lulu“ ttmr.s '--TP. Nt'ttdav Visitors! Item.» ul lulu-rest :-.htr. and Mrs It Mr. ahd Mrs Aaron Nader wclezlnwm‘. F. hackle atemhd the “It In. 21 voyeur, Mrs. .lohh “""lfmu of that allâ€. Mrs. Jetta Mcttotttt [ 'ke a: £3.12! td'." il'd"2,'iTtil"/i,- :ul humus, luIIlIHIy ul this place on .-, .an Mrs. . lumpy, '.aer. rra%' . Ind" spun Sunday mlh Mr, 'a'7//3at'di'ivse'li1"ig,',' Jtf.'l,/?2t, h', In. William Madrcr.-hrttis Sultan..." . _ . - Huh! want thy former part of 1tCi21iygt,'/i,t" ATS}; "31.53:"; 'Gck ul ttome.--Nrs. liturg- !teviu'vio,ria, ho 33. hts Gd suBering ten-rind lo her P,"t m â€psych: al-Hlmn La (mm, duritr. the pat. were. tet a thye ween 50,00â€: lull: 1"i-yes reached here last week ot ttte tg,', firs. Aal'hh ilt'2,ra'lit: , cralsl'ddm death oi Petr! Reid ol li- rm.“ ste,)'.,?,',' lull? l t',",'irr,i,:e,1tr,tir. For 11.. Fast ttho womb; le I: . _ ?? ' a'llimle pu It." . un'"'! and his wife ttere visiting, at tlcold al"i'i" ‘lflal'd l'rl'df" 't 'I""""?, litrr.ouw, \\:n'.(-rhr'rur-. They le.rt I'm a. he. is]; IP!'"' m Elmira “an 15mm, Iunu‘ 'nly tir, other week and 'lll,,ll'G'1tiiar"ilcilri 1".t2"'"1 " rcutlrd U‘lr mm James at llaminla. ' l . an. " !‘-'.\lun ' where he passod may btogtt ttrt'id'tf1r,,pcfrat/',r,',i,tr-frlisi/i'J,i' iheurtiailurr. He um one sister, Mrs JI . " u , h . r, a" ps 'h'roree “mph! besides a wi'e and airtight? tl, 13?. “Slum; lusts" Family, and quite a ttttttrue" o.' rela 1',"lldaf,ui'1" Il/il/ttr'.": I'i"1 .r itivesv-3rrs. {Home Smuh, Mount Aaron Mad r C")'..;;',',.,',', an†T [7'1 Forest is visiting her Inn-"N and re- . P on .' ay. e ls l: ives ' .'r . _-lu h' _ l improving from his illness.-ur. and [Q',',,)')",,"',',,,",'."),',,"); â€gear“ l, lâ€: . T, . . . . . _ 's', Mr. Charles Goetz shipoed " Ier" (â€931: 'J,tifc?li.'.is ilmnuuu "lety.yer nite car load of cattle from Watrr- Cl,' s'c'.'11im?,Ttr'l,',",,',"",'i,r m tet 100 on Frhlay last to the “Ml-i. (In; ("I . llllm Ir/l/y',,','?:.','.)., “l: 'Market all‘ullg the mlmlu-r “a; a 'orr ' . . , . ti.--, ."'sivear "H hull belonging to Mr, l. t. ht? and Mr. PM.†(.uluht'l 1'1s,ll.s.sutunrart, weiph'rtg 2mm Pos, Hull at 'd LT..', ',i'rid,Cr"sti./r1',?'il,'i",t,g, / isit " (“as per "c-Mrs. Wm. Iriss M Guiii, “Mr; s. Carl,'" Ill).')" lllllunN "law- Dawn! Pram-fully slwiiy " . ,_ ._. ' ' . _ " ter a knot illnnss of I luv mum»; da liter "urban; "re vt.sitin rclat- . . i..- ,': or, .: we? in Harlin mu Hmim All anzllfnm») heart “Mam .1cht h“ , my" Mrs 's‘okmmn ifii, 'vliriiJi I-novlurm ilmmlv and an aged husband to " run) C" . ; - her departure. Fhe was about 155 CtL"letll7; .lllmu “glib I) '/t','2,'ijyrys: old, The tum-ml was. hell at , "T,; [I an "Id ".lh \unkr'l the Methodist, Church and numb"). 'lr/ll. s,iele:uvlst.? “-0; $1111â€),HK on Wrdnrsday aiternoon at I.'. p IP,, Watttver at German Mills. _-----------.----- spending tlt? “wk with \lrs. Nvil “L““Ln Should also report midniuns and chantres in their lisl oi subscribes. either to tlte Local Managt‘r. or direct to the Advertising "irectory Department. Montreal The Lerll Telephone 1'ompany M Canada is soon to print a m-w isstt or its Ollicial 'l‘oleplmno "irectorv fur the district or'Westernumtario, in, eluding I. Parties who crmtenrplate humming 'atbserir.erk, or those “Inn wish changes in their present mm should place their orders with Hm toval Manager at once to msun- iusrriion in this issue. News Yotes.-Nr. Julm I., Funk-r has started opttatiros in his su" mill this week mm a full force at trien.-.ur. John Pianner " 1trrlrt's Corner was the gut-st ot Mr. and Ilrs John L. F'orler aver Fltmday.-- Mrs. Russel Thomau M llcrlln is visiting her mother. Mrs. liirtmrhold at mm mt.--Mts. Samurl Ixt, is slill Coit lined to her hell through itlur:is --11r. "only Iatttr, mm GrandttiotitPr “at ner have rev0vered ircattheir l'f't'PIIl. illness. New' Telephone Directory t'0vN [Cl "YIN“ Ct tMPA N I I'IS The Bell Telephone Company of Canada j iiiiii/ this, sag "'riijt'ii. wi, ___ "I-Ei-. " run: In“ Edison Au a tu; fre kin-:10" "I" W“. V.: t . C L r 9 PE}: ifC; A. If you do not hear an Edison you done! hear a phono- graph. There is only one Edison and only one Phonograph bearing his name. The Edison Phonograph is Mr. Edison's own rsonal achievement. He invented it and he per- ioec'e,rirt'. He is responsible for its clear, lifelike musical Records-the Blue Amberols. unbreakable. playing four minutes and lasting a lifetime. He has produced the indestructible diamond reproducing point, that never needs changing, He has recently perfected this new cabinet modei---a thing d beauty in itself and a marvel of musical perfection. - - t Hear this new model. Hut the new BlueAmhc-vol Rerords.em.. Inning everything worth wink: in the fieid of songs and instru- mental music. When you go to a dealer's store to heir a Phonograph be sure you hear an Edison Phone graph WATERLOO Phili psburg Breslau MRS. J; DOERSAM, Edwin Wong-pl» In}! Rcrank "f you In King Street, Waterloo Aerts Notes.--Mr. Jacob Elle! loft an “under. I‘H'nillg fur (‘hicagm 125‘ (')/'T/ie (‘ullrgv of Machamr-Therapy. ur. IG.el “in star ahout one month ie, Huh]! I)»; mum-r oi Machano-Ther- upy IU. Bish hum h'ttetp5ts.- The Grand I'.irer has fallen quite a Int. Th, ml: mil hm- 1n a few travtc-- Nov, h Hm Inn? to nu“ your rimm- Lm-d nu fall 'theat.--Thr MI]! is run- Pine Mull uell these days. MI Gordsn hump, “mm-r of 2nd prim in district No, I, Ilrsires to thank th" mam iri'mls "ho so gen- 'xroustr suprortert hint in the Tole- graph's trip, circulation cautnaien. ' NI 'I‘I'URT APlHlFy'lATTiD. ierrs Sotivi:--."tum has atwost all djsapprtrrd and roads are -very' mmhh :11 Itrespttt and not llllll'll trat- tic.--NIr. Jul-uh Miller who is retir- in: from inrmin: will sell all his shatters, iuolettwnt.c, and Farm stock, an: Iton'lav, 1prtl tith.--The Messrs. J. fl. "Hurt, N. Fhischhatrer, llorh Katt-Maui, P. s. “manner and I'. F. 011mm", 'represeuiinrr, Wellesley as 'Mrgulr: last Thursday. approaching. tits Fulrrul Goyernmtsn.t at Ottawa fur a sulvsith n! Mimiâ€!!! per miie tor Hydro Rm’iulu purl were assured hunt thvie luntlvrs “will receive um":- ornsihtrtiora by Hut I',rrvern, tr.tel_--itw Messrs. Ii. K. and A. “liver Were in Toronto for a few (lam of last " rvk 0.. ssprvial l-usinpss. --Mr. Irvin FTr.i.sivhhauen went to “Mr-rim: last sveek tsh:sre I" have SP- rurrul a si'ation.--Mr. tt. Trussler is “akin: pr:tmtratiorts to have C.r Prrlitt ulrte II" has spam-.1 a fluxi [inn m an aulmnn‘ilo “ml-Ls. . 'unl Winterttouroe Centreville Wellesley Hui! at Hist. M away " v "u,ttthsi Mocmt and re- al the 3 pct mg --Mr. Ilarry Phillips has rvsinwl his rnsitinn as local agent for th? Slandard Rename Mortgage Corpor- aunt: and will resume his [armor par- lsilinn at the (RTE. depot lr-rn. Mr. Arnold ot Tun nto will summed Mr. li:ii'i'i'ii',s, with the S'tandatd Itetianee. -Mr. Alex llarlmann brrmert.r "I ll’rundun, Man.. has taken the gem-ml aIg'u'n‘ " Waterloo, for the Landm- and Lancashire Life and Gnu-rel As- tioranee lsuv'ialmn. Limited, Con- dun. Fm,', Mr..Hartrnan will make his 1v'atlauarters in New Iramhurg.-- hlr. Htnry Inn has purchased the hrs-en‘s "otet Inc from F'. A. limits and will take pmscssitm ttttxt, month- Mt. Kraus aell man into the house Mud- he recently purchased [rum Mr Ilcnh “MIN and live re tlrrd but will still continue tte Grand Theatre-ur. Sulnman Shaun has a Daisy Jr. F1cete1enrs Gas Light Swim. installrd in his hotre h “L (hr Hull». This is. thr third s.rstrm Mr. shawl? hum-ht trom Mr. ttoth lot dilirrent houses and thy stive rum-e satrsiajwn,-The Roy al Templars ot Trtcprratwt, will celehraV their sun and annivprsars non Wednesday Men hm. Ipril 1'ct, In their ('mlmil cham- lwn m mum‘s tdock, l strong mus tral and lat-nary prn'rauuno wilt he rnlrrul after “huh tho mrmug‘s rtttertaittmertt will tat, n h, form M a tox social. HY?" mtmber ul tlv, l'n'nnl 1s Pxperted to Ire pre h nt 1mm- and \uur flu-Ids urn '0'! Ths lamps 'sill hear in n ud to hm" their patch Hues Th, nil-mil»: is thm movmmnn _ open n. _ "ttutr, ht Maple Lrat orchestra " untraltn solo, Miss 1lrtna Lu"; Remark M lhaurman, smut. Rutl' " lmhmh, teadint, H, Um" ', att-', jdnsw. V If Roan; Guitar solo, " t Mum. wanna", um bta Dru-Inn; hum solo, W. " I InhIt'lI Millinen- Opening: At Miss, f, '4. Ita'rbr, wax a (Minn! suu'rss, l hs'tmgs of ladies wondrd their way to her parlors, “h'n Miss [lath and her able assistants showrd the latest ob mm: in Swing willim'ry. h Inca! and Personal :..lm Ruben Falter. and "NAter up“ I‘m-any; in Ilayssi0e.-Me. and In. Tom! at New Dude no: load" in mm: xtsitint the [actor's “tumult. T.rtr' is Mabel ot can. is unewing old a:- quaiiratktts in my†this new. rain and Mrs. David UndMN‘ , Io." Tuesday in straifard.-Mr. Funk and his sun Gottfried spent 71ml!†in totttt visiting re1atives.-trt Kaufman ot Berlin spent May In tovot.-Mr. Howar'd Holmes moved his housthold elk-eta to Station! where dry mum! to retride.--Miss I-iuglen of Ileqliu spent. Sunday at the hung oi Mrs. S. Reis.-Mirss Em- ma Ruhr of Berlin spent the "set: end at her home in to---Mr. Ehy Rush spot Sunday with his mother Mrs. F. "ush.-Mr. Jack llamnlton of Guelph smut Sunday with :rltnds in tosn.-Mr. Melvin Bean ot Water- loo is spending a few days with his Uncle and Aunt Mr. and Mrs. George Bean. Board at Trade Annual Meetite- The annual meeting at the New ilanr, burg “turd of Trade was held in the (‘uhnt-il Chambers on Monday evening with a good attendance. The minutes ot the last annual meeting were read and "nuns for the, ensuing year were rlet'twl as iollowti: "resident-V F. Ran. Vice-President-Lewis Hahn. Ftecrebary--.t. A. Hartmann. Treasurer-W. L. Sutherland. Executive t'otmcit-.S. R. Stewart, L. Peine, L. G. Isequegnat, W. L. 'iutheriand, J. K. Hartman. G. Re- belski and It. I-2. Ritz. 'Jlanuiacwrers Committee-The one cm of the Board. Industrial t'omotiuee-Thos. Wem lol, 1.. llahn, II. II. Messncr, lid Merner and R. Bode". "ailwarCommiute-L. Point, 8. it. Stewart, L. Jlalm, L. G. Pounc- gnat and w. L. Sutherland. _ --- a I 3‘" "NJ-‘4 "NWN q TF' ‘7? V" " Sww» 5W.“ _ T"F' "rl',,PWW.t "'{W'TVgW , ‘r ‘{._"‘" ' "ri""'),;?':",""'?,, t" {W} '5j15"ri'rs1?"", ‘5 "c"'?'.' " t a _ - Ctttrttettc "9t"ee"serr"' an. 'ra-ate M andâ€). p... ' Wil dia- Pyy"yyy'-i'rr: Gro \lmlm vn, wrrrsxflil m Invwm: th, “in "25er ’linn Mammam-n m Toronto In! Ly" --iltu; Ruben Hanan “rm to :anunln nn “rdnwrlgu m smni ’lv Itteel. ottt \uth hrrr "auchtet Mrs, “any “â€10 -Mr. II tlerner an! ’Ir-r dawllmr tl,rsirc Vunh haw 1mm Ito l'IHx-hurg m \ponl num- 'iwe v, 'th Mrs, " Zur'uuz -Nlot mull: Inn ‘Mn " wnmw Maul“)! tr rorrrd “n Frio, n"rrruo; whim Mr sit-mum'.; milk “my": was struck In thy 7.tit train at thr " T " rrn’esulz Thr wagon wan mm to puma“: Ill' drum ttr "HUI etitpitl "ith " “r "'8P sttaktterT, the horse esvarted Pr:s:aratisnv, 'to hail-l a 112w red 'brick house ml his lot nn L,atuma tli, "his titittr"r.-3lr. H'Piiry'ftitv, of Gretna Manitttha and Mr. Lor.iis Yuma-1 of “Inna vrri'cpd here tht lSundm lo attend tlr- [mph] ot' the latter's sislrr Mrs. Luther Scull «n 3Jootrac.---l,"w. fr'. A. “mum mi Tot' tat'o will "'v"lly llr- mum! in thw Baptist ohur/t, "PM H'uuluf.. In!!! morning and Mining .sr-er' nil) hr- in the lingllsll Iurrwiwv.--Miers llttt ri'ttu I'eine. had In rt'jrtt humt- from Mouittrn l'wllrzr, Toronto, rm al‘l'ul‘llt of illn SN. lit-r many "hurls 1ill hr phrased to hrat that H!!- m damn cuuvalsescot.--TM MTV“? in the Evangsliral chttrth on Sunrim, March 129th uux' “unmet"! as Misti-m ary all†our-[ml in Ill" rt'ur1tlarmwu1 with an "driress in Geructn "n Fa!) bath unhrk firm-â€hug .th" Met tinn nf trlltcerr,. of lh. Su‘nlmlh svhm-l --Mr. Georros MN‘vrgall who rvcrntly sum his [arm but! shwk ‘n his MW lhrr norm] to P.rvahto. ('nlurmin. last wtiek --llei. .'~’r_ H-hnu- of liar! wick Femrnary, len York an" an.- trial srrxx‘wllx‘ in YM i'rier's Lttth-r an Uhurrh here on Sunday um. 'it vll am. the erwr “ill bis m Upr- man and itt 7 IL"). in Hnpr,lisi---Mr, I A. "Hm-H has hm" "ttpointed " sistant supmmlrmlrnl of thr. Irrrr Hamburg Mia Co.'s Itorks. Mr. "cr nett “as an a trm in TLI'UHIH and tnzam‘d ionr um "raitsrt.rn, ssho crrrertn"r" “ark this “114‘. “h“. :11!er. William Maury Mum-m “:1 hrihsh Thrmipstm I'm-Hun A io n3 Middlehutrur, l’nglrllvl. (in. l (mull "rrtvprlv,,vtsih ursssry Han'x (o.'l't, rullln . _ “HHnm gulx'l “rl'xl \lcmx “I m of Trronto. The l‘UIIlEHlH Irra, r" crivrtl uIIanr Limo ur'lrr Fur lh u neu dn'lmnu inslr'hinvn -'Htr, "Hut" on; up!" n: ot " (MM-r" un Snlhr (lay. \lnrah 2t. um I.urg"l\ anrmlr'l --urr. Jam-2, Run-r] Mm rmulul Irm- sinn- last wmmvr, rommr'l to in iormer hmnr Ill Y.urith -urs, â€ploy: of Toronto. Itn‘mmun 'tt,atvM'r In: the lion MR thrmm. 'l‘nmlmmwr- l'niun drh‘rrrvl n "vrl'rr? .u Hu. t0aruwlwat (hurry. '" Twain (-1le In; Murrh "lst. un tlie mlm't! o', and Staulli-r; Santana solo, Miss Viol’t Srhulr-r; svlectitat by Maple Leat "rchestra.' Prtr.aratttwt' begins at ti o'elock sharp-hir. Zluhn Sthmillt returned honte Fast Friday uith his clover threshing outfit alter a wry successlul stasum.-Toronto Harlur Commissioor K. J. Cousins, his se- cretary Mr. G. bi. Luveys and Mr. Thomas t'oulnsi, ms" at 'roronto, visited the New Hamburg Mfg. Co.'s plant last Saturday toinrestip,at" the construction of a massive digging ma him to is usrrl in the extaugsive excavating operations "ow being per- lnrnird in the Toronto harbor, Mr. ('nusim expreswd himsoli as bring very greatly plum“! “ill: the Msign and \wrlmunsliip nl the marhine and uv'ImInm-nlnl th:. its,rgressivent's.s of the firms 'nurirrN'ring staff in bring ahle in builil' a line of marhinery which hitherto haul heart alums! cu- tirely nunmpnlmd tty I'lurnpmn mul Ar nriczzn firms um! sqoke 'ery PM courar,einir,ly of 1h- large Irutxtml for this line ui trohirr"ry that onus in Ciutada at the presrnt mm. Attor u short sight seeing tour ilmmgll our principal 5;erch Iln party lr-li for Toronto “I‘ll satistied with New Hamitnr.s.r,'s howitahir. Death of F-Ilnnmn Atetwr :-".', death lpok plat-I- at Waterloo his! Th'tsday ewninz ui a lnrim-r New) Hamhurr, rrsiclrnt in the person nli Mr. Suluninn Itetser in his will: â€Â£le 102w, Miss Hahn-r, Mask-r Neclttelrtirtittreu-oltss Park of Stramml Pure-bled Pony', "Teddy Roosevelt," and Cart to be highest number ot' votes in the Daily Trix-graph Il " :siot4t' (ee his hill» l ltnuhtvn. Palm-min, .'~’r. H-lhuc- oi Marl len York an" aim H", in " Trittpr'tottr " a Ivrt'ir? In Hu- h «n Tur<dm run 'm the submit n: (in. “alloy v .h m: th, 1tirp xusr‘rr‘ n m Toronto I tst m1 Harm: “out to .sda, m Km"! 'h" a) ("an I m! n: 1 , v .hl _ ll'SN'r . Mo l tst I “PM 1"; Ft.-tfr. J;an Corrie M Strain? stun! several thus m his,. Lmnv tossn--hlr. Harm \[zulnmm of W Minn spam Snub}- “uh (Ii-1m tours. ' {smut Thursday ill Ihr" Imm- " lwr "gist,er Mrs. V. t1inceL-yirs. 1mm ‘rllalm spent Tirestiuy in "crlin.--Wr. izlre pleased lo report that Mr. Simp- son Merner “In. “as I" is‘uhlr lulu- (mt, again-Mr, â€(my Hurt and Mr. Ilory Hdnuidt oi Mannheim were business visitors in ‘10“ " (II Friday. -Miss t Inn, "ur-l 51mm \‘nlleH in Berlin and Wutvrhro.--Mrs, A. Hu- brnsun ot WelirsVy is Tisitirtr, at (he. hum:- of her dnanh‘ 'T' Mrs, Frevroiuc -hlr. .huserh (an: ?lr. Tiirs Hahn and Mr. .loln Wessuvr are in “(hum ai:wmlirt,r, thy Hydro Radial Cottiett tion.--Miss dixon and Mrs, Hzmkins of l'Ixrtor Into trrturnrd lo their hoie "t F.setvr “Her syetsrlirve,' Hump titne at the Imam uf Mr. ulrl Mrs. t liver Ittker.--1lrs. [Dru "with! and " 1luve chilllnn'spxm a Tow days in Ballrn this wtvA.--3ir. Hi Silly-i " spun “l-tilrsda) at his 1-0:»? in ttiwtr.-_Misr; lid.“ llnmlslrfn of Pat- In spun Sunday in ttsun sttth h'r parrn!s-1rr. arul Mrs. Ftlnni“ oi WMIrslvy spun- Friday at Hr: fur") Pr's [drums Mr. and MPs .lnhn y;rhrttidt-ilrs. Iry.hurt oi' Turnmu smut the urwk (In! in tov" with Ir.r llltllh’T 1lrec A. b."rnst.--W" are [HHS rd to PM.†thut Mr. 1iult-ulto hur, 1:0 n annwl to the ‘lnlIM' Huron-J- illrrvs is aid" to h:- nlmn! :uuiu - Miss Ilullinmunh ur Nil-“Hun! 5.1mm Fanzrduv ralatiu-s in 1ottrr.- Mr. Fletrtrzr wand m1" "tip ci Alr. L. G. J'P:pie'onyis hmmrs I." Grarut KL il in .', Lrr.ytew H: Imén irran f.vlsou, ht r.t i'., ilw, Jr. ll lo > mar. b max! H Al I t Landau Fnvrlr'r L'rpor; oi tire l‘rmzmtivn |I\:uuinu 1m“ [If \itlulm yiliool, S. S. f\u Js, \'-.’.n:~rlun and “unlun‘h. Sr. lt" in I'Lnll’unn- 1'luxc--, Viki: and Cart to be given av.ay April Ith to 1m boy or girl getting the Daily 'lrk'gruph amd Watetlrro-Cltrott u-le'l'mvgmph Circulation Campaign. Look lot the Perth Trade Hui on every puck-(c. ll you have never tried Pcrrin'g "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas you will find them dainticr than you haw thought a soda biscuit could he made. ‘ , “DAIRY CREAM SUDAS", the regular kind, are just " delicious " GE . a biscuit can he. , " Each kind is packed and :calcd at the bakery and retains all its crim- Ill , 1' ncsx and frcshncss until it reachcs you. ‘ Ili, ters Su, Mo. and 25c.-at y9ur Groeer's. l , lix cry package Guaranteed. = Tu " cu Send We. in stamps ot" coin and your groccr's name for the "Perrin" “nu-m mt Sample Pachug,c containing mm: other 'delicious Perri" products. I....I. l-- n... "_--', _ ‘ I) I , tre, _ in? -7 w' v a, "I“ ZEL% it.) 5' [II " ", “PM “ET N; Ir.--" Forum “m. rim V lib-Laura lhv’umi I-r, 'dim-ent (Ex-v.7 Sim-m “minim“ lier ' I I i-- \ Mn Rlnrh iiard w lir'umgr-r li' it :4 'ollvt Lu 24V!) u; an Mag: mmr 11ml \ btu'r 'S in tottn.-- "nt' Li Mr. ws I." Grart of Nirull’urll tlplt ‘PERRIN’S 'tV .u'lu Dairy Cream Sodas H iltuiy . H‘szh Lorne ilk' at D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY, LIMITED in in l Simpl} um an “um-(- of othine - rluuhln- stretit',1lt---irertn any druggisl and apply a little u! " night and muuuu,‘ and man should HUI)" sec Ural can: Hm worst freckles have begun in dirrs'oyvar,'tvhie the lighter mm haw yanishml Putin-1y. It is seldom that nmrc than an "IMWP. is- nomlml In mxuplvloly clear the skin null gum a brautiiul clear complex- Hun. MILK TEST REPORTED FOR MARCH 'S.u-H;-:\ Insptvtrrr Hurt-haunt. pre- :~.--h1ml tht' n-pun of 'htt monthly it,Uli les" in March to the Board of â€rum: v" Tuesrluy turning, 1nstrar- “an \u-n- given to the .u1ireretary'1o with". the \mtzlul‘s who did nut reach the p, " w-r ciuui. or butter Fat, that HIM mm: rvarrh the standard this nunâ€). The ropuri. hummer, was mxpidc-vnl quih- :ullisfat'1mju u. “as its folious:-. Ho $.an to ask tur Ihe. double :‘tl'rng-‘Ih minim .15 this is sold undm‘ yruarcuttt n: mum-y buck if it fails to rum-w Kuwait‘s. T'iuur.'v, um longer the slightest need ot' ies-uns. ushzunml m your Freckles, as the prescription othine- double sticu,t,iir--ih' guuuanteed to remove these noruely wens. Noll l", 'i'HH. TiMr? TO “HT “In oi, THESE i'Gl.Y SPOTS. Ar, T. “:Imhul-l .. “xi. st, Itir'mprt Co. .'\1. H. Hi.-krrt c, --A. ,S. Shmmnlmr --iatup-,o't .\'< {rm-1M “L H, Shm'mdimr --W. 'I'. “.lmhnill .. london, " - - FRECKLES Mn ur-mnlml' ‘41 lurch! -.' lurid rt t.. b n(' hr In." ll â€Him!!! 'ert is? :u'h‘r‘r THEIR t EXCELLENCE is due equally to the knowl- edge gained in over 50 years of biscuit-making, and to the materials used in 3 .0; "Victory tt'et the Grave," is ud when oi the public Hittitt lecture to be gum Sunday evening at 1.30 “telnet m the PriucetitiPheatre, by WY ". Sun-mâ€, at Toronto. l Many of our citizens are Show! (conssictaui? mterest III this my of mammalian ll'rluuss, 'the Suit tuns an- unnamed m a most inter- mung manner wttttout “hing mouse {to those uhq may putt-r to hold {inier'nt views on minor points. The Assortation lecturers stem wry posh tive, hummer. against the doctrine ol cu-mul torture, which they claim ',1S nut only uttscripturttl, but God.. 1iishyuotuts and anti-Christian in its it’lldeICH-s. The coming Iecmre on VIC'I'MY OVER Ur .u%."__. I - J "0"": ms, NERVE, SKIN, Mt to a.“ noun, KIDNEY, 'EHtro-tllttttAttr, - St "lF."t' Ill" 'l'lllllD Ob' [155A BIBLE LECTURES. Rrpult at Centreville Ptumotiun Iimmii-utiuu. Jr. " to Sr IV.--Herbert Muss. (imam Nihon, Vardm. Latuh, Mil- ton Moss, Gordon Smye, Clarence Weber, Victor "ricuelt, Irvin Moss, Arthur Tinun, Verna Thales, Harry Thaler III the above seven took honors. R. L. Fenton, Priaetpat. Jr li to Sr. ii-- Alice, Thief. Kathlt-tn libel, Luella .Ehel, Clap cut-o "rcker, Clayton Weber, Salotmt Hatrmmetti, Vera Weber. Tillie Schwinn. Nollie llerner. Six at the ahuw took honors. Installation Personally or by Lotta "Vtctoiy (for the Grave," is Bald to luau for its purpose a complete descnpmm ot death and the process uf usurrN-Uon The speaker has been c'suracterizcd as " man Who knovs the Bible." All are invited lo mum] tins let-tum. Seats tree. Ish, coiiectiou. ' took honors Chronic and "on. I.“ tomplicatod Diseases "" Sr, In to Jr. IV.- Russel Bohr, Hubert Thaler, Louisa Timm, Viola Stutkhurt, Lily Dustin. Two of the abou- took honors. Jr Hi to tir. HI-Harold Sherk, no; Miller, Ruthie Shana, Herman Schmidt. Edward Mcisel. Three of the ahove took honors. Sr. II to Jr. In-Minn- Sehneu. Louisa llohr. Verna Moss, Irene Putr- gotz, Eph. Haltermehl, Irvin Schmidt Lillian liurgotz. All oi the above, SPECIALITIES .' Miss Jones, Asst. Teacher 50mm. REPORT FREE THE GRAVEJ