_ tl l Cure Common Ills "Also. tor the easement of your mind. I will tell you that you need not worry about the criminality of the thing. I glve you my word as , detective. and therefore necessarily as a gentleman. that what I am after has no Intrinsic value. " is nothing but evidence. without _valtm to the one who in to furnish it, but is of great value. to me in proving my case. Moreover. the one from whom I will get it will know nothing about it until tho time comes for me to denounce him. There is this slight risk about) the transaction, however. If we should he detcrted in our art by Home l offirer we would he Arrested. and that would probably Involve tho disatzree- able necessity ot our going to load quarters and making an exp'anation.l But you need have no fear of its going any further than that. The Jl,1'p'l officials know mo. and I mold readily‘ satisfy them of our guilllossness all anything more than a necessary tectvi, DIP!" offer-en rommlttmi In the "rr enrthing of a serious mime. But it will he a foreihio entry. and will have all the outside earmarks of a mall i clous offense. and I need Four ht‘lp‘ to put it through sucrmsfully. Are vnu orenarerl for it now?" i Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pill. in memfnlly treated more ("OI In part forty "G than my other hum not: . u an new be but] in "apt-cum. tablet form a we" no in the liquid. Sold by moshing deahn or trial box by 'ytiLort.rteeittt 316. cents it} Mumps; -- In. tin-um. Lorain ot Mkel;;.'itli.f {.158}; "i.ici"d,%. m “M: "t no completoly Nude-m intteoth.t-ttittqt"td had mum-"aver my body and... now:- that] counter-u. tt mm talked to me. but I hm an 'rord van-mo to mm a nun-o who nod boon curd by Dr. Pun-co PN.eef.e6.eL I Mn - had In oer-mien lo com-m n phyuehn oinu~un In out!“ health" I n- h.- h.._‘ u-.. --- _-A - I I 3*. - accompanied by "In have or there-e-m, "rWoqtmi- .i..pt-rte.r-trt" be hint tepeiu--or qtatartw-ttiUre "trtats of Ilium for I wanna. She any be growing from girlhood into wttetttoqd--p-ietg from womlnhood to motherhood-or Inter t"tfterhttt trom um chant! into middle life which leaves corn-n†when chum-eh. At any or I" of these perlnd! oln wmn‘s life Ch. should take I tonic And netting prescribed for just. much use. by I phylichn of nut. exporionce in the diseases of 'romCet. “It is nine o'clock now and is as dark as it is going to be io-night. We cln take a stroll around and inspect the place I want to visit. If the coast in clear we will go ahead; if not we run wait until it is." He uttered s little chuckle. "F'or your Information I will any that I am going to commit a burglary on my own hook." I must hive hesitated I little in my pace. for he laughed. and taking me by the arm. led me, hall resisting. with him. That Weak Back I pondered his proposition over briefly. I could Bee no objection to aetintt upon his suggestion. and it might give me an Inkling of whom he hid in hla mind. Therefore after a short reflection l agreed. "Very well. I will give you any assistance that I con. Where are you Boing and what do you want me to do?" He pulled out " watch. “An absolutely sure in my own mind on though I had been hidden in tbe room and seen him. But you know proving these matters to the satisfac- tion of other people is quite another proposltlon. and it in the proof that will convince those who do not wish to be convinced that I um now utter." He turned to me with a slow scrutiny ot my face. "But I am going to get that prooi tomight, and l want you to help me." "Are you positive?" I ventured after u while. " there was any doubt in hit, mind as to the identity of the criminal " voice did not betray it. “Con't tell you jult yet. It is al- ways bad judgment to let a cat out of a has until the right time comes. But I know who he is and I will tell you Boon enough." Burning with im- patience to know whom he referred to, but restrained from further ques- tioning by the manner or his refusal to enlighten me. we continued our way tor some distance without tur. ther conversation. In a certain sense. his stntement won . shoe): to me. and I could not rid myself oi a haunting impression that when he made his Iii-closure there would be disagree- able inci- revealed. Yet my curiosity could hardly have boon at a higher point. _ "Who?" I Hammond, no pixncd me Mon; with him. gently shaking his hand. “Talk “on! unsung." he an], will . than hush, "A ur on a hanquet Inâ€. I. lilo “side the tbubr I luv. been tuning around. " there bu he! any busier nun In town I would Ilka to land pomewhere and behind annulus Ind watch hlm so by. He'd with: like u bullet. I lave run down - poulble clue that I could get hold of und tried out every renwnnble theory "III I could conjure up. Ind at but know pretty near where to put my nnttem next. Any way, I know who stole the money." I mapped Ihort, telling him by the "In. an oot a new and untried remedy-- nzlr grandiathers used them. Half a mummy ago, before Confederation, thcy were on sate in nearly every drug or gnwml More in the Canada ot that day. and were the moguizrd cure in Ilv- "ccands u homes for Constipation, b"lipsstion. Bilinusncsm Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- Jae th, y are just as ettertive.iust as "Ha: 'e an m-rr. ard nothing better hu yet been devised to n DR. PIERCE’S Fayorite Prescription Dr. Plover- MIC _ Im Int and “web - hlrLrTe%tar."e'tl EMEL'S'EEBPRh "who... Perched as l was fifty feet above the atone-a of an alley. the bottom of which was shrouded in Madmen im, nenetrable to the eye. and naively participating in I deed the signitl~ cam-o of which I was in ignorlnce be- yond the {an of being aware that de- spite Its ohject its ttertrotrntion was a severe violation of the law. I began to grow both uneasy and angry as I awaited my partner's mnppenmnoe. To make my position still more un- pleasant I knew that we must descend hy the name means by which we had arisen; and no o ne perched not: an I w-vu "ottttt knnw Into who-o int-mu Alert of muscles. I stood nervously peering into the gulf below. with my ears set to can-h the slightest Bound. As to what LeDuc sought in the cave- iiire interior where he now rummaged I had not the vestige of a notion. He had not seen fit to enlighten me ot his own volition. and i had not felt like going further in an attempt to raise the arrow-n that he had drawn between us. So far as l mold analyze his sayings. he had meen weaving his net about Bruce; and should that more to be the case. I knew that when tho final denouemvnt came. I should. no matter the evidence he might be able to nmdure. army my- self with Clare in a desperate ally to the defence of the accused one. Together she and i would fight for him to tho last. I "Your rrnl work In over. and all you have to do from now on in play lookout While I take a smell around inside. Just remain bore and keep vonr eyes and earn open tor trouble below. I will not be gone long." He thrust " arm through the opening and slid the catch. raised the sash. and swung himself Into the blackness of the Interior. I saw the flash of " electrlc pocket sent-chllght an he threw it over the mom In . quick sur- vey. Ihon all within became as In tut-rumble as over. "Good work. But easy now." he whispered. as he sonny removed the glass and puny from my hunt]. and slipped them Into his pocket. to cut a circle out of that glass in ordnr to raise the catch. and in doing it I am going to show you a trick of “in cracksman's trade. Take this plot-o or soft putty and puss it firmly against the giuss with your right lhumb while l cut out a piece of the pane around it. The putty will ad- here to the gins: and to your thumb. and you can thus keep it from drop- ping and nPhintNa racket when it is loosened. See the point? Now keep on pressing as I tell you." Placing my thumb tightly against the soft hall. I pushed steadily. as with some itt- strnmeut he scratched and grated harshly as he circled my hand. In perhaps five minutes there was s slight crack, and he struck the circle a quick blow. The next instant I found a circular dlsk dangling from my thumb. "Best kind of exercise for the " petite. Ought to get up every morn- ing and do " for n couple of hour: before brrakfam." he punt-ed. “Thin Is the mace I wanted to get iato--tto window here." He tapped on the glass before him with his mttter. "And now women the thing that l wan you to assist me in doing. I have got i i told him that while such may "on not exactly in my line. that re- ilyin; upon hie nuurauoee l would put lane" in his heads. and he led me down a Mreet that'branched iron the 1 brightly lighted main thorou‘hilm which we had been put-hula; into a ‘less lighted motion. For eeveral ‘hlocln we mminut-d our way under the scattering street lights ot a sec- tion of the wholesale district which was prnrtlrally abandoned at nights In front of a tNrknestrttBunted alley We came to a standstill. On each side or it towered great bulldlngs with Ont-Round windows. and with a quick stance nrounu to make sure "In! no one observed III. he motioned tor me to follow him. "Keep your eye. open for private wntehtnen-thtsr are the fellows we have trot to look out tor," he whispered, as we hastened through the gloom. Absolutely ignorant at what he was about to drug me into. I lelt my heart beat faster as I trod close at his heels. Halt way throth the block he stopped, and I saw dimly before us an iron tire escape that six- Bagged its way upwards and dlaap pared in the blackness above. "it la a case of climb (mm now on. Just follow me," he instructed. Although not at oil In love with the proposition, I grasped the round: of the structure and mounted upward clone under him. At the fourth story he Itepped aside upon a narrow platform that branched out trom the ladder in (root ot o win- dow. The exertion had been quite severe. and we were both breathing rather heavily as I took my place by his sill“ The doctor examined the wrist. and looted gr“: ' "Thoma," he called to Ms surgery 1:: "m “mum Ind bring me down- tttat phi-I on the no}; '. With 'rtdignatiort in Mn Mee, "I. blnkumHh aurlrd to his feet. "File?" he yelled, "Mo. ynn don't! tt 0mg land's got to mm. oe, "alt u. I In": ot .m nu!‘ Alto In the Trad. "Well. John," said the doctor. who had been rumor rudely round from his Int-moon mp. "In-Mrs wrong with you "I've sprained my wrist rather badly, arr," explained the blacksmith of the village. ----- Q --- "And have you it with you?" I per- cisted, thinking it high time he Acon- 'tded I. little more in me, in View of what I had done tor him. He patted his pocket. "Yer-right here. If upon on inven- tlgntion made under the proper con- ditions by an expert it turns out " I think it will, I will name your men for you tomorrow. And when I do I on! going to hive you present In " interested pony. By the why, here in your match box." He held out the mentioned receptacle to me and I took It with a lock of surprise as I de- manded that he tell me when and where he hed gotten it. I was very gertain that I had not handed It 'd/ j HUMOR mmittat's, We went down In reverse order from which we had ascended. uDuc below me now and my feet closely following " hands. Bo far as we were able to Judge. no one had enter- ed the alley since we had gone up- ward, and I felt much more at ease as upon the flagging once more I ad- justed my diam-ranged clothes. As I did no I saw my companion stoop and apparently pick up something as we turned and hurried silently from the scene of our efforts. Once more upon the street. 1 ventured to ask what Butt- ecu he had met with. His reply wan pregnant with satisfaction. “I think I have secured what I was looking for. but cannot be certain until tomorrow. i will let you know about it than." we might drop In We rare-ted down the ladder. How long LeDuc was sons 1 had but llttlc idea, been!" ot the difficulty of judging the lam ot tlme when we ls situated as I In. While it ueemed a considerable per- iod. it was possibly not more man tour or the minutes before he rmurtretsred. l hailed ttia coming with a breath or relief. "Fruit-mums", I ' recommend than strongly to my customers. They “to I great boon to me. I an tell you, for about two ynu 330. l was laid up in bed with vomiting and a teeritie pin " the but of III skull, The pain nearly drove me mug. Doctors (and it would turn to itMinmmatittes of the brain but I took “Pruit-n-tivel†steadily until I was cured. I have trimed fittim, pounds since taking " Fruit-14in: " and I verily believe they saved me from I disastrous illness." 1):an orer., June 16th. 1918 "I an I â€an! ntonkeepet " the than alarm. and on account of the tttyt gong] Inge cgpedenced (my: aging B'GOLLY IF YA'EVER HAVE SOMETHIN‘ TER SRY TO. R MULE YOU BETTE NOT SAY l BEHIND HIS BFICK, tism and other di'sensu with} from an impure condition of the “003, _"Ptyit- Lived" ‘ i; khan-me and iii-mm: Me. I hot, 6 for $2.50, trill size. Me. At all dealers or lent on receipt afflict by Fruit-a-tim Limited, Ottawa. PM Ml? "e , MM lllllll Illltll 't J. A. connrvzm. Por Head-ch23, Nmnlgig. 191cm:- CF-tte-ia-rr 14);th (To be continued.) I. A. ©03th "Ah, yuu cit-n12] Dr. B. J. KENDALL comm come oft, 1.31] E-bor. Folk, vor-e, UM " II a t'r'l,t,eal,'arP, n arr-um..." who for copy or - hook .. the (II the Mom'1reo. George Reinhart, Arnold Hearth. Marie lk'rgoM, unwell: Keller. Miss A. Dunn. Priripal. Passed-Maggie Reirthart, Harry Hallman, Ruben Bhite, Learners Er- tel. 6 Passed I lass. Honors:-.-)", Wagner, Theresa Writer. Passed ".-.-Willie Putter. Maggie Her- gntt, Annie Glitlki. kr. u. to at. m. li, "(Its Rei “hart. Passed :-Anrtie Wagner, llughic Weiler, mm; llallmagl. Leander Kell- er. Hum-rs :-Andrrw Snydrr, Loretta mm. Mona by F. Gaucher, seconded by J. L. McKay, mt. this Council do now. adjourn to meet again on Monday, the 6th day at April, “14, 10 o’clock in the foreman, at the Township Hall, Crasshill. . "'ETER F. SCHUMMER. Tp. Clerk. "rrnors':--C'arrie Westratt, Jacob Kramp. St. Clements. March 18, 1914. l Total ..-.r.. F........ ......W.. ... 314.30 J.tr. Rainer, Est, attended. this ‘meeting win: the object of bringing ‘belorc the Council a- radial rallway lilojccl. to start " gum: Drumho or Ayr. passing nortiteard and to†ing New Hamburg. probably Baden, and Wrllesiey, and terminating " either Linwood or Mallenstein. Ills opinion was that tliis route was the most favorable among so many oth- ers and could be [mt into existance rather than any M scheme. Moved by lt. Lintich, seconded by P. C. Lackner, that the lollowing accounts be paid and that the Reeve issue orders in payment thereot, as follows, that is to say: The Tp, ol Peel, ..'.. pay of amounts F. Brwndle, gravel account, hall pay .......t.... s...........' ...... ...... . John Baltzer, gravel to path- Moved by J. L. McKay, seconded by R. Lintick. that By-law No. -... tor the appointment ot Ptrurtd-hmspertt and Fetum-viewerts, in tbs Township of Wellesley tor the current. year 1914 be read a tirst and second during 2913 .j...‘ J....". ......... I The Municipal World, tor " The Municipal Council a! the Town- shm ot Wolhsley. met " the Town- ship v.1], Uta-shill, Clo-day the Wh day of March, 1'14, " o’clock in the lorenoon. All the membe'rs excepting J. Rei- del were want. A. B. much. Que new, presided. The minutes at the "and.“ duo the special Fob- 'P" meetings were read and pan- were presented and read. It was moved by J. L. McKay, seconded by F. C. Lacknér. that By- law No. - tor tho appointment at pathmasters in the Township ot Wellesncy tor the current year nu be read the first and second time, . copies q...... my .... masters Wr Communications, bills and “can“ 'ultil'h83t"a.ttttrt “tut-punchy. Bl" HSL’AI Jr. Ill. to Sr. Ill. Mr. I. to Jr. " Jr. H. " Mr. ll. :-.tuetia 1hesttatt,' Titty, Sr. III. to Jr. IV, -(‘urtis Clemens, Emma SCHOOL REPORT. tr. Rumour $48.22 4.12 .93 (2) The junior public school grant nation oxanrination will he held dur- ing the same week, beginning Mon- dav, June '5th. W,(3) The senior pal-lie sc1oo1 graduation, the senior high school minute and the model entrance ex nrnlnations and the lower school ex- teltt?tt for entrance into the normal schools and faculties of edu- cation, willhe held during the week rimlmeming Monday; June 8th. South Wellington License Inspector James O'Brien, stated that it any at the Guelph 'hotetkeerers expected to hue their license: renewed tor “other you they would hue to comply with the law regarding rope fire mayâ€. There must be ropes in Pepry room and they must reach within " led at the ground. This luv is going to be ridcllv "ttore" in ttttme. . 1.5) The model schools this year will open on Tuesday. August 15th. and the normal schema on Tweed“, September In. Attention is dire) ed particularly to the latter date, which is shout three weeks earlier than tormerly. - . (4) The lnalricuiatinn eaaminatiows honor and pass. and the upper school examination tor. entrance into thr lacultlts 'ot education, begin on Thursday. June nth. and the middle school examination for enhance into the normal schools begins on Mon- day, June 22ttd. ' HOTELS MUST OBEY LAW (I) The junior high school MF trance examinations tor 1914 will be held at the usual centres through- out the province on Wednesday, Thursday, June 17, 18 and 19. Dates have been announced by the ministe- of cducaIion for the var- ious departmental ruminations to he held at the completion ot the cus- rent school year. Minister of Education Has Set Dates for Annual Test ol Ontario Students Several at those prpsent strongly Jamred the scheme, and while not wishing to antagonize the present rink 'cornpauy, they thought the time In! arrived for a large arena to be erected in this city,' to supply the needs of both places. More of the matter will likely be heard in the course of a few weeks, as 1girerrnt mm interested in the, "rtmositiort, are going to endea“or to have the.stheme taktn 1p and acted upon DEPARTMENTAL Furthering his suggestion Mr. 1vill- iams said it a new arena. was built ‘and Waterloo, so as to be in close it should he erected between Berlin 1Immunity to both centres of popula- 1tion, and he had been assured By Waterloo mm that they would be willing to meet such a proposition no!" the Twin-City Athletic Asso- ciation. At present only two or three 1houaénd can be accommodated at a championship game, whereas it there was sullicient accommodation me thousand people would easilv at- tend. Now that Canadian League baseball has been taken away trom this city there is nothim tor the you"); mm to attend in the line of sports, end 'said he. thev must have play as well as work. I“ â€was Basin and 'ritllaMe,m'tttJutithatiee Mr. K. o. Ritz threw out the Bug- gestion that the present. rink might tie sold to the city by the present rink company. His city is in need ot a public hall to hold public meet- ings in, and the present rink is Very antral, and could be easily fixed up tor such a purpose. In order to make use ot the arti- fieitU ice machinery all the year round, a cold storage plant could be carried 0.11:. the summer. - - , A very new“ proposition to 1%)! "nous- - curlers, a *9» Berite at Waterloo was brought to the lore by Mr. R. H. Willie-u pt lie tunnel. to the Intermediate till-Mon on PM†night. In the court. at an: evening he said In We the time was ripe tor Ber- " to have . manual. to proud. lentils capacity for " lean live W. He said he helieVed such an ems. well equipped. and with artifieiat ice could he built. to: “u,- M [and included. Satisfactory ar- twins, he said could in ell pro- nobility be made with Waterloo men to “he one-third of the stock in each an enterprise. In this way the- commodation calla he provided tor duties, junior, intermediate, senior, end notational hockey tonnes. and " suggestion which had hem and: that Waterloo would play their gum» am Berlin nan year protidtd ar- rangcumts could be made with ...thc rink runway. was carried out these games could also be taken care tttin such an arena. T iii'iiiihuxGiouu, HELP A Municipal Hall. Lri,T,1i]llllIN] - F ' . - ' sk. - , I Spanking does not cure children oi'!,,.."'.),',',;,,'),',:,',? 3,l'isrifiogitlt It?" fl. bed-wetting. There is a comttitutiott-t' l / pp egat , Jes in, o no]. al cause for this trouble. Mrs. MTV?†"etPdist 1'hurch, todar 'W." Summers, Box W. Mt, Windsor. Ont. 'ill'"e h; 1icit,'cs1'Tedl'e, I- will send free to any mother her suc- . _ of l N B" ts n ot ccsslul home "minimum, with lull Lr,i2,"lr, . 'y but, owing to ur, instructions. Send no money but“??? " a tall to a Toroagto elm ' write her today ii your tettiMren ,', lb unable to entertain the latent trouble you in this way. Dun't o er. T . " 'q blame the child, the chances are it ------e can’t help it. This treatment aim _ ' cures adults and attrd people Rev. 'l'. .1. sales. rector ot Tru- troubled with urine dimcultiu hy day ity Church, Cornwall, has goon w or night. pointed to St. Alhan’s, mum. _ ' _ . - Wm. Rudolph died in the house ot “I ot ostesopathy "â€1" 0'.“ refuge in Woodstock. Had he lived Gl',','. otten 'I'"'! m " eh. Mft'. another year he amid have 001221 in- 'l,','?,,'." “Nun?â€- “our. a. to rmscssiun of a handsmm- tortunc 'l2tli T.%",' Tana; than.“ I It try a rtlativo' in Mwitzertand. A n 1'g",' pt " " so 'all' " - trertifiCate ot death was sent to "‘9"th y trotted. Elect M Swiss consulate at Toronto. He was . 'n said to have Mn lnnwn in _r,'ii"it'ii:'i'l 0mm, 'tlt, tut" dsr.aiii) but if he had any relatives in the ' county it is nd known. re,---,,--.,,--,,-,-,--,,,- DIED A YEAR TO†SOUN. Frrtn ll. to .lr. 1H.-Wendlin Kick (I, 392 ; Arttrmia Fs'toeser,.3" ", Rudy Jantvh, 315; Allen Gitsgrrirh, 3:2; Alex. Mosburger, 249 ; Josephine Karg-s, 223. Form Jr. 11. to FY. ".-lfarvey Ht'mchttergtsr, 4715; Joe Homer. 325; 110 Wagner, 319; Monica Krahling. 234; Elsie Witt, 237; .1021 Jantzic. H3. Fom Jr. III. y, Sr. "L-Edo Hf nmalgs, 317 ; Mabel Sehagrrv.t 308. Totals in fourth-class was 625, and rus mark M5. Totals in 3rd and "ml classes were 520, and pass mark on. Form Jr. IV. to St. IV.-.Her- bert Kittel. 471. ' The report of pron-ohm examina- tions in S. S. No. M, Wilmot with totals. Ill Jr.--Marks required, 312. Liz- zie Jantzi 444, Delton Snyder 488, John Heilnpel 400, Mary Steekly Mt, Nancy Leis 380, Edith Wagner 361. Herman Wagner 341. ll 81 -Marhs required, 312. Fm ma Wagner “3, Nancy Steekly “I, Norman Kochler 4'29, Mary Jautzi. 426, Ephraim Lichti 431, “elk! Wagner 385, Utah Leis 314, Annetta lleimpei 340. IV. si.-Marks required to pass 375. Emmanuel Wagner 453. The [allowing is the report at the. County promotion examination held in Union S. S. No. 19, Wilmot. and Wellesley:- ' 1V. Jr.-Narks manned, 312. Olga Wigner 381, Oscar Wagner 348. Ill sr.9arks required. 312. Chris- tian Hunct 388, Alma Wagner 374. Samuel Jantzi 367, Willie has 338, Mtred Wagner 313. ral, “or su Wu Incl. Vikki-kw. V“ Can't-l. girl-tdt-or-ies-tthd-rr-di- et-to-oft-s."--- lawns, 110mm, sun-ink. Them. In nothing that we. more than experience. Won, ma loo- tem tmmvhp tteordrye4ed View mm to we. by Lydia . Pit-Hunk Vegetable Compound ahttraH be I laugh human. The tune "and, is within ' of " If you “It would “who wrlh to Lrdrn B. Pinh- Mel-e 00. (cal- gelthl) Lyn, !m_ Your Iettfrphn gland have I w. troubled with "q-6mogtdttutt.irtshotrtt" aetdaia'dt-emt-d.ehac I“ pimple- oa nut-co, my comm - ndlaw,nyulocpwu di.turttatt, III-d 'x-ot-ll-n-tmd-Had manual. Lydia EJ’inkhuu'IVeg- cable Compound has worked Wo . ehamsh-e1-ut-meai.tqdrms. tryeiirsartttBemttatrr'mdred.trf -ti_aa - PETER ma" 'iaiG was“ Gk hell tn mm mule; MY WEI. tttt VERY SIBK - Ann AqBtuamh, “SLNQUOIk-IIJA. N.- 0th.. u--", hi. plum _bmh"9 " 0-? “1“"! molhyt '9.- PROMOTION EXAMINATION SCI 100! a It kt'ORT. Spanking sl-zt'nxl) I'MJ. TU MR. APPLE; Gym. 1 ' Osteopathic Ply-Mu. - "’f emu-m W Dr. sun. fl mantle! oi the wines, Editor J..- i' DR. LEDERMAN. n.n.s. _ Licentiate ol the Roy-1 Gong Dena! Surgeons. Honor an University at Toronto. can. 1toor, Weber Climbers. Kill; Bl Berlin. Telephone An. Hones: ' um to, I p... Gem“ worn. T 1mm ot lump Lion-u. Odiemt- Put once. St. Judi. Dentin, L.D.S.. Royal . tat Surgeons. nus. Toronto , sity. All branche- of thaw l timed. Entrance to'ollicu land Concordia Hull, out “I t SURGW J. H. Bagel, grams a! h ado Voted-It] Cot _ ..QI. minim. Qua Staging-o I“. all: by a†or night mull. Dentistry practices in a: ‘m s. ECKEL, has, 9.0.3. .' (Indium Chime Cohen. a! h m Surgery and Royal Comp - Dental Surgeon ol Toronto. - pales in Fischer's Block, Wm _ A. L. amen. B. A. '. F (Sauna-or to Count 31..) . mum. Solidi“. “out! etc, lento Ion. Germ-h V. otBe-Nqtseqmat'. Block. an Hum, Frederick Bt.. Bulb. . Conan-at. on. - u I In. Luna's Block. Iguana. J. A. any... Ba., up; 4.. A. “it. m in M]. 'u on. Solute“. Rte. M to I let. yruie, h *1 A“ CLEMENT a ens-(w . WI. Sancho“. New " »‘ Conquest. , Print. M to Ian. r' on": Iowans mod. . , Cor. Kin-ad Foundry Ru. ' E. P. CLEMENT, tCC. ' . 'rr HILLAR. SIMS & GRW.’ 0+“000+O+0+O+0+H L I I A L J†0. mm _hnhhl. Solid“, Notary DR. 1291.1".ng x: gumâ€. Mao-m. “mum‘- EinqBt.Eaat. _ I Expzmmjggg -IrEreatmArttc) 14.3.. w. H. Oregon. 8am ttotaries, ete, Ollico mutt: gouge-1' mock, King CLAYTON I. WELLS. Ila-tilt, Vim uls- Ollieo hour- ' to n; 1.8. to Iv Clo-cl nil any Filthy. Berlin." Alex. Minn, K.C., "may J. J OHN L. WIDEIAN â€ELLEN a .313 OBT'E0PahtY. J. A. HILLIARD Mylo-o 111. Incline. St., w-