t91itm' wanted lor a gnaw: property. isu.. Apply a. K. I ‘etloo. TM 21',i"'h took pl '..tte"oo. ot iss Alma it. m Mrs. Wm. Pe', " and Mr. Harvey q In. M. E. Bookehml flanged concert of we Waterloo Mt Choir aunounced to take My evening. Dec. 29th, been 110:de until uest Thum- n Jamar F IL “Help" Wanderers Hockev sep- Isuo k booked for Wellesley on Nev Yen's day, where am meet, the Wel him: Mam at 3 o'clock in the after _ The last régular mmtmy, ni the me'uuary Board was held m. - ' evening last. The butunew tttot my!“ order; accounts besru; "ased. and the “wk of he 30M News“ to a Liege. Jntorment took place nu " Bt. Memetsts. of \lrs. Chicago, tanner†Miss hm tet. 01mm. Mrs. hm. v E burned several “can my in Chicago, “MN tn stove polish. Give“. girls and boys an tion “got isCredily "siviul-that them tbgliake a hung, and up than great ppporturutieu. Thu Ws Buséness College can do mu your my Wyo‘ur girl. “mu-1 opens Jam, 4. 21:13 Em gin beet when: ot - feat on the nu- "tt m â€a. The animal "vutertaitoeur St. John's Lutlmau Sunday was held on Christmas night, pleura ' which Wits an!“ 'l'.flf"ieT','d English and l The entertainment “us ofa I' chuss this tear, and “an. Lug tended. _ . mu: m 'k 35mm L The Waterloo Pn-sbytcxmn chum p38 crowded to the doors last Mu day cumin: for the annual Cin 151m. Suuday Schol Festival. The Snpr inmdent. oi the achool, Mr. J,.\.H.1 per, presided, and the “mucus um bers on the prograuuue were v,ivya' the scholars ina manner “LAN: 1 tected the greatest tneUii upon 1 painstaking efforts of the teachery their behalf. The stunt-c of sung vs led by the chow, including hm u rendered solos bv Mr. doc Elna,“ of which was greatly vujoyvu by t largo number of parents and [mm In attendance: Chrtst.rrias cheer u distributed at tlu- close. ONLY TWO CASES OF DIPHTHERIA Medical omen of Health, Dr. man reports that the tliphtlwrra demic has about run its â€who. _ being only hm cast-s at ptestud I!!! ‘malmnc. Citayvns “in 'leased to lean: that. sud: is thr and that health condihun» an; l REUNION OF BECHTEL FAMILY Ed. M. Devitt ly becoming normal agal ittr, with a WW Irw'ur t the home of Mr. and Bechtel on mainly)»; F. annual family gatlmmg were in attendancr. An enjoyable plugrnm and musical numbers l Incl: which Santa Clan gifts to those present 2 â€manned the hearts oi $59M. The cunning a sewing of rclreahm liter‘ which Santa Claus disthhutmt mils to those presan and csevally â€widened the hearts of thr. Hulda-n gr2, The cunning concluded “uh servmg of retreshments. Mr. Homer Wzgtson oi Doon presil- ed witty much acceptance. , Every available tttrat l' Evangelical church was Monday owning, when 8013001 eatetrtainment u ro was by special req . aid ol the Belgians. 1 m juniors gave a l Mon-m, and together v otitt much by the Ire, ttt pmedrd the cnnlnt (M cantata. “A Hm hm." was givr‘n M the mm put on in an mm " that present much Mao enun- pnwrm “hi. LARGE CROWD ; Jr,lm , AT CHRISTMAS Ham 1" ENTERTAINMENT :23); Members of the "evhtr4 our dis P,u'hr,,t tru y hunt our. “on. MT AND msaht, took place Saturday Ms Alma, daughter at Wm. Putz, Bowman Harvey Trump ot Ben Bockeluul othciated. lot a first mortgage rty. Interest 6 per A. K. Gunman. Wat- Mrs. Iter s lK-uluu In Emmanuel occupied on the Sunday MT acct-pied on ‘the county the Sunday iiii by a pa: as repeated. (into jail. an" and ll as i :s tramp) th urtt manner, appreciating reliant-m: I n patr LIIar The beam- nl BetNe" nTors. and " {FINE 1llllllll.llll,, there " 1h tl " tro ta2ttt.'"'; mm m. tgdrfi _ L'lt "Tutu , . p t " I no the may 'ct,ulhtah'S'e'tu'l'd and nus- u-mou in “I. dint-rent no" um- dows. Th: wudows this your at particuiarV -aesortstttit, and pro- vide my mini suggestions fur and: soaking Eighth» gins. IMF my. ,iiiiiiai ttt Wsurloo M â€11:0me De, conud for Christmas shed ,"""’ ~"-v-‘ .- ___ - Starting at 15E. Bt. mm is the yindqyml M. C. Maatiiirtd, who c09- ducts the restaurant. A Christmas tree has been glazed in the window, and prettittt “outed, while a the “no ot Christmas tunnel is on dis- Phy- 1‘ _ IA m', A _. FL-(nimon I t ll r--.v- l For alphn'lid line of Christmas meats, the window and shop ot Mr. E. J. Fischer is a wonder. The shop is prettily decorated with evergreen and Christmas decorations. and hang- ing about the store are several hue geese, and a big choice ot meats. The window ut S. u. Brr'kcr a; Co. oticus many suggestmns tor gifts tor ladies, including large assortments oi tttovets, and all Hinds ut tatiies' fuse- oticus ladies gloves ware. atecl Mam. windv wh In ll tl pr tht' Ludw- tule the "thet yr men. 1n the “‘de ndwarc mot mit. ardt late The (D nu an tttttact n um her tatrsed Hen-d. Wot ttauicr SHELTEHEU FUR _ JN MBNTHS John Hounsell mam luck and w :anu- and ash-11‘ game. Ml Pl dquartes Ida " . llacllnel Iras a. nicely decc Mow dlsplaymg a large a ssortment of Cltristmas cl: perfumes and note paper. gvucral store of l’n'elma ; neatly decorated with sigl .xbcful electrical gills an: ttr tir U it: The wmdow uh: Mr of the d he was um‘n a m) , m the County jail 1t 3rr M tl: " windows mam 8it fr". M "‘ng 1am ale roads, when sing farmer. lame! is an it the count ts H Wal" bl tht Cl " hi HISPLAYS " Ir frt JAIL 'al mo: trev, um F store u has been up against as out ot mark. Ire um police for shel- {won a three mortals" de In id h rum he} by the liar" uggushuus cotv strolling dong m he was ttotie- r. and brought n aged man who my. apparenny teralth. At least mm. tor he pro- m‘ m Mace, "c M. Mum ll! Iv all tl Um t he b' thi itou " In it“ " III‘ lht ‘h in gm " ate lap plr In ot "t bcuz lvl “It ii'itntaTtiltillillllllllltl?li'-_ / 2 lanmm '3 ', il.GTlilEilNji]1 mm; if summmi tl shoe Goody lumbar of oiiiiiiiiiTG Wm land for “new. 081m Monday Bump tr-addr- Were Deliver l ed try Nominees and o, hot: " Public Meeting. i t he t he ooaerramart11v'r1a1rr, Ill? or the be Lu H ttl " head oi and] a municipality as Wat- rrlou, I! he had made mistakes he msurcd. those present that, it was nut because he had done so wiiittlly. He had always performed his duties to the best. or his. ability. . He said the council had had its ups and mums. the meetings being perhaps the liveliest QHCG he had ‘bocu m i1aterloo. The 'council had {sap-1.1 considerable mum-y and the nation.» chairmen would explain the iI-utlrvs mama. The council howrvttr, had N had d see a adopted sewn I The " so be C taken t John . Kama» Geo. WW!» Thou. Hillard. As us ceting Inch v. scrun- healthful (MINIMUM. I WA '7 V -- The awn-,4:- "rspoial farm must al-t so Irr rnlurgml, and steps should be] _ taken to separate Hum the County' (m account at the inv'rruno lu asst-5&1 uwnt war by Mar. I q Consult-,muun mum :dsn be gum} EHHIL to www huorl' grown. m a-mmwluml r with tue gun-1 pH Ile assurodi E TEHTRNMENT thou" 1111'va thot If rvwlected hu' “mild (autumn,- 10 do 1119th iori, _ I . C. Woollen J. B. Hughes Gm. ttege'nast. J. Chu. Mtteriler, E. F. Sealant W. H. Kutt. w. H. Run. you DEPUTY mum Wm. It. Kutt. A. C. Mayor. F. J. “udenlum thaw present would (unlmuc mu town (ll Reeve “aghast, chairman of Finance Committee dealt with town Martces. He expressed Finance Committee dealt with tim l town Mattces. He expressed his l Willingness; to serve for another term it the doctors so tesired. Rome hegenast made reference to the iautel Volume of work done by the Council' during the year. Thirty six meetings' ut the Council had been held and in-, eluding Comrnitteo meetings he ‘hnng i2lg'dtSP,2' M Q?! s F e equal “t minim-En , m%g'io§ _year. Iteterring to the iiGiscut statement holstatod that ot the over- Ir'lt ot $11,700.33 about $70,000 was accounted for by the downturns In be issued. There “as therefore a deMit M about $5,000 ior ihe year. which minstituted a good record, all thuuts consumed. trurrng tlt 1mtor- Carl “holler, Dunn-l Hu‘ulendl M. S. Hellman li. ll. Shah, Fred Nahuatl FOR CUl'NCILLORS tod Chairman of Il il War Nt POW niTT'i-i liard,-- the FOB mum ill; Mayt aal LVN garb I v, hich In-amm . 1luelm, (mm!) “WEN COMHIFs‘H‘ new ‘0 it it ll u Hu "LIL llcmplnill I --lyr. C Iuveu inane: add" ll MISS!“ mi N. " tr Orig nrad, '1' Kk tlw Town Hall had my Mm Mon the expend .lu‘, or Kaufman host. V and he wuuld like to huge rollecdott system h “as so necessary. to nu by t varr , mg How ll Lu Howl h shov nd t $4 Ivy C. llamht the Ina-Um llarprr LII tl thr t. Hr assumd‘! " "selected he', n his' best for} YEAR 3 WORK BY OFFICIALS atultt Tolar ll Ha ttt l and Imprr WV ll kill CHM n to and h loul ch-..z.mn. The speaker related to th. ap- polmmcnt. u? thy present “dim, and the collection ol are“, M was ot the last seven years. “a m not- " ttow [0!th Waterloo m been ll E "13.15." in debenture. which â€ought a premium ot 82100 at 811,000 " six wrong“. _ , Reeve Wagon.“ made his successful ondcuors ty Court! in regard ion" basis tor the a manly purposes. A :19 adopted and the tollm " Galt but», tht DH: #'lllNll PASSES AWAY x h (MlS'fllllS M and tl m 11in 1d it Mailman“. Sunday Soho-ml he‘d on “wimsday evening. “as an unv,uuli- IW-d sun-cess. The program \gqs uh a- trally “uncanny: and uh otiendiusry was 1ratityiroily large. The [nature oi the owning was a rut-rm Chritatmas'Caniata, which was' aplrmlidly giwn by the members 01 who school. . I “load taking part, nlmt'nrcd in Ort- cu-lal costume and all acquittal tlltmsohes most medium}: The mu- MC was' also most appropriate, lu- rhmmz a number of beautiful L'laiste 11 Ill ch dine a numher C mat; Carols. lu. Milli-rd, ) ‘lpnrintendznt oi the Sunday School Immovd. and during the evening pre mm a number of buttons to members ot the school tor "runny ot atterdance. Tre stay-d Hm no tar, smrnwm gold mumm- attomlance LAUGHS. a Hummus at ll " 'WOO Hf! llr n. The eststtsat" oittq m has eu-ded but c “when by the tu- Inn run made Idem!» to l â€dawns on thrcat- n regard to W uni- tor the “warrant tor men. A no“ basis was the tollumug incubus f mm hem oade Utis waluatlo Me City, Mould»; used joined the ivorgvtuun, hemp: lie 219 A. b'., and IC' ohicst, member n " H Mrs 1m. In: I mm. and ' rsumtyr-iour City, Mor nda City, M {I by I i Ircarty [Cu Ctty T h lst' I d Entertainmt It ion committee 'eston. 31,000. m, Waterloo 1tlute M. T M. M . _ daughitt JI Ile pr sad M "I his aged Iltl The tve up hm- )‘yk up the Audited at, a} liam and thdr s be He Sta pr w Us In? Well one a! A†. with“ in my (mum small iottrt* mi. Deatb mummy, the dorm and while tutttntt at of " son. My. He? Irie,ttieiiriillijt. W .J ', Beattie Acceptéd '23 Mam. l ber of School Bqard. \ tirurtties of old -. m panel-II VII held on I“! Mt0e.oeta m. 0.80 o'clock from the “a up“ summit. Jon-’0. mtmr Imam Inn-M»! on thence to w. WWW“ l The Waterloo scr ther hold their las ’pln-wd anothei yuan war on Tuesday e ruled that the mg CIMIAPI'S will haw on account of me mural Pluyturd. NIGHT CLASSES Rullfflllll0 CANTATA WAS? In tarp: std to " zrhuan. m . ...,...-7.V , reaitr,nattott of Mr, WJ. Beat- Isa member of the School Board moaned and accepted, uh aceounb IS having town. rile the tirusrtcral statement ha been completed as yet, it is un- tmd them wrll he ubalunce ot ml hundred dollars rcshluhnn of amuwxuhnn “as -.. Aa-, Mr J t, 11artir. (It: (In M (Ill BHHISTMIS bu ll M’at Um i Txrtatrrrrtrt _ f ttsuper an Chm d out ot marl-9'" - 2M.- In ‘b - u. a sum- in " 411'"- Death mud "Y! r deceased will! 9'" tttug at um sun»! - i. New; Sun†- but Mun and 1M Inn It " al pearl School [and com- last mm ot the rat's busin'esa, whim ( evening. It “a: de- night classes tor tor- -r~ to be discontguuod ' ill health ot Fun- st on PRESENTED A. M. Notwker ' th" all sei, ted an mm Jet h ml on Cht ttste eat Sunday Wand. r and Mt. bsrulot-s. at plugmuun [ Pnlmtuu vutert At N M in: Hut by 11‘1" 1m rugl nulr M {11‘ 1somr ’FOUND tlu, Mum»... mm... jiiiii, is the“ To/Buy Our All tthtdt Btiitilttgtgti, down and cotton Fiiled thttM, w. are com" NW an and will; my has“ a. nibble In andâ€. Many cub. "a from M "h, nun. Ill W “do†taln mah- gonna. on" My: Lu. 0. M†mm art nilkollno All. mm; but an. all In“. , 'tt color. .attd "tterm, a Madam 'ttted, light. - Ind very Unable. an “I govern, “.30, 87.60, 'ON, .10.“. corrouJILuo 90-79"- EM, .110. an. .1â€. "tttr, um. ' This Week aGreat C1 ' " in Millinery (1 but and walnut "rtea, rhe, Cask INSl6T ON OCEAN FLOUR AND ACCEPT NO ttuttttT.mmti, IT MAKES MORE LOAVES AND OF A BETTER QUALITY. it, {has BAKING A PLEASURE AS THE “surfs ARE ALWAV. SATISFACTORY. I.) HALF PMCE AND “It _ . 4' “J A dourminod "ttrt to clear may " trimmed my. ttO “I hull l p.51 . H. MILLS & Cthsi' PARTLY BURNED ulduubtcdly wat Mm partly burned an unuplo. 1.051: b murder. " tb' I My the mttted and all Year. u" QUALITY â€â€œ1"!" “Ann" “ulnar " -. u“, Met may)“ WM "if "ur, "rfeet - A" C ty; my In an “.m' Feather â€than 0135 pr, [ .mzo:u,.num ' . T0k " ROMPTLY a hemp. Visible believed " MARION a I >\ DV 15533.“ wateeloo, Ontu trio “I†rv -wno'u r' m / tYee' Niki“ . 'ii-att Al): for our “1th will.“