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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Nov 1914, p. 7

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}!fin’i}'m-u sold by Public Aucâ€" t‘on on the~tsrmâ€"ot â€"theâ€"undersigned , situatrd 3 miles west of St.Jacobs, 3 miles ‘north ‘east. of Heidelberg, 3 miles south east of Hawkesville, near Lue 3 Bridges, on gHURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914, # 4 x BD ocixal tie: 6 cuW :’}f (m bo tices 'nir .sharp: HORSESâ€"I Bay tamn extra good workers, weight abo «t 2500 Ibs ; i Bay Mare 7 years old, good quiet family driver. Cattle.â€"3 good dairy cows,hciffer «ue to,calve in Jan.; 1 cow due to calve February, Cow due to calve in April; 1 Fat Cow, 2 Steers, rising 2 years old; 2 spring calves. Farm, Stock, Implements, Etc PIGS AND CHICKENS.â€"1L extra good brood sow, due to pig in Januâ€" ary; 10 shoats, 5 monihs old; a! o it 25 cihckens. INPLEMENTS.â€" Frost and WoOd | ge Hindsr, Frost and Wood Mower, FroSt | pj and Wood eultivator, _ Hay rake, l | y, seed drill, Fanning _ mill, 2 single|} Wilkinson :Plows, 1 twoâ€"furrow gang'n. plow; Hay rack new; 3â€"sec. Tron ‘harâ€" | 4) rew, turnip pulper, scufller, 1 good | re wagon. méew wagon . box, new bob | r sleigh, 1 threeâ€"seated deéemocrat, good ; 4 top buggy, open buggy, cutter, wheel | ,,, barrow, set gravel planks, 1 good team harness, . plow harness, sinle ; ; hatness, bugey pole, cant rom,l,_( scythe, crowbar, crosscit saw, buck | ,., saw, sap pan and pails, logging ‘,, chains. forks, . nock yo‘‘es, doubleâ€"| ,, Xrees and many . other article too j ; nwmxrous to. mention. t HAY AND GRAIN.â€"Atout 3 t us’u Timothy Hay, 250 bus. oats, 50 bus. | q tariey. gvantity 0: minsels. !N HOUSEHOLD GOODS.â€"Extâ€"nsion table. Kitehn _ capboard, _ PaSing trough, coXking stoce, wood heater, cream separator, in good running orâ€" der; large meat tub. cradle, Iron ketâ€" tle, cider parrol, and manry othcr atrâ€" ticles. TERMS OF SALE.â€"Fat cow, hay, | grain, roots, chickens and all sums[ of ~$10~and under, cach; over that; anotnt :12 rhonths‘ credit on approvâ€"| ed security â€" or 5 per cent. discount for cash or ctedit amounts. ‘ . p lke : OF * * ‘REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEKHOLD 4 1 EFFECTS. wl PUBLIC SALE i There willâ€"be s1d~,, public auction 6 â€" iin the village of St.Agatha, on propâ€" OF rtz of the estate 0‘ the late Ludâ€" HIGH GRADE DURKHAM AND .\\‘lz Schneider, on . HOLSTEIN CATTLE. MONDAY, DECEMBER 218T, 1914, â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" Icomm'nuing at one o‘clock p.m., the There will be sold by public aueâ€"| folowing property : tior on the farm of the undersisn d,.! REAL ESTATE.â€"Good _ Brick bac‘kof the â€" Sanitarium at Fresfort. ) Tmuseâ€"and ~Tot â€"with orchard ~of ~good Hmown as th> Smve farm, 4 miles |frait trees in vilare of St.Agatha. east of Berlin, i miles West of Presâ€" | Also two corner lots in thy village of ton, on | ‘oseptsburg of one half acre each. TuEsDAYy ,becemBenr stH, 1914, |Cr one lot is a house ani barn with € : 12 a‘cloct in: \or(laard and on the other lot is <a _ commencing at 2 o cloci p.Nt. SBAP, parn and orchard. * ton, on TUESDAY ,DECEMBER 8TH, 1914, commencing at 2 o‘cloci p.nt. sharp, tllr following stock: 18 Gond Miloh Cows 9 MMAUDSL E |cornse eupbourd, writing Ca}:c;, Molstein row, fr_esh; 4 ""l'iuom table, _ lounge, _ Si sten cous due to calve in April ; 2 |mochine, 6 cans bottom c Holst® n _cows dve to calve in May, Lhrn chairs, 2 rockers, 4 Jers>»v Cow, fresh ; . Durham ©0%, |palp stond ‘Kitchen taule fresh: Durham Cow due latter part of Im‘ '2 wash s(‘ar‘lds kit h December; 4 Durham cows due FepFUâ€" | coal or wool, coal * heat ary, January. April and May; Ronn! gascline sm\"e with hate cow, due in May; Hereford cow, 496 | wosn gub mk;r patrels in Januaty. The above herd 3T° |jace curtans, Blinds, . . P3 mostly young cows, 6 of the HOâ€" [for} s scvlhr.:‘ rlisl'u;s a steins came from that Jarge daity ilamf):; ‘kitchcl; UtENSHE a; district south of Woodstock, 9 yCArâ€" | |qyar .articlcs li!‘:\gs, 4 spring ralves, 4 fall calves. ; um’\‘l"ll()‘l. D EFFECI No Reserve. p SEHOLD EFFE TERMS.â€"10 months‘ credit on apâ€" | TERMS OF REAL P rroved ioinc notes, or 6 per cent per |F°" cent. on day of sale arm=rm off for cash. |im 30 days. Take Berlin and Preston street cars ‘A. .L. MICKUS, _ GEO. RATSCH, Dec. 3â€"FAatm stock, implements and houséhold effects of Albert Hahn, 3 miiles é@4#t of Linwood, 3 â€" miles Northâ€"west of Hawkesville, _ Conâ€" cession 13. Dec. 8.â€"33 Head of _ Holstein and Itrham cattle, of Tenry Schacfer, 4 miles east of Berlin and 4 miles _ west of Preston at Fremport. Dec. 8thâ€"Farm stock and implements o€ Wm#Reithort; 3 miles southcast é@Linwood, near Beechvilte schoof.‘ Dec. 15â€"Farm stock and implements of Daniel Kesselring, 3 miles . west of Watertloo, 3 miles southeast _ of Petersburg, and 5 miles northwest of Berlin. . Wec. 31.â€"Real Estate of 2 properties at Josephsburg and one at _ St. Agatha, and household effects . of the late Ludwig Schneider, at St. Agatha. \Jan _ _ADVERTISEMENTS an. 5â€"Farm stock and implements of Joseph Voll, 1} miles southeast of Baden, 4} miles southwest _ of New Hamburg, and 3 miles west of Petersburg. av. 38â€"Household effects P. Jansen, Elmira, J SHANTZ, DAVID S. KOCH PUBLIC SALE A uctioneer A. J. Mickus AuQioneer Geo Class. AucQioneer Auction Sales HENRY SCHAEFER Proprietor Pr opf 44â€" 14â€"2t M 3t 6 rep > > . AK Farm Stock, Implement, Etc There will be‘soid by public ~auc tion, on ‘the farnr of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 13, eastern section, . 2 miles east of Linwood. 3 miles northâ€" west of Hawkesvillc, on. EXECUTOR‘S SALE Commenciag al L o‘clock p.m. shurp the following valuable property, viz: Horsesâ€"Bay mare 13 years _ old, Lay mare rising 5 years old supposed to be in foal; gray mare .rising _ 3 veais old, bay borse rising 2 years old, got by Charming Lad, bay horse % years old, colt 6 mouths old. t attle, Pigs, Chickens.â€"Cow â€" supâ€" posed to be in call, 2 farrow cows, 3 spring calves, sow, 3 pigs 4 months wkki, 3 pigs 2 months old, 15 chickens. linplements, Etc.â€"Noxon drill, 3« wection iron harrow, Oxford _ gang plow, wagon box, top buggy, nearly wew; open buggy, road cart, pair bob sl:ighs, nearly new, 2 cutters, one as good as new, hay rack, sap _ pan, about 00 sap buckets, and spouts, rube, nearly new, set single harness, crossâ€"cut saw, forks, shovels, chains, a quantity of carpenter tools, _ and mapy other articles. Houschold Efiects, Ete.â€" Magnet creaa separator, chutn, Jewel range, rcaily new; kitchen stove, sideboard, ertension â€" table,. kitchen table, 3 small tables, 2 lounges, . bedroom suite. 2 bedstcads, 2 sinks, wash stand, cupboard, 12 kitchen _ chairs, rocking chairs, bench, paper rack, tollet set, _set ‘dishes, glassware, dozen fruit jars, lard can, milk cans, coal oil can, meat bartels, cider barâ€" rels, pails and many other articles. machine, 6 cans bottom chairs, 6 kitâ€" chen cbairs, 2 rockers, 4 small tables, hall stand kitchen table, 3 bedsteads, I(‘m. 2 wash stands, kit han stove for coal or wood, coal _ heater, 3 burner !a:as:line stove. with bake ‘over, new; wash tub, cider barréls, grindstone, !late evrtta‘ns, Blinds, . pails, shovels, {forks, sevthes, _ dishes and â€" crocks, Jlamps, kitchen utensils and numerous Termsâ€"Grain, chickens, roots, and ull sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on good security, of 4 per cent. . of for cash paytments of credit amounts. Grain, Ete.â€"â€" About 200 _ bushels mixed grain, and a quantity of turâ€" nips. ‘Nov 28.â€"Farm _ su«k and impleâ€" i _ ments of Dan Shantz, 1% miles East | of Berlin, on the â€" Beriinâ€"Preston Road. + |\ _ December J7.â€"Farm stock and imâ€" |\ plements of David S. Kock. 3 miles | from St. Jacobs. Thursday, Dec. 3rd, 1914 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€"Burcau, cotnor cupboard, writing desk, dining reom table, _ lJounge, _ Singet sewing LOUIS F. DIETRICH, Executor of Estate of late Ludwig sSchneider! Dec. 2nd, Farm stock and impleâ€" ments of the late Henry Berg, Lot 19 Wilmot, at Philipsburg. Alex Fraser, Auctioneer .J. 1. McAtthur and George _ Gtegg are dead and Mts. McArthir was alâ€" most asphyxiat=d at Cliford. Breslau Cider Mill has started . a, chopping business and are Mow open for busiâ€" ness. Simpson & Simpson PROPRIETORS. Breslau Chopping Mill ALBERT HAHN, Prop. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioncer G. G. MANSER, Clerk, PUBLIC SALE E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer MICKUS A uetioneer CTSâ€"Cagsh, â€"_ESTATEâ€"LO le aml talance 43â€"2t 44â€"1t wWANTED.â€"1,000 BAics ~Goob POâ€" tatoes.. Will ~Fay cash ° Apply 264 Frederick St., or phone 1254, Besâ€" HIGH PRICES FOR. BEBF .. AND borse, hides,,,cali and shgep . skigs. ‘All kinds of .skin= and furs ~dressed, at Stroh‘s Tannery, Waterloo. ., FOR SALEâ€"A _ PINE â€" AGRICUL tural colt, sit montbs old, at St. Clements,. Michael Weber. _ 44â€"3t. POR SALEâ€"A â€" GOOD~DWELLING FOR SALE AT LINWOOD RED HEIFER STRAYED â€" ON premises of Walter J. Maurer. (Gwner can have same by calling and {?r'm; expenses. Walter J. Maurer, ‘onestog0. 43â€"3t. V. R. Berlet is ofering his . well located property, containing a store and â€" dwelling combined, an | extra dwelling, a good barn and garden. A splendid opportunity for any kind of business. _ V. R. Berlet. 3â€"4t The. Municipal Counc l of the Counâ€" ty of Waterloo~ will . meet at â€" the Court House, _ Berlin, on Thursda;, December 17th, 1914, at 10 o‘cloc§ a.n. Three horse â€"power Gilson. gasoline engin: on trucks. Good condition, A stap, $110. : Aiso a heavy sprinz waâ€"n, capacâ€" itr 3000 lbs. Good _ repair. For quick ra‘e. at. _ $30.â€"Fer particulars Address box 139, Waterloo. Berlin,. Nov. 14th, 1914 Are you recdy toâ€"mlist io profect o"r south ? Two expert deade s will outline: & â€"plan. Zionâ€" chu clo i# night ‘ Don‘t Wear a Truss lin and ‘grocery store on King . street, Berlin. Fine and valuablelocation for both. Good proposition for in vestment, business and home. Good reasons for selling:> Apply A. â€" K. Cressman, Waterloo. | »~‘ 44â€"2t. AFTER THIRTY YEARS‘ EXPER IENCE I HAYVE. PRODUCED AN APPLIANCE FOR MEN, wWoâ€" MEX OR CHILDREN THAT CURES RUPTURES. The ahove is C. Fâ€" Rrooke inventor of the Appliance, who cured himâ€" self and who is now giving others the benefit of his experience. I{ ruptured, write him today, at Marshall, Mich. on Ruptureâ€"and, its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you . prices and ram~s of many people who have tried it and were cured. Tt‘ gives instant relief when all others _ fail. Rememâ€" tber, I use no salycs, no harness, 1 lies. I send on trial to prove what 1 say is true. You are the judge and onee having seen my illustrated book and read it vou will pe as enthusiastic at my hundreds of patients whose _ letâ€" ters vou can also resd. Fill out free coupon below ard mail to dav. . It‘s wel! worth vour time whethcr _ you try my AppMance. or notâ€" e in o e d 4 0+ > P Ub tals c .l * ds â€" 16â€"Telegraph, Waterloo, Ont. November 1 SEXD IT ON TRIAL. 1i you have . tried most everything Is>, rene to mp. Where others fail i wifre I have my greatest success. len‘l attached coupon toflay and _ 1 xil! send vou free my illustrated pook HERBERT J. BOWMAN, County . Clerk. in. Nov. 14th. 1914. 43â€"4t FREE INFORMATION COI PON. Mr. C. E. Broo s, 1992 State St., Marshall, Mich. Pleass sead me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated boo% and full information about vour Applicnee for . the cur» o‘ rupture. FOR SALE CHEAP Name CHY Ad ‘reas County of Waterloo bancuin lt n ~a 5 ht is t cnnge General Wants NOTICE Sta t« 44â€"6t 42â€"3t it FDDD SHIPMENTS ARE BEING MADE Report That No Further Grain is Required For Belgians Incorrect. A few days aro there appeared in | thr ca lv papers a naws item to the | enect that _ the â€" Trade i. Commerce | Departmont at Ottawa was ad/ising the Wardons of Ontario Cointies to motify farmers | who, had been generâ€" oneiy Torwarding grain, fruit and veâ€" getables to Mootreal for shipment to Grat Eritain as free gifts, to send no mor>, as such shifn:.nts were supâ€" rosei to be in Montreal by Novemâ€" ber ist and that as raâ€"igation . was about closing, no further shipments from Montreal could pe arranzed for. This item apparently referred to efâ€" forts that were being made outside of the Belgian Relief Work, of which His Royal |Highness _ the Governor ‘ Gencral is patron. To avoid any misâ€" understanding in connection with the : work o° the organization referred, to ;al»n\':‘, Mr. H. Prud‘homme, of Montâ€" r al was communicated with and unâ€" dor date of the 21st inst., he replies as follovs : _ ‘"We beg Irave to say that brsidrs having _ shipped already one steamer from Halifax the eud of 'Uclnter and having one steamer being ‘o:ded row â€" at Halifax, which will lsal asout tils _ middle of mxt wcek.l we hive shipped several consignments of 106 to 200 â€" packages each by the regular | steamers sailing from Montâ€" real and we â€" will continus making shipment of packages in this way durâ€" mx treâ€"winkst. 90 We â€"@low capecs to send 0 > ot more steamer loads {rom St._John, _ Halifar, _ or. Portland, Therefore you can safely send | whatâ€" evet you ha~e. at yout conven‘ence." It is the intention of the local Belâ€" gian Prlief Society _ 10 _ close their can:paign so far as clothing snd pr9 visions ara concerned with the presâ€" cat wee‘, and immediately thoreafter ma‘e sityment â€" of thr accumulated mater:al to Head Quarters at Mont r al. All those intending to â€" make furtter domations of that kind are therefore _ asked to kindly govern theroaselies accordingly. Butter > Wrappers Farmers! k Attention | The Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph has purchased a ig stock of , Genuine Parchment . Paper, and is prepared to print tor Farmers and Groâ€" cerymen at Reasonable Prices. . A law has been passed making ‘it compulsory that farmers have the name of the kind of butter which they offer for sale printed on the wrapper in which the butter is enclosed. Let us furnish you â€"with printed butter wrapâ€" pers, Prompt service and reasonable prices. Orders left with The Daily Telegraph, 80 King St;West, Berlin will receive prompt atâ€" tention. LOAD AT HALIFAX The Chronicleâ€" WE‘LL SEND THE FIRST few doses of Gin Pills to you freeâ€"if you have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble. After you see how good they areâ€"get the 50c. size at your dealer‘s. National r‘:n‘ Co. of c--ua?"‘u-au. d . Send in Your Order NOW. Telegraph Waterloo make 1 Mon. 8. H. Blake Left $206,819. are TORONTO, Nov. 25. â€" The late overn ‘Hon. Samuel Hume Blake, K.C., who ! died at his residence, 46 Maples aveâ€" | nue, on June 23 last, left a will typiâ€" =®* \ cal of his simple life. His estate ‘reached a grand total of §206,819. T _ ‘His widow, Elizabeth Blake, is to reâ€" 1ce1n $50,000 worth of bonds in the Canada Bread Co., and the balance of the estate is to be divided, his son, WW. H. Blake, K. C., of Toronto, and ‘a daughter, Katherine Rhinelander of lNow York. To his daughter Mabel, 4 who bad asked that she should not 267 |have a share in the estate, be gave all |and any such books and papers that C ‘she might wish to take. Russian Troops Have Administered a COrushing Blow to the German Adâ€" IN BOLL RETREAT EVEN ~BERLINâ€" ADMITs If LONDON, NMov. 25.â€"A severe Ger: man defeat in Poland is reported from ‘Petrograd. Gen. von Hindenâ€" burg, after bhaving pushed back the Russians almost on Warsaw, is said to hx" suffered a serious reverse w the enemy, which had been strongly reinforced, made a brilliant stand between the Warte and the Vistuls rivers. Yon Hindenburg‘s army of 400,000 men is said to have been badly cut up and thousands of prisoners are reâ€" ported to have been taken by the Rusâ€" gizns who are now in pursuit. German reinforcements, however, are arriving, and another great battle is likely to develop on a line nearer the frontier, westnorthwest of Lodz. Offcial German statements admit the defeat, but say there has been no Snal result in the fighting west of Warsaw. Additional information givâ€" en to the press in Berlin, says the Austrians have abandoned several passes in the Carpathians to superior hostile forces. ‘The latest reports of Germans reâ€" verses come from Russian Poland along the River Bzura. Desperation, wherein strategy was thrown to the wind, appears to have characterized the d_brmln campaign in this district, the army commanders acting under the Kaiser‘s orders that for its moral effect on the campaign, in Belgium, a victory must be achieved at any cost. In spite of their frightful sacrifices of men at the Bzura, the Germans were unable to break through the Russian line and they are now in full retreat from their advance positions between Strykow, Zogiers and Wola Wizinki retiring toward the River Warte. The Russian army of Grand Duke Nicholas, now undoubtedly holds the advantage in Poland. For the moâ€" ment the German forces of Gen. von Hindenburg which struck boldly at Warsaw, for a second time are put on the defensive. In some placos the Germans are said to have fallen back 25 miles. _Last week Berlin declared the greatest hope of the eastern camâ€" paign was placed on the outcome of the battle about Lodz. The German forces there, however, failed to push forward on a line with those which had advanced to the Russian defences between Lowiczâ€" and Skierniewice. This necessitated the lengtbening of the entire line extending to the southwest to protect the German flank and line communication. The Russians have gained a deâ€" cisive. victory on the front from Plock to Ilezyca, and the Germans, after heavy losses, are fleeing to the Prussian frontier, says a special from Pet.ograd to The Matin. An official report issued in Petroâ€" gradâ€"last night â€"says there have been continued Russian successes on the Czenstochowaâ€"Cracow front, where on Nov. 22 the Russians took 6,000 prisoners. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.â€"A bomb ; from & German airship fell in front of the American consulate at Warsaw iufly yesterday, breaking the winâ€" . dows of the consulate, but injuring | \no ome within, according to a teleâ€" j ]:um dated yesterday from Ambassaâ€" . \dpr Marye at Petrograd. | _ The following official statement was given out from Berlin by wireâ€" less last night:â€" _ w s ‘"While an eventual victory for the Teutonic allies in the eastern theatre of the war is expected as confidently as ever, official reports from the Gerâ€" man and Apstrian military (beadâ€" quarters make it appear that a deâ€" cision will. not be reached as soon as had been expected. The final result has been delayed by the advance of new Russian forces from Warsaw. "The Austrians announce that they have abandoned to superior hosâ€" tile forces several passes in the Carâ€" pathians. ‘The Russian troops which are investing Przemysl have been driven back by a sortie, and are not within range of the cannon of the forts." Mounted Corps To Ge KHaised. OTTAWA, Nov. 25.â€"It is expected that orders will be issued immediateâ€" ly for the recruiting of two regiments of mounted rifles in Alberta. These Lt 40 toâ€"sAditinn tn the new infanâ€" Ay ie4~ us cade AERLIUIT CC SR try regiments which are being reâ€" cruited. 5 e ‘One of these regiments of mounted rifies will be from Calgary and the district north of it, the other will be from Médicine Hat, Lethbridge and Fort Macleod districts. It is probable that Col. MacDonald of Calgary will command the Calgary Regiment, and that Col. Sissons will command the other _ Several pergons in .the street in front of the consulate were killed and wounded. Pursuit of Fieeing Enemyâ€" Austrians. Give Up Passes. . ‘Von Hingenburg Mests With a Severe Reverse. Several Killed at Warsaw. German Base Is Subjected to a Severe Bombardment by .luâ€"w ed German Army With Artillery Is Bending m, + Effort to Get Through the Francoâ€"British â€" Line, ~* ~ . LONDON,: Nov.~ 26.â€"lntense â€"A8%â€" | fety is again apparent in Belgium and I Northern France and theâ€" Kaiser‘s leâ€" | gions reinforced and heavily armed | with big guns are making anothér desperate plunge to break through to the coast. K The London Standard, prints the following from its correspondent in Northern France:â€" * BIG ~BATTILE â€" Attack®‘in Forss Frem Yores to Ln Bassee Now Going On. BRITISH SHELL ZEEBRUGOE ‘‘The combined French and British armies have been attacked by the Germans in force from YÂ¥pres to La Bassee, and a battle on the scale of, the battles on the Marne, of the Yser, and of the first and second batâ€" tles of Ypres, has commenced. ‘"In this terriic struggle,‘ into which the Germans enter with large reinforcements and fresh guns, the French and British armles are acting directly in concert. Already the fAight has been in progress fortyâ€"eight hours. The mightiest guns in the world‘s military history. bave been brougbt into action, carrying death and destruction for ffteen to eighteen miles from their emplacements. Unâ€" der cover of those infantry allacks are being developed. â€" _ The following official communicaâ€" ‘tlon was ijssued last zight:â€" 1,,. ‘‘Toâ€"day has beenâ€"relativelyâ€"quiet>â€" "There has been intermittent canâ€" nonading on the front, and aâ€" few attacks in the Argonne, all of which bhave been repulsed. f ‘‘The German objective is the town of Ypres, to capture which they have sacrificed thousands of lives under fire of the British during the last montb. Their guns are battering the town once more. Everywhere along the line I bear that the allies bave succeeded in checking all the enemy‘s assaults, which were allowed to exâ€" haust themselves, so that a frash and significant pbase of the battle hbas opened a phase in which the whole line of the German tremches are threatened by British and French ipâ€" fantry." % t "‘There is nothing to. report beâ€" ‘tween the Argonne and the Vosges, and, furthermore, a heavy fog bas interfered with operations. The saniâ€" tary conditions of the troops are favorable." f The British Admiralty last night |announced that on Monday all points of military significance in Zeebrugge ;were subjected to a severe bombardâ€" ment by two British battleships. The ;Germnn opposition was feeble. The |extent of the damage done is unâ€" Advices from Parisâ€"state that the | determined efforts of Germany to â€" turn the left wing of the allied arâ€" mies, or to penetrate it at Ypres to clear a roadway to Dunkirk, have reâ€" | sulted in failure. In a summary of | the operations of the last six weeks. The Bulletin Des Armes estimates the Kaiser‘s forces in. Belgium at 15 army corps, or 750,000 men; declares | that the German troops were ordered to capture Â¥pres by Nov. 1, so that | the annexation of Belgium might be | proclaimed on that date. <The Bulleâ€" tin further tells of orders issued by } the Crown <Prince of Bavaria and | Duke Albrecht of Wurtemburg, exâ€" | horting the soldiers to win lucceu‘ for their emperor, who would be "’i the battle front to "animate" them. . * Freuch troops on Monday deféated the Germans in the Argonne district and captured â€"ground of strategical value, hitherto held by the invaders. â€" ‘‘Speaking generally, it may be said that the situation during Novy. 23 showed no important changes. Along the greater part of the {ront the enâ€" emy manifested its activity particuâ€" larly by © intermittent cannonade, which was, however, less lg’irlted than on the preceding day. everâ€" the less, there were here and there some infantry attacks, all of which were repulsed. As we have come to expect, these attacks were particularâ€" ly violent in the Argonne, where we gained some territory, and in the reâ€" glon of Four de Paris. safely Advices from Amsterdam say that before sunset the electric works were fiercely burning and also the Palace Hotel and other buildings.> The church steeple at Heibt was damaged, and it is reported that the sluices mt Zeebrugge were destroyed. The Gerâ€" man firing suddenly stopped, and the German submarines left the port. Afâ€" ter some manoeuvring the British fieet disappeared in the fog. Part of Zeebrugge was burning, and the population had fled in all directions." Wiliiam H. K. Kedmoad Snlists. _ | LONDON, Nov. 25.â€"It is definitely ascertained that William H. K. Redâ€" mond, a member of Parliament and a brother of John Redmond, the leadâ€" er of the Irish Nationalist party, bas | joined the army. He received a comâ€" mission @8 captain last week. ‘ Earthquake Recorded. TORONTO, Nov. 25. â€" A wellâ€" marked earthquake was recorded on the selsmograph at the Toronto Obâ€" servatory yesterday. The vibrations, which did not affect this city, lasted from 7.12% to 9.30 a.m. The earthâ€" 4uake was also registered in Ottawa und at Washington. 1t occurred preâ€" sumably down in the Ecuador reglon, suid Prof. Young of the Meteorolog!« cal Office. In the days of the Irish land war, William Redmond was prominent in the protests against British rule, and served a number of short sentences in jail signs that coacimia. 6 deadly progress, . TLA C is 4o *owed by ‘ great ‘w¢ treathlessness after aby €1 Arigs. vuake in the morning 1 aches, aw Ahe tiiea. . You pecome mbid , vous, starting &t the 1 | .aud your . heart.. palpitates. Â¥ig e1¢n @7 going. UPâ€"Staits. Mo#t . V‘ale and . sallow . . lbes; and gums,. and 2‘..‘."'7‘.“.’.‘.' the oyes, ate ""OP Th trow fourteen o. tw ueuet ""hpal! "o M tlood to " the ‘ bedy, means a life, of mi» it is an open lnvitation to hopeless of all diseases, cofigt The new, rich blood that « aemio . and _ gives now. bealth .,| strength is _ readily created. by.", W.iliams‘ Pick Pills. .That 48 .. thes> pills have cured moge ‘ blocdicssness ‘and . blood . A189 than anyâ€" otber medicine. Tv a made ~thousands . of . girls . aFi strong, . well .and rosy, eves â€" and . naw cnergy, just beo thiy nourish the toly with ~1 rich, red hlocd of beaith,. Mere . typical instance. . Miss La sey, Auburn,. N.Y., sa‘s : m eral â€" montts .1 was in , a Yefy. state of bealth, with many of. syiptoms that accompany was pale and blood!*ss, had . terf beacaches, would be breathless , lcast exertion. Hlaving tried a ber o%.. medicines without refe Pills. You can get thess pills W¢1 any medicine dealer, or they will i sent by mail post paid at 50. c_eun.] low or six boxes for $2.50 by writin The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co nuturally became discovraged ;" , gan to fear that . I was €, ecttinucd illness. At this m f1ien} who had herself been by Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills M to try them. 1. did so and Abank th* pills Iâ€"am now enjoying the . o‘ health, and feel that 1 canrot. conmmend. this splendid medicine . highly." & y Breckville, Ont _ Other weak and ailing gitls can so obta‘n now â€" bealth and stren thrcugh the use ol Dr. \\‘fl}j__ln!‘} At Dctroit, Mich., to Mr.. and ; M F‘. B. Root, an Nov. 18ti, & son, Eichletâ€"On _ Nov. 10, at New W bure, to Mr. and Mre. Fred:¥€i ler, a daughter. Wds Hartmanâ€"At New Hamburg, to .1 and Mrs. Join Hartm2n a Son.~ Stromeâ€"At Elmira, Nov.~21, to4 and Mrs. Oscar‘ Strome, .2 §CR. â€" *Hed Forses.â€"At â€" Winterbourné, Nov. «41 ‘:“& te Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Forbes, 4% daughter. > & ~* ;. in Aesnerâ€"At ~St. Clements, Nov: A@ t> Mr. ani Mrs. Max Aegnor, â€"®f : o6AAAE *A _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"p* ow Kautmanâ€"At Wellesiey, Nov. 134 ky Mr. and Nirs. John L. ‘Kl\llmln,t,-'; daughter. . oA lt Skenk.â€"At Baden, Nov. 12, / to M@&S® and Mrs. Jro. D. Shenk, a son, :48 Bairdâ€"At _ BlarrMord, .to Mr. f j Nirs. Robt. Baird, a daughtetr. . aTEAMER WAS . oTRUGK BY A SUBMARI The North Dumfrics Townsh@p O# cil has contributed ‘$100 to the . P ro‘ie fund as a starter. A S will he made later as to what grants will be made. ;A Anong thr new _ companics . wh have recently been â€" incorpotated}‘ Omiatio is ths Ktar Whitqwear, . it‘c. Berlin, capitalizet at $150,0 Was Incorporated IF YOUR CHILD 18 CRORS, Mothers can rest easy after givi "California Syrup of Figs," because a few hours all the cloggedâ€"up was mour bile and fermenting food gen! moves out of the bowels, and you & a well, playfol child again. B Sick children needn‘t be coared take this harmless "fruit larativ Millions of mothers keep it handy cause they know its action Om . stomach, liver and bowols is pro# and stre. Ask your druggist for a G0â€"cont t tle of "California Syrup of Figs," wh containa directions for babies, hild of all ages and for grownâ€"ups * Look Mother! If tongue is coant cleanse little bowels with "Callk fornia 8yrup of Figs." London, Nov. 25.â€" An Admiral« ty statement issued toâ€"day, savat} "The French passenger steamér, U Admiral Ganteaume, which m%* sumk on October 25th, while . ons its way from Calais to Havre .with : 2000 refugees aboard, many 6f\.. them women and children, WA# ft the victim of a German submar« ine. To prove this a phmgnofl“ is displayed of the fragment of a _ torpedo, which was foun in en@ * of the steamer‘s lifeboats. It â€" previousty ~suppose:~the ~Gant« teaume was struck by a ming. s ANAEMIA. :__ Births. sw Ai

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