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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1914, p. 4

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"oy am:- beintr Awarded avety warm Pg,':,',',',',,',', upon their return tro, their “European my E 'ln. Fred Western and son tt.dptt 'ree. Cubhanmw ',tt' visitors " ttte {home ot Mr. and Mn. John N"icttol, unnecegooeoonméo 9909999999! QQQQQQQQQQQ‘Q ;” Mr. tIvo. C. H. Lang, and so“ livin- Ruins; taun ned Vera Shirk Att" amused trom a delightm Bo- tPr.? ot seven! weeks in Bermuda. 33,)“. R. Geiger is a visitor at the arttrto ot his hrotbr, Mr. 'mger Gei- , Mia. Ratph 1mm and son .ot Inning are visiting Twin-City lira. W. M L. Lochead and two In: returned on Wednesday [tom a visit ot three wash at the homes' ot - lather, Jr. George Moore, Galt. 't Jeweller ‘Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker, Allan street, hit on Tuesday morning tor a month's visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. Forte-t Ogilvcy, and other relatives In Montreal. . Mr. Chas. Ruby, Secretary or the Home! Lite Aseuranco Company re- tllmd “I: ad m the week trom a kn thys' trip to the Maritime Iro- lineal. where he visited the various armies ot the company. F “km the new Parcel Pust Act came into force, a special reamed rate was Wot on all parcels which were being lent with: aradius ol twenty miles ot the mailing place. A list has now been compiled of the places within a t" ttr mile radius ot Waterloo, and " as follows: -iuda 'Bamburg, Berlin, Blair, Bloomingdale, Blue Lake, .Branchton, Bram. BridsaroeVBrisht, PITS. Atrerto,te, Alma, Amulree, Ariss, Arkolt,Arr. - _- h _ Culling, Canal. Chesterfield (“my thoes, theeBantr, L'rosgrhil1, u lt Boon, barking. mambo. Elmira. Blots, Eramso, Erbsvi.us. Fergus, Fernbgnk. . God's Hill, Galt, German Mills, Olen Allan, Glen Morris, Gables, Goldstone, Guelph. Hapvin'e, nakkesvim, Heidelberg, Bender, “alien. fl _ 'r. Ion-ll Brown ot Toronto was was“ at. the home ot Mr. aners P. Yin-(blunt over Sand”. In, Caldwell and son ot Barrie “in; the week with Mr. and iGertiis, J osmrhsburg, K ingwood, "in-Silas lather. Rey. ft. D. f;aMMts.mettrt M. - tN'td1'At', trom " a!- . abut-non- ".J.G.luut In: nun-Al "van width! Wm.ln- "Ctftrth., - _-. . ‘ nder, the Parcel Post Act Which Was Recently put into Force mM TWENTY ' MILE RADIUS Announcement gin: ot In. R. B. Bean. um Daniel: is [idling gt .he mm- signed “wires to annuunco lo Ilw pub!" that, he has "that": a why More o Wing street, Waterloo, in the quarters funn- '. ‘ed by v-. K. J. Roos. Whoa! will and“? on dtttr , a """e. , Jewetrr Lash" equipped m ("W the bes' 'vice. Mm expert “a'i'h and lewrlry twain"; dune. .-; ollcits a liberal share at thi, palrumgr of the dim-m of Watrul,v, and surrounding community. (‘all in and import his stock. street. He unit cam J welt setee Iatchand can *OOOOOOOVOvvovv ..etotoo._o_ A. Marchand, cal-.3 te Tater! 1 'mm Kw!" where he mud , ruck" Lusinrss tor mam) Mum: and is well T'orouto Waterloo ted and tboire stock at jewelry In. A. o. Boom “In: "- nu ol 0|;qu were yoga?“ _'iasl- 1b ht. can.“ oi, the - " a. Vishnu) Town Hall was». In. Alex. Bowman, In. A. Mus- nlman, In: Laura Bowman, and Mr. Goehlo attended the [metal ot the Ian Miss Almeda Meyer at M. Jac- 1(ms on Thursday. Master Harry Lain; was the youth- lul host on: large gathering of little lolks at a merry birthday party on Thursday attelupou. when he dip charged tho honors as one to the Inna: ham, giving his guests sucha Iglorious time that. each one' depart- ed earnestly wishing tor many happy ireturns ot the day. Mrs. C. B. Clem-t round: th her home in Winnipeg on Wad-and” alter a seven] weakl’ vfait with re- latives in the Twin City. Mrs. A. B. qsoiiock added a delight- tut "At Home" on Wednesday after- noon to the various social [auctions held in honor ot Mis. H. M. F. Bow- man. who ttae been a much lewd guest during the past tortnlght, which has been one continued round at aaietyb rs. Wtrrge Wegrnast entertained Jf, very enjoyable tea on Monday ternoon in honor ot Mrs. Charles H. Clement. ot Winnipeg, who with ma handsome young son. Carl, is spending a few weeks with Twin, City relatives and friends, before Bet, tling in their line new home recently purchased bv Mr. C. B. Clement in the great Mttl‘opolis ui the West. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cunningham, Allan street, entertained a number a! ladies and gentlemen on Thursday evening, in their usual tirrspitattlt manner, to High Tea, in honor of Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hockey, whose term ot residence in Waterloo is fast drawing to a close, much to the re- gret of a large circle of friends, whose name is legion, but more par- ticularly to his parishioners, whose happiness and prosperity unitiry to the great sucwss of Mr. Huckey's whisky in their midst. The Retail Merchants' Association held its regular monthly meeting on., Tuesday alterqcon in the Town Hall with a good attendance of mentbers. Th, petition signed by all the store- keepers for the Wednesday afternoon halt holiday was pn-sental to the nmting. A rrsolution was passed by the merchants asking in: better street sprinkling service. The opinion was expressed that the sprinkling tircart's Should be at work on the main street at seVe'n o'ciock in the morning. MERCHANTS WANT \ BETTER STREET SPRINKLING SERVICE T Paris, Paris Station, Pennant], Pet- ershurg. :h'Jipsburg West, Piattsville, Poole, Preston, Princeton. Itatho, Richwood, Roseville, St. Agatha, St. Cletuirt1s, 51. (Emma St. Jacobs. Tavistock, Topping. Wallpmtoil, Walmer, Washington, Wellesley, West Montrose, Winter- bourne, Wolverton, Yatum. Kirkwe11, Kossut,h. Linwood, Lisbon. Mannheim, Marden, Milli:ank. Mor riston. Moshorough. ' New, Dundee, New Germany, New Humbug: _ y at use Wttrenast erutryutsed "fig" m Te v . u”, . F ' I _ h King St. LI) Council Ill lid Friday , _ all \ Inc ,' comm .9» I“ hold out p M $1.. on the mum“ the regular Ila-ting. The - " ifahes to put more did not adjourn until nearly eluc- - In“ th material has tag " o'clock, the matters up [or which my» to “no 'll k am not mm. _ation being productive ol mach diF 1 - that tt in Mr. llollo'l vio- eutwiott.-The Council rescinded tho all I - III. to have it triad motion passed at the prev-ou- moot-loath h an: to try that, we should ring, providing lor the adoption ott. W tttt plug-Mn; 9mm. the Berlin Plumbing Br-taw. and air-l Anchor "not why we should ro- pointed a committee to prepare an- conoidu the plumbing qua-tim- q is other by-taw. The report re city that many rahayers arc not lure planning wax also accepted. that the llama bylaw in palm. All members or the Council were in " can hardly be perfect, because the attendance. Bulin‘peoplu want to change their l The Mayor said suitable anal-gr by-law. I would say. let Ill accept Inwnts ior the reception at the Vice the good that is in it and drop the EXPERTS PLiiRiiiiiijjti/iccEtvirED The Board uf Works thtorted as IoIlows:- The Mayor maid suitaMe arrange- ments ior the reception at the Vice Regal party were being made. The recommendation contained in. the report that Mr. Susy” In NF pointed roadn aster met with op- position from some of the councillors and the matter was laid over lor reconsideration. This clause wasi struck out. Considerable discussion} also arose over the clause to accept the tender of you tor gravel [rpm Mr. Fischer. The report was adopted. Town Planning. . Messrs. P. V. Wilson and Dr. Hit, hard were present in regard to the Learnt plan. eil' were unanimously approved by all members oi the advisory com- mum, who were present at the‘ meeting held. Mr. Moogk had wished to be excused on account mt being) town engineer, but would assist ial any way possible. The committee,' he said, recommended that the Lea- vitt report be printed mr distribution and also that the plan be harmed tor future reference. lie made extended reference to changes suggested and said it was the opinion that no building permits should be granted until reference was made to the plan ‘so as to secure conformation with (the plan. . Mr. Wilson said the recommenda- tions embodied-in the repdrt sunnin- ted at the last “mating ol the coun- It was suggested that the com- mittee be enlarged and sutFeormnit- tees named to deal with various. mat- tors in connection therewith. Colu- mittees could be appointed to deal with housing, public school play grounds, sub-divisions, extensions to streets, etc. This plan was followed out in other places and worked sans hctorily. . A special meeting 9! the ‘31 Dr W. L. Hilliard also referred to proposed changes suggested In the Leavitt report, noting the necessity" ot conforming to a definite plan. He instanced the lack of public play grounds, the young people not being allowed the use ol school grounds, and they must play on the streets. The time to begin was now and the effort. should be made to minke ML crlou a garden city. In connection with the Waterloo Park he mentioned the tact that a private party owned the land now constituting the mill pond, and, the proposal might at some future time be made to drain it and divide it into building Iota. In order toavoid; this it would be necessary tobuy it. He referred to-the proposal to wid-) en King street, and regretted that the square on King street: had not been taken over by the town. He reierred to the proposal in Bulin regarding wnleningof King St, and thought that Waterloo should make arrangements to widen King St. in Waterloo. He said the Mulsous Bank building should be set back eitghiteet to allow for the widening or the street. Reeve Wegenasr said he quit? agreed that the town shyuld not, have aliow- trd the square on King St. to be built upon in the first place. He lav- ored setting the building back eight feet. Reeve Wrgerrast thet, moved that, thrvrrport of the Adrisnry Committee, on town planning be received and ac- cepted. and plans carried out as far as possibly the town engineer, and that Messrs. F. G. Hughes, IC. M. "Hm, w. .I. Realty, P. w. Wells and H. li. N, “Vigil?" nailed to the committee; also that the account for “on due Mr. Leavitt be passed. The lrsnlulmn “as adopted Councillor IIr,ilmatt-- I wish to speak [or a short time on a sublevt that has oeatly interested (wary mrmber of thr Council, as well as very "mm ratepayers outside M Mr Council, I reter to the plumbing question. I mink I an] sale in saying there is wry HUI!- Illl'unv-nrr amongst us, it any, in "maul to the "Med we wish to reach, Ttf, : to tnake st, less expon- siu- and to have at tho same time 4mm! sanitars pluln‘..in2, I am strong " m hum ni that " .alsu hrhete that it shoMd he possible In ttame Ihr plumbinx by law in smh a wan that the man who “when to mluce the expense to the Board of Works. 1'lumrinE Question Frame an The third recon why we should re consider an plumbing question is be cause tttk whole subject " present is in a somewhat confused “are. We have the Inspector‘s resignation be- mm us and we have, “random, prac- lically no Inspector and everything is in a rather muddled condition. lb dune the expenses to the lowest point can do so and yet use good material, and have sanitary plumbing; while the man who wants to spend more money can also do so. -iyitirm, reasons, therefore why we should reconsider the plumbing que"- tion are: . - - _ "IT Kahuna m possiblé I think to trauma the plumbing bylaw in such a mum)! that those why viish to .re- misfit”. the Berlin people are changing their br-rye. -i.Lchiiat tho whole question is in a mutual state, the Inspector having sent in his resignauqn. - -iGTtia, ieagws I would there- tore move! secoudfd by Mr. Halstead. "That the resolution adopted by this (‘ouncil on the 20th ot April, 1914. to repeal the present plumbing by-law and to enact a plumbing by- law similar to that of Berlin be re- scinded and that Messrs. Hone. Struh Geo. Wegmmst,' M. S. Mailman and R. Sch] be requested and authorized to revise our present plumbing by- law with power to consult with -»a similar committee appointed try the City of Berlin for the same purpose in order, it ' possible to adopt an identical Pluhbing By-law in etch municipality. -savious 'to the submitting of the motion by the Mayor, a number of councillors, expressed themselves strongly on the question t'octteiOor llalstead ..-1 was not. present when the resolution was put through. I believe Council would ho unanimous in having by-law, which would be productive ot the most hen- em. The health of theritizens is dep.ndetst very largely on proper plumbing. We must not burden the markingman with expensive plumbing, At the ttamp time we must protect health run though it cost more tn secure the best plumbing. t'ouncillor Woener,--Is there any one here that can prove the Berlin byrlaw to. be tytsahis9ctory , A . "coo.iiror" Euti-You cannot put th, motion through without a tmr thirds ma‘ority. Reeve Wtwmast.--replied that a maioritv was all that, was required. Councillor 'itrott.-rt you keep put- tine motions on same question at every meeting we will never get through. The WA'.T.U. held a most iastruc- tive meeting in the Central mlmul on Friday afternoon, in charge ot th, Superintendent oi scientific "i'ev..trr- ance, under the supervision-ht All. l’layiord. Miss Alberta Letter “If: acceptably presided. A pleasing and inspiring address was delivered by Dr. E. D. Hotst nt Berlin, on the "Evil Hams of the Cigarette." The doctor said the we of tobacro in any shape or form M.'" inimious to the body, but the can: ette was the worst. " urnuws .‘In mouth, the throat and the lung-4, par- alysis th, mun-s that control wealthy ing, and tills the little air cuts -.-..lh a Mark Illut‘ulls. The use " thrs ti AnnknssPou palette wrakens the nerves, rum-s it rrgltlar sleep, shortens lite, mil Inn tits the user for a useful career. The doctor introduced the enthu- areite pledge, and appealed to tho boys to Sign the Nmigr, and $151.1": A W” avrrsptahlr solo mm rrttrler- ed by Mrs. ll, s "van. The nu grmnm- mm a literary our, the Jit terrnt, numbers brim, given by the Mhnlars. trom all the In!" \‘nlrs of thanks were Irmlrrml In In. Hvist fur his appreciated fu‘l" 1m in “mum-tin: “in: the uurk, aka to Mr. Playford for his kindness in al lvmim: ths W (“1 l'. the pririleqr to rooprratrs urth the temhr.rs 1n the work of scirntit'tc hunwramv "rsttxte- “all. . (Continued on Page 9, rrodtq5'eiV In I“ yeti“ iitinr, thiare hurtful u. CIGARETTE EVIL 1ii,?tih , ‘Sprz‘rig Drew _ "1 €335.33 Goods for 1tt/?ays. ','.' ' thiiki"uiikisgr 'i' Thurs. May 7th Miss Edith Parks ot llespelcr is a visitor in town tor a iew days. ' Miss Ida Kaiser and Mr. William J. Oliver, tout ol Ayr, were quietly married at the parsonage by Rev. Mr. Snsll on May 12th. WOWW W --to-0o000060t Josexh M. Snyder lea-“s In run! for Olathe Kansas, to aura) the mar eral on Ftiday ol his mothers' brottr- er, Absalom Meyers, and his wife who were instantly killed at a 'rail- road crossing. Earl ad Countess Grey and Lady" Evelyn Grey are expected in Toronlo trom Los Aageles, via Vancouver, on the 27th inst., and will stay at Gov- ernment House with His Honor the Lieutetrcnt-Governor and Lady Gite Iron, en route to Ottawa to visit t R. H. the Duke and Duchess of Con- naught. I'kfiééiizz-sdle of For the special benefit of our numerous ECONOMICAL BUYERS we have put on SPECIAL SALE achoice lot of SpringWabrics, including some of our popular Bedford Cords, in Navy and Brown. Brocaded Amines lo Cop. Blue, Navy and Brown. Herring bone cloths in smart Greys and Fawns and a choice lot of Light Tans in Armures and Poplins. These materials are strictlsy NEW, therefore you can bank 7 a . on it that there are _UNU UAL BARGAINS in store for 9C you. The regular prices run from 85c, $1 to 1.25 a yd. ard. OUR SALE PRICE FOR 10 DAYS IS our weekly advertisement in this space is worthy of your careful reading. We tell you here only a little of this store's doings each week, but what is given cannot but be valuable to many if they will take the time to read this message weekly. Readers Why should not we think of new things. New things to wear, New thingsfnr the home. S. B. BRICKER & CO. Ladies' New _ Spring Suits We can supply the material tor your New Spring Suit, should you 11100813 to hase it made to order. We import our suitings from the finest ntakrrs, and this svasnn we are show- ing an exceptionally nice nssmtmcnt of I'unnisll (Innis such as Sl'lllGl‘ZS, WORSTEDS. "EDFltltDh1, crtr:v-' "YIN. TWF'.H0t's AV!) CHECKS, ranging in prices from $1, 1.25, 1.50, aoo, 2.25 to 3.50 per yd. 1let,t,er made and trvtrer litiinE than ever heinrr. ('ut In the wry latest style, plain tailormi slyies also, and the kinds which [will can “var We've lot all mum-d kinds at Imp ulnr prices Ladies' Suits $9510. 12.5c. 13.50, L fr; 'rteu'tiy-to- Wear Sfriatg is here-and all Nature is undergoing that glorious change Jietw,ihystro'"od. rd.5d 104925 Waterloo, . Order a tin to-day at your grocers qr from your hardware man rr KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF ' SWEEP-DAY Cleans Carpets Brightens Floors . Say Dustbane . Don't ask for Sweeping Compound . DUSTBANE puts the ee's (ease) in sweeping of the . - Ch eorticle T elegraph New things for the home' It may be the first home you ' are furnishing. It you are the bride to be we invite you to at. the splvndid stock of pretty things for that tirst home of your own. REES, MATH, 1'iHlTAINH, WALD PAPERS, I'u,iNltri. L1.NOLHUMtl, AND MATTlNGt4, liwrything pm may wish Eur, 1se have it, in good choice and at attractive prices. “hy pay hip prirrs tor sowing "rachincs In pmrplr yo" tio not, know. We ram svil you guml and rehatsle murmur“: at w“ lost prices. hoie nmrhiuN at th" "tlftrtt in, SeuoittgMachittes Hum] rim-rum Machine $15 to $23.00) "Favorite" slum b, _,.N. ,xxwm 'Nut 1ttliioifvs" Hum! to 'tc, II" 'cAiantl,cti" “mm In _ ... strum Ont. Ending _ Sat. May "

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