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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 May 1914, p. 4

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/ Mrs. G. w. Harrison of Frederic- , 'tcn. N.B. ttormerly ot Waterloo; has item . warmly greeted visitor in a no“ this week, the guest or Miss ; ~llinllie Snyder and Miss L. M. Bruce. i" “thread Eugene D. Daniels ate , ..nom ttts marriage ot his daughter " ElleEugenh to, Mr. Frederick H. _8dlleit|er " 'Nesday, May the -," twelfth, nineteen hundred and tour, _ teen, Church of the New Jerusalem, "r'-', B"liti. Ontario. .Peopm's 'ma t--tup u" heim. c. P. Unto Cas ', . “n.4, Baroness: Miss Hm, 't ri 'c-Porter, n. is After Hm. ”-4. 'na; , Ir. R. _{Primal Lurc-Ror, V. E. thtttaeta-tlosi la nd , ". Jun Girl-.citret' R. Pmrod-Tarkittgton, _ Woman's cv-Thr- 11, M. (“H '/r2,,'trraTt'/,i,riru,ei, R. R. Tenn: o' MI "tder-Tracy, L. iBttttertty--wettster, H. K. Law of Lie-Werner, c. It Happened in Fgypt-- Williamson, Van-n in tiriertee-Mozans, H. .I. sun-s dere u Flower F'indrr--Vlton. G. L. 'Aum Hulk u "mural Ga: 'rt, Otgine-- Longs" mum-s, rum och-f, r',. W. ples, Mr r!» Jud". Fart'airt-1'ortteit, L. C Ilflluuusls and Out Domestic 1?irds-Robinson, J, IL trom thr I.“ Art in Flandrrtt--Rooses, M. run-up! of W' Fraction (mammography - Talbot,and IIHHJ'IHIV F. A. "jil‘sl it, gun '.Bo&s of Valpre-De11, H. M. ‘Yonngnt World-Dunn, R. Dunne-s and Daw-England, G. A. 7mm. Ref-Fischer, A. Something Afat-Oray, M. mm Hollow-Green. A. K. Clock ot Scotland Yar0-uanshew, "Witness "btterts ot Freedom-Brady, C. i" award Hand of Napoieorr-Braeri' . “Quick Aetion-Chamtsers, R. W. . thne of tbs Green vatr-Da1rytnple, Barbary strG2-uopems, W. J. End at the Ftairstrorr--Kt'tth, M. New Dawn-Lost, A. C. Cap'n Dais lnughtel 7.1mm 'rt J.C Fortunate Yotntr--Lockie, "' .l. Jumtieapped--Lran, , “Black is White-Nec-ttron, G. B. "%rttatsetta-Nartirt, H. ll, When Chat. Ma. R "', at-- _'.orear, “hum " "Sour-wk" on Tuesday att- arm. which brought together a ”lost congenial gathering of the kinds ol thearideetect, whose smil- %i-; (we assured her friends or the . warm ”predation of their kind gen- " enmity. T A bright event. of this week was a __Vety pleasant Thimble Tea and sur- "Wu. linen shower arranged tor Miss . you Wing, by Miss Lillian Bren- An spiny hath done this- Hocking, My Enemy Jottes--Barr, R. lltdgncrsm Bindloss. H. Brstmtettot His Howse-Boucieau1t, In. N. Watson has returned home - min a couple of weeln' spent in _ Toronto. . It. Had Mrs. L. J. Breithaupt and daughters Rosa and Edna hawe left . to: an extended trip to Phihdelphis 'ar, 9th: Irueriean cities. , . The following new books have been placed on the shelves at the Waterloo " 80016 AT WATERL00 LIBRARY At Aornd alter June the twenty- mind, 25 Courtland Avenue West. Berlin. A 'Mt' on Thu-day. _ r. an]. Deeitt lat on Tummy a“. emi.'. I‘l' mu with [rind] . h we». In} E. P. Sap-m um the guru "8 Toronto [than toe seven! days1 Mee. (Inc. B. Moment and , son Cart I". “Wanda; iur their home in Winnipeg, after th Avnghtlul visit of -ernt meks with Twin-City re- lame: and (menus. A mm part of jit,ettd:s motored on Wain-shy to Wuwdoo, an hm! tea with, Mrs 'ir,.-r.t an at her DIM“ tour ttei-Gui: \Icrrnry. Ur. W. G, Harrrson of Fiv'ierick 'ost, N. H ' hrmeny ot Waterhl. is tho [um IN the wtrk and A“ the Mine: Snyder, Lipor,y' "reel, and the Misses Bruce. Allen street. " Stork called on Hendermn, King 1H1- - with the gift 01 a [11113. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sud-x have Mound from a deuuuul sojourn art men! wait in Scum-m Franco -d'Fatgiami. It. days' h Toto-to on hid-1.7 V _Ur. , hula! VII 3 visitor In ttie' A. New Books, Fiction. If Non-Fiction. vacation n he: fame H a " is t 4r "ce-- Mase," on Mt and Mrs. 1H1'L, last Satur- 01 a bony wee {organ . As soon as I saw the 1 had t"scapml, link! my oldest bring the Zazllrliuk (uhirh m- kmp'm Jhe house). l apphml link trrrly, and the pam w.) eased. l nudmuml mun: y., and in , sserttrieriul1y short tt: sures wu-rr mmplotoiv heated, Kam link n equally prof lnr outs, hruisrs, "r"'mu, "Ir“. pllv's. pun pies, Mr 4 tttr" Eur prr box at all drug-guts and store, or post free trot" thr Zulu link (EL, Toronto, MI "wetpt, of plum Itptuse whs‘hlllh‘s Ind unilJlmm Tlit.tr, Its mum"; ' " a painful scalding awcident, proved this. She “MIPS: "I was carrying a boiler ot humming mulvr trom the strn to the trash tub, Mm: suddenly mc. strength Fuiled. As the boiler “as inllim; in spite of my "tforts, I heard my harms cry, and to avoid scalding them I Rare the t'esset a quick "turn. The c-n'm't of this was that every thop of the boiling water poured "FPr my feet and limbs, scaldittg mo from my waist down. ( For taking the pain nut of a burn or scald there IS nothing equal to Zanrliuk. Mrs. Iitwatr. Del-nets, ot Pembroke, Unl ' who was the victim TERRIBLE SCALDING . ACCIDENT ZAM-ltOi GAVF', ()l‘lt'K RELIEF Mum's Junior Year-llrvitnrlmch, I, M. . Pitcher Pohwk--Mathewson, C. Winnipeg Hit-Williams, H. Benton Advenusre--Bartrour, R. fr. With Wellingtqn in Spain--Hrereton, Anglo-German 4'rotslem-sarolea, C Valley ot tho Ilumtrtur-1Jzars, II. I History ol Niagara-C-han, J. Browne, L'. _ Hawthorne's 1'otmtry-Ctarke, H. A. Through the South Seas “in: Jack f London-.-.lnhnsnn, M. Java and her Neighbors- Watcou, Athletics in Theory and Practice - Hiertberg, E. W. Alone in the Wilderness-Knowles, J Holland of the Duteh-Boulger, D. Ul Amecica--Tintfang, Wu. Company of Adventurers-Cowie, I. Longfellow's Cottntry--1%arke, n. A. Conquest of Mount McKinley t T The other delightful functions of the week given in honor of Mrs. G. W. Harrison were the drumming lurk cheons followed by bridge. One on Thursday. arranged by Miss Minnie Snyder at the Galt L'ountry Club; and the other on Friday at the Grand River Country Club, with Mrs. H. M. Snyder as hostess. The jolly participants enpying the additional pleasure each day of a delightful mo- tor trip into the country, where everything is looking its best justr now, and "Opening buds salute ttar welcome day, and earth relenting,‘ feels the genial ray." I G. w. Harrison, when the merry par- ty enjoyed to the lull the pleasant hours always assured at entertain- ments in this hospitable noun. K Mr. Wm. 1'tieimatt who has been on the Bank of Toronto stall in Toronto returned to Waterloo Saturday. Ile will hereafter be employed ln the Uiielman dry goods store of which he has become a partner, The Misses Bruce were the hostess- es ol a particularly enjoyable 'Bridge" at "Carrick House." on Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Snyder have returned from a delightful so- mum at several weeks in the south of y ram. conning home by London, where they also enjoyed an interest- ing visit at that and other important. cuties Numerous friends at Mr. Chas. A. Boehm who recently underwent a ser- ions operation for appendicitis will be glad to learn that he is progress- ing favorably. Major w. A. McCrimmon, o. and l. CA'., No. 1, Division, London, QM... will make an oltieial ,inspectiuu oi the Waterloo Cadets, on Thursday even- ing at 7.30 o'clock. In: Roos ot Cleveland, Ohio. is B guest ot her mother Mrs. "ttset-. Ble, tor several weeks. it. and Mrs. J. Guano: Ian Ties- day {or a several weeks' visit with their daughter at Noru. Battletord, In. Allan A. i392} is visiting her mother Mm. Poster at St. Catharim- n,_who ifeioualy ill. . Witter word viéndri' 1:115}; 0v; Slfgdu'. Sum]. In: A. F. such: Ht on . m. to Nov York on Welland-y- um A. PM at M spent Sunday in ‘h Qty. Mr. Walter Hog a LII-Ion. we“ Sunday at his his bro. Mr. In“. Ho. at Two-b was t SM] visitor in to“. _ a R". W. I); Lee new "to": with Rev. It. Hello-M ot Gun on ahsam.E. [kn-nanny J. smug In mum " moo. Inna-1 l!n_l. s. "Illn- m Cap. It? s Juvenile Books. . 's R. A. Jacket: and C. E, saw the children st hoy to M- always ml Kant- RUN' Noon 2am Dink, tune the 1amtt-ttr Thin. Tannin A urllummnw, but ' motrtrch. hr to ttive up Prince ('aspian and elope with him instead. This the prHtctss refuses to do. They agree to meet once more in the ballroom that awning to say gout-bye. l'nable to part from the mun sh? lows. HUIbuI hides him behind a curtain, bidding him trust her. t'rrnsurrnation reigns later wlxn the kiny and court learn that the prince and princess are both, missing. All are still inure borriiied when llulbul enters the ballroom, a lung, Cloak over Mr gown, ct.d an. P"""" that :h- “ill not “HI the prince, but instrml the man eh: lov- es-a pedal". 'lhruuing aside the rurlain, behind Much the prince is maxim, she exposes him to the full New of the kin; and court. mm is mum] to .05. 'lh, king "Tug-IT es in t,lte suppoUd podillsr the Print!" and llulbul is too pleased at the out mime to be indignant at the pram played "inn her, In ttte meantium, Ida, twho has always had a ling-ring (ondness for the king, proposes to him under a promise he much that attermon, and h, is bound to run sent. Alain and Lilla make a third happy o"tplv, and th. llirw “mldzllgs are so! [or ”I'm-HIM at "null " t "the prince tubers the- gardru ftrst and meets the maids ol honor. Alter ml'uh persuasion he is allowed to tseek the princess, who is roamihg dis- unsola'tely through the woods. The pruu-rpeddler speedily wins llulblll‘s attictjons, and endeavors to persuade 'lhe prince, on his side, determines to see his future wife before the be- trothal takes place. On reaching the outskirts of the city he disguises himself and his Iritnds as peddlers, and thus clad they srek the palace. lamit has bebrothrd his only chin: the Princess Bulhul, to the Prince ('aspian, and the prince is on his way to attend the wedding. The couple have never met, and the princess vainly implores her father not to make her marry a man she has never smu. lien-A. ll Fischer, C.H. was the musical director and, directed with skill and judgment. To his efforts is to be attributed in a large degree the outcome of the event which reprmrr fed several months of earnest prepar: anon. The success which atttndred the production is highly creditable to all who took part in the Operetta which ' as one of the most enjoyable events) met given by Twin-('ity talent. l A pleasing feature was the Irresen- tation of beautiful louquets ot roses to Miss Ahrens, Miss Kirsch and Miss Devin. during the evening. Mr. k. G. Rooney as the keeper ot the Royal Spectacles and Mr. John Bruegeruan as keeper of the Royal cash box, were also excellent. Mr. E. w. Mackenzie as Alian, a friend of the prince, mos-i. creditably ftlled tin role, his fate voice being heard to splendid advantage in his numbers. Mr. Wm. Clement took a prmuinent part as Caspian the amiable you-n; Prince, who he impersonated with a lien appreciation of the role in which he “as excellent.. .. Dr. Towers, . as lamit, the well meaning monarch, was highly amua- ing and kept the audience in high good humor by his clever 6 acting. Miss Eleanor Kirsch as Tina, the Ir‘und at Bulbul and Miss Gladys De- vitt as Ida, the Court Cttaperon, were excellent. They sang with sweetness and etiectivettess and por- trayed their parts with general ae- peptanee. Miss Lottie Minus took the lead- ing rote and inmorsunated the Prin- cess Bulbul with exquisite taste and grace. Her voice was admirably suit- ed to her selections which she sang with much artistic finish. l There (was not . .3 dull mourn throughout; From the rising at the bum-in to the via" the interest at the, large audience pundit was sui- tained by the humorous situations wttielt quoloped, the bright singing and the playing ol the orchestra, and the splendid ponnyal ot the diner- ent characters impel-mud. The re- splendent costumes worn also added Ill touch ot brighlness and appropriate ness to the scene. . I The leading parts were taken with uniform excellence and strong Burr- port was accorded the principals in the Operetta. The My), nil. m, .ot SHIN]. . - oe-tta In “In”. in the can In“. Uni-(loo. Tush, [culling Jaded “PAW“ tho “I” “I 5." " the' "mayo. “‘lot glib 3-1- Mhl km " nee-Ila- on. u I.“ night revul- the eattnhuiti" at ‘50 performers. The can“: - given with the IN“ ,ktiett would be m- od ot Proton-50m: rather than an.- tcurs and it was s gratin“ success in every particular, [whisking . thor- oughly anti-tying and deligMul "t mg: AUDW WAS Caste oi t haracuts. The Operetta. _ -- "", / w t-dittel, an. mustang .o: ?,i,iFii:hi? IMMIQWOW. In ”In. an Inn, Waueuto, TM! war “All“. alordcd was... seemtei'ee ”Cyndi-u, *wtie.iraeaihMri. ti, -i,druyes" ”no. out»: - - "icrihi'i" a; " ttsta-ues-tie-nt “midlw funny Inuk- Franeps Fvrrier, mm 11hitinsr. Hd na “autumn, Pauline kovttig, H-nle "can, Jam-Num- 1teetrich, “mural "trrrior--ttev, i. I I’m-Ir Pr, (2R, Mam Itanagrr--Mr, Hm lin;lrt!, t'ian.st-Mr, Fro‘al; Mug Timma “an, Margaret Rethe,rurr G'mrla Itierer, Jos. Hmsig, 8. AI bright. Caspicn--wm. Clement. An amlaue yang prince. Ida-Gladys Devitt. The court tha- pen-n. Tilla--Fueanor Kirsch. 'A trim! to Bulbul. Main-H. W. McKenzie. A friend to Caspian. . '..'t,s,t,tCr.. .l. Roomy. Keeper hi the Royal spectacles. Justso--uoia, Bruegenmu. _ Reopen-l of the Ruyal cash box. Btrlbul-I.ottie Ahrens. Ilis boun-. ttyas daughter. I Rapid progress is being made by A. H. Snydere, clerk ot the house, is preraring the writs. Everything is being arranged and only the space lor the date of the election appears to be lacking. It is believed that the writs cottld be issued within two days after the date has been announc- ed. l 'rrhrsstra--setrrvtrd Basil-L. ft. Downbeat. tYispett--Foun Schlw. Iran-H. acuneider. G - )srar Imehmer. Tytralb-.los. It‘llis. Fu'lim--.t. W. Laing. l'rtran-Thos. Garner. Gilyert--h're0, I'Idnmnds Toronto, May 20.-No date has yet been fixed tor the proi'incial general election although several tumors have been afloat mentioning June 29 or July 3. Indications, however, point to things being done quietly so that the eleotion can be held at any time. I h mus at Lords and Ladies of the court. PR EPARIN il WRITS FOR THE T ELECTIONS Jasmine-Mrs. P. J. Wright, "ttsa-Hilda Hocrsé'm. Toe-Alma Fehi. f hloe-Alertrude Hawke. Flora-in Trlheuser. Lois-Muriel Kerr. Iraphne-rhnilia Knapp. Mirridtte-Trixie Rogers. l A very painiul accident occurred on (Tuesday afternoon shortly before " o'clock, when Mr. Conrad Dahrner. Mary St., an employe of Bauer 4 Co.'s shoddy mill, had his left arm terribly lacerated in the picker ma- chine. The injured man was hurriedv ly taken to the B. aw. Hospital, and Dr. “imam summoned. Atter an examination " was found neces- sary to amputate the arm just above the elbow. Enquiry at the hospital Wednesday afternoon elicited. the tact thet Mr. Dahmer was testing com-) lortably. “And let there be no moaning at the bar, when I put out to sea." For some " years Mrs. An'lts" home has Men in Waterloo. Her home and the Rump! homestead Y" the ftrtihouaes on George St. Truly it can'be saiduoi her "Her clglhiren arise up, and call her bless- er. March Mth, 1840. On Sept. Mth, 1851 lb was married in Berlin, thtt. to Rev. Jacob Ana-es, who preceded her to the spiritual world on larch Mth, 1814. To them were born bev- " daughters and one son. Her son and {our daughters gurvive her. She also lone: eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mn. Anthea was the daughter ot Huh]: Strider and was born in th'ooeietr In... Waterloo County, FrMtr 1“ w u usual calling” on ts,ht phi); she "I tab. at d All a. Saturday min; and “in! mi intensely during her ‘H'id In”, with tctortitude and pa- t4esttt. mmkaqttalied. When maith ['0th lb was among the tirtrt to all on the sick. Warm-bum, humble and generous, with a lov- and. disposition her trieatda were leg- The funeral noiice will appear Pet.- Frirnds m Prince 1'aspian has Ihoros of Hunsrmanls hltllll MCI-IRATE!) Maids ot Honor Iii: M: In. “an. AI" lists, Ree. Jun» Aug», “my "my, " “about *5 Mm. M. a. ' u “an in ucaniauhy “dimmer ulna My" Aw} " 0M Milt-Ii! Vm " 3 'lhe sad inveuigenee%ss received by city friends on Sunday of the death of Miss Elizabeth Louise tlisirnbbach, youngest daughter of Mrs. C. Quirnt- bach, Berlin which took place at the home of Mr. William Hill, To. ronto, early on Sunday morning. The war and has been lying in a preear- deceased has been ill tor almost a was an estimable young woman and ions condition for some mnntls. She will be greatly missed try her aged ymother and a wide circle of friends. {Methodist Church circles and her She was an active worker in Trinity death is sincerely regretted. The re- mains were brought to Berlin on Tues-) the 3.30 train from Toronto on Tues- _ day afternoon and conveyed to Mount ‘ Hope cemetery. The very sad and untimely death occurred Wednesday at Ernie Mann the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marth, of Waterloo. Death was caused as the result of a Hall on Sunday last. Mr. and A‘rs. Marth wilt have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad tk, rcavemz'nt. Ttsa mineral wilt b» held on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock Irony the house, to the Lutheran Church and thence to Mt. Hope cemetery. The death ot August Kampman took place at the Berlin ' Waterloo .Hos- pital at noon on Tuesday as the w suit or the shock [allowing the acti- dent Which took place last Friday evening by falling into a at ot boiling liquid at the Breithatspt Lea- ther Co.'s tannety. The damned was badly burned about the legs, and there were hopes for his recovery, but complications set in chh re- sulted in his demise. Thy dot-eased‘ was born in (it-runny and has been an industrious: citizen of Berlin for} some yams. He was in his 61mm years. i the rum-é. to th. sum Imam. Church and ce and wee very W! and“, "in retatiw " being present from B, mm- loo, Preston. Heepeler Gait. The eervlees " the church d grave were conduct-ed by Rev. . G. Halt 'mMt,'Plattaviiie, and 'ee.' S. H. Schwartz, Berlin. The‘deceued is survived by eleven grown-ttp children and three brothers and five sisters. samples a Tdl/a gr . atri ”Wed- desit ed. 8 R L I N Tb lunch! or no late in. John Sch-am, C I way at he! homo in 'fgr'ilb'ti';'tr4',t'c (not aka a: thumb! atterisoms. from I a'tbNNATBtmtHaattD. “unmade-hid” ot 'e.ilrfh't,"tt'/ci'Lea', In. Quill“); “been“ '"jetsHP_aioetHiast '.'"+ret're-us-ttiviatere A pretty cloth, in neat, small patterns, var- Cotton Ceepes. ious deszgns and colors. Very special at . 15c, 200, 2Se and Mc . for Dresses and Blouses, in plain colors. while Plain Crefes cream, shy, pink, tan. grey and codrerehaowoc New Cotton Fabrics for Misses', Women and Children. We have on sale now an immense variety of Beautiful Cotton Goods gathered from the best se,',e,thgg'ggey,.', and American makes, of which the follow- ing are some pro . ent lines J- Beautiful, Cotton Goods IRS. JOHN SCH'EITZER. MISS ELIZABETH 1lUtItM- BAP”. _ AUGUST KAUFMAN ERNIE MART". " I]: A Splendid Dnsphy Unequalled Shine: in i6 , -e" - -" . wruuu nun. - a 66¢¥$306366 'i'i90...'-ts'is."-st. 603668068033 .! Jewellry and Watch Repairing :99999999990 QQQOQQQQQQO "e-ro......- Correct in Style, Color, Quality and Price our cash-men nuts tsatishcr.iier,air,T'i' wings to match. We want. you to insptct your own comparisons. Ou “out pro-ants a uric chine ot the latest and most damn able (uric. to: Dunes, Suits “Aunts. My pretender. " taken that only rcliaMc quality is karma, materials that give our customer: mute tsatisi'.ioer, also a wand“: range a! urn- mings to match. We want you to insptct our stock' and nuke your nwn -._m_--l-n-_ Black and Colored Dress Goods A. MARCHAND, Jeweley King St. Waterloo Try " the next tlme you require any repairing done Bring your watch and jewelry to us when it is in need of repairing. It will be given expert attention as we are specially equipe- ed in this line, having had l many years experience. You will find our repair department up-lo-date in every particular,

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