r. and Mrs. Edward Seim of Zuâ€" are visiting the former‘s father, Conrade. Seim. "Mr. and Mrs. Stockifish and Mrs. brigg of Preston, Mrs. Randets Mrs. Zurbrigg of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Zurâ€" last week, . A. ‘Wintemberg of Clevelan®, o, returned t> her home, after a weeks‘ visit _ with her brotber, , H. Brodrecuc. rs. Dayid Rieder of Berlin was a Misitor in town last week. "Nrs. Fred McAvoy. and two sons of Erloo. returned homs on Faturday After visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. & Miss Noan of Toronto spent _ last nesday with _ ber friend, Miss oucham. r. Ed. Huehn of Hridelberg was town on Thursday. lisses Agnes and May Forer. of lin were visitors _ in town last eek. wMrs. Wm. Pieper and Mrs. Schreibâ€" wof Berlin, were the guests of Mrs iâ€"Ritz en Thursday. 5 Success of Former Resident.â€"Mr.J. u"lch ard his â€" sistor, Nrs. M. 0. iven of Tol do, Chio, paid a visit New Hamburg last week. _ They tmeriy lived here, but it is fftyâ€" @ty here jor the late Sonator Merâ€"| @r, 59 years ago. The lady visitor | malso a native of Havsville. They ted their old homestead at Pine while here. _Mr. and Mrs. Henry â€" Berlett and $0ns of Woodstock motored. to town RÂ¥*®Stnday and were th: guests . of §r, and Mrs. Ezra Bechtel. ° ESpecial Services.â€"The Anmiversary Prvice in St. George‘s church, held in Sunday were largely _ attinied. any coming fron, the Haysville and i6." James‘ churches. The Rev. A.L.| @."Clarke of Waterlco comlucted toth | gervices, and his addressos wer‘ heard §ii,‘ deenest appreciation by all preâ€" @"At. At the _ evening service, Mr. WFitegerald â€" sang _ ""Rock of Ages," with® great expression. NE,O.F. Annual Paradeâ€"The Annu @l‘church parade of the C.O.F. was held on Sunday evening. The memhcts] mhled at thwir lodge rooms and. hk mby the band, proceeded toa St.Peâ€" fer‘s Lutheran church, whore the Pasâ€" bor, Rev. Mr. Schme, gave a splenâ€" id sermon. Special music was . exâ€" Wedine!v well rendered by the choit. UWhe Annual Harvest Home services ill be held in _ Trinity Methodist uj h ~n Sunday noon. The Rev. & Mathers of Waterioo will preach it both services. _Greatâ€" preparations are being made Ws week to make the Annual Fall Rair on Thursday and Friday of this Week, the best in its history. 1 the Weather is favorable, a large crowd $ expected. ‘ Senator and Mrs. Ratz, their son, fr. Z. Ratz, of Calcary, and daughâ€" Br, Mrs: Hallman of Berlin, motorâ€" mte Crediton on Tuesday to _ visit iother daughter, Mrs. Swicker. beâ€" s Coming and Going.â€" Mr. Mrs. Simow Schaefier ol Plaimsâ€" , HMJ,, areâ€" the ‘guests ‘of their Phier, Mrs. W. H. Umbach: | * (a view umm :' '(‘; lph, i & with friends in Gue fonto and Buflalo. & Ir. Frank Halocher ‘of Dayton, 0., visiting friends in town. . ir. apd Mrs. Geo. Weidinger and $ ‘Elsie Monatsberger of New Yo K Sv. qyere \e vvgucsta; 10 "Aly. @pid s. J. F. Katzenmeier"on Friday. Br. Graham Jackson of Bufieto,; N. O was renewing _ acquaintances in . Frin:; Phelps _ and daughter e, returned on Saturday from a to Toronto. . Urguhart of Toronto is the of her sister, Mrs. Pebelski. Mildred Laschinger is visiting ‘ndon. 1 Smith was laid wp" last with an attack of La. Grippe, was able to r:sume his duties.on ay morning. wa last week Mirs. Wm. Piepet and SITS. SCITeiD | Briefs â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour pisf Berlin, were the guests of MrS |â€"of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jâ€"Ritz en Thursday. ~ | Petch of Waterloo called on friends | Success of Former Resident.â€"MTâ€"!â€"! in Crosshill one day last week.â€"Mr. {U'pch ard â€" his sistor, Nrs. M. O.)liofand Ferris of Knox College, Torâ€" illiven of Tol do, Chio, paid a YSit ‘outo, spent a ifew days last _ week ) New Hamburg last week. _ Th°Y |around tiis vicinity.â€"Mr. _ Richard tmerly lived here, but it is ({tyâ€")pride, Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Thompâ€" o years snce Mr. Murch was h It|son of Atwooed were in attendance at fl‘.; and .niturally _ he notes m@NY,| the bedside of their mother, _ Mrs. hanges anl improvements in thf‘l’ride, who is ill at the home of her )Wn. While here, they _ were __th* gaughter, Mrs. Anticknap.â€"Mrs. Alex #ests of Mr. ond Nrs. Simpson MeTâ€"!flostings and son William spent a . © Mr. Much is a pr(,spcmus%,fl. days at Toronto Exbibition â€" :010"‘»0 importer of: liquors. “fl;ms. M. Shantz and Mrs, Geo. Petch ï¬hotn nrar Pinchill, cast of HaYSâ€"| were visitors in Maryboro recently.â€" WMe. â€"His {ather worked in the fOunâ€"|a;,. Clayton Playford of Elmita calls ty here {or the late Somator M°Tâ€"‘cq on Crosshill friends last Sunday. er, 59 years ago. The lady visitot}| __yr w, (;. weichel, M.P., and Mur. also a native of Mavsville. â€" They | Johnston, Inspector of R.R., made igited their old homestead at PM® | ; pusiness trip through here last ill while here. week.â€"Mr. Gavin Barbour had the Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Berlett @00 |misfortune to lose a valuable matre g":Of JWOMSEOCJ‘A'_D‘?'?:?";}“.’M}OWIby lightning a short time ago. nesday . . Louis ‘Boehler and His sistet, Harry Beck are the guests . of ‘tlfler in Detroit Mr. Ratz and Mrs. HHallman leavd their Western _ homes on Thursâ€" ' . deâ€"visiting her Monkton. o y Framkemom nds tbfn ‘ré ‘at the Bank of Hamiffton herk F,;- Wednesdayd to resurte his duâ€" at the Brantford pranch.. 5 Alice Cord,. r ho has been the Of Mrs. Val. Wenzel the . past reeks, left _ on Wednesday fnâ€" wnd Win hom, where she will Â¥latives Arfo~1 returning to her h':;gltlnrd. â€" â€" Niemann left this week new home in Keele, Tex. .Johnson of(Torontd, was a vis in town this woek. s. Chas. Hiliebrand and daught ‘and Mrs. Holley and daughter, NVera Holley, hava returned from %or and camping trip in the High _ of Ontario. ; ‘Thomas Smith is the guest of "R. .J." Ketr in Berlin. ounity and District Happ New Hamburg 1, are, visiting in Toronto this Becker was in Toronto on News . Nokes.â€" Fx ioi une focnds Teur "RMoation ks Thw dars Jnt -m -i: Mre. Hartcy Melitzer at Niggaraâ€"opâ€" tio-ukn-.â€"a’hu Martha Stricker‘ toâ€" Lurnéed home ° last Saturday ° after raed hLome _‘ lJast Sati _ .M ing‘ a _ couple .'9“&’; ï¬â€˜ iveés here.â€"Miss Tillie n is\ Hatting trignde io Deveols + ME OE Harrigon F,. > upp / Sunday * with the fo" ‘« "Paren ï¬ mear. &mhan,- Du’?o.ï¬g‘ Sastiâ€" Lite meeting was held in the hall on Eaturda, afternoon, Sept. 12th, when a good programme was given. Mrs: Gleanic of ~â€" Winterbourne, â€" W| President, was present -r e . _a goud address, also E.z % l;i‘llnlf"‘! Crnestogo, Districk etary, â€" who also gave & good falk.â€". There was also a good paper on nursing by Mrs. W. Howletty in ‘the ‘contest in makâ€" ing homexn:e buns and oatmeal cookâ€" les, the following ‘were the /. prize vinners:â€" {Girls. mmder 16, oatmeal cookies, 1st Mabel Letson, 2nd Violet Windileld, 3rd Glapds Marriott. Homg made buns, girls under 22 years, lst Mary Aon Snider, 2nd Stella Bau man, _ 3rd Vera Letson. Tea was served following the meeting. Quaxtexl); meeting‘ ‘ services wore held in the church hefe on > Sunday morning. . Rev. J.. Backus, Presiding Flder, was present.â€" 2ir. Geo. â€" All= geier is suffering with blood polsoning in his arms.â€"Mrs. John Jupp is laid up, having broken a bone in her ankle.â€"Quite a number of | our young people were pleasantly emterâ€" tained at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. J. Letson.â€"Our teachers, Miss Arm strong and Mr. Hinchley spent La bor Vay at their homes in Brussels aud Realoith.â€"Mr. Noah Gingrich, is busy erecting a new cement silo. Wedding bells are ringing Ti _ our burg. MINARD‘S ‘LINIMENT CURES DANDRUFF. pmele Mi. Katzenmsier was in Stratford on Wednesday. Miss May Vance, and her brother, Master Bakkil Vance, are visiting in Toronto this week. * Rev. Mr. Cropp was in Waterlo0 on Thursday, attending Distfic meeting. Nrs. Ruby and Miss Ruby have teâ€" turned from a visit {o Dr. Ralph Ruâ€" by at Kars, Ont. Nrs. T. Jun®, and Mrs. Wahl of Elmira, are tils guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfaf. Ti 26th Anaiversary | of =t. CGrorge‘s Church vas celebratel _ on Surday, _ Sept. 13th, with muratia prayer and Holy Commu»mora at i1 a.m. and evening prayer at ! pm. RBRoti services were under the direc tion of Rev. A. E. (i. Clarke, Recâ€" tor of St. Saviour‘s Church, Waterâ€" loo In ,.St. Peter‘s Lutheran church on Surday evening, Rev. W. A. E. Sheine ,,prteach>d to ‘the members of Court Silver Leaf, C. 0. F. The Ministerial~ Association of Yew Hamburg and vicinity, held its rectuâ€" lar mouthly mesting on Monday‘~=b. 11th, at the home > ofâ€" Rev.â€" Nortor, New Dundee. _ o8 1* A milking nmiachine manufactured be the Hieman Mig. Co. of Galt, will ue on exbibition and will give a ~ milk‘1r demonstration ‘at the Fall stow horo next Friday. Mr. Mento Shantz who is @rent for this imachine, will Lring it here from Torento, where it wa:s put on exhibition _ at the Conrtiar National Exhitition. °> Taovsmwé 7 of farmers and horsemen hav e b;:x:d ed mon n Kgnzll’l 89"- B tin Cure for Spayins, Curb, Ringbone. Splint, Bony Growths and Lameness from mapy other causes, . 1t keeps horses working. A $1 bottlé may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druzzists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 8 for £2, also ask for a copy of our hook "A Treatise on the Horse"‘â€"or write to pr. B. 4. KENDALL COMPANY _ Enosburg Falls, Vermont _ ®" Wei Montrose Alghe l o o C N rioficningiy 0p0 c tarte :Â¥A C osshill wiih "the adhcs". invet e bepmneg, | tor | puothor mubf-,ntl,&\ # regl e‘ ; MFï¬* m in t hi l "uete brightening "up â€" Cig;.> _ BAvCE | bridgo. â€"Farméers ;,“‘ ‘ . . tor m the corn cutting 2 Cpu ;s | est in a : al.round good Ks _ #+o. |mape tion this year â€"TBHé daupbles ~*. y in 8+ tion this year.â€"The daupDles ~*. 3. and Mré. ?fo- Esch is ill «il '4‘1 theria.â€"Our t of: â€" ;i%e jlatber brush has berr /J1 apd ugl "@ae pend o his Jor. $Â¥3 we The Ladies‘ Aid of "S%, Jaod‘s £¥%%, eran church her> Â¥ery fingly:: «weli trated . the Pastor‘s,‘ , MrthAdy o Thoreday ‘o\z nv.<Rev," . P. > aw sen 1*@v(8 Tor Co ‘petp, XsÂ¥:,: 0+ ing the week, .wh 'ovg‘ D â€"~ pirs on "Sunday. Ths piisit *#r °W decupied / by student A@1bért!" Gobs{ wlo will preach in G4 "Am. ~ mcraing (and Enrlish at a. sP 0t â€" vire in the cvertug ~~Mo l ack $ Schueitzer‘ and Harry Biddler | book in Toronto .‘ Exhipiticn ; _ wednesâ€" y ulc 129 o neul i2240 2. oW h 0N 39 hn ciach 8 day, _ and Thursday, â€"3tr.‘ ®K." Paupp; of nler Mildnay _ was <BiWihg ‘his motker here, the latter . .L 4 week. â€"Mr. and Mfs: J ‘W. Achweb . er and Mr, . and, 81:& & ts ce n To o te xk Te i nmmeact â€"Tier sod Witk mageg * .00 .OA !~ . +i Bowmaa spent | 8t nidy “%wfl in â€" Berlin.â€"Mrs. . Jacdb FAFl spent Sunday with friends . a$ Téristockâ€" ~ (WMitvary.â€"On _ Friday, Sept. 11. nsat St. Jacobs, Mrs. Jauide Bxers died at the bthbe of bet"sim, in Rir 8:ud year. ‘She ‘was Worn in + ‘York si.re, Englabd, in 1832" ‘cfl- ix Canada “%ï¬?“ parents when 1 vears ‘old. v settied‘ for ‘a > ebort vears ‘old. /They settied‘ for m > eROTC tune ‘at / Newmarket mmnmu to Wellesley township §ix y-gn‘e'y_ax‘ll azo, 1853 ~ she marrica Mr, "Jam*s ‘Byers of the 4th concession " Feel, vi‘re she had resided until about â€"a year azo, when she ‘came fo Jive with hber scn and daugbtér Heat tbe~ vil laze.â€"Mr.‘ Byers prodeceamd tis wile some 28 years Am.â€"flxg‘,'flygli Tt longed to the lon@ tist of eourageous proveet women, «ho Abeifed ‘to ‘carts out bomes in this land of Jiberty, y honest persevering my She is sarâ€" vired by two â€" brotHers, Robert "Id Perlin, Richard in . Woodstock, . and three sistets, Mrs." Armstrofig:" and Mrs. Brown of .‘ Hollen, Mrs: Wied in â€" Michigan, and also‘s "*“’i}ï¬ *A cicht children, ‘fiftech p..%a‘ iten and ons great grandchild. ° The davugh ters â€" are â€" MrS. Honsinger in Peoel, Mrs: J. Sanderson, Berlin:; Mrs.~ B. Sanderson, St. Jacobs, and "the sons; David, St. Jatobs, Robert in Elmira and Richard and Thomas in â€" PAmonâ€" ton. f i 3. A pretty Autumn wedding was solâ€" en.nized at the h‘une of Mr, and Mrs. Jated _ Staufier at “‘hï¬mkn on Wednâ€"sday, _ September â€" 9¢§, vhon their daupghter EfMie May was anited in the holy bonds of matrimory . to Mr. Willard Berge of Cerman Mills. Dev. E. J. Butn, of WaÂ¥erlq6, _ 8¢ cvrely, tied the . knot.in the presence ~ The fun‘al" service was condyCted by the Rev. Mr. Hebn at ths house, after which they proseedbd ‘to en‘ allan where Rev. "Mri"HiSlop beld 2 memorial ~ service _ {n the Methodist church, of which" the ‘dectased . had been Tone a detoted‘ meimber. | _ The pallâ€"bearers â€" were Méssrs. J. Bruce, A. Stromw, J. Stewart, H. Freeman of about sixty . guests:, ‘:3: bride who entered the drawifg ‘tean~ inz on the arm of het fathet . was‘ very : becominzly~ dressed {n arÂ¥iite wilkâ€" trimmed with shadow lace, and carâ€" ried a _ brautiful boughét of carsaâ€"~ tions.. She was attended ny her. couâ€" sin, Miss: Anpnie Schwase;of. Fort El win.â€" The groom v;l‘quiiwzl brother Mr. CharlesBerge.â€" The. gift to the bride was a, g9ld. perdant.. The ceremohy: > was pagywmug ‘iÂ¥% benutiful © arch jof everirechs, Miks Fi~rence ~Wanner, â€" coysin>;/of"â€" the groom., . plaved tha widilingâ€" marct very ~efectively . 608 ": _ i 3 Th catemot‘y wn&'r!flm‘ ; BY about â€".«â€"» uests, all of whom.=2ré n‘ar relations _ of _ tlie ‘oomtractih¢ porti*~. Ihs ha>oy couple were preâ€" sâ€"nid with _ many __fas ard usetu! rresents, whici! gors to show. that thee â€" were bothk highiy he:tagmell. Foll1wir~ *b« câ€"cmovÂ¥ & ~nrtums refast was. partaken of Ths. bridal courl« 1â€"4t ths sams dae fo= & weddâ€" ina trin to Toronto and othegâ€"easâ€" tetn points. f 4 Somes Bailor, for thirtyâ€"fite yeats marine superintendont of the Cunard and Thoms n _ Lines, ~and a {brmer memteâ€" cf thy Quen‘s Own, Toron to ied at Yoitreal. â€" Their fricndsâ€"will wish them a long an1 happy wedded life. _ On their return . ther will make their abode in Germ#a Mills. 4 On Thuradoay the Garkag* Cree mi+ tee of the City Comncil will go to Toronto and Peterboro to . inspect ihcineratots, â€" INSPECT INCIXERATORA Death ot Mrs. Jamés Byers Fart and S. Switzer Bergeyâ€"Staufter Nuptials P i eeresayn pg "The, ~Qtand Rive: |Caicopee in compgar with Me. B Wope o( PCOR CA C ons nlee . M 4 * in a guill at NottaWs angd: it the i:’[".:.:'“:....:.... wootsaaih &:us:. Jaubbe 10¢° 2 it of y« (ankil n-q(:hu-'n"fln > M ada "m # w ® "aU: | trom â€"pusingss. ~1.0) ig" Re * dis § ies "ar unurm.‘“\ ts wbiy‘ settied "is" his" bet mï¬- M Eagâ€"tede . p SE | cnvnge me avece ee o haasion | e e > 'o'wu «n mum‘ou-i-i ,xa:a sï¬ Debivt sthies, "as. ardbut : Liverel: fast Pn ie on porma c n citinghs in the person ~of~ My. N % . Qingrion, who: passed aw Gligrich was 26AL€ pâ€"s ; Â¥ors ; . it Cb m y set his av)pnut;:tflfp ‘h,:“l'o?v,dom- tnil at Hawhestille, after which he workâ€" ed at his trade at Bettersea, Peter: was | leld irom his late residence on Wedbesday ut 2.30 p.m. to the Evan: icltcal em, A great ndmber »of % .. old and neighbors . were présent to pay their last respecta. ‘The pallbeaters were Meests® 8. Wébâ€" er, <M. L. Weber, D. L. Weber, J; 0. Sbelley, W. 1. Wirkler and _F. E. Welker. & News Notes.â€"Mr. William Steiget and two sisters from Elinira, N.Y., are visiting ‘their uncle, Mr.. . Jacob Kuuiimag.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cress oi Londom agd ‘Mr. ‘John Cress ol Rerlin speot the week end> at. "the home oJ Mr. Leri Cress.â€"â€"There will be no use begieging "Bupmy Station" fot it has been evacuated. Tlis comâ€" ,mndgt-tn-cmc( has heen decored â€" bY the subtility ‘of. #wor wéeks hollds78, aud is now ‘ enjoying s telatation }l:om duty, visiting the chief centres bctween‘ WindBor and Torofte. > Mr. Wilbor Roinball of Elmits is supply< tu; the wants of. the besi¢egers during his absefice. i ~{tems of Interest.â€"Miss. Alice Cot! ligan of Serlin spent Sunday . > witk her sister, . Miss Mildred cq.l.ir,‘-‘ Mr. and Mro. Frod Fiy, Mr. and Mrg nen speut the past weelk with UTILH® at Toronto.â€"Messts. ‘Fred ~Hucether and Melvin Huether spent _ ‘several Gars last week at the â€" Exbibitfon, Toronto.â€" Misses Ella and Olive Skantz of Berlin, Miss Naney Wis mer of Watéerloo, Mr. _ ; Moyer _ of Serlin, asd Mr. OStar Gies of Waterâ€" loo, were Sunday Â¥is tors. , at . tlie home of Rev. D. S. and ‘Mrs. Wisâ€" mer.â€"Mr. and Â¥s. 8. E; Bbhantz vis ited Mr. and ts. Josiah Staufer ncar Waterloo on Sunday Jast.â€" Mt. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt and Mr. and© Mrs. Harvey Kesselring of ~Berâ€" lid spent Sunday ‘at the, home of Mr." and Mts. Elias S. Shantz.â€"Mt. and MMrs. David Bergey of New Dundea visited Rev. D. 8. and Mrs. Wismetr on Saturday last. Mr. and Mro. Frod Fiy, Mr. ‘ead Mro John Hesseaater, and Mtr. and Mrs. Sam Bicks of Berlin were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eilias S. Shants. â€"Miss: Orails Lob "Interesting ~Néws flzni g â€"DMr : Mrs. &.â€"Schmidt of â€"Berllfiâ€"wers S day visibors at the home. of Mr. . 2 14 1 _1 CLE * woulthen bims o Aikles t oc o M ud hP uy J.\Rugels â€"Some‘ â€"‘ of ofr, toshsmen are Busily | engaged: building Béw . / ment walls ‘which were %flfl‘ ed â€" abd will. maks i ‘great"improve meért ¢6.our burg.â€"â€"Miss> NEVZIC _/ 7"" . man ‘spentâ€"a. tw déys at e&o’fltdfl‘ to (Ethibition u;z ml;!mmun: Nrs. Lanx.and , Mt. 8: H t / dud éï¬'«‘m S neng. toototrd â€" to zz,hm.d'l:.‘ J :d: Ott un Sugâ€" iy \ABir . Altsoa Snidet ‘ iAttended the Aipfonto Exhipition 'ï¬mz ‘and Wed: hnescay.â€"Miss _ Agbes Br ce 18 appnding some time~ with her sister Mrs. Crancon Weber.â€"Quite a . BUMâ€" ber of our yourg peogle attended the linicliglt views which were givem t the Elmira® Evangetieal Church * on Sunday erening.â€"The Woman‘s Instiâ€" tute held their monihlJy meeting . At th« home of Mrs. A.â€"J. Ruggle . or Tursiay . afternoon. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Cranson Weber _ attended thâ€" tuneral of Mr. Noah Gingrich of St. Jarots on Wedntsd4ay fast â€"The Young Peoâ€" ple‘s Alllanée held a vert successtul meeting in the Evangelical church ob Teesday. evening when the report o tha Y.P.A. convention was very aply kiven py Miss Florence Saydet. There Wes a ‘good attendance. =We ate pleased to see Mrs. Alf. Moogk and Mrs. Menno Soider returned to theit respéctiv® ~homes aftor . andergoing sperations at the Gueiph Hospital.â€"â€" Services ®ifl te held at the Evan vel.caf thurch on Sunday afternoon #t the Cusval Rwr, 3 o°clook.‘ Alt welâ€" conie.â€"Mr: Dani«1 Rowiian has openâ€" ed his bider mill this week for . th* season‘s . work, iÂ¥ *# .;J;"h [ ibupthas Shtel w# § ;i,fc!j ,!'-‘q\d‘_‘ï¬? 0P â€"pme meus is i web t | s bnved cmsals 1e cual mte. 0 © the past week with frtends Nine HFL THERC " ’Wv': 106 * 8 r purg. â€"Mids> Netble Ctessâ€". o toe defe at the Toron: Floradale w # sn resss ?§ s on Nee gmaing, 6a> "'_'!»5 i ns Eies Tess es and. dit qi se \Â¥as haper, " giad i ‘l'o?f; fl:fl aJ m"h?‘he tair WERT the "Tribe on Dhutes ant (pmiccns hetrge ; ul To the Cort "of ‘many v’i‘i.c-â€" Galt â€" weill krown is storyâ€"asd in in the woodlande to the nofthward, o with strom«. sthe f;.eu-'-.-!, Mwï¬g:-†Whera the chiels ‘of old keld council Pitched .thé : tribe. their wigwams at "There the maidens puilt the Dres There the maidens laid the tables, While the braves went fotward (al Fierce‘ bananas and ¢ a wild o S'W theit pows anmd -rmnz‘fllï¬l oce (a lirge, supply /J stowed â€"/ c away. * When the tribal feast was réeady ~~ Au@pu&m hed long been ‘steamâ€" . They did a»Bom the tide of bunger ‘ “!ï¬Ã©'tflhj'sdâ€œï¬ so rare Long P YN'I' speechand story f ‘Cber,nd the afterâ€"dinuer air. 1w‘ thie ckarieg made By while men For ‘thi play fliey Mll did gather And ‘ thi P t the | clubs with i es and akill that day. And the ma auick asd fewn‘like, And. (Me braves . so dtrong . and _ gupple, Al AH d.(;.xu'n and frolic‘ as the leaves © so bright and gay. â€" t nfl;-' mds +k Teat the happy day was drawing to Abd with anéfder they behetd in awe * moting shallo%3 on a "Canvus, Mek" Sui : sMpd ‘aud strbhg Reyices < ~Awt :"L heurd . ‘witk rapt, attenâ€" The caÂ¥onde. gi _ fuh mosts portly. tall Taem onee‘ mory) the beasts, were andâ€" * Ahd ";ï¬f};‘m&"&d were Toated, And the déviJ ‘waxgobs Jike the waves insy Apesal _ So they torned theig tapes | bomeâ€" Se once mote the tables sprtading Aui the caiiphres brightly burring, Thir id Loagh with zest and plea guts R In, the twilight gloom. . ; Then they broke â€"their â€" camp in darkâ€" Soom the sotting sungare warning Ruon: tÂ¥s‘ lengthening shadows told Perspadls‘~ Master Kennet® Witâ€" Hams is ypending a ‘¥acetion with his Â¥ : adi % 1 4) it ¢ 3 w1 + on ArC Wi® niise in bweet contentwent Ot: thi day | galoths â€" _ Ir. Willam Saenders, CM.G., one al thi most . distinguisbhed scientists in CenaCa, passed away at bis home in Lomdop, Ont., after a long iliness. The‘ Buildipg tammittes of the Linâ€" rary Boord hâ€"ld4 sgecial meetings on Mtaday anf Pursday evenings to conâ€" wider the advisability of commencing building optrations on the new wing, an4 atso to consids# a proposition trom _ the Steam Heating Company tor I»Pa'u heat to the present as well as to the silerged building. It conditiocs prove satisfactoty an attempt wl pe giade to ercarate for 204 1qpglâ€"ts ‘the foundiation before winter sete‘ in,° so ‘that «o ratly start oue+ batssaie a‘tt spring on the brilding proper %o the fory of G&M ‘they bastenté Dundes BUILDINGâ€" Linwbed “il 6 i s OPERATIONS Swarts .. The Wabash station st Tillsoanburg canght fire from sparks Aying from west beundtrain No. 5 at 11 a.m. yesterday. The building was destroyâ€" With maps of Petawawa Camp and surrouading district in.his possbssion, a Germar spy wase &rrésted at ‘Morâ€" risburg yesterday while beading for the United States and was captured. which gives to the user the ipmpression, that so . better flour.is made and that‘s the euyd ime pression. . To try it is to be codmt'!-‘ oT Feawick W. Parker, formerig one of Canada‘s best amateut skaters, belZing th> fate. ational amateout championskiv for the mile, diad yesâ€" terday is St. John, N.B., aged 31 years. » [ ® dlee Among the gifts yesteri»r to the Montreal branch of the Cafsdikn Paâ€" triotie Fund ‘was $6,000, ‘#ybscribed by three Germans, who #aid ‘they were Gorman by name, but Btitish at The Japanése Gerermmeht yéesterâ€" day orderdd The: Herald, &A fld:nn ?flnlhd . newspiper â€" published . at okdhama, and The Deuteche Japan Post, a Corman nows Sgenty, to ceast publication. Ts T6 Térd Robert Bdaward Innes Ker, of gormdur Guards, who previdubly aw‘:r -0-.:&:11(" * %"of . Patis,‘/ta site o ‘a Parie boapltet." He was woupdedin the‘légs. rés 6. A'?bylnv.x"mt;o‘m.f 20 years to the: Corpwall mï¬:h& w & Powar Co., o:. v;r on ratepayers on Oct.‘14. & flt.’;\g N.B., is to be strong» Meagure Déferting ‘Home Rulo Put .) Through: British: Commsotn. | > NDON, Bopti.1%.â€"â€"After the Unâ€" Mfl: ‘had made‘A ~formal : protest lhflhd Toft the chamber the Houss of *Commons â€" gosterday> afternoon pailled through all its cuaun bilt IitWduced by Promier uith to suspond the operation of the Irish on Ithd ITrish race wil~over the world and on Trish reeraifing. < °0 0 10X CC MB Eoo Giang. t + *Andrew LAw, the tion | lon: Dtncan Makrshall, Maister a 7/ carleg 'ï¬ykm’g'up Agcrisalturs for ATMerts, speaking | & l"«q.ho chamber, antered his the Tor. a o Etbibition, urged that protest againat the bill introduced by C:nada‘s greatest wat duty was . to Mr, Asguith. . _ ._.,. _ __.__.__smume. grow cToPS and raise food. _Ahtroducing* bis bill, Premior As qufth gaid ‘thar to hnmtpnod the péiéage of the bill after ‘the piitage of the bill antil after ‘the tton of ‘the war, he sal orlle hare Ma‘ s Gopisrame offect BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. TAFTIDcE t Toy sepore surrent in Housekeepers Toasted Corn Flakes p;UY only goods MADE IN. CANADA and keey the factory workers employed.. . > is the éély article of foéd under the KELLOG name that is of CANADIAN manufacture. All name that is Of L FiME ME LNE AREEC Een rerncemeent / 5ol on others are imported and do not help our work people. Sattie Cregk Toasted %.$ Keep your money at home the Weish Disestabe London, Canada. â€"â€"Implementsâ€"Frost â€" & Wood bindér, single plow, potato.plow, stt iron hartows,. 4â€"section . seutfMfer,, pony ¢u$ ting box, luniber ‘wigon, 2 sets m‘g planks,, wagon: box, commbined hay . stock »tack, S onetharse. wagon, . â€"single democrat, ~ heaty ido}teh "~ déemocrat, light sleigh,cutter, ‘néatly »tew; plow hatness, set <good light : riage harness, set single cartiage ness, set buggy egs. . _hay «Aork$, neckyokes, douhhht.‘l't&‘, oib cans, »B§â€" \ gation‘ gatvanised. . ofl:itank,> datg8 wooden chop bor, poultry fattenigg crate, grindstone, counterâ€"scales 240 lbs capacity, and many> other articles too numerous to mention. * ‘â€" Househoid Eftectsâ€"Corner Cupboaté kitchen ~¢uphoard; cA £ables;f4 k chairs, doutle bed, ~MeClaty Belt organ, {ruit«jars,»egocks, 31 ston@ érocks, â€"chutn;"Jurge dron k6« ile, milk»pails and cans, batrel! vigg« | rar,â€" washing ‘machine; Masseyâ€"Hartig eream scparator, and many other atticles. We t * gpromen afel There will be old by public â€" aucâ€" tion on the premises of the late Aaron: Cressman,‘ situated at â€" Stres burg, 4} miles south of Berlin, ok‘, Commencing at ‘1 ; a‘clock‘ p.m‘.shatp, the following. raluable: propetty, vig: Live Stockâ€"Sorrel mare 5 _ yeate old, good driver; registered thoroughâ€" bred Jetsey cow due to ; calve x November, brood sow, pig, about & Rhode Island Red chickens. .â€"â€"â€"â€">4~ id a wcncnt ht $o o ogell wniee is it Terims«â€"Chickena> and : : ull»tma $109 and under; cashypver that * 6 months‘ credit‘ on Approvéd 1 ity or 6 per cent. per amnum off cash payment of credit amounts. td Corn Flake Co. PUBLIC SALE â€" Tuesday, Sept. 29th, 1914 wW. 8. CRESSMAN, Administrator) SHANTZ, Auctionter, «84â€"24 Â¥, dre