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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Nov 1914, p. 10

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Cheat, asw Khoeut. 10 &:. Agate ....... , Seeena Lilies s .BERLIN MARKET: 5° BERLIN, NOV. tn. k Plour, per 190 ibs ... 35. Wheat, pet b shel s Berecnuinys. per 100 ios .. Hay ...... â€"â€" 16.00 g:od per cord ....... 2. I. tatoes per bug . Hggs per doz. .. 4 Butter, per lb ... ‘ Middlings, per tom Bariey, per bushel ... ... Oats per busbel ... ... ... Chickens ‘ Peas, pert bis4. 6 BHay per tom .... rnw per ton ood, per cord 2(’0" cattle .. utchers‘ caltle Wheat per bush Corn, per bus. Fleir, fas ily Flour, h gho grade Bran per ton ... Middlings, per ton Barl‘y ... ::s.ss PY38 .ce soccce O§HS 1csice cce Rye 2...2 2222 Buckwheat ... . Egxs per doz. ... Butter, per lb. . Tay per ton ... .. Putatoes per bag Lurd per olb ....... Haus ......2 .: Iimgs, live..... .. Drigd: apples per Tallow ...20. 000. Oats per bush Flour ?Specml ) Floyr (Juliet) . Flour (feed) ... BSbarts, per ton gr_qig, per. ton .. @y. ...ue o f:fie, Hogs . :..... Laifer: per lb . Euns per doz. WChitkens, eath ....; ... ... Potatoes pet bag .. as Oulons, pickling, per peck Lard per lb ....00 ... Hay per ton .;....> ... Honey (in ‘comb) ... .: * GALT MARKETS s GALT, NOVv.s 26, 19114 Wheat DUSR:â€" :snl Bariey lz:ed) io Phiiarsvecesr 08 BUGKW ROBL ... 2222 Qats, Ontariq ... ... .2 A5 Bran per ton ... ... Middlings tom ... ... Gorn, UusiB. csmm ruscs o Mabtifoba flour, cwt. ... 3.20 Blended Ontario floutr ... 3.00 ais, Ontario ... ... .._.. .50 Butter per pound ... . Vggs, per doz. . M May, per tof,............... 12.00 Straw per ton ..........._. . 8.00 PiDWaAtoes per bag .000 Wheat ..;. Middlings fMdajoats ...... . Cutokens, per It, New Oats . Tere..s ... .: Peas, bush. ..... Sefemi® 0 Tor k Euz. doz. Botter pet | YiAl, â€"per‘ 1b Béel, per: tt, Potatocs .per bag Zm':.”\.l.z "Mérercen orhtg" 1a anrs, e# Bheep "Wkins ... : Flogs live, ... Feed barley ... *"; GTRATFORD, ONT. aggedritt four STRATFORD MARKETS STILATFORD, NOV. 26, 1 GUELPH MARKETS. GUELPH, NOV. 26TH, 1914 ELMIRA MARKETS. ELMIRA, NOV. 26, 1911 le Leat WATERLOO MARKETS GCENTRAL Ib D. A. MeLACHLAN, Principal h Tb 16.00 _ 18.06 . 1.30 8.00 1.50 8.50 7.00 _ 8.00 _ 6.00 1.00 25.00 28.00 .60 ... .23 18.50 3.00 1.00 â€"h0 darreace | 99 mgesee W h AD 16.00 _ 18.00 â€" .50 .80 18 $13 24 51 b 4 bi 00 04 04 710 40 UQ 40 35 60 14 #() 30 0) q 1.04 18.00 8.00 26 .65 18 25.00 26 29 $1.10 3.40 3.30 1.05 20 1.10 3.40 1.60 26.0t 24.01 .62 1AG 24 14.00 10.00 26 1.00 up. 10.00 30 00 $15 .20 35 30 35 18 15 10 80 40 00 15 30 No 36 15 B5 16 50 , 00 | 00 | an | 12 20 65 10 00 00 4( 50 50 18 > ST. JACOBS CIDER MILL 15 13 3 CHICAGO, Nov. 24.â€"Assertions that the inadequacy of the number of vessels available for exports had become so apâ€" parent that steps '“o’ro bo':nc ::h-‘o‘-n‘t: obtain government ald in e a of vesseis, bad a bearish l’n!luone. today on wheat. After an early advance, the market closed weak at %¢ to %¢ under last night. Corn suffered a net loss of %c to %c. and oats of %c. in provisions the outcome varied from 32%e¢ decline to a rise of 2%¢. Eess Fe we Honey comb« dozen...... 2 50 3 00 GRAIN AND PRODUCE, TORONTO, Nov. 24. â€"Quotationi on the Board of ‘Trade are as follows: Manitoba . wheatâ€"lake ports, . new erop No. l northern $L.%5%: No % north. Butter Butter ern. §1 Man! H MINNEAPOLIS, Nov, 24. â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard, $1.18%4; No. 1 northern, $116% to $1.18%1%; No. 2 do., $112% to $116%4; Dec., uK: _ 5_0 UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Nov. 24.â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were Â¥75 cattle, 1727 bogs, 1140 sheey ard lambs and 73 calves. $6.90; common at 35 to 35 25, MN@MWL EMOSUT und helfers at $5.25 to $5.70; cholce cows wt $6.25 to $6.50; good cows at $5.75 to $6.25; medium cows at $5.25 to $5 50; can» ners at $3 to $3.75; cutters at $4 to $4.50; buils at $1.75 to $6.75. Stockers cnd Feeders. Minina ete«rs, 800. to 900 lbs., sold at 36.25 to $6.50; good steers, same wergnts, §6â€"to $6.:25; medium, $5.25â€"to $5.75; atockâ€" era at §4 to $5. $1.185% price naijd Milkers ard Springers. Few milkers or springers were on sale. Prices were firm at $65 to $95, the bulle selling at $70 to $§5. Veal Calves. Cholce veal calves sold at $9 to $10, very few bringing the latter price; good calves at $8 to $9 per cwt.; medium at 47 to §$8; common at $6 to $7; Infeclor armamare #% TLil t~ 2" Shipping Hogs Wanted| and Nes.~3, i, 10. Apples taken fo Uiaporating every day from» Sept.10 HWighest market price paid. _ Load every second Tusadax Next sbipment Dec. ist. C,. C. DIEFENRACHER Wheat. fali, busnel Moose wheat hnsne Buck wheat, bushel Barley, bushel .... Peas, bushel ....... Oats bushel ...... Rve. bushel ....... At Wallenstein C°P.R. Station, aum ber unlimited will be ke ports, Ityeâ€"No, 2, 85e to $7c, outside Rolleg oatsâ€"Per bag of 90 .05; In smaller lots, $3.15 to srrel. . $6.30; wholesale, . W1 MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. CATTLE MARKETS Oatsâ€"No. 3 white, 46%,c to 16Â¥%e¢ Flour and branâ€"Unchanged. Choice heavy TORONTO GRA‘IN MARTET. ate bushel ........... 0 5600 ve. bushel ............ 0 95 + TORONTO DAIRY MARKET Hogs Wanted AT RADEN Master and Hunsberge: «m Ne LUTH, Nov. 24.â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard %;â€"No. 1 northern; $1.17%;â€" No $1.14%; Dec., $1.15%. DULUTH GRAIN MARKET. be upen Sept. 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, GCT. 1. Thereafter every day in , except Mondays wind Saturdays, Ne 3, 4, 10. Apples taken for â€"No. 3 yellow, 5 crea me separal od maiting bar Manitoba barley h tchere‘ Cattie. butchers‘ at $7.50 to $7.65; $i.40, medium at $6.60 to at $6 to $6 25; light stears §5 95 to $5.7: cholce cows ed â€" (Tighest narket shipment Wednesday $1 16 15 to $1 20 0 51 3 00 . | 48 Acres: 31 29 28 ! NOTICE TO FARMERS A law recontly passed by the Govâ€" ernment makes it compulsory . for thse selling butter to have it done up in wrappers, with the name c the kind of butter, whether Dairy ot Creamety bulter, neatly printed on outside of wrappers Any farmer not coulotming with this regulation is liâ€" and not exceeding $30.00 TI ermment has inspectors in the who will strictly enforce this . tion. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 21 KING ST. W. PHONE 853 La@geceqcnce00scqcccocese z E. J. SHANTZ i Licensed Auctioneer z . .J. SHANTZ, Herlin z 8800g00 DpogezvamAnd®eppdp C. A. BOEHM ©060000060e0«. _ & 000000 W never h we mak LICENSED _ AUCTIONEER DON‘T THINK YOU CANNOT WEAR CLASSES MMce, Waterloo Mutual Building Wedding Store ncar post office, Ber We issue marriage licenses The undersigned is prepared to conduct sales for farmers and others in Watorloo Counâ€" tv. Having had a goodly numâ€" ber of years experience, I can assure all entire satisfaction. For terms or further informaâ€" tion write or phone, With Our. filting case contains many~ diilerent shapes of nose clips and many styles â€" of mountings. One among them will make your eye glasses stay on securely. For examination, eye glasses etc. C n s le Gereral Insurance Agent King St M HELLER V ave y alfety when we fit them Establishea 1864 thet ALBEL Chronicleâ€"Pelegraph, Wslerls0, ‘Ont., Thursday â€" November a6th ~19;, , It !'l,\., it forta in : ; s&{lish AUCTIONEER $ 8 /» e , went red is prepared @) your o les for farmers ®‘or 250 Watorlico Counâ€" : terials a goodly numâ€" @)ing, r perience, I can ®|sale } re satisfaction. :i o urther informaâ€" @| ti8 A hone, ® | 1 #1. An : P MICKUS, : t Wea Waterloo. . @| yours @| price o o o o o o o o o o 0 { bright meen sns fnalâ€"or PSC@@COCS®® | .: nit isA BROS. Rings q WWe regula ( Because know avality. neld dat W 11 Overcoat Opportunity of a Lifetime The response to thisâ€"BERLIN‘S GREATEST _ CLOTHING. _ FURâ€" NISHINGS, BOOT AND SHOE SALEâ€"has been tremendous. Every day the crowds seem to grow larger.. No cther sale in Berlin has been any thing iike it for selling wonderful ar d phenomenal bargains. As the Sale proceeds the interest increases. Those who have already attended _ are telling their friends of the wonderiul bargains and they in turn are passâ€" iss the good word alosg 17.50 to 8.50 Men‘s Overcuats $5.95. They come in plain black andâ€"handâ€" some â€" tweeds pf the newest patterns and are cut in the correct length cleâ€" gantly lined ani finsh d all through, regular _ price $750 and $3.50, tale price 5-95 tiiully H11 AND l6.u)4 NEN‘S QOVERCOATS $11.80. Everything required to make it _ a ss{lish good lookinb garment bas been put in the manufacture ef this . garâ€" mwent. To have such a coat made to your order would cost at least $22.00 or 25.00. ‘Only the highest grade maâ€" terials have been used in theit makâ€" in;, regular $14 to $1} sale price 1 l°80 yours to chcose srom at this _ cut price Th se coats _ represc@t the bright of â€" perfection from the | best maulers of readyâ€"toâ€"wear clothing. YOu will find a wwle range of imported material to silsct from, regular $18 to $22, sale price 1A on $§1 t Aho Lle TWINâ€"CITY SPEAKERS HESPELER AIMG _ AT 510 AHEAD Anthusiastic Meeting Held to Inaugurate Patriotic Fund Campaign. t th Alex The $10 I1 1 $1 8 60, sale n assortn.ont Wear _ Overes st Let us supply your wants in the Meat Line, We always keep on hand choice Why not deal here and H Ernst‘s Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Hy Fresh Meats AND $22 MEN‘S OVERCOAT $14.80 EDGAR FISCHER Phone 1N E18 MEN‘S SUITS $12 80. tr is a chatm and a grace apout suits that delight te man who s a wel" tailored sdit of clothes. and outlined the obj Snecessor to J. B. Fischer ext time order 95 NNN season‘s smertest and swellest in ch»viots and tweeds, beauâ€" tailored and trimmed, _ broad r effect with close fitting peauâ€" tail®sed larels. reeular $10.00 AND 12.00 MEN‘S OVERCOA Re 00 Easy Choosing â€" Money Saving Opportunities all Over the Store â€" Its the Most Important Sale for Many Days. rer the be Hall o in all the kmanshipâ€" and reâ€"ular $12 ia pT 13 $14 MJ best t make th > fabrics tl F1 EN‘S OVERCOATS It the finest Ready in the City i imported tweeds pui NDRED SUITS R RUITSH $5.80 a‘l those littlr pl dressy moiel: imported wors Come and se from us s. You will ish, the nice collar, _ the _ 5.80 Wat 12.80 14.80 fit ‘ 8.49 7.95 Th up speak of the H un t 19 OT in $3 AND $3.50 MEN‘S TROUSEIS, $1.98. ~Ton‘t be alraid of buying two or three pair of _ these, they are stylish and well tailorcd and the matetials are durails and good lowking, reguâ€" lar $3.00 and $3.50. sale price ... ; 4 1098 $1.5¢ TO $2 M lu durable t turcs, shapely wular $1.50 to Some Sharp Cuts on Boys Clothing $10 AND 12.00 MEXN‘S OVERCOATS $4.95 Luilt on snappy school lines in ser A special line‘ of f: meade from | hcavy t stand the toughest we fin‘shed sizes thr regular $1 to $4 price ; . $40t £85.50 to ~$9.50 _ YOUTH‘Sâ€" OVERâ€" COATS $6.80. AP immense value in best quality in fan>y Awerds, convertable collar, the season‘s newest stylish . models, sâ€"lerdidly tailored, best linings, sizâ€" #s 24 to 34. regular $8.50 and $9.50, sale price 6'80 servicen tm gre Luilt on snappy school lines in ser viceable neat grey and dark matetial. Th» cleserest litte coat you‘ll _ see anvywhere, regular $6 and $7.50, sale price a 4'95 Toeuble _ bréasted twe. aad three butd fron: imported &mo brown tweeds, larg buckle Bloomer, si wJar £7.50 and $8 sale Su be pI in grey lined w =COAL= prict patriotic fund in the Royal City. He gaye a brilliant address, and . told what the organization did in Guelph. He went into details and explained How to start and finish a campaign successfully in Hespler. o .. Mr. C..M. Mills, M. P. P., of Berlin, also told how they condncted the camâ€" paign in the City of Berlin. Col. A. J. Oliver, of the 29th Battalion, of Galt, stated what and how they had done it in Galt. Phone 20â€" 208 Queen St Berlin Wate addr no w out of Canada h Comfort aid S ‘tained by using al. It gives. â€" lo shes, no clinkers, ian ordinary coal autiful lat Â¥YS‘ BLOOMER _PANTS 69e M amported tweeds, fancy patt grey end brown, stromly 9 Daonier in Farm Seeds and Binder Twine N r. W i0 AND $8.00 SUITS $5.29, Where the Good Clothes Come From n item city follo I $ BOYS‘ _ BLOOMER SUIT ble breasted Bloomer Suits in eable tweeds, in dark and med rey and brown, sizes 24 to 29 at $5.00 and $6.00, 3.80 with white rl Bon sit $4 CEO. BRAMNM Iph 50 Je the citis «l by Mr white cotton, lar $1.00, sale wl Lh d MEXN‘S PANTS $1.19. tweeds gnd‘ fancy | mixâ€" â€" tailored trousers, _reâ€" > $2.00, sale 1.19 wo piece and three picce ind double pbreasted of a ortmers‘ of tweeds, knee BOY®‘ _ OVERCOATS $4.50, sale MEN‘S TROUSERS sted â€" Bloomer Suits, buttoned models, made smooth finisl? grey and large fitting strap and h Satisfaction can be ng out hard, shining lots of heat, . little rs, _ and lasts longet coal. Best values _ in of fancy Overcoats, y Aweed that will t wear. Beautifully e â€" to eight years, zens of Hespler. He Mr. Charles Dunbar, s secretary of the the Royal City. He address, and . told tion did in Guelph. tails and explained | dinish a campaign price BOYS‘ RLOOMER Of} $3 BJ t} m ~ 2.98 to ale ill gizes. 26 felt O 2.95 5.29 69c¢ rd Ne had d to orth ring ould ade Or 1bt 106. cause ‘ithich are usnally S°nt in meeting were absent. Mowever Men‘sâ€"Winterâ€" Underwear, fleece lined shirts and drawers, very finest quality, all sizes, regular §0¢, Sale prite ........ ... 39¢ Men‘s 85¢ and $1 Wool Elastic Rib Mhirts and Drawers. While they last we will hand them out at this sale .220 222220020202 69c When you are assnred "Buy â€" Canadian â€" goods," he . said, "and the hard times will soon disapâ€" pear. I am of German parentage and many more in my bome town are in the same position as I am, but they are Canadians first and are contributâ€" ing to the patriotic fund, and are with Great Britain to the finish in this war against Germany." Men‘s Working Shirts, in . stripes ind dark colors, splendid > weights, strong and durabfe, reg. SA and C0¢ cala nrinm 39C price Men‘s lined ow Mr. Z. A. Hall erloo, a resident a splendid addre Several other before . the fink made for the cal Men‘s beavy Flannelette Night Robâ€" ts generously made, neat . patterns, sizes 15 to 18, regular 85¢ and $1, sale price ... ... 69c Men‘s Wool Sweater Coats, plain shades and combination â€" colorings, made with or without collar, all sizâ€" cs, reg. $3.00 and $3.50, sale price . Aeeeerevertieve 1098 oys‘ heavy Worsted Hose sensational price. They are I pure wool, all sizes, 6 to 1( Men‘s working Mitts mule skin, wool lined, soit, pliable finish, roo and large, reg 50c, sale in Waterloo School Board W‘ll Not Make Increases bl are g from # â€"â€"â€"â€" HEIDELBURG ommmmaed ! 4 PE FTTTITIIIITIITIIIIILIG AA000KAAA0A0K#AK@##A€K0A4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAARAARLRARRORAL Men‘s Furnishings Boot Comfort, We expect that FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE THE GREA! EST DAYS OF THE SALE and preparations have been made to care of the wants of the people. These prices will convey in a small what may pe expected. This is the ciothing event oi the century, you waut to share in it FOLLOW TTE CROWDS ~TO ERNSTS*#Q MORROW 4 © 7 fls W Men‘s new soft Hats of Engli t hbat that men are wearing e going to wear, worth C om $3 to $2.35, sale price . Men ure TD 1e in Canada A tifem, sed ends NIFTY SOFT FELT H arm winter and I all the new checks ightcen doz )1 Socks, t , sale price Stoves L Hardware Now since them well and wool, all sizes well, regular 3: Publ d it Tan Suede and Cape Gloves, ith warm _ wool lining, one istencer, cotton gusset fingers, $1.25, sale price ... 85 § JC Ties, four in hand, in stripes roll and all over elects, made m, noeck bands and open &n« ids. ree. 500. sale M _ iD W n We have a large ave L $1 buy furnishings hete you of the best selection beâ€" ve best showing of any zen of and handsome Caps, checks and chinchillas, rey and black, .25, sale price 79c . of Heapler, th ess on the war meetings will l _ arrangemen nvass of Hespl DR. HESS POI pAVIES®®‘ POU ular valu Mitts â€" and Gloves lined, wool wrists M should fee f1 t] vomy ile pr H N. HUEHN M1 Do Not Neglect Your Poultry of South Wat red and black moulting the exgs t( the " 205¢ t} Hose, at a ire made of . 39c¢ AT 10 25c 99c 19c¢ Wat sh fur and gaid. | LTRHY PANâ€"Aâ€"CEA TRY_BONE Will th the reld I‘very Boot submitted for your inâ€" spection â€" may â€" be â€"â€"acceptedâ€"withoug question as of the best quality, _ as none others than makers of unusu@l reputation _ are petmitted to our stock. 420 Pairs Women‘s Boots, populat rew fall styles, gun metal, vicl kid and patent leather, button and bluâ€" cher cut, medium and high Heels, size$ 24 to 7, regular $4.00 and 2 98 $4.50, sale price ... ... * 500 Fair Women‘s Boots, broken sizes in some lines, gunmetal snd vici kid, blucher cut, cuban heel, sizâ€" es 3 to 7, regular $2.75 aud $3.00, sale price . 1089 n PHOCB (oui cce rerecvenes ... e KE 500 pair Men‘s fine Boots, in box calf and satin calf, McKay sewn soleg all solid leather,. sizes 6 to 11, reg» ular $3 and $3.35. sale price ... pig 1098 Wo value Men‘s Goodyear Welted Boots, in box calf velours and patent leather, thick solesifor fall and winter, excelâ€" lent style, . sizes 6 to 11, regular $4.50 and $5.00, _ sale " a0 t« pri 300 Pair Boys‘ kip _ and gunmetal boots, blucher cut, good styles, sizes 1 to 5, regular $3 and $2.50, gale pric@ ... ... 1'69 Misses gunmetal calf, blucher cut boots, sewn soles, broad toes, low heels, sizes 11 tp 2, regâ€" 5 u‘ar $2.50, sale price . ... 109 Girls‘ vici kid blucber Boots, patent toe cap, low heels, McKay sewn soles 8 to 101, sale price .020 K+A Men‘s Rubbers, our usual standard $1.00 quality, sale price 79c 11 vicca P NeCl (Other lines OoYERALS AT THE COST OF MAKING $1.25 Stificls extra heavy ire indigo blue â€" se 1000 Stifles heavy pure black 750 $1.25. Peabodys Overals, srdeal j 1000 UE BI firls to Ernst‘s s 8 to 104, reg $1.75, $2.00, sale price 5 1-39 oys‘ Shoes, standard screw shoes le of good solid leather, very serâ€" fairly Price, Quality, Price cn Rubbers, the reg. 75¢ sale price . 59c or Misscs‘ Rubbers in sizes standard, _ sale 48c iTE s Rubbers, our regular 80c «s 24 to 8, sale ... 59¢ tubbers, the reg. 75¢ ale price ® 59c MA SINENSN sitcortis ogrt the the at RLOOK they can h $1 it ter Oc ou . sh To get h5 nexs oW _ displays who have the it are the m gifts this e as costâ€" the panic aused â€" by 75¢ 3.49 busine 1.19 all t 85¢, wns

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