is Merner ané Gastner of â€" Sepâ€" e, retupned hony yesterday alâ€" Bitimz friends here. lisses Puddicombe spent toâ€"day ricnds in Avr. â€" _ 3*. Fleming Fraser and son returnod to their home in :*.;,_4 N.J., after a month‘s ith relatives here. K. L. Sutherland is in Brantâ€" r}#t of har sister, . Mrs. id Mrs. Ezra Bechtel and chil ] Gitmat ‘and children sDCBt Saturday with . Barker. | Mrs. Murray of ‘Bricht wete Rflm H. Schultz spent. the «with friends in Bridgeport. ind Mrs. Wilkihson ‘of Detroit, f ing a Vacation at the w , ~Mr. and Mrs. Henty of the latter‘s mother Mrs. last week. rgan Wilhelm who bas been ¢ in Napiersville IN., ome Saturday night for the M Items of Interest.â€"Mr. Fred Kt end family left Sunday . to | a week‘s vacation in Tavistock: ‘Rd:. Kochler was a visitor . to o@ * on â€" Thursday.â€"Miss Herâ€" ‘Roester spent the holiday with jend Mr. Otterbein at Waterloo. P }(cmy to report Mrs. Frank jarney Lant: of FElmira spent f under the parental roof. * Grace Strome of New Market nding a vacation at hor tbome . Fd. Berlet and son Arthur of «s â€" are sbendinge a few ~ days frienis and relatives here.~ »Merb Lactnr of Hawkesville, Sunday with Mrs, G. @. Manâ€" re spending a lew days at ef‘s home here. â€" da‘ _$W0 years, removed | Mrs. J. M. Brubschet \ and & of Elmira, are the guests of "{" ‘of Toronto, formperty ?; Hamburg Mig. â€" Co., _?5’ last week. felwa Gies, of St. Jacobs, Aew days last week with Mrs. irnst Franke and Miss Hilda mj friends in ~Bright. on Alez. Rennie and Mrs. Secord a few: days of this week °with irmer‘s son in Listowel. ‘_ ‘ MeNichol of Gait has been ¢nâ€" @S tailor at L. A. Heimlet‘s. hore ‘,hel,dawicnicon the Walâ€" Bats, Saturday. All report _ good time. ‘Agron Schneider and sister of, ,; nt. Sunday with Mr. . and denty D. Schiuter. ; Jo ln'li Friedmam ot Brookâ€" ,“;“ is spending a vacation at eter | Pollock and family ot! ; ht Sunday with Mr. Parsill. # ‘Vera Cook of Bridgeport spent gek end »with her: sister â€" Mrs. i Schlater., _ * _** it Mrs. Alf. Moyer of Pitlsâ€" .3}‘,&' mt a few days ol last / "Bites. ®.â€"wW. Collins and L. B.:Fich ..aed Mr. Norman wh slope + *&‘.‘F’v; w m s“ ;Tr,.. iinentiay last., . ... . c arack and. ’:‘?“ .M‘ ~ until miduight, Saturday Ts !‘“ ?ï¬;»n«y- son, Han 3 charge. . Miss Frieda will &y-hlm‘ï¬-o.utb â€" and Mrs. Wiesle. a fcLean ‘of. Penetang is spend ton. <th. friends . _inâ€" and ‘s Nicinity» 6 {with the the guests of Berlin {riends r’“ * Auseustine of ‘A rkona a few days with Mts, A n Tiarron of Mi} hb Hunday with Mr. Geo eB "{h. O‘ Neils of Elmira . spent i Miss Cene H-“‘m. â€"of. the 6t. acation. M lin is ig S Rebig uy / s Steiss~dlffet it. Sunday with M Mre. W Hamburg ‘ ‘Coote â€" of \Crosshil1, days with Migs Mellic Jn w who has been visâ€" Walton bas returned there was big ‘trip to Goder ;. _ and their c zons to loâ€" Fert Wayne adf ie al, ns * Jn ids Loks .4 BX 'â€";‘â€"v e nt»â€". Eue oo w':Js y (wi JW‘ a business :y i g‘: 7 ’)ï¬ e .. a.. ‘# » P# , and | in Beck , were in fimnâ€" los, are the pt _ the nek the Bantisk Missps Bock in Jarvie stI0th. ... __;__ équen t]y 1 Ne on e e laiter‘s sister, Mro.. Sylves â€" at présent. â€"Mr. . Anson Kramp‘ 1 for bis. howe &t Hafber ag$tSf a ‘E"T‘.\:’J ‘ I 0 t r. and Mrs* Hear; "range‘s were, ‘%’vï¬q C ‘ enc 4 30â€" Lerch.â€"Mr. m Na *“‘:?: \ â€"Mr, . Â¥ m & is fll“ NMr. and Mrs. James 1 3 f Preston at Present.â€"Mr. gnd. llq .John Schiedel of Berlin, Mr.. and Mis. Mcnao , .. Mr. Joho . B s and â€"Mr. Allan: Schiedel,, "Mre/ & Mrs. Jac n aye Mr. 30& m I E Lorne Gimbel spent Sunday with Mr. Jack _ Kanmachor.â€"Miss . Jeslive (i:umet-‘md m‘:& Woolnér ‘#iss ibed Miss Vera G on Sunday.â€" NMr. and Mrs. Tilmon Wolfé of _ Bite Lake and.Mr. Brooks of Cayuge spent Sunday â€"with‘ Mr./ and. Mrs. Ivester Prange.â€"Messts, Miltort Kuï¬. W» non Nabrgang, and Herbert Krueger, Ivisited Mr. and Mrs.. Charlss\Wagner on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. 1&*’ der and family and Mrs, Bricker atâ€" tended the funeral of Mr. Jacop Boch tel at Waterlod® on Saturday." . * _ “smed.-'w, t m'zh cn= of .. Mr, Tlenty Prange‘s Y k ~was severéely kicked by ano\hlm The Â¥veterinaty surgeon _ â€"was , . and the wound required sixtéon ( gtitcl ~Mr. Wm. Sareeant visited Mr. and Mre. Gus. Weidenham.mer_last week. The mower is m;‘;lflm‘,mn.q this neighborhood. â€"Mrs.. Jesse Snydâ€" er of Berlin, is ;pe-dm some, 1 with her sous,, Mr. "fl? i } 1. _B. Snyder, also other acquaititay colâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Irwin © of Freeport visited at the home of Mr. Irwin Saydor, on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Smyder and Mr. 'J,fl‘:pl_} bach attended the barn taising . of Mr. Addison Snyder, near Elmira on Saturday afternoon â€"Miss |, Brandt, nurse, who has been M lï¬* Bowinan returned . to _ the Gueiph G. Hosvital on Tuesday. Jast. , We _ ate C recovery Successful Picnic.â€"On, _s;m:d.: alâ€" ternoon the L\mn Church _ _ and Sunday School, amvpgflc'o‘t Mr. Gerth‘s lawn. On this 0 ) the .members of th3 . ch : presé their Pastor, Rev. Mr. Reble, with a purselof gold and in a well worded adâ€" 1!’2!8 thanked him â€" for the splendid work be had carried on s0. Amu'h‘-:g ing the past few years. ¢ .’xen vety much by _ surprise, Rev. Nr. Reble made an .mmm and hoped be weuld pe: ahle to sont Ye his work hwre. ‘The afternoon was apent in games, races ete. 'n.m s of the church thank Mr. . rtily for his generosity in allowâ€" â€" the use. of his dawn. . 117. X "m( AA , A.;. o is . "A9st Sad Death.â€"On, Saturday alternoon tito Han, . who had been ‘operated wipoh for appendicitisâ€"passed ‘to â€" the great heyond.© Otto, was _ a . yOUDE maknâ€"of â€" 1 disrosition and . his déath ; cams -,:m m; *to ::; ‘ y .. He 8 0 , hy and .&‘?«W‘anm ybch sÂ¥mpathy â€"is! mxtendrd to, , the . family .. Jn . . thoir . bereaveâ€" m d wis id Em & i 7 + t e o NnX Ricraince n and Queéen with thoit literatore . at no services. were. beld, in the Haptist Th 3 J nath of North Whilte ford. Shsk., is the guest of Sémator Mr3,, J. E. ,] n ui’.,"m (Continued on Page $, Bresiaun = Floradale Linwood )8) ceived the Shick Opcustcd o2 tith taguily Sesideridiel ".. F‘ LODIRy .2 ...,.r-. ::l J on s uo ew Yépse, hastily followed: by a Pompl cation ol diseases,. ly dewe lito & Cancerous grof#lh, whichâ€"® the immediate cause of dexth: .. ‘ Lutz who was .numth lel Luts, was soative of We 83 nty, being boitn at apte, .. on e napse ts‘ marriage to h. nider ol s ’ %fli"’fu ) farming | ik Ble 8 i“l â€" £ Â¥ ® w (Fears later ‘m to. Cale Q-fl. Mich,, where he also very slicâ€" cesstully cnzaged ‘in farming, .. @94 whilst retiring from. active farm dut ies.some yeats ago,. l# .still continuâ€" resided on. the farm. ; Though a i e stt aone 5 rwice, he. ever .took .a . deep, 2 CEE: . dst im the aflairs of. his ative coun try. and always kept well posted. .0 Canadion curgeht events, ‘abd in . (he ye ‘ot‘l!".p.nt!nur-‘ mt â€" the swnmer months here, in yisiting. e e t s« ‘sutvived . by a sorfowiDG )(E as) @ n + C 4!"l:unvuriou-!m m}ot the inich and the Cabadias Northwest, I ‘of whom ‘have the sincerest sym> thy ‘of: their many relatives . . and mfl,i.. s e a se = on3 , Mss Alberta Shorman, gave a jolly dicnic party on Dominion Day,. _ to g‘out two score of her young | lady and m?ivbvm trigpds. 1‘# afternoon was spent aloug theiriter in games and alter a wkiul@;-inpperf. served pn ihe lavn, an en‘ovable danze . was 1t fins prowtam of entertainment» and #4 the ¢lo«s 5. novuntiful suphet was Servâ€" ed.â€"Th> Misses Grac~ and Vargaret pepweilâ€"r visited Blait ftit®is ... On Sunday News Ikmâ€"ml-lgï¬u Foote of, (aly spent a fow, days in; the, village: E\lfues M. and T. Dahmer spent the‘ holiday with relatives.â€"Mr. F. Batnâ€" bardt ard Mr. A, Hamm of Stratford gpent the latter xn of . the: _ week with relatives.â€"Mrs. . of Milverâ€" fon is visiting her son,‘ M.. Loch; ’&mmï¬rs.‘f( has. "% WNQ‘ f y in | ton.â€"~Mt . W. of I"rqï¬: w{ Mr.. w-%mk Gait, were Sunday: Â¥isitors . it home_of Mr. Chas.. Readsr.â€"Mr. NMrs. Alexander af “rqrn: were "the guests of Mf. J. T Huber:for a few &l‘ys last : week.â€"Mr.. and. MrS, . A., an spent Sunday in Aberdcen â€" Miss Salomé P&pm\v; was a holiâ€" day visitor . in Doon.~Mr. and , Mrs. iy. Schrum of Preston. spentâ€"the week z?d;itk relatives.â€"Misg, ;ei‘d; BHuter .Brantford. is, i g{h he’:zyuenm ?%‘Mu g Peine were Hamilton v & ~. last week.â€"Miss Daisy S%flï¬- ie it Midipmeng C t :ut.â€"Ay cwm,uwl Botial was E‘d under the ausp of Ahe â€" Doon resby terian . Wâ€"l‘q Minnic & ye her S. Sunday.class and k"&“l a picnic to, IdyIwi “": mss ntorday at. the Pmule-"‘i& 8&- §~'ql Doon inhluls‘ho!llni their picâ€" df our young prople motored up Fordwich last Sunday.. . § Twine Co al Items of Intereat.â€"Hay g. An: vmtehfly w:&lï¬ full . aw iths 'cf K Cm Achitae rars e « l mal wani it wl e â€" t.â€"Mrg ï¬mr«u & ded the funsral of the x on on who died in his. 17th year ‘ \.MN“ m“mw-& ; ami irg al § 4 y in arhaeiniscnta on .â€"Mrs. Cyrus, Hallman o Wt tew days ‘with ber sister, Mrts. Thoâ€" To o mat‘s Tok s ie I ‘m I Qï¬u Richimn last Sunday.â€"Mr. Asâ€" k: Wain of Rerlin spent Senday unâ€" ths rarental roof.â€"Quitr‘ a . few d our voln« prople motored up . ‘to ET.,..* rhold Doon. and has apted a position . with _ the Doon foim i pome tm e in on jon, in i . on > farty Ayres of Brantiord has moyéd reeport Williamsburg © e aed at faae (Bey sthers "a Tw peeks mote 8 ’exm zw'u 3-“-1» ection. ;3“ ‘are_ not -;;'â€- i nk manten io 4 B ï¬x [ .»m@%_ws in this Section Are alvertised for sale. This srction‘ redeives véery . favorable ‘comabent py visitors from other â€" secâ€" |ily, s io x + Tek Steint Efl + son, Carl, Mr. A. P. ses Nellie and !.mn‘m.'†iss Rdna and Mr. Elmet Wahbl, and Miss Amy Nebergall spent â€" Sunday with the former‘s . . gramdmo‘ber, Mrs. | Personals.â€"Mrs. and m‘ï¬g have returned after spendifg, a «ays.jn Toronto, a . the ng fiage of the fotmer‘s son Norman ,( to Miss Daisyâ€"L,. Lee, â€" which . oo place in St! Anne‘s Anglican 7 on._Jig> ($4th.â€"Misses Aberprombe C %m‘ ton spent a week. with Mr. d Mrs: mm:â€â€"qmuï¬ Ruth . and Reifa Hicks: of ‘Torento, â€" Are,; the yl!""‘“‘"",:""nm'c' w.â€"J. Steiss. rs. N. C.) E: r ate fl.‘ a few dn_n.ubn'm mothâ€" st, betore returning to thoir ho“?dti to.â€"Mr. abd Mrs,‘Engle iuï¬s thank i‘lle membets of the Paiâ€" t@ band:for th» a;Nendid . bv‘gm them the fig p“hz val _A those . w ‘: in W.Cï¬f't!iol wete, Mr. and ‘t’kï¬â€˜( ling and son Harvey, Master Harry Ziegler,â€" Mr. l-ml 2...‘111", Jatop Harl and daugh: t_Sylivia V., Miss Salome Schaetet, Wr. i 8e Albert Krauter," Mr. # . Fred Braendle and daughtet, t" and Mrs. A. L. Ehant: add famâ€" A decree of Salvador, dated _ May k,l"l&,, mhzo::taio:um :v‘::nmx count : of AOLâ€' in many ports of Salvadot, > agt ts L D eE C y Boog! ts Heidelberg 6 mt es Kabic, Marion and Rebecos â€" Bruâ€" batber of Elmita spent Senday with triends in town. CSÂ¥ .30 "pâ€" * %?k Glenallan spent Sunda Pre * ra < 1 ~ lsth.â€"] 7 : Tits" was a . aifor with Ham timew Tonhics by in e 3 g&m" P wore pides st 4 Wtings cnmnfertiant ..m' 'A“"_’.. Mt&um&'mu own. â€"Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Sqiuder . spent e: ')z'?fl! with friends in .. Mitâ€" .â€"Mr. and Mrs: Alfred _ Snyder "Ifamily Woods 0 gmm n&m &ma l-h‘?l? ,?i Toromto is visiting. at the home | of Nig, J. iwm King St.â€"Didn‘t heat . . newsâ€"an Elmira livery horse, the | day after ., the. election, evidently bad‘nt beard that th> . Bar rs‘ still; being polished â€" and. made : a live for around ‘the sbdckiof thÂ¥ hotel, breaking the harness and buggy . beâ€" tore it was stoppedâ€"Mrs. Moratâ€" ofâ€" NMildmay, is ‘ visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Welket, Isabelia St.â€"Mr. E. W. B. Snider has refurned from a trip. through . the West . and repPorts ag, and _ M $ ronfamie Jn " C â€" rs.. Von! . 4 Moneue ol Beriin, m Miller, ga.krlooh;e‘;:l the;;:u!o( Mr. uIa)d tg. A. Reitzel and <Mr. and Mr4. D. Koch on Dominion Pay.â€"TB .:dtel.' Aid held their mm‘ m're?lm_, at the home of. Mrs. Anson Brubacher, Cedat Grove," darm . Tuesday afterâ€" noon.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Blyth %ï¬â€œï¬em%'m: wgg o o e c N 9 eerdnaln * ~ P "Roliday with, . Trignds " in awxï¬tw%h "has .zoffe flsx."& -tl:. donio cmd oi _'!::h:l“ A‘L“.. @I Haps Cemetery . Wednesday afternoon. -)g. and Mrs., .Jobn S$. Weichel and Mrs. Jobn Ruppel Sr.. Elmira. galied on St. Jacobs‘ friends Monday afternoon.â€"Mesers. . Burrel], Peterson. ond Farl Snyvdér beined to make â€" uP th« 1400 cadets camning on Carling :":?ï¬?"'n Lond on.'"*‘hlu week.â€"Mt. llip Mover ahmioped ons nar Nr.‘J. Shider" ":in cars <bors m wrek. Nothine like vettin> thy grimtâ€" crs out‘ of. the: countty.â€"The" farmets ate making hav when the &n chinss, the "¢ crab‘ "* ie‘ rerort=d" short. â€"The ,tcl"&oq: ‘is" rerorted‘ â€" short. â€"The +@int>rs_ Are husy freahen‘ng Mr/Al Jt~dPnodâ€"t‘s An~ tesidance with _ a roat of naint.â€"The . «lorions twallth is en ‘Né:'p" byt the oranâ€"a lillies »ra not yere numerotvs jn" obf hifeâ€"â€" Atr. aed Mrg., Iacon H. Winkler, Waâ€" tâ€"flno. wisited, frierd« in to=n Thes d;v..-ilr. and . \ts. Cnohr, t Tuesâ€" zv for Waterlco â€" whore they. bave e a . nien homs.â€"Miss . \Tirl# ellar, . ~galtralpdv in F. F, Welver‘n atrre |~, enjovine a wonk‘s. vacation â€" \Id Ontat‘a |, is â€" abrieh®tâ€"it‘k oo )‘ shaprty in the wint"r ond doat knowe jby etante hat in the anmmer. $9 in 4~“"Â¥ etwrin 4n #4A s â€"â€"M}cctq Ada _ and Arge Snidet ate eninvin~ a fow wooeks at" Cha=tavara Lake. N.Y. * ‘Tha Chronicl=â€"Telegraph annual erâ€" chrsion is growing bigget and mote IMtâ€"restin» av=rv wear, . Rememhet the date Aug. #th, and be mfl the great annual ont=~ to F *A John Pesatson was drownad in | the Lake of the Wands while bathing. IAberals in Weat Kent will ask for tecount in the recent elections. ET LKE > â€"Mfr,‘* and". Mrs, Walter Stork ‘flw i d 3 ;_‘!‘ _',,:1 " jupday â€"Mr.° Joabpi / * apent "‘{\. w-‘;}fï¬-;z'?* t ones s) hy é * â€" eRYOY _,,,_'.. f 'P.‘a_;’.“ N ’n h "‘ + 4“’ + '-‘A\A,’ s ‘,:‘ " ‘x‘ mm ty & l + *.‘;;g,,,“ï¬,,,,g" sJoh‘ ‘of the â€" APmekt .A00t. PoBME:; Job: ‘of ‘‘thie state on July . 1ntâ€" M Louis Hubr was nees visitor to Ber ies ‘ we *- _v.-‘-x__h, A. ‘" f ‘Th‘ Te) .&n, .. YA * ak om hote.â€" inz ‘rungway .â€"A of : horses , be: W Mr. ‘Barlett of Linwood were Je io sn old post: 16 front * of the © , W the | anibials became frightened arid tore The post out . of thï¬p’dgm ed up the street with the post.. The bi . tached jin front. of the hotel,, but, the 'ian continued running ‘atout a nvle further, when they tfl% IQW post and were h, . U a _ sboPp.â€" Nr. F. 8..Sn1n‘m§j\fed M,a.ho-‘eh)ld effecte into Mr. Jacop Bricker‘s house last Tuesday.~â€"‘‘There‘s going to be ors ‘dufing the election . "campaighâ€"". was a landslide, : _ “.;i;‘ uv the speakers failed to got out . from pint Wtiaecs Virs mnd Lowrse Hulr g._lmt a week witk their sister: at terloo.â€"Messrs. Ear] Bullock, Siâ€" 3:0 mm::;dm and :‘)!r:in Striâ€" t of Linwood,, spent. Suntlay in the viltage. â€"Mr. Hd:r.;. Huber of %’:{u“f lon spent gunday at bis home: here.â€". Miss FEmma Lackanr spent a~> {ew" days at Listowel. last weoek. s News Items.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wn. T; Sheater ‘visited tor a few days last Week, with friends at. Nelson. â€"Sherift -)-lifn Magwood and family _ of Stratford_ motored out on Saturday, »nd spent 4%.%:."«: at the home 3 the ?u I‘s ,qurow. ‘Mr. R‘obq;: Mazwoâ€"d.â€"Mt. . John . Schmidt _ _ . U Piate Pad, t mintortive us bae fils: anide fractifed while playing foot thvar frew Moiiton taat . Fridey o. ¢leven. from Monkton : Friday evâ€" ening.â€"The. annyal . Garden ... Parts. id under the auspices of _ Grace ‘l!lf.’,m“h.ï¬. Jaly m‘.n"’ll ;: ual, a dvcided success.‘. A t fllmo?ï¬;‘ towns and Villages were well reptesented, =and: an.;* enjoyable time was spent py‘ everyofieâ€"Mr. and Mrs.\ Jas.> Maybetry â€"spent" the week end with friends in Trowbridge. â€"We are. sorty |to chromicle‘ the {death â€"of Mr, . Micha=] Opper, ; which® gocurred last Tuesday. .A sorrowing wife, and grown, up family of five. sonSs: * and two daughters surtive.‘ The : family have the sincere. sympathy. of~â€" the community i~ their pereavement.â€"Mr. NMoses Po)p hold am;y'.m;:uu«l batn raising on Wednesday: Jast â€"Mr, William _ Rithardson, ~our poptular Macksmith,~spent the 18t.â€" in London. vgend Sthe ces wiit "Homey 2s s ‘dufing m"fmo- "Mt POOLE Cdrg 1 Arâ€" Guelph ; and ~ Miss " Ruby Webb of Giteiph, :spent .a couple n!yï¬yg’n‘ . home. of . Mrs, W'lltqjgh."} 3 and Mrs. Von and son i ’l‘vdr*?‘ spent a few days with Mr. ond Mts J. Pringle.â€"Mrs.. James Cleghorn itâ€" vited a few in to. an old time * rag bee one day last week â€"The Misses. Reta Martin‘of Toronto, Ruby Webp of Guelph, and Ruth and Helen Bryâ€" don spent Thursday afternoon , w1 Miss Olive Taylor.â€"Messrs. net and Dawson of Gueiph took ‘charge of the service held at the churth Sunday evening last.â€"Miss â€"* Jï¬ Brohman of Hespeler: 20“&1 the weel end with her mother.â€"Miss E. Snodâ€" grass of CGuelph lspvi'tfthq' ‘friends here.â€"Miss Jean Bryden. is ‘spend a few days with ne:'d:éndhwtml:! Nr. John Walet spoht Saturday,. .in Berlin Good . Baking Qualities of Personal ‘Items.â€"Mr nred o+ all who use it. Sold : by all . up: toâ€"date grocers WM. SNIDER,; OCEAN FLOUR: Flour Mills Waterloo Phone No. 239 Ask the one who knows Mosbora