rflâ€"‘MEEEEEE ADVERTISEMENTS [iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiit)tttff "rt-r - " _ l .agva you ANYTHQIG TO SELL? l " _ _ t, tltlilllCllli, Tho undetsigned offers tor sate his Valuable lawn situated 4 miles west at Wautioo. Lot No. 42--contaiNug '" acres, 32 acres in good bush (20 acres ut which will be sold separate ly it desired),. Land all under good “ate ot cuitivation. Good house and Milk ham and all nrcesgary outbuild- Ilgs. Good supply of water. Also Boo cedar posts-Apply to JOSEPH BISH, Waterloo. FOR SALE AT LINWOOD V. R. Harlot is onerinx his welt located property, containing a store 5nd dwelling combined, an extra dwelling. a good barn and garden. I splendid opportunity tur any kind 0! business. V. R. Berlet. B-tr. A calf is at'lny- Farm, .n- anl halt nvi1es north west of SUM-w having; strnyrll there. The Mun-w get. same try paying costs 4nd t be able to identify same. Wiping Hogs Wanted It w§uensmm can. Station. Btem- to: ulimim._ - _ -iurGi' market price paid. Loud "or! second Tueaday. Next shipment June 30th. C. C. DIEFENRACHER Number unlimited. llighrst market price paid. Next shipment Wednesday June 24th. womuoon B§o6otoÂ¥ \l w . >4 . . A? b . “sunny. onq filly, ti';)til'i)ttll'it Prlee. The " layers Assocnuion at Jun“) County 'BBE LABOR BUREAI‘ " King St West. Berlin '0 have Vlt‘nm‘i's Gr mm and wo In" in all linu ot wnrk " you " on M mnplovvwnt mnunumrau- with I " one. No charge for "am" In of unit-u tenor-I. I“ , .agvz- YOU ANY-11mm TO BELL, l _ A HAVE you LOST on POUND ANYTHING! DO YOU WANT WORK? ll w. dunno yout "wanu' CwtoN"vwrE1LEORAPH. wneawo. . . IT names RESULTS. R;teo oys npplicption. Hogs Wanted _ AT BADEN Farm tor Sale ' Home made Sausages, the best on the market. 5J3 ' , ' mm... (ynir,,i,re,',f, .rr0'6hit6t_ rlnelulln IIDICIII cannula“ SUMMER SCHOOL JULY I“ AINDUCT a G. Y. (MOVE. Ragnar. mayâ€. Ont. "ro-ooo-oe-ro"'", We have aha, reputation of T turning out the finest meats. 4 I (some here for your next or er. EDGARmSCHER Sum: to J. B. File."- "on. I“. Proprlemt. Calf Strayed Clemens Hunsberger MEAT MARKET FOR SALE Seasou9l4. XN'umxv nrsrn, St. Pigments. 8-tt allow! ROASTS Beef. Pork' Lamp, Etc. KINGSTON, ONTARIO T "PLtEtt .CI‘ICI t'l8s, _ -- 195129 'le, A Robert Furwell iti6 B K ly,, ' I‘ll dag. 15!. A hu TIIE LEADING UNIVERSITY NT WORK? " m. dunno The Arts Conn: may be Univ“ hy connpuu deue. but sunk-nu desiring to Ind-mt: mint attead ont- "lgi'tpa'au, HOM E STUDY ee oOo‘o‘oi “no uh , (“Jul HALIBURTOH MIKE Leave our stable at David Gimbel's lug-slant, proceed by way at Bres- luu lo siart Irar"s, New Germany, fur noun, thence along town line to Julm 1terner's lor night. _ Tuesday morning plain-ed to Com, mercial Hotel. Hespeler, {or noun, thence iw way ut Kossuth to own stable for night, where he will re- main until Thursday morning. Thursday morning haves his own' sta1rhe by way oi Kreeport to Bliir‘ Hutelior noon. then proceeds tol Dun: Hotel tor, night. _ Friday morning proceeds to Lean- der Snyder's, German Mills, for noon and thence to Market Hotel, Berlin, for night, where he “ill remain until Saturday noon, thence to f his own stable, where he remains until Mon- day morning. To insure a mare in ioal $13.99, payable Petr. m, 1915. Parties try- ing their mares and not returning them regurirly to the horse or dis- posing of them before (nailing, will be held responsible for lee, whether the mares are in. foal or not. All Lm-rillcnts at owaor's risk. f DAVID GIMBEL. Breslan. GEO. TRUSSLER. Berlin. .A. D. HALLMAN, Berlin. SANDY MAY. Groom. “This rout; will continue throughout the season, health and weather per- mitting. f _ A fine, pedigreed stallion bred from the best of sires. ti. ilk S. WATERLOO F. I. ANNUAL- To the Guelph Ir A. C. . Tuesday, June 23rd, 1914 Elmira -.rr-.r'* _.'. St. Jacobs .___ Fre "cidetberg ... ... Waterloo Ftr" _..' _ . New Hamburg Ttrr Mauls-n _,r'-. Vivre V. Pirslrurg _.... _ .. Merl-m "_-'.'-. l . . "rptila" . _.. ., _ Brmuhtun l ___. V Hull _ _ H _ Preston -.__-. 'err"'"" i I Iosiu‘ll-r l VIIILnRIix otef unis H\l.l" RH†Irorkine 'VV .. _ H _... -.. .95 Lin'n d ., H l _ ., .8a Ball mm" V ..., _ C., my l-Ilmim _ wr-e. -.r.".r. ..-.r. .55 Wrst 1trnrsrose .. . ._ _ Ar, 1hildrcn Half Farr. Fre. l.nnrll nu arrival. Guides tmullwt pvursicnism an†thr farm. SIN-rm] Proaraumte for thr Iaulivs. Sour. muru-rlmnl\ to sec the mprrivmn'nl farm in full npsruliun. Ttsts Iunld.n:s Sim-r lost your. A proutarl:' and In an ahh. trip. It .',, oouv,ras, SN"). 8111. Waterloo, Illm Hahn, Srr'y, Nth. “hurl-m. 2PM. “..nr d.--yft m cutters all wonvm's fine 1vor's Th, \hwlfh- Slum Co, “alum! st, 6 In It. ELECTIONS IN MANITOBA JULY 10TH SI tisunutr ', .lunr tr, m-it'art. I'rrss,)- Sir limlm-vml Ilnhhn In nn address at human Inst "nun annourwedthat .Ilm I'l-v\|m..|l rlrruiun‘x “HI hr hrlul Midas. .luh Imh, Ile said hr had no [our nl the mum and predicted out oi Invlv mar tnettthers In the 1.eg- is1aiuw Mu or ttlore “mild be " Iunml m hm summit. V. l'. It. lining lh- Rwular Train Iran": llurkin: KAN: am. G. T. It. Time Table and Fares. . t Time. Fares. mira .. ...r-* _. . tFV 7.35 .55 Inn-ls B... . 7.41 .55 Route : Terms EXCURSION r'PeNr'ee"'reT _ .." ve I T . -." {:ng‘rl _.". ' t . Ci: . " - “-4 :" rl'?, (if: 75%;"? Pr a; 5?"i". , 7-."- ‘5‘ 'rt ~W‘L75 ":?'M,',"'r. . _ 8.05 8.20 K3†8.30 . K.†_ 3.50 H.713 and with! 7.35 7.†7. " “Jill 7.50 'irrfi' '1' Z‘WATERLOO Eibiiti1i/ INCREASED Fares .95 _ .85 .7" F . .55 Ar, .15 .70 A?) 5h 85 7n \ ' - . . The tenure at in 3min: a; Mile] Ttgre' a?†and ot the County Council y V use a It V 'ra.u-Gal I wa, 't,ttter',1tt1' or P" mm at :3: tgorettll,'l flt" 2Ut the, Faytaliaation Committee, which ASW, {53" Hamburg .875, Elmira “as the toitie ot discussion Tuesday .868. In making this ultimate new ant-moon. The commune secured not taken into eoetrideraUttet the the assistance ot Mr. J. M. Scully in tupautttcturips properties. the "Bemb- arriving at a hash: oi an equal as-. ments of which. in most instances ‘sessmeut for all the urban numieip+ are governed by try-laws or resolu- ‘lmes. The assessments otualt and tions ot the Council. which " the Preston are increaxwd considerably, amount ot such assessments gt. sums while Waterlod's is slightly increased. which bear no relation to their an All the members were present when Lual valm‘; , 1 11 Il.! Warden Robertson took the chair. Amunnnt Renort. 12 From the Deputy Miaistersot Edu- cation, stating lint the Legislative Grant for this County for equipment and .accouuuodation ot rural schools will be $1113.17, and asking m (:uan'il to levy tor an equivalent sum. [ â€From the Clerk of the County at Hum-rm with copy at a resolution in regard to taxing tyoter vehicles. From the Guelph Coltegiate Instr tub: with statement of liability lur Waterloo County pupils, amounting ll) $128.00. Vim)“. k. J. iieaamoui, Clerk of the County Court, asking to he pr? nded will. a typewriter. .- ‘ “Fan“ the Ontario Prosincial Wiri- ter Pair. asking for a Fratyt: _ From Sheri" Lackner, asking lot a typmrriter In! his other. Asspssmcnts Examined. County Auditor J. M. Scully, ‘who was appointed by the Equalization Committee to examine the Assess- meat rolls for uh year 1913 of ail (the urban municipalities in the coun- [ty reported having compared the values, set down in assessment rolls, of such properties as have been re- cently sold and conveyed, and toumtl Irtmicipatity. Tp. Waterloo _.. .‘ Tp. Itauot er.rtr.P. Tp. Weilesley m...... Tp. Woolwich .' Tp. N. Dumfries _ Town of Galt _..... Town of Waterloo ‘Town oi Preston gIla-spider .t..r..t. -.r_ New Hamburg ....r ll‘llmil'a‘, ...'. e..trm' iArr ..,PrP... ..r'.. .... Conununicalions Tp, of Waterh Tir. of Wilmot Tp. oi .Welk-s]: Tp. " Woolwic Tp. of North Gait __......-... . Waterloo -e..er.ev Preston .rr'"' .. llespolcr te.rr..P. New Hamburg Ayr ... .. ..- Elmira ..a_r'". . The following hy-laws were intro dun-d and given their first and tasp ond reading:--To equalize the assess- "wnts; to provide for certain current, and necessary oxponsrs; to"jaise an equivalent to the portion of the law 'c:lstive grant for équiplmnt and ac- ormmodatiorr at rural, public and sep- arate sehools nf the county'; to make grants to incorporated si!lagrs for the imprm'cnwnt of highways", to rMse a mun of money to be 'rxpnhlcd under thi- provisions of the Act " the Improvement of Highways. Total "---------'-_r.i.eu--.aL---" {-‘V-§ gt. , ‘- 4. - 't .J-_ - ___ - - _ ci.ee-tu _ " - --F___ . El, 'EriBepb>, ".shrs T (Continued on page 2. ‘Col. 3 I‘.‘"-_ ii7iiir6iiiriiii ' i"iih5rii'G" at out; and of Watrrloi, m.. .. .. of Wilmot .- ...'... ..- oiNelleslry ptF.t.w-. ut Woolwich ... H ... of North Dumfries in -laws Introduced. w'ere receiv, pm a lam" Percent Selling assessed. Assessment. Value. ', Equalization, .... .000 $1,002,325 ' 11,138,487 $4,t91,000 r.ttP .000 2,394,110 4,341,024 3,473,000 Fr-t .83 3,575,070 4,307,313 3,440,000 ..... .73 2,213,205 3,353,700 3,013,000 ..... .33 2,075,095 2,000,373 F 2,128,000 _.... .725 . G,092,835 7,022,370 0 0,253,000, ... .030 2,120,100 3,712 1107 2,904,000 _... 2050 2,310,190 3,4005‘000 2,700,000 'PP. .758 1,134,370 1,502,093 1,250,000 w-r.. .075 500,500 813,940 075,000 ... .000 q 010,215 873,007 700,000 201.00% 250,000 Two‘y massed nines but to we lawn; t at prion an as toBoww.--Galt .na " "r'"'.'. mica .sao; Preston .6MP, Handel , witch ASW, 9w Hamburg .875, Elmira Tuesday .868. In making this estimate he by! secured not taken into eottideraytm the $304.11 Luna .1666 .83 .73 as .125 .6.30 .650 .758 .575 we mm, -MPe-e--e' - - 'srA5stt- the real property. Tue fourth column an shows what your committee cashiers counr as a fair basis for equalization, the namely a 20 per cent. reduction of rolls, the selling value, leaving the business rr- and income asisesstnents out of COB- toumf sideratiun. [ k Chairman A. E. inwards of the committee of Assessments presented the following retrorc- Genuetuen:--To get'at the actual value ol the property lo the “nous townships, the Lvounty Clerk procured lists of 50 recorded sales in each township and the township clerks lllled in the assessments opposite each property. In this way it was possible to' arrive at the actual value M the property in each township. For the towns and villages we had a report prepared tw J. M. Scully, FAIA, who first obtained lists of transfers oi property in the registry (mice and then visited each municipa- lity and obtained the asses'sments trout the 1913 Assessment Roll. In the [allowing table the first col- umn shows the percentage of the ac- tual value assessed in each municipal- ity. The second column shows the assessed value oi the real property in each municipality, and the third column the calculated actual value of ‘(in Monday night a number of pout- try raisers of the Twin-City met in the Waterloo Town Hall and orgartiz- ed a "eriin-Waterloo Poultry Asso- ciation. The association has amem- bership or about 20 members, and will hold the monthly meetings the first Thursday of Bath month. The dates iixed tor the first show are Dec. 30th and 3lst, in the Water- loo market building. Hon. Pres.--tt. G. Weichel,; M. P., F.. F. Heagram C. H. Mills, si.P.P.) President-S. FVShantr., Berlin. 1 Ist Vice-pre '.--1. Lachman, Bridge- port. 2nd Vice-. 'es.--f". Schmdelmeyer. secretary--.'. F. lhderwood, Berlin ( Treasurer-A. C. Mayer, Waterloo. , _ Directors-A. F. lingo], H. Lipport, _ A. Meyer, Waterloo, and W. A. Star- inaman, I. S. Underwood, Berlin. Soc Thornton A' Douglas ad. tor big suit and straw hat sale. WANTED. - GENERAL TToUF',E- maid, hetwern 25 and to years ot aw, Canadian required. Apply to Signet omce, Elmira, (int 25-4t. 6,092,835 mam-10 2,319,190 1,184.3?!) 569.600 “113,2 Ir. _ 281,965‘ Assessment Report. Selling $31,868,000 Th Iollotil‘ " . - prime.“ Brliw ot 90" Council of a. cumin- 4- et Town at Waterloo - to t.uiit"iisitu'C, tothrvoutrottuWtshoeaM the said Town on tin duo Inc-Ion“ i) the notice We!» w, that. is to say: TI. purpose, at a. By-l-v is to grant dd to Death; Trunk Company, Limited, “-101wa :-EV amnion trom all use: was tbix Property, minim] and atoek in true, -titrg. school nus all io- }cal improvement “In toe tho Dem [at an years from the passing ol [his Bylaw; also to grant to the Said (outlay B [camel SHAH!!!†for the Furchase oi the tummy tormerty oc- cupied by The Warden (new "Corn, patty, Limited, and [or ths purchase of additionu land and the erection of a building “man such ttl ditional land and building to cost not less than $10,000.00, the said company to carry on business in said factories for the term of - years, find to employ within one month after the completion o4 the said [actories and' continuously tttere alter durintrat least eleVen months in each year tor the balance ot said term oi littems years, the services of ‘not lrs’s than fifty ». daily employeG "excepting in case of temporary inter- ’ruption arising trom fire, strikes or untorseen cams; the said Company to execute and deliver to the.(‘orpor- ation a Mortgage securing as“ tirat gauge upon the said tactory tormer- (lr occupied by The Warden Green Company, Limited, and upon the said additional land so to be Pura,, chased with the building, thereon, the repayment of theJaid loan of $15,000.00 with interest at the rate of five and one halt per 02an Per Iannum, such montage to contain the {usual power Art sale on default, and ithe usual insurance 'clauae tor the lull insurable value'bt the buildings. It is theretore the purpose od the *' By-Law to create a debt ot the said Corporation by the issue of dehellr 'tures to th, amount ot $15,000.00 such debt to bear interest at the Irate of Hive and one hair per oentuin per annum ond the principal thereof to be repayable try yearly sums dur- ing the period of fftemt years such yearly _ installments of princilal to be ot such amounts tint with the interest in respect of the debt, payable atuusal- ly, the aggregate amount payable yearly tor principal and, interest shall be as nearly as possible the same. The amount to be raised annually for payment of said installments of principal and interest accruing ante uully in respect oi the Mid debt is the sump! $1494.38. The said de- ttntures are to be issued in sums of not has than â€130.00 each, arch are to 'tiv issued within “it; years bear interest _at the rate tyoresaids otter an passing ot the said By-law and to bear‘any date within such two years and to have coupons at- tached thereto for the payment at the interest, and are to he Pawn]: Aboth as to principal and interest, " lthe omce oi the Treasurer ot thr. itaid Town, installmtttus or principal {and interest to be paid at the end to! each successive year, after the is- {sue of the said debentures. TAKH. NOTICE that the tango- ing is a true copy M synopsis d a proposed my-taw ot the Corporation of the Town of Waterlm, to be sulr mittrd to the \otes ot thr electors on th, th rd day of July, A.it., 1914, betwyen the. hours at nine o'clock in the formant: and 5 o'clock in the alt- ernor"Vt" ttr, following places _ For'the north ward, rolling tttttr di-isionx Numbers 1 at!) 2 named, at Harmonies Ilall, King Jrtreet, Charles F.. Fisrhcr, Deputy Returning mm» . For the smith Ian], wllmg subdi< Hunt†5 and tt united, at “min F. I,tietratt', "ttire, King Street, Louie F. Itirtrith, Deputy Itetorning "tttCer. " For the [Cast ward. polling subdi- visions Nrmt.trs It and 4 "anal, at William Mum's 0mm, Ilurot Strut, William Hogr, Deputy Returning or Mer, 7. 91999:; For _the Wrst Bard, mlling sutdr \tsions , and tt united, at the 1‘0le '" Court chamrxr.' 'tt the Town Hath George-,8. Schneider, Deputy Retttrtt- ing Officer. _ \ANIrthat the Second day of July, A.D. 1914. gt 5 o'clock in th av' noon " the (‘ouncil Chamber in the said Municipality has been tued tor the,appbintnwnt m persons. to at- "ettd at the polling places and for the tina1 srurmrMg up ot the votes i; the Clerk. d AND that if the assent ot the elec- l tom is obiaimd to the said proposed l By-taw, it will bewaken into coetsid- 1 oration by the Municipal Council od the said Corporation it a meeting' thereof, to he held alter the expira- tion of one month irom the (lobe oi the first publication ot this notice, and that such fmrt publication was made on the itth day ot June, A. I., 1914. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant who desires to vote upon said proposed Bylaw must deliver to the (ltrk not later than the unth day before the day appointed tor taking the vote, a 'declaration under The Canada ,EVidche Actc-that he is a tenant {show lease extends for the time tor which the debt or liability is Wheaten/ed, or in'which the may to he raised by the proposed By-law is payable. or for " least twentyqnc years, and that he has try the lease mmnanted to pay all municipal taxes ierrespeet of the property of width)» is ten- 'et, other rum. NOTICE (lfi . I‘ REGISTRATION . BY-LAW mmcrz IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a bylaw was passed by We Municipal (‘oundl of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo on the titgt day of June, 1914, providing " the issue at Debentures td the amount ot $51,000.00 tor the purpose of grant- ing ‘aid to the Globe Furniture Com- pany, Limited, and that such bylaw was registered in the Registry one. of the Registry Disiston at the Court., ty at Waterloo on the tenth day at June, 1914. Any motion to quash or art aside the 331118, or may pert thereof, must be made within three months alter the first publication ot as: notice, and cannot be made thereafter. natal thr Ian": day of June, nu Enable you tit his: Sign In and W: pork without heavier fogging. A comma h'fgt floor permits the am- mak to cleanup il. feed without wane. and Ain)naenoriismirithotrmartsoe' cot-main. diet. To MG . Man or PtotN Hog te-Gtrrkiiiyritereeiterh miuttairtartetreett-+ and give m ttd 1,,ittrg,,ti,rsw?dfg,t',',fd hm; i.eatt', a ginning. lull o'i'll2"frl Arie', Sign an": m. s"vrii"triiiiieii'iaiiiFTiGatuetttt. -"rftiit.9trseteeetitfgtetrC “Mm to bald Hog Hanna, he“ Floor. and - thing-thew not. " 'MMM s"'-"'""""'"" than local improvement JAMES I'. HAIGIIT. J AMER C, HAIGIIT, "rgppd'glt,7: N.ri, Clerk Clerk 2bat. 2V3t I The annual Central may»; ing tournament commenced "vi o’clock this morning on tFr. Bowlingcwy's lawman ' " alter Mayor Euler had _ civic welcome to the Tist . out ot the thirty rinks tlit' tautted. . 'ttf. I A.. 'iv'. Buéiilggliam McKay, ':" skin " o . , Cleghom, Berlin. wen "i trom Wright. Preston. . llaspeler. Brannon. Ma.thias Hawk!!! 1iii'ii"t'i7r ?u1)qiia.' Darwin BugtrBt' . b Taser A EW.eAt _ Ffiirruas and scores tit tVere:-- - . J; Guelph. ' A. (link H. H. Johns J. B Hoover Acton J. Cote L]. Wood IE. J. Nassau] i.MeGuire Waterloo. Mel ntvre J . Laing Schmidt "Ayr. Giitord K yle Robertson Brahman . skip " In. R. Brydon', Guelph. won I! Suggitt, Brampton, by default. Hespeler. Waterloo'. A. Scigle . J. H. - Jas. Shaw C. Snidor A. J. Beattie, D. Punt: C. M. Schultz. Sterling Hespeler. A. Seigle .las. Shaw A. J. Beattie, C. M. Schultz. Georgetown McDermott Heath Kennedy Laurence Berlin. Cochrane J. ll. Weaver Middleton Hagen I"!!! on human? an no" um Thin. bums. calorie“ no] hm It mum "Mona at I I may: ul 'uerf--t"t.tyf, Thou-o In nothlnc to -ur.qtte the Mir no aBgtdrqttt. u on tt of In Intro. ttn strain! in! lite; eventually mod-chm n {on not. and “china ot the scalp. v If not remedied can.†the In" I to think, loo-en no dt-thet' In" (Alla out fut. A mu. M tontttttt--ttow--attr tim-tit II lave your but. Get I " cent but“. of M Dunner-Inc from my drug "eteq. - can hive beautiful half ad 9! " If ro, will Jul! try [m our Him ttetag6eetttbq Banana. right M my. mum. snip. skip " skip 18 skip 19 skip " ttip " skip T Ayr Means†Urqtahart Me lntqih Holmh . McK innon Hawking 7 V P Pawn†' $55.19*? l _ I.. Galt Laidlaw Torrance. Barrett Dr. Burnett I', month P. Mean“ Gait Codlviug McGill Smith lletheringté Gould . Reid Preston. Hallyntiue Linddlua Acton. g“! F skip ls E ig'