gus Buckwheat ... .. Exgs per doz. ... z:mr, per lb. ... . Fer ton ...... PoZatges ;?r hag Lard per Ib ... Rams ....... ... gofn. liv@ ... .22 Dried apples per ELMIRA MARKETS. Elmira, Dec. 17th, 1914 Wheat per bush. ....... .. 1.10 Corn, per Cwb. ..0. 22 .. lour, family ... ... 3.00 lour, bogh grade ... ... 3.75 ran per ton ......... ...... 25.00 g::dlmg,s_ per ton ...... 28.00° BatTey ...... ... .002 22220060 0 Wheat per bush. ......u0 . Barley (feed) ... ......... .60 Buckwheat ... .....0... Osts, Ontario ... ...... 4B Btan per ton ......:: ....: Taidulings ton ........ ......... Cofn, bush. ... ... l Banitoba flour, ewt. ...... 3.20 Blended Ontario flout ... 3.00 Oats, Ontario ... ... ... .50 iButter per pound ... EHggs, per doz. ... ... Hay, per ton_................. 12.00 Straw per ton ............... 8.00 Potatoes pes bag .......... Tallow Oats per bush. Peas ... :.: ooo Flour (Special) Flour (Juliet) . Flour (feed) ... Shorts, per ton Bran, per ton .. Matley .::::. â€"â€" Live Hogs ... Butter, per lb . Wheat, new Wheat, old Wood per cord ... Potatoes per bag Eggs per doz. ... Butter, per lb ... Middlings, per ton Batlcy, per bushel Oats per bushel .. Chickens ... ..... %, per dozen.........â€".. lt-}:u"gks, B@OR o siines gsiriiss Chickens, each ... ... Potatoes per bag ... Onions, pickling, per peck Letd â€"peF lb .......... :. Hay ber ton ......... ..%..... Hotcy (in comb) ... .. Flour, Seven Lali wheat ... . . per tom ... Middlings per ton Potatocs per bag Butter per lb ... t‘:, dressed .. y per tom ... Btraw per ton Wood, per cord Export cattle .. Butchers‘ caltle ‘Dictator ... . g::wdriit flour .. ples‘ ......... .. Maple Leal ... .. Wheat ...3 ... Middlings ......... . Oid oats .......; ... Chickers, per 1b, lé:\v Oats Cotn ... ... Peas, bush. .. Potatocs per bag Beriin Dec. 17th, 1914 Wlour, pet LQV lbs ...... $5.30 Wheat, per bushel ........ Merecaines. per 100 los .. 'minr 15. ... g lamb per Ib ;sz live . barley Relléed Oats Flous, Eegs, doz. Butter per ur&'l Best Practical Training . We have thorough courses ._&nd experienced instructors in each _Of our three departments. «Commercial, Sherthand and Teleâ€" @triphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, free ~eatalogues. Write for it at once. s in. STRATFORD MARKETS Stratiord, Dec. 17tb, 1914 Waterieo, Dec. 17th, 1914 WATERLOO MARKE‘Ts per GuELPH MARKETS. Guelph, Dec. 17th, 1914 D. A. McLachlan, Principal Agate Seven skins ~=4°~O"~,. ONT 75 ) GENTBAL %%//MA BERLIN MARKETS. GALT MARKETS. Cialt, Dec. 17th, 1914 1b tb D. A. MeLACHLAN, lb 16.00 $1.65 nomcei® 18.00 9.15 | 16.00 _ 18.00 | . 1.50 _ 8.00| 1.50 _ 8.50 â€"1.00 _ 8.00 . 6.00 7.00 3.00 8.50 . 3.15 4.00 25.00 _ 26.00 28.00° 28.00 .60 .85 1.00 1.25 82 46 48 1.% _ %4 . .04 12.00 _ 14.00 8.00 10.00 _ 1.00 up. 9.00 10.00 16.00 _ 18.00 2 .50 .60 .60 .62 7.00 7.35 1.00 .80 .45 .30 40 18 $13 A5 15 15 15 13 67 67 40 15 23 710 40 16 Principai. _ Master and Hunsberge $8.50 Honey, combs dozen..... 2 50 _ 3 00 1.10 . GRAIN AND PRODUCE. 1.50 | TORONTO, Dec. 15.â€"Quotation 18.00 â€" on the Board of Trade are as follows 26.00 28 .00 1.25 .30 40¢ A8 28.00 21.00 28.00 .90 3.50 3.40 20.00 .50 .16 3.36 1.60 26 .0( 24.0‘ $1 .55 $1.70 3.00 $3.52 1.10 26.00 23.00 1.10 â€" 1.10 $.40] 1.15 1.15 7.25 1.10 45 1.10 3.40 8.00 .10 .40 3.30 .20 $15 45 .34 154 5 48 T Manitoba oatsâ€"New crop, No. 2 C.W., 320 s9e; No. 3 C.W., 56%e. 00 | _ American cornâ€"Old, No. 2 yellow, $0%4e, 710 Torouto; new, No, 3 yellow, T0%e, Toâ€" ronto; Canadian corn, $1%c, Toronto. 47| _ Ontario patsâ€"New, outside, 50e to 51e 10| Peasâ€"No. 3, $1.60 to $1.65, car lots, go | outside, nominal. l Ummeua GeKant â€" Pres Inbsâ€"â€"B1.48 An 41 44 47 65 15 10 35 24 | 05 65 70 05 65 6 A5 18 38 20 36 9n 50 i At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station. num ' ber unlimited. â€" . Highest .market price paid. _ Load | every second Tursdax. Next shipment Dec. 15th. | â€"C. C. DIEFENBACHER Butchers‘ Cattle. Good to choice butchers‘ steers and heifers, $7.50 to $8; medium to good, $6.75 to 3$1.25; common to medium, $6.25 to $6.50; common eastern butchers‘ steers and helfers at $5 to $6; choice cows, $6.50 to 35.75; good cows, $5.75 to $6; medium cows, â€"$5.25 to $5.50; common cows, $4.75 to $0.25; canners and cutters, $3.75 to $4.60; buils, $4.50 to $7. A Stockers and Feeders. Choice steers, $6.25 to §$6.50; good steers, $5.75 to $6; stockers, $4 to $5.50. Veat Calves, . The market for caives was dull and slow, especially the rough, common eastâ€" ern grass calves, which so«d much lower. Choice calves sold at $9 to $10; good, §8 ;:;S;nedmmufl to $8; common, $4 to .50 . Shipping Hogs Wanted DULUTH GRAIN MARKIT, DULUTH, Dec. 15.â€"Wheatâ€"No, 1 hard, $1.18%; No. 1 northern, $1.18%; No, 2 northern, $1.10%; December, $1.17. UXNION STOCK YARDS, TORONTO, Dec. 15. â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 932 cattle, 1323 hogs, 796 s~eep and 74 calves. â€" Milkers and Springers. A moderate supply of milkers and «pringers sold at $60 to $90, and one at Number unlimited. Highest market nrice aaid Next sbipment Wednesday December 29th. $12 Butter, creamery, Ib. sq Butter creamery, solids Butter, separator, dairy Cheese, new, large .... Cheese, twing .......... Egys, newâ€"laid ........ Exg», coldâ€"storage ..... Honey, new, lb.......... Honey, combs dozen... Butter, Butter Butter, Cheese Manitoba flourâ€"First patents, §§.60, in bags; second patents, $6.10, in bags. Ontario flourâ€"Winter, 90 per cent. patâ€" ents, $4 60 to $4 65, Montreal, nominal. WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPEG, Dee. 15.â€"Liverpool cablet were steady, which caused prices to oper ‘ic to 3c higher, but trading was quiet ‘Trade firmed up around nopn, exportert buying freely. Good export sales conâ€" tinue to be made by local firms, on¢ house selling 70,000 bushels in the early hours. At the close wheat was %e to %¢ up, oats unchanged to %¢ up, and flas 2%c higher. Inspection, 317 cars, against 780 last year, and in sight 200. WTINNFAPAIIS Dece 15. â€"Wheatâ€"Ne. I hard, $1204; No. i #â€"acnem, ernavm to $1.19%; No 2 northern, $1.08 to $1.15%; Decemb‘ $1.15%4 asked. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 59c to 59Â¥%e. Oatsâ€"No 3 white, 45%c to 46%Â¥e. Flour and bran unchanged. â€" Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, ewes, sold at $ to $5.75; heavy sheep, $3.50 to $4; light choice lambs #old at $8 to $8.50, and one extra choice bunch sold as hix’:n as $8.80, s. Belects, fed md.’mmnfl. 37.26, and $8.90 f.0.b. cars, and $7.50 weighed off cars. #©oGccid1] CH:E&GO. Mm M- !t ures today on wheat 4 the United States‘ fell uw 19,000,000 bushels under the expected % caused the market to rally in a manner. Quotaiipns closed steady at %¢ to 1%e¢ net advance. Other speculativé articles made gaing as well=corg.%e.16 %e, ’mu %c to lec, and provisions 19¢ to 12%e. â€" Barleyâ€"Good malting barley, outside 8%¢ to 70c; Manitoba barley, 66c to 10¢, lake ports. c k 9e k Manitoba wheatâ€"Lake ports, new crop No, 1 northern, $1.24%; No. 2 northern $121!%; No. 3 northerh, $116%. _ _ â€" Ontario wheatâ€"Car lots, $1.10 to §1.12 outside, according to freights. â€" A falr local trade is passing in butter. there being a steady demand for small lots. Cheese is quiet and firm. Demand for eggs is rood and the tone of the market is firm. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. CATTLE MARKETS Wheat, fall, bushel. Goose whest, bushel Buckwheat, bushel . Earley, bushel ..... Peas, bushel ....... Oats, bushel ....... Rye. bushel ........ Ryeâ€"N Cornmealâ€"Yellow, 98â€"]b. sacks, $2.65 to Hogs Wanted AT BADEN TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. TORONTO DAIRY MARKET. «k42 0 60000 l..l .... 0 28 0 29 raes O M ... 2 50 3 00 PRODUCE. 15.â€"Quotationi 31 0 53 0 95 16 15 16 164 to $1 31 18 10 15 ! A quiet ~ wedding ceremony . took Plase in Watrrloo â€" on Wedn sday afâ€" ‘terroon at three o‘clock at the home of Nrs. Anirew â€" Neuber, when < her !dm'chter Mrs. Mary Ami Protzmann, of that town, was happily married to VK. S. A. Brubacher, Queen street, , North, of this city. The _ ceremony | was performed in the presence of the ‘relati es â€" of the contracting parties by Rev. M. P. Wing. Mt. and Mrs. ®Pr Rachorâ€"left on the evening _ train on a trip to Toronto and other east: etn noints af<r which *they will take up residence in this city. los ital of Mr. _ John Bechman, . a weliknown and aged resident of Wilâ€" mot. Township. _ The deceased . had been in poor health for some years. He was within a few days of his TYth year. _ He is survtived by . his aged widow, and two sons, Charles, of Wilmot Towmship, and Fred, . of Chicago. _ The funeral _ took . place n Monday, Dec. 14th, at 2 p.ur. from the residence of his son Charlss, Wilmot Tp., to the Lutheran charch for service and from thence to the \ew Dundee Cemetery. KNECHTELâ€"K AISER. The marriage took wlace on Wednesâ€" day at the parsonage of the _ Zion Fvangelical (hurch when Rev. M. L. Wibg unit d in wedlock _ Mrs. Lena, An _ old Waterloo County resident pussed away at Bloomingdale on Sunâ€" day morn n:, in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkie, age 76 years, 10 months, and 37 davs. _ The deceased had been ill for th> past six weeks. She was torm in Breslau, and had lied in this county all her life. The funeral was held on _ Tussâ€" day at on> o‘clock from her late reâ€" sidence to the Breslau church for serâ€" ‘ice. and the Breslau cemetery for inâ€" terment. Mrs. Myron Parke Davis, Jr., am nounces the â€" marriage of her sister, Martha Jane second daugiiter of the late Edward McLean, of Altooma, Pa to Lawtence Lee, only son . of the late H. W. Anthes and of â€" Mrs. Au‘t‘s, Toronto. The ccremk ny was perfom <d by the Rev. Wm. M. Gil bert at St. Paul‘s Epicopal Church, Yonkersâ€"nâ€"theâ€"Hudson, December 3. Owing to roont bereavements in totH families no invitations wetrs is sued. Acvers nrétty wedding was solemnâ€" iz‘ at the bride‘s home, 189 Indian Grove, Toronto, when Helera C. Linâ€" tor was united to George Zin*metâ€" man, of Tavistock, by the Rev. Wm. Zim mermâ€"n _ Strotford, brother _ of the proon. The bride looked charmâ€" inz in a gown of v&ite charmeuse. Her tridal veil was cauzht with lilies of the valley and shoe carried a showâ€" er bouquet of roses and lilies of the vallev. SH> was attended ny hber sisâ€" tor, Edna as pridesmaid, who . wots moure satin and cattied an atmf{ul of vellow â€" tea roses. _ The groom was supported by Ifs brother, Mr. Hagry eiwnprmpg. . The, wedding marches vere played by. Miss Hazel Linton and during the sigr‘he of the regisâ€" ter the Misses Zimmermam sang ‘"A Foerfect Davr." _ After the wedding suppor. th» hapny couple left on the 6.14 train for Détroit, Chicago, and Miiwaukee, the bride traveling in . a chiffon _ bro@fâ€"<loth suit of dark purâ€" ple. She wore a black velvet hat with purple plumes and the groom‘s gilt, « _ beautiful set _ of mint furs. After the trin of a courle of waeks, Mft. and Vrs. Zimmetman will te sldeâ€"inâ€"Ta istoc", where thw will be at home to their â€" friends after _ the New Yeat. ‘aris. After a few days‘ honsymoor trip to southern points Mtr. and Mrs. mwnechtel will ta~~ up their residence in ihe city. haiser, Cedar street, amd Mr. Oliver Fmechtel aso of this tity. The atâ€" tendants _ were Miss Franses Nichol, Berlin and Mrs. W. J. Oliver, ~of The d ath toâ€"k place on Friday. aiâ€" ternoon _ at tile Berlin & Waterldo Christmas shopping is FVERY FAMILY in the city, able tn do so. should help the work . of the Social Workers along. â€" IOHN BECKMAN CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH, WATERLOQ, ONT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914. . PAGKE 14. EIGHT DAYS _ mote | l MRS. ELIZABETH WILKIE BRUBACHERâ€"PROTZMANN 7Z IMMERMANâ€"LINTON LEEâ€"AMCLEAN amtou=~‘ C A, BOEHM 1| g ALBERT MICKUS, _ 8 © Phone 173. Waterloo. e ® ....................... General Insurance Agent King St Offlce, Waterloo Mutual Building, Let us supply vour wants in the Meat Line. We always keep on hand choice â€" s Why not deal here and LICENSED _ AUCTIONEER Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Sausage Next time order from us Fresh Meats The undersigned is preparéd to conduct sales for farmers and others â€"inâ€"Waterloo Coun= tv. Having had a goodly numâ€" ber of years experience, I can assure all entire satisfaction, For terms ar further informaâ€" tion write or phone, Er n'Qt"s Where the Good Glothes Come From | [epPaA EDGAR FISCHER Snccessor to J. B. Fischer Phone 243 Waterloo Men in this showing of Overâ€" coats at $5.05, you will find just the Overcoat that will keep you good and warm, and more than that, they will took well and wear well, though very reasonâ€" able in price. They are made in the shaw! collar, double breastâ€" ed, belited back, Uister style, so popular this season, also single breasted, _ convertible collar coats, light and dark patterns, in heavyweight tweeds. Sensational Sale of Shoes 500 Pair Women‘s Boots, broken sizes in some dines, gunmetal and vici kid, blucher cut, cuban beel, sizes 3 to 7, regular $2.75, and $3.00 gale price.... ...... .22 ... 1.89 Men‘s Goodyear Weited Boots, in box calf valours and patent leather, thick soles for fall and winter, excelâ€" lent.styles, sizes 6 to 11, regular $.450 and $5.00, sale price......... 3 49 500 Pair Men‘s fine Boots, in box calf and satin calf, McKay sewn soles, all solid leather, sizes 6 to 11, regular $3.00 and $3.25, sale price... 1 98 300 Pair Boys‘ kid and gunmetal Boots, blucher cut, good styles, sizes 1 to 5, regular $2.00 and 2.50, Saleâ€"pMIG®.2...... .szn.ckose 1.69 Sile prico.s..s.n. scuccscke> JOUJ Misses gunmetal calf, blucher cut Boots, sewn soles, brorzd toes, low heels, sizes J1 to 2, regular $2.50, sale price............. 195 ..Girls‘ yici kid blucher Boots, patent toe cap, low heels, McKay sown soles, sizes 8 to 10%4, reg. $1.75 to $2.00, eale price.... ...... .39 Boys‘ Shoes, standard screw shoes, made of good solid leather, very serâ€" viceable, regular $1.75, sizes 8 to 10%, sale price......... 1.19 Nen‘s mubbers, our usual standard $1.0. quality, sale price..........79¢ Women‘s Rubbers, our regular 80c value, sizes 2% to 8, sale price....59¢ Boys‘ Rubbers, the regular T5¢ valâ€" ue, sale price..... ...... ._....‘...595: w(.SIiTs: orr Misses‘ Rubbers in sizes 11 to 2, standard, sale price..... ... 48c ger the best? Men‘s Overcoats $5.95 Established 1864 Hundreds "ofâ€"Men‘s Overcoats wWORTH $8.00 AND $10.00 dle "o" |~ BÂ¥ .& ,.phart ce an + * Deal put through Tuesfda_F, Overcoats delivered ; â€"~by Express Thursday, :( :; z2: : Here are the prices that tell the story: Bought at less than cost of manufacture =COAL= Comfort and _ Satisfaction can,. be o"tained by using our hard, shining ceal, |t gives _ lots of heat, little ashes, no clinkers, â€" amd lasts longer than ordinary coal. Best values . in the city. Phon» 201 208 Queen Str S Berlin 113 SeventyFive More Nurses SeventyAtve: more Canadian nurses are to be chosien very sbortly sa _ an addition to the staff at sthe stationary hospi(@Ts which formed part of the first Canadian contingent. They will tm chosen from 3000 applicants, and will probably be sent over before the second contingent g0es. . Dasier in Farm Seeds and Binder Twine ]mn’s Overcoats Men‘s Overcoats| Men‘s . A" AF | h #Afh NOW ON SALE Just think of buying an upâ€"toâ€" date winter Overcoat for $7.95. Truly, a wonderful assortment of wonderful vajues. ‘Materials include m@bitons, cheviots, worstâ€" eds and tweed cloths, in black, brown, grey and _ extremely smart, fancy mixtures, made in belted back, shawl collar coats, plain black Chesterfield in ali sizes for men and young men. WORTH $10.00 AND $12.00 Hundreds of high grade Suits best of making and trimmings. Absoluteâ€" ly expensive suits. Your choice Buys Suits and $5.00 elsewhere, Boys‘ Suits and §6.50 elsewhere. Boys‘ Suits and Overcoats that would cost $10.00 to $12.00 elsewhere, Oun price...... ......... $796 BUY A PRACTICAL XMAS GIFT FOR YOUR BOY, DO IT NOW AND SAVE ONEâ€"THIRD Boys‘ Suits and $8.50 eisewhere, Our Men‘s Suit Sale a Great Success $7.95 BOYS‘ CLOTHING NOW ON $8, 50 and $10.00 A Whisiwind Sale of Overcoats that would cost $4.50 to Our price.........s ...â€"....QGAan Overcoats that would cost $7.50 to Our price...;;. csszclss +~~CBOGR Overcoats that would cost $5.50 to Our prige ... /.. â€" CABA Be sure and see these Overâ€" codats to.morrow,~ you are not confined to one. style, even though you are asked to pay only $9.00. For instance, these are the much wanted long chinâ€" chilia coats and various other etyles. Great coate of chinchilia cloth, in plain grey and brown, also rough Scotch cloths and fancy mixtures. Every _ coat quaranteed. WORTH $15.00 AND $16.00. _ â€"â€"â€"*«â€" HEIDELBURG n g :teemmmnemuo AAAkQAAi11AaAaaA0a# 1046 a sStore r pest ofice, Bet! We i“.ue: mlgilh llt‘&l.“ AAOALLAAAAAAOLAAOLAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAARRAAAAAA Hardware _ Are you acquainted with Harnoess it is the only pure and genuine liquid for applying to your ham, bacon and sausages. This may be something new in many homes, but once used, it â€"willâ€"always beâ€"used,â€"there â€"isâ€"no more need of a smoke hcuse and danger of fire, a small brush is all that is required, and the Extract properly applied will season your meats to perfection, protects it against insects and acrms, and gives it a real smoked flavor. Only a limited quantity in stock.. Price $1.10 per quart bottle. S toves $9.90 Krausers‘ Smoke Extract H. N. HUEHN WORTH $20.00 AND $22.00 If you have been lanning to invest $20. or $22. for an Overâ€" coat we advise. you toâ€"seeâ€" this seasonable line offine overcoats at $14.90. This most® iMxurious fabrice: Fine lambs‘ wool chinâ€" chillas in blue, gréys and browhs beautiful, soft,! woÂ¥lly mbitdre cloths, are all new coloring, fine black melton afd beaver>tloth; made in dominant Styles of the fashion centre, single or double breasted, shaw! collar, beited back models, &nug fitting ‘or loose back comts, fur collar coats and fine black saw edge models. of Men‘s and Boys‘ Winâ€" ter Underwear .. Allâ€"wool Rubbed and Scotch Knit Underwear, 50¢, 69c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, regular 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00. Fleece Lined Underwear 2%¢ 39c, 50c, regular 40c, 50¢, 65¢. Perrin‘s Mochs Gloves, $1.00 1.25, Knitted Gloves, domestic and foreign WWade, 35¢, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Men‘s and Boys‘ Cloves Assuredly correct in every. way and at prices 10 to 25 per cent. lower than mout stores. Mammoth Purchase of Neckwear Contains Ties of every conâ€" ceivable variety, exclusive and original patterns, striking novelâ€" ties, and conservative styles, fourâ€"inâ€"hand, in hundreds of pleasing designs: Mill Price Sale Regular 75¢ and $1.00 Ties for Regular 40c and 50c Ties for and Cape $1.50, $2.00, Tinware