' - 12.f'c,tfit'.li ifr -. AUCTION SALE "iiiiiiiiii'rriiii"iiiiiiii't.tt ""mt - -..."- Mr.""'"'"'-"--" i'i'iiKiii"iiruii,id loath-cure! mmunvnm 'ttti' aloud! use: south- I y'all-DUE. W‘muwo.mt "rsrgtattiitotsquita" AiF ."tdtuat'Ftr ' "H? ttM. .,-0 and any can 2 m In month. cow due $Fe* t can - to Fr u, cow duo to eat" ' - up to cake AMI - iibtr “a te enter, my '3rd, tl _ _ T _.. Rsh .-. ttte/ to be in (all. " In !iltt. In; , your: old, " spring v 3iiere,, sternum s tc tritp T , u". Doom. ' tt. mover - err, mt & Wood In†rake, may m. arm. menu cum- - - 30', pt use! [And rol- m â€I, N drili, Deena: cum- It'ulti) I, new and had tor _ ' mil die. Smoth- tron In ' $331 mm M m. ' I com nation 19¢. {layman a cum " nearly an)“; “I? M WW 2m ear. HIIG. unable I In angina. u horse "a W . a “a mu ML an. new. a 3000 In... tannins I, In. $1! gimp", 136 feet rub- _ v it w, chopper, 136 teet mo- tlhw,')c 339w? "ttreeled Wlll'G"t' pm.- "v...- "F...“ _ W. nockyokoo. toms, shovel: M Mer other nucle- too Immanu- 'iliiiiEt ' w Tm» my. ttpe: th, at cum, and In "iiibt'tra.alry'Mttry.'er.e+ over um. gamma": 10 manthn' credit on good Tell 9r ' per Cont. discount on tor mymenu of man mum lama VOLL. Proprietor. A. J, MICKUS' Auctioneer. "WHBY KUNTZ, Clerk. 47-21. OF _ FARM IN woouvlcn l The Executor! ot the Estate ot the In" John H. Senngc will offer lor we at the Ziulnx House, Elmira, on ‘WEDNIOOAV, DES. soul 1914 At'2 p.m.. the {allowing [arm prop. ertf, viz.: All and singular that certain parcel| or tract ot land and premises situ- ate in the Township of Woolwich, in the County of Waterloo, containingI by Mmewuxent one hushed and tour was and three rods, more orl less. being composed ot part of Lot Number Flay-nine ot the G. C. T. Towuahittot Woolwich. 0n the farm are " story brick house and wood- shed attached and a cement block silo. the farm is seeded to 20 acres ot meadow, about 35 acres are‘plow- ed. some second growth maple and pasture land. I good young orchard mad well watered. 'iuriiiiijinds were formerly no. ma by Isaac B, Martin and will be sold heefr?m 3n iBeutnbrtuttN's. it): GiiGrsf hays thereistter. when [yo-session will be given. Further condition will be made known on any ot sale, or can be ascertained by applying to tho undersigned, GEO. G. CLASS, HARM STANOIC, JACOB STANGE. _ Executors of JOHN M. STANGE ESTATE GEORGE G. CLASS, Auctioneer. 'GiiririaG-siitoett per out of the puishatpr_iee on day of sale, w; u 1 o’clock p. Ill" ttl.? _ " '9'?†35993311." h', tam consisting ot 150 acres. Lot No a, 1930's mad. 6 miles west of Wat- ggioo. t46 um under culuvauon, Hm In good bush. Bonk ban, "I“! M and 'all areas“): out- building. mod houso. Fall ploughing done, mo Ni was in grass, 19 acres Hit - 0904 manly of wtm in ham spd house. Apply 19 . nl0l3lllf In up“: at the war w. an selling men nunery stock than ever baton. We have room tor “other agent in his - mm. and mu- ttt-uruldtr, you a at any; .- A - man ahhuld oat-Iron 015 to Co., HAL. Ranting. cut. 4? 4t no pr week right through the cm» on. No donning or abetting. Out- M (you. That. w. Bowman & Bon F “nCCNIKI'd one" for , guilt“! ttt tt mm, r',t,1,tA'r'l"oif'", Jan. ',--HoutrPtt0t0 Illmnu w No, To,moctt A, Huron Road M Mrs. John llinuull Cl too-mu Ion“: "" on» mile ,rptrt 0" Ville, . 1h l at Hays" â€unborn. Potonburx Station (a T “Mummy Pm IT --Ft 4‘ ht 2it,',,,e",tfieNl'; 2) two iih;ip1rn"n1'.t of 30m" ifil'J2 "FL T." a. At m. “a ",'J',e,/',itlQN',"t 'g"rdic,C:trt.'"'""'"' l ',,ii'ie' m“ T , no! coll" Irma , A ' . 5rd of Ipplo GG tr Wrdttedsy, Jan. MF-St k trddll'.Vl7 “a; and. tlf, mm.“ f “M3! 2tfc1'Sil't M 'torrintt Mono {â€1"th our! I tdl I mm“. l mile -, a a. “I'll- . ttply I. 8.: ' o “I“, . . , . I PUBHBSME no? WW otkes tor sale THE NURSERY BUSINESS Farm Por Sale. Jos. EAST. tM. mm. on. 'et, or For Sale. ar, " In " Influx YE M-tt Fm: and. 1M. “I!“ new Ila-I um- : "W- ', “It" “that“ qiatie ae- 'tat/tt lr'tl.' it It, att it. = mile aa"gttlMdlit " his in..." Lai ir3, _ " “Elb- ter, on mile au"gttlMdlit on manual and. a. mo. ("own-l ot to' Gila-k LIL. than it an“: - new» Haw Ham :-2 not“ old. 5.9mm! to tre in {ml "tars . old sum-rd to in but: u "an old, 3 man your. old, sucking can. Slurlhmn (1m! s-ture, m ttttr (sums. “in: can at skis, ulre Lord Lu-ulenaut t.5tNtfr0,-, heifer with call' at. Am Dad [mummy and Han-hm War (mus) . ham; rir in; 2 years old, ulna from Hod City and Matuhlms trader; boiler rioting 2 Hum om. Pedigrees will he lum- L-hed at the sale. Omar Paulo z-(‘os vim talf at side. ma due January mum, rm: due in Mar h, was Arr urrit tsth, COA supra“ to be in malt, yummy Liar, Jiaetim Mi": 3 SW‘M ral If}. l ii"- and Poultry :-tturw in fig. I mun; saws mums“ to bu In pig, I shouts, - small pigs and alum 54 turns, Inwlenwnts :-Aherimt binder Heath ttMC. Msforru'wk mower. has rake hw If“! M1 side delivery rake Vun- urn: cuiti'Mur, due harnr I ark W'W, land toilet, 'au0ter, 1w: "r"l. mw com scumer, Fleury plot- WI "tttson Flow. Fbtrrow plow, im: Luna I s fanning mill, mot pulre: a or 'om Ina. truck wagon, w ‘I Luv, " on trow, set bub sleigl1.s on r, stone Hut. hay rack, grave! '11 s wtsertttttrrow, 3 sets wan Ihalwsa single humus, Forse btvu' pts grain bus, e am other articles 300 Tr.rtMs :-Grain. stuff pigs, chic! rm and all sums M $10.00 and und-r cash 0 or that auouttt 12 moat" credit on my raved set rity or 5 " c m mummy tor cash payments 0 credit amounts. A'plot to blow up British horr Imnspon was discovered at New In leans. - Jan. s-Ferret stock and implomem of Joseph Coit, u miles southon of Baden, " miles southwest t New Hummus, and , miles watt q Petersburg. _ Lt an}: Geo. c. Class Auctioneer iuvsiia. bu. 7-Tuhanco stock and staCtow pry of Natural! and Chin“, Tau Mull, Waterloo, Ian. tft..-Farrn Mock and Inoierttettts oi Theobold Kroetsch, l mite West of Ctosshlll. on the mama and. Der. 30ih--Fartn at tot - form- erly oecupied by Isaac B, Mann. -ak-twaitliasugouese, Edwin. .--- Jan. Nth-Farm stock and imple menu ot AIC Shanna, l rrttle MM of Inwkesvillr. Jan. '30tt--F'attn stock and implb , moms of mm A. Said". 1 mile smith of Plondalv. Alex Frau, Auctioneer T-t.v,elanx'tb-tr9r, - ittr w. tt.--Farm stock and Implement ot Abram lintckruth. " mile North ot [Tn-own. 3! miles Sout of linslau. 3 miles North West 0 piemrUs at Henry Yiieiuiietiatt, Iota " and at, Townline East, Zora. 3 m its smithwst ot New Hamburg. Pndm. Jun. tt,.--uousehoid furniture of Hrs. John llinumll a1 Hays- suite “I a n, "r:ur.:..-t2r, bush. good mm bush. and larley tt.a,C. No. 21 1'. I90 bush. mixed grain. ot ot PWME A. J. Mickm Audtioneer 8q.--Farm stock and unnlmnta H. A. 'lhomson, u mile Sou“! Sumbmg. 4 miles North Went Blair, known no "Man (arm. ALFRED SHAN'I‘Z, Prop. “EU. 0, CLASS, Auctioneer I, I'. MlleIl-l, Punk. Auétion Sales pmvidcd at noun - . _ w mummy; mm, 'Nartiarr ehains. f. rks " mix nuts t in foal, thing 2 pigs, "hi,†MPHL’W -,C,fi'j,,i,il',ii[i.il"i,lll] GTG WEI-{R die hues-w, a. an tho-quarto! Inn“ New“ ot “an, I an an“ In. um , m, a min WW ol ,wuon. um um mus. u mun-av. I“. l m; ('on . pt o'clock .-.. “tap. the Tani/tn; humble 'Ah' Ham .u.-r. In) of hot-u (My and Much. mm: i was a“. â€all“ um hm. Mac's ham an; ' yous "ld WWII“ MW iba., bay man I tart- old, black hon: rising 1 years MI bar can that»: ' mm gibltu-L iurGiiskluueirg)t-i suppose-1 to be m foal. tn. le :-Cow d . to valve in F- un). ma 4ur to eal5e In Ida but" due lo (ulve In Vannaâ€. hm or using ' was an. 2 in! sterrs, waning hamâ€, maxim; (at. ‘m apt u; call. mums-d la ttr In my. a was "mun. 0M. m pin tl "mums otri, , m5 7 months 01d. mum; If: rhu'h u InJle-uh :--MatirurHarriti u I '.uder I" anâ€! mummy-n, Massa- I arm; my huh! nearly new, In" ll: ML uumr Yum- drill, ml! an»: at": "' ver, bunnHmJ 4n IrcHtm,eut.s'-Matouy-liarris' ti tt. '.uder Ill gun] ".oudtbion, Maw-y- t Cirtr", luv huh! my†mow, Dru-r- 01!.“ Hum: N'mun drill, vuln- suUri' mm A J"r, "ras.1tosd driil, “min; tl-U. and hay rake, 2 Mr tout, (1 a arty may), 1510110“ yang low. scutrttr, 3.41-le mm hart-m, mun with box, pig rack, tray rack, 'tt llan mill, top buggy, market dtr- mural. new will“. turnip pt.Wer, cheetharrow. 25 it. ladder. 20 It. Uti- pr, 75 railroad urn, 2 sets do‘ble Ln; ss, set single harness, 6 horse ol rs, snddlng trough, water trough ram bats, huh a range, [watt-I, rm "rue. Irv-at barrels, tame. 2 in -. tshltt'avtreest, mu-kynlus. logging "Hum, ctosirar, Inr's, shovels an! mam other artirhs. pe t “up. T00 huh. N15, 4tt0 burls. turnips, with“ of youths. ko "Men: as the farm. is sold. 'fFltMS :-Has, grain. nuts, min-t.» 1m. in tattle, and all sums oi 19.014 and under, cash: over that mumâ€, ll [manly "all! I,“ approx *d 511' r ty ot G per (NIL rtisrotmt or cash paunoms oi credit amounts, ARR ihi HI'I‘X‘K RUTH. Iroy A, I \lll‘Kl S, \m'liunm'r. Viz 11 persons having claims agn‘nst the 1 1tate ot Goalie» lk-ttuhen. lute of; he Township or Wilmot. County of human. Gentleman, who died on or l out me 11th day at anchor. 19". re required to dwllver their ctn'tnt, ad lull particulars at such Citlgrtrt to " of the uttdersltrned, of New "i ea, Executors, on or before the am I, 't January. 1915, and an" the said 5 not. day ot January. nut», wo- wm uou-nmu- the assets of the sum (19- I waned among the purring entitled ‘. thorns), hevimt ward only to the! 'lulms ot which we nhall have receie ' 1! notice. 1 JOHN McDUNALl). ALICE "ALLMAN. _ h".. B. HALLMAN, Executors. Datvd at Ht'rlln, Itec, 21. 1914. Dec. M, M, Jan 7 ‘OR t,'.tLE--L.tDiris" Fl'li COAT t: n "ld. m n Fin" quality "uttulo lur, with Braver quality, “arm auddumhlo. Right thing ior drivmg. MO Weber Chambers, King West, Berlin. t7-3t XPEhtir'.NCElt FARM HAND, married. wishes work on (arm by March 15th. Apply to Max N. IL. c'hrorucl'h-Trtlegrap'h, Waterloo. th nard Aw? Berlin C esute of 010mm; Prsttssettett, do and. Notice is hereby given, pursuant In 'htspter 129. Sectl0n_3_8. R. S. 9. th_nl ILL EXCHANGE City Property for {arm Apply, R: Kaufman, 16 My! for Beef and Horse Hides, Calf and Sheeuskins and Tallow All kinds ot Skins nd Furs dressed at Stroh’s Tannery mama. .. _7 AT THE WATERLOO CIDER MILL WOLEEVIBOB, PROPS. M. A. SHANTZ, Ila-nu. General Wants. High Prices llflitHI] (3f,ll'Wi Chopping Done, l-lu mun uni-About a tons hay 3.115, 4tt0 burls. turnip: i--?. tro d . ' in law. If was a 2 "mauve um M 0t 18-2t “-3 I" 1 M October t It. (In 37......" at a. In! no a to lawn; “a no any b no dut- “npvuhmluumutht the and -ttt tout the - an without nan-hula out tM - Iinvol. M! In -thirtg "ottt Grin-u and qtvqq tuber hurt - All ham “and" has been wrestling 11th an new ot bust-q-tttir was president“! your. ant, tyrartttrrlg has) to lave nations um mm, & Jones an!“ In Chm ‘eompcmlon "ui-oh, (he Mellon- ‘knou'u whim - . â€HE tiiTi", has to woo that Chm: nu mm mm _ That In: in n In. In" "d (other - " will out n crimp lu MI bank account Amount“): than†to cramp. byt mother "" ll wut In" to br. ad“ to. It anything. no then! But wanton u I look It "dad." I cannot mind: trom â€In“: "Why should tuber be the goal?" It won‘t no in the days Mun l in mire-min: ot a wonderml cures-r In lam": Everybody worked on L‘hrhumn present. then. and father an“ nut called upon to settle thr. cttrutttttM' bull tor all the mun†I mania n "coruereopia" iWe don't "In" it now (be war we pronounced it than) tor mother. She “and 0mm- The oxpress wagon la hacked to the grocery store entrance and the driver, .turirted by the grow-Eu boy, begins to unload (‘hrlstmus trees. Boon the “In; is cluttered with than and thv Inner-by. catchlng the Iplrtt of the (rep, nmlle It the chlldren gathering 'round. A light now In tailing and the green ot the Iprucb I: lnvlung. to say uothlng of the reason It In! come to town. -- - _ T - ,4 AL _ w ...â€... What. a lot of Christmis trees the grocer has oreered---and yet how few compared to the many thousands that grow in Christmas Tree Land, away up north, 17tr there tho woods are full of Christmas trees and the snows III‘ to deep that snowshoes mny be ner- euary. And in Christmas Troo Land there are vast stretches of notmng but evergreen tree- Ind white "tow-tnd in the Inow. it you Ira wnod In Woodcraft. you might and the track or a deer and innumernhin trails or Brer Rabbit, leading away through the greenery to the quiet, not places. I Probably you My " or more for a Christmas tree. Up north they or» free, but the - men who gather them must wade in the deep snow and draw them may miles to the railroad that they may be Ihlpped to the litti» how and giril ot the city. And as you Mt beside your troe, with your heart glad had your spirit: Bar, you might ponder on how that tree got to you. You can picture thr' vut show held Ind the forest with the Decomber In Main; on it, modding " candy union had to depend on could get . big bu run or u m an In con-ulnar- ill-toad of upon Cupid cents-and some ot It was red 3nd Ind the kidl. than would be - some white and tome yellow and unvnr 'rr-sae-o .urquo-utut ~thuo.xara_1unrw hennlwxlgl 3399. more I. one time of the your thlt my toes on them And nice round mlrbie- muculinc sweet-tooth Inert: itlelt balls with nuu in them and funny lul- and then, instead ot yearning tor tho uni dupes thnt ticklvd-nud oh! etttteoute-cretun confection or the heap. of interesting things in that fruit dips, it cinmon for a his bag Chrlumu not or candy. " mixed candy, right out ot the bar. This wu the same kind of candy roll we trot sowed up In red monquitoblr I admit it in n plobeiun into, tint not: at the, Sunday school Chmtmn the candy in mostly glue Ind ftour tron I'Mtiviiieu. dong with the nuts hunhI-ll to unit the tut. of tho and the bopcorn mill. I Bdmit it II I globe!“ lute. (but tho enndy In neatly glue Ind ttour jumbled to In". the tut. ot tho melanin-but somehow I clam! he] that I. have rlghtly celebntnd Christin- without this has of candy. When I w†I boy this In the sort of - we my Ind tho tut. w" mtrls' locum, And what u lot of Intlcl- pntlnn thorn was In calm: the null- unucipntlon been“. when you Ituck your hand In the lack for I "lee! 'tu/I', never knew whether It wank] cor.» out clutching n Much-drop. u cur-mo! or 11 peppermint! ra .106. in; iinar “a chat». You thseantur ME 1911"â€! BY 3ng - ARRH; not ' of. and! air Inganoppvllo' ',ilPa'2rt',,ut,'delft no: vertec'l’ no! u ,1. out jut; um l nu. . was)! to: In at "who“ tub - ttgat no a pair of ulna... It made was: II than an " weeks It tore the holidays. lath" work“ ov- ary . I an Chi-lulu“ mu. tusd pic but»! u an! be can; mu- !or In. loved. "who We any the was “in“, a. pm. the iiFiibatr-?et-t"-"""( and all ot " did the In». _ And “I have It to vop--didit the thing- we got In the old an, the preuutl we and. out-uln- tot out: other. - letter -ttettnq an true Clan-(mu mm? Of course they “I And father did not have to a. down m Ma pocket um pay Mr no hundred and Bur- presents. ttro hundred of which are given has! be cause somebody else gave us nome- (hlng and got on the contended cnune thing list! I'm tor Christina-but I like th- old-fuhloned obserunce but It isn't ohm-wing the "pegce-on-eurth" uplm 16 km! "M" up with so much debt that he can"! crawl out in the month "mar take to wood box“ amt CONN. comm. jun .14 .-r l',p,trt, A squlrrel is mutn-, tierutg Lbout in the snow trylng In! 1m..1u 5mm: buried nut: mud a blunt Jay i: .‘Ilnldlllg sauclly from n 1': _ ti't'r: hard by. And thou, Inln HI. ' quiet comes P. man. He fl I tsturdy luau \.uh a wooh-n cap drawn cloudy m-nr his can and nose. There are slits tor. his eyes. On hll feet are :u'vul woolen packs with rubber limes and his trousers are tucked inlldt' lln- packs. His coat is very odd, to sun. eousist'.'ag or a great. bright twyrsuuter but! of garment. buckled ciorwly urourd him. On his shoulder he carries an as. He begins to cut Christmas nee-s and the one you lmu- in your home is a very pretty one that pluses him as ho hauls ll away to wln-ro his team awaits. Wlth many ollwr lrr‘cs your tree is put on tbo sled and after a time. its hauled to the depot where it ll tshipped to you. cousls:ing or HWHHH'I' Mm of I triorwty around him. 110 carries an as. Christmas trees a ham in your home one that phases In away to wlarrv his your grocvr. l The man who cut it was no doubt a lumburjack and if he is like his 'iii) he llves in a log cabin with his wife and children. In the olden days Itel worked in the timber exclusively. iii) now he farms during the summur on" . wee tum that he is clearing ot stumps. and in the winter time he cut: wood tor the lumber companies, And ttitt little ones ulwny‘ have I Christmas' tree, for Christmas trees are tree where he lives. but probably it in not us plentifully landed with (in: " yours, for which yq would be very tuaami. could get a his bu full at tt for ten! The run was dhcou'lml by Mr, ‘H cents-and some ot It was red ttttil Lineman, who Maw†a bakery some white and tome yellow and at the rear ot the Hook â€.1 the me; can, summon ham. 1!!!! V 332‘: taustt-ssasdmpaeytiarela', ueCifyrC, toe. on them Ind ttleo round iiiiitf'.ii:') Considertttiie diMCulty' was exptrloncq balls with nuu In them and funny tyhed by the (new in mm; at 4he I ml Ihtpel tint lIcklod-nnd oh! i 6re owing to the dense smoke and heap. ot Interesting things In that it wan nurly that o'rtoc* tetorrit Christin†not or candy.. . . A I wa.? "tits/ted, I And now. man that t um. I cannot get heron the Rubicon of (Hutu-u wlthout Imam-ring down to the only “are Ind “king tor a no): of candy “out ot thn ban-91." luv-"ably the may mu will tell me he bu much better candy and look it me in n nut. nrlud not! at “my, but I know what t '10! when I want “mind Christ- mu In "In time, “How Ibuut you? Haven‘t you I "not tooth left for (In oMfuNonod and)! ,4. (ttllltlllr.llill,l1i, 7llllllt) l “BURNS! ttltE mpmu of Ila-dim "dtttttttodiyttrdrhrtlto B I G mommy: Cl The emsattptnteot, I'M " m hunt! mu, - cl - " atrtpr'anertt a! mum nah!- I. aired on the new“ “I mum. 11m â€It". is thororqNr. asp-1: ed in Elmkl. money MI; WM punk“ humus ways ta. pm- chm material toe dUtriMtimt, and who ‘ork k being earrind on in I ‘most humane way, being m " praetieaVr - WM In town. which new“: tor the solu- an ulcer:- “and. _ . l 'lm Elana Interior Woodwork i vloyors .e,"' H _....-.. .rrrp. .._.. 500.00 rhn Elmira Pelt (formally om- v-lovm rrVrF_ l ..rtrre_. .rqrrVr_ M0.00 l he Elmira Furnltnre Co. ( trd an: lover! FP. t'rrr. ..,...... 180.0; l flu M, al Shoe Conway and I "ruNorees .. ... .-. .._r..re. ... .. 100.0“ 3' lr-lmlwrber & Jung and em- tio NR ... ... ,. l ,. r. _.. 166.ito I tiso a number of individual sub- "ripuoiu of $50.00 and over, Midas ', nut-mus smaller amounts. 1 \ Belgian Relief Fund is now being used m1 promises toAeacls a con- ,' I‘.('fablc amount. Another .1:th It was “cunt and wm be torwwdod in a: mu. _ The manner oz an Patriotic Fimdl has also remitted to Mr. w. (1qu bid'. Hots. Trent, Ottawa. “I nun ot $500.00 bring part rum of Hnura‘n $5,000.00 subaeribed lot this luml in the recent whirlwind am- In). tro krvrr amoums at whiett " or: full: v R' - l he Gr .n S's .. Y" 't "I: and errtlosto. _ $878.00 1 The Emma iiut 10.1. n,- g Trum- l Infusion (immunity and Ptn- _ Ilmet’s _ . _ ,. .Preq .. 235.00 bit. A, t,idtust ta ii, among tho B, Zioman amnng my†P", Pill l t'.' \hwsrea. W. n Zieman, Preston, .l c... “lug. .\-v. Handgun? Rm. F, P. “our. Elmira; Rm. Theo. Flpetr, Berlin; Mr. J. It. Strickland. lit-Hm; Mrs. J. Wiruu hing, l'lnsmn; Muss M. Sui» der, Berlin; Mrs, tl. Wegenast, Wat. erlmr, Mrs. Dr. Human, Waterloo. The prlnopal business of the meet. ing was the reei'iving of the annual rpm"; m th" iuspector, It". C. It, Hitler. The oftttuts were all reitiect- 'd ior the year, and are as follows: President-James H. Korr, Gait. Vice Pres.-4tev. Theo. Sin-t2. Hor- lin um NNUAL MEETING CHILDREN'S AID SOCCETV. ‘on; D. N. Pumbaker. Mrs. W. (rim. Hgspeler; m. Ward Woolnet, In. D. Goldie, Ayr; Mrs. G. Wage- mst, Mrs. Dr. Batman. Waterloo; '.ev. F. B. Meyer, George Klinck, ilmim; Chance F. Ottmnn, Miss 4rrdaux, Wellaley; John G.' Wing. ms. s. Mamet. New Hamburg; Mrs. l. Kaufman, Miss M. Suydec, Berlin; Urs. J. It. Cavers, ws. T. Conced- deal, Cult; C. R. Miller, lummr, Berlin. V A special committee was appointed composod oi Rev. Theo. Spot: and Rev. C. R. Miller, to wait on the '?ounty Council, and the school in- spectors and arrange with than about. the work ot the "not omcer throughout the county. FIREMEN’S HARD TASK sr."B. Zieman, John mrschiPg, Prttt wire was discovered about 11.45} o'clock on Monday night in thy old block, osued try Mr. J. W. ngey, om I tUNAfttt'S wanna cums 00W. BTC, The tarde quantity ot tars kept by" Mr. Feldman had become igniied am†this made it even more dimculi. to Ml" the Man. The smoke was densci as the fee spread along the roof and the fin-men devoted their atirnhon to preventing its spread to tseighbor- ing buildings as well as extimtttishing thr burning building. ' 'iucwrreus.-u. It, ShirlJaud. Ber- The 'iiiil'GG as Ed. Kechniq's' harbor shop wpre saw-d, but thei s!ratt was bad!) damaged by water. 3 The Inn: in pdtially cover“ by; msurnntm The tiremett did good l work in preventing the "read ol the ftrrt to neighboring buildings. l P,sster- Mum's Mory's all: a an the prtc and if (sanctum mum In; “an. d W It. most. MI! IOU“ â€not-8“,“ Ti.rdqletR, nu: null-{'3 I _ cum“. Thr. - 1:0"th h ber at mum to MI W m Ii I. and u" r.Uucod (lot: "a' " " mm; can at -ee: " _ “.000. - - " as'.oe up tM “unit. a T Pike. w my. w . as mum" '- M. â€it. new,“ - 1 meat alth- llolu all leave to g-tu-. _ " leave to upon C.- . iCrh; 11m am In" an“ at a: the accounts me an I! ets'ustt No will out. tou _. . in! to $3330.N. A _ .: "ri..l'y, fi I“: - vvn-vv-w . The and contact to: gh‘ . ot tare" op! ma! bu - , the Hum we", at a. â€lots. vie: bread, 8.0. n 7 33 "out tttitrr but. lac. p mud can“ bet, we. [If "ttr' wk 13mm Fouad. p» LC rue Board uh pleasure I. . in: the 47th Anna M atâ€, House a Muse. which“ . L’Il'" ot Mr. and Mm. “N3 . " IR' 111R In high lute ot unam- " aware number ot imam d “cat was 107, the highelt in b (n of the institution. thi, , iq, m menu during the put m f _ - t 'Cs m number than tusual, W Cm: 1:rtcturte " in suite ot this 1 , f “re now 112 in ma house and F ‘ or d mom to make room toe M. Were were only , death.“ " rear, mostlv trom old HP. [' l a Mod management at goal " (ha cost ot running the Hon.†_ . (use this year has - ‘ , . low, Ming considcrably [an ‘ _ ost'naies. when were based u‘ yerr's expettrditures. _ _ â€4-3" Chaunc- The Countv now has the 'pt"qir H.800 stardinu to the credit a _ muse ot “else, being proud; sue or parts of the farm Sim _ sr, 213"â€: of frrlin from Wei-'0' tr. Re thererore reoomrreod, leave He men 'he Board ot Help nent tn purrhase suitable 11nd wttl a xiew of building a nnw Ronni.“ Refuge “Jame (“are date, . 31"». . Report ot Institutwn., ' s i '_‘ The. rerort ot th, Home ot jisi',sil hr Hr Tear ending Doe. lit. 19t ‘4 s sun muted as {cums :-4 t in the House at. last report "tri. mined during year 27; demtttt,'i, " shroud v D ' no. 11 T612 SALE AT LIN . 0 Pu. 112; admitted Iron ". ' mrriieiealities, mlmot Tp. 1, iiitFi? by Tp. 2, Woolwich Tp. 8, - .4 , Pat), (inn 2, Waterloo 3. Preston 5. Cr . rem 1, New Hamburg l, tr,; 31 those from outsid: county 8c" . u% a'ae numbr of inmates, MW; _ y ex endiwros. 810.088.51; with“; I farm $5,052.88; actual amoum. , ,,9. mud-d tor the support of hunt"§ 38.150.12; a stage expenses pd! F. (ct web inmate, 81.46. put "tt " inn ate $75.92, last you “a, k' krop's raised tunes. prodrtAe, Rq A M, "5, (arm implements tA60,ttm aiti, Th" Ennuton juniors have an; n tifrd by the DEA. “at M, at that tram is (“or no. 71b A $2333.25. total $7053.05 Ctio,, was gleaned from in Me, indea which is n-bmmnod ll " i), tau Harm's omen, . ts., ',".) v, R. Bed". " mm: , touted propeny, consuming l ' and dwelling mrrrttsinnd., a . dwelling. a good hm nd' . t splendid opportunity tor d mane-a. v.11. s'Qfl'vTt/, t acres in "ut mu. in-uu-i pass 20 acres hard wood Mill. " not den, mostly ot (all p . dune. mune houae ot 8 not! V Mtchrn, ham run, wall my!“ water and good tenors. 4" mm at Waterloo, " milel out . St Agtthl. _ __ 2% For particular: any "i. PAUL HERBER. Ptopm.‘ -' ._ -----re qt, No.13†The 3:“!an RENDERIHG "iilii, Guelph 8t., Largest price paid J8 Butchers' tallow, dd animals removed., i', Mice Phone no! "i', Residence 1308 . "a,' WPâ€!!- CETEE a mu mt. itâ€! For "riin,