_',,,'i'-'" 4’ T he Great ( January Sale , _ of 1915 _""')"' Tfilllll?r_..(i. "MM us "and record; of the greatest eelllng aehlevemenu one would Wilt “We In a January Sale: record. that “How the polley at an. In" man be beaten thle Elle. Knowlng thin and amicipatlng what it will man we "arted month. zoo, and leaving no "one unturne_ oppor- tunity '_-en forth every effort of which we were capable to bring (Me N. January “I. of 1915 to Inn: ot perfection never ate-Med in any preview you. Wkly!“ record. ot pant years to Judge by and our aucrtion " trl-r - hte this year you can anticipate I feast of unpracl- dent" “In: .lvlng. And you won't be dltappolrtted. Till would cost you " to $10 elm-- "My!†our price, January Sale $595 SUIT. AND OVGRCOATS SUIT. AND OVIRCOATS That iii-1d cool you $12 tot14 viso- whero. our price January Sale, $8.90 SUIT. AND OVERCOATS That would can you 314 to $105 012w- When, our price January Sale $1080 HIN'B TROUSERS at January Sale amt ...... ..'w. ...... rr' .. ,$3.50 BOVS' OVERCOAT AND SUIT SALE I50 In. who, 25 to so. bloonmr and straight pants, " and $4.50 Suits, Jamar: sue .... .. .. ., .._. $2.98 "ht Icy. Sula, 31 to M, .bloonwr pants. new“ $5 and $5.50. Sale prim- Thla is n chance to sue dollars at Frnata noys dtoartaLettt. . oeqr '00 “It. in boys and chit. dren’s, ot all the beat makes. plain and fancy Neda, serge: and worsted; just bring the boys along, all of mom. There's no ext". charge here for care» an attention to your Wants. 7 Men's Winter Underwear, dvecc lim ed. shirts and drawers. wry tinc qual. lty. all sizes. mgulnr 50c. January Sale ...... ....... m... ,. ...F.. 39c MEN'S FURNISHINGS Mum'- Fancy Negligec Shirts, in (they atrlpea and futures and plain chambru. with laundered cuffs. size» " to 18, regular " and $1.25, Jan- W "ie.... t..w' _..... .. ,. 69c Men's Wool Swouer Coats, plain Ihnde'a Ind combination colorings, with or without collars, all sizes. rog- tttar " to $3.50, January Sale .. $1.98 _ Men's an and. and cape gloves, lined with warm wool lining, on" dome listener. regultr $1.,50, January Sale -000o0o000.000.000.-o woman.» t Beautiful Saskatchewan l Ernst’s w., 'e,-ttftttt_tt?tfftt oo-.---, STARTS SATURDAY REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, Etc. too""""""""""?,"-'..'?'"""":' HANPSOME GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN '0 r.'lM'l human“ qttpett " article. uullnhl. hr gifts tor N m liven. such a. lovely do“; gamu, “do!" and many other tttht-emo her. for your gifts-A big 'toch ttt choose from Call at our store and Murmur our my: of "ui1alo Robes and Blankets. Also a hue mug? of “arm coats and ttttttti. Prices right. COME HERE FOR YOUR SLEIGH BELLS. FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTIES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGEI), BUFFALO ROBES Phone 925 131 King St. West MRS. J. ,DOERSAM, . E. MITCHELL Kini Street, Waterloo 98c Where the good clothes came from .' f .- J SUITS AND OVERCOATS That would cost you $17 to $18 clap- where, our price January Sale $12.80 su ITS AND OVERCOATS That would cost you " to $20 vise- whoro. our price January Sale $1180 BOYS OVERCQATS J $3.50 Children! Fancy Overcoat. $2.98 " American Reefer Coats .. . . .. $4.50 [$5 Fancy Overcoat: ...“... ... $3.95 _ High School Boy. Mannish Over- Ecoats. at $4.80, $5.50, " to .', $10.00 iSPECIAL BARGAINS IN BOOTS SUITS AND OVERCOATS That would cont you $22 to $25 015w whonn our price January Sate $1690 Prices, 98c, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50, $2.98 Men’s Boots, box calf â€gun metal patent leather and heavy ttttt boots, awry pair guaranteed. A choice of n tine boot tor either street or house wear, reg. " and $4.50, January Sale ..Men‘a Boots, in box calf, heavy co‘nlrv. ','.cr'g'..'Jfil; shocs. a‘ll slzl‘s 6 to 11,! Mrs. Norris Tremain left for Ham-' ttt gu ar $3. January halo .... .. 51-93 when to spend Christmas with her Women's Boots, broken sizes in sister-m-law, Mrs. Allan TYrmain. somv Imos. mm metal and vicl kld.‘ Mrs: William Tremain loll for Ha- hlucln-r out. Cuban heel. sizes 3 to 7. rmlton to visit her son Floyd roier regular t0.50, January Sale .... $2.50 (humus. Boys Kip and Gunmetal Boots, blu- Vas important I'oeiition.-Mr. u. II!†cut, good styles. sizes 1 lo G, rvu- Nrntnan Hancock, tonn solicitor, has 1ulzu' $2.50. January Sale m... .. $1.69 touched the appointment to the re- _ Girl-s Vici Kid Simmer Boots, pm..sl-x.lxsihlc pzsitirn ot chief claims of- Inn! too can. low hvel, McKay siwrsife'r and solicitor of the workmen‘s solcts, sizes 8 to 101a, regular twr.riyctr'itprnsyion fond of Ontario. ‘Janur ry Sale ...... " .. ...l..., ttas) lvtev. Dr. and Mrs. Barber, or Lis- F Men's Rubbers, our regular siamr':lrhwel, are the guests at Rev. and ‘ard $1.00 quality, January Sate... 79c ill/i' A. l. Terryberry, at the Mth l _ O Worn n' R 1 In larsonagc. . value. 3:20; 2:33? Jl'1U,ir12J, lt/ Mrs. Dorotllv Fchultz, Doc. 22, cel- tt ' R bb .. ' , "c "stwatetl her 77tlt blrthhay with her “hf: l", ""8?“ regular Nelson Emil] in Berlin. Her many Pres- ' . . anuary an TFF. t..... 59°iton trienG join witil tha mmnbcts oi Boys Rubbars. the regular 75: value. January Sale '... . . ' . .. 59: Girls or Minn Rubbers, in sizes ll to 2, Standard 65c, January Sate.. 48c WWW It will pay , property with tion guaranteed awn-Inca. ONTARIO. woman manta. you mo Berlin list your Satisk Home For theist-stats.--" "ho constitute Preston's l the second contingent mw in! at London. spent Christ lh-ir [amines and "with; 1 Mr and Mrs. Frank “caning, “ho 'iperrt the past three months in Flor- ida have returned to Prestmt. " was their intvntion to become prr- mvnent residents of the 1,ruUsertt mm» or ttte-Republic. fitrrat-,mixt4k- ly the climate did nut quite mum with them. They brought with them cite hncsL samples of Names, grape- fruit and tangerims grown in that C dist larsonagc. . Mrs. Dorothv Fchultz, Doc. 22, cel- otwatetl her 77tlt mummy with her son Emil] in Berlin. Her many Pres- ton trienG join witil tha mmnbcts oi hr: family in the wish tor continued health and happiness tor her. Mr Andrew Davey, who formerly conducted a grocery store in the Balt- 7-cr block. but now of Toronto, is re- aming old acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. kavelman Damion, itprnt several da home oi Mr. and Mrs. All ton. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Rudy ot Dun das, spent Christmas with uk: for- mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rudy, _ Mr. Sthhrn u'iaterhalt of Hamil- ton, visited his parents, Mr. and ttra.Geo.Winterhalt over C'ttriituttatr. The several appeals on assessments I sou-en. sidewalks and roadway, we, heard by the Court of Appeal Our Busy Neighbors It Tuesday and Wednesday. Nts. Hlev). Man who was. trunk d at the Guelph hospital tor the in month. returned twine yxwtorday ,ucif t,eoofrtted. Mr. Percy Zirmann of McMastcr 'niversltr, Toronto, is spending his avatinn with his parents. Mr. and 'rs B. W. Zimm. Mr mum“ J. Hall is chcally ill a the Galt Hospital. His many ‘Icnds hope he may soon recover. News NOIQg-NI. Adam Chalmers wt ("Mm is home for aeoupie oi nonths' visit. with his mount, Mrs. l'hl News Notes Gathered by Industrial mum. in County and NW w, Cl JR )NICLE= Poole an, of New days at the Albert Brigtr l spend::;;: the holidays wi tser per- erttsr-T'he auction sale Mr. Allen Ilurchz's enacts on the ' was l-ut poorly attended, a In; to the storm and the blockadcd audition ul the roads. The Township Council decided to publish in the press, names or property owners, uho ha not paid their taxes by Jan. ttth. The pinch or Hard times is silo“ in than amounts that are in arr0.rtb--aoimr' thing! unusual for this to-ttip.--) friends ot Mrs. Elias Brutaeher (nee Lizzie Fhelley). of Didsbllry. Alta. will regret to learn that she has New sunning from along and severe attack of rhrumatisui. Latest advicrg animuum that she is now improving. -Mr and Mrs. .Fato'o libel, latterly or Conestoga, haw born visiting friends in 1'etttreville, their former home. They hare recently moved to Taiistock-Mrs. Hy. Hausa ot Pre- trn visited in Freport on the hell, dav.-Messrs. Norman llarlle, D. ll. McGuire and Jos. Thomas are in 1jvtuyville, erecting anew skating ritt's.-ht the absence of the pastor, Itev, M. H. Sanderson. the services -O't Sumlav at Freopnrt were in charge of Mr. i'. II. Than ot Ber- tim-Mr. Fred Hock is spending alcw days in Duunville.--Mr, Norma Her- tel was in New Dundee oltmday. French aviators seriously bombardr ed n nilvsy nation " Men. Floradale ï¬t NI 2f'"2."lttri'di trgu"iSt, no . J'Pdelt,c at - but M.1%. n. B. - ae “you: up: no My " " aae.-Mr. um tarts 0'. Ettr'tt,h wm‘murm " m. 'tUN' u MI in. Mee. 1 will! If. I. P. . a. . nu to! nut-W " a“ u. “an new MIMI- " and "n "or, .10.; an Mitotic! much trash. m um - w Tral... 50AM '†- .31.. Dolly Icky ot Tom“), iq â€.41.; the holiday: at in has! I'm-Ili- Vera Cook and “in km. an saw a named "eat "I. holiday- v‘lth die heur- Iisut. l In: my D. Mada at} In. A. Mum my ot Weill-4 too spent the holiday with Mr. Job l VotL-Mr. Arum: Anne and Ill-I , at Taviatoe& apart m hall‘s! 'iiiil his pushes tterm-atm. Alex. MK and Mrs. Sword ten. in: week moi spend a month with m iiaerlil sons in Listowel and utadoa.-Mr. Archie Hottets ot Hamilton â€at a. holidays with .ll‘londl harm-Ir. Frank Semen. and lunily ot Bull: spent the holiday with Mr. huh Ament.-hlr. and Mrs. Alvin an and lamlly of Elmira, spent tto week-end with Mr. W. F. Honing.- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lobsinger and family of Mildmay spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Spahr.-- The Christmas tree held in the Lu-; theran church on Christmas night‘ was a decided success. A good pro- gramme was siren and the trees |ucrc nicely decorated and lighted.-. Tue. exhibition game ot hockey way- od between St. Clements and Lite wood on Christmas night was fast, the home team loosing by a score ot Ho. This was the first game oi the, seasonvzivrnd- the home be}: without any practice, did as well as could be expected. The line-up was as [or Mt. Clements. Linwood. Goal-Boegel-koebel. Point-Reber-Collins. Coven _point--Koettler--Fnedman. Centre-sch-er-Keller. Itover-stumpf-selutrrureu . '. wirw-Moyer,-Peteh, A, wirt-Stumpt--Ha ; mu. _ Mickus of Waterloo, Referee. -Mr, Adam Crookshanks aho hft in It“ months ago tor gondon, Out, to "sin lor the front, spent tho week-end at his home here. He tw- pects to sail tor London; hymn. about Jan. ant-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hmubuwin and little son, ot Berlin, spent the holiday " his home here.-. Messrs. John and Frank Baker and Mr. Reid oi Toronto, Mrs. Henry Baker and daughter at Saskatchewan. spent the holiday at Mr. Frank Bak tts.-Mr. Mdton Goetz, of London and the Misses Ella, Laura and Rub of Toronto. spent the holiday at their home here.--Mr. and Mrs. John Schnurr ot Mildmay, and Mr. Albert Schnun ot Goderich, spent the hoti- day with their lather here.--Mr. Willie Koenig, of Berlin, is spending the holidays at his home here.-Mr. iPctcr Roth left Thursday to spend a low weeks with his brother in 1-i/ie,1etii-ie,i; and Mrs. D. s. xvii. liams and son Kenneth spent the hol. " 1.1 Good Goods ELMIRA I WEIOHEL’S WEEKLY STORE NEWS I £23; We wish to thank our Friends for their fat- ?onage during 1914 and extend our hearty wish- es to all for a "Bright and Prosperous NEW YEAR. lovd _ - II. p, in g hon- d I. An- " mm. . no ( In“; t ' John "eeh , with M’ I I k to‘ te?} "--Mr. at. tho e.-Hr. d Berlin hilt r Shirk ant the ,llitsg.-. ,' and holiday pau.- le Lu- ' night yd pro- , um r,hted.-. y Play- Lite s fast, cute of ' a ol the without ould be as iol- wood. Ian. ores. no bft ' Ont. m the He ex- . WEICHEL & SON 1 0 FAQ†" THE BIG HARDWARE STORE" Phone 215 i WaerOh- ; . , I Gou,dieLrmited, idays in Newton. Alias Tibutt ot West Toronto spent the holidays with Mrs. D. S. Wiuiantts.-Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Barlow spent the holi- days with their son at Toronto.-- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas can: spout The Ptfarsu'u " "ii Store wishes all . _" "',ii,ii- their Friends, and 75 Patrons ' , , A. {Happy and. (rt,): itilri:iiivou,s _. T: , 1915 . _,i, t'rGir.' Winner. cattle â€and ',s [- ed from Mr. Geo. Koala and “p - ttrordirghttred than horn . .er and am you! old, ?'ati'fiti, L in, at a handsome sum. k i),', the holiday with relative. In trl'; WATERLOQ LOW Prices