The line weather prevailing the past couple at days was responsible for a good attvmiance at "rarket Saturday morning, the prices remaining practi- cally the mun» as a week ago. Mr. A. Marchand, expert jeweler, has opened a store in Itoos' old stand on King St, Waterloo. A lull line oi beautiful jewelry stocked. Head his ad. on page l. The ftrat degree was conferred on one candidate at Germania Lodge 1. O.o.F. on Thursday cyeuing. l?ig May Hale oi dry goods at S. B. [Meier's store, Waterloo. _ Read ad on page 9. MAI. hlBHi2fi0lthI, Mr. George Wendell. is moving his ice cream parlor from his present stand next to the Irank of Toronto, to the stand formerly occupied by Mr. E. W. linker. V ' no sure and read th? new serial story wluch cummvuros in this ueek's issué, You will I'm] it specially in- tesesting. . . Many vitirms witnessed the cadets perform their various drills, Friday own-.1. 'Iln-y prvsnnnl a mic. ap- pearam'l- as they. numbed along tite streets in gin-1r twin-nus. 'lhe “tn ther is ideal for outdoor drills. Amory instructive address mus r,iv- on on Monday, evening at the YU'..h. of Emmanuel ICvanzelical Church on “Social, Service“ by (hing, ILA. , AI, the conclusion of Mr. Grigg was tendpred thanks by Muslin on yell; people. Hogs will bc'boys. but some oi them would appurrnlly he guru to thirving if gun-n an opportunity. I.n Sunday", three. local lads secured arr oral keys at their home, and about, run" aim-WIN! In pick the locks Ott tho front and .rt‘ar derors oi a local grocery store. 'they wrn‘ not but- ccssful and in th, owning mmlv an attempt, to got into am-tln-r try th, rrur dour. May Hold Merchants' Picnic Increase in At the iasi regular meeting of the Grand Illhrrls oi tht? ('..\h.|L\., Bro. Louis F. llionirh ul Branch No, lol. Waterloo, III-1.. was appointed Dis- trict Drpuly int the 6County of Waterloo. While nu adv-n hm; hrvn taken a; yet «n tho 'natt4wxiherr' are pros- pects that the mrrchanis “ill this year hold a monster pn-nin Sru‘ml of the ttipiciutrrts have hm-n dim-w; sine, it ammu- Ihrnm'lu-z: and it is possmlr that mun? tu-tion will be taken at If!" litVii Int-villus, uf lite Its. tail Ucrrhantu' Assviatiord Was Appointed Routine lullsur'ss Gas iralrvm‘h‘ll by "e “MAW and Liplll l'wmmssil‘n at the mm-Huly "wrung It,ld nu Mummy aitrrmam. Tho stathn report s.chovt;l that: 1hr til nuiubrr oi gallons oi “Mn P mpetl as I1,851,5tt0, an increase oi 1,365,050 galluns tttore than in April The ate-rage numher of gallons/pump- ed daily as 395,050; hisrdwst nilmlwr purrwr% in. on' day 318,000 gallons. Hm. llirlrirh anew-mix Rev. A. J. Fischrt, tsho mm appointâ€! aGrand 'l'rustl-r at the last ('nIIu-ntiun, and is an active “urkrr " the tssocia tion, having lvrhl "them in tariotts t'apwities, an." m thr, promotion m trndrd to him is “on qualllwrl 'o brok “Nor all the branches oi this district. (hainnan Maurf prteiidrtl and the othrr ntemhers' Prrs'ml \u-rr- Dr. Hil Hard l. r'.. Huodprsou, Mayor kami- man, un-l (C li. Hchirdel, srcrt'tary. READ THE NEW In Hm week's hum “f the (‘hrun br. Telosrarh, “PIW‘HTS th. hrsl In slahwn' M n t1'it wrul ,0â€er Inâ€! fed "“1!va 1hr Lem" In llama \xllrh w'r rl'ml'l’ vdl ;ir,,1 minnm‘h intr-xlmu. Hum! It. . 'Y'"" CI! t,tbtttg,trd . "F_' will â€I," . th. m to sntaltsJution 1 I causal}. w. .33.: eiaMMicem trot $100 up. and m - . W h we mod 'eutrers. A teu-as was received an Stlr A comm-h Ms, tilmq and was in “on; not. Paul. hat-dam o! i Mr. E. D. " le St. Water Consumption Waterloo. PM. 317. _ . SERIAL STORY sion of the address tomlrrmLa vote or Pastor on twhaii of the District Deputy res Mr. B.NAX hmd its Last show in the mullet buil' am: at thaterloo on New tyearh, Day, and which Proud to be a great sue- "its, annual meeting ot this associ- ation is fund by the cumstituticn lot the first Thursday in Fobtuary. The meeting was held accordingly, and it was explained to the members by the other rs, that owing to the rush of bus- iness, the hooks had not been auditett. However, the other business “as transacted, and o.Ttcers elected. According to one ol the members ot the Association at this time., no mum was said about the books in; being audited, and at the March 'sir-et- ing the auditors' report was present- ed by on: at the auditors, the other one Ming ill, and the books were said to be in asatislactory condition. At, the April meeting. according to the 'l‘rlsgraph's informant, some of the nmnhcrs protested that the amazing itll on ttry. first Thursday in l-"rlnm- an was illegal, as tte books had not tseen audited, and that the ofricers cr, tttod were ilhetralltuelecurd. Thep'a- sill'nl, of [In association, Mr. I. Lachman, and the Secretary, 1. T. l'ndL-rwoud resigned as a result ul this statement, and withdrew from the tuetntwrship til the association lo- Tether with Messrs. ,S. S. Kliaiiitz, N. Ilaillinult, I. S. Utsderwood, W. A. Stairiizinwn, n, Lippert, .l. s'rhrank, t'. Fvchortdelateyer, D. C'ressman, A.H. l-Ingrl, Mr. Welter, and 0. (lies. It Is rnllz-rstond. that _sevrrat nth-r mm hers will withdraw from the old as soviation. (i. Tlt? othzr MMIS who stood by tte old assoeitttitm held a tnertirvg last Thursday owning, and elected n"w o'licers. Owing to this split in the Association, while no action has “wan taken by villi?! iaetion, it IS lpussthli- that, another association will MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION ELECT OFFICERS The tmal wetting at the session at ulr'hunrt'ilg Miuiritcrial Association was lwld thi, tum-mug at the Lihmly Ilan, at “lurk the mucus for uni. term “(We eitated as follows:-- 'President-lies.) W. J. Andrmv. Tiv-President-Rev. Jos James. _ v"umy-Treasv--itev. II. S. Shade. I'Ixm‘ulive -The officers and Pevs. M. II. Handrxsnn and K. Burn. RN. C. F. Krauth read an iiittmin- atin: paper III "The Atonement," nhivh was “I'll arrived and discuss, pd at mum length, Votes at thanks ttPrP tendered to the retiring o0icers and also to Rev. Mr. Krauth iorhis Itappr. The Association “til 5th next September. he forum! New Plumbing 'Ihr. committee appointed by the Iiatetl, " Tnun l‘oum-il to frame a, by law, comprising' Reeve G. i1r's,rrnust, 1'rumcillors 1.. Holler M. 5. llaxlnmn, M. Mum, and Mr. It. Hill, met TIt “minosday evening, and carri,llv “(Ill tnpr Lulh the Berlin and 11aterl n ny-hos. The Berlin I'll} (04ml has apnmmod a com- unta- of Samilurv Inspector G. Hue haunt, Fne,ineer H. J. Johnston, AV derman W. II. lam-MM. G. G. "uetr- er, and J. Hmwnanpr u; revise their bra“. . L'oth mmmittrrs have beep slippliml wnh copies " both th? Berlin and “al‘rlam hrlaiss, an] a joint meet- m: of ths tyo mnznnures x.ill h" ll‘ld at a later trate, whrn ttev will rndraverr to irame a In} law iden:ical, " the mum which will be :.ratis;str h ry to Lnth plat-es. Mr. H F.. kn'rhk-l and Mr. F. A. “mm; hue purchased tht truyittess " I: J. Ilnlm A Co, M litter. 81. H. Mr. knmhtol han boon assoNaied “nth thu hrm sum-v thor opened up III H-whm Mr, Itprttrr has hrrnlmnll- Ln; i\ shtn Real I‘M-air for a mm In oi yrnrx Mr, ll .l Hnlm “ill nu“ rith‘ Ins “In-Iv turn to the de oloproutt " hp guluhuv.“ \Inlruw Park. um! 1hr ,tttion mi rr‘udvlu‘os. By-Law Drafted Bl EXCELLENT REPORTS WERE PRESENTED Thanking You again and Jith best wishes, l am, Annual Meetings of Missionary and Ladies' Aid Societies of Methodist Church The annual meeting at the Woman's Missionary Society oi the Methodist (Lurch, Waterloo, was held on Thurs- day afternoon whrh. th. following of- ncors “we trlectrd for ths year c-- Honorary Prcsid n:-hirs. Snidcr. Pr shunt-Mrs. l'. W. Sui-1'1. Vice pr.r,idmb-Nrs. F'.. It. Cttn- ningham. Ftrerrtary--1lrs. Wm Bislu. 'l'r,asrrer--Mrs. Gro. \Vogumsl, Ihrrresrmndiny, F'rcretary--Miss. M. Skull. L.superintendot of Little Lights "earic-h1rs. Simon Snyder. Supt rink, nth nt Associated Helpers-- Mrs. A. Rot-son V FltTerintendent of Bi:te FAtxps.-- Mrs. M. YI. Hallman. Cunvassrr for Missionary outlook-- Mrs. Kaufman. . 'I-hr Little Light "carers very New; san‘ly surprisrd (hair suprrintendrth. Mrs. Fin on Snyder by prescnting her] with At Lil" nwn1'oership ce'),'), in Hr, Auxiliary as a toisen of lhrir 31%| ['rcoialii-n of " work in {hair d?- rartm nc. 'Ihr rast yrar has Will th, noel surcrssiu1 in every thwart. ment, whirl: tht Auxiliary has 31%| rxprriim-Hl. lurch unlit. is dun tol thv retiring, president (Mrs. H‘K‘kl‘\)| " h r Imremitiimr, lalmr during thr! three 1cars in which she has 11"“ "W: ofllcr in the Auxiliary. The nmnbz-rs shewed their apprecia~l tion of " services hy jrntlrring Mr I hmrly voi.e oi "e'te' which “Mi suitacrt, rrsri nded In by Mr. Hockey} Tho iollouing c-ttrt was prewnttrd by th, 2re,syi'iys,lt',,tfTe the amount raisul durin: th: year _ Attnual ntenthers' firs .- .r. M ,362.00 Lite memtNtrs' ters 'wt-.. _ _ â€$50.00 Eustrr thank oCrrrinr, Tt . ' 've 341m Rrst in ml tr'.. T T U T .. . t.00 HUI" light Bearers P._-..Wr_ .e.t., 7.0" Mission “and 'Pe "".' ..iVP. _ H 26.0“ other warms . .rrr_ H H 8.00 IN nation . .. . .. ., . tr-P" Ptrrlic mm‘tinz. _ _ _ V 'VV 4.00 Associate Itel.irs .rre _. . ... 2.00 'ilw Meth;dist taidirs' Aid Snv'n h III ah ir anntal nteeting on Thu tlax at. which reports M,. a wry: sat iaetory nature were prcsruh-d, I dene n; the elliritnt 1eock Mm: complish‘d by “I" organiz.ation. sulstanlial tvalance was romrlrd ths Trsasurer. Arrarvr,emrnts wore nude lnr a tra- vel tlli by Mrs. Gto. Wmrrrrost on 'lhursday, Ma.)- 2h'th, v.twn sh, "will gile an outlin‘ of h r trip th'n'Igh l-Zurnpr. . A titumittep was .n-oinird in TP- gard to the installuhtn Li an - stiron in tho church fur ths "ttstit nl 'thmc whzuso Marin: is juinnirrd. 'lit, trtltow'trr, gllih'ts wrrr rl~0tcrl " ttre put '.-' _,' Hum Prrsiorttt-Mrq. J his. Merotk, Pr sid nt-Mrs. Got. Werrtrrwt. lie Ir sirVnt--Mrs. H. D. ('nnninrzr A rommitipe was also a'Wninhrl in rHerence to rrpairs and brnicittirv,r,s â€win-d at th, rap-(nay. ham 11"lland niniktr‘rs have glvtn tto- tin- to the vair‘ than thrv will not mndmt Sunday {Hurrah in future "xcrpt m "(wk of pytreute nrePssrity. Thu claim that Sllnzlu-y lum’rals are "ntvPrrisary, rm‘ " r nu mum jusn Im-l Hun out, ‘vrr h' of ummw‘wun Wort, un HI" lu-lti'H Dag. FecrMarr--Ifrs. Hill Treviorer-Wtss S. F. _cnidrr 1'oiincnr-Miss Mary Shun Sink-"1y yours, W. It. KtTatu'it, TI I F. LADIES AID. taidirs' Aid Snrivty nteeting on Tn In Mayor. $202.0" $62.00 $50.00 34m L00 _ 7.00 V 2mm 8.00 . rum . 4.00 . 2.1m J. " \ i PM' by alllilill4i'nlifi OF " ADDITION - T0 ST. LOUIS’ CHURCH LAID Impressive and Interesting Ceremony Per. formed by Right' Rev. Mahony of Hamil- . ton in Waterloo on Sunday ", Another mile stone was successfully nine hundred and lull-rl-z-cn do'ing the passed in tht history of the st. i.ou- Pcntificate ot Cope Pius X, null“. is Ill-mm t'uthorw Church of Water- 'lhos. Jos. Bowling. D.ll., being His. loo on Sunday afternoon. The m In .r hop of “minimum, and the RM. A. J. stone lot the 1arqo nrw addition to Fischer, (LIL, pastor of St, louis the churh “as laid by Itt. 1tev. Church, .during th? reign oi King Msgr. Mahoney, It.n.. VA',., of Ham- George 'V. at England, the lion. R. ilhn assislml by a unnmcr. of the L. lmrdzn, being Prime Minister at crrgy from llvrlin' and district. Calida, and Hon. Sir James 10ittvey IdVal wrath“ conditions made the Prime Minister of (inlariu, Mr. W. holding of sin-h a ccrmnhny one long G. Wcielel, member of the ttonUniott to he reitwmberid by intlnltcrs oi the Legislature, and Mr. C. H. Mills, churth, and those “ho assisted to member tor th:. "tttaries iIouse, and ma'e the scum such a complet" Mr. .rnn. Kaulman, Mayor of Water- sittcess. . ho y, the Itt. Rev. Msgr. Mahoney, It. The mamhcrs u: the (‘-.M.B.A., the D., V.G., of the Diocese at Hamilton St. Boniface Frci y, the Catholic in the presence ot a large concourse Frresters, the 1511x115 for l‘nlumhus, of chrgy and prople lmxn Waterloo and the Holy s'adv',ttlsdciety of Her» and Berlin, laid,the cornerstone oi lin met at the Si Mary'sAhurch tin addition to St. Louis Church, Ilnrlin "ml n.:lrl~h!~(f in Watt-Hm). At Waterloo. _ St. Hunil‘acc Frci y, the Catholic Fit'sters, the iiri6,') for 1'ohrmbus, and the Holy s'ahlf2,uiciety of not» lin met at. the Si Mary's" hurctt Merlin, andurcarchrd to Waterloo. At the huterio" landarv they wpre met by ttiii Im-Inhcrs of the Waterloo sn- ('li'tlts, and 1rmded by the Waterloo Mttsival Fmicty Hand iormrd a tt.0Itt'r- trr parade, am march-rd to thi, St, Louis I hutch, “han tlrw mnnlctrly tilied the largn platinrm rrrvtul for the puri"'se. The “my: Ladies' Lud- ality also marched to the church. Members of the pariah, and several hinnrrrd oi merubt'rs from, Ilrrlin ind "Hurt nearbv plant-s “no prosmt in large numbers, and it steady shrank of propie proceeded up Allan Ft. In the.ch1trch, where tlre large lawn “as packed, between 3500 mid “mu 11mph: being present. A silver trowrl “as presented to Rt. Her. Msgr., Mahoney by the run- girpatitrn, and lulluwing the laying L! the stone assisted by Messrs. llllcrt lirus., the mamas in charge, ser- nuns “TI? delivered hyNitev. Hallm- py and in Icttlstt, and Itev., in“). Snow M Brrlin. in H'rman. Th:- Fer- "mm “no hm iorctful drliH-mm'r‘s and “on- listen d in with rapt at- tn'ion hy 1hy thousands in attt-nvL auto. tn a metal los placed in "rs 31an “as; a dotumrn'm in latin, of which thm, f, [lowing is a translation - FU mp exciting mixing was r' w: n in the Raterloo mm on " r," , mm “b I thr two Imht hovinz . mnunt was toald'tl. The cl. ' [diure- of course “as the six mum Inn izrtwom Frtd, "kid" Williams of Br-ntfnrd. and I/rank 1trezina M Iialrrho. 'lhis.t02H lived up to its ad we: noticcs, and “as. fast and (lmn, f?n ths Mann-mm dar or Way. In Hr Har of (“It 1n:x' one 1h mum-J Ahotiv.r tram:- “huh hruught out 5mm- qul man; “as in ttw MR to nd rhss. I n 1t,rdnittitias night Aho Rilson of (inn nun from 11rst- fall of Ilrrlin, last nivht Wilscn won irom “alt: of “atrrluo in d prose snap. in the 8911‘] Inais. 'lh1 tnal o-ooo-ooo-o-..."." swap. in the srrviinais. " lr, tnal tray hmught Wilson, and Krlly "t lt, on toether 'lhis “as slated tor Ihrrr mimic. hut " mm iu-znzl ncr'ru sun to non it a fmr mum! tiNturc In th. "rut lr, n Tn'luk Ir., ho' tt itprC fairh runl' nrat;lt d. uhile In the lh.rll “.lsun furrow] leh In hr luv-N A octply d hm“. bt't to plllrkalj. d' Iu,ld trrm.ststf In tht fourth ru'md, hmwut Iucllt !m“. a further Ira“? of Mr, and In}!!! Into littcort in arm! BOXiNG TOURNAMENT The members at building committee are: Mr. Mois Hans-r, Mr. David Ktntz. Mr. Album Ill-mutt. Mr. tne- nzrns Itcitzt‘l, Mr. Edward "elsler, and Mr Louis F. Dietrich. V _ This church was first built in thv of the lirst Building, CouruiUct “art-z I-ing the first pastor. Ttre Hummers year 1890, Rev. 'Theo. Hprtz, C. tt., -w. H. Ridden. John If. Fischer, Louis Kuntz, .las. tt'iurmrhoe, Aug. Herman, .Iolm Guqnllr-r, Adolph Krrn, Rich. U‘lhmohno, John Baum, pa'ritr'r, 'ttst Hiersbach, and Joseph It, Fisth‘r. tt “ohms. L. Zinzrr. t'.lt., “W. Wm. Hrniuger, (an. um: Paul Fn‘im“. ('.R., RM. Chas. Kirkr, (LIL, Itev. ll. Acylmni Cnt., from Berlin, Pro. .lno. Fehrerr bath, (1R5, EL Agatha; RN. Wm, Grhl, -Preston; Rev. Jos. Wey, Fit. â€mums; Rev. F.. Doyle, Galt; Rev. tl. Firster, pr Germany. The tt'W addition will inrlfcase Hm .wmatirt,r capacity (wot fifty pvr cent, a; thsre will now be accoeumodatiirn Architect of n"w buiidingc--A. tt Masons :-F.llert Bros. t'arrenver.--Hr'nry Hraniii. The clrrr,y who assistrd In. IIN' Msgr., Mahmxcy, and HP". A. J. Fir, Cher, WPC' c-- - " RN. Theo. Spam, (‘.R., Rev, A a; thsre will " about [it'll 115 r.r. CL: .‘-‘-'h'~tz was , the docisitn " c'. . cl r. rnth M mun. 108 th. 'less, _ .ni tnaI--Wilsrn oi tIalt wrn (mm l Pr, ot Waterlro. loft "a class, Gn inlully ot hot-VI Ws n from lt.1srta ol hail. in an Ch'- tra rol ml. Lr'lh' is Lin; ruarhrll by “Kid" Williams, and it “as hit C [urn rman'ro. 3. rand extsieiticrt-lhitrrs nl Wat- trtloo and Miller M 1intrrloo. The silver subs were presented to ths 1titt:ters tw t'uuncillnr Louis linilr ths awards bring as tollosss:- his "r. vim ~1wlly of Dunn. Il', ‘t. class-richest, nf norlm. 125 "2 "ass-FI "re/ina " Waterloo. H." lt. "ross-Meir-sine' uf Perlin, HT: Ib. "lass-tl' ll "rrittt. llc, IV class special In"! sit rounds, rat-1r, with tho rrsnlt that tu, was award:d the bout. Tao thte round eshit.ition bouts "'t h H retwesn thiscr.Cand "yer " ":nrtinn; and thivers and Miller o. l a'irloo. mints " 10 malt '..8. â€guru!!!" mun 'm " mu. RECEIVE " " can DOLLAR m CASH, mvml) A PURCHASE Is an»: uv “as DOL. ‘Ltms on noun. Hf. th. 115 II-. Ptvina mum. BARGAINS IN 3 BLUE SERGE SUITS t mu snuubn. . A. minimal.“ Maths.» . am. aht-udrttsttr,tttmk "e , human“ breetrh.d Matti-tron. Wonderful values in (my Worsted and Tweed Suits, " Inlay apt-dd 'tr"' ... '15†A regular 820.00 Bltestrr Suit, tailored a"tt'"11t Ito and “any true Nye. Sauna-y IT." 312.50. 815. $2. JtEMEMBKR THIS AD 18 WORTH $1.00 To YOU. mum I'l' wrru YOU. IIETEIBEGKS t"sta,l II Results. Waterloo Wm. “winger, l' Uffelmann Bros} ' " LIMITED' g f - "THE PEOPLE'S STORE" "é-io-ii-tttoe-tte. - tIIIiI=TITI=== c. A. BOEHMI’ t King Street, Waterloo 00000..00...00.0.00000 "0o.000f04 to.ot-0000..... OOOOOOOOOâ€Mâ€M i BEADS! BEADSL l tn I?! 7GTriA. Ark hr our INVEN- Tot'.'." ADVISI’CRJV': ich Mi! be can: {no MAP-[05' & MARION. Established use: ' Oitioe, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. This Store is stocked with a Beautiful Assort- ment of Beads at very reasonable prices, Buy now and get a bttter cltoife: . . ..' †"iiiriaraTtirrrGGprid-ddte books to suit every person. M Rs, J. DOERSAM, - Our goods will appear to much' better advantage in your lianttt than on our shelves I The former is where they naturally belong. j _" a" r: niP'1"-"l'1.,.".C.,rt CLC-ctr,; ht tttriintiiitg and 'iiiaiitiittiai) , The“ lovely trtriiierr0iAttte _', ttoeuttatt and ','a1t1N-tltt thi atâ€, “my '1..- 7 ' not all “0|qu Mp! my w t , . â€0de. "', _ l Bl l no assortment I: at-t - I ISI tttttttM, and am. - - “f for your marlin†'te.,: 'l - E! m'm u and 2telti2lt 'ELG' LN F.LD Ir mm Int that will "ttqt'.t ' y .4!» you humanly. h (C' ' ' L" Imam uluu an "tere, an fu {A a mu. range of prion. T , ',icA,Jit) no. and wasn’t-t0 “at!!! \ very strong In this showing ' Alexander House Grocery J. W. fiiiford, Prop, -L Generai lnsnritu Agent E4 Uri-left“! M., T.c.r"ttt The Reliable Grocery Waterlod Buy our bread instant! ot m4 in; at home. It has the real homemade goodness. " 1 SANDERSDN'S BREAD Waterloo. wuss. _. z w' . Housawwss ", Phone 205 "