mâ€bd;ï¬ . Men‘s Wear Store , per bag ............ .50 &, per doz, ... ...... ... 85 i B .;..... .}. B er 14. ... .. ... ... .55 ce 14. ......... ...._... .14 : lanmib per lb ......... .16 ‘akike : .â€".... ........1.0 Relled Oats Cormn, per. cwt "corn ......... ......... 1.80 to 1.69 \ it/ family, cwt............. ... ... 3 80 ir, high grade ... ... 4.25 440 , Fer ton ....... 28.00 to 29.00 8 , ton â€" ......... 29.00 to 30.00 , PeF ton .............. 18.00 to 20.00 BiyWiteate c (reeeceem c en pnr ‘.30 1.60 N9y. :c.l.ln, 00 00 td 0 MB i it mslsn .. ... . 00 o 9D n acn... ........ ... M w J§ har â€"has _ 40 to 50 bluded in this lot are Bjues, Browne, Greys, eto. ail the newsest oloths and upâ€"toâ€"theâ€" minute ?.n ton ... o t«‘: k [ss :. , Agate ....> ; Beven Lilies Berlin, Feb. 11, 1915 i6, [per bushel <........ ... . t, per 100 Ibs, ...... 3.90 lings, per ton ........ per ton 10w WATERLO® MARKETS. Waterloo, Feb. 11, 1915 §, per. bush. .. itoes, per bag per dozen , live, per:cwt. , per i To m ... . Apples, per 1b VILIN MARKETS. GUELPH MARKETS. Guelph, Feb. 11, 1915. ;‘(swm) XJuliet) . STRATFORD MARKETS Stratford, Feb. 11, 1915. ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, Feb. 11, 1915 PÂ¥ chySh, b‘s a > PS o0 COs T eat Euce 1 186 u'unuuni:ml-m and part of the vost will be snorificed. p’bnynmtutcu-lmmm L.m,mwonmb'm hau $5 Hin 6.25 Li 1.50 DETENBECK‘S pér doz $18.00 le of (in comb) ... bush per bag .. skiing, per w, was . practically read German Socialist party. uxton hinted at Britain‘s of â€" German â€" Southwest old $1.05 $9 io aptettens : o0 BYTS1.35 â€"1s0o ue t â€" speves .3.90 cenicls 390000 dogbne uie oC ie n e ie . * ntegerers: 1.00 16.00 18.00 ,..1.50 1.60 1.80 to 1.65 peiiles . 1+ , $ MB . 4.25 440 32 and 85 s se : .i. . 1 50 Relndl > i; ie .60 D 4,10 20,.00 271.00 28 to 32 32 to 35 .. 40 to . 33 to 126 . 7.40 Femirns . BB 16 °0 .40 13 $27.00 20.00 As to 20 00 to 75 40 .65 . (hoke > M 18 _ .20 $13 . $11 ©.20 30 * ag 23 to 35 $1.50 4.00 4.10 $.90 .80 10.00 .80 4.20 3.95 3.30 1.50 27.00 26.00 .. .80 37 .60 .40 1 151 145 .18 up. 7.00 .55 $1.70 1.50 .41 7.40 1.50 Ontaric Ontari $1.60 to freights. Americ shipment Peasâ€" side, not Ryeâ€"N Barleyâ€" CHICAGO, Feb O.â€"lflnl of forelg: buying more than offset an increase : country oflcrï¬m today in wheat.. As & result the market closed steady at %¢ to %e net advance. Corn gained 1 to 1%¢ net, and oats ~W%e to 1%¢ iotiiona the outcome was 10e (o 3t TORONTO C"AIN MARKETS, Wheat, fall, bushel.....$1 60 to $...» Goose wheat, bushel.... 1 n aree Buckwheat, bushel ... .. 0 $5 rive my bushel ...«++««« bushel ......+>>> g;u. bushel ....>«++++ e, bushel ...».â€"«+>++ TORONTO DAIRY Butter, creamery, ib. aq. Butter, creamery, solids. Cheese, new, IAFE®«,)»»» Cheese, tWIN® ...â€".+++++> Eggs, newâ€"lald ......+«+« _ do. do. selects ......... 0 38 _ 9 24 Honey, new, lb...........) 0 12 weae Honey, combs, dozen..... $ 50 3 00 GRAIN AND PRODUCI. TORONTO, Feb. 9.â€"Guotations on the Board of Trade are as follows: Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 northern, $1,68 lake ports; No, 2, $1.66%; _ No, 3, $1.63%; c per bushel more on track, Manitoba Oatsâ€"No, 2, C.W., 74¢; No. 3. C.W., Tic, track, bay ports; No. 1 feed, 69c; sample cats, 680. Ontario catsâ€"Outside, 68c to 65¢, Ontarlo Wheatâ€"No. 2 per CRF lots, $1.60 to $1.65, outside, according â€" to freights. American Cornâ€"No. 3, yellow, allâ€"rail shipments, Toronto freights, $3%c to $4c. _ Peasâ€"No. 2, $2 to $2.05, car lots, OUtâ€" side, nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2, $1.25 to $1.27. i Barleyâ€"Good maiting barley, outside, 80c to 85¢. * a ‘ Rolled Oatsâ€"Car lots, per ‘bag of 9# Ybs. $3.40 to $1.50; in smaller lots, $§.65, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheatâ€"85¢ to 870, car lots, outside. M.iiféedâ€"Car lots, per ton, bran, $26; shorts, §$23; middlings, $33 to §35; .og feed flour, $39 to $43; mixed cara more. Manitoba Flourâ€"First patents, $3 in jute bags; second patents, $7.50 in jute bags; strong bakers‘, $7.30; in cotton bags, 10¢ more. * Ontario Flourâ€"Winter, 90 r cent., rtcnu. $6.85 to $7.10, sea built; 6.95 to $7.20, bags included, ‘Toronte freights. Cornmealâ€"Yellow, 98â€"pound sacks, im car lots, $2.20; in small lots, $2.50, TORONTO, Feb. 9.â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 1000 cattle, 2523 hogs, 476 sheey and lambs and 100 calves. Butchers‘ Cattle. ; Good to cholce, $7.25 to $7.60; good $7 to §1.25; !fl.dhtl:.“,‘! to $6,50; eomm‘ %6 to $6.25; choice cows, $6 to $6.25; ‘ $5.50 to $5.75; common, §$5 to $5.35; canâ€"«. ::nâ€;:d cutters, $2.15 to §$4; buils, $§ * .Stockers and Feeders.: Feeders, 8300 to 900 ‘Ibs. aach, sold 3 ::tofl.“:m muoam.. .15 to §6; stockers at $5 to $5.75. __ Chotce milkers and forward spring sold readily at prices ranging from tm $85 each, and more would have found ready sale. _ _ _ _ _ 110 M _ _ arveâ€" PPE PBE PIw to §9; heavy lambs, $7.50 to $8; cull lambs, $7 to 37.25, f â€"On account of tn.:mnl peceipta were a trifle easier. Selects weighed $8.20, and selects fed and wate $7.95,. and~$7.55 f.o.b. cars at coun! cÂ¥ o Veal Calves. ; Receipts were light, Cholce calves ‘oll “.i}o to "ll per cwt; good mt $9 to $10, auua\. $7.50 to §8; common at $4.50 to t .-.'-"'21"& Lu“;“.mw ow anid oi 1oss io bs 5o cright jnmbe, 9519 $20.00 CATTLE MARKETS Wheat, per bushel ......... ...... $1.20 Fatiey (f06d) â€"â€",...(.. «us csulca TK Oats, Ontatio ......... ............ 50 to 8 Bran, per ton, . ......: $25.00 to 26â€" Middlings per tonm.., ........ ..... $88. Cotn, bu8h t....... ...«......... T8 to Manitoba four ewt. .,.. 3.70 to 4.00 Blended Ontario flour ..,..8.30 to 8. Butter, per lb. ...... ......... .30 .22 Chickens each Hoy per ton Etraw pet ton Hoy per tom .......,;..15.00 to 18.00 Etraw pet ton ........... 8.00 to 10,00 UNION STOCK YARDS. Galt, Feb. 11, 1915, GALT MARKETS Waterloo $10 9.â€"Revival of foreign 0 10 a+ I w t MARKELT, on 0 8: H?& ’ o BkZ% <.. 0 36 0 | 0t 0 0 0 3e 0 0 OM _ .. C cgp 008130000000! 0 31 45 : P. U. RO0O8, $oo‘y Troas. HI time to :oomommiï¬o onn“vlo':' ie rich worich gill bs sebt frer 85 10 18 i Let us supply your wants m l e ud t t W a * in the Meat Line. We ® always keep on hand *# choice * * Boof, Pork, Lamb ; and, Homeâ€"made & Sausage WRigetu y & : Phone 243 Waterloo i Secnesccecncececncenenennee0e esns in â€" *ed a SAVING ol n ootaenas aot give‘ & .. m this Company &# awin We Have in stock the‘ highâ€" est grades of clover, timothy, alsike and alfalls seed. _‘ Government Inspection, », / BEED CORN, MANGELS, AND TURNIP SEED, PTC, Fresh Meats Order . your: seed now while tile best grades are on â€"the market at the THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE Not many . stores where you can buy $14 SILVER QOODS Dealer in . Coal and Binder twinc. ix4* Lo ®=1" 203 Queen 8. Â¥qual to what you find at Heller‘s. Not a piece of inferior plate to be had here at, any price. Only Sterling silver and the finest quality . plate ‘will be allowed in our show: cases. ut @lill'MV it . _ INCORPORATED 1875 Head Office Waterloo Supscribed Capital ......$250,000 beposit with the Dominâ€" _ _ THE DOMINION LIFE â€" MARION & MARION, 4# University Bt, Mantrdat C. A. Boohm, Dist Agt. CRASS ~SEED Waterlog, Ont. â€" Phone 249 All policies guaranteed. by the Lancashire Insurance ConÂ¥+ pany with Assets of $29,036,â€" 465.00. fon Government ...$156,898.90 House <of Quality, CEORCE BRAMNM HELLER BROS. Alfrad .Wright, Secretany. Store near Post Office, Berlin, Ont. * WaANTED â€"EXPERIENCED FARM : hand. wishes work on farm. For in â€" formation tall or write: â€" Norman Bortz, No, 1,; New Hamburg. 4â€"3t. Number unlimited, Highest mark® arice maid. Next sbipment Wednesday Feb. 17th. _ _ xt Master®: <and rHlunsberges Shipping Hogs Wanted ~'B'M a price paid. Load avery .-eon?':h':d“. Next abipment Kebruary 23rd, 1915. At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station. num ber unlimiged. Emt * King Bt.â€" ~~ Office, Wateérloo Mutual Bullding, on dsizedp / 3. Don‘t Wear § * a Truss Hogs" Wanted AT BADEN AFTER THIRTY YEARS‘ EXPERâ€" IENCE I HAVE PRODUCED AN . _ APPLIANCE FOR MEN, WOâ€" â€" _ MEN OR CHILDREN THAT CURES RUPTURES. . ~A. BOEHM lem1! attached coupon toâ€"day and . / vill seand you ftee my illustrated pook The above is C. E. Brooks, inventor of the Mmï¬ himâ€" selt and who is now giving nthers the benefit of his experionce. 1f ruptured, write him toâ€"day, at ; Marshall, Mich. Lr upture and its cure, showing my 4.“ and . giving you, prices and » Werant farms thâ€"sell. Bufyers ‘waiting. _ Also a few. choice residences in exchange for farms. We also want listing for Western farms. N. $ CHAFER 1 SEND IT ON TRIAL. If you have tried most everything Iso, came to ntfo.. Where others tail 1 wifere I have my greatest success. EYESIGHT BPECIALIST 21 KING S8T. W. . Phone 853 C.C. DJEFENBACHER ARNOLD JANSEN | Buys -hwhui"' house and shop .... Tallow at market prices, .. DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE 61 KING EAST, BERLIN, Phone 1267. . . 4. £. wae Within a radiue of Ten Miles. PHONE 1309. _ > _ Berlin Renderâ€" ~Ing Co. General Wants. 'i!‘uld'oneo Phone 867. NOTICE. 56 w 1 ie ud 2 w PyX + Farms ! i 43 mos. The undersigned will offer for sale on bis premises, adjoining Floradale, °_ wEDnNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1918 at 12 o‘clock, noon, sharp, the followâ€" ing ‘property := .. en L un .Horses,â€"Mare 6 years old, gelding 5 years old, 2 fllies rising 3 ~ years old, 2 ‘geldings rising 2 years old, 2 sucking Allies. â€" . *T en Cattle :5 fresh cows, cow ‘due . in April, heifer due in â€"April, heifer due in June, . 1 head â€" young cattle, 4 calves, cow six years old, due to calve in ‘June, * â€" * . Poultry ;â€"â€"About : 150 hens, «collie Implements.â€"Champion : separator 8$x42 with rope drive and chaft blowâ€" er, drive rope about 170 t, m horse â€" horséâ€"power, /‘ Massey v binder 8 ft. with truok“ and lmu- riage, Masseyâ€"Harris 6â€"ft, mower, M. H. 124t. hay ‘rake, M, H. 17â€"tooth cultivator with seed box, M. H. 18 disc drill, M, H. conuoultwmt.“l‘. H. manure sp , M. H. hay der; 2â€"4urrow “gx“(ad plow. _ The above implements are all nearly new, Kemp manure spreader, Wisner drill, 2â€"furrow . Verity plow, land roller, turnip sowet, cut‘t':rn‘m, rootâ€"pulp er, ~~Templin . 4 mill, scuffier, Preston weeder, Frost & Wood disc, 2â€"furrow riding plow, hayâ€"loader,lside delivery, 8â€"section Diamond harrow, l-ncw harrow, â€" hay fork, . about 200 | of rope and pulleys, wagon, 8â€"inch tire ; wagon, 2}â€"inch tire ; hay rack, hay and stock rack combined wagon box with pigâ€"rack, sugar beet | box, 2 bevel jacks, 2 setts bobâ€"sleigh: (logging), carriage, _ topâ€"buggy, pe& |harvester, large cistern tank, woodâ€" | rack, full set Blacksmith‘s taps and dies, 3â€"sett team harness, M. H. cream soparator,â€"3 sapâ€"pans, ~sap buckets, bag truck, emery grinder, 3â€" furrow gangâ€"plow, lo‘-li_lt_qg. T J Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects Household Effects :â€"Writing : deskâ€" chest, clothes . cupboard, cook stove, 3 tables, sink, woodâ€"chest, . bench, small sink, ~rocker, 2 small benches, spinning wheel, and reel, lard press, sausage grinder, stuffer, 240 lb, scale, cot, 2 tubs, milk cans, and _ many other articles too numerous to menâ€" TERMS :â€"Poultry and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months‘ eredit on »xtoVâ€" edjoint notes, or 5 per cent,. off for cash payment of credit amounts. ___ «.. MENNO S BAUMAN, Prop. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, > C,. W,. HEIMBECHER, Clerk. * 0â€"9%, NORTH WATERLOO FARMERS‘ INSTITUTE Four Week‘s Course in Live Stock and Agriculture:> â€" Elmira, from | Jan nary 25th to February 20th, inclusive. â€" We trust a larg» number will _ take advantage of these meetings.. Every: body welcome. rames of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others â€" fail. Rememâ€" har. I use no salves, no harness, B0 es. s s is true. You are the judge and once huving seen my illustrated book and read it you will pe as enthusiastic at my Bundreds of patients whose. letâ€" ters you can also read. Fill out free eol:ton below and mail m It‘s well. worth your time w you irr y ABpliance or Rob., â€" < 1 send on trial to prove what I say » FREE INFORMATION COU Jos. H. Woods, Pres., St. Jacobs, Ont. Allen Shants, Sec‘y., 1992 State St., Marshall, Please send me by mail, in plain wtnm.hy‘ru Mustrated book _ and information About your AppMance for the cure of rupture. Mr. C. EB Sn Seaning prives. " Runidrede of patterna in Surtings" and Overse *m‘nmotunmmuï¬rmm guaranteed Thornton & Douglas, Limit Ad iress Clty Waterloo, Ont. â€"1â€"6t 1915 MEETINGES State MERCHANT TAILORS Notice is hereby given. pursuant .to The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate ol the said Ludwig Schneidet, who died on or about the nineteenth day of December, 1918, are required on or before the first day of March, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deâ€" liver to Louis F. Dietrich of the Town of Waterloo, â€" Executor of NOTIGE T0 CREONT ORS Private George Weston the 33rd Battalion . was years in Kingston Penitentiary . bÂ¥ Police Magistrate Judd . in London on Thursday, on pleading guilty to â€"a charge of bigamy. Smith, _ who edâ€" listed at Woodstock, has a wife in England, and (was recently married again : hore. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESâ€" TATE OF LUDWIG SCHNEIDâ€" ER, late of the Township of Wilâ€" mot, in the County of Waterloo, retired farmer, deceased. i4 Five Years for Bigamist. WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUVRANCE CO 27 REAL ES T ATE _ _ °_ Money to Loan _ Conveyancing : â€" Insurance Wmu» ane00@0404A0 00 0k 008 LA0484 ‘Total Assets, 3ist. Dec \~ â€" $750,000,00 your stock a winter tonic? If not your animals are not it proper â€", condition, every winter stabled animal needs ‘a laxative toâ€" assist . in digesting its fool to advantage. ;i? sell °_ 4 f Pure Ground Linseed Meal per 100 Ib§, ... ... o. iin. «88. Dr. Hess Stock Food, 25 lb. PMIS . ...« smcs eneres sheire s en 2. Dr. Hess Stock Food, 18 Ib, .. DAGS ... .ms smecmes, enemmen 4. Dr. Hess Stock Food, 7 ~Ab. DBAGS ... .sslne ces ced s .85, Dr. Hess Worm POWdéF, gUBTANtb@d ... .ms soulee eimee +804 Dr. Hess Poultrty PARRC@R, 5| Mbilcss csscz cvece premes se . +880 Dr. Hess Poultty PAnACBA (1f ID. ...,... .sseis cmene s eroreer d .85 . Dr. Hess Dip for Disinfecting 25 ABd .......s .ms esc seet 50 + Free trial packages of Panacea. ; .. ‘ z> H. N. HUEHN® fmgas BOARD OF DIRECTONS Dr. J."H. Webb, Beg. ® > ‘ 'flL ’Mo “m‘ Geo. Dicbel Esg. _ _ . Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shants, Preston. â€" ‘Thomas 00"7. M'O o!"_‘ ::.' Snider, vm-mn. t Dicbel, Viceâ€"Presiden Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haight, Solicitor. C. A. Bochm, District Agent. Frank Haight," E4g. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. m Buys 10 acres 3% miles from Berlin mluyn““m 10. miles from Beriin. mmioluuo.'nlmnom Bertin. 12500 Buys 100 acres 8 miles from Beriin. lom Buys 154 acres, 4 miles from Berlin. llm Buys 113 acres 34 mites from Beriin. . G. WINCG & CO. Incorporated in 1863. WATERLOO, ONT. OFFICERS. made ARE YOU FEEDING ton Smith of was given two ft St. .Iacobs. 38 Frederick St., Berlin, Ont the last _ will and tm- ment of â€" the said deceased, C Christian and / surnames,. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their â€"claims, the statement lof their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any heldâ€"by them. â€" And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the . said Executor â€" will proceed fo distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thepeto, having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which they, shall then have notice, and that © the said executor will‘not" be liable for the said assets ~or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not bave been‘‘reâ€" ceived by him at the time of such LOUIS F. DIETRICH, * Executor. Dated the 2nd ; day, of February, 1915. * * 4 _ 5â€"8¢. sCHEAP HOME distribution Ontario‘s Best Practical Training School. We ‘have thorough courses _ Commercial, Shorthand and Tele graphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free catalogues. Write for it at oncé. and experianced instmetore in aach of our three departments. .____â€"â€" Situate in St. Aga! House has 6 rooms,‘alâ€" so woodshed and a nice lot. . About seven years old and in good repair. Terms arranâ€" ged. A snap for someâ€" body. â€" Sale price only A. K. CRESSMAN, sTRATFORD, ONT. Retired Farmer D. A.‘ McLachian, PrincipaL . > 2IlL0 916 14 Waterigeo, Ont. CENTHzL y9° $1000 â€" Whe k 10 wat wee . snn i8 i. ... 200 seices. 1.00 . it t sikrns < 8 o ns P . BB m« Nap . 8k * lg