Limited spat-r doesn't permit uur tolling “11; up spll High Grote (7lnthing ui il luuvr price thun ullu-r stores. Hut we do, "rung the buys Saturday and we. Suits at MEN'S lu'BBrlrtlzr'.n RAI N(’0.\'l\‘ 6"i"i"'"ic Great Easter Campaign of Spit Selling ' All tbe "PR' slvlrs with chuim‘ (If hundreds of Patterns and . Colors, garments that are selling In most stores at. $15, best all wool "rateri tl and hand tailoring, we've ever SPF]! at this low price, Saturday ._. SIUJHI Whrn you Hamil-t- the quality tri" our Non Spring Suits our tit an! twinning; is not equaled in the city. f mum, $1b150, slum. mum) NU HIGH COST 0]“ LIVING HERE BOYS" You haveu't tieen the most wonder- ful value in Suits until you've seen these. Can't mummy duplicate we quality and tailoring anywliert .150 In the (in, regular “2.06, all sizes. Saturday . . _.... m-tpt.... $7.?) MEN'S SPRING SI 'l'l'.v, ovrn TWo MILES ot best British Woolen, svlevted in the best mills of Eng:mui, Smlluml and Ireland Ly expert trained uoo1eu buyers. The newest weaves, colors and combinations are tshown exclusively in many cases. Ol'IL 'il',Fi.NCH-TAH.OItF'.D 20TH 1'Iu'NTt RV â€RAND. new with a national reputation, and H. KELLER'I‘ A SONS' SiioP-TAuAtRF'.ir Sl'l'l‘b‘ AND SPRING UVl-IRL‘UATS are here Lu a regular profusion at tstyles-- Ithletic Types, College Senu-Kntr,tish, regular and irregular styles with the smartest tailoring you lune Pver looked at-each vieing the oth- er in popularity. A Fit for every tigure. A style ior "wry Caste: WILL START IN Fl'Ll. SWING SA'l‘l IIDAY MORNING with the greatest range or selected Clothing, b"urttvsLinxs. l'ndrrwear, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes that has ever been displayed by any one lmuse 111 Can- ada. EASTLI: “[311, SPECIAL St ITS ERNST’S 90 KING 'mtr'.li'r " Buy All Your Groceries Here A FINE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM. DIETRICH' S GROCERY because :-- the goods we sell are guaranteed EASTER F'IUTyi. ImrmriiMrt6rrmirrErrTitm [iii WrttT8Mm6mEqErmmmimItg No. 14 $2.M to $10.0.) P, A NT 'rliilE' CH R0ll)illliilltll,.ier, TELEGRAPH. Where the tttttd clothes Game From 300 Pairs Women':; â€nuts, in pate-rt colt. ttri kid and gum-10ml Icallmxs, button and him-her styles, Goodyear 1telt and Mcka, NEW." soles, military Iuwls, xi/mf fc. to 7, regular $Lufl, Saturnlm Margain ...e.e...r. .eet.. $3.00 Max's HM Cali Hunts, a [lupnlar style in film-her rut, good heavy soles f, r walking, stylish siiape fur L'mnlnrl Rear, sites Ii to ll, regular 32110 to $3.4m, Saturday Bargain 20it Inn‘s of Women's ' nice Fine â€nuts. in high grade tummy, select-. ions ol (have (lungula kid, flexible soles patent lue raps, Cuban heels. IrPautiiully hmshml, sins 21, to 7. To clear h-ss than mm. Saturday bargain .vt...Ve. .e.-Vrt., '.t'-.rrttw._r. $1.33 1len's mun urn-y and Mackhairline stripe r'uucv Worsted Trousers, 'also ttoediurn nurriw and wide double stripe patterns. made up in the rur- rect slur, sins 32 to 12, reg $2.75 and $3irtt, Suhlrduv morning... $1.38 Saturday Special in the Shoe Dept. MEN'S Tittrl SINK.“ $1.98 BERLIN, ONT. WATIRLOO. ounmo. 1110qu “in. (than. Se"t6-.,. " PM $1.95 Farmvr's l'luh :-The Humor}: rluh Int-villi; “ax postponed for mu- week on mmmmt of ilr-lrmrnl weather. (wm' ou Fridm writ-in: and hear th, .Iddrrss on “'Ilw lnitnl Farmers oi Hnlzll‘m". anti other interestinv; nllnr ln-N on th. Programme. Messrs. .IIN “mulls and In run 1.eirorn "tfended 'a lunllulllxull ai the lahor Temple, l'hnrrh Ft., Toronto, and “ill girr a III‘IJIINI rcport ui “hall was stone lhrrr --'ldtt, Musing srssinn ot the l'rrrrrrsssot_ Lilvrnr; “m be lIélal ml \IIIII Hill. ot “huh "iioman's Sui. {mu-H “I†be "My discussed by Mtsi. G. lurh} and w, ll0\\lrll, nr:.nnv and Hm, .1. H “Illmms .nml ll. l‘hmmn, "Hm". An Mt'rllrm F'irriion ot ("Worst The annual until-got the Farmer's Club .uas ttterr-Thr, closing srssinn ot the l’rm'rnslu- I.ilvr.n"\ “ill Ire Irpldon Yptul Mill. a! “hurl! -'\\nmun's Sui. Haw" “I†br, uhl) discussed by 1lew,urr. G. lurhy and W. llnwlrll, " and In“. .1. ll Wilhams and H, I'm-.mnn, athrttt. An Mr'ollrm [Vln'LlVH'vll‘ hm ah" hm" "rran..wd.- In“. M, ll Snilzh'rmn of urrlm M I‘lmnzml pulpits 1sith ulll' mtmster un \nnrm tttorrtihrf,. Mr. y1att:lr,rsonron, IIIN'IHI.’ timtoturuttal srrm-rs here. Ho "an thslivvrrd an Mrollrm sol" mull m. tht. ' Four tohors of Chris- Mun-h." (K. Guelilt. will speak on agriculture work everybody is invited to attend this rtweting.-1hs. Chas. Smith of lit-rim is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Aihert y4chierele.--Mtr. Reuben Slit-is and Miss F.sther Apeis of llawkesrillc spent Sunday at the home of C. S. Weber-Mr. Herbert Snyder spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hteiss.-Grand millinery openings at I). J. Steiss store, April 1 and 2.-Miss Stotts, will be pleased to serve her old cus- tomers as well as many new 01195. Make your selection ior 1Caaiter now and avoid the hurrv and disappoint- ment attending the rush just, below blaster-Miss K. Audlin of llorlin spent last Frida; with liz-r trieod Mr. Hill llarIWr at the home of Mr. A. Heipel-Mr. Wes. Home] has purrhas- ed a fine driver from Norman Wilkin- Son Iiawkesville.--Apparetttlv some oi our "Ilrgs ar) wishing tor dry roads to iry thp nnu' auto.--Mr. A. J, Fteiss has pnrrlmsml an autumn- bile from Mr. lit-chm New liamhurr,.) -Part'nts who Mporl to srnd Mpinn»; ers to public srhnol in the near qu lure arr rmpwslrrl by the (mu-lu‘rs‘ not to do an until May Isl. l Local and Persouat.- 33. William Lenihkc sold his property to Mr. Kruegcr, oi Toronto, who wall get possession on or about May l5th. As Mr. Lembke, has been a resident ot our village tor a goodly number oi years, ue hope he will decide to re- main in our midst-Mr. Louis Koch moved into his property on Water- loo street with his family. last Wed- nesd.ayv-Woo1wich Township t‘ouneil meets on Tuesday next, April 7th. -A happy wedding was celebrated in Bond street Lutheran Church, Tor- onto, Thursday, April 2nd, when Mr. Walter liesser and Miss llermine Wegener, youngest daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Weptener, of Toronto and Couestogo, were joined in wed- Ion; by Tier. Dr. F.. "omtran of Tor- onto. The bride's friends here ex- tend s'orsgratuhstious-- Uontirtttation and monuunion service in the Luth- l,eran l‘liureli here on Sunday fore- noon Fu'rsicc begins at 10 a. m. Sundae school at 2 pnn.--Mr. Jos. " “was is attending the oratorieal contest to he held in North Drum tries on 'l‘uesllay evening, and while Hltrre 1. Killing as one or†the judges. l,-':ur. Albert lleer has returned to [town again and is with his former employer, Mr. Henry 1Iolie,-- Miss ‘i'l‘lu-resa llolle oi Waterloo spent. ylurttlax here under the. parental root. --ru'vcry body interested in motor cycles shouiil read tthat Mr. Henry Haclilocrn, our repair man, has to say in another coimnn oi this issue.--Alr. and Ali's. Aug. I'. Wegerter oi Tor- onto spent a few days last week, looking aiter their home here.-- Mr. Nelson 'Shelley who has been laid up ior a week is back at his post in' Bowman’s store.-lhe spring Hoods ( have so far not reached the usual height, but considering the little hit or anon we had a lot oi water is running down stream since a week, ago.- Mr. Josiah Stiller shipped ai eur oi cattle on saturday.-mte. Ep-! worth League of the Methodist Church had a ven- interesting and) well attended meeting on .uundayer-; ening, at which the \‘iee~Presldentsi of the various departments gave tl-l dresses in the way of review of last) year's work. Special voeal selections; were cretiitably given and a liberal collection for missionary purposes was taken up. . Laurier Literary Society win hold their "noting nn Friday evening, April 3rd. Mr. Clemens of the thh. m Our Busy Neighbors West Montrose Heidelberg ill for a ample ot weeks. sum-rim: from an arrow. lt is hoprd an Oper- ation "ill be nnnertssarr-Mr. Gro. Hownmn "ho has been laid up tor several woo-In: with rhemmatism is improving-Mr. and Mrs. “on, yh , nakrr sent \lumlm in Ihsriin “uh the tortupr's anni Miss Kinritterr.-- Mr. and Mrs. Sumo hare moved nn~ to the farm lnirly purchased by Mr. l, lmtwn. .rr.. on the Flora mr-- Mr, and Mrs, “I. Frie ot Rnlsnm Grove Motion have engaged witltMr. "tron Lrtson tor the coming .vt"ar-- Mr. W Mrlitrrr has ongavd as hamster n the Floradale tan-mill. h'-ld last work and the totlowinr, ot- livers wow elected _ ' Hon, Pres-y. 'IL Knmpr. Prr's.-lrrrrt [Ms-m. " ire Pres.--thas. ll infield, Fkc.--.1. l'. Fnirtrr. Personals :--Miss neriha Melitzer returnul trom llilliardhm on Satllr dm to Visit ll~r mother who has hrrn ill for a otttltle ot wrrks, sum-rim: News Notes-The'usuat spring oe- currence, oi the old Conestoga, in- creased by the steady rain last F ri- day, tested the old dam again this year. The villagers enjoved watching the icc-jarn on Friday and Sunday noon.--The Misses Mabel Schooner and hathline Schwartz of Heideltr.rg visited with Mrs. Schoener on Sun- dar-Mr. Robert Moore was a busi- [ness visitor to Berlin and Toronto itast week.-Wonder ii people were {any the wiser after "All Fools' Day.' --Mr. Wm, Pogson oi Clear- lwater, Mam, visisesrwith his moth- er-in-law, Mrs. G. Ruler last Wed- "tesdar.--Moving was the order of the day last Tuesday when Mr, Leo Irieienbacher moved onto the Farm formerly vacated by Mr. Robert Moore. Mr. Thos. Wilkinson moved to Elmira, while Mr. Brubacher or, the same place occupied his farm. - Mr. Samuel [lisey and mother at near (ilenallm called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Donald last Wednesday. -) Mr. C. Il. Tanner was a business) visitor to the Royal City last) Fr1day.- Mr. B. Giese and Miss, Duenirh were visitors to Heidelberg Munday.--Our school inspector, fill') Shepherd, ot Berlin, called at the) school on Tuesday.- Mr. Alfred Shanta. was a visitor to St.‘.latobs last Tr.ursday.-.tbout twenty-live ot our mung people enjoyed the party at the home of Mr. Henry Ballard last Friday night.--Get your. nests ready little girls and boys, for the bunnv will soon be around.--Mr. Reu- hen hair-s began work in Berlin on Monday.-Mr. Fred Lackncr and John Ride], two of our councillors, were among the deputation that waited on the burden Government last week. It is hoped that tth returned with the host of nrus.-Mr. llarry Huber has resumed work in Waterloo at present ~\liss Bessie Weber was the guest oi Miss Laura Spies on Sunday artrr- noon-ltr, Ira Itieientutcher of "er- lin “sited at home over Sunday. l Local and Per.sonaL-Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser ol London and Mr. Fai. Nier- garthol Berlin attended the luneral oi the late Miss Krause.- Mr. and Urs. V. Daub or Amulree visited with thrir friends at Baden on Sun- 'lay.-Thc: property of the J. o. "raeekner Estate was sold on Hat- urdae to Mr. John Browtt tor $1000. --.urs, Jacob Wolfe of Montreal is at present visiting her sick mother, Mrs. B. Schmidt.-Mr. Noah Shantz who visited his sick daughter, Mrs. D. Gardner, returned to Waterloo on saturday.-htr. Robert Fischer of Stratlord visited his mother, Mrs. Vanderseer on Saturday.- Mr. limi Mrs. .lamb Bowman spent Sunday at 1tcriin.--Nr. Jacob H. Wahl of Ht. Agatha and Mr. (I. ll. Brucckner of Slratlmd were trusOess visitors to Baden on Saturday.-- The Baden Horse Show will be held on Thurs- rlav. April 9th, 1914. when liberal prizes will be paid for entire horses and harness horses. l Death ot was Kraute.~0n Satur- (day evening Mr. and Mn. S. Kraut» brought their eldest daughter Geor- gina Anna to Baden tor burial. She was a patient at the Orillia Hospital ior three years, sutrerittg lrom ner- mus complaint. and a week ago com tracted pneumonia and died on Fri- day, March Mth, aged 23 years, 4 months and 8 days. She was born on Nov. Mitts, 1890, at Berlin. The tum-ml loll. the Steinman undertaking parlor on Sunday atternoon to the Lutheran church tor services, thence to Mount Hope cemetery for burial. Rev. Mr. Vuelker ot New Hamburg olticiated in the absence or Rev. Mr. "rrnner who had examination class at New Dundee Church. She left, to mourn her lather, mother, tuo bro- thers and one sister. The bereaved [mum haw the sympathy at their friends. Hawkesville Mt, Local and Personai.-Miss Heim- Decker ol Toronto was the guest ot the Mibses Kaiser (or a tew days this week.-Nrs. McCrelght and Mrs. Ct, lielcr of Herlin were visitors at the home oi Mr. John Tilt last Tharsday.-Mr. James Watson ot Parts Is spending a few holidays with his parettts.-Mr. and Mrs. Lu- cas attended the luneral ot the Lat, tel's sister-in-law in Hespeler last week-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prine arrived Ill Doon last Friday after spending a couple' of months in the south.--Miss A. Uttley at Hamilton was uniting her parents in the vii- lage last week.--hliss Jean Hoskins spent last week with friends in Erin- dale.-Mr. William Eseh was a Sun- day tisitor In Mondale attending 'the funeral oi a relative.-- Mr. AY. Clnthe of Toronto is spending a few days at his home before leaving for the North West.-- Mr. William Harris who has been on the sick list for the last few weeks is lmprormg nicely, and we hope to soon see him back at his post. Mr. Taylor is IP.- lieving In llarrisat the G. T. R. station--.tirs. John'Malhews is at present very seriously ill.-- Mrs. P. Sherington is attending Mrs. Theo- dore ot Strasburg who is confined to her bed with serious illness.- Miss M. Klinck left lor her home in Collingwood on Monday. She in- tends spending a few weeks there, Giii than going to Itegina.- Mr. A. tard of Berlin was visiting relatives Hn the village for a few days last week.--A number from the village 'attended the sale at Mr. Gilbert ‘Beehtei of the Town-line last Wed- nesdaye-- The flood of the Grand River passed ori very nicely this year as tt.crt, was rot enough snow or rain to cause the water to do any darnags---A gang: of surveyors is bus- ily engaged in this district at pres- ent surveying the Grand River. Rev. Albert Kennedy, a superannu- ated Methodist minister at the Ham- ilton Conference, died at Windsor. close hanging. Evervune for nilel around " looking [onward to the Ch- citing times on the hatinll felt, the coming summer. )3 ett'the'..,iastie ‘meeting was held in Coleman's on ‘May circling. Further particulars trtbr.-su. Herb. Bergey has added ‘to his Ialsor-saripg equipment by pur- phas‘mg a "human Mechanical million 7he. machine will he installed shortlv and a public demonstration given in ‘a lew weeks.-Ahmfirmation services were conducted in the Lutheran Church on Sunday morning. Nine candidates were received into clutch membership, a large crowd was pre- trent.--Miss Elizabeth Master oi Me- Donald Institute, Guelph. is spending a week's holiday at her home. Lee.? are right " a strong ttnm 'rom this centre Ill [be WRA. " It wall known New Dundee has in several seasons tigured m senn Linal 'A"urtt, and been Mum; Ly any It" Ora-lilo Football C'.ttb?-fttttt tut my sittna ot the retum ot in: in the tact that turn are out: with; toothall. Interest is My be. anion; the local tans "he ELMIRA Goods New Dundee Whether youve making over old scarred floors, refinishing a marred gtig of furniture or brightening up some ingy woodwork, you’ll find it so interesting to watch the wonderful change from old, shabbiness to newness and brightness, that you'] thorough- ly enjoy your work. I WEIGHEL'S WEEKLY STORE NEWS I Doon . WEICHEL & SON Our demonstrator will be here soon. For sale, suitable for mix- ing with barley at 60 cents per bushel. JOHN STECKLY, t1lllltllillljllllii. DAUBEN EY OATS "rcs SO EASY TO CHINAMEL" Phone 215 R. R. 2, Berlin Ii,-18,-25,-1-4t. not from grower, other varietie- if desired, satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, for Price! and Patti- culars, write J. G. Gleam, Fletch- er, Ont. in Whvitei cap yellow dent. on cob, di- WHO“ Kat. 3080 Seed Corn tor Sale WATERLQO Low Prices