs., Maxwell hay loader, 'lrul harrow, manure spreader, 2 wagons, 2 hob sleighs, 1 jight sleigh, bpggy, 2â€"seated carriage, land roller, 1 twoâ€" furrow plow, 2 single plows, 2 scutâ€" fers, wheel barrow, 1 power . horse clipper, â€" fanning mill, with bagger, sling ropes with carriage, 2~ hay racks, root pulper, log lifter, stepâ€" ladder, 28 ft. long ; wagon jack, 2 sets team harness, tâ€"set carriage harness, 6 bridles, . logging _ chains, cow chains, double trees, hay . knife, }lorh, shovels, and many other arâ€" ticles. . â€" f Household . Effects :â€"Table, daity churn, _meat tub, 2 small tubs, 2 cider barrols, large ‘milk can, 3 ron kettles, apple drief, small milk cans, 50 sap pails, syrup pan, 2 patris green cans, 2 bed steads, sausage . grinder and ‘stuffer, scalding trough, . grind stone, sink, and many other articles. Hay. :â€"â€"Several tons of hay. Real Estate â€"At the same day the farm will be offered to the highest bidder consisting of 150 acres in high state of cultivation, good buildings, 6 acres hard wood bush, 19 acres in fall wheat, 30 acres seeded down in grass, . This is a chance to buy a good farm . well situated, for terms ISRAEL M. BAUMAN, Proprietor. Farm Stock, Implements, see the undersigned and will be made known on day of sale. _ _ °. TERMS OF _ CHATTELS :â€"Hay, young pigs, chickens, and all sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount, 9 months‘ credit on approyâ€" ed security or 5 per cent, per annum discount on credit amount. JOBEPIHI BAST, Propristot. ~" 02 K. J. BHANTZ; Auetioneer, . . PUBLIG SALE: Imple §F ¢ to NOTGE TD to ho e P Ni mriges BP mss eommarns | Commmatee as io it s ag valusk estate of the said Mrs. nb-s,ndiyusa' trich, _ who â€" died on of, the ; beary. bay ho twentyâ€"fourth day of Jung, 1918, MKO|plack mare, TiSing mmuuumnbhuhiflh.vymumod March, 1915, to send by post old. or deliver to Heary A. Dictrich aamwerp â€" pec. the City of Berlin, one of the Exeeuâ€" tors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses, and descrip, tions, the _ full particulars of â€" their mbuds‘-muo(tbm:- ities, if any, by them. .. . . such last . mentioned date the said Executor â€" will proceed to ibute the assets of the deceased among the mm-uthl,%h& re gard only to the claims 0f, they shall then have.notice, and that ©th¢ said executor will not be lMable for the said assets _ or any. part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been reâ€" ceived . by him at the time of such distribution. KOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE .. _ ESTATE OF MARTIN H. BAUâ€" MAN, DECEASED. > KOoTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN, purscant to Chapter 121 of the Reâ€" vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, that all creditots and others having claims against the estate of MARTIN H. BAUMAN, late of theâ€"Township: of Waterloo, ‘in the County of Waterloo, and Provirice of Ontario,â€" Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about â€" the tventyâ€"first day â€"of January, 1915 are required, on ‘or: before the twentieth‘ uay of March, 1915, to deliver or send by post â€"prepaid, to MARTIN 8. BAUMAN, R.R.No. 3, Waterloo, Onâ€"~ tario, one of the Executors of tax Will of the said deceased, their names in full, with their addresses and deâ€" scriptions, . full patticulars of. their claims, and statements of the securâ€" ity, if any, held by them; and â€" that, after the said twentieth day of March 1915; the sdid Executors will: proâ€" ceed to distribute the asssts of : the ‘uaa deceased amcmg the parties enâ€" titled thereto, having regard only to claims af which they shall then have |recd\'od notice, and will not be liaâ€" ble for the said assets to any person NOTIGE TD GREDIT â€" D8 Lh'ave reéceived notice. ~DATEDâ€"15thâ€"Pebruary;â€"1915; HENRY S. BAUMAN, MARTIN S. BAUMAN, Executors. |* _ . Creditors of JULIUS DUENCH, late of the Township of Wellesley, in the County of Waterloo, Laborer, deâ€" ceased, â€" are koeroby required to stul by post _ prepaid â€"or to deliver to Messrs., McBride & MacKenzie, Solicâ€" itors for Henry Hoerle, executor unâ€" der the Will ~of the said" Julius Duench, their namtes and addresses and full particulars in writing, | of their. claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securâ€" ities if any, held by them ; AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 10th day of March, 1915, the said execuâ€" tor will proceed to distribute the asâ€" sets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, and that he will ‘not be liable for the said assets LOUIS F. DIETRICH, . Waterloo ALEX, W. DIETRICH, Berlin. or ‘any part thereofl to any person of whose claim he shall not then . have had ‘Hotice. {oyeay A al C C NOTICE TO CREDITTORS Bt. Agatha terloo, wide HENRY A. DIETRICH, HPF JAMES C. HAIGHT, a Waterloo, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. Notice to the Public. widow, deceased claim they shall not . then late §** “'ffllll'ï¬mi CREDITIRG| xm sw= stowet { the vil Executors. 7â€"3% # miles soutl uorthâ€"east of , encing at 10 o‘clock a.m.shatp mm"’"‘"’"†;‘flimfl' zhd horss, m;mwmuma 1bh¢k-m.rbh¢‘!‘““°“3 ydh.“vy Percheron colt, rising 3 years vicusly sold), 6 head butchers‘ cal~ tle (if not previously sold). PIGS AND rom.m;: -o;-‘ supposed to ‘pe in sow to Alh’lfl&,mv‘itmkatdh. sow with litter at side (if not preâ€" vidusly sold), 12 shoats weighing mbout 140 Its, each; about 50 chickâ€" ens, mostiv white Legborns. . ___ 1MPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Masseyâ€"Harâ€" ris binder, 6ft. ¢ut; McCormick mowâ€" er, § 1t, cut; shoe drill, Frost and Wood dise drill, 14 tubes, . nearly new: Masseyâ€"Harris hay loader; side delivery aid tedder combined, nearly new; wagon with box and shelving, complete (nearly new); 2 lumber waâ€" gens, bop sleigh, nearly new; 2 No.21 Fleury plows, threeâ€"furrow . gang plow; Imperial twoâ€"furrow plow nearâ€" ly new; small harrow, fourâ€"sectioned harrow, nearly new; Deering d‘sk, spring tooth cultivator; 2 hay racks, (one combination nearly. new);.. 2 sculâ€" fers, fanning mill, Joliette chopper;, 10 inch plate; turnip pulper, hay fork with pulleys, wheelbarrow, set plow harness, set heavy team harness, â€"2 sets lignt team harness, number of collars, . ‘ neckyokes, chains, â€" doubleâ€" trees, forks and hoes and other. arâ€" ticles too numerous to mention. . . HOUSEHOLD EFFEOTS.â€"Magnet éream separator, .capacity 500 its. ; muy churn No,8; meat tup,tub, iron tle, crass sceder. com planter, poâ€" tato sprayer, milk pails, sideboard, number of chairs and benches, 2 heatâ€" ing stoves, . lounge, 2 tables, wood box, a number of sap . buckets and spouts,: and many other articles, too numerous to mention. ‘LUNCH AT NOON. 1 TERMS.â€"Hozs, fot cattle, chickâ€" ens, andâ€"all sums o; $10.00 and under cash; over that anfornt, 10 months‘ &?Nt on approved secutity, or 4 per cent. per annum d :scount for .cash payments of credit amounts, E. J. SHANTZ, FRED REIER, % Auctioneer, Proprietor. , 0.‘ 8. KOLB,.Clerk. There will be offered for Sale : by Public Auction, on _ â€" SATURDAY, MAR, 18, 1915. At two o‘clock in ‘the a“’ctmz Kreutzwieser‘s Hotel, Linwood, On‘ rid, by virtue. of a Power of Sale contained in a certain x,ortmo which will be produced at the sale, the folâ€" lowing property ; > Aaâ€" eane ALLâ€" THAT crtain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Wellesâ€" ley, in the County of Waterloo, in the Province of Ontario, containing py adâ€" measurement nine acres and one rood be ‘the same more or less, being comâ€" posed of part of Lot No. Two in thke g:?‘ Concession of the Eastern tion of the Township of: Wellesiey aforesaid being more particularly deâ€" scribed as: Fitstly, the south hail of Lot No. Fortyâ€"six on the East side of St. Clements street in the village of St.Clements and secondly being composed of the North End of Lot No. Fortvâ€"seven on the East side of St.Clements street in the said _ vilâ€" lage of St. Clements, according to Jchn Funk‘s .survey â€" andâ€"â€" being. four thains and Eightyâ€"eight links along St.Clements street by twelve chains, thirtyâ€"one links deep and immediately }‘dsolnolzz the said South halfl of Lot No. Fortyâ€"six. 3 + A house and outbuildings have been erected on these lands. TERMSâ€"10 per cent. of the putâ€" chuse price to be paid down on the day sale and the balance within 30 f Tor further patticulars apply to ... F. B. EDMUNDS, } Solicitor for the Mortgagee. s 1758 Dundas Street, Toronto. Or to TUESDAY, MARCH MORTGAGE SALE At 6 per cent. interest, gilt. edged security, in torm . of cholce _ reaidential property, worth four times this amount. Apply Box 21, Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" griph, Water|oo, G. GLASS, Auctioneer, Floradale, Ont _of Beris Marabetm, § head butchers‘ catâ€" WANTED |, 2. 1918 1244 8â€"1t #â€"3t sharp, the ty, viz : mare Fising 0 years Ol8 . â€" bay mare rhh;lyh'lw‘ driver, sorrel . mare rising 4 . old, good driver ; 2 bay colts driver o. es 1t Aiso â€" a â€" fine yoke :ï¬ matched _ and . _well, 4 $400 1bs., 4 Cattle, â€" Etc.â€"7 good dairy 6 consisting of ~Holstein : and . grades due to calve by time of | and soon after, 5 Holstein he to ulvobyfl.dflh‘ after, pure bred Holstein bull, 1 bred ‘Durbam, bull 2 y.tlï¬â€˜ Durhdin _ bull, 5 butcher‘s cattio ing 2 years old, 26 young cattle ing 1 year old, welt bred. â€"* pig, Y bpoar, 10 shoats 100 lbs. weight, 50 , +8 and Gobbler, some geese.>, ~. > Implemenits, ‘Eh.'v assey 4 hinder 7 ft... cut, â€" ,-}5 er, Masseyâ€"Harris % very . | Hartis . disk _ drill, â€" sevâ€"H mower . 6 ft. cut, Climax cultival steel land roller, 5â€"4e¢. fron harh 4â€"zec. iron bharrow, 2 Oxford â€" $# furrow plows, 2 single plows, 2 fiers, Chiel separator in good shi 12 horse power, 4 horse power, € ing box, fanning mill, 3 od 1 racks, Jolliette chopper 10 in. pla roller chopper,â€" 2â€"horse _ ior gasoliné engine, root pulper, 2 £o wagons, wagon box, 3â€"seated . F buggy, 2 bob sleighs, light bob slel rowd cart, iron spring cutter, fu seeder, circular saw, bevel jack, . sets new _ gravel . planks, scale 6 1000â€"lbs., 2 sets team harness, lad saddle, chains, crossâ€"cut saws, ‘for shovels, hoes, doubletrees and articles too numerous to mention, Grain :â€"12 : tons good hay bush. â€" mixed grain, 40 bush | mine seed oats. . > ie o Household : effects :â€"3 â€". tC chairs, spinning wheet, kitchen c sink, corner cupboard, kitchen _ board, . sideboard, ‘bureau, extem teble, 3 tables, centre tabl}, m took stoves, good double heater stove, hanging lamp, rug carpet, rag carpet, good cream separi Daisy _ churn, _ lounge, kettle m iron kettle, large copper kettle, W chest and many other articles. . Household _ goods and implem willâ€"be sold before dinner, _‘ _. Free lunch at noon > * TERMS :â€"Hay, grain, butcher tle, chickens, and all sums of $! and under, â€"cash ; over that am 12 months‘. credit on approved se ty, or‘ 5 per cent. discount for . payments of credit amounts. . , arm . Bad STRATFORD, ONT. u* â€"â€" _ Ontario‘s Best Practical ‘ i5 School. We have thorough s and experienced instructors in eac! of our three ?m * 9 Commercial, Shorthand and graphy. Our graduates succeed you should read our large, catalogues. Write for it at onee, _ vere wis ve sold, oy Wt ITHATrORD, OnT. «i THE PROVINCIAL AUCTION SALE Wed., 3rd March, 1916. At this sale will be offers ed some forty head of . cattie, mostly bulle, lndDE them many fashionable “ll‘.h- icA (beef breeds) will be held in the Bals to begin at ons o‘clook sharp. * t icA For further particulare '.’4 K to C. L. NELLES, President, 0 J. M. Duff, Becretary, _ Winter Fair Building, Queiph, on ; D. A. McLachlan, Principal PAVID B. ROTH, Propriek E. J. SHANTZ, A ALF. KAUFMAN, Clerk, . PURE BRED CATILE â€" of