Mr.' Welliain Roll and family arriv- Ed in town from Kingston on Mon- day, and will take up their restdenee on the corner of King and Yonge streets. Ott Saturday evening the commit- tee comprising representatives of the young people's societies oi the town which organized in 1913 for the pun pose oi securing the establishment oi night classes ior the teach ng oi English to those desiring to learn the language, held the concluding, meeting ot the season. VERY Igpgsjiiig:)r DECREASE NIGHT CLASSES; IN CUSTOMS MERCHANTS ELECT OFFICERS FOR . ENSUING YEAR Committee of United Societies Held Concluding Meeting on Saturday Night "Early last [all the committee held their ftrst meeting, when it was (In titled to unpruach the Schuul Hoard and request that' the classes he in awgurated. The Board viewed the re quest favorably. with the result that the classes were commenced in Oct ober, Mr. B. B. Playford Ming atv pointed to take charge of the smm‘. The ciassrs have been an unqualil: ed sum-us. in tact the progress ui those attending them has exceeded the up: stallions oi the must, optimis- tic. Ttsc members of the classes have sleoun their N appreciation by faithful attendance three nights ‘a week and close attention to thrir studies. an. l‘layiord on the other hand has soared no pains in ordcr that thry might. FiPcure the "hum! tretserd from thrir attendance at tAr, classes. tho mtmttrprs of trhich are In: mum: in lhe n'prrssmns of upprcx'. Minn o, his untiring etiorts in the" behalf At, the omvttetiion oi the other MN moss at, tle banquet oi the Rota†Merehmts' Association in the, Acad inn (’lnb hall on 1‘urssclny "vPntnrr,, tht [allowing , omcers wcrd Mectvd for the ensuing year _ President-H. Haas. Isl. Vice-President-A. lrstailt. 2nd Vrce-I'rrsident-N. Lollrr. Treasurer-M'. H. Roos. Mrcretary-N. A. Kick. Committee of Memhersltip-- Messrs. “Hum rt. Nortlwott. I tTNrsrats, Spill, Détrntrrck. and J. Brllogonmn. WATER Alto IIGIIT COMMISSION APPOIN'I' NEW OFFICIAL A sic-rm! "mph“; of the “MM and Light l'unnmbmnn was 'N‘lll an Tttes- dty, wh n applwattorvi new recrivpd for the positron of omre clerk. in Md Mr. J. llorh Smnh, “ho " Voted his connection "ith ll" (‘nm minim on Tuesday mum. Nine up plifatinns were n-rrnml. mu! Mr. Hem \'I' INPUT" the uppmm melt Il Sl'lmus way formerly AN niltavu l _ and at Drown! [a on.. Ployrd m the llomimnn Life .\~\ur are Co. "N Gtr. l ll yctrtcktand 1estrrOx MIMI his residrmm on tlt. rmnor of Iurnrsi 74.." LN wevk'c A. ' m , "mun and Kin: KN. to Mr Frank IIri-H'uhw Court Yevrc " s'otfrui thet li lull. ‘Iwrl Wchet M.tN Mutual “Iâ€! rhsnnl --.-_._---r- lorh rumba! ‘llm rchottltl tinte read MIXARD'S 1,INfNF.NT ltrii.H'.V-i \lhort lx “run. " tramsirmr oi Her ES srttt,hi,Gt I. Inn '\' l friends turns House to-day, with the Mst of March, and the figures giu'l out by the Mitt show a regrettable' tiecrease oi more than thin“, The iigures for March also show a very marked de- crease. Tho comparative “gun-s are: Mareh 1913 .rr..t ... 'e. _ _$9,171.94 March 1914 ,. "t_... 'PP. 'Pee "$8,533.35 Falling off of $1600 During Fisial Year Just Closed RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Rev. W. D. Lee Retizes from Pastorate of Waterloo Pres. byterian Church , rmmnl‘uunn of the lhlrlllll '.'rrs- Intel} III‘III a spm'lal Int-Plum. m thr. Waterloo i'rvsttyt"riru' Ihurch on 'mesday PTI'IIII'L: “huh With, foProsed hy " cousr,reuatirrnal Ina-1mg. Attcr a Innulln' and or. Hunt‘s. “arm Jiscus Su- a resolution mm mnwd. an“)! in: thr rrstr.rJtatiiou of Hu- pastor HMS W. It. LP? in my "I!" "flirt nu! later than six ntonths i‘m'r. T0 ABOLISH LOW RATES 0N BRITISH MAGAZINES w Hut thr Hntish authorities dial null-in; “wards Mann: Ur tit. The [I'll ttotcratt poritze “as col led"! ity thr “hush [Imma- 't' mm the ulmlr rosl nf tramp-Hm: the n.-.nmnnrw “as Iv“ to Panda lo Nu lluhvr! Von Horknva " tun nus Hnr,lish artist. died m |,..mlnn, \(I'RII Yr. or 1pr. Ist, “H: io War. :u, m3 _ m Yr. oi Apr. l, m3 lo Mar 31, mil ,. TT .rPriqV t " The tiscal 'ar I m"reasp war closed a' tlt? 1'ts, I' tth 591 £70.58 “1:53.11: slu_3|.~:.|m ' 519.69 Tlu. retail turrcitants oi Waterloo lipid a mam] rally and reorganira- “on an; 'l‘uosdal) night in the form at a complimentary .tvaitquet in the Acadian (‘lub “all. The meeting “as a very gratifying sumoss, about twenty-hve merchants oi the town sitting down to a tine spread ' pre- pared In Mr. A. l'rstatlt. Mr Amman A. Zick, secretary oi the local Association, was chairman of the owning, and following the toast to the lung. the toast to "Our Association" bras proposed and re- sponded tu_by Mr. H. w. lit-mun oi Promo". MT. Zion-an is president, of both ttttr Ilnnuniun and ‘lr'mnminl A.s:iocial"ms, and his address “as all silip,htening mm on the work wltieh has been avconutlishrd and the work mm Inn-.3: undertaken by the Asso- viqliun. liming the past tew months, thr. speaker stated, the four proviuc- rs of Ahmilnhu, Aaskatchewan, Al but: and Ilrilysh Colunmia have nri‘n levn into the Association. The prawn! Assoriaiion has him: in CX- istmwr ior a nulnhcr of years, and has dam murh tor Ute, bettermentoi the rrlallrr. but. It has' taken a lot of hard work lo keep the Associa- tion going and lo make prawns. The hem-ills which are brought about try the \ssurialiun accrue to all the tuervhar.'cs. and a lot, of mdrvhants nMor until-(- lhr twurrlits. tshereas Ihc lark oi them- laws "ould be grrally " Important Questions of Interest to Retail- ers Discussed by Officers of Dominion Association Thr, Areassmcnt Art when it was proposed M lhr mauuraciurcrs and uhnlvsalrrs had lhe provision that Illl‘ rciail tuvrchants should pay no pl‘l' out'.., “lu‘ll tbr provincial Assn ('Iniinll slrppml in on "Nralt ot thr mombrm and I-runuhl (1mm the tau The sprakvr then took up ttwTrad. mg Sump Hill and the. Hulk Hales Art, vspiaiuinrr, various features nl iluse, ulwn- the, Association stopped in and had the hills amended brim:- Hlm \u‘rr aally pnavtrd and put on the statute itorks. The fsrst war vvs.ils 1i Auwrica "cre Mm Indian nun-m, and for 3mm there “as an vvolution .mhl mm there is the smi- "rrlreirlrortrghts. and il is the same “nth Hm llrlml 1trrvhants' Assuriw hull ' In tvirirme In the local urnanixzr tum "Ur. Zivuotn saad he nrvor Tet, Na“ " toun ul’ nh- “horn every Int-p chant (mum ltr' pwsuadrd to Join lhe "iv,:ou/atuon. u, nearlv Ct't'rt' “Mk ol' tir" thprc arr organizations, the lubm mm: have them, tho law- ycrx, Ilmhlrs, mauutarturrrs and iortui, .Iil u? them, and the latter sccured Qumrnmont Innm'y m mote their “ark. "We ch: not “an! anv favors frmn the tovrrnrurnl, but all we want is “but i, richt," said hr. â€owner, err is other “Mk ho- side, loyminnun for thr local orsr,ani- mlmns. TIts MP a means ot creat- ing bolt" frvhvu: aim-m: the mendi- "t'rm' of tim rum-II trude in a town, fur ("any the best orttarticttirtns do not haw nmnm an tho rhint ohtt, hut tuoic m" qood ieNusg among the ".CrtmPro. t "The M"- w not mom's)": inh"/'"iiii"Cs'-.' ;..':;.':;',"'i.:.":n;“ man: (hp, vor ll, hr asserted. . Re Hell" 'it. Drtrnttrck, A. C. Moyer, c, ll. hum: lwrr for a short time. a/y). "nos. A. [Ts-lam. ll German. "all. lh' nrt'. help 30m nmglvhur alontt,'as J. Itruru,rman, A. 50M, o. I'm-Imam, lit,",,,"'".,. te,'. tN csprrted {ll pvery Narnia-H. l" "retnmmpr, W .r. (hf- unl‘ Hm-lmhul Urn-hauls Assn lord. N. c. Cameron. and outets. rhythm n. l anada, through its tttem- lu'l\. flux 'nurv taxes than all the _-r-----.-.--- ittrttrer- and mattiiacturers put Jil l HINT" strut fountain." "f mama grunt, and haw mun capital than mum is provided tor m a lull intro- all tho banks In the countrv, duced in tho Leqislaturr by Mr, Geo, Mr N 1' Cameron, sorrrtnrv of H. Gooderham. I "thers “In†spoke in reply In the Innis! \u-n‘ Mvssrs. Lang, Itaas, IM- ter. F,. M. "twill, l'rslalll and "ei, miliwk. ur. l'rsladt, in â€plying, drew aiientio" io the fact that there are only hm industries in town 1sitich rmpln} a large number oi girls, “here-as about, ninety an to Berlin Non morning to work, and 'th-n “in in! thrlmzh in the [actor iies, ther tlo their shopping In “Prlin 'oetwepr, live and six o'viock. He. Ilhn ht the 1hmncil should lake up ian‘IQHPT, and encourage tactories Ithat mnpluy iemale help. All of Iiiia. mhispoke paid inhale to the irulkclin-z and credit ropurting 'Hs" item. I l the Peterboro Association. “as the next speaker. He spoke at the Fire Mars'aulrs Hill. which is going through the House. It the bill went through in its original form it would mean. said Mr. Cameron, that a lire marshall would have supreme control and a merchant not complying nirh his orders would be taken betore a magistrate. lie also dwelt on the Transient Traders' and Peddler's Hill. and the Early Closing Hin. whith the Association hopes to have amended, so that it three-iourths oi the meld-ants in any one line in a tmvn want to rinse early a bylaw can ire missed so that all the tuerch- ants oi. that. line “ill haw. to rluse. In reierenee to the "nun-ting and credit. reporting, department ol the 1ssociation he told of how this was aecomplishrd, and said that front 50 per lent. In " per cent. of the. "dead hunts" had paid no whose names had been sent to the tissocia- tum. Lust year, the speaker said, over 3,000 memhers were added to the Association and this year it is expected 5,000 more “ill be added. Mr. N. A. "Aick,. set-rotary. ltr"- posed 1hr- toast to yae local orpiani- zation. He said that thrloca1 branch was ortauir.rd last year with twenty~ nth? mnnlmrs, and while ontv a new nrgunimtinn had acorttrpiished sew nrai guml things ot lit-unlit lu thr "mum-is. In awning l'rrxillcnl .l l‘nrlman said "In! wltilrs IIP lmll sum nut. his drygoo'ls' Imsinrss Iu- was Mali mung to rmulin a tuptttttrr at the Associa- tion, as it “as well “I’l'lll the mem- Iu‘rship Irv "I "w dollars. During the mming [an prtilinns wrie urn-ululml and signed " nearly all oi those present. The first was that ihe retail merchants should ho (-xclmlrn [rum [he Worknten's Coin- pruuatiun Hrll, and the second “as to thr Dominion Government asking that Ir:aislation he passed prohthit- ing fraudulent advertising. Previous to the toast list Mr. Anderson oi Tumult. an nrganiter of the Prosin- vigil Asortiation, delighted the audi- oncr wtth a 3'! olle reading. [mum's oi "'ng at being unable to trp prom-t were read trom Messrs C, ll. Mulls, WPA', W. G. Reichet. M P., It. D. 1'ameron, and Mr. F.. M, Tran-min. Thus: present at the momma wprp Mtsscrs. N. A. lick, It W. Zionism. \ndorsm, J. I'ffemirttt. H. G. Lang. ll._ll.m<. N. mm, H. M. "Mitt, L. It. Drirnttrck, A. C. Moyer, c, H. "nos. I. Urstadt, ll German. "all. .r. Itrururman, A. Sch), 0. 1"tTrlmatt, Nuwt/twott.1', llrnnmnor, W J. "i lord, N. 1'. Cameron. and others. .0.000000000 t--t.t-.t0. Nothing like leather I EXAMINE AND BE I We admire opposition If well put together CONVINCED we welcome competition ALTERATION SALE This is Your Opportunity. Owing to changes and improvements which we are making In our store, we are offering Harness and other stock in hand at GREATLY REDUC- ED PRICES to make room. The Best in Harness Trunks Valises Spvuially fine, line of 'har- "mes. No need to g" to Tor- onto. We, sell just, as ('IK'ulily and give you exceptional {alum inch, loss hreeching With breeching ..r.-..t. $35.00 All singio and team harness at hum." privrs. tsttf, _ // Womens fl " Fashionable /,,,riiii,,1 yi'] Gd itnen ts Team Harness complete, ll, 31 QUEEN ST., s. BERLIN Headquarters for New and Second-land Bicycles L. SATTLER $27.00 Ji6w,kieo/ WHAT we show an Ladies' Ready-to-weargar- ments you may depend is correct in fashion, More than that, they are wearable garments and not freaks. Smart suits with short cut-away coats, Eaton ejects, Kimona sleeve and Drop shoulder. made in Fancy Serges, New Bedfords, Cheviots and Mozre. in colors sf Navy, Tan, Grey, Blue, Ta o, popular priced---$lo, 12.50, 15, 16.50, 18.50, 20, to?†A most nobby tot of garments, made to the latest fashion, short and medium coats, bright mate? - ials, also dark shades and something to suit all re- quirements. Prices, $7.50, 8.50, fo.oo, t2.oo to $20.00 Our Catalogue will he sent to all enquiners. Ladids’ Spring Coats Something New l Something Good , PATENTEB ROPE TRACE "l his makes a fine plough harness. Pipe Collars . The latest and newest in collars, specially easy nu horses, Sum under guarantee not human- sum shnuldrrs. You should have “no. SpeciaI prices on all goods. FOR SIX WEEKS ONLY Balance of Winter Goods including Trunks, Bags, and . Suitcases, sold at Wholesale _ prices Club Bags Harness