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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Nov 1914, p. 3

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â€" 1‘ Berlinâ€"News |"‘fy AT !l RESOLUTIONS viitin= berâ€"aunt Mss Eleanore trom. a delight(ul ?MTm:\mld. who has spent ‘last ; in Calgary has retur: ‘to her home here. _ "Mrâ€" aniâ€"Mrs. A:‘ Weseloh are v‘sit I‘S‘lm in Georgetown and _ ‘or f0r & few dayss _ _ 0_ ls‘m'tld Mr. J. E. Klotz, Abrens Stge¢ct . West. & W ‘small company | of young prople sp‘!g:;.phasant‘evenlng at the alome of Miss Rita MacCallum, last Satur .. when she entertained for her ghest, Miss Kathleen Coghlan of To tOhto.: \illr, and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, . of New Harburz, visited their daughter M¥é. R. 5 Kerr, 150 Queen St., N. oÂ¥ Katurday. 00â€" _ _ _ â€" â€" ‘W'fief. formerly of Prestcn spending the winter months with .'xfljiisf" Lmi;l Dears, of Hespeler, it the mt of. Mrs,. Hattie Gregor, 3% Ave., for a few days. +Mr. and Mrs. Eoward G. Davidson, of~FTéromto, and : their children, are the giuests of Mr. . and Mrs. George VBtigson, ‘Rov street. ‘Mr.,and lirs. Thes. A. McKay â€"re turréd: srom thoir wedding trip . th end@ Olslest. wees. Thoy spent ab fev days. with=Mr. and â€" Mrs. Wm. Roos, "‘MWon xecoté," leaving _ on Tuesda: [og:the‘r home in Stratiord. The choir of Grace Congregational! CH#urch on Friday nizht surpris d on ol<tl! in nunter, â€" Miss V. Estella Rotingon at her ho:u; on Richmond Ave.. and gave ber a shower of table limen. _ Miss _ Robinsou will be marrird on Tuesddy, ~o~. 17, to Mr Fdwin Hostettler, | formeriv of Ber lin, and Wiill reside in Winnipeg. It was @pleastre ~to ti> Women‘ dien Club of Borlin and Water to be addrcssed in a very atle and éresting manner, on Thursday ev eming. by < Mrs. Malcolm Wallace 0‘ Toronto. Scme tim*s ago Mrs. Wal lake was assocated with Miss .‘an Ad@ms o( Hull Hovse, Chicago. Het subject, ‘‘Social Settlement Work", dealt with th> splondid results acâ€" camplished hy Miss Adams at Hull House, whici, irom a small beginning has expanded wonderfully. This suc cers is greatly due to the excellent oranizing qualities of Miss Adams who, although _ very intellectual anc actomplished, is admired for ber sim plicity of character, â€" and of whoir Tolstoi said ‘"No one is more wicely known:or loved." ‘ She is wid> in her symipathics and seés an issue in broad outEFnes. There are three institutiont alemn; the same lines in Torento. / h>arty â€"vote of thanks to the spealker v as moved hy Mrs. Stokes and ser ouded | by _ Mrs. J. F. o Monsberser Mrk. Wallecs, who has a very charm ing personality, was th»> gurst o Juvdgc and Mrs. Duncan Chistkolinâ€" Revy. F. E. Oberlander, of ~ New York City, is the guest of Mr. an« Mts. G. E. Potter, Weber _ street during his visit in‘ the city. 4 large number of ladies assemble« in the Masonjic Hall on Thursday af terrcon, when a ‘Patriotie Exchre‘ was «iten by the local Chaptor of th Daught=r® oi the Emjire it aid of th B‘bfiul'lfi Patriotic Leagre and _ Re: Cross: Fund. Those in coarge are t« be tongratulated on its success. Th arl}mgemtntu were well carried on and, not only was it . an en‘oy ment but â€" a suibkstaaticl | som was reailrt for the furtherance ol i*> geod wor‘ TaWk‘s were arranecd jor cords in th retéption balls, which ars well ada~t 1‘ fot ‘guch entertairments. _ \m.d" theâ€"piegeant~ rurroundiius, vader Tir soft‘ gubdued lights, with many hand somiely‘ gowhed ladies interested . in tit gduies, the scene was iright an~‘ anit ated.‘ The prizes donated py Mrs D. #hwnon Hoalby. Mrs. Rrederic‘ De®fine, Mrs. James P. Fennell and Miss (eceva Jacksou, wers won bi Mrs Chas.‘ H. Germat, Mrs. 1. B Lucas, Wiss Jessie Bruce and _ \is I1. H.) Huehnergard. . The â€" toa tabie lobked very pretty with decoration® of golden and white ‘mums. It was pré€ided over by Mrs."Ward 11. Bow! by arni Miss Jackson. . Refreshments were served by the members of the _giflp!!-t. The alternoon was brought \.cl‘l‘ br all join‘ng in simging “3'_ a long long way to Tipperary‘ aud "Oou Eave th:> King." ‘"Tk._v. _ [Vovnrl‘|T" [ qfit>" PMLES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method Wist Emma Randail, of, Toronto «Jt you suffer from bleeding, ftghing, blind or dxrotmdlng Piles, ‘Id mc:r address, and I will tell, you 10 cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatâ€" méat ; and will ~Also send some of . this houte itremtment free for trial, Awith ~referénces: from: yout own‘ Focality if «requested. â€" 6 madiate relief andipermanent can asmmured. Send no mtoney, but tell ciMers of. this offer,. Write toâ€" day to Mrs, M. Summers, Box day Ao . Mrs, M. » 38018 indsor, Ont. ‘The Hap at the County Seat Careâ€" Gies= has returned visit with friends in MissHarriét Roos 9H nths with Miss Klotz, Abrens WA Coopeen o o us r ol o s ts J Mrs. F.>~~°G. . Chace, 19 Schneider men.s, left thi¢ motmhig {or ballas, Teras, ‘m will" spend six weeks> with ® 6 in “m%u Te Missca Oz" a ’?e' yoW“‘ *ea Howur on Monday. Miss Ruth Jafray and MiSs Crools were the giiests ef bondt. ‘ Miss Gordon, ~ who bas been the ‘west of Miss Smyth, Dake strest, reâ€" ;‘m':ed to ber Roime in Lutthow | 6n K.ouday . Fiâ€"Mayor ‘ mn is Wgcin a patâ€" iens at th» "& Watexico Hos pital. and is reported to be quite ill. Mis. 1,e0 Ruimg ~ol Wellesiey . is spending <a week wwith het. »parents in Beriin at@@RESPRt, \s Lw)> The ‘Bridge Club" will meet at the residence of Mrs: Geo. C. H. â€" Lang, juecn Street North, next Monday e ening at eight o‘clock. The regular nseting oi the Victorâ€" ian (Urder of Nurses will be bel€ in the club rcom of â€" the Library, on Monday afternoon next, at four e‘â€" clock. ©008 (On Noiday afternoon Chiéf T. Wilâ€" son cf Hespeler, _ brought two vagâ€" Nfs. 1. B. Lucas, who ‘has been the wwest of Mrs. Bricker in Beffim, was the raison d‘etre of a dimner . party giver; by her bostess last week.â€"Toâ€" tonto (lobe. * Among the guests at the euchre irty on Thutsday were Mrs. T. J. lowat, Miss Keating of Galt, Mrs. "inst. Mrs. Fcict end Miss Girafl of New Hamburg, and éthers drom Lons doi and other points: Nrs. Chas. Reoy, King Street W., ncited adfew ladies in for "Bsidge" last (Friday) evening. Mrs. S. Fred Groli, cf Winmipeg, who is visiting hâ€"r sisters the Misses Snydor "Eastâ€" holme,"‘ Watcrloo, was the guest of henot The Ladics‘ Committee c the Grani Piver Country Club extedd a cordial â€" invitation to all the lady menters of the club to be . present it the distribution of prizes rad "Afâ€" tornoon Tra‘" at the: club use on Wrednesiay next â€"at hald past three o‘clock in the aiternoon. The en.azement has been announced of Mrs. Nellic Asbley Husmann, o Lakewood, Oho, to Rev. Eugen® Daâ€" Mr. and Mrsg. Edward . Davidson ind their children of Toronto are the nusts of <‘ Mrs. _ George Davidson in terlin cf the New Jerusabem, Water Streetl, Berlin. The matriage will take place in LaNewood on _ Thanksgiving Day, November the twenty»â€"sixth. An enjoyable "Musicale"‘ was given y Miss Georgina Simonds for het qucsts, Miss Ruth Jaffray and ‘Miss o7 s on Thursday evening. Well rnder:d voeal sol:s by Miss Jafray and Mr. E. W. Mackenzie and selecâ€" tions on the nsandolin by Mr. Touis irrithaupt Jr., were highly appreciaâ€" ted Nrs. L. J+ Lacas, dnd Mts. Parks, ‘ecretary of the 1.0.D.E. in Canada, vho attended the Patriotic Euchre on Thursday, were the gussts of Mr. M. . Bricker. Frederick Street. _ Mr. Bricker gave a dinner party for them on that day. _ The tabic was most artistically decorated with a variety of beautifel | ¢Hryvsanthemuins, and crovers were laid for twelve The graduating class of the Engin e ring â€" Department of. Toronto l niâ€" ersity visited the city this morning. Lhere are ten young. men in the class and â€" Red . Cross Sociely are . very ratoivl tor the following donations: #tom Miss Mumiord, of Honolulu,five ‘ollars; fron, Miss Docring, Miss Livâ€" ingstâ€"ne and Miss Kaiser, nurses at the Sanatarium, (*lerado _ Springs, otmtrly of this County, sent throwsh Wiss Kaiser of St.Agatha, foufteen aits wristlets. two Balaclava caps, and two pairs socks, â€" which are all most acceptabl®. £ Airs. J. M. Scully, Water street, ontertained her Waterloo friends . last Satirday afterncon at Bridge, followâ€" eA by "Hich Tea."‘ Atout a score if ladirs responded to their invitaâ€" tioms and (njoyed playing cards. Afâ€" ter woll contest‘d games, Mrs. Wm M. Read+ ond Miss Hermitie Snyder wan‘the prizes. At the tea hour a wmber of ladies joined them and a apts. Duncan Paragh, and Fatrics ‘arrie to the County jail to : serve hree months each. Wrirty â€"menn was served. Those as sisting wore Miss Hughes, Miss Jesâ€" «1t Bruce. Miss Madeline: Sculty ‘and Miss Lilliam Tyson. > There was a happy family gathering "t th> ‘Fome:o! Mr. and Mrs. John Anthes, Weter/Atrect, _ last Sunday. t was th> occasion of the seventieth annitersary ofothée â€" birthday of ‘it Anthrs. Those present included Mr and Mrs. J 1. Frank _ Anthes, \ir i charge oi Professor Gillespic. Th¢y isited Galt and ireston, and _ l« oo Stratiord â€" en the 11.50 train thile in the city the party visited he â€" sower Cfarnt, and o the _ water id on Anthrs. Those present included Mr and Mrs. J 1. Frank _ Anthes, \ir wnd Mrs John C. Breithaupt, Mr. @ni \Mrts. Albortâ€"L. Brefthatopt, Mr. «¥d Nrs T. 11. Ricder and their famâ€" #es. Mr: and \MUts: H. Milton Cook, and a mephew, Mr. L. L. Anthes, son of V‘» late Mr. Harry Anthes of Toâ€" tohtn. ~ MINARD‘S wz_l#r.m CUREA COLDS,> RPO, AR@WYD c . ft is binlly ift ; from the nd to kno . i ard cntercs i)‘a'.niel's,r vp:;ht()l’ of the CBarch ‘pratidying to receiva e who are far away, h t they are thinking «d in patriotic . work Proposals in Relation to Etirop War Passed by Berlin morkey wlhi w3\ â€" * The I ort Arthut board submitted a resolution m ‘th: governme®t= w astist the® 78; by ‘loaning: â€" +50,â€" #09,000 to urbancand rural municipalâ€" ities, to be ¢xpended in clearing and bringing additional "an« undetr cuit. Yatiofi TVs resobriim, shien was as follows, was relerred to \ir. . . B. Detweiler : The monthly meéting of the. Couusi th» Boardâ€" of Vrade was held «c eveping. 1heâ€" communicaâ€" comprised . several from sister Bcards of Trade trum difierent parts of Canada, dul!.p with . different pheses of the préssit war‘in Europe, "Theit we wollld ‘respecifully . uce that the necessary legislation be eri acted, ~empowering the s»oi.n on :i Carada to leei 250,090,o000 1., the u; ban and rural munici wiilios in Jwhaâ€" da on their own Municipal debentures repayable in five vears, wilh inter> . at five per cumt. annually »pon the cordition that such masicipalities lend such money to ‘ts ratepayets to t exrended in clearing and b.ining 1â€" ditional land under cultivation or in oxterding the area under market zaCâ€" dening; advances to be made as th wor‘ progresses, and not to exceed $1,000 to any one ratepayer, and to be a first lien or, the land, similar to advanes made â€" under frontage . Of drainage byâ€"laws; or that much monâ€" ey to be loaned for agricultural deâ€" velupment, be advanced by the Govâ€" ermment _ as may be deemed advisâ€" ahle." A‘ the ovening ol the meeting, Preâ€" sident L..J. Breithaupt made reference to the very successful fund which had been subscribed in Berlin. It was one o‘ th> greatest afvertisements: this city has ever ilad, he said. It showâ€" w1 in what class we betong, and h did not think tifre was a more loyal cit: in the whole of Canada than this city. | 10 CENT "CASCARETS~ | IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVL A copy of the proclamation issued or the Walkerville â€" Board of Trade was shown,. _ and it was _ suggested that it would pe advisable for _ Berâ€" li@ to send out u cireular, advertisâ€" inz Berlin, and the Industrial Comâ€" mittes, comprisingz members <fâ€" the Board of Trade, ard the City Council was appointed to mert a committee cf til" Emplovers‘ Association, and if they see a way to finance it, a: Cirâ€" culat will pe issied. + Ore motion oi â€" Messrs. H. 1. Janâ€" zen. and T. Masterts a vote of thanks and appreciation was passed to _ Sir Gectge _ E. Foster for tifh address wltch he delivered before the Boards o_ Trads of the County in Berlin. A similar rote of thanks was also rassed to Mr. W. (é. Weichel, MP. for his efforts in arranging for . the meetina. ‘DUTCH" HUETHER IS POPULAR . ARGO MANAGER bul was forced to jump «into _ the wame again at middle winrg> . when J: Toronto Star.â€"Alex. ‘"Dutch" Heuâ€" ther, the popular manager and middle wing of the Argonaut Rugby _ Club, will be married shoftly to Miss Forâ€" s; the, of Berfin. Heuther started out as manager of the Argos this season, "Babe‘‘ Burkart was injured. _ Now Burkart is back in form and playing rood ball, Heuther has hung ap his svit, much to tic dissatisfaction . of his players, all of whom would like tn see him continue dn active trainâ€" ing. in case some one is injuted ‘alon: the wing lime. _ Heuther is playing wood ball this seawon=â€"at Hatailton he had the famous Norm>Clark = eating eut of his hand before the day was over. lieuther should be playing regâ€" vlatly. It would be miceâ€"for him to make W# bride a present of a Canaâ€" fian cbampionship medal. The lator men of St. Phofias have decided to put up a candidate for the maroralty in ‘the mumi¢ipal elections in January. A number of aldermanic ~â€"Aidates will also pe placcd in the field. , _ Fuarred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges» tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head: aches come from a torpid Wver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to .become filled with und} gested food, which sours and ferments lhke garbage in a swill barrel. That‘s tha first siep to untold niseryâ€"indlâ€" ge"tion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret toâ€"night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighte1 you out: morning. They l'ork while you sloepâ€"a 10â€"cent box frowm your druggist will keep you fesk ing gvod for months, For Sick Headaché, "8our Stemach Sluggish Liver and Bowelsâ€"They work while you sleep, Get Out Cirealar " The North Dakots Eagle, published th : Witlow ~*City, Botigeau County, North® Dakota, publishes the Tollowâ€" im ~complunentary mn’r‘u the élection of an old boy , ‘ Walter Master, ~ son of Mr. 2}, . A Master, of this city, us‘a Stats Re presefitative~ "The Eagle" nays made a °. uie w the cm# ~ is tite aecoud man‘ of Tour elected, \ullb._z very gratifying to his many / fri¢ %throughout the county." °/ ~_ _ WORK:IN THE« .. oiNE " The Eactt also says :~*‘Waiter Mo#â€" tor is receiving the congratuiatons of his many iriends these days~over the verv flattering vote " he receiv@d °/ us State â€" ~Representative, ~being velscted to that position by a large majority Sptendid Address " The members of the Berflin and‘ Waâ€" ‘torloo Women‘s Canadian Club were privileged on Thursday evening to lisâ€" ten to a very instructive address by Mrs. Malcolm Wallace c Toronto,the subject â€" being _ ‘"Social ‘ Settlemem, Work." * The speaker is peculiarly fitted to deal with a subject of this kind, beâ€" ing at ‘the < present â€" titre ccmected with the‘ University Settlement Work iÂ¥ Toronto. Several ycars ago she was associated with on* of the most ®uccessful settlement workers ol the time. Miss _ Jane _ Adams, at Hull House, Chicago. "Alright," said the Magistrate, and so Thos. McGuire will be the |guest of Castle Cook for the winier. Nrs. Wallace dealt more particularâ€" ly witil the work oi Hull House, as it is one of the most successful works oi this Kind, â€" and she was fully in touch with the diffi¢rent mothods us ed. and the resylts _ which accruod. S gavre th> early history _ of the Chicago settlement, from th* carly life of Miss Adams, hor ntundéng the Young Ladies‘ Seminary at BRockâ€" ford, 11., and her founding of the Hull House settlement. While at . the #>minary, Miss Adams _ was greatly interestsd in the subjects of history, philosophy, and economics: . After her college course Miss Adâ€" amrs went to London, England, and the continent, with Miss Ellen Gate Starr, and while there, was inspired to ta<e up the settlement work at her home in Chicago, aad immediate Iy returned. At that time she knew a few influertial citizens of that meâ€" tropolis, and she inspired thein with the ‘work, with the result that they financed the institution for ten years witrhout petitioning . for money from other sources. â€"The work of the settlement Louse conprised the kindergarten‘ and seconâ€" dary classes, there were socials, lecâ€" fures, and _ children‘s play rooms. Wher people wouldâ€"come in and ask that new classesâ€" he formed, a suitâ€" able teacher would pe secured. Ti chief secret of the suceess oi Hull House, according to Mrs. Walâ€" lace, was the leadership and personâ€" alitv of Miss Adams. â€" Besides this, there was the personel of <the residâ€" ents of Hull House ‘‘Settlement work _ is peculiarly a prohlemrhr wormen," said Mrs. Walâ€" lace. It is not profitable enough for men â€" She said the best work in the settiâ€"ments had bech done py women She also referred to coming in conâ€" tact, while at Hul} House, with Hon W.L.M. King, who was there at that time motion of Mesdam#s ~ &tokes â€" and Honsberger, the speaker, was extendel a hearty vote of than‘s. The meéting was presided ever ty the president, Mrs./F. rHaight, and was well attended /bvy the membeti, ajou! "dne hundred veine itrsert In answer to a question, Mrs. Wa‘ lace said that _ as far as she lkanw there was one settlement; hbojse in Montreal, and three in Toronto At the conclusion of the address, on PREFERRED : ENLISTING To go to jail or enlist was the alternative given two young . vag: rants in Police Court Friday. They gave thoir a@mes as Marshall and White, of St. John, N. B. After being given a good meal, they went on to Guelph to join the artillery. At the Brussels councit meeting A bylaw was passed placing a license fae of $50 Ion vendors of Cfipnfln ard & penalty not (to exceed $%) or 31 days in jail for infractions. Tha byâ€" law comes into effect on Janmary 1, 1918. "How long do you want to go to jail?"" asked the cadi. ‘"Six months,"" replied the : prigonâ€" Todar IgnatofN, was arrested Sergt.. Grasser this morn ng, and nmanded to lail until toâ€"morrow. is chatged with the theit of $200 u fellow counterman. Work by Mrs. Wallace to Woman‘s Canadian Club TO THE JAIL;; bog yrars ago she on of the most workers of the Adaims, at Hull on Social by reâ€" He hy w his Détpoctati¢ opponents. _ In t he was stcond jn bigh vote with o e n n nics s n n uol 1C t& 4 ‘fl?rt i i wao The eafe niudt $00¢ and 'W to _Nn":u» in the "this ‘w mter.‘" =0~. lr.""fitfibofl ‘ltil: :i-dl will & w s success 2o * Mr . "Wollticet" ‘arone.""â€" 1e Was ‘been nmiost successful in . the Targ?=drog business he is in : active m-:b« wf the North Dakot«. Board of y, $14 last summer ~was 1tz delegate to the conventicu ci the Pharmacétac}e ‘Association in Detreit "The Telécrayh joins with Mr. Masâ€" tor‘s Berlin friehds in ‘offering"~ their e mgratulations. tou? to be ¢lected; which is not onby LOCAL gflulyms BAGGED FULL | : > = QUOTA OF DEER i The Financial Statement for the n.onth showed receipts‘ from grants tof %1360; fines, sales etc. $194.55, and {balances of $221.85, making a total of $4776.40; the expenditutes _ wore Is:gsss.m, leaving a balance on â€" hand lof $877.43. a Cm Satyrday a niumber of the nimâ€" | rody who have been i morth on huntâ€" ‘ ‘n; fri s returned ho ne. _ The one yarty cou, osed . of Messrs. W. . Duâ€" mart, W. J. Nwdy,‘fi‘xtr"%)‘l\'eill,l D. Mood\. T. Webster, C. E. Swaisâ€" | tand, C. certeltr, C. Ifartung, E. Beam, avd C. E. Grebe made Spring Lae tl.ir headnarters, mear French River. ~‘Thy had a very successful hunt, and tagged th>ir full guota of _ ten deer. They cxpcrien‘vd*ery bad weaâ€" ther, however, during the two weeks. "I never saw _ so mwch rain in .ny fourteen years huntinz up nortH, as I did this year," said Mr. HMartung to the Telegraph _ reprosentative . this morning. . © Can#p _ was broken on Wednesday last, and at â€" Magnetawar on Thurs day there was about twelve inch>s oi snow . fanad i toâ€"day Baby‘s Own Tablets are an absolute itcrhnus ture for childhood constipation. They ; â€"v the tever fail to regalate the bowels and | thy sweeten the stomach, and unlike casâ€" | supply tor oil, their action is mild ard they | Provine aro plssant â€" to take Concerning | drastic them _ Mrs.© G. Morgan, Huntsville, | who ifa Ort., rays : "Mt baby was greatly |to mak troubled with constipation and colie| . till 1 began eiving her Pavy‘s Own | CHARC ‘Tabléts. The TaMets are surely the} _ _ _ The deer bakged by this party ars on exbibit _ at | HMartung‘s butcler s40p. (. A s yiitine _ test remedy T know of for littic on»s as they quickly banished all signs (of constination and coli¢. I «would use no otfer medicine for baby." TH: Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Th+ Dr. _ Williams‘ _ Medicine Co., Iâ€"<ockviHe, Ont. + not be given for the use of mestings unless with the consent of the Board Miss Dunhali poifted ont that the rénting of the hall imposed a gréa amount of work upon lhe libratians and _ caretaker, and the _ meetings were oi more bother than they were worth. _ Since the removal of Rev. F. E.. Oberlander, and his resignation as a niember oi the Board, Mr. W If. Breithaupt was appointed convenâ€" or of the Property Committec. t« Drink and Unemployment Hand in Hand When vhet test comes and the . facâ€" tory and office forces have to be cut down, drinkers are the first to be let #so. This falls hardést on their wites an families, for the man who has the whiskey or alcohol craving spends so muich on it that there is usually nothing laid aside. * Alcuta stops the craving for drink and helps the imnan bimselfl in his deâ€" sire to get away from the drink disâ€" rase and keep his work. Tt is guarâ€" atteed to give satisfaction of money is reirmded. Alcufa No. 1 can . he giscn Stcrétly byt wife of nmiother, and will remdet drink distasteful, _ éven nauseous. ‘Aleura No. 2 is the volunâ€" tary tteatment. Can be Bad atCour store, $1.00 per hoa. Ask for free Alcura booklet 1. M. Devilt, druggist, Watetioo Childhood Constipation Berlin Library Board n‘s Canadian Club | wa use of the Assembly Hal and a resolution war heceafter the hall wil it Detective Rooney, of Sche nectady, N. Y., in the City * , to Get Prisoner * ACCUSED â€" OF * THEEFT % ive" John nguy of !m Y., was ‘ iw © Berlin . | ?q take «back AM‘S YÂ¥ e# 1 to fare a charge of breaking,, fi:hl".l!.- V onsteetiznn was. arâ€" §$ d on Wednesday night by P. €. &lnx his confineméent bere . Vou« steeting told the police that he w&mt to "éollege her> for one year. Acr cording to the detective Vonsteetina is‘ one of seven doje fiends who were fovnded up in _ Schenectady. The arthorities there have been troubled with these dope fends, and determinâ€" ed to round _ them up. One of _ the siven ~ finally told where the drugs were secured, his story ~ implicating an Albany doctor. Two &Â¥ the yourg men were â€" taken to Albany _ where they swore out information _ azainst e the the SLAUGHTERâ€"HOUSES _ {was JUSTIFIED _ _ DID NOT MAKE _ _| _ INBREAKNG .. _ IMPROVEMENT ENGAGEMENT lavatory supply . W Bd\ Metcalfc, a was in the Hamilt I‘h reday on | a le says he | has andâ€"th> â€" extiorit communicated wit toctor‘s bouse, and while t wimained outside secured cc juantities of the drugs. On ‘celng men was Vonstectina aurested here.. Vonstectina made good h by securing perimission to . HARGE Weodstock, _ N Guelph, actin. card of Healtl tech v make d incial Poard R« wa . Floorsâ€"J ample Rooms s â€" that have been condem local Board of Hcalth as The slaughterhouses inspec Woodstock with meat ' 11 SpC OH tnl be D WITH Rocms Impt New ‘v then went and while th Wra then Ito ch s on Grand (Ci get oX at A ABSOLUTE], Private Bath, $ Private Bath, Private Bath, _3 Private Bath, _ HOTEL TULLER his girl Dr. Mc Detroit, Michigan the the ALL ABS to LC al san count slaugh deimnne h lerable A 'Q *_‘“‘(,’ higg. For-V,alu_e meiacalitau ~ Service xz "f Home j 4 .". f’&"‘ .vC s § (ltyoe tz n amashuipn} * s o o oE B 4 . lseasg tlin uBst the M the con The c th Cold S Are your hands .chapped,. or sore? Mave, you #cold cons which open and biced when is drawn tight? Mave you @ sore, frost bito, chil or & "ra place, which at li:-.a:fl- it ago forf youy to go about r pouseliol dutieg ? If so, Z;.a-zr:@ & relief, and will hoc! the troatâ€"damage l skin, . Angint tho sore places at night Zamâ€"Buk‘s rich hesling .‘#3 sink Injo the wounds, end the am ing, and will heal quickly, /.. /,}, / â€" Mre: Yolen,‘of Portinnd, nagws rMlbg udge Re nt shoul hands were so sore and efecked that it was agony burn as if I }uiuwbh 1 pat on | and it suc When I d me sase PEPR Single Sinule 1t Park Ave plaintiff : ippeared i B. MceBrid 00 Min plainant nUC ol OOF short time h the Count 1J erler r Mi W) Miss ldessa Fupk , 10 wht â€" against her â€" by ler of Berlin _ for i certain gifts, . given ir engagement, .. was UOszoode Hall _wfiy. istice, maintained that vas justified in bfi- went on the ground _Of d ordered that she the diamond ring agd c owas given . her, by led that p Wt Nt Double Doubte Double U‘p Douple nk, al Seilet the gifts Exelientr the rt A. Seell and â€" Mr revent * when defendâ€" to

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