i forehead made him look almost yish, although his face was “““t _ "I have caten nothing since mora« * Dor said.. "I told Jason to: erve supper here, on a little table beâ€" de the fire, where it is cozy and o I‘md.nm\ chair. < He Adered if the intense enjoyment of good things of life was pure sengyâ€" anese." ‘The odor of hot coffee, the ght 4.Mmu)u. the ra hée of a coal fire, the glow of redâ€" and the storm shut outâ€" s brought a tingling pleasure ic "2 mm’r:*-qlmfllr‘!“- Mon. . He 5 for a moment as Pificusd to. ts miorg: _ He: wou red what had made. it . Sor im to braze b apd hunâ€" cr‘i»-ig‘ 4'..;:‘. onl i w * Tt ‘}.",pf».‘;'u he it as a man A“% ; pain under the power of an snes! ‘The misery of his mind had dulle the sordid wretchedness of ie existence. .. .. 4 | "To Meiry that suppar was a fosti 0t whoily be ilvuunl:l:: ng of ts appotite, but because it was the ort 1# his life. Dorcas imged that lf;w own hunger was j‘_ would not feel that she % a famibbea outcast, Jason &"“& d upon them in.sheer enjoyment i Re brought in ‘tull} dishes and ried away ewpty ones. Dorcas was hthearted and gay, as happy as @y had been during their first ae uaintainc at the shore: KFor a moâ€" pnt,. whil Merry drank his coffee, ie memory ‘of a few horrible weeks ided on the present. . .. ~ . . _ "Misa Dorcas," he began abruptly. mking into a sob. _ "I ain still in a â€" t um’n% § o with me?" d dnd 6i t â€" "_ P ,:. w of “l n 4?545;! & M ied for a moméent while she adâ€" ad the key in the lock: †: you mind seeing Jason?" ask hesitatingly. "He can help with dry clothes~ He will be as & to see you as 1 am." f ling for him," snawered Merty .;,‘_"quuulmoldvflt†faif ‘and bout later Méerry â€"walked "ï¬ Mnm. It seemed as if the e resumption of clean, comfortable thing, even though bunger still ked him, had given the maa fresh r, new dignity. fo laughed nervously. "It is a reâ€" tion, ien‘t it?" he asked as he ‘Do 1‘% bring in whysâ€"now, We are ) comfortable. I don‘t ask for an exâ€" anationâ€" dou‘t want to give any. Gan‘t you see I‘m in. Happy Valley for ‘.â€"fwfl..l am so glad to have | Marty smiled into her eyes. â€" "I‘ll son was an excellent. valet, and a ith, a shave, and fresh raiment a a man of Merry. The lock ‘hair which bhabitually fell over Bhe stretched out her hand appealâ€" â€" Author of *The Woman E’T&'uw in the mirro®. "Ja» some duds I once left in Rhantime. se and raiarag mipr id #ltesâ€"from . m\honrk:cï¬yl S -«.j‘-i N P Mmm:&: ich ‘pets Into the joints and mu and «caust pairiful diseases, Over : hall fleo&ll:st use h': 5 e ', P y +0 ...‘- Indioa Reo ""'.l“‘":* ‘ure Rheumetisin strations by Elisworth Young Â¥6% bless your gentle heart!" fl‘*oroo‘o % an Root Pills n“ Iluluâ€"f‘.,vm used most succbssfully â€"in stood the test of nearly half a centuryâ€"ls m\ . In 44 ~.Fake this in Bquid or tablet form as a tonie. ty R, & Atwrviuk $ cried the girl, her en meseemer e CC 000 90 are weak because of llis that are common . * s Favorite j Prescription tA o s a9 tous ie Paand $o. ul ces . ., ©~ ‘. «'i-.. «oÂ¥ | _/ "Who Is Mr. Oswaldf" aaked Merp | abruptty; K ie sieep ?'~ h Re N igeniige P99 n eat r f ;i.:t' wide vorleies.: 1 | _ ) ï¬ IL." Merry asked gravely, | check the : 4 M * (""" bave vz. or %0 a j isnn esn annrate ty | . oar Miaton ie wh. m mn-m-w ~ ts did nor anewer of 2# 2ite boas ‘-ruy“' -mputmmm' ï¬'fl“l-:bw‘m-‘“ h. §W ‘ou were 4 ** Doress nodand. it was all wrong, :g"nub‘; _ "Haow did you And met" be peb | bim as well as for you; that when you sisted. "Last night on.my wey trom m*'klll Ql'.r:vfl nmu-mouu.uwh whereâ€"that line of men stood. 1 was looking. at them when I sgw you pull down your hat.. Whan Mr. Oswald loft me here I drove back to Tenthâ€"atreet, but the line ‘had dispersed. 1 went again tonightâ€"~just hoping.",> . ... ... "Don‘t you know ? : Heven‘t you, been mm.o papers? Mr. Oswald is the man is putting on your play." # jhe would understand. He had begun â€"ito realize his own dependent nature, First there had been his mother, them |for years ho had foaned mflnoch’l : '-mngm and frigndship., When he was . _Meft alone it was outer darkness, Every ‘ \| fibor of his M&m not, sa mucgh : | for redress as understanding and thy. $ " 4 3 "Yes, he tzd meâ€"only, it seemed so strange, so hard to believe lï¬' | our talk, that day at the point, that |somehow Fâ€"eannot understazd it." . | Merry watched her keenly, He was ‘throftling a temptation to tell ‘every ‘‘thing that had come:between him and the â€" sunshine â€" of oxistence . Me~felt lsure of the girl‘s sympathy; he knew . "My play?" . Andrew dropped bis .J elgar on the w- We _"Your play," repealed Doreag in & quiet tome. "They have: been searchâ€" img â€"every where LoF.y0u . to play ‘John Esterbrook.‘ ~Enoch is in Montrgeal now, looking for you." s t Merry laughed harsh}y; «Mr, Merty, tell me, are you and ‘Enoch no longer . friends?® u . Andrew picked up his cigar and wunullbldwk revived. he laughed again. ‘"Woe aro not mtlg.w Has he told you anyâ€" k "Miss Dorcam «L. will bogin at 3: day when 1 loft you andâ€"*"_ Sudde he realtsod ho wx notâ€"tallâ€"the & !of Enoch‘s disloyalty to‘%r. "‘;dlg Dorcas, I nooed your helpâ€"terribly." "I am ready to help you inâ€"any way 1 can," she answered quietly. â€" She : knew he was nerving himself to a co fession, and |hoԤadanwoi% what ordeal it was to the man, ‘She eron3 the room and laid & paper before him, Mztlu to the boid . headline a ed across the top of a page. The words fairly leaped at Metry. I TAEMENDOUS SURPRISE Enach w.mm:.r Coming Drama She Pointed to the Bold Headlines, Lnelp qulet was Wwosse k struok one. ‘The map otâ€"roh yom of Q‘ $ ol uuu-ulhnn Mervy‘s neme wes not mens arrigd aWAY it a pleaaure to Tor CiHvranicle TeleyrapB, Waterio®, ERemday = TAN.4, 190 TP*Pa n es raoent. lt ...'.....M prouching prodigality. Merry read through to the last sentence, then the paper 4411 to the #oor 4nd he burled "I pleaded with h _4 C g-,.gn...:f ""-.g; him as well as for you; that when you returned he must set strmight. 1 told him i# was not even, collabora tion; it was wholly and diatinetly yout play, yours al@@6â€"* .o.l4 > ts s :nhx' .: -nhluâ€"Ԡhis eyes. + ay A S ealee eevene ata it \ hok m the .full sonfaaaidh of hi {dowi Bhe did not wish to listem to it _ *Rverything!" "repeated "Merty | in eredulougly., *.; . .©~* AsXtwbtr + ETe Contt «y . Oh! At~you! had oo-:?l'clzlv" or tgree days ago things would have bees event," . He rose window. "Mias Dorcas," he n-u taurn to look at her, "what: way <the. warst thought you bad of me when.Rnoch told youâ€"wnat mappened1" . .. ‘The gir} pausgd for a minute.before wm *I thought you were« â€" "Weak!" The roan repeated . the word as it trying â€"to comprebend its "Oh!" cried Dorcas, ‘wWHO ‘CATM‘ Why, I theught. your heart ‘was .«et on.the chara@het". . (" [, [8)l)l 4 "It wasâ€"once." Py M e "I cannot understand." . . .. [ ; ‘The man did not attempt an xpla‘ _ "Andrew #mn"#w *mearching faovwï¬â€˜viht"l ; ‘wrong her brother, "did Enoch do 7t anyâ€"any injustice?" enoont c _ She wfllau:'gor an n'lw-“ ig an infint silence, so it seemed to her. % the lnzhbr #poke abruptly. | pen: . "I shall néyer play the ‘sonvict" e n rey 240 riedlos \"No. "'A;- 'x'ixonk back on At n{év' 3 went into it with my open, 1 sim: ply learned tnt'w l!""h?": Mw’ gauge human nature.*" * PA e mtningw‘%' 'mï¬ï¬â€˜ be loyal to her brother, even while her heart, aching with unspoken sympathy, turned to Metty. *X meveuks wl ..; "I don‘t suppose I haye a decent rom son, except that vhm‘â€"m:‘%m play 1 lost all" interest in it. ; ‘John Esterbrook‘ is no more 10 me foday than ‘Bilas Bagg‘" . " / ....." », "Oht" cried the girl aghast. . "How _ ‘"Why don‘t you want to play ‘John Esterbrook? " she asked quietly, , . you have _ Merry spoke gently. "Miss Iarcas, I‘m atraid you areâ€"miataken. _ There is nobody in the world to care." _ ; _ _ She rose to her feet and, leantag on the mantel, .a::od dowa &t‘!\.‘ th éyes trom w embarrassméen suddenly fed. e eP M S W.M_M,W"‘ll do,â€" I have set my heart on your sut / seas. You have a great M& you work for it? Besides, I am aelfisli." Her eyea shonée with eagérness,." "I want to play ‘Cordelia.‘> Btr. Oewald ‘has offered me the part. I have studied It. 1 could play it tomorraw ‘If you. would be my tegeger.~ . . . ' Merry turned with a quick gesture «s if to push temptation away . from him. "Don‘t!" ‘he éried. ‘"Ab, Miss Dorcas, don‘t go Into stage life!*~ "I shall go tn‘:‘l't. u::u ot h\r." She. 8 with tion. L mra?n 1 can b‘ ‘OM"M- «ides, it would be so mw to make a beginning with . and Mr. â€"Oswald and you." kAAy W T .‘):m; rose and pased for a few . t | ,-%m.‘::n. i a elty.. The sleet of t had dhanged to a raging storu. wind drove the snow in sudden ‘Ourâ€" les, "piling it in (dritts. acromm the. squaré. . _ .‘ "t Pas t ty "Miss Dorcas," he said, "came #f‘ The gitl cromzed the rommi. * y uhe oried, "it in a TCoarfub.right1® © ; "Yes. It‘s a feartul night for the homeless,. Do you know where “‘z might have found abhelter tonight it had mot been for you! hm thera‘a ~a hallway somewhere , ahBals bhoalAO®P Lc Nb in L Aiâ€"lo 4d abruptly and crbssed to the altered!" nsideratio â€"+â€"~~~saaAinia â€"â€"|NCUI 10 is # 2 4 *=ll oneq h(u" t . 1t _ " our ï¬ in the â€" I A 2 . en | "*res mged â€" . |_ â€" ernniont Tnstibations,. Their Value In Thowands of o-u-‘-i.me-ufz Of 'l'iqo.p. Responsible For Formation Of Vric Acid in The Blaod. courd .oave â€" ippea into, and for ‘nh hour r ;,‘;,m would have left . me u_unw: 1 might have found an empty Vench on \a ferryboat, OI~â€" the Bowery milésions are open; only belarw ofté can: make up his mind to seek & muc- there, they are filled to guffocation." . .. ... a nne t â€"~ Dorcas sHivered.© y L l:hga jown guring these weeks ghat I xé-mâ€"« ‘believed:; in mï¬â€™: rhigps )T should not. have .gane so, far .doj mï¬ 1. did not dare «even "to ho;l t you thought of me sanim® io sq td h t iome k at#gtm' y ie c't"i-:.z-::“ h intiedot Tack the Bkin ride tle system of more Urea (or waste é“} 5 ® H '!mmn‘t:k a t ,‘thb ty Skin or of the _ aching Kidneys, not: on} ' P Coesriran ons woke cause 'm‘:‘fflnl s ."nl :E::; the *k * â€"‘"Andrew," gald thegirl, "Iâ€"care so io en aarina r - my* Â¥ ro wt whop I have some ane to care for, > :Girls, ts;t‘tlw‘" ?MM ‘the % 1" host were the ones who a mx"hï¬u called me SCittle Mother.‘" . . ht t â€"' « ves‘" is sold by all r at 500. & J‘bt&@'"‘gl% : ou 22“.... tby ves . Limited, <*Little #m&-w‘romu Merry; then he laxighed huskily. it the ‘girl had known men ‘she would have seen absolute fagiinag for love, for sympathy and Humian nnderstanding in ‘the eyes 'thï¬;ere‘ bent m #er. 4 en h%fl! tat t said in fow min, fites ago, Miké Dorcas, about the stagé being no place for you. ‘Women Iike you ‘are needed !there." 4 B \" Thank y&n."’flw said with‘a happy smile, ‘*Woh‘t you:come back? Sueh an â€" opportunity ‘1#¢â€"waiting â€" for ‘ you. Besides, I could hever play ‘Cordelia‘ with anyone biot you, and you must ba my teadber" . _© _ { ‘Hamilton, ‘Jun. 1.â€"Alderman Chesâ€" ter $,: Walters was. elected. Mayor: toâ€"day. defeating Controller Gardner , by: 1,808 majority. Both are Liberals., Aithough, Alderman Walters wasd "but one year‘s exper in municipal atâ€" fairs he made a name for | himselt by the: civic."inguiry i which considerâ€" 3‘: dishonesty m'gut‘wm-v Controllers Mortis, Cooper and Jut ten ‘wore ‘all reâ€"eleoted to the ‘Board ol ‘Control, the new man beink AM j man fobson, who was Chairman of the Civic: Investigationâ€" Committoe, :‘ ~The , dollowing: . were eleoted" Alderâ€" men: Ward 1â€"Aldermen Tyrrell, arles Pecbles,. Ward 2â€"Aldecmen Wright and McQuesten. Ward 2%â€"Al dermen Roy and Garson â€"Ward 4« ALO: WALTERS â€".. ALECTEDMMON ~*QOEHAMLTON CeeERe e . CUIRE o Sn s i e Gra E. 1, Mealley. and James . A. Mcinâ€" tosl!.â€"â€"Ward;&â€"W,, J, Dore and Potet Nicol. _ Ward @â€"Alderman Hopkina and E.. J; ::NNM 1â€"Alderâ€" man _ New! and ..J. Hodgson. Ward 8â€"Aldermen â€" Gleadow and Ulunket®, Byâ€"lawaâ€"wore ‘submitted to reduce the tavern licenses by twelvo udtz : shop Jicenses by six. Both To tyolen bo provide tor o ic e i * an over> fpw sowet was also dateated. ; ~ James Garvey, & North UXTOIG IML® mat living ‘tnree milet from Ingersoll dropped. dead whils doing the chores at his: batn " MINARD‘s. ~LINIMEN CURES Wf'f *4 y Mes w (To be gontinued.) Garvey, a North Oxford farâ€" "@Rovowbb, | Jag. J >Â¥ he wm -.’tmz‘ to properiy m"." M'Md*m which under present conditions is unsvoidable,. is to erect within â€" the course .. of the to erect within â€" the. course . of the :'U. nh'm mmm! at Guelpb.‘ Here all uwz thac‘s sepply" tor ‘the aiBerent. Inntiâ€" F6 , < butions ~will be prepared by a compeâ€" tentrstaft of officials â€". to be. ghipped CY fisdenarmne io eopigled t . The ise is e prove nu:nw . will BM 0 IWW i B nu;(. 'Ibflutlhbl!. aï¬ era To W 5 â€" The scheme has .been under considâ€" ération for some time and to .. that end carelul plavs have been made. It ‘is understood that the puilding will be . the .outcome‘ of ..@xpert opinion from : beth : archttectural and mvï¬; ors‘ standpoints, ‘Artangements w umwï¬tumï¬"m’fl' huem: ‘ qflh.u'lw AS any private. abattoic, Ex uymno will be utilized . to . the last ounce and it is likely: that if an excess ol fresh meat occurs atâ€" any time ‘that. this wil} pe cured and kept in storage. *.9 lents now maintained, in the. difierent institutions it is estimated that six consumed anoually, (At % presens Haok wad e rempterie o and places â€" ® uLuin: are subject to all the waste and inconveniences incident to local conditioas. uon n fltns Mhcaine o It will he necessary for the Govâ€" etnment to purchase in tilis connec« vion the bulk. of their beef on the ‘trom farmers, . the institutional tarms miot being capable zaw 0 ing: strong dairy. herds at, the same time providing supplies‘ for conâ€" mm Tile centralizing of the opâ€" erat will allow purchases at teaâ€" gonable rates and . will mm{ prove .more profitable than that allowed by ‘the present conditions. â€" * . "‘ With the gddition of this new con= venicnce : trle~ / institwbldn at*~Cuelph wilt ‘hont ‘With "Incréased ‘activity ‘and ‘more time "and space will be: granted tor other Andustrics â€" at the ‘Jesser points. Siz Canadians Are Knighted By King ~ LONDON, Jan. 3.â€"The Cany; named in the ‘King‘s New honore list and the titles they now hold are > Wl 4n Tok ~ Knights of ‘St. «Michael and â€" St. George.â€"Sir g;:;mo’htlfli Ou; dian . acting mmissioner London; Sir Clifford Sifton, K.0. _ _ Baronstey.â€"Sir â€" Hamar . Greonâ€" wood, M.P. for Sunderland, Eng. ~ Knights â€" Bachelor.â€"Bir., Hmfl Holt, president of the &o:ll Â¥, Montreal; Sir Francois toux, act« ing Ohief Justice of Superior Gourt 6':'06-'6;;'61]-?1»«?' '3‘“" gl‘t‘y“;’ :ap; Bir Clive m olley, etoria, B.Q. _ . . .,, Glnnmioc- St. Mithaol and St. George.â€"George G. J. Desbarats, Deâ€" ‘B:u lnnl:‘m -0.0‘ ut;ho. Ottawa; rgeon Maj.â€"Gen. Bu D.8.0., Dwuéy“linl.lm 3 m ‘The King‘s New Year‘s honor ln contains no new wu- The Earl Aberdeen, Lord Lieutenant of Ireâ€" land, and formerly Oovmor-ouu-s ofâ€" Canada,. is raized .to .the rank of marquisate, and ‘Viscount 8t. Aldwyn Mumn is clevated to â€"~‘The Order of the Garter is conâ€" ferted on the Karl. of Derby and the Earl of Chesterfield, while the Ordet of the Thistle is bestowed on Baron Lovat, for their services in recruitâ€" ing. Arthur Henderson, ‘Labot leader and member of Parliament for the Rarnard Castle division of Durham, is appointed a Privy Councilior.â€" 8iz« teen persons . receive the honor of knighthood. Among those knighted are ‘Henty John: Newboilt, barrister and author; Frank Watson.Dyson, astronomerâ€"royal since 1910; Dr.. J, J. Dobbie, chemist; William Chands ler, judge of Aullt.g: Court of Apâ€" ueal, Barbados; Robert Johnu:i.z lately Chief Justice of Grenada, Wilfred Collet, Governor uf British Honduras, and‘‘ Goorge . Smith, Gorâ€" erporâ€"of the‘ Win@&ward Ielands, Stratiord, Dec, 29.â€"â€"When 5000018 mn&‘: Monday another handsome and oughl» m puilding will be in service, t the new Avon Echool : was mnd‘ opened by Mr.J. Russe) Stuart of Kingston, former Principal â€" and lu& of the local public schools. Besides six‘ class FINE NEW 8CHOOL : 18 COMPLETED IN STRATFORD rooms and a manual training departâ€" na:l\ there are teachers‘, nursea‘ and reat reoms, & libraty W mmm:n&uf». * NEW . YEAR‘S: HONORS. Dec, 29.â€"â€"When sclfools provige or. .60 AOn, 4O .. â€" fl e« .‘"‘w\’ 4 ftea fiï¬l- ::3 Lforge.. Alter years of â€" > wait! mz,ï¬ wBt‘be the i its kind in this is now praduta. of thain: whos Ptd ie amanited acity: is inspaired . ~thr 7 which happen in the ‘di M‘ a j lvelibood . » all protest â€" and 6 ; has hp:‘ The nma"m'uwuun employers. â€" "ol 1abor‘in ‘the, Province, :::‘ut w lt m‘* an accidept of about m * Bince . the tiffe : adjourned last spring : : a large ~staff ol experts awid ‘clerks have peen~busily engaged in organizing the ‘systém‘ by _ which |the benefits of the new â€"law are to be ‘ d'untrl::ahd. Hou.d‘m Wom: Coui:- pensation rd, componed f |Samuet ‘Price, K.C., Chairman ; Mr. LARGE STAFF NEEDED i Larints «{man? i h .8 C Intario‘s " New &up“ tion Mbasitre®Wook Effect ‘ «*‘ JAMKES 0. Z".'"i'i{zï¬i,'iiibéwm’ "and Mr. George ~A; H. iâ€&lx sioner, now embarks ‘upos ; and important :: *duty‘"of u-m In view ~of the exceptional indysâ€" trint ‘conditions ckisting‘atâ€"the pte sent time, the board}*when notilying employers: of the anvount of their as vessments, made i iston for â€" payâ€" ment : intwo ents, but . more o m m a _advan + o lmumy the mait‘ was heavily loadâ€" ed with remittandes} ‘= © .0 _ ,; T00 On Bince â€" the Wm:;uuvq-,g board has endeavoted ‘froth ‘time > time to trame reguldtions‘"to explain more clearly The meaning ‘of the act. A regulation ‘was apptoved by ‘the Lisutenantâ€"Governor‘: ii" Council + yosâ€" terday _ under \vlrl ‘a man who builds, say, ‘a bari%er‘Bouse, and disâ€". poses ol it within thitte years, is peâ€" garded.as coming ~underRart 3. of the act. . This will/¢aver "the case of vhe casual iillln{;"b goes . ahead with one house‘at ‘&"Cim#, selling (it, aud then going on withâ€"amother. Anoâ€", ther ‘interpretation ‘ 1# that bakeries employing less than" bix~meh are takâ€" en from Part 1. + eraro nc ritnne in 44 , indiy 4 W !S,‘i?.ï¬â€™ to ol:ro ‘ for |ecompensation: to‘ ithe : board, . which, ‘will see to the distribution of the {money. semiâ€"monthiy, : ~»â€" PINE GROYE®E®*!!* : Jan, . @.â€"At the statgbory .. annual school . meeting «of: Mection «No.(4, (Pine Grove) held nn Dec. 30th, there were.only m‘m- presettt. : Enoch â€" Gingorith, The Trusâ€" tees‘ report WWMm $1,885.41, which . included; a ‘ from lll::dym. of. $617.88. . $581 %as TA n 18 X68,, m cpceived m‘g:;t;.? 'ï¬; Was. w’ out, . $1,119.28, ’n m, balance on $706.:18, which i. Sumou than, a . year ago.«.A.new :; was ‘h slalled this . yeas .af @0086 .of. $187. The report, présented by Sec‘yâ€"treas.: A. Gimbol,, was repprted. correct by the auditors, . and wn‘d& . Augi= tor: J (’Wn ;. Wasy mu.' was the . retiting: /A Cimb®l. Ailte average at nce was . ovel 15 for the year, ani it the record is kept up in 1916, lï¬m may be nec¢s« saryto seoure . Asgistant tgqacher. Too many uJ.Ql itregular attendâ€" arce lave been uï¬rg‘d. and Truant Officer, Rev. C. R. Miller, has b: advjsed M«l ‘Mflm'“. One.. of lrustees sa nncnq-z |have been made to pay Mr. r Jand tliat he has acted here. ‘The oflending parents may be called beâ€" fore uual:mu to explain their neâ€" glect of the children‘s, interest, . _ That the seboo!‘!&fidirs .are conontiy cally administered, mli in , (a statenient made by 1.Shantz, ,u;:: Pine wt;‘rr:‘ ‘shows : the m: costt â€" per any rm m township. & yizs . o fanot .looophk.*ï¬h: infant: ,;o- ::lr. and Mis. â€" Michael â€" Chownyk Mda scaloed ‘his. month "aud> throat â€"wi ““}M m.l‘h' % â€'* ting is mouth ,:ih of a kettlc atanding *onthe ‘pate. Ir. Ochs was called in to soothe tha little one‘s paju. ~~ .. ~ .. [b BERLLN FIRM . GETS BIG ORDER FOR | . â€" â€"ARMY SADDLES Mr. W. G. w“, received word from Ottawa ‘this"morning that the firim â€" of McBrineâ€"& Co., Berlin, has been .'w edntract _ for 1800 Army !\Whess are . lot use in the Russian army. . â€" 0 =~ It is interesting to note in this connection that the leather for this order will alss be made by a Berlin ï¬ï¬‚-*m‘“ Qo' es â€" Asvike contiact price for the sadâ€" dlies u..s'u.u‘:‘a, 1t 1:2 : n‘. 0 amoun nearly. 1106,000. on Noew Year‘s Day SCHOOL ANNUAL IN #t uin s it p "_;,'_';4, * M In x sns Mc Te Cog. % O "oundry. 51 D. @;"~ Mc!NTOSH, ‘HARRISTER PMrgg : ~~.‘ “nm"i Toee Prodpnith Bs i4 anndey . sag l tal Surgery i C O Dental Sur lovostta: _ Office in MB h: on 2s n mesaes monk o EXPERIENCED VETERINAR ...â€" GVRGEON,. . _ _ _| Li in ttet, ratoue shte r i residence, Queen St...\ Phof@. $9%, calls by day or night, anaWwerg® . ‘ Dentist, L.D.S., Royal Collage Denâ€" tal Surgeons, D.D.8. Toronto Univer sity, Anmh:tm‘:l hy pang. Goaocrain â€" Hail. . over LaBE . Bro%, atore hotries ‘oe. "Oufte ugmelme t Li "t‘zq' . College® Dengm;‘..“ '&., unte University ‘ of, Toronto. Whce, . Arst Noor. Wweber Chambers, KIBg Bt .. W., en Ts d P"â€â€™ï¬ P np‘a«u\- Beriin: °v A" CabEr eE :“’: A.& DR WILQW’ Acoug: :\ Gerof theâ€"science,. RditorsJourBal 0 Shen cares . Wherg | alll ‘eled Baile. 7"' cates. chounaiem Etentie veratreis, goitew eto, se ments, > % 4s y _ in Offices, Room. 203 Weber Chambats, Barrigters or WatshLoo Coun® ( _ @map LABOR BC ag . © t s M PV Cow «> ® %J King St. . e ... > hi -‘?m ' AQ“ +A h :ï¬â€˜l‘o‘t. f. wm.‘f‘ ‘fi" us at. once, charge for regigt tion of services wred <> s > <~A6t King 8t. Kas, Mrs. Ma Howltt â€" Abearn,. ® ot mm.":&a: (Pre:ident | of: (Qltawa KElectric <Railway Nand . . companies), who was on q ,f, active women in ‘Canadian philanth pic: and educativnglâ€" ciroles, â€" iyvdes 5P"¢ Bitzasos or she x MILLAR, SIM8 & 0RE0GO0RY >« Delicious "Fruit Laxative" gan tender Tietls Stormach, liver Look at the mothert â€"It goated, your uum Uiver Wiken Peatish, prose Hlatiate, peevr ‘ 7 «isep, eat oft act ‘/‘Q “a twh, m-a sour, brea &.h an gore ‘ ERTCCAMY 00 ln PEsd 1 4 lt a sn mm +n. Cavipeil DR, 8. ECKEL, 1.0.8, 008 CLEMENT & DR. CLAYTON W: WELLS, M‘({& i P i. £ MÂ¥ s Ms . 50 DK â€"F. G.. HUGKE®;)): DR.LEDER® P. OLBMENT DR. J.°E. HETT J. A. HILLIARD: Telephongs 121, K. JACOB® ~| .â€" o aicien 2 14 Bs sull, thestoun: | abtor Santily ot . «C pathy . atl{ "oleq. faile. | ike, thous famk | oiter, ato., . Bu0 6:3