_Grain a ._.’A_.u' X.: t rm stock an« implements Ef »Ag;_r‘;‘Kefl, 4 miles east of Berlin _â€" on the premises known as the Devi 3 ‘: the premises known as the . DX t farm. {é_.mfvl..â€"l-‘arm stock _ and _ impleâ€" ments, and hovschold goods of Abe \ ®araras, 1} miles south of Conesâ€" togo on the Alvin Scheifele farm. , Feo. 22.â€"Farm stock and C m ts of Cifarlcs Kofskic, 2 _milgs notth east of Plattsville, 5 ' iles west of New Dundce. ~23.â€"Farm stock and implements Martin Schmidt, 5 nsiles northâ€" west of Waterloo. . 9$4.â€"Farm stock and implements the same time and place the folâ€" ting articles belonging to the Es: t of the late _ Gottlieb Bettschen‘ miso be sold:â€" ‘ tor buggies, nearly new; democrat e capacity 1,500 lbs.. â€" busgy harâ€" 34 ecal 6 stove, 2 wood ves, _ carpenter bench, atchin s bench, 2 tables, 3 cupâ€" Beards, 2 sinks, couch, dresser, flour 8t, 4 kitchen chairs, rocker, parlor , 15 yards carpet, . trunk, boxes, k coolers, jugs, carpenter tools, Mout 40 feet inch rope, pump stock, (dadders, iron kettles, cider barrels, Etindstone, sledges, and numerous othâ€" r articles. ‘Termsâ€" Terms of real estate can ‘had from S.‘Rhodes on the farm or an be obtained on day of sale if not ously sold. (Werms of Chattelsâ€"Hogs, poultry, Pad and corn ard all sums of $10.00 Md under, cash, over that amount 7 ‘¥nonths‘ â€"credit will be allowed on apâ€" roved security or 6 per cent. per annum o for cash payment of credit amounts. ssian Collie dog. 4 * 1â€"14â€"plate disc, <3â€"se¢â€" P , spring tooth cultivator, wake, root pulper. The above are Harris implements. Top , market carriage, cutter, No. 21 plow, _ scale capacity 1,500 lbs, -.Emo plow, .cradle, bob box, . fanning mill, new, Hamilton straw cutter, hay rack rack, gravel planks, about 200 4nch rope, 2 scufflers, forks, hoes, neckyokes ,doubletrees, and y other articles. . 24.â€"Farm stock and implements ’ Of Ezra Krait, one mile North of ridg po;t, on Exidgeport‘ and Bresâ€" w Ro:id. â€" Â¥eb. 25.â€"farm _ stock and impleâ€" is of Tebias Martin, 1} miles juth east ~ of . Heidelberg, 7 iniles ith cwest of. St.Jacobs, 6 miles MI west of Waterloo. ‘ ‘eb. 26.â€"Farm stock and implements cof El Horst, 34 milés north . of Waterloo and 1} miles south of ~Conestogo. t 1b ® ig. $.â€"Farin. stock and Implements ‘Of Fred Reior. 3 miles south of Berâ€" }, @â€"miles north east of Mannhcim. ednesda; March 1.â€" Farm : stock id Implements, of George Moyer, 1 mile west of German Mills, 3 miles south of Ber‘in. arch 3.â€"Stock and implements . of Mam, Rhodes, 2 miles north and 1 pinile west of New Dundee. RSrck 4â€"Farm‘ stock and implements Â¥cilJos. Bast, 4 mile west of St, . and~ 2 miles \ north of Peâ€" w weighing about _ 170 2 months old. eackerel, 6 White Wyanâ€" tincin ilgluu?mhc _ farm consisting of 97 acres of | N ate of cultivation, k/ barn and straw shed, seven house , drivin ’g;.,_ re Jwï¬ "..;3 14 : five acres in grass, four in Psesâ€"Heavy geldin years good in all harness, hfgvunl ose horse 6 years old. Mttleâ€"2 cows, Holstein grade fresh itein .grade heifer, heifer calf one pavid B.â€" Rotu,, 2 miles north of m%‘:&% and 4} miles arch u.-::rm‘ stock and ‘impleâ€" , of Paul fletber, situated 4 ilés west of Waterlco. [ ‘ % stock and huibnmu . 1 mile gouthoast at. M | and> 3} , miles north E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer Effectsâ€" Cook _ stove eupboard, benches, . table, ettles, pails. and Rootsâ€"150 bushel Tago , extra quality, quantity . of with cobs, about 60 bushel 6 itity potatoes. 1 old $. RHODES, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. Auction Sales Fb-il public guction| There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" pm:â€"l-t:nn- jon, ta the undersigned, : aud 1 mile west of Nc":?:-::?-na_:nuw. on ‘the Huron Road, 4 miles on the road leading from Bridgeport Stock, Implements Houschold Effects i‘.&':%ï¬s Hihm::n:nd of the Bat: 8 miles northâ€" o Ticiiee S "the 018 home #â€"Farmâ€"stock and implements ts. SDAY, MARCH 3, 1915 atock anmi Tmplements lau, 4 mile north east 2 miles North west of os west ol Wellesiey. SA t SALE to Ereslau, 4 miles north of Betlin,on Commeneinâ€" at 1 o‘clock D.-W HORSESâ€"Bay mare, 11 yeals a by Highland Chief; Sorrel mate, 10 yeat; old, in foal; cark bay botse, 8 vears old; tay : mare, 16 years old ; dark hay herse. city broke lady drivâ€" GRAIN _ AND ROOTS.â€"400 bus oâ€"ts, 700 bus. barley, 400 bus. mixâ€" ed grain, about 1,000 bus. Mangels. TERMS OF SALE.â€"Grain, roots, chic‘ers anl.all sums of $10 and unâ€" der, cash. Over that amount, 10 n ouths‘ credit on approved security, or 6 per cent pcr annum discount for cash on credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ The undersigned offers his farm, consisting 104 acres. 9 acres in fall wheat, 25 acres in grass, 14 actes in hardwood bush and cedar swamp, the rest under cultivation, .two and oneâ€" half miles Northwest of St. Agatha P.O., one and oncâ€"half miles Southâ€" west of Josephsburg. Apply to Geo. C. Class Auctioneer F Â¥%.<* (reQPâ€"+ : > Farm Stock, Implements, Ete. Feb. of of Feh cast of HMawkesville. March 4thâ€"Farot stock and impleâ€" ments, including _ registored horses wi Geo. W. Reist, 1 mile cast of Fioradale. March 8thâ€"Dry. Goods, etc., af the Zilliax House. Elmira. ... March 9thâ€"Farm stock and imp®kâ€" ments of Chas. Stroh, 1 mile cast of Elmira. March 10.â€"Farm _ stock and impleâ€" ments of Henry Lindsay, 2 miles North of West Montrose. 6â€"36. March 11thâ€"Farm stock and imple ments of Israel M. Bauman, 1 mile west of Elmira. No reserve;: as farm is sold Alex Fraser, Auctioneet March 11.â€"Stoc‘: and Implements of John W. Schneider, } mile north 6f Watotloo. ~ March 17â€"Stock and implements of WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1915 i years old; plack torse 7 years PDBLIGSALE | BV larch 17â€"Stock and implements of David Wismer. 44 miles south west of Berlin, and 2; miles east of Mannbeim. Mata: . C PBY CHRIST. E.â€"LICHTI, Auctioncer Farm For Sale. St. Agatha P.O. R. R. No. 1 EZRA KRAFT Proprietor 5â€"3t 1 _ Where will be sold. by Public A uuwm:&-m three: â€" and miles north Waketior m..&lm â€"at 4A so‘clock pm., m&h l0 wikig ) aluable : propert> ", "tma ie S Audlir -lj.‘ â€" Horses :3 bay mares 9 years old, bay mare 8 years old, horse 17 years old> PS CRL Y F4 Cattle, â€"Etc.:â€"Grade cow due : calve May â€" 1st, grade cow due calve July 20th, _ grade cow . fresh about 4 months, Fartow cow, helfer supposed to calve in April, 7 head of yearling cattle, 2 head of cattle 8 months old, calf 4 months old. â€" . Implements, _ Etc.:>â€"~Masseyâ€"Harris u-u: 6 ft, cut, Masseyâ€"Harris mow» g_i t. cut, Masseyâ€"Harris hoe ‘& Wood â€"spring tooth cultivaâ€" tor. and szeder combined, disk, Frost & Wood steel land roller nearly new, Elmira hay loader and side rake, hay rake, Imperial . twoâ€"furrow plow, 2 Preston thresâ€"furrow gabg plows, â€" 2 Fieury single furrow plows, Waterloo plow, fivesection harrow, 2â€"section harrow, 2 scufers, good wagon with ‘box, shelves and stock rack, . W with box and stock rack, 2 pair . of bob sleighs, plate chopper with 8 in. plates, cutting box, Tanpingmill, _ 2 hay racks, root pulper, stone buat, dung boat, gravel planks, wood rack, 2 sets team . harness, 2 sets plow harness, ~ single harness, 2 pair of horse blankets, 20â€"4t. ladder, 124t.â€" ladder, step ladder, fruit evaporator, copper _ kettle, 2 sausage grinders, scalding. trough, 20 . sap pails, log lifter, logging chains, about 40 grain bags, doubletrees, neckyokes, _ forks, shoveis, crowbar, spades, hoes and other articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. Also 300 bushels oats. TERMS :â€"Grain and all sums _ of $10.00 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 morths‘ credit on approyâ€" ed gecurity, or 5 per cent, discount for cash payments of credit amounts. ELI HORST, Proprietor. There will be sold by‘ Public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of: Alvin Scheifele, situated 1 mile south of Conestogo, the goods â€" Lelonging to the underâ€" signed, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, 1915 Commencing at 1 o‘cloct p.m.sharp, ~â€"HORSES, CA ITLE, ETC.â€"1 mare good drivcr, 7 years old; colt, Bonnie, Tising one year old; grey mare, good worker : 1 bay mare ; 2 good Cows supposed to be in calf; 3 gcese, 2 }duc' s, 15 chickens, and coilie dog. Farm Stock, Implements and Houschold Effects Etce. _ C IMNPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODSâ€"Standard cream separator, (nearly nowy light carriage, buggy, cubter, single harsess, . ncarly new ; string of bells, 1. gasoline engine, 1 gosd parior cook heater, box stove, sideboard baking trough, weshstand, imilk cans, pails, crocks, and numerâ€" ous other articles & TERMS.â€"Chickens, _ geese, â€" ducks, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 months‘ credib on asproved security, or 6 per cent lpcr annum _ off for cash on credit amounts. Farm Stock, Implements, Hlolsteinâ€"Fresian | cattle, Tamworth Swine, and B. P. R. Poultry For Sale: _ A few more of those choice richâ€"bred bulls, ages from 2 to 12 months old.â€" Do you know _ that their Sire, Sir Korndyke Boon is one of the richestâ€"bred bulls in America. His dam Fairview Boon just recently sold for $4,100. She has a Jr. 4 yr. old butter record of 32.17 Ibs.: in one week and 130.11 lbs. in 30 days, milk testing 4.86 per cent. fat. If you want such breeding . get it quick. ‘They are going MMSt», cmeqeoms +5 Spring Brook Stock Farm FRIDAY, FEB, 28TH, 1915 J. SHANTZ, ABE SURARAS, PUBLIGSALE E. J. SHANTZ, Auctionger WM. MENGER, Clerk. j A uctioneer ad one and. oneâ€"half milea A. C. HALLMAN; AG§SALE : Breslau, Ont Proprietor 6â€"2t 634 141 MONDAY, FEB, 22ND, 1915.. .. cm::lx o‘clock p.m.sharp, : * 4 csth ty T orker. bay horse‘‘ rising 7 years‘ old, good worker ‘and & lb:l* driver, ris‘ng 3 years old, ° 16 hands high ; 1 driver rising> T years old There will be tion on the fat miles west ol New : Dundse,. on . _ CUOWS.â€"A Choice . Lot of W Cows.~â€"1 Burham â€"cow : due to calve o rafaitine of Mardh 1 rigteln calve L@ . % ow dur io calve beginning of March; 1 Ayrshire cow .due to calve beginâ€" ning of March; 1 cow due. to calve i8 August ; 2 spring calves. . â€" GRAIN, ETC.â€"About 150 bus. of oats, 130 bus. mixed grain, 10 bus, reed peas, quantity of mangolds and turnips. HAYâ€"Atout 6 toms of good timoâ€" thy bay : some alfalia. HOUSEHOLD â€" EFFECTS â€" Blue Bell cream separator, â€" largest size, (nearly new\ coal heater, s;de-bo‘:d, cbutn, milk can, milk pails and m&Dy othez articles. 4 Good Collie Dog. â€" TERMS OF . SALE.â€"Hay, gtmin chickens, young pigs and roots, and all sums of $10 and under, cash. Ovâ€" er that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approved security, or 5 per cent disâ€" count for casit on credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ, . CHAS. KOFSKIE ~ â€" Auctioncer, iProprietor. There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion, on the farm of the ‘undersigned, 5} miles north west of Waterlo0, 1 mile.north of Erbsville, of the town Farm Stock, Implements line, cm TUESDAY, FEB. 23, 1915 Commencing at 1 O‘clock ‘p.n#.sharp, HORSESâ€"1 fine heavy bay team, riging 4 vears old (Red Lords); 1 exâ€" tra good h>avy mare, 12 years old, in fosl by Fife Baron ; 1 mare 12 yeats old, in forl py Fife Baron ; 1 heavy biack horse 2 fine bay colts, rising 2 years old (Prince of Avons), . .CATTLE.â€"Six Choice Dairy Cows. â€"1 cow due to calve July; 3 cows in fuli fow of milk, supposed to be in calve ; cow fresh since December, cow due to calve im April ; 4 Head oi fat cattle, 4 head young caftle. â€" Good Callie Dog. _ IMFLEMENTS.â€" Maxwell binder Masssyâ€"Harris mower, (good); 1 hoe drill, hay rake, land rolier, 2 single ‘mm\-s, 1 twoâ€"furrow Oxford plow, 2 scufflers (one new); 1 Frost & Wood ‘srrm( tooth cultivator (ncarly new), 1 threeâ€"horse Masseyâ€"Harrtis cultivaâ€" tor, 1 disk harrow, 1set iron harâ€" rows, 2 good wagons, 1 wagon . box, necrtly new: stock and hbay rack comâ€" bimd, _ nearly â€" new ; 1 ‘bay rack, 1 three scated carriage (n>arly new), top buggy, sulkey, 3 bob sleighs, one nearly new: cutter, fanning mill, turâ€" nip pulret, good set gravel planks, 3 sets team harness, one neatly new; 2 gets single hirness, one nearly new ; set driving harness, log lifter, 2 large rain barrels, cidet barrels, 230 sap pails and spouts, â€"â€"2.good.sap pans, emer}. grinder wheel barrow, 1 good fron pump, some inch piping, buttér worker, lard pross, large feed box, 1 goo1â€" Melotte cream separator, leaf takle, one large table, churn, â€" flour thest, wood box,. 1 good cco‘ting stevc, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 bedstead, counter scale wash stamd, crosscut saw, grain â€" bags, logging chains, forks, _ shovel _ seythes, . crowbats, stune hammer, ani many other arâ€" ticles tce numerous to mention. * PIBLIGSALE 1.mile tetwen Waterloo and Woolwich, *m Commencing ‘at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, mwvw 1 4.; ' % ‘ /‘in‘ foal to k dark h?yï¬â€™,uun; rising w bay mare, 13 "years old, dark bay meare 17 yeary old; black ~percheron cult. rising 3 vears old. > T fdudlh ghate maiets: rupons is be in calf ; 6 spring calves, dull, 3 Â¥esre b o e * np der.. 6 j cCorm C ft. out &‘ tild; #4t. 1«1 se att i lermtionst herse at ; Dew dig\: 3 m plows, threeâ€" furrow . plow,; uu No.@1 Ayr plows. set ijron harrows; fl:ï¬l“- row; land roller; 2 in, wagon, with box, shelves and stock rack; 3}: in. tire wazon with gravel planks, uzgy, oneâ€"horse democrat, pair of bob sleighs with wood rack, long sleigh.. cutter. 3 scufflers (one new);, corn sheller, grass seeder, hand s » 2 hav rac‘s, wheelbarrow, reot pul er, 1@â€"horse power with rods ‘and couplings complete; Waterloo . cutting box, hand cutting box, {anning mill, scale, cap. 2000 Ibs.; bag truck and filer, 45 gallon furnace boiler,‘ iron kettle, â€" extension _ table, Melotte cream separator, 2 sets team harness, extrmsion ladd:r, 3 good logging chains 3 leading chains, lifting jack, loglifter. grain _ bags, doubletrees, neckyokes, crowbars, forks, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to. mention. § TERMS.â€"All sums of $10.00 ard under, cash; over . that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approved ‘security, or 4 per cont. discount for cash payâ€" ments: of: credit amounts, "as. E. J. SHANTZ, TOBIASâ€" MARTIN f oF * Farm Stock, Implements at 1 p.m. C Horses :â€"1 span of matched bl _ mares, rising 4 and 6 years old, in foal to Prince of Avon, 1 pair of gelâ€" dings, 10 and 12 years old, 1 filly, rising 2 years old, 2 suckling colts. Cattle :â€"1 fresh cow, 1 cow due in March, 2 cows supposed to be â€" in calf, 1 Farrow cow, 1 heafer due. in May, 6 head of yearlictï¬ cattle, 4 spring calves, 1 small | A Pigs and Poultry :â€"1 sow with litâ€" ter at side, 1 sow due end of March, 7 pigs 3 months. old, about 40 Plyâ€" moth Rock hens, and 3 roosters, (pure breds). + On Lot 121, G.C.T., Woolwichy ‘% miles Northâ€"ofâ€"Floradale, on â€"Implementsâ€":â€"M.â€"H. Binder, M. H.] dise drill, steel land roller, M. H. mower, M. H. hay loader, M. H. side deliver rake and tedder ‘combined, M. H. seeder, Crown twin plow, 2 single plows, ~ 1‘ 5â€"section iron harâ€" row, scuffier, stone boat. (The above implements are all new, or _ nearly new), root pulper, gravel box, emery‘ stone, wagkon (new), wagon box and shelving and 1 sett of bob sleighs, cutter, hay rack, stock rack, fanning mill, wheel barrow, 2 setts of team harnessi (new) cross cut saw, cyâ€" clone grass seedet, iron kettle, De Leval cream separator, 2 horse blanâ€" ‘kets, doubleâ€"trees, grain bags, sledge, chains, forks, . chaf fork, hoes, sciceâ€" snath and numerous other articles. . Hay and Grain :â€"2 tons of p!, 400 bush. of oats, 30 bush. Rennice‘s early white seed oats, 80 bush. . of barley, 40 bush of seed peas, 45 bush spets. Roots and. Potatoes :â€"150 bush mangels, 75 bush, potatoes. . Furniture :â€"Peninsular steel F extension table, butter wotbr.w- er churn No.: 3, :2 tubs (all â€"nearly new), â€" meat tub, washing machine, meat bench, milk cans and pails. TERMS :â€"Hay, grain, roots, _ poâ€" tatoes, small pigs and poultry . and all sums of $10.00 and u:z:; cash ; over that amount, 12 m credit, will be given on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash. The undersigned offers for â€" sale his farn‘ comsisting of 27â€" acres, more of less; Lot No. 10. Block A, Huron Road, four miles south and one mile west of Petersburg, Potersburg Sta ten G.T.R.O. Rurdl Route No.ll two miles north and one mile . wes! of New Dundse. Bank barn and straw whad. â€" Seven roomed. house, :ndeol- Jar, driving shed. Orchard apple Arees, and small fruit, '%mu in gtass, four in wheat. under cultivation. Fall plowing halt done. Apply S. 8. Rhod:»s, on the farm. _ THURSDAY, FEG. 25, 1916 PUBLIG§SALE MONDAY, FEB. 22ND, 1915. Auctioneer will be ulk Public Aucâ€" pror cege Bs southâ€"cast . of DANIEL G. gmgmm;gnp GBO, 0. CASS, Auctionéer. C. W. HEIMBECKER, Clerk. 6â€"3t 0P For 3Â¥ Proprictor 6â€"2t on his premises ho yp o se img propet ty :« at 12 p‘clock, noon, sharp, the follow â€"â€"Cattle ;â€"g Jresh coÂ¥ Ama: > m:,‘m due uw""{.: is in . June, :“w vï¬suï¬hï¬ dln.m calve in June, w.‘u.‘â€â€˜ is ; Poultry :~â€"About dog. > d tud % ts.â€"Champion : . sep. F | er, drive rope about lg‘ lg" m horseâ€"power, â€" Masseyâ€"Harris 8 it. with truck and for riage, Masseyâ€"Harris 6â€"4t. mower, MH. 12â€"1t. hay â€" rake, M. H. ‘17â€"tooth cultivator with seed box, M. H. { disc drill, M. H. corn “i‘!“mha + H. manute , M. H. hay ~tedâ€" der, Humm plow. â€"â€" The above implements are all nearly new, Kemp manure spreader, Wisner. dril}, 2â€"4urrow _ Verity plow, land roller, turnip gower, cutting box, rootâ€"pulpâ€" er; . ‘Templin <fanning mill, scuffier, Rreston weeder, Frost & Wood disc, 2â€"{utrow â€"riding plow, hayâ€"loader,lside delivery, . Sâ€"section Diamond harrow, 4â€"section harrow, _ hay fork, about, 200 feet of rope and pulleys, wagon, Bâ€"inch tire; wagon,, 2}â€"inch tite ;hay rack, hay and stock rack combined, wagon box with pigâ€"rack, sugar heet box, 2 bevel jacks, 2 setts bobâ€"sleighs (logging), carriage, . topâ€"buggy, pea~ harvester, large cistern tank, . woodâ€" rack, full set Blacksmith‘s taps and dies, . 3â€"sett team harness, M. H.; cteam separator, 3 . sapâ€"pans, 8apâ€" buckets, bag truck, emery grinder, 3« furrow gangâ€"plow, logâ€"lifter. Household Eftects :â€"Writing _ deskâ€" chest, clothes cupboard,, cook stove, 2 tables, sink, ‘woodâ€"chest, bench, small sink,. rocker, 2 small benches, spinning wheel, and reel, lard press, sausage grinder, stuffer, 240 lb. scale, got, 3 tubs, milk cans, and â€" many. other articles too numerous to menâ€" kion.. : .. at TERMS :â€"‘lz:Jultrx _and all sums of $19.00 and under, cash ; over (that amount 12 months! credit on approvâ€" ed joint notew, or 5 per cent. off for cash payment of credit amounts. MENNO S BAUMAN, Prop. «. « _GEO, G, CLASS, ‘Auctioneer. r‘i * â€"C. W. HEIMBECHER, Clerk. NOTIGE 10 IN THE . MATTER OF THE ESâ€" «TATE OF MRS. GREGORY ; DIETRICH late of the village of St. Agatha, in the County of Waâ€" terloo, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant tol The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, that all credifors and others baving claims against the estate of the said Mrs. Gregory Dieâ€" trich, who died on or about the twentyâ€"fourth day of June, 1913, ate required on or before the first day of March, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Henty A. Dietrich â€"of the City of Berlin, one of the Execuâ€" tors of the last . will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses, and descrip, tions, the â€" full particulars of > their accounts and the nature of the securâ€" ities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last : mentioned date the said Executor . will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having _ reâ€" gard, only to the claims of, which they shall then have motice, and that the said executor will not be liable . for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of â€" whose claims notice shall not have been reâ€" ceived by him at. the time of such distribution. HENRY A. DIETRICH, & LOUIS F. DIETRICH, Waterloo. ALEX. W. DIETRICH, Berlin. : Mr,, E. J. Shantz, the auctioneet of Pctlin, has taken over the auctioncerâ€" inz business. formerly. . conducted by Mt. A. J. Mickus, Waterloo. . Mr. Shantz is prepared to comduct salos in Waterloo County and other counâ€" #ies, and efficiett and satisfactoty service is assured. Farmers and othâ€" ors intending to hoid sales can comâ€" ;'um and | municate with him at the Shantz and Geriman store, King St., Berlin, or phone 706 Berlin . WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1916 Notice to the Public. od will ol , adjoining GREDITORS For 150 Executors. coilie K-. m ari*;q“’&'v..-.'i" C F i‘ + n‘ e "3«"5,’ + L # we “.’ id, â€" agss SPc lt"“‘?“:“ a ’ |cow due May 1; cow. ic is ic es v '!"_, nfln ;‘\; ""% ir iA ie ergroots uk binder,â€"‘ Masseyâ€"Fascia, mower :Lt :'" .,,;oh;g‘,-.; "A) Riance T. tonee, Provs nd disc. f i < e e M Wflkm‘?u:’ oo e combined:; Coskshutt \‘&:» mond â€" harrow, 3 and 4 section i Lined; IW"‘; scutfier . (NGRFIE wew), 1 seuffier, J bagrow wouf ;‘z hp. Turk n‘::l- no; . â€" B o. 50 cutting hand cutting: crushr No. 3, circular saw ane . saw combined on truck; 80 fh. of in. rubber belt; Paragon fanning OMH emery stone, double with pulléy; I pulper, 2 wagons, wagon box Wi double shelvings; stock rabk, hay cacl 2 sets gravel planks,. 1 set mant plants, pob sl#ighs, long*sleigh, ples sure sleigh, cutter, covered bmigg hand wagon, ‘hand .sleigh, 2 sote: dow ble harness, 1 new, genuine rubber ; single â€" harness; 1. imitation cubbep ‘\ single harness; 2 sets flynets, beve jack, steel gasoline tank, whecibat, ‘|row, miannre sleigh, hay fork, rop@ ‘and pullevs tag truck, grass seedor, rrindstone, 500 th scale, puftalo robe, suicingle,, sl¢dge, crowbars, log 1i a‘; ‘|log chains, double trees, meck yokes, forks, hoes, 2 claff forks, scythe and snath; grain cradle, axes, work ponch, and numerous other articles.‘ * FURNITUREâ€"Melotte : cream â€" sepa« ‘trator, wood chest, flour chest, f ‘|large milk can, pureau, spinpingwhoe} TERHSâ€"P(%:, poultry, 5 sums of $10.00 and under that amount, 12 months‘ approved security, or _ per cent, for cash. I% G.G.CLASS, ; '-"J‘mw Auctioneer. Tlerk. â€" 8â€"2%, The There will be sold by public aug* tion, on the farm of the undersigned situated } mile west of St. Agaf 2 miles north of Petersburg, on PR3 THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1916 | _ m en Commencing â€" at 1 o‘clock p.. ‘- sharp. © 1 o w Horses :â€"Coach mare 12 years ol Clyde mare 12 years old in foal, _ aged horses. _ i ce _CATTLE :â€"5 good dairy cows i Cow due to calve in â€"March, H "; cow due to calve in May, cow ï¬,, calve in April, Holstein~heifer . due to calve by time of sale, 3. spring calves. 1. oi ds Pigs and . Chickens :â€"6 pigs 9 months old, 1 brood sow,, 1 Yorkshire and 1 Tamworth boar, $ y6 "T“L" 24 chickens. K fas esc ‘Implements :â€"Frost & Wood: 7â€"ft. cut, neat\y new ;. disk drill nearly new ; disk harrow, cultivator, Frost & Wood â€"side delivery, nearly. new ; _ hay rake, mower, scale cap.. 1200 lbs., Maxwell hay loader, . itom harrow, manure spreader, 2 agons, 2 bob sleighs, 1 light sleigh,. bPEEY, 2â€"seated carriage, land roller,â€"1 twoâ€" furrow plow,.2 single plows, 2 culs fiers, wheel bartrow, 1 power _ horse clipper, fanning mill, with baggetr, sling . ropes with carriage, 2 bay, racks, root pulper, log lifter, p« ladder, 28 ft. long; wagon jack, . 2 sets team harness, 1 set h harness, 6 bridles,‘ logging cow chains, double trees, hay ¢ kn lrom, shovels, and many othef â€" ar» ticles. ie Afars .. Household _ Effects : * dairy churn, â€" meat tub, 2 11 tubs, « 2 cider barrcls, large milkâ€"G@n, 2 rom kettles, apple drier, small milk cans, 50 sap pails, syrup pan, 2 paris gree cans, 3 bed steads, sausage :. grin and stuffer, scalding trough," grind stone, sink, and: many other ; $. Hay :â€"Several tons of hay, ..\ . Real Estate :â€"At the same day the farm will be offered to the highest bidder consisting of: 150 actes in state of cultivation, good buildings, 6 actes hard wood lmwm fall wheat, 30 acres ed. down in grass. . This is a chance to buy a good‘:rm well situated, for terms see the undersigned and will be made known on day of sale. . . «... / ISRAEL M. BAUMAN, Proprietor, young pigs, chickens, and . all{sums ¢ $10 and . under, cash ; over amount, 9 months‘ credit fl# ) ed security .or 5 per cent. m discount on credit amount. "Yar Cl Farm Stock, ImPlgmeï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜:a Ete. v + waceond w# THURADAY, TERMS OF _ CHATTELS >â€"Hay, PUBLIG SALF E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer JOSEPH BAST, Proprietot, T3 Faid %