t .. Hogs Wanted .1 ; AT_ BADEN . Highest market price paid. . Load â€" every second Tushihy. Next shipment Adbaly yasteit > 22 tas o s s ._C. C, DIEFENRSACHER soft water and flowing spring, © fine rchard of 5 acfes.. As proprietor: inâ€" « i goest.pfarn; will be offerâ€" e ol 4 brutint tor avick se |.. = [3 labr t ; 010C â€"~ 3 5 SaAbPk vOIBIN.® 28â€"3 mos price paid. Next sbipnment Wednesday Julyâ€" 22nd. ; i:# 1Â¥ actes, ‘ 10 asres ‘of. hardwood. bush, ‘ ,%Eï¬?‘cul%y; : barn, driving shâ€" i qeiteiings. Laree . \£008 ly ‘of hard : and jM. R. Berlet is offering his well|be paid and that the Reeve grani located ty, containing a store|orders for the seÂ¥eral amo; nts :â€" ..!'ilfm combined, aw + extra Elmira Pr nting. Co., on ‘a good barn and garden.| contfact .. ..s, ... ... $# Aâ€"splendid opportunity for any Wind lHoenry Fhang:, concrete tile 1 At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station. nim ber. unlimited. Eflï¬gï¬s‘ offers for sale ‘his farm situatéd, . 4â€"miles west is m;.’ Lot No. 42â€"containing MÂ¥ h acres in\good bush .(20 un-E:-M will u\.om .ém,’a. Iy. if ‘de ). Land all under good xï¬mm ~Good house and barn and all necessary outbuildâ€" ings. Good supply of water. _ Also 800 cedar posts.â€"ApPply to o & JOSEPH ‘BISH, ; ~ Â¥, yÂ¥ Waterloo. ~ FOR SALE AT LINWOOD Shipping Hogs Wanted of ‘businéss.: /V; R.; Berlet. â€" ~Â¥tf râ€.-l?'h‘h-h-l-oh-l-wl-o-l-: 0+ 040404 kiom of services renderad. 1484 The: s Association of . . WaterIoo County 8 URRAD nkn.,t:sm‘s«u- We have vacanoles tor men and wo ..hflE‘vm‘l H you> ate out of ‘ communicate with me at once.. No .charge for registrs> JOu § t Â¥ and AUGUST & & E *) UNIVERSITY o SBige n ofmmOve natines “% y ‘:h&"ffln , Clemens Hunsberge Farm for _ HAVE YoU aNYTHING To SELLL .. }, . . . es ' VE you 1LoO8ST OR FouND ANYTHING: o ~ , & I.' .ll eR «> is P BRINGS PB .A 42 ) s f Ri@ tes on a pplhca tion. Farm tor Sale ESteine <â€" â€" sneri@ent SUMMER SCHOOL Lot Ne St. Clements 28â€" The Course ma ad by + but s desiring to graduate must attend one HOME 6, comprising marke: ««â€"Lady‘s .. & letlle uy Ne prode Lears n Msm o Aicid t t " ~ TEACHER WENTED.â€"For _ S, No, 18, Waterioo Township. M salary" abd J;:u::u. "Duties to to Enoch M. Mm% l_:nil!en'T A H a first and secony time. ;m A ) & Moved by J.H;:.Noods and H.. Bt»câ€" haecker, that Byâ€"law XKo. 623 he read a third timg end passed. Carried: Carfied. ; . .!;" >‘ Moved hv Paul Snider and Notman Snyder, that Q%Council do ï¬gw,ad‘i ‘o ‘!n +o angoty n. at. the Co nâ€"i Chamber, Conestogo, on Tuesday th> 1th day of August, next, at 9 o‘clock a.m. f 'j f $ % W oolwich Township Council ‘The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Woolwich met at Mw? on Puesday ; the‘ Tth day of ‘July,19 { pltl:ut to ‘adjournient: from â€" las sessioa! =\ 0 > 4 All the members prestnt. Th Heave in the chair. w9 : Theâ€" minutes of the: provigusâ€"session were read sand;Adoptedine «0. 0 CORBERMEN A2,.. Aeph sautl ai++ . in Henry Fhangs, concrete tile W. Hemmeri(h, . work cn hioad k. . ie oo en J. % 1Schinidt, concrete tils ? 0h Reist, wor" â€" _......... W. .J. Letson, elm lumper... L. Kerch»r,, work Welleslel Hites VX ai ns . Wls Moved ‘py . Norman m ..ï¬ J.4. Woods, that: we ailiate with the *n tario Municipal Association ani < pay the membership fee of $5:00 and that we ‘aproint the . Reeve ‘and > Deput} "Soecd :s i1 Biodinntnee aid 9 h'o:d y “. 3 To †and J .H. Woods, wi Noi 633. reâ€" ml&&m;-ï¬v %40, bxarding rail fen‘t$, w§@ Keai#l a first and secongd _Moved ny Notman: Snyder and. Paul &nider, thit, 4hg toxwinz accounts be paid ‘_gdd‘t"beï¬ the Reeve grant his The Municipal Coun:il, of the Townâ€" ship of Wellsley, met, pursuant _ to ad ournment, at the Township . Hall, Croâ€"shill, Monday, July 6th, . 1914, 10 o‘clock .in the forenoonâ€" & Moved tiy’?‘., Lacknor, secomded by R. Lintick, ‘that the following . _ iC counts be paid and that the Reeve 15â€" sue ordeérs in ‘Payment therefore, ~ as follows !â€" * * i) * _ Wl th 'nt);n;i;évl's’\\;'e!e present, . A. B. Pobertson,‘ the Reeve occupied the «ba‘r. No. 3, Waterloe Wellestey Township Council The nnlnung . of ‘the were rcad and‘ passed $58.58 ; Johd‘.Béchert," gravelling pet cnn‘nzt,,tagfl t~Mike Stemler, ovâ€" orsteing iqh_elg;ï¬trut, $1.50; David Kuntz, gnvtnung"por contract, $80.â€" 00 ; _ Thos. Cfookshanks, â€" repaiting bridge, $2:00¢ ‘James Coote, operatâ€" itg rodd machine, $5.00; John Rennie gravel to pathmasters, $38.85; Rob erty: Hooey, ‘@itount advanced _ <Tor #choo1, â€" $150:00°¢ Treasurer 8.8., No. 81 amoint ad.anc~d $300.00 ; . ‘Wm. Hotas, ‘gmnvuqa,m.. $20.00; We Tesley ‘Police: Villake amount advanc :dhum.w,;"st ‘_ Cl>ments . Polics ‘LVi age amount ‘Advanced, $75.00 flg;whnï¬ne‘-rmd;'%uï¬f f moed,dtu‘.gh ï¬ms"dh{{ Wï¬ We, grav j & ./ $9.3 Rharek Playford, wolk on ropst Un ‘ance, $12.00; "TotdPf $1388.47) ~~~~ Baty . .cra gaer, o« nitract 4 . pay $58.58 : Jmm,‘ gravelling pe ~Moved py‘ J. Reidel, secomied© by R: Liftick, $hat ‘?Jaw Noâ€" to a mend Byâ€"law No. #4, I so far as it r®atcs to ‘the r«-m’bï¬e::cm .3 du:ies of the . Tow® ‘Tprk be rrad a first and m:l‘,'m:‘ m\ @ ;m'md hy J. T,. McKay, seconded l:v . Lintick} wnship Clerk _ is i tthy ‘Tzflm;’:ln‘ althorized to take the necessary steps ro the petiâ€" tion of M-tflm 4!\! others r::l notify C. D. Y, Townsbip E incer, to proceed i«mo law resarding the Mum@ital Drain | _ to which mdgtmm_\ rotors. : Movel by °F. rrm, geconded | by JA,. McKer, that the PoXAc+ trustees of w Hcl(&ihm Pokce ‘: jrc# , : MWuidyâ€"Rmider Clork. Total June® session $197.03 28â€"4â€"4 $50.00 15.00 20.55 10.00 teos | ‘ , Clork perâ€" ~St. Clements, July 10th, xï¬'t 38 C ~"The file and drum band made ,its initial appearance in public and ‘ ed the familiar airsin a very credit» hble mawner. ‘The gorgeous banner cartied "by ‘six stalwarts attracted considerable attention. s "The Anancial and , trafic statenjent . ‘The, fnanc! fMile s r prescnted to the Light '.Commlraon by Supt. Mcintyre, of the Berlin and Waterloo Street Railway, _ at . the réguwar meeting on . Friday . evening Was most encouraging and gratifyâ€" ing. ‘It showed that the net profit for the month amounted :to $1256.61, the largest ever reported since the city took over . the system. The traffic during the month of June also surpassed that of any previous month there being 101,139 fares collected, compated with 87,878 for the same month last year, or an increase â€" of fifteen per cent, . _ Te x ‘ The paraders formed up in front of their lodgeâ€"room on King street and marched from the corper of Foundry street‘to Water street, where‘‘ they tuhqlui paraded as far as the market square, and back again to the point of starting and then dispersed. ° This was ‘the fast Twelfth of July parade witncssed in Berlin in some years, and proved to‘be very successâ€" FREE RIDES ON _ _ _ â€" STREET RAILWAY ful Superintendent Mcintyre _ informed the Commission that after the Wator street improvements are . completed tlie system will be.in firstâ€"class shape and the running expenses will be low barring accidents. ; The _ statement was as follows:â€" Mayor Euler expressed the opinion that the _ Commission should follow the example of the Torohto â€" Street Railway .in uivmï¬ free rides to mothâ€" ¢rs and young childten at least once a week. The proposal was discussed &t Softie length and on motion of the Majyot and Mr. Detweilet"the Superâ€" intendent was instructed to make the fecessary arrafigenigits lor free© rides one afterndon a week for ‘the moth ets and thsir childrén wnder}ten yeats Of age. of\Betlin and Waterloo, . and alto â€" sectre permission to run. the Srecial cars _ to Bridgeport, making !'the trip from Betlin to Watetloo and tetufr ‘and to Bridgebort wnd return. Jt it is found: that the ctowd is ‘too largefor ‘one car and grailitr . two afternbons / ~will pe set aside instead of one. «= g aded pn King street, headed by the inevitable ‘fife and drum band,‘ : any Sxain "choss6t "tbe" Hoyhe , in . memoty, Ein , OOï¬ io #% Th !'“ dE ube [ e eee .â€" Aéroufts were passed anmounting to $25001;. The . Aotadippernatimg expernses £2301801 reanitel) vmmnmvï¬? 8.50p!tatd] okpehent» §0§09, 10b i| ! 4n order to encourage the joint coftâ€" certs . of".the Borlin ._and .Waterloo Lands. the "two organizations will ‘be transf Orted: "free of tharge on‘ spec® ial vars on the fight of h# concetts with th@ / stipulation " that iwsic . ‘is provided while "ridimg ‘on the cats.‘ * ‘Bubt. Mcintvre reported that !the‘ mail ‘tontract his peen‘ sign‘d. by the Government but the‘ mail is being cartied at thenew/rate of 25) cents per #rip in the Hernbiie. <o 00000 u CommiÂ¥#ioners _ 14 , â€" Lang} xé Detweiler. -",.!3% . Ealet We prescht. mitted yto erect a sideâ€"walk across the cement arch in said village ant ma‘ke the ‘nscessary repairs thereto. / © Moved by Ji Reide!, secondeft by ®! Latimg, that this Co:hcil _ ‘do now Wijourth ‘to méet aga‘n Monday, August 3rd., 10 a‘clock am., at the Town hip Hall, CrosshiL ce Pebot F. Schuramer, < The sim of $475.00 wu"lm‘lfd in Byâ€"la% No. 696, also th» ittonal wort Had it was dated the 6th day «t Ju#ty, 1914. "â€"» Manutacturer‘ $ OBITUARY AND DRUM BAND 428 Men‘sâ€" Suits, ‘the same as you see ~briced all over>. at $12.00 to 14.:00; _ magnificent"® ~worsteds ‘ and tweeds, single ‘preasted ndels, â€™ï¬ }rm“ throughout. They go on SAIY &E ... 2. .. ... AL.... 20 TIMB 225 Men‘s Suits _ of extraordinary eharacter, quality and styles ; materâ€", ials"are in sibatt ‘and conservative iweeds abd work f’â€"" are the élightly °: form fitting and loose cut with wellâ€"shaped sho ‘e\l‘p‘e“ careâ€" fully tailored collars and Is. -?ll‘ are trimmed and finished in the fn+ est custoin ‘han®er>W*Regular $14.00 to $16.00, to bercleared out at this Sdle :.;. u2s css us c P90 315 Men‘s Suits in ‘all the very latâ€" est | shades ofâ€" all. wool Canadian fooac Nes Secc apie Honlinh latest New .. ‘York models. 6 the country over are selling. at $8400 to $10.00. They go on this sale. mc‘ ©290â€" Men‘s ~Siits;â€"Mnglish worsted and fancy tweed 8 . pench tailored mediviy shades m)flm cut fashionable ©with 4PMt Atting collar and ‘nicely shaped Tapels, sizes 35 to 44. Reguiar $22.00 to $27:00. They This Great Cleafing ‘Sale is * theo» topit ~‘0f!‘conversation <whtnsyer shrewd money saving ‘citizens meet~* its@the most.important event llerm: for vears. Thousamds bave be# n guick ‘m_‘&? of the »mmmmmsl{m :. caving mï¬â€˜%g som:> of the specials planned for Sat â€"urday biit this asix does . 106 to telff 4. part ) €. Largains.)= ; i0000 2 go in this sale at unds §ub .8 .R P * cR x;;,;ï¬fi;:"n::?i;‘â€Ã©â€™*ï¬ï¬w"i-- 50: qpeqt tewe l s Pn .( d tigrs m o s 30 hoh h on oath 0 and the Harry J. 2 ?ï¬*’?flmï¬wï¬iestock cssy cadoghte 2cr sarurbay. EASY CHOOSING FoR sSaATURDAY Combittations in fine nainsook ‘kKmit mercerized silk â€" balpriggans, French and English _ Cashmere and Natutal Wool, 75¢c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and.wz A Live Furnishing ... > ." Depk. _ . â€".~ 100 dozen Men* buibriggan Und>~~, wear, well made, porfect fitting â€"gonâ€" mests, .in.â€"fine qualit¢/summer w-#» tegular 45¢c. Sale Price ... @806 Moneyâ€"saving opportunities all.over the store. It‘s trfe‘i% j Amportant sale for many a day. â€" â€" _ _ _ Twoâ€"piece suits also, in G6sa * w« terial. dfo peraaliai ze 4 § It is supposed‘~ that he wu‘:::: out on the Bréslau road and. had, bet looked after by a farmer Wwho ‘bBrought d {into the city: w $ /0 weribers > of the family . tdtat) ‘for: the ‘assistance ‘ rendéred: *%he police and friends in mg for their missing father. 9 " The aged. man ‘had, been â€"â€" missing #tmce Thursday evening â€"and > when: «sked where he had been was unable to cive his family any (idea of his Wanderige .0 28% 2Uuk 380 a0 k) p While a number of the police,‘ eme ployes® of _Metcalfe‘&> Co., ‘friends ‘of the ‘family and ‘Boy ‘Scouts, _ under the ditectiOn of «Chiet O‘Neill, : were m seafch of Mr. J. Heyd, Berlin, on Ffiday alternoon, me returned to his home on David St., completely exâ€" hausted, ‘about four o‘clock, u3 "The sad intéellicence has been : re ceived‘ in .Berlin*by < ~Mr. Robert Campbell, Cedar street; north, of the noath of his .mother which took place in Scotland last week after a brief iliness. Th dedeased Was also â€"th* mpther of Mrs, (Capt.) Blanev, formâ€" ttly of Berlin, . who was: at her. hedâ€" ut at th> timeâ€"of: her â€"death, n; late Mrs.â€"Camppell visited in thacity some tinwe ~*o and made a â€" numbet DIED IN SCOTLAND of friends who will regret to hear 0f Warm â€"Weather Underwear .â€" Men‘s Suits iA N e h .Â¥ ie «€** z . f { y | .. S 9B in t en t * Sribaain ~a % ho ds rAalitid | 408 ao PP 1 1DE) ds M COME SATURDAY AND PROFIT BY THEM. | $5.95 16.80 ";flfll Men‘s Highâ€"Grade Shirts, reâ€" presenting the ‘very cream of «‘anaâ€" da‘s Jeading manufacturers. This lot {l-cludn all the new. patterns and.colâ€" ors, figures, stripes and bars, | r6g. $1.00 and $1.25. Sale Price ..... 96¢ Greatest Event : the season in Mens High:Grade Skirts shirt that ipon,; alw ay on Sale at Tt is detidedly worth your while to get some 6f * these in allâ€"the new Tamy‘ o&c“,‘muht«â€"w? Sale Prite *........ ........2. /s.. «. Lo Charge of .Serving _ Liquor to '&'m Under 21 Heard ~Méeorg@..Bchmidt, proprietor of the 4irand Union. Hotel, Bert Alles, and War Brew were charged in Police Cbutt, Momday . morping â€" with selling liquor to a ininor, who. happened to be @ young girl of 15 years of age. m.mvm were otdeted, the girls y. ‘wine. The 15â€"year«cld girlsstated that a third round: was ordored, all of the ury taking besr. Latér in â€"the aft the girls met Brew »and another young} man : ;nd went into the Grand Union and had another»glass of 'ï¬â€˜ï¬n after which the girls joined the first . pair â€" of young mep and went to Preston,. MADE THE GIRL DIZZY i4 mmn Men‘s Trousers , extreméely stylish, well cut trousers .wï¬c' worsteds and tweeds, as fine as yow can find anywhere ; pants M'Mï¬ ievery whete for ©$8:00,. we offer at this sale for ... ... .. .. S.. 31‘98 â€"~~Notody ever saw a pair of trousers to ‘equal these that soldâ€"for less tMan from $35 to $4.50. Come andsse them and note the style and the SElendid way they are tdilored. You can get a pair at this sale s2‘95 â€"‘Witnesw»"No, but.we tse out Judg ment. .When Jadies are setved . we genorallygive a lighter wine.‘} called again next Friday. wMr. Grogory asked for an> adjournâ€" mebt..in order that the wine â€" could be â€"Analyzed .and Ahe case » will â€"â€" be _ 112 pairs of McA‘s Pants, positive‘ ly"made to sell at $1.50 .d'i!,se;zg big_vartety to choose from, made of serviceable, good _ looking tw The suap of your life at the price WO "HM@M6 ... sl...... 0. s‘ l’ f t& 1 f higy ~W e P t ypielst .4 .~ 4. They. areâ€"broken lines of fine (ra venâ€"ttés in dark grey and fine Burpetâ€" ette cloth in shades of fawn ahd olive, single breasted style, sizes in the lot 35 to 46. Regular $8.00 to $19.â€"00. Sale Price ...... ... . ‘5 95 AP on nepcins it To s S e Made. in black and striped mater Js,. a strongly _ made, serviceable irt that will wash and wear like of,; always sold for 50c. and _ 65¢., 25c. AND 35¢; MEN‘S FANCY Men‘s Working Shirts hi ol oc n ie e i t it i Hose17¢ in Police Court Men‘s Rain Coats $5.95 Men‘s Trousers 400 pairs Men‘s Box. Calf . . Aia vigl td * _ Boots, bltcher out, medium lu;{. solid _ _ leather soles, «‘sizes 6 To‘ regular $3.00. ‘Shle Price !... ...}l.’_‘ +800 pairs Men‘s High Grade Goodâ€" year Welted Boots and Oxfords, ‘ in patent colt.. box calf and vici . kid, leathers,blucher ‘style, wide, mediam and narrow, single .&mn sole infMact n ‘style for every eye ; u& 5J to 10, . regular .. $4.00 .to $5.00. Sale Price ... ... ....... ©.08 All neat designs _ and np-toâ€"datg patterns, ‘reg@lar 20c. amd 25c¢., â€"on BAG KB ... oclciman carrinss csiccs // s 10 ~Men‘s and Women‘s Umbrellas with woot, mixed *‘ covers, neatly mounted and showing a firns ramge of handies. Reqular : $1,00 â€"andâ€"$1.25, Sale Price oo xoi ho. @;:miu:‘:’-’f]g,’u Men‘s Wash Ties Men‘s â€" Neckwear in the season‘s bows, recularâ€"50¢. _Sale price : 250 Are Your : Buildings .. Insured? Lightning was the causo 01 66)}i4 per cont. of all patn ¢lamtis settJed. in 12 years py 40 Companies: in Ontario. Had these. . beon properly equipped. with Lightning Rods the loss wovuld bave . been oneâ€"tenth of one Per cent. of hat it was. t oX m P You and your neighpors. really .pay the losses. ; Ih*, Company just collects ‘Irom you and dis purses the ‘money: they. gather ".Q you. They are your trustoes.~ You â€"and your neighbors are inste« int Â¥ou ‘snd: you ate helping to insure them. â€" i2 C s Prof. â€"Day, of the O.A.C., alter 13 years of uvuflgdm'fly ;::;,g;tu.evmn,m worth of damagze done to mf&:.:- iby ‘Tightning ©$909 would | be saved‘ it thise buillings wore proâ€" mw:;‘ cents would hire mIM instead ; ;,M £+ 14 048 t S Uo t Cipon lt ';. THE LBSs Your COMPANY. LosES THEB LBSS I% nave ro PAy. W teAyT y ; 1.E It. williPey: you if you rod. Tt will, pay # your neighnorrods. Talk it over with him and teli him what we say: AtE sA We would like to send you â€"otr .Catalog, and will 'Mfl _A _Poli¢y in.a good .Comany..is most iniportant. . The C Y INSURRS YOU against loss, . ‘What .:are you doing to INS YOUR ~COMPANY agdinst losguon YOUR BUILDINGS ? ;. W THE UNIVERSAL LIGHTNING ROD COMPANY Makers of the Rod wt0#Â¥R&NW6¢kâ€"Jdmt, â€" HESPELER, ONT tds 4 250 Boys: Double Breasted Bk !smu in serviceable tweeds l:g" and medium ‘grey and brown bk pants, with. strap and buckle at sizei® ~ 24° ~to 28. . regular $5â€" 250 pairs Won«n‘s Fime B ,m < fords. pluch:r cut, patent toe * exttrsion sole. â€"and Cubat heel neat fitting shoe which will give went, sizes 2} to 1, ,«A-if' .826 pairs â€" Women‘s ~h % Pulss, in‘ patent, colt and ghn style, it ~Goodyearâ€" Welt and fiexible turn soles, perfect ,\ respect, sites 24 to ‘7, regular amd $3.50.. Sale Price ... ... 2 Women‘s Boots, ‘new stylish«s in vic} kid with dull kid tops, 1 toes and Cuban heels, -1-;5 regular® $2,00 to $2.60. Sale : ‘Gitls‘ Shoes, button and bl styles, well made and serviceat gular $1.50. SAle Price ... ... Boys‘ Boots in all nth léachers, splendidly made weig rough wear as wellâ€"as> weigh! best and Sunday ; sizes 11, 12, 2, 3, 4, and 5, regular.$2.00 to Sale : PriCe ... .s. ow maa ani ‘Misses‘ Boots, a lutge and . assortnient in all weights and ers,> every ‘atyle ‘and size to from,‘sizes 11â€"to ‘2, !Oglfllt!& $2.00. Sale Prige ... <~..0ul Mothers® you ate ‘the financial 4 ister of the Home. Youanlgq bahneeonthatlm:‘fleihqif;A the toyâ€" along. 42â€"\ ec y Mn en 200 . Eoys‘ Suits, Norfolk Bloo Suits, made ‘ from: imported 81 finish, grey andâ€"prown tw 3 fitting â€" strap > afllhï¬'ï¬ c sires 29 to 34,,. regular $6.50 $7.00. Sale Price ; ... . .. m Don‘t: ‘Miss Clothing Ba ARE INCLUDED IN _ SLAUGHTER. Y THE SHOE Sale .Price