l h ' Address Mrs. Walter Armitrong, 1 Olney, Bucks, England , number "I Merlin people thor- oughly enjovrd the lecture on Shakes- peare giu‘n by H. w. Grigg, R. A, in the Waterloo Methodist 1'hurvhon Thursday evening. They hope to hprr the. pleasure ot hearing him on luturc occasions. . The Lam's “f thr Church of the New Jerusalem ganr a "1ltscellan- Nuus shower," on ThursOv I'l'l‘lllhg for Miss F.lla Itaniets, Ill fhe Sun dav school mum. The ladies had made their arrartr,rrtumts wry quu't ly and it was a great sun-prim to the guest at honor when invited to the l-hun'h. to he shunt-rm! Uith contettt and surrounded with ham“ [Hunts hdrn “ill: beautiIul mil» These im-lmlml handy-nu- hand pumt ml china. linen and IISPIIII and "rim mental [must-hold utensil» Ileiresh ments Rerp srrvml and all apt-pt " Mr. and Mrs. J. ll. Kiruy's friends learned with regret oi the death Ill 'I'ornntu at the farmer's father, Mr. 1'hristopher Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, Miss Edna. Miss Liman mu! Mr. Ilarnld Kirby attended “In Sun. eral nu Tuesday anltornnnn. " pleasureable evening. The many friends of Dr. D. I Milwhln will regret to learn that he sum-red a relapse from his met-m nIl< ness was removed to the B. & W. Hospital on Sunday afternoon. He sutrered a partial paralytic stroke. “is erynditiun is unchanged to-day. Mrs. Harry It. McKellar, who has been very seriously ill at the "eriin- Waterloo llnspihxl was able to rm turn to her home last werk. Iler many friends arc glad to learn that she has made good prngn‘ss in her recovery. and that her health is greatly iruproutd, Spoor, Ir0., of Tumult). Is spending a few days with her sister-ia-law, Mrs. Cecil Walker, who has been very ill for some lime, but WP, are pleased to say is mm recovering. Mas. R. G. Baird and her little daughter Elizabeth, who have been spending the past three months with Mr. and Mrs. William Runs at "Bon Accord," tett yesterday (Friday) for the,r home in Port Arthur. Mrs. Spear, uife of Rev. I l'. Miss Lillian Breithaupt is staying in Hamilton at the home at Dr. and Mrs. Parrv who were called to Luck- nuw ouing to the death of the due, tor's sister. Mrs. Kinsman. of Toronto, is visiting, at the homr ol Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Robinson. Mr. John Forsyth has returned after a month's pleasant trip spent. in Florida and a week's visit in New York City. Mr. D. Roche of Watford, Ont. and Mr. Fwd Hurdle. ul Sidney. B. C., mere the guests of Mr. J. F. Roche of St. Jeromes College. Mn. T. J. Mouat, ot Gall. paid Mrs. F. Ii. Mackhn a brie! visit. this Mn. Harvey J. Sims thats' thet guest at Toronto (nulls during this we“. Mr. Wm. Powell ol the Iv‘onell Foundry is in extended business trip to the Northwest Provinces. In. 'ngg, of Toronto, is visitin; her daughter Mrs, Edward J. Marin, King sheet west.. Mrs. Walter II, Williams. Foundry “not. is spending a tew weeks with triemts in “lemme. In. S. M. Johnston went. Friday with Toronto trio-a. ENGLISH Hm Tl": by 1 mus“ 'r.etittrtrrr-m, " 9to.-uc4 H m. a rep. ",". r. 'h' oliliusellcce. "MIC my I tFe F! mrd, R “gas. h 4: ml 't.r o,,. best were tmyM the Gr.†Hth at the Prim" “Knit rn,Cr7IEa3 9429. [03333. Fslhh?rct,ior gel e m 7 MADE BY THE co WA'GERS or 'h, ol.li',i-ael In .. "ad.: ml m . "my?“ i MIME, b' r'iSt,; Every sue. however nman. in l"|uron-. than n m u n h i ' Emu". "'rthr,, “and- a B 'd.1r'rl t t e Ndo. PM. In rtbrotn,'Nroi.t rum e,.e , Ttg?"?,':', ' . . :P8,P,y?,',t.Mt 'rrt't, t 'nmm- tirG.t . Si' slighal‘flx ' ,2- . 1hjr-.,s./ 4.. -'e"F' ._,__~ . ' _ F., ‘31."; T w . . " I ‘wrnu Shlg'f‘v q y.cc '." , 'ths, Tatt; l "trr' . ";iliti,ti, i‘a m" Hln'i, Hun, Cl In 1-. yfaWcrsiei'iFrr, ‘. .n,,_ l, . "-r, ..n‘.~. -' New, ticit. red blood-your greatest "Ped in spring-is plentifully created In In. Williams' Pink Pitts. and with this now. pure blood in . your xeirvi, qu quickly regain health and "tcrease your strength. Then your skin becomes- clear, your eyes bright, 1our m-rrt-s strong, and you tret hob In. eat better, slew better, and un‘ mule to do your work. These Pulls are sold by most deal- crs. but th, not be persuaded to take i.REPLENISH YOUR _ BLOOD IN THE SPRING on you These troubles 'an- signs that your blood is poor and watery, that your nerves are exhausted. You must rencW and enrich your blood at krstue and restore tone to your tired "arm, or there may be a complete breakdown. The most powerful rem- ttdv for thesesspriug ailments In men. women and ehiidren is Dr. Williams" Auk PINS for Pate People, because these Pills cleanse bad' blood and strengthen weak nerves Just now you are feeling "out oi sorts"- not your usual sell. Quite "ihausteo' at times and cannot de- '.ote real energy to your work. Sloop does not rest you and you “aim. up tooling "all tired out." Per- inaps rheumatism is flying through your muscles and joints, or may be your skin is tlistigured by rashes, boils or pimples. Headaches, twinges of neurania, fits oi nervousness. ir- lilebilltv of temper and adisordered staunach oltcn increase your dtseom- iort in the spring. The "ruse-winter has left its mark on you These troubles 'arr- signs that your blood is poor and watery, that your nerves are exhausted. You must reucw and enrich your blood at (mu: and restore tone to your tired ntn‘rs, or there may be a complete breakdown. The most powerful rem- Ir',)'. ’éxIRH I. 'tl':,'."',,'), (/"t'v7 In ’: r: i.frd:yi1rcfirrctv,, ‘33., l? ", "Ci'ii-2tb'i'rs./ i'iii.aiay'/u.'-tQ Hog": your spring tonic treatment Io-day for the hlund and nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink Pos- the Pills that strengthen. - "something just tho same." If vuu ain't get the genttine Pills from .mu' dealer ther will he sent yon by Hull], prst paid. at 50eerits a box or mls nuws for $2.50 by wrtting The Dr Ihlliatms' Medu-inr Co., Brock llr Tiile +4+t+Fb++FF4+t-t+t+t.e+a. i Ttre recual all?!) in Coeordia Hall on Monday evening by pupils of the Berlin t'onservatory oi Music was in- deed a great succcss, and the render- ing of various numbers by pupils at this Uortservatory showed the testlt oi rrr.tch studv and hard work. The recital included piano selections by Miss Freda Roschman and Mr. Nath- aniel Htmh, pupils ot Mr. G. H. Ziegler, and a reading by Miss Ethel Laicsie.v, a pupil of Miss Artthistle. The tunerat of the late Abraham Cressman, who passed away on Fri- day running, I'M held at two o'clock Sundav attcrnooa hom the inte residence, 283 King Street K., to the church at the Mennonite Brethren u. Christ, and thence to the East End cemetery tor interment. The sad death wound Ms MMmb- ing at Irwin: Weber, aged three was, death being due to diphtheria. 0- Mriday allernoon the Bonn " herculusis Trust held a meeting and appointed a caretaker. There - thirty-one applications, and Mr. Ed. School", of Berlin, was appointed caretaker at a salarv ot 8125 and home run and tood tree. ‘o I!†ls, ,0 Edam: [AGE Crnt BUcKiNGHAMSHrPt "I 4" i' 5'14“ "i h.. VI? Prue be. mu- tsuit n 'th No. Ua.- g0e, [rt . M. " “as derMrd to appoint a com- nuttro, mmpnsrd at Mr, H. P. 1'iern, l‘lll. K l'r, and Dr. I H. “th, to ttsit various venue: to make lur- thrr "minnow win ihe "ictrncy of several applicants before making a fmat wlmllun. The opinion “as CT- prrvred that the no“ possible selec- tion should be made tt R llkrly that the oommittee “in hr prrpnrml to repott next week. '1lve ium-ral will be held on Wednes- day, April' Ist, at 1 o'clock from tho house to St. Paul's Lutheran church and from thence to the St. Jacobs' court-wry for interment. BOARD DID NOT MAKE M APPOINTMENT 2mm hlnhlr Hoard h-und s,elret ion The late Mr. Bauman was born near Heidelberg in 1840 and learned the trade or blacksmith.in Waterloo more than fifty years. ago. He was married to Martha Geib, ot Woolwich tawnship, and lived in Elmira for a few years, then moved to St. Jacobs where Ite resided lor 27 years. About fourteen years ago he moved to Ber- lin, where he has since resided, and won the respect and esteem oi a wide circle of friends. The deceased is survived by his be-" roan-d widow, tour sons and one daughter, Lincoln‘ Detroit, Alexander Waterloo, Allan and Emanuel, of Her- lin, and Mrs. “not, of Detroit. BEAUTIFUL HAIR h COOL SCALP It is needless for you to have hair that i: anything short oi Dork-ct. If H Is falling out, losing color, spilt- ting, or R the scalp burns and Robes, immediately get from E. M. Devin. “album, or C. K. Swaisland, Ber Ln, at am drug counter, a 504mm. hottlc of Parisian F1age--use it tre- qutmriy-the 1"Jrsit, application removes dandruri. invigorates the scalp. and Nautilus the hair untill it is glor. musly radiant. A special meeting of the Berlin & Waterloo Huspilal Hoard was held on Saturday afternoon at which the applications received tor the posi- lmn of Suprnntendent were present- rd and considered. Applications wrre run-um iron: right female and five malr applicants. The latter, however Were not taken tnto orrtsuderation. Home of the temate applications “no must huuhh- rerorrtmended and the ihrard found it mnwull to make a Parisian Sage supplies hair needs-.. i, periectly harmless. " contains the mart elements required to make ,hc hair soft, wavy, glossy and tn make it crow thick and beautiful, You “in surely like Parisian Sage. II is one of the best and ‘most slclighttul hair tomes known. The death took place on Saturday, March 28th. at his home, 88 Weber street, west, of Mr. Moses G. Bau- man, who was in his 74th year. The deceased was confined to his bed sirm- last October sunning trom dropsy. DEATH OF M. ISF', PArtitilAN SAGE. IT MAN 1'28 THE HAIR F'LUFFY AND ABUNDANT. A splendid programme was put on by the entertainment committed in- cluding songs try Mr. Geo. Hatha- “av, and, Mr. Crooker of Preston, to- gether w th an illustrated talk on “Prominent Masons ot the Past and Presrnt," by Brothers Rumpel and “an. - a†"Vang...“ t A large number ot visding mason were present tram the surrounding district. including New Dominion Loder, Baden; Waverly Lodge. “with; Preston Lodge, Preston.“ Grand River Lodge No. 15t, Berlin. (In at the pleasing features at the eun’ng was the' presentation to the lodge of . completc net oi working tools by Worshiplul Brothers Halt- man, Norman, and Dekleitslaatvr, than three gentlemen being the founders ot the lodge. There. was also Mpre sented by master Masons certi6eates to a number ot the new "lends. Fol- lowing this the banquet was served in the banquet hall, at which toasts were proposed to the King. the Craft. the Visiting Brothers; and “violin Lodge. _ K rug 1b um numeracy 4sE Twin-City Log. No. 500 A. F. tc A. I. which .ittMdirstienqBttttieF%tli. tb HUI- Block, Berlin, Prion, In e you success. and the cunt 's no game was the man when! by an local mums lot sou-um. " In - veal .10 tart 'sight that Willi-City Lodge was instituted, and received ita charter trom the Grand Lodge at the last meeting at the Grand Lodge ttsid in July. The ftrBt year's not! bu heel highly gratify- ira, and very progressive, Jlllllflillua, M. G. BAUMAN. ON SATURDAY cs3 Floral orerings were contributed by the following: A pillow of roses. carnations, sweet peas, violets and lilies ot the valley from the family; gates agar and a wreath tram J. E. Wiegand a Co. employes; bouquet of Carnations trom keno Weber; ‘bou- quot of roses and carnations from P. K. Weht-rr, a wreath from MN. Heist and family; a bouquet of rose. and carnations from Mrs. Joe Amént and Rose Hcnh.oelier, and a bouquet o.' roses from Kate Kimmel. Out ot town friends were presunt from Floradale, Preston and Tavistock. SUPPLY OF EGGS AGAIN PlllilWlll, A large number of friends and reia- tives attended the funeral of the late Miss Lizzie Albert. which was held on Thursday afternoon from the re- sidence at 186 Queen Flt., Berlin. Short services were_held at the house at 2 o'clock, after which ser- nces were conducted in the St. Pet- er's humeral: Church by Rev. F, I oberlander, thence to Bridgeport tor intern out. The pail-bearers were Messrs. Howard Bricker, Rollan Weber, "any Heiman, Henry Dotz- enroth, Jr., Joe Heinmn. and Clar- ence Dotzenroth. The luneral of the late Abraham H. Meyer of Breslau took place on Thursday afternoon lrom the late re- sidence. at 2 o'elock in the atternooh, Alter a;short service at w: lief; service was conducted in the M no- nite Brethren in Christ church, con- ducted by Elder L. \Raymer, assisted iv Elders P. Geiger and o. Burk- holder all or Breslau. A male quar- tettel rendered a hymn very impres- sively at the service. Interment took place to the Mennonite cemetery .at Breslau. The last sad rites were at- tended bv a large number ot relatives and friends, including, S. Meyer and lamily, Elmira; N. M. Moyer and son Donald, Reading. Pa.; A.,G. Dover and wile, Toronto; Miss Bar- bara Mayer, llreslau; D. Mayer. Markham; Moses Mayer and son Ad- ison, Toronto; A. Wesley Pugh, a grandson of Philadelphia; and Wm. Moyer, a nephew from Pennsylvania. The prke of eggs at Berlin market went tH‘n lower on Saturday. ' As was the case a week ago the supply was large, and prices ranged any- where Irom 20 to 24 cents. In tact some asked 25 cents a dozen, but they could secure no sale. Butter sold at 27 to 29 cents a . pound; lettuce three bunches for 10 cents, rarldish IO cents a bunch. and two Int-l3 tents. Maple syrup was sold at ".80 a gallon, although the sup- ply is not yet plentiful. ISL'lirgryb:ftNlss_L.vhLBKR't'. A bright young lilo was brought . a close on Wednesday in the person ot Oscar Friederich Wagner, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Michael WIN. " Er gin St... Berlin, aged " years. ' months, and six days. The when! was held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residue: to St. Matthews Lutheran Church [or service, and thence to the Lutheran Cemetery. Weber St. E. tor inter- mun. “I“ tour. M a in t'i2titutgtaldl'g'. N I hltt8tl'tl'f'C"d'd'ffaWu', mr-ttrat" - m and tt,t=t'tfat',,t1'ffgtt rlif,',',t have I tell, playful 'tttttA' Aâ€; you: draws: tora9-tNtttute 'm.mt-rrmreteht.,"iheo.. mauluummmm (all or was! Mue'v totfreerotvter, Medium ‘umnhvd In cabin (own Noun ~10 II" In] In. Ind 2 moo m, Swill-u t :0. m tot pl. C-ttatt" m. Aft - 535'?!“- tf?Eit 'ifttaii',ii's,,. Mood, In". â€a 4'usa- Ila-sou. DR. SCHr’ER:I DR. \VHITE I "ewtih'tiii?rrsa'-""" _ mm 'at,tutatS't 1iii'hhlk tktie.tr. Hanan-E, a w. G. 5}... trddt1tltt Lett waadua A. Cure .lli?Sfrh1"lgll'. filiii?gi,.5iil. HEARDsHoRTADDREM" Fl'Nl‘JRAL‘ OF A. H. MOYER DIS. Com {film " Tomato 81.. Tormtto. on In the humid Due-:29 OSCAR F. WAGNER. 'r,ht1'.", l tht Fliday night Capt. G It N, tollins. head of the St. John amhut (ttttce Cops, in Canada, will give a in" Item" m the Town Hail on the work, " is the intention to out nixe a class in Waterloo. l Joseph Hotstetter, one of the driv- (ers of the scavenger department, met 'with an unfortunate accident on Mort- iday alurnum while at his work on Queen street, south. He was smirk ing in front ot his wagon and the horses gm" a sudden pull and he tell all between the wagon and the hors- Pm Fortunately the animals did not run an“. Ithen the man was pirked up " was {wind that he had fractur ed his left leg between the ankle and the knee. He was removed In the It. R, W. Hospital where the tracture Was set. Twain hr is resting as “on as can be expected. URGANIZI“. FIRST All) (TASS His demise is mourned by a NOT- rowing wife, two daughters and two sons, namely, Mrs. F. Fl. Shaun. Grand Forks. B.C., Ida at home. Samuel and Edgar, Vancouver, H.C. Four brothers predeceased him, and those who still survive are M. tl Cressman, Berlin; ,lsrael. Saikalch- man and Samuel, Alberta. DEATH OF. _ . h, CRESSMAN The Grim Reaper removed a welt- known and highly respected citizen about " o'clock on Friday morn- ing in the person ot Mr. Abraham Cressman. at his home 282 King St. Berlin in his 71th year. The de ceased was very well known in this community, for many years being a very sumsslul farmer to the south ot Berlin, while tor a tew years past he has been living related. 1 week ago last Monday the deceased sufitred a paralytic stroke. since which he hat been cotettted to his bed. Previous to this he had been in his usual good health. and his death came very suddenly. DRIVER’S LEI-T ttther points of interest were ulso vigited by the delegates below leu- qu fp Iheir homeward journey at Short but interesting addresses were delivered by Mayor Buchanan of Gait, Mayor Kribs of Hespeler Reeve L. Pertuegnat of New Ham- hurg. Reeve Dr. Woolner of Ayr; Reeve A. Cu Shaw of Waterloo Tp., and other municipal representatives. The concluding address was deliver- ed bv Mr. Weichel, who thanked the delegates tor their kind reterencts to Mr. Clare and himself. During the alternoon the delegates attended the session ot Parliament which was a most interesting one, the Government selecting Solicitor- General Meighen to reply to. Hon. G. P. Graham on the report. of ‘the Transcontinental Railway Cummis- sion's report. Bhttersne- terms, and expressed the amnion that his services have as'yd not been sumeietruy recognized. “I want to tell him that an since 1902 Mr. Detweiler has kept me going with his big schemes, whieh he seems to tie dreaming all the time. I do not want to be present when my wire and Mr. Detweiler ever meet." Loud laughter. He said it was a great pleasure tor him to meet so many friends trom his na- tire county. tf o'clock Hon. Adam Beck thanked Mayor Euler for his kind words and con. granulated him upon being the Chytt Magistrate ot Berlin, trout where many of the great Issues before the people ot Ontario originate. He re- (erred to Mr. Detweiler's work in ljmtioe to the splendid new provid- ed. There van gent-l Janet ex- pressed owing to the inability of “on. In. Club to no - ouing to illness. Alter the inner man hm! been at- Itft to. and the majority ot the 1 men were decidedly hungry, II. D. B. betweiler m requested to perform the duties gunman. Mayor W. D. Euler In the that speaker and in hit and happy man- ner exptessed the appreciation ot the cnwd of the hospitality of the members tor the Waterloo con- stituencies. He alluded to the ex- oellent impression made by Hon. Adam Beck belore the Government and expressed his confidence that good results would [allow the mission of the great deputation. Mnonmyl and Urdro Radial Rau- Iay mum ben today was tho .ahtaa6nmutr.t-.dt.trerrHthe Parliament uh. “you! the hosti- taut, 3nd generality a! Menu. w. G'. W and Guam A. can. M. PA, at North and South Waterloo "stmettieiy. Over u. about II:- out“. Much ",--TU Waterloo My unmann- on theGreat .mu.?iuva LEG BROKEN Three tagrants were found lodg- ing in the boiler house of the Berlin Felt Boat Co. Saturday morning and were pmmptly arrested as vagrants. " was alleged the,, had stolen sev- oral Jack knives, etc,, from working- men‘s clothes. They gave their nitm- es as Fred Smith, Fred McCarthy. and Wm. llgilvie, all of Buffalo. Maxt.strate Weir imposed a sentence or six months on each at the misun- ers. THREE “GRANTS , 'glmilIaI) To TERM OF SIX MONTHS CORN 'riirllr,rTrfjirj' A special meeting of the Light Commission was held on Saturday alternooh, when tenders were reteiv- ed and awarded lor supplies and work to be cartied on this year. Mr. Cas- per Brawn was awarded the contract tor the power house extension, at a cost of $5100, there being three tend- ers received. . ville. Ont The Standard Sanitary t'o. ot Tor- onto was awarded the tender tor gas Pipes and fittings for this yedr's com strut-non work at a cost of $4537.82 there being six tenders received. The" Hare lingim- Co. of Trrottto were awarded the contract at a cost of $1700 lor a sinker and smoke Lun- sumer. ' Baby’s Own Tablas When " mother uses only unc mall» cine as long asahere are little ones trt the home it certainly bears grand testimony to the value or Inn: par tncular rentedv. Thousands of molly ers use nothing else hut Ham's Own Tablets. Concerniuc them Mrs M. LEBlanc, hlemramcook Best, NH. writes: "I have used Baby’s (mu Tablets [or my little aims tor the past ten years and know oi nothing to email them during teething time or tor colic, constipation and indiRes- tion. All my neighbors who have used them think as I do." The Tabs lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box' from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brock- Tea "is food tel CONTRACTS The work on the power hbuse ex- tension will be started 'lm'trst im- raediatety. The members presmt were Chair- man Lumen, A. R. Lang, D. B. Itet- weiler, C. Kranz, Mayor I‘Iulrr, filup- eriettetrdent Mr. McIntyre and Fleere- tary Clarke. Every Morning Many Doctors Eat Rich Man to: Headed with flavors, Ceylon AWAR BY (tl)liilllh, Used fo Years Luv, Ont cd, and I rapidly Inst flesh. AHA! :nr works' usr of Rheuma I WI: ct 1vell man."--. 11illiarn Fry, Fort “For wars I suffered with RhaMi, matisn m my arms and shottfrc,', 3;) k,dtwvs and bladder were alien-f The audirnre ll as permitted to-ed, mo splendid selections by Mr. Hui-{i lin, one a song; and the other whilt‘.‘ ling numlwr, while Mr. Wismer no? dorvd a recitation in line style. E. E. BOWMAN WINS ' SILVER SH ChecMic li' RheumatigmNow, HIM-II M t THtHUjUGHLhr DRIVR"{ ow Pl0iP-HF'.ATED URIC ACID . POISON. _ _,' Thur is only one way to be {no ilom Rheumatism--the accttrnuuti, iinpurities caused by an excess at; I no Acid poison must be expend itom the body. That is what REE-i INA will do and do it thorougNr., ll mu s.ufier rrnm any form otRhetg.. "tatism-Seiatica, Inhammattsry, Ar-', turitis. Muscular. Lumbago or Gout; nae! a hottie of RHHI'MA from E. 4, 3i. Ihrvut, Waterloo. for 50 cents-A ll is guaranteed. . . é Mr. "star I?oehmer was _ , the honor oi presenting the , bers of the team with the 0.11%} medals which are each year ttive. til, the clumpionship teams. The InddI‘ are of solid gold, and on the 'ttto, have unsaved a picture of a hoe-t player, and on the back bear "1% able inscription, with TlJAGl A The soon-s ot the Gun-Club atttrttt" are as; tollows, Mr. E. E. BOW“- winning th:. silver spoon ".--. ' , name engraved. Mr. A. Lakoux now has then these medals, two senior. and one i termtdiate and he states that out nine seasons in the (MIA. the Pa ton game was the only one in - he played overtime. l F"erguson Player ..i-_.rr Krupp .r, _ Friday the IN3-4 hockey and sun In intermediate (MIA. ch! was brought to an “Manure! with a most sumptuous banquet t dered the members of the team. a "(livers ot the club by; Mr. Will. “in at the American Hotel. , netting was a most delistrttut " and was enioyed to the'utwtnm“ those present. - kta man Shot at Brokeâ€; _ â€25 " "i .....25 " ', .....25 11 . ....‘.25 " Q