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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Nov 1914, p. 6

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e .« RUSSIANS MADE IMPORTANT ADVANCES. M x 4. Parig, Nov. 25.â€"The Petrograd correspondent of The Matin, under date nday, wires that the Russians have mage important advances on the from Craacow to Crenstochowa, and are continuing an energetic offenâ€" .on the line from Plock to Lenezyca. The enemy is in disorderly flight I Js, bound to spread panic throught Germany. Nov. 25.â€"»The dHicial statement this afternoon ,says:â€" ‘the Ffi, Sea to Â¥pres there have been o infantry attacks., Beâ€" .‘ mjarls “%%,Mfl“\f!‘yc have gained territory. Nicinity of Cabasseg, the Indian troops recaptured from the eneâ€" trenches which had been takem.from them the evening before. *From Labassee to Soibsons there has been almost compiete calm. We ie made slight progress near Berryâ€"auâ€"bac, and in the Argonnes. ®At Bethincourt, northwest of Verdun, the German attacks have been reâ€" Suspension of hostilities requested by the enemy has been refused. uin the region of Pontâ€"aâ€"Mosson, our artiliery bombarded Arnaville. h *Nothing has happened in the Vosges." & GERMANS CLAIM PROGRESS IN ARRAS. &Mw Nov. 25.â€"In the official communication toâ€"day, the Germans claim .uvc' made progress at Arras, to have repulsed all Russian attacks in "Pfuula. and to have checked the Russian counter attacks in Russian ‘ . We bave only a limited quantity at this price consisting of tweeds, fries, d kersy cloths,. ‘Regular prices IQO to $14.00. 9 Days Sale...$3.95 TO $18.00 FOR $5.95. «‘This lot includes fine quality serges id kersy â€" cloths, in black, green, . _red, brown and blues. Military esy regular $7.50 to $18.00. 9 Days Khe:. 5; .2 1. .: cl.silsvs io s oc + $5.05 ‘TO $12.50 FOR $9.75. AOhke whole rack full of ladies and fisses coats asorted styles, in tweeds, @s, < chinchilla curl,. and kersy is; regular prices $10.95 to $12.50. (Days Sale. ... ....... 2.2.....$9.75 TO $19.00 FOR $15.00. UP TO $14.00 FOR $3.95 geo.0e Fon $21.00. . â€"‘T#Wo only, mole sealette, size 18 and ‘ % beautiful garment, guaranteed matin lining; regular $29.00. 9 Days @ 222222222222 ulllll 222. .. $21.00 WP TO $17.00 FOR $8.98. ~"An assortment of ladies and misses , in .serges, tweeds and whipâ€" fi; regular $10.50 to $17.06. 9 Days 5.060 $8.98 |\ Sfx only. kiddies coats for _ $3.25 IP;TO $4.50 FOM §3.50. ...... .. ... ‘Am assorted lot of chilren‘s coats, #i®es, brown and blue fries; regu ‘$3.75 to $1.00. 3 Days Sale $2.05 ~ANNUAL PREâ€"STOCK TAKINCG STOCK ADJUSTMENT SALE !E'ro $3.00 FOR $1.39. @Wive only children‘s coats for IPâ€" TO $4.50 FOR $1.95. ~ > Follow these Big Reductions in Ladies and Misses Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, * > Underskirts, Corsets, Underwear and Furs. :r' )iTRA'f___VALUES;in Dress"Goods, Silks and Coatings, of which we can oniy mention a few here. Some cannot last nine days. %':on 29c. M @tine dress goods, 27Tâ€"in. wide matier, leatier, nrown, cardinal y and grey. This is bigo value l r 50c. 9 Days Sale ..... . 29; TO.35¢ FOR 19c. wl ro ptetemnivy avwad hinck MeRon These include the very latest styles Â¥4 cloths; regular up to $19.00. 9 aye Sale...... ...... ..... ..$15.00 2.50 FOR $14.95. ffwo only, black brocaded sealette pats, sizes 36 and 42; regular $22.50. Days Sale...... n 0.... ......$14.95 P TO $4.50 FOR $3.25 P To 37.50 ron $3.95. Amdies‘ and misses‘ cloth dresses, in ges. and panamas, assorted sizes, rs, tan, navy,,cadet, red and black. r Prices $5.00 to $7.50. 9 Days Four only kiddies‘ coats for Days Saie p ~i Space will not permit giving a complete list of Bargains here. [éb‘ed wavy and bucfi'uge: wide." Regular 50c. 9. Days Sale l‘hh"flc‘e we also include tweeds serges, and in better lines, whipâ€" «poplins, broadcloths, permo and t;lg'sglgv_Prlcel of 59c and 79c. ) FOR 79c. ifh ‘Coating, cardinal and beaver; lar $1.50. 9 Days Sate........79c¢ ) FOR 79c. g"flde ‘Charmeuse silk in a large tJ6f shhdes. Regular $1.50. ERE RECAPTURED BY ~ THEINDIAN TROOPS edForces Gained Territor{ Between Lagemarick and Zonnebackew and :; Near_Berryâ€"auâ€"Bac : Sale BHO0rRaLXXV AR. 9| CcOMMENCES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH. $2.15 §3.50 $1.39 $195 19¢ 79¢ jA CLEAN.â€"UP IN FURS Less than $300 worth to be cleared right ou:. space will not permit details here /; you can get a neck piece or muil at decidedly low prices. UP TO $3.50 FOR $1.95. 33 silk and net waists, assorted colors, assorted sizes. Regular $2.25 to $3.50. 9 Days Sale....... ...$1.95 Regular $4.00 to $5.00. 9 Days Sale $1.50 FOR 98c Satin underskirts in a large assortâ€" ment of colors. Regular $1.50. 9 Days Salesss u2l snuiuzke Airrrnmenn s s906. Biggest bargain we‘ve ever offered in embroidered waiets, slightly soiled and crushed. Regular prices 75e to $1.25. 9 Days Sale .............. 996. Another big assortment of waists, clean and new. Regular $1.00 and $1.25. 9 Days Sale.....:.: ~...:.796. $1.75 FOR $1.39. UP TO $1.25 FOR 39c Wrapp‘et kimonas, regular $1.00 Sale...l.u.,.2 .liluuegs Pasbinss.fde, Sale Underwear Sale;.... ... Underwear Bale..:... .. 23 ladies‘ and misses‘ dress skirts, in black and colors, all sizes, in sergâ€" es, &weeds, panamas and voiles. Reâ€" gular: prices $4.50 up to $6.50. 9 Days B41%4 . 4250 v.2.222ai22 sill . ... s â€"$8.50 $1,00 FOR 79c. â€" 36â€"in. black taffatine, regular 25¢, §@l@. 22222 222l2s ul ll s a k l2 . 190. 36â€"in. wide. Paillette gilk, in black only. Regular $1.00. 9 Days Sale 79c. In <thisâ€"8%â€"in. silk and full assortâ€" ment of totors, weâ€"offer regular $1.00, Underwear Sale.l.l... . 75c. FOR 59c UP TO $6.50 FOR $3.50 maize. .. 39.â€"in 36 Sate Colored Sale..... Regular 79¢ black underskirts. Eigle Regular $ Regular up to Wrapp‘et kimonas, regular S_:.'..'.() House Dresses, regular $1.00, Kitchen aprons, Kitchen aprons, i~In brocaded silk Regular T5e. black black Morie duchess silk séconds, seconds, seconds, velvet black morie. . Sale regular 69c, regular 50c, k, in pale blue and . 9 Days Sale 59¢. regular $1.25, Sate regular regular regular regular regular P2.20 $1.95 | $3.50 FOR $2.95. Sate| _ Only 20 pairs of a similar quality to $2.95 | above blanket, size 60 x 80. Regular | $3.50. 9 Days Sale...... .......$2.95 $1 $2.50 | $1.89 $1.50, .$1.29 $1.50, Sale . 55¢. Sale .39c. Sale .79¢. 25¢, .19¢. 39c. 75c, §9c. ‘in Canada according to theâ€"Governâ€"| ment‘s latest program, 25,000 are alâ€"| ready enrolled. Of these 17,000 are to| | for mithe‘ second contingent ‘The reâ€" | maining 26,000+will *be ralsed on‘ the Iroum; basis® Five or six . regiâ€" ments of 1000 men gach to be raised | | in Ontartd;@tWo sor three 4n Quebec, | four in Manitoba and Baskatchewan ‘ ‘combined, three or four in Alberat,| two in British Columbia, und one in the maritime provinces. ~50,000 ALREADY â€"â€"~â€" ORILLED Ottawa, Nov, 24.â€"It is stated here} qâ€"T‘?,,., T that of the 50.000 men t be w‘ ‘.m .‘.u""uo"?' .â€"'“'Th td Recruiting for the extra 25,000 will proceed at once, and pudging by the celerity with which the former reâ€" cruiting has been carried out and the many applicants for enlistment, the full number will be recruited at an early date. NO NEW WATERWORKS YET Tho Council of Sarnia _ has decided that thay will not bother any this winter with the new waterworks at Point Edward, but wait until spring before trying to increase the supply of water in the filtration basins. The old waterworks, which geus its watâ€" er from the river opposite the city, w:ll be used until t new station is onencd. \ On‘y 12 pairs Kumfy Wool Blanket, | size 56 x 76. Regular $3.00. 9 Day D BBE u.. shzuss sules arsian~002.89 $3.00 FOR $2.59 $4.25 FOR $3.69 Only 23 paire of a good wool blanâ€" ket, weighs 51b, size 60 x 80; pink and plue borders, nice long nap. Regular good value at $4.25. 9Days Sale $3.89 $1.50 FOR $1.39. We have a large stock of Marseilles and light weight bedspreads that are exceptionally good value at our reguâ€" lar prices. Regular $1.50 lines. 9 Days S@le. 22222 2.2 2l l es e k k 20. } +. .$1.19 Better quilts, regular $1.75, _ Sale Better still, regular $2.00, Sale T5 pairs flannelette blankets, greys, size 64 x 76; white, size 68 x 81. Our regular $1.50 line. 9 Days Sale..$1.39 Large sizes in white and grey. Sale One piece of 69 y flannel, color brown, : lar 30c. 9 Days Sale 18¢. FOR 12%%4¢c. Over 900 yards of a beautiful qualiâ€" ty in white flannelette. Regular 18c a yard. Sale...... ...... vhicanteh Nevat 10c. FOR 8c. Regular 5¢. Cotton thread, in white or black, any number. 9 Days Sale, per Uoren.....s clz2ls ue cc.s+:006. 25¢. FOR 15c. 60c. FOR 50c 165 yards 44â€"in. and pillow â€" cotton. Regular Salellllll 222222 2l!! $1.50 FOR $1.19 30c. FOR 19¢ 10c Sale 25c. FOR 19c down. 32 Days Sale An assorted lot of Standard prints,‘ at 12%%c. and Crums prints at 15¢. All at one price, 9Days Sale...... ...10c.! 12/c. UP TO 15c. FOR 10 SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT THE .USUAL LIST OF THURSDAY BAR. SAINS, BUT OUVUR GROCERY DEPT., is WELL PREPARED TO TAKE CAME OF ALL YOUR REQUVESTS AND BESIDES WILL,OFFER SPECIAL PRICES IN TWENTY DIFFERENT ARTICLES OF DAILY USE, sUCH AS CEREALS, JELLIES, SHORTENING, TO TAKE THE PllAce OF LARD: HONEY, CLEANERS, AMONIA SOAPS, ETC., ETC. i This Column gives you a good idea of The Purchasing Power of Your Dollars for the Next Nine Days in all the Ivery Day Nâ€"eds for day and nigh:i through a Canadian Winter. Presero fky CTotesw e pieces of abt. 175 yards. Regular \ Balecas soils pieces â€" flannelette pieces pink and. blue Eiderâ€" .. $32â€"in. wide. _ Regular 25¢. 9 King and Frederick Sts. Phones 952 â€"953 Private branch exchange connecting all Departments and 46â€"in. Circular ards, in all wool 26â€" in. wide. Reguâ€" Regular THE DEPARTMENT STORE‘S GROCERIES The following are representative Rargains from every department. 9 Days 2..15e. 19¢ 8c 8c 6c cecause services are n#fn- 10 keep order amony We 1:5.00. altens in the uorth . est, h ive respons, ed with aâ€".decision to give one day‘s pay per month until tbe war is over. ‘The pay of the ordinary consiables 1» only $1 per duy. ‘This splendid conâ€" lrlb\\l.bl means aboult $1,500 per month. # f I When bapy cries it is because bo is uri vellâ€"not because he is badâ€"natured l..- so many imazine. Crying is the ‘way the litcle one nas of telling _ of is pains and the wise mother can inâ€" stamtly toll what ails ber little one s‘mply by his cry. When baby cries a groat deal â€" give him Baby‘s (Jwn ‘ Taglets and he will soon be havpy | again. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. | Jas. Gaudreau, Notre [famé des Bois, Que., says : "‘My bavy cried day and nigh* and 1 Was greatly discouraged. !I began giving him the Tablets and he was soon happy, healthy and fat." : The Tablets >are sold by medicine ‘deaers or by mail at 25 cents a box \from The Dr. Willams‘ Medicine Co., | Rrockville, Ont. Ger san officers who escaped from the interned camp in Holland and mad:. their way across J.. border of Gerâ€" mapy baverarrived at Oznabrueck, is Hanover, says a despatch froim Der lin. The German milltery author! thes, says the despatch, will try officers in a,"court of honer," they will probably be compallq leave the service for Drukln;v elr parole, _/ â€" $M ‘Bc. FOR 5c. 400 yards good quality, 134n. wide, !crnh toweling. Regular 8c. a yard. 9 Days Salt..::.s s.ssule sausinc 90. b4â€"in. wide, unbleached _ Damask tabling.. Regular 25c. 9 Days Sale 25c. FOR 19¢ 35c. FOR 29e. t £0â€"in. _ wide,> nihlcached â€"‘Damask tabling, floral design. _ Regular 35c. SAIE. 22222 gus ce us g im ial 22. ... .29¢. At this price we include one piece 62â€"in. wide, colored tabling. 6 dozen dark colored Turkish towâ€" els. These aro a special purchase lot and at original regular prices would be 35c. 9 Days Sale......19c. each. An exceptionally large size light coloredTurkish ‘towel for this price. Regular 20c. 9 Days Sale..... ...15c. 9c. FOR 7c 50c. FOR 30c. * f 72â€"in. wide, unbleached, Damask tabling, spot pattern. Regular 50c. Bale. .ls um mnuuse oirevnan i1.. 806. 35c. FOR 19¢ 20c. FOR 15¢ Smailer sized light colored Turkish, that are especially priced at 3 for 25c. and §5c. each. 25 dozen of an extra quality pure linen teatowe!, bordered and ready hemmed for use. We will only perâ€" mit 3 towels to a customer at 3 for 25¢. 6 dozen only, white cotton huck towel, good quality. Regular 15c. 9 Days Sale......... .«:.....2 for 250. 16â€"in. and 17â€"in. wide, pure linen crash Toweling. ~Recular 10c. a yard. ODay‘l Sale:: en rirrrenssâ€"arcer86 Over 1560 yards extra fine quality bleached cotton, Challenge brand, 36 in. wide, extra value at 14c. Sale 11c. 124 FOR 9c Over 1400 yards. Factory cotton, good quality. 36â€"4n. wide. Regular 12%4c. 9 Days Sale..... ........95. 25c. FOR 15c. Ready hemmed pillow cases, 44â€"in wide. Regular 25¢. 9 Days Sale..15c Over 1100 yards, Factory cotton, our special 9¢ and good value at that. 36â€"in. wide. 9 Days Sale...........7¢. 15c FOR 12% 10c. FOR 8 13c 10c. FOR Bc %g. FUN i1C CRYING CHILOREN 1| Lasts 9 Days. cm as| COLORED RIBBONS, REGULAR UP PNTO.256., Sultho Eomm domnienetmmerentemrn ons 116. LARD:‘ POLAR EIDER WOOL, REGULAR UP TO 12%}%c¢. SALE.... ........7c. BRITISH AIRMEN WERE HONORED * U U | Special Reductions in Men‘s and Boys C]othing Furnishings, Umbrellas, Underwear, ‘ Shires and Sweaters for Everybody. $1.25 FOR 98c Ladies‘ and gents‘ umbrellas durable frame, silk and wool tape . and â€" stitched _edge, handles: _ Regular price $1.2 Sale..... 50:. FOR Penman‘s _ Anthracite _ Underwear and Watson‘s heavy ribbed Balbrigâ€" gan and wool.. Regular T5c. 9 Days Sale s uzs le Liikas aue whveesi09G. Men‘s fleece lined usderwear, and drawers, all sizes. Regular 50¢. â€"9 Days Sale....s.. ..... 756. FOR 69c ....22 z2lll. .. $1.00 AND $1.25 FOR 89c Sweater coats for girls and boys, in navy and grey, with and without col lar; some. Norfolk styes, all sizes. Reâ€" gular $1.00 and $1.25. 9 Days Sale $3.50 AND $3.75 FOR $2.95 Sweater coats for men and ladies, ‘ all wool coats, with and without colâ€"| lars; good assortment of colors andT weaves; all sizes. Regular $3.50 and | $3.75. SGale...... s..ur.. c1....$2.090| Negligee Shirts for men, white grounds with neat stripe effects in black and blue. Outing shirts in plain sHades, collars attached. Reguâ€" lar values up to $1.00. 9 Days Sale $1.75 FOR $1.25 Trousers for men, of good. tweed and worsteds material, made to fit and wear, patterns of dark greys ard brown; sizes 32 to 44. Regular values up to $2.50. 9 Days Sale.... ..$1.69 Men‘s high grade flannel shirts with neat stripes over a cream or grey ground; French cuffs with extra lounge collars. Regular $1.75. 9 Days Sal@..22.2 0 2llllu ul uy 2. $1,25 Over 100 pairs sample gloves in cashmere, chamoisettes and suede e# feets, all sizes, in a big assortment of colors. Regularly priced lines up to 5ic. 9 Days Sale...:.. ......... 356. Other sale prices on gloves are 25¢. and 29¢.‘ $1.00 FOR 85c. In spite of the big advance and scar city of kid gloves, we have an im mense stock of all sizes, and all col ors, tan, white and black (guaran teed). Rguiar §1.00. ~Sale..... 85¢ UP TO $1.00 FOR 69c UP TO $2.50 FOR $1.69 35c. FOR 29c Ladies‘ cashmere hose, sizes (l/. to 10. Regular 3Gc. 9 Days Sale..29c. 50c. FOR 35c. Wov. 26.â€"The . Servian w In fighting with the Ausâ€" vaders is reported in. a toâ€"day to MHava‘s Agen¢y Nish. The Austran cojpumas, which on the night: oft November 23, crossedâ€"the â€"Kolubara river in north western Bervia, were put to rout by ‘the Bervians with large loskes. ‘The battle continues. The Austrians ‘are said to have lost 500 prisoners and three machine gqune. London, Nov, 25.â€"A Jespatch to the Express from Ceneva saye: "The British airnen returning to Belfort from their succecsful raid on Friederichshuten, had been honored by a paraue of the garriâ€" con, were decoraled with the Leâ€" gilon of Honor, and banquetted by the officers. Two Zeppeline at Frieâ€" drichshafen are reportad to have been scriously aaimaced Better Clearing Prices in Ladies‘ Hose, Gloves, Muffiers, Lace Collars, Veiling, Frilling and Ribbons. AUSTRIMS 10 EflMPlEV&flflflT umbrell 39c as umbrellas, strong and wool covers, Regular $1 assorted o. Sale 2...98e. CLOSES SATURDAY, DEC. 5TH. hirts price .39c. $1.10 ‘City, *No# . rioting occured ‘here l arms am: kept, battered down the doors and flucldlho'l:eum:-. There wes much shooting ‘but: few : ported." sE " 1A 234 d i / "'mhtM‘"msmmuerehfimfl "cderâ€" al who recelyed arms at the police headquarters and at the Brazilian Legation, and endesvored to establish order. a mwuufiknhmmmm‘dmhlfl,l’fi"‘q to maintain order. Pawnshops and other establishments were looted. h _Lf i; MENEBAL BLANGO LEFT TYE CITY,IGRPAYs ; . [3 +5 Jp Washington, Nov. 25.â€"General Blanco left Mexico City at 3 am. yé day, and the forces of Zapata immediately took possesion ‘of the city‘; ‘m |UP TO 75c. FOR 39c $1.00 FOR 89c Boys‘ Fussian overcoats of grey Chinchilla, brown and grey tweed with shawl and convertible , collars, Belts all round, ages 4 to 8. Regular values up. to $5.50. Sale.........$3.95 Overalis and Smocks, ‘‘biack ~and blue stripes, best of quality,â€"all sizes. Regular $1.00. 9 Days Safei > . ..89c. UP TO $5.5% FOR $3.95. Boys‘ overcoat, ulster style with convertible collar, of good tweed maâ€" trial in the newest patterns, sizes 26 to 32. Regular values up to $6.50. 9 Days Sald.....> >sssrss siuse +. $6.08 UP TO $13.50 FOR $7.45. UP TO $6.50 FOR $4.95 This is all we ask for men‘s overâ€" coats, made in the Chesterfleld or Ulster styles of black Melton or dark tweed fabric with velvet and convertiâ€" ble collars, sizes 33 to 44. ~Regular values up to $13.50. 9 Days Sale $7.45 UP TO $17.00 FOR $12.95. Overcorts of blue Chinchilla, grey, brown and fawn tweeds, of extra good quality, made in the.Ulster style with shawl and convertible collars, sizes 34 to 42. Regular values up to $17.00. 9 Days Sule....;.::2n..~2;..1§12.96 Suits for boys at the above pfice.| Norfolk and double breasted styles of ! a brown and blue tweed, in a neat deâ€" | sign, all with bloomers. Sizes 27 to 33. ' Regular values up to $6.50. 9 Days| Sale... .220 iaczaza‘e srraus rvieas§40® 1 UP UP TO $13.50 FOR $7.45 Lace collars in a large assortment of styles, @ssorted in three lots. Frillings in assortea styles and ma terials, assorted colors. Regular 20¢. up to §0¢. D’_Qnypusllc.,p_'..,.\.'w. For your choice of men‘s suits of good twed fabrics, patterns ‘and colâ€" ors, in grey and brown design. Strong and durable material, sizew:34. to 42. Regular values up to $13.00. 9 Days Sale:lilzs sevrinese Araavel vruslMTAG UP TO §50¢.. FOR 19c. . _ _ Ladies colored muffiers. Regular price 29¢. up to 50c. 9 Days Sale ‘_9c. â€"Veiling in assorted colfors.. Réegular 25¢. up to 50¢c..9 Days Sate.. .?..».15¢. UP TO 50c. FOR 1§¢, _ â€" â€" Grey and white mufflers.. Regular The. â€" Sale.l.l.ll llllll22 2...... 506. “mm“r“&““ #* M“W §Huge German Casualtiesi 0 P# sesssscsccsesstesseseecse0c( 00002022220 s 28008282804 UP TO 50c. FOR 18e 16 fiying oMcerâ€"-' killed or \iroundcd. Several cases of Typhoid fever among T;o' mbu in northern France are recorded. This has caused excitement in medical circles. The total German loses to date are set down at M a million to a million and‘ a haif. Copenhagen, Nov. 24.â€"â€"The 83rd German official list of casualties â€" «/ brings the total killed, wounded and missing, officers and men, to “Ml_:- This figure does hot include the 58 lists for Saxony, 56 for Bavaria IM# for Wurtemburg. The list covers the loses 'rorp the middle of mm to the end of October, and none after November 1. Among the names are . Regular Regular 60c Regular $6.50 FOR $4.95 up to up. to up to (COmE AND GET YOUR SHARE. 15e 35¢. 50c #1 * 9 Days Saie \H nesra.s~§9¢.l 9. Days Sale 298R . ... 19c. 9 Days Sale ’l Housefurnishings :| $26.75. <Bale......0.... ... 8 Axminster rugs, 3 x 4 $31.00.. Sale...... ...... 9 ‘Tapestry rugs, 3 x 3% $10.00. Sale.:....:s ...1.. 8 Tapestry rugs, 3 x 3% $14.50. Sale..... .....: .. 6â€" Tapestry rugs, 3 x 4 $12.50. Sale..... ..... ... 4 yards wide. Regular 55¢. iqw y&rd | Sale ........2 L2.kk. .0 +880 4 yards wide. Regular 40c. »quate Yard.â€" Bale.s...ll. anrlizisens..00e, $13 Floral, block and conventional ‘de signs, in 2 yards and 4 yards wide. He gular 50¢. lines. Sale ...... ..,..3%¢. 4 Tapestry rugs $15.75. . Sale ...... UP TO 75c. FOR S§e 3 patterns Tnpmz' stair carpet, 27â€" in. wide. Regular 68c and 75¢. 9 Days Carpet .Remnants, to clear, Bate LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILS _ 2 yards wide. Regular 30c. imquate yard. Sale.......... ,?3.2!5. 80c FOR 29c. .... 222 2.l.l. 2.l.l0. Sate _ Sun fast fibre carpet, 36â€"in wide,.reâ€" versible. Regular 50c. 9 Days Sale 8 patterns of good quality Jl&lm‘ matting, 36â€"in. wide, Regular 23¢. amd 25. . BAE . . . 12 cse 2e ne e c +n e t ++ + 44 +0R arsm sor t450, f s Extra heavy woven Tapestry cur tains, heavy fringe, full size. Reng $7.50. Sale. .. .. . .olc cens1 UP TO 25¢. FOR 18c Sale:.0... narrairs s UP TO $1.25 FOR 79c. 15 pairs lace curtains. Regular $1.50 Sale:.c.0. corird ryrare vareecsGm® 31 pairs Lace curtains. . Regular $1.75; ° Sate... .:. /........" +t $HRG 19 pairs fish net. Regular $485. Sal@.2...0 222222222 22l.. ... . $2,09 850. + Bate. .:::siracs es "rareq 13 pieces fancy .bordered :sor| voiles and nets.. Regular 35¢ .nd' se e iA i n n en 43 pairs Nottingham Regular $1.00 and $1.25 ODD PAIRS OF CURTAINS. SALG HALF. PRICE. i s NETS AND, SCRIM&.:. ... 12â€" u7y ® 6 pattarhs fancy nl"..;(Mlt‘z":: $al6. s 009 n Aaa98p granc on »yedla " t‘pitterns bordered acrime. Refulat $1.75 FOR $1.00. ra‘Cd An assortedâ€"lot of. woven tapeatry table covess, fringed, 2 yards square. Regular $1.75 for....,... ......$190 $1.25 FOR 98c. ‘ame q Special ers, Avor Days Sal 95c FOR Days Sale. . ... 2....2 slcce. 0.+ 2980 95c FOR 6%c. o .'f" ; 50â€"in. wide English hand : %’:‘. printed chintz. Regular 95c. 9 c Sale. ... LCY Wikkyh 4400008 Tapestry â€" curtains.+? Regular 60c. lines. 9 Days. Sate Tapestry 50. Sale. TaR a‘tkoline rugs s 1 1 Rofug > X + > s .'...."135 3 x 344. Regular 222. ... .. $20,00 . 3 x 4. Reguldr sX 45. e e *‘ covéred Regular Lace curtaine. 9 Days Sile Regular $2.95. 20 22..... $%06 Regular .. 31100 camfort $1.25. â€" . $10,60 Regular . $12.00 &A

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