b¢€oÂ¥eo+e+ ® W00000¢000000000000 68e $ MEAT MARKET M# Wallenstein C.P.R. Station,. numâ€" h‘_Au!lllmit.ed. â€" a Ome black stallion, one filly ‘rising Bhree years old both Hackneys. ANTHONY BUSCH, x St. Clements, Astf. k&fllï¬f ~€% §# o O 3: K. Weber, . T moon Huwkesvlllez. V. R. Berlet is offering his _ well Bocated property, containing a store mnd dwelling combined, an â€" extra @welling, a good barn and garden. M splendid opportunity for any kind pf business. _ V. R. Berlet. ¢â€"tL. _ Highest market price paid. Load @very second Tu«siavy. Nert shipment Mune 16th. _â€"C. C. DIEFENBACHER Shipping Hogs Wanted Nunfber unlimited. flighest market price paid. Next shinment Wednesday June 17th. #0000099940080 0600808008 #i. Hogs Wanted ~_ AT BADEN Central Business College r We have the reputation _ of turning out the finest meats. Home made Sausages best on the market. Successor to J. B: Fischer Phone 248. Proprieto â€" This is Ontario‘s Best Busiâ€" pess School. _ Three Departâ€" ments, _ Commercial, _ Shortâ€" hand ani Telegraphy. D. A. McLACHLAN, Prin. Come here for your _ next order. | EDGAR FISCHER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS §| WHL SCM BM®i . HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL» ‘ HAVE YOU LOST OR FOUND ANYTHING: BO YOU WANT WORK? If so, advertise your "wants" CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH, . WATERLOO. IT BRINGS RESULTS. Rates on applica tion. Clemens Hunsberge: <Lefoâ€"â€"ecâ€"feâ€"foâ€"heâ€"Leâ€"jeoje CHOICE ROASTS Béef, Pork Lamp, Etc. STRATFORD, ONT FOR SALE THE LEADING Proprietor & 0+e+e+0+ t ne The Employers Assocration of Waterloo County FREE LABOR BUREAU 89 Kingâ€"St. West. Berlin. .We have vacancies for men and wo men in all lines of work. If you are out of employm.ent communicate with us at once. No charge for registra tion of services rendered 14â€"4* Having bought out Mr. T. Main I am prepared _ to supply the _ rural sections with gasoline, coalofl,. maâ€" chine, separator, and «ylnder _ oils and mica axle grease. _ Prompt â€" deâ€" livery. Phone 749 r 3. SHORT HORNS.â€"3 Bulls, 14 months and under. Bred direct from importâ€" cd stock, at reasonable prices, | also several young cows with calvés | at feot. . The undersign=d offers for sale â€" his valvable farm situated 4 miles west of Waterioo, _ Lot No. 42â€"containing 112 acres, 32 acres in good bush (20 acres of which will be sold separate ly if desired). Land all under _ good state of cultivation. (ood house and ban‘ks barn and all necessary outhbuild ings.. (Good supply of water. Also 300 cedar posts.â€"Apply to JOSEPH BISHM, Waterloo. FOUCNDâ€"STRAYED ON MY PREMâ€" GASOLINE, COAL OIL AND MACHINE OlL ises, two red yearling steers. _ Apâ€" Ply U. K. Weber, R. R. 3., Berlin. 1t. A. C. Bender If you wish to buy or sell farm or city property, _ you will do well to apply to Real Estate _ Money To Loan 11 Queen. St. S. . Berlin. REAL ESTATE Farm for Sale GENERAL WANTS For Sale AxS SIMON RICKERT, Mannheim. 20â€"1 mo y~ 23â€"4t. it uts t Waterloo If you have fried many other remeâ€" dics and _ doctors‘ â€" treatments for Rhoumatism ind found they failed, do not be skeptieal about trying RHEâ€" 1 MA. Read the testimony of Judge Johin Harhorst of Fort Loranie, 0.; ©Aftor treatment by three doctors without result, 1 have been cured of a very bad ccase of thenmatism _ hy nstmg twe hoitles of RHEUMA. I1 is now fwo vears sinece I have used the remedi, and T am stif as 0 wel as ever. . Previas‘v, ) To was a crip pis. walkinge with emtehes." Such testimony _should be convineâ€" ins. Sn cents. frelm Hil AUJ BDreviti Also at street, _ by Rov. J. E. Re Ift Dst ncht on thy 7 o‘cl for Stratford, os the trido retorn fourney by the romant ed adoot>d to reach Toronto Vaiue of Rheima from theCourt S th> lighn n« flashed, and the thunder roared, _ and _ th> car smashed, but "o t hero"‘ won. He seemed to _ be playing against fate for a while, too, for the lishtning<struck the auto and smish>d the top and a whoel. Neith er Foster nor thr young Jady, Miss Florence Grant of Stratford, nor the cha.geur, were davrnted by the _ onâ€" slaught of th> clements, and the alto aficr travellin® all night, artived in Teronto at 7 o‘clock yesterday motnâ€" ing. "The â€" adcentrrcsoms _ couple wors marricd at the home of thy grcom‘s aon‘, 0 Nirs. â€" Redicin, 1,3143 Dundas street, _ by Rov. .). E. Reid. They Ift Dst n‘cht on thy 7 o‘clock train for Stratford, os the trido frared a rct"rn fourney by the romantic methâ€" A despatch from Toronto, Thursday morning reports ths following interâ€" esting _ incident :â€"Young Lochin\ at, who came _ out of the west, was . a very dashing cnd brave younz; inan, according to the poot, but Canada has his equal in George Foster, who comes from Berlin, and not from the west. Lochnvar used a horse, which was th> only _ thing h> could use at that time to carry away his â€" bride. But Gcorge Foster, being a modetn yo n: m.n, ‘used an auto to _ cafry his brideâ€"toâ€"be from Berlin to Toron to. Lo hinvar‘s great work vaas in getting h‘s pride, put Foster‘s great work was in ‘getting his bride to Toâ€" ronto, for the Ontario roads were deep with tnromantic mud on _ Tuesâ€" day evening, and the rain felt, _ and YOUNG CB}IPLE’S‘ THRILLING TRIP WEDDED IN TORONTO PIMIE PXEMORST WAS RELIEA ED OF RHELMLTISM AFTER DOCTORS FAILID Lightning Flashed and Car more than 350 victims mï¬ï¬‚‘in& United States, yet few realize "s;-vt condition until the critical period. es. Overwork, worry, weakness after sickâ€" ness, catarrh, bronchitis, tender throatsâ€" all exert the weakening influence that invites consumption. t & To guard :\gzniust consumption, thouâ€" sands of people take Scott‘s Emulsion after meals because its rich medicinal nourishâ€" ment strengthens the lungs, puts vigor in the blood, and upbuilds strength to resist tubcreulosis. Scott‘s Emulsion is nature‘s strenpthâ€"builder, â€" Refuse substitutes. > Smashed, But Cupid Finally Triumphed o with ertebes."* 5 timeny â€" should be convineâ€" | nts, ir-r Ed. M. Devitt, | rnarantged . | aisland, Berlin |__ Mr. W.J Wiliiams left Thursday fot |Lercaes narle | Graund Ravids _ where he vABl remain tinddor foll lfnl’ some time, After hidd | _ Iupiter Pluvies decreed that _ the | WaterI o _ band _ conâ€"ert . should be | Lricf Friday nowht. The bandsmen asâ€" sembled on the square, and at | 8.15 |plaved the first selection, while _ the dro~s of rain started to fall. At the conslzsien of its tendition th> clouds onen d, ard thr ran foll rapidly, and | the crowd dispetsed just as rapidly A quartette of The students of the seminary sang a most appronfiate se lection at the conclusion of the _ ad dress. If your hair is Aosing its natural color, is falling oat, dull, streaky, full of dandruff, too dry, or if _ the ton to the faculty,, felow students, his friends, and th* good people _ of the neishborinx communities. ‘‘The nation that can produce greatâ€" €St men, becomes a great nation, and so in our school we foel that we are not going to, stand second to any inâ€" stituton of theology.‘" The weather is ifairly fin> with _ a few cool days and apradance oï¬ rain, which gives the raud plenty of mois ture. On May 18 and 19, we had _ a heavy rain which resulces in a splenâ€" did growth in wheat and hundreds of acres of greon wheat fields can now be seen. Wheat is practically all sown, while little oats and barley is sown, the ploughing not being quite finished Girls and women of all ages wart to be beautiful and attractive, but unsightly, thin and lifeless hair deâ€" stroys half the beauty of a pretty face. scatp itches and burns do not be alarmed, use Parisian Sage. Rub it well into the scalp. It will go right to the hair roots, nourish them and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful. Tt removes dandrufi with one application, siops itching scalp, falling hair and makes the head feel fine. Wh n Mr. N. W. Willison rose to speak, at the conclusioit=of Mr. Millâ€" er‘s words, he was ‘doéply impressed‘ with what had becn said by the preâ€" vious speakers. wl w A subscribet in Din:urn, Sask., in ren>wing his subscription _ to the thronicleâ€"Tolegrarh _ unrder date _ of May 19th, writes as follows: _ Rev. P. H. L. Henkel delivereu the German address of the evening. Rev. Mr. Henkel has been for many â€" years secretary of the Canada lstheran Nynod, and his remarks were followâ€" ed closely throughout. He mentioned during the discourse that people _ of toâ€"day want to be given examples and to see the reason for things in studying God‘s word. Presentation of Diploma. Then followed the presentation _ of the diplema by thr president. The work and opject of th= seminary, said Mr. Miller will always be to educate men for the semimary. "‘God has woven your circle of life these last three years, and he. will still lad you on," "was thr advice the speaker gave to the graduate. A minister _ has got to be strong â€" for many ministers who â€"are strong _ of mind, and weak of pody cannot do the great work. tre t p The Lutheran church in Canada has been longing for this time injits bisâ€" tory to have the first candidate gradâ€" vate from a Canadian seminary. _ The first address of the evening was given by th: Rev. J. S. Herola, . of Toronto, who spoke in English, choosâ€" ing for his subject "Dreams". _ The address _ was an excellent one, and provided food for _ much thought by bis auditors. God‘s word, he said in the course of the‘ address, will still endure» Things of â€" materialistic value are skortlived, but God‘s word lives forâ€" ever. _ The message to proclaim to th» world is a comiort to thousands, it is th> strength of youth in tempâ€" tation, for it is a message which; has been tried and not found wanting. Impressive were the Ceremonies in St. ~John‘s Lutheran (Church, Water loo,â€"â€" on Teiesday evening, when the lirst graduation exercises of the Evanâ€" gelical Lutheran Theological Seminar were held, and Mr. N. W. Wilkson, of Waterloo, was the first candidate to be given his diploma. ‘The services were conducted in Gerâ€" nan and â€" English, and were presided. over by Rev. J. A. Miller of Hamil ton, president of the Seminary Board Mr. N. W. Willson First! Crai. uste of Lutheran Theo. _ GLORIOUS HAIR Promising Wheat Crop When inilkinge time came we visited the stabl;s and found a fe stock of holsteins ; the statles had been overâ€" havl:d a few years aco, stalls, floots, gutters, etc.,. made of cement, and a small wator. tan‘t a‘out 3 foot square in every _ stall always _ filled _ with fresh spring watcr, so that the cows can drink at any tine. When th> milking is over the collic do~ supplies the power for running the cream separator, running oaposiâ€" tion to the â€" lydro«Electric â€" Fower t onmission as it were. _ The power is a woodin wheel apout cight _ feet in diameter, sixteen inches face meaâ€" sure and tboarded, with â€" strips _ or cleats every fooi or so inside, â€" znd the sides toarded up about a foot. "The dog is called, steps in and sim."lâ€" â€" starts _ trottin@ and around gocs thr big whxl, rinning about 6 revolutions _ a minute ; a â€" two inch belt runs from th> big whepl to a small on of 12 inch>»s diameter th n from there to ths cream sefarâ€" ator, this continues uniil the ogeraâ€" tion of soparating is conclud:d, takâ€" ing fro‘ably 15 to 30 minutes | a>â€" cording _ to th* quantity of milk. When through, the dog is called out, the mach ns stoys sond prestoâ€"thore is ~ can of nice cÂ¥eam and another of milk nicely ssrarat>d. * ‘"Bisho» Gingrich [â€":s en> of those sf lendid farms for which Woolwich is faro‘s, of asout _ 130 acrtes, has _ a con forta‘l> brick house, an _ ample barn Sos all r>plirements, and other oAbuillinns ; there is also a _ firstâ€" class weli n ar th> hause and various sprin‘s in ethor parts of his farm rimning ‘nle trouphs where thy cows and horses con gquench thoir thirst at favy time.> & Aiter the rain during Sunday nicht ) artl Mcnday _ mon nz, the weathor : was delishtful in th> afterncon, the ! roads without a speck of dust, _ and : the ren up, a‘l that could ) desired. ! After _ reaching the farm, â€" we were| welcomed like old friends by the Ginâ€" I grich family, and spent the afternoon by an old fashioned visit. "I Inow, spraking for myself, 1 felt acsort of â€" fillInoss aretnd im UWhelt, which wos rro‘a‘ly due to thy see end pizce of pis in addition to _ thr other etestoras. "Aftor supper we had another lit t1+ visit, ond pefocs leavin c Mrs Ginâ€"tich treated is to a fish of home mad> jee â€" ceream ; noi ons of those 11‘3]+ _ mornds _ yor get in thy icg ctoam patler for 5 oeonts, but a whal* "The dog is called, steps sin."lâ€" _ starts â€" trottinz and gocs thr big whxl, running ; revolutions _ a minute ; _ "After the milyins acerston c owe j sat down fo «n ofd fashion d farmets sUPPer, and how we did eniov it ; _ I will rot attempt to sive yort a dist‘ of the gooed thinrs that were procidâ€" / ed, brt whon To toll ~ou that _ what Mr. Ginstrich and the tovs did on Hv'I farm ard stails te make it a l‘rxt’ class rsta‘lishment, _ Nrs (;ln‘vri‘h' and hor alb> assistin‘s dod in 0 thea C. W. Schiedel, Mrs. Schiedel, _ and Master . Edward, â€" journayed to the Flace of Mr. Schondelmayetr‘s birth, Viz : the farm of Bishop Abraham Gingerich, about three niles north of Elmira, on Monday, the 25th, and Mr. Schiedel has given the writer the following interesting interview on farm lifée in Wootwich. housa roat In company _ with Mr. and Mrs. John Schondelmayer, in his Reo, Mr. Mr. C. W. Schiedel Gives Inâ€" teresting Talk on Farm Life in Upper _ oolwich Tp. TRIP 1O After Mdding the worthy and gon If you have never tried Perrin‘s "Fancy Thin" will find them daintier than yfu have thought a sod ‘ "DAIRY CREAM SODAS", the regulsr “ a biscuit can be. Collis Supplies rower 'vv' Send 10c. in stamps or coin and your gro seast was ase _ Sample Package containing some other deli WOOLWICH n mid Each kind is packed and sealed at the ba ness ard freshness until it reaches you. Sc., 10c. and 25¢.â€"â€"â€"at you _ â€" Every package Guar ine the PERRIN Dairy Cream So D. S. PERRIN & COMP. iial bishop and his entertainingz family fadiov and thon ‘n> ch w {fa~ th**kind ‘!]'o’inital't\', we began _ our joutnsy home _ thoroughly satisfied with ours dars out‘rg in the country." | The "fireworks" arose over the layâ€" inz of the pavements, on William and ; Albert _ Sts. in the first place, and then in a discussion on the plumbing byâ€"law. The William and Altert St. ibeinz charged that the work was not !bein: carried out as th> resolution of the Council specified, which said that ;the _ work of thr William St. pave . ‘ment should be rushed to completion | jat as carly a date as possible. . Mr. j | Moyer _ strongly contended that this] | was not being dm:ï¬./Mr. Hot!:, the, j chairman of th> Reird of Works proâ€" / misad to investigate the matlter, and cnieavor to have a full staf of men start on William St. on Monday. The sseond troublesome matter was th> now _ plumbinz Myâ€"Jlaw. Three werks aso a ‘conmmittee was abpointâ€" ed to go into this matter fully with Berlin, and to cndeavor to prefare a byâ€"liw _ satisfactory to toth municiâ€" palitiss. Cornâ€"fHor Woeller was the father of a resolution no n that Notwithstandin« thit no formal reâ€" solutions were passed there were some exceedingly hot times, in the coun:il chamber. LIVELY SESSION TOWN COUNCL Friday night th> monthly meetâ€" ing of the Kinance Committee _ was held _ preceding the regular Sountil meeting _ held Memday _ night _ and following this a Council meeting was held. & Thisptooeucomiminnpplyingt\vooomofJAP- ALAC ground color, a coat of JAPâ€"ALAC graining color (which is gramed with the JAPâ€"Aâ€"LAC graini too!), and then two coats of natural JAP-A-LA& 'ducipg a bright, hard, durable finish like polished oak. color card, and a copy of the little book, "A Thousand and One Uses of JAPâ€"Aâ€"LAC. 4 JAPâ€"Aâ€"LAC is made in 21 colors for furniture, woodwork, and floors. Always put up in Green Tins bearing the name "GLIDDEN." _ _ Call TOâ€"DAY at your local hardware store for a JAPâ€"Aâ€"LAC *‘Model Floor" Sold in Wate:loo by INGY, discolored and unsightly floors are not conâ€" ducive to contentment. Why not bring about their ‘e?uzlae_!rmfonqnbn by means of the JAPâ€"Aâ€"LAC of Liphardt Bros. __TPTUIGPTT Mayor Kaufman presided, nd â€"â€" the cnly absentec _ was Reeve G. Wegeâ€" nast. * 3 con» so, However no was _ positive the Berlin committee would meet next week. _ The matter was therefore left in abeyance. JULY and AUGUST . ®# G. Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont. KINGSTON, ONTARIO coteiSon _ APPUED Scitnee MEDICINE e~onglutine _ _ "J3J»@.. _ session. . QUEEN‘S EOicine ___ eneimteat SUMMER SCHOOL UNIVERSITY _ _HOME i STUDY The Arts Course i betnkenhyeotrï¬ dence, hn:l st desiri o graduate n:_t:s‘l:‘.tlefl one THIS ART