_" ~EBLMIRA MARKETS. LMIRA, JAN. 7th, 1915 _ STRATFORD MARKETS. BTRATFORD, JAN. 7th, 1915. ... GALT MARKETS. C GALT, JAN. Tth, 1915. i per doz. !:*r*‘l ishel E‘ «~ GuELPH MARKETS. _BUELPH, JAN. Tth, 1915 , per 18 per: bag (pet o. ..... _ per: bush qpm ecial) . ; 86) ... m wees Parvald per ton senpinees M pocsseed "saus...»:+»: . cfW. < 1. :198 flour, owt. ...... $.20 â€" $.50 Ontario flour ... 3.00 _ 8.4( BAFIO........«. ......:â€" .55 per pound ......... 32 B an AK {in comb) ... per baz bush. " IN MARKETS. LAN, JAN. Tth, 1015. 100 the ...... 35.30 >$8.50 C 1.10 y canes wer 100 ips w We . on eenscaite® @oÂ¥venae +t per bag . ©JD; / A.. MeLACHLAN, per gwt voomg vende® senTRAL m ONT. tÂ¥ Ew Training l ntea ineiFaciors in oach pet lb lb \.l, 8.15. â€" 4,00 $35.00 â€" 326.00 ..; $28.00 $28.00 ~â€" " on .05 .. $1.30 â€"â€" $1.35 $1.30 = > $1.35 e 118 #.15 16.00 â€"18.00 un â€" 1900 u:} "nz . 46 AB 35 283 35 18.00 _ 20.00 ‘.â€" â€"40â€"â€"â€"â€".50 'ï¬ndv--h-fl Teleâ€" sacceed lbl:' r b..ro gu once. chian, Princisal 1.00 60 _ .18 ~ 30 1.00 _ 1.60 .67 «T0 .65 .66 .46 .48 tAq <1.15 A5! 15 m MB . ~ AP 15.00 â€" 16.00 .. 8.00 â€"10.00 .. wb .60 15 $1.65 t 04 16.00 . .60 i8 .60 65 15 13 1.10 340 8.50 .30 48 .65 .ul 4d .8% 88.00 | "Ra 4 oo Mebitobe wiresliâ€"â€"baame. puolbe ce ie CA9pY 28.00 No, 1 northern, $1.37; m & uon?or.. .10 | $1.33; No.: 3 northern, $1.28. +‘51 | | Manitoba oatsâ€"New ‘crop, No, 2 C.W., ~ 10 §2¢; No.â€"3 C.W., §#c. * American cornâ€"Old, No, 3 yellow, $8446, .80 | Toronto; new, No. 2 yellow, 10%%e, To+ 26.00 | ronto: Canadian corn, $1%¢, Toronto. * Ontario oatsâ€"New, outside, §0c to §1¢. Peasâ€"No 3, $1.05 to $1.69, car lots, out« «ide, nominal. . m # 4s Wt $.50 $1.10 3.40 .30 $6 26. 24 15 1.10 45 1.10 .65 10 r 25.00 28.00 .85 $3.05 16 .35 $3.55 8.30 3.16 1.10 26.00 23.00 A5 18 At .85 10 15 .20 $14 .20 90 21 .38 20 U 0 $1.10 ba 1.50 18.00 .61 .50 Hgge, Dewâ€"lAl8 ... /%.+%++ :u R a‘10 s ks o c io L1 in Honey comb»‘ dozen..... . # 60 3 00 i GRAIN AND PRODUCE. â€" . | _ TORONTO, â€" Jan. : 5°â€"Quotations on the Board of Trade are as follows: CBICAGO, ©.«â€"LFIGG® NE NC liive been for eash "“"“5 rq.ny ab uime of the yï¬ he \, Aae . us An were reached today 0n ‘chAUge . o0 \pg.~_ esd 1 % Il %-vwi! *A E" eq 9t to at inrmanarnnens apevens, mt m. n m tive nhnou‘un awept higher. , aith@ unsétiled wt lbn‘i' tinish, were 1%¢. to ta: ?."’f'um'ï¬m e * & ‘pmufl pro= visions dearer by ?‘gb::)at. CA Y Dowmest! lley. We c nu;?.â€m ray large 154 4 .18 utter, creamery, ib. #q Fz creamery. sollds Chtebe, :::n:;r'.dfll’! Cheese, tWina . ..;â€"...>â€" up â€" Barleyâ€"â€"Good maiting barley, outsl B§e to 70¢; Manitoba bariey, 6b to & lake ports. FPia c 5e 5.o W se B w RORONTO GRAIN M Hsiirnaiiats. .:. | oracet T ohe. bushal .: .... «... .. 1 Quts, bushel.....««»«+«» 0 Byk. bukhel .2oonne0) +o+ 9 Rolléd oatsâ€"Per bag of 90 ibs.. $3.10 to $3.25: in smaller lots, $3.25 to $3.35; per bushel, â€"$6.75,â€" wholesaie, Windsor to Montreal. > CC _ Milifeedâ€"Car lots, per ton: Bran, 3!' to ‘lt‘:: ahorts, s27 ‘;o m':â€mldt‘l%nu 29 % ood feed flour, to P ly.â€"rgo. 3,‘ $8e, outside. Buckwheatâ€"71c to 72c, _ Cornmealâ€"Yellow, $9â€"1b, sacks, $3.65 to $2.175. :. f Manitoba flourâ€"First patents, $6.60, in bags; second patents, $6.10, in bags. Ontario wheatâ€"Car lots, $1.10 to $1.1% outside, according to freights. A Ontario tlourâ€"ï¬lnt.ï¬ 90 Yfl cent. pat. ents, $4.60 to $4.65. Montreal. nominal. WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. ‘WINNIPEG.â€"Jan. 5.~The wheat marâ€" ket at the opening was wild, and the éxâ€" citement continued for some time followâ€". Jng. May, wheat opened from s;.x; to $1.34%, and advanced fractionally later, sLowing nervousness the most part of the day. The contributing causes of the advance were the continued export trade and higher Liverpool cables. 7 _ ‘The European visible supply #* s a Aecrease of 7,364:000 bushels, which was also @ factor. & In exporting circles the opinion I!s freeâ€" ly expressed that a large volume of bus!â€" ness would be transacted but . for the freiw* Aifficultics. Later"It was estabâ€" Uished ‘hat. considerably. . over. â€" 1,000 000 bushe". were. worked for export today, and 4t ‘s claimed to be a record.. May wheat on the .Winnipeg market was sold atâ€"$1.35, ~which is the record for yn‘n. Winn‘peg wheat futures <losed 2Â¥4aâ€"to *%Chigher; tash wheat, 2%c¢_ to. 2%e higher; oats, lc higher, and flax 1%¢ Winn‘peg wheat 2%¢ higher; tash higher; oats, Mc higher _ : MONTREAL Jan. 5.â€"Export busines o ty‘ 1 a in Manitobs spring wheat was T rdod fodn,. & in the Meat Line. hws :‘ ere ng a br ema n 0i V m buyers at an advance in prlrc.rln :te{:.s; o aiwgys keep on and & to 2s per quarter, with sales of No. 1;® choice * â€" & morthem 1 42 49 tnJ ho o mertnane | @ & h a ~ort & . wouw. rave at oz 4 ® poges niaatee ah n mememcts !:» OOf',| Pork, Lamb : yo:n:en st night were accepted and | 4 ‘ .d ¢ the prices were renewed for more, an “‘ "“ f but exporters would not accept them, ow-â€"lz geeles o e bnivasts s 9 * : Ing to the further advance in the Winalâ€" ! s 'a e peg market, and cre asking is 98 pn',: ‘ l ) l 3 s Reling daveloped in the Tocal market for | @ e eelin m e â€" oats today and prices advanced ‘4¢ per .Wny not deal here and e ‘bushel, with an improved demand | from | @ snn * .& local and country buyers. English im«| g ger the be<t ? % 4 porxters‘ w:t:ned -nr:ng 'whe-l r{lo\}r.mbtt:t e frrumqmeedicnmrysciencioncop : owing to the scarcity of ocean freight to r ‘ul)ma: ;:loru the gog;xyme of bl:.lh’lell was ‘ : Next time order from us e checked some. ables were stronger an + sales of export patent were made at 37s @ | i per sack and lcru)icc patent at 398 64. 'n'.o @ EDGAR FISCHER : "m‘-l( 2l sount haw mio change, ner ue | & | Sonpmasor to J. B. Fischer 5 ulet and prices show no change, I ‘gndertom of the market is strnug. The & Phone 243 Waterloo . a demand for millfeed is fair at firm prices. | % | Butter is fairly active and firm, whila Seeesc00e000se00e0a0e00» f"'&:&" qulet, and the demand for eg@8® ~ommmgmmemmmemmmmmmmmenen anmmemmamemeeaen t s k ut pULUTH GRAIN MARKET. !lN THE ~MATTER OF THE ESâ€" e i ioi o o ie a e e . ons t secvonh oi gatecien ® i 0, nort 4 .42; 0. $1.291 to $1.901%; May, $134 to $1.95. ‘l Aate of th+Town â€"of â€"Waterlo0, enprmonnanvnmdaionnteien mm ns t n v im the County of Waterlo0, cA LE‘MAI‘KE !s | Spinster, doceased. TORONTO DAIRY MARKET. UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Jan. 5.â€"â€"Receipts of live stock at the ‘Union Yards were 750 cattle, 1157 hogs, 486 sheep and lambs and 55 calves. MONTREAEL GRAIN MARKET. Buy yours from us and you will] never have cause for regret. Because we make them ourselves and _ know what is absolutely right in quality. We engrave your initials and date free of charge. Our rings are ~well made and fit comfortably. . We will tell you mote when you come to see Wedding Rings Atore mear post office, Betlin We issue matriage licenses, HELLER BROS. way: soid ® )‘egrsA e 24 aâ€"to o to. 2%¢ m lax 1%c. o KET. & business : id today. oversens @ oft is ¢a ® f No. 1. ® nd No. 1)@ narthar® | @ ranuary~ | ® ts made | @ pted and | q ‘or more. ; & hem: owâ€" | g e Winalâ€" ! e 98 9e | & atrangar | in l ~Aubbte S To on . (Â¥64 weo! F," in. the northwestern district, >. on market defeated the Hydro policy .by. a majority of 109 votes. This Te verse. was not unexpected, as New> market has always been nr:zudd mb the ‘stronghold of York ial sentliâ€" meat, n&u emphatically opposed to a:ly petition in power from the Hydro system. A byâ€"law to taise $15,000 for â€" a subâ€"station was . #lso lost x 388 to 387. Another closely bon! municipality was Sandwich where the Hydro power was favored AANMAbdbA © wrane !S_hclbug’m ie Dund@lk ...... ., Delaware ... Mount Forest Chatsworthâ€" . Huntsvilie ... in am enabling byâ€"law by t‘fl“ majority of 14. _ At Band the largest ~vote in the history ol the town ‘was polled, and stromg Opposiâ€" tion to the byâ€"law wnmlré the Edison Company and Detroit United Railway â€" Company: interests <ol. Deâ€" trolt, as well as by the local salt works,. Enabling and money byâ€"laws : Eugenia Falls system For. Against Niagara syatemâ€"â€" Bothwell ... .« The New Year was ushered in on Thursday. night by â€" what ~was the most successful social tuncticn ever held in the Twinâ€"City. â€"/‘.. F Tie Waterloo â€" County New Year‘s uail. in aid â€" of the Belgian Relief Tie Waterloo â€" County New Yeat a Ball, in aid of the Belgian, Relief Fund, and under the distinguished paâ€" trorage of Premier ana Irts. Hearst, was held in the s;acious auditorium ~ St. Jerome‘s College â€" with Over four hrndred guests, including â€" many from Teronto, Guelph, TLondon, Hamâ€" diton:, Stratiord,. and points. throughâ€" out the county. $ Seuimaes y n cive .. aigh) TNWOC . MeRE PeC EC 00â€" Elatorate patriotic decorations and the gay throng, made the affait a brilliant scene. ‘The Rail was underâ€" tatea to raise funds to augment the County Belgian ‘Relief Fund. The use of the College auditorizm was given gratis, through tl‘s kindness ‘of Rev. A. L. Zinger, I‘râ€"sident of St. Jer ome‘s College. * NEW YEAR‘S BALL AT BERLIN .....‘.....Q.......... Epabling byâ€"Jaw only Xoticz is hereby given pursuant to Tlle Revised Statutes of Ontario, 19i4, Chaptr 121, that all creditors and others having c‘aims against the estate of the said Flizabeth Bean who died on or about th>. sixth day of December. 1914, are Tayuired. on â€" of }befote the first ¢a ; of Pebrud:ry 1915 send by post prepaid or r to lt\?asm. %‘-lem'qt p&ep('vlem(. w the Cits of Terlin, Solicitors for George Fean anl Alired Eliworth Bean, the Excoutors 0° the last will and testaâ€" ment o% thy‘ said d:ceased, their Christian _ anl s<tbames, addrosses and dcsoript ons, the full pavticulars of thxt â€" ca‘ms, the statemont of theit accounts and. the natwre of the securitics. if_anvy ‘held by thom. * EDGAR FISCHER . @ â€" quocessor to J. B. Fischer + & Phone 243 Waterloo . & :..O........O!..“.O.: Ard {rrtherâ€"ta c notice . Athat._a‘ter such Jast mentionedâ€"dateâ€"the said Wrecu‘ors will proceed to distribute the ase‘s ol the deceased among the patties qntitled: thereto, having . te gard only to the claims of wilich they shall th n ha‘e notice, and that the said exeoutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereo! .to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have . been received :‘M at the time of such distribuâ€" y y Fresh Meats Let us supply your wants in the Meat Line. We always keep on hand choice s Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made 31131352 Solicitors for above named Exeouâ€" Wl. P w 5 54 Dated the 23rd day Clemont & Clement, Berlin, C nt ". s nds * in 1..‘;::†i.) i8 is\ 3& 2 vi+ e BB 3 a*~~.‘< YRO 40 287 Carried. Carried 38 bf Decom»et ; 40â€"2% 12 THE MERCANTILE ~FIRE INSYRANCE . TINCORPORATED 1875 Head Office Waterloo Sutscrited Capital ......$250,000 ~Deposit with. the Dominâ€" lon Government ... $156,698.00 ‘ All. policies guaranteed by ‘the Lancasbire Insurance, Com pany with Assets of $29,636,â€" #eesssaesere® 10000 0e *A Fam ous Life Insurâ€" _2 +5 ance Expert Has said: +« C. A. Boohm, Dist Agt. Waterlop, Ont. Phone 249 +0 465.00 *P. N. RO03, Seo‘y Treas. % : Head OfMfice, Waterloo, Ont. _ " Sesesseeeseseenne6a08 00 <k AT $16.90 * * Several shaw!. cBilared Wisters, . in heavy fancy tweed materials, also . a numzr .of close fitting velvet collared belted overcoats, in fancy tweed, reg. $22.50, upecial > ... ..<.â€"....~.>$16.90 Reg $18, special ....:. .. . $13.90 Reg. $15 and $16.50, for .... $11.50 . Reg. $12 and $1250 for , ... .. . $8.90 AT $19.50 is *k Fal for Beef and Horse Hides, Calf and Sheepskins and Tallow All kinds ot Skins and Furs dressed at ALLâ€"MEN‘8 WINTER OVERCOATS, SIZE& 35 TO 46. ‘ All ngx-r. .$25.00 self collared ovâ€" ercoats, Burbersy cloth, plaid+ inside, folk lined and satin sieeve, lining in blue and dark brown, . hand tailored throughout, . $25, special ...:., $19.50 AT $14.90 â€"â€" â€"<~ t R Stroh‘s Tannery Waterioo. All regular $20 Overcoats, in tweeds chincholla, naps, heathers and . melâ€" tons, in blue, grey, brown, etc, made up in ulster and close fitting models. Regular $20 for ..;. .... .. _ $14.90 Regular $18 for .. .. ...... $19.90 Regular. $15 for .......0.0}} .$11.50 R..t{.r $10 for .. ... ... : . .. .: $6.90 Regular $8.50 for ... .«.. .. $6,90 "A palft million dollars in the death claims for one year in ome ol the u:Jm compan~ ies may . be saved by the apâ€" tention with far gremter case toan _ one â€" bundred thousand doillars can be saved in . OXxâ€" poases." THE DOMINION LIFE â€" plication of wisely directed at E""aï¬Ã© $12E8 33 10. 39 AT > erames. . Reg $12 and $12.50 ulster and closs. in 1913 effected a SAVING of 73 per cent. of expected cialms Why not give: a Policy . in this Company a# a Xmas gilt* ‘Alfred Wright, Secretany. High Prices A_L nre __â€"-_‘_â€"_â€"__â€"â€"7 4 $ aA â€" hi "~R+ .: Thornton & Douglas Limited, . & 4/ Cléthing Manaufacturers. Berlin. ,f,s CcOMPANY YWOUuNG MEN‘S . WINTER OV Ts S1ZES 33 TO 35 KX s 44â€"6t ; Doaler in Farimn Seeds and 1 Binder Twine F.ve%y Winter Overcoat, Men‘s, Young Men‘s and Boy‘s. Every Men‘s Suit in the stock (except, :.'..Pf;_ and blue). As we never carry anything from one season to another, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Gloves Mufflers, Shirts, Hats and Caps. ie m Here is a list that will give you some idea of the big money saving chances that this Sale affords... > Phone 30 208 Queen~Sr 8. > Berlin WATERLOO MUTUAL FIREINSURANCE CO Begins toâ€"morrow morning at 8.0‘cle Incorporated in 1863.. . Total Assets, 3lst. Dec $750,000.00 _ Dr. J, H. Webb, Esq. _ WilliAlks Snide?) Eeq. ~ â€"| (Geo. Diebel, Esg. .. | ~ J. L. Wideman, Esg., §t. !nt Allan Bowman, Esg., Preston P. E. Shantz, Preston. i‘bomas Cowdy, Esg., Guelpbh. James Livingston, Esq., Baden Frank faight, E8q. Wm. Snider, President. Gen. Disbel. Viceâ€"Presiden®. Frank flaight, Managet , ; Arthut Foster, Inspoctor. J.. C.. Haight, Solicitor . Clothing Manufacti BOARD U# UiRECTORS Ail GCoods Pertaining to Winter Must Co. ced cAbLOO. unt. . * |% OFFICERS fitting models in fancy tweed and chinâ€" chilia cioths, apecial at ... . ... $8.90 AT §#AD >oolc: 0o c 3 E Regular $9 shaw! coliared overcoat, in blue, special at »... «... ... . $6.45 AT »5.90 .~ _ %a" C ~ Regular $8.50 shaw! and convertible collared ulsters, in fancy tweeds .. and Rap, specI@) .... .. .. .... .... $5.90 MEN‘S FANCY. TWEED SUITS AT ~«<.. ©10,00, S1ZE 36 TO 40 All reg $22.50 and $25 Suits, in fancy English tweds, and worsteds, . Scotch tweeds and Bannockburhs, .heathers, etc., hand tailored throughout, special RO iÂ¥ q iY io Sex th a n ark e o0 5e + 6+ 10ME Reg $20, special .......... .. $14.90 Reg $18, special .... ... ... .. $18.90 Rea $15 and $16, special .... $11.50 Reg $15 and ‘10, special ... Reg $12 and $12.50, special Reg $10, special .:.. ..... Reg $8.50, spéecial .... .. . YOUNG MEN‘S SUITS SIZES 32 To 35 Reg $13.50, special Reg. $12.50, special Reg $10, special .. Reg $8.50, specia! . 8t. ‘acobs | $ AAACOAAOARAORAOARARRAAAOLRARRAAARASRAE : tv. Having hat aâ€"goodlyâ€"aum~â€"â€"&.. ) ber of years experience, 1 can $ ) assure all entire satisfaction, @ p For terms or further informgâ€" @ : tion write or phone, :j 4 ALBERT MioKkve, | $: ‘ Phone 172. Waterloo. : ( see ‘0...0.0.0..0.0.."[ 4 pothet. Alp Nes ©â€"" ies bre G/impaileg hi 5 5. §'-t-â€"â€"°"' HEIDELBURG >( â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"$ P eassatitttt¢¢t8444a08 aet 06098642000 8b000008 LICENSED â€" AVUCTIONEER i;mm Are you acquainted with it is the only pure and genuine liquid for applying to .m and sausages. . This may be something new in many i m used, it will always be used, there is no more need of a us and danger of fire, a smail brush is all that is required, R ct properly applied will season your meats to te it against insects and gorms, and gives it a real smoked s a . â€" ! . onl PV 10 eno e d oauphs limited quantity in stock. Price $1.10 per quart bottle. ‘The undersigned is prepared to _ conduct #sales for farmers ard others in Watérloo Counâ€" $9.90 Krausers‘ Smoke Extract «3 W BOYS.OVERCOAT z: .50, special ... . special ... . lqsï¬m Reg $4 and $5, special BOYS‘ SUITS in two and three but= ton â€" double : breasted. style, h_‘h‘_‘ cloths, full fashioned bloomers, . _ _ Every boys suit $7.50 to $12 < at one PPIG@ ......+e vs ces «6 2e Reg $6.50 1@r ... :\ ... ««»»»+»> 8 N. HUEHN SPECIALâ€"One lot of Boys Sweater coa.. with or without collar, j $1.50 and $2, special while they: &‘ SPECIALâ€" Men‘s 50¢ and 62186 Fleece Underwear, â€" special 48e ment, or the suit: @t, ... ... ..ress All Overcoats and Suits are the son‘s latest syles, not carry last season bnt bright upâ€"t #s, all our own make. â€"Come at once and get first choice of ‘ the best... No goods sold on approbation but money. will be cherfully refunded, as usual,s.. Ag for . 2 ho t solotel., Setieetion *4 * guaranteed. ‘Term® reasonable. Can see me at Lippet®t Block, 1 prepared conduct Publ‘i? Sales any '&. ‘The patronage of any ome bolding E. J. SHANTZ Licensod Austionser Beri‘n Write _ t‘hone 108 applying to your ham, hacon E. J. SHANTZ, Berlin or . Phone.â€"House Tinware ri