Th3 friends oi Ilr. It. Rudy, “110' resigned his position as s'uperintend- i cut of th? Waterloo lutmiur Hard-! wood 1ompanr, suun‘ time ago, “in? be pleased to learn that he will iden-i tihed with a n-w business in a sittti-l hr line. ahuut to be established ini this city. . t ' The Canada Furniture Company, Ltd. ot Woodstock, has been irworpo- rated, with a capital stork of $3,- Jroo. 'lhe Itiker-Hegeman Drug 'tures, Ltd., has been incorporated, ttt $10,000 vapital, and will do jNJIPSS in Toronto s. IP. Fl. Mavklin entertained a an I mum-any at Bridge on"'):,'-, day evening.' Mrs. ll. M, F'. How- mm was th. guest of honor. Theta- dies spent a most enjoyable time, and the lowly prize was won by airs. flurry M. Lackner. don. Is:it,rkurul, [mm whtuuw they sail 4or home on the lweuty-third ot this nu nth. “my “I" be accompanied on th ir return trip by the Misses Boyd or Roreayypon, uho hate also been in Germanv. . I Mr. nad Mrs. A. It. Kaufman, Roy Shoot, left on Thursday for a visit “aloud. They will take the "Mediter- u-ean route and “in return about the tirst of August. ‘Miss Lillian In." "l: "in: has been spending a fortnight "ith her father the Rev. E. It, Daniels. and attended the marriage ot tor sister on Tues- day, returned to Hprittgfteld, "ttio, yesterday. Mrs. John Fennrll is the guest ot t.ur. and Mrs. George Stanton m Mon- treal. Her grand (laughter, Miss Ma- bel Stewart, has juins-d tter mother, Mrs. Stewart in Montreal, when the latter is nuw residing. Mr. Herbert J. Bowman, County Clerk, has been attending the annual convention of AmericansWaterworks Association. in Philadelphia. Return his "turn he will Visit. Atlantic (my and other punts. Virginia. ‘h. Carl Bergman, Manager ot the' Which Bane, Guelph, was the on". at Berlin friendspver Sun-thy. Mina Lillian and Miss Ilosa Bren. hurt are enjoying a pleasure trip. my will visit Philadelphia. Atlantic City; New York and Washington. Mists Delle Gorric. of Toronto, is “Hiding " few weeks with Miss Edna 'tmitttaupt. Miss Edna Grant. ol Vietoria B. c, will be her guest tor tho weak end. Miss Flltanore and Miss Esther wir Hams, who have been in New", an. many. since Last autumn, hvrts UPI: Spending ths past three .von’s .21 I mn- In. H. G. Latina and Miss Lark- II have returned trom spending a '0' weeks at the “Welland" St. Wharton. In. ie. W. Lanna! returned the eRA ot hm not Iron . mm at on "W“ St. Can-tines. It. otrd his. L. J. Brannon [an 9b weak for a visit with (News in T'tteHaetrenleatttteCotmiCtu- _l C fully Summarised. Local all MIL ioooerooooooooooo-oooooooooAooooooooooooott . It. L. 0. Bream-up! in Mun“ w. H. Ptmt9er o! "a" an ti M- . my to Mound a! W. a visitor in an: on “in. - In. Goo. U. II. I“ In a visits It. Gado- w. all" at as“. VI! y or in Tomato during “in wick. a lanai-u visitor m Tomato taedar. - s. F. J. Mowat ot out was the In. Ed. Gordon. ot Mind. on, th ai" at in. r. a. menu on will mm in. mm on Baby to le iilif J3il,'t,,t,i, Berlin New: ip'itdi';Ciiil:"ii'i'i; HEN you ttatt on you -t.rap, P' W.tlthp',pt,ai1; this Spring. Amt, just " for "vanish" - " fir JAP-A-LAC; and don't be crate-it " anything but JAP-A-LAC. Alva†ll. up in Greiir'rim, baring the nuns "GOD. DEN." Made" in 2l buntiful colon. tmteit1ir_ for every possible requirement of the housewife. JAP- A-LAC is indeed a wards-working d in k“ furniture. floors and woodwork "spit: and can." No I w 1 ma r nan-d . a “what: se.' . ct: it jAP.A,L;c will ',uo"l'ta like new. It - tip the 0:!th and prod-e- . II..- lifuL brilliant. dot-bk tuatr. Quickly amd 00" W- No expericnc. required. Ask out Ioulhnrdm "_eeforthoJAPAa.AC' wflzogkenï¬thd‘AThonOhlhd Vg . 7 MA by 11. Glidk. Vuud C... lasted. r, tier!» Jap - a f- (as islSoU7. 'bijs‘phzrdt Bros. 1 Mr. Levi Dorusenworth, rormeriv OI lWillia-msburg. but who has open a i sidenl. of Yale, Mick, for the last tsrrtty-tour years, wax a kindly caller at tho ottices ot ',he Telegraph L Saturday. Mr. lwrtwnworth Itas the emiable distinttiou of half")! [Wu a weekly reader bl the Telegraph for upwards at forty years. I The teachers, oip.eers and scholars oi the Benton street Baptist Sunday lSchoul were 'ramruetted'on Tuesday ieVening in the dining hall of the ;chnrch by the ladies of the congrega- ition and the event was most success- Hul and enjoyable. Over two hundred i surrounded the well-ladened tables and Spartmk oi the good things provided. Rev. C. I, Mclrvlne left this morn- ing [or Brattttord where he will om, ciate at the laying of the corner 'stone or a new Methodist Phurch. On Sunday he will conduct the dedi- catory services of the new 840,000, Methodist Church recently commend in Ti0soourg. Ald. A. L. Breithaupt returned on Sunday morning trom a two week's business trip to the'Northwest. He reports that business conditions are improving in the west, and all that is hoped tor try the westerners is a good crop next tall. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Schmalz have returned from Chicago where they autumn the annual conference ot the Missouri S; nod ol the Litttteran Church. The gathering was one of the largest mar held by the denomi» nation, and the sessions were of tttts usual inn-run, and importance. Rev. W. C. Home also attended the com lemma, Miss Elm-a Becker, who formerly resided in Berlin, will sing at the evening serviurin Trinity Methodist Church on Sunday evening. Miss Becker is making splendid progress in her musical studies in the Queen City. take place on June 10th. , Mr. and Mrs. H. w. "magnum, Guelph, anmoum the ammo“ ot their mm, Edith Ind (Dain- to J. Gladstong Hardy, son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hardy, of Toronto. The marriage will We Place only in June. . Mr. and Mrs. James Townlcy ot Gall. announw the engagement of their daughter, Myrtle Valet“, to Mr. Norman Hamilton, ot, Raulrew, 0nt., son ol Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hamilton oi Hall. The marriage will take place quietly June 3. Mr. J. “not, teller at the But ot Commerce has bun unkind to (3th and has left tor that plane. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ramsay - polar announce than “gm. ot their only daughter, M. Florence Ogilvie, to Mr. Norman Argyle War, lord a! Wilhelm). The marriage will take place on June 10th. - w. H. Push-hr at "a“ III I visitor in totrtt on Monday. w. Gordo- w. all" at Bad-"u in a bud-II mm: In Toronto (why. In. Ed. Godot. ot Oakland. Cal. win who in an“: on My to and tho mum-ct with but noâ€, In. H. Err, M) Water snot. _ It. uni Don-cumin ol mYalo, Idol, who “to-M tho {M nt " "tor, thq In. In. Saint»: n Rosanne, returned home may. the Film-Sum â€Ecwiivb- At a meeting ot Berlin Park Board on Friday owning, a ttat refusal was gisen by a umnimaus resolution. to grant the use of the Athletic Park to the newly organized Home Show ur- ganization tor the purpose of holding a horse show for one day. The rev quest was made some weeks ago. and the mentors ot the Board visited the park and examined into the pomfari1ib- ies ot allowing a horse show in the park, but reported ttttfavorably. A deputation of tive ot the members of the association. headed by Mr. c. H. Mitts, M.P.P. and Mr. L. Rattler said that the association wanted to have the show in Berlin. They have an invitation from Waterloo, and could sent? the park there quite mommy but if Berlin lost the show now, it would he for all time." Already en- quiries have been received from per- sona in Paris, Galt, Torottto,Gue1ph and many otlrr places interested in the show. Alcura stops the craving tor drink. builds up the system, studies the nerves. It is guaranteed to cure or benefit or money refunded after stair trial. Alcura No. 1 can be given se- cretly by any wife or mother wanting to restore a deal; om! to health and usefulness. Maia No. 2 is the ml- untary treatment. , May Hold Httrse A allliR)lt IR - 1lliliftgllilgr VREACIIIIFALI; tc' Can be had at our store only 31.00 twr Lox. Ask for our Free Booklet a‘nint Aleura.-E. M. Devin, Water- loo. “I lvlll‘ks we mill have to co to Waterloo," said Mr. Rattler when the chairman intormed him ot the Hoatd's decision, ."and next year they will nrgannu‘. and secure govermnent, (mun and town grants, and Berlin Bill he left ont, of it." The recitations and readings given by the five contestants were excel- lent and well-chosen. The Swan; tadies acquitted themselves in clever style and were highly complimented ‘hy the Judges and those present. The 1 participants in the contest and their respective selections yum-Miss Win- nie McNally, “The Bridal Wine Cum" Miss Gladys- llallman "Yes, Pm Guilty;" Mins Candace Eby "Poor- dace Etsy "Penthouse Nam" Miss Mildred Wagner "I've Drunk my Last Glass," and Miss Marjory Stump! "Rescued." The judges were Rev. W. D. Lee, Mr. B. Grigg and Mrs. J. E. Hockey, ot Waterloo. The silver medal was awarded to Miss Stumpr, Rev. Mr. Lee on, helm“ ot the judges, congratulating each ot the young ladies upon the able manner in whdch they had rendered Itepl ing to Mr. Sam“ Mr. llihner said in Board did not wgnt the park cut up. The baseball teams stood _h_r the llnal'd last year, and it would not be lair to them or mum other athletic associations to have the grounds out up by' horses, which mulll not be replaced as good as at prrsettt. That Atcotrolism is a disease is now recognized by Science. No man in his senses brings disgrace and ruin on himself and family through choice. their readings. The silver medal olocution comm, held under. the tapioca o! tho Wo- men’s Christian Tonnage: Union ‘h Concordia Hull. Berlin, Timon [evening was a pronounced success. The hah' was crowded to ttrs doors and the programme throughout was " unusual cxcellenoe and interest- ling. The chair was occupied by Row. M. H. Sanderson auspices!“ mu» nor, and in a brief address compli- mented the W.C.T.U.. (I! the Splen- did work that is Ming done in the city in the promotion ot tempormo setstiment. Sir Edward 1'arson's mwnaniers are beginning to strum“ the simtity of their leaders. ted at w.c.1'.u. Mn- ment in Concordia Hall Comm DID WELL mlililii.l..ii.ll,tlil, F 1"." - - u. Show at Waterloo Our toouiall team 'tsrought.honor to the srhool on Saturday last, by de- [eating the last, on team. in a Hough Cup fixture, and incidentally defeating them on the round. The bdote at Gait. earlier, in the week was' 1 to 0 in our iavor.'and on our own grounds it was 3 to 2, again in our “For, this giving us who round try two goals. We should hare been drawnlagainst the winners ot the woodstoa-St, Marys group but they have, failed to declare a winner. The NRA. has ordered us to meet the mtteham High School team in} home and home series. Following out this arrangement, our boys are playing the tir" game of the series in Wing- ham today. We believe they will uphold their good record and give a good account of themselves. The re- "urn match wilt he played in Berlin on Satruday, May 23rd, beginning at date'open as the boys will need both three o'clock. Be sure to keep, this your moral and your financial encour- “outâ€. " (IO “TIER. . 10 WATERLOO IR BRIDGENRT Atter the Park Board had fittaily decided not to grant the "gust of the Horse Show Association toe the use of the athletic grouttdsAor the first annual Home Show to he Mid nut month, the members who loun- od the deputation beid a meeting and decided to make arrangemznts who†the show either in Bridgeport or Waterloo. "H this show goes to Waterloo and is a success the Water- loo men will take it, up and Berlin will be out of it," said one of Use, most active promoters this morning, and added o'T'ttett the Park Board will be to blame." The B. C._1‘. 1. Tennis Club reorg- auiZed tor the spring_ season on et.; -uesday afternoon. Mr. Williams was elected president, Miss Dorothy Kerr is secretary, and a ground: m“? tee consisting at when oftieettr and G. Ruppei, G. Honshprger ind H. Strick- land will see that our two now, court. are kept in frrtst class order. _ _ Allen Shirk will accept the one! ot a clerkship made by the management or the Dominion Tire. Camplny. Harold Lang has. through statue“, lost three weeks of a very important Part oi as term's wore. We WM Will-ho We _to overtake tho wock h- lore the out?» begin. Mr. Trout, of Toronto, visited the school recently and addresaod a Ca- thoring at boy: on a low important topics pertaining to good and right “Wing. and also on the “hint of a [tunable summer vacation. , was otim Jugs has mod n W Swan in the onus or thalConsolidu- edHRubber Conway. . Karl ' wrist has wow a cloth In the employ of the W. G. a R. Leander Wan] has accepted a posit- ing as assistant. to tho Manager of the, Bank ot Nova Semi: in sun» 'MM. L." iia. .3 l [)IEEEiIE]P, noting relief from the in»... (mused T, defective uctian of the or. gtm of igution. Most serious tick- ncues get their amt in trouble. of tho stomach, liver, ttowets--troobte. quickly, safely, surely relieved by Don’t Put on H SPORTS.. bun-nu... _ 1:15,.» a" f 7 my." " by“ "s. .. . "I , "' “"‘""‘"""" _-----is m ‘.: a“. ll ‘ ' al ' rr lr CI 3 . l2 Pd! . - P, ', .. _ " - _ .13 R ' v . " T fi, _ F V.ts fl c, " .1, N0 W“: I. . e ‘ Inn-4m" ' A." u. r m _ a ' C C", / 'l,, 'a-git'." - "It; - up , It, by "We! In: m " a I , may. mu It. Join l V I Itmagttr Sm6itcc",aaiiaem.itteiU,t.ife1 - . LG . q b lacuna-mm. ban-but o! r ' _ aiu' at. Hm' 'er, a dd w. H. M. ___"--- .5 A†' ' , L 4“ _ The Berlin Wonlun Ontario Ense- ball League team got on to a Bying start on Satutdny atterttoogt try de- trating the Gatt aggregation of home-brews by a More of 13 to l, " was a onbsidod game, to be sun. but it also demonstrated that Man- ater Witt has gauered shim; good team mm." try combining some ot the last yrar's Waterloo Foamy Inguo players trom Berlin and Watt-flan and miing in with experienc- ed ex-Cnulin new» plants. Every gin animal with anemia. new woman who miners from back- aches and aideaches. and the other miseries that "tiet her sex can Be- 'm.series that "tict in sex can se- cure m health and strength through a lair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Sold by all mounting dealer- or by mail at " can: a box or six tores tor $3.50 Irom Tin Dr. Williams‘ Me dicine Co., Brockville, opt. tttomit-tteats-ttous back 'many girls ‘lrom than“; to bright, healthy " manhoad. At that atMrnrortaat time when their veins should be full ot rich, red blood, mom. brewing on ttmsi.'trtealthi1r, tots than at spark- ling eyes and a; clear skin. Thee W come languid and â€banned at the least elation. uni: been ache, their hearts palpitote violently, appetite tails, and their eomNexion'ehartges to a pasty yellow, or they become deathlv white. No medicine ever 'ot- teted the puhlic has bestowed such important tegtefittr upon ammo [€25 as Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. . T 4 build up the body anew try making the rich. red blood that gives splen- did health, bright eyes. a clear omn- plexion and womanly brightness. Here is Ill instance out ot my recorded thousands. Miss Denna Arman. JJrbaiwriOe, REL, gays: “l Buttert- ed from un attack ot anemia which my friends lured gnome time would prove fatal. I grew thinner every dew had dark circles aloud my eyes could not sleep aT.llsstt, night and got up in tte moraine»; tooling tired end depreseed I, annexed severely from When and pains. in the back and limbs. I had to leave school, and was Unable to (may work would the were. I Md no appetite and Ira qmtly vomited that I did at. I was under a doctors can for eight‘ months, but was growing worse and worse. and Wes “most in deem“.I when a friend advised me to give Dr. l Williame' PiukPills a. mu. Anxious‘ to get well. I decided to do Bo. MV er making a law boxes] [mad ngod improvement, tt I continued taking the nu. until had uni-d nine boxes. win: I was ageio enjoying perfect mun. anfl round on weighing mr-) self that I had gained sentiment tounds. I have since.enioyed nelloct health. Tor which I have to thank Dr. _ Williams' Pink Pills, and strongly ail-1 Vise all other ailing girls to give this) medicine . lair trial." 1 _llllllilll,,e,fs, MI WANT SECRET SOCIEW . _..','"" =' __',,"',, i "'lilW,llllllk PAPERS IN Illlllu,.lrl.r 'ir, TrffF1HrPfV?r 1rtsrrytr1tttya nut.“ m..- u:_:4____"n_lgl:-__ " - Ah' .i‘i.i a "'5 In will: [vs-awn. - â€up!“ mg delightiully, "All lino Along." Mr. W. H. P. Chant, ot Dalia. cumin ot the bride. pro-idol " “Io organ. A reception I» hid " the ream ot the bride‘s “that tand author, Mrs. Blrnio receiving in mauve satin and Chantilly he.“ Hrs. H H. Miller. mother oe the groom. Wore striped silk and use and pretty black hat. The bride Ind groom tedt on the ' o'clock train. 9t bride trov- olling in than broader! Expo cloth um; Tosca bat with blue 'to-ts. They vii! reside in Weybm, Soak. Atom two hundred guests vac proo- THOUSANDS or GROWING 0mm NEARLY FALL INTO “HOPE- LESS DECLINE. 'EASMZDEFEAT GMT Atafmi'v--tht _ fottoth name for if“ Fiftten City Ministers Petition the 333.:th (i, 'Amend the By-law in Order to Give the, 2% "i; Orange Sentinel a Place on Files , , 2: i A very painful midrnt meurml on Friday evening attout seven o'ciock at the Brennan†homer): Mr. Ant “st Knutman. an elderly man all. is employed as nixatwatchman had the misfortune to Call into mu- ui the large tanks, tiHed with liquor, which uas in preparation for tanning pur- poses. The liquor was at, the not ine Point, and 1hr streams of ihe un- fortunate man brought "than: to as sislance. "owner, before they ar- ti‘ed Mr. Kaufman sntccerded trt mil- ing out of thr tank The hmhulanre wan immediately called, and the in, jured man was rushed to the limpi- m, This morning his mmdilmn is retorted critical and it null hr a Jar or hm ttetore his chances iot recon on will be llnbwn. I Geitteident with these two documents was the notice oi motion given at the last meeting ot the Board by Mr. w. J. "on, taxman-ti the by- laws, and action on the memorial and petition was consequently Melted until the py-laws were up for consideration. it was 16.20 o'clock when tit. tryMaws were taken up tor consideration. There were twenty-one than; nineteen of which were acceptable to all the members. The clause ftxinq the night at meeting for the second Wednesdsy.oi the month did not meet with the approval ot Rev. J. w. J. Andrew. who stated that it inter- fered with the attendance ot several members at the mid-week service: in their respective churches, It was fumlly deemed to allow this clause to puss, and if a more suitable meeting night can he toiled it will.“ taken. It was Clause IT, however, Jebich caused the greatest amount oi dtbe cusion. There was tTd,fe no amendment to the provisions ot tho original clause, and i read as toiiowtc--"NO PUBLICATION Oh' A COt6. TROVERSAI. NATURE IN RELIGIOUS MATTERS OR OF AN lNi‘l-' DIN, NATURF AND NO HECBGMW-OF A SECRET OR FRATICRNM. SUCH-11W SHALL BE ADMIT'I‘ED TO THE LIBRARY. BUT ANY CHURCH 0R RKLiGH9rtS'DENoMtNATIoN ls PERMIT- TED TO DONATE TO THE READING ROOM, ONE, AND ONLY ONE, OFFICIAL CHURCH ORGAN OR MAGAZINE." After an hour's discu- sion, which was conducted in a cool and business-like manner the Board decided to adopt all the clauses with the exception ol the above and Rev. Mr., Andrew gave notice of motion to have this clause amended to part mit an olhdal organ ot secret societies into the reading room. _ r It will be remembered that about six months ago considerable contra; versy arose over “to action oi the Library Board in running to no.“ the donation o! the Orange Sentinel for the reading-room, and it was claimed that the by-laws of the institution prohibited the imminent» of recognized organs of secret or tutelnal societies to the Library. " - theretore claimed that the Orange Sentinel could mot be given a 'jhoo in the reading room. «in F l,,s. . At last -esening's meeting of the Board two interesting documents were received and read by Secretary H. W. Brown, one of them being th- copy of a resolution may at a meeting held under the amnion of lab tin Luther Lodge, L.O.L., of this city on February 12th. condemning the action ot the Board in relaxing the donation, and requesting that the objectionable by-taw be amended. The other wan a petition signed by fifteen city ministers requesting that the try-4aws be amended and that the Orange Sentinel be admitted to the illes of th? Library. AGED " nus Mlliklmll OF HAIR INTO VAT (lf I“ 80mm; LIQUID! 'q___eag.__' :36??? .. __ Will the Berlin Library Board amend Chair " of the ml-ta,, my. eming the institution, granting the publications of the various secret-Id fraternal societies represented in the city a place in um mam; room fa the Library? 0: to be more explicit will the Library Board Bee m m4 sent to the Drugs Sentinel being one of the periodicals available lot a. perusal of the patrons of the Library'. F V The surveying has Men going on quietly tor a few weeks part, and the engineer says nothing very when". m had to be suriihrunted. The party has surveyed a route tot the From railway trom Port Dov- cr try a round about way to Tittson- burg. than†to Woodstock, on to Ittaserkip, Bright, Plattsvme, New work, which“ being done by We“. not, mid . visit to Mayor Euler. no was brought to the city by two en- thusiastic hydro radial men J . C. gunman, but! Mr. Hilbert: or New 13m, and togsther with Mr. D. B. Detu'oiler, Elaine" Stanley told ot tht work which is hill; done. Dundee; and Haunhcim. The survey 'i"r'"'1lillll.illl$ll$. m Chief Epgin eerfStanley Informed Ma i ai Euler that wasâ€: Would be Rug: y': fur Commission by May 23rd ~ . ‘ A: “and in the Telegraph of Wall.\ In: already lash oomblo‘th to 1â€. may the mines: at the Hydro sue ot Piauaeuis Electric Power Cunnilnion would soon in a Work indulltholE Kaitlin. Report in In my am. OI WM whoo- " use! . _ 5mm. who is in chm ot. th- .f?ylytrftt!.1r,ytiCt?a.t P It Started at Port Dover. At "u." l Lt. g e pâ€: .7791: , _ “is cod {0" a' . , . . L 1 / " Tii'it Heavtilul hair, thick. Ion, fttelrr. luxlnms. and tree trom dartdrutr,-- [I one of woman's greatest cMrms,ye\ so man have streaked. thin and Ille- less hair, and think there is no "In; rdy. Pretty hair ls largely a mt- ter of care. _ Frequent applications ot Pariah}: Sage well rubbed into the scalp ta all that is tleeded--it acts like mule. Try it tonight--you will "all, M surprisru with the result. Not only will thr hair homnu- soft, llullv. radiant nilh lite and really dodbty beautiful, but, all dandruft 1â€.“me- falling hair and itching seatp _ your H'ad feels fine, All druggisls sell a large Milk at Parisian Sage tor any rents, (Mt it hum F.. M. Dewitt, Waterloo. and C, It Sunnland, new", they will re fund the money it )ou are not tttttit. Md. how tr.arh each muesieimlity do“ pay towards thy cost. . The engine: stated that he M B instructions to survey lot any Wool- wich, Wallaby lino. _ Mayor Ett'Ar impressed him Very strongly withh- tm that it should in can It? Stanley 12“; tor Tomato Int. aight, and promised. to take tin nutter .. with the commission_ oi “Nb; an. way tretvice to the two townshillt. I/ While in the city the "ttt'ute" I!†arrangements " the Wain: “can. for the mm; ot bis men ihik it this district. ' : . Engineer Stanly said that Hi to- VV port on the man would u in tin 43 hand. ot the Hydro “cunnilin- by: ,‘~ a week (you Saturday, . ' , yds He will 'iéporlon {zircon ot as toad complete. rolling stock'inclldd. _the likely earnings at the road. a!