"utter, per n. ..r._r. _ngl. per dozen .. JAN. pet th ........ no“, live ..'... ..... "tgs, dressed .,.... IUr per ton ......._ Straw per ton .rw..' ,I'ood, per cord .... Export. cattle ,. .._. Whrat ...1-.... . FPe Wwf."' PP. .05 .98 Corn, per busth '"':"' .. .71 .72 Flour, lamily, per cm... $12.75 2.80 Flour, high grade ..rr...-rm-. 3.25 "tran, per ton .-..._rt. .er-wr-.. 21.00 'Mit’dlings, per Inn 35ml _:7_m| Barley Fer..".. ..m..m... ttt ... AR ,52 has ..m.m__t. ...r. ... ....t_....t_ .80 .80 on: ......_ ..-.......-".. ...... .34 .3; _ BERLIN, APRIL 2, 1914 â€our per Mm lbs .-.--'." $110 Bun, per ton "vrr_. . ' liddlilLS pa 100 Its _ . Meanings per 100 lbs wr. Hay per ton .....-..-...e... 16.00 Wood per cord ...t.t...a..tt. 7.00 Potatoes per bag ......... 1.00 Eggs, per dozrn . .. .20 putter. per lb ttrt........'..... .27 “heat per hush .,r, __ . rarley per bitsh. _ Oats pm" [.1311 . 'r"r Peas, per bush. ...._ ..P....e. .75 In the matter ot' the F.state ul Ili ~11- an Ryan, late trt' the To.oship of Wellasley, in the County oi Itat,"rioo, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby 'rivtnt pursuant to "The Statutes of Ontario" 1 George V., thapter an, that all creditors and others havinz.ciaims against th' estate oi Us: said Michael Ryan, My died on or aunt. the .tsrniy eighth day oi February, Hill, are required, Bye ............ ......rm' Buckwheat. ............ Etrs per dorrn Buntr, per lb. ' .. Cogs, live, [at cut Lard, per lb. ..rre. .. --. -â€" - .. . on or beiore the uncouth day of April, IBM, In send by post prepaiid or deliver In "rltonras Farrell at Lin wcod, Ontario, “up at tite Met-Ilium of the last will and trslnnmul oi tir. said deceased, tt'm'r ihrislian and siirnames, addresses and descriptions, tbe hill particulars of their claire. the statenunt ul limit attvoosts and uf: nature " the securities, ii um. held by them. And ntrther take notice that after truth last mentionrd date the said executors wilt proeeed to distribute the assets oi the deceased among the parties mulled thereto, liming re- gard. only to the claims of which the,, shall that have notice. and that tlm said executors will not be liable ior the said assets or an: part the-uni to any person or persons oi whose claims notice shall not hate horn rrttivrd lu' them at thrtime oi suu'h distribution. "atoll the ninptonih Io oi Harsh l.'ttt. Snliciturs for Michael it. Ityan and Thomas Farrell, the executors of Michael Ryan, Iteceased It is the mum mum as yvars :lzu .luxt a plum u ot 110M 1s all Hm: I2; askvt must hr ax gun-ll at", it Is Our “with"; “up .nv Hm that Im‘aus Huh vwlrt, “r the widlhs and sin“ We the name and dat" in [HP]! sell Without min rltatr,rr_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS lichrs' cattle 'ATERLOO MARKER. “ATERLOO. APRIL 2, 1914 Wedding Bingé ELMIRA MARKET. F.L.WltA,nlAIH'.ll 26, 1"†HELLER BROS. per ton ..r.r-..t"'. in um Iota .'."..T.... .1: BERLIN M \RKETS. szen Lilie- ......... Auto 21.... ..... Scirntirw nphrianl. MERLIN. Stow. an: Post 0mm. i per ton MARKET REWRTS thas you ONEIEQ (“lament h Clement .... â€I... 00-...- nth“ as it "as; plum oval band } Li ash-(If hut til at", it Is stamped. l .m' Mammal and l, MIL “r hare all; r» “r 'utr',raTr'l in ru‘Iy ring, "e, (lump. I 3,75 9.00 11.00 li.00 . 16.00 10.00 ... 7.50 8.00 .. T.50 8.50 ... ti.00 7.50 .. 6.00 7.00 _... .85 Ltt0 ._-. .28 .30 8:10 23.- ' 25.00 . 1.35 .. 1.40 16.00 19.00 7.00 8.00 .55 " .80 .34 .60 .60 24.00 .50 25.00 .95 3.80 1.3-U 3.60 ‘38 .l8 .34! .80 .65 .65 .236 IMI 25 25 Sit) It', QUICAGO. March ".--gt+ 5-D- I-h uenlimem an to III-l “we“ today because of the mun“: crop out- look and it, conuqucnco ot the loll] lack of exporll. The market had no good reaction and cloud heavy 144: to It: under Ian night Corn tututtqd 5-8.: to te down and on. all b-le to I-dc. In provision. the ouleomo varied from toc decline to an advance at s )-2c. 1 Piano. Organ, Violin, Mand- olin, Guitar, Dania, comet INeyo Method, Wander/'14!- ' 1y Simple, Easy and I Rapid Wheat future: cloned at Liverpool to. day lid tower; corn. aid lawn. TURNS.†“It {IS ".ttttikr. Butter. “or. tou......... . " Butter. "cum-7y. lb. roll.- It " Butter. och-"lot. dairy.. 0 " Ruler. ere-mow. solid... " " Essa. new-laid 'i'."'". 0 " came, old, lb....'........ 0 " Cheese. new. W........... " " Haney cumin. dmvn...... , 50 Houey. extracted. Itt...... 0 " My Hm uonderiul neu mrtth A ifea' minutes or your 99.1w Ume, ‘rwninns, “I†soon make um "utablt' l,; ontprtairiing wur triends, teach- ling other to play in puhlu: Tatu. (ait1tt alike! to the beginner and to iinove. WINNII’EG. Mar-ch 'I.---"-. closed ort,thy "eye) eyert'tntre, today, as (oIlpyI: Cash: wheat-No. I northern. "Te; No. I do, "Sign; No. 3 uo, wt: No. 4. tilyie; No. 5. bttc; No. 6. TGC; reed, Coe; No. I rejected needs. 843‘“: No. , do., 82561:; No a do. tue; No l smuuy, 3451:: No. 2 (10., 8'd%c: No. 3 do.. bl“; No. 1 red wlnlrr. BERG; No. 2 do. b6hc; No. 3 do., bile, - ' oiiis-.No. 33ykc. _ A kt'Lux-.No I N WA'.. St 7165; No. , C. w., $1.335; No. 3 LIW.. "2y.'ci. MIN\'IIIAI'I.I.I§ GRAIN M.ttuih"r. “INN KAPCtLiS. Mun-h i-Close t Wheat-Mar. tsti.' July. Me to 90%0: No. I hrurl. 9174.0 to â€kw. No. 1 norm-HI, MHie In “Ila“: No 2 do.. bi".r to 3555c. _ (‘uru- No. .1 _\-llu\\‘. {like to an oats-No. IS “Inn. 35‘_u: to 3333.; Flour __ l'ln'lmngv-cL 'tran- l'nrlmngrd DL'Ll'TIl. March '.'.t.-Close: wheat-. No. 1 hard. 9itsc. No I northern. Mt16ttt No. :5 do, him; May, 'tttlst: m 9015:: July. SIU/ ['NIIIV S'l‘nt‘K YARDS. TORONTO, March 31.----Reeeip" of 1N:- stock at the Union Yards were 7t cars. comprising 1t21 cattle. 740 hogs. 52 slut-up and lambs and 358 calves. Butchers. Cho'.ce hutchrrs' snrrs sold at $7 " to 371:5. with a very tew utlll cattle at $7 30 to tli; good steers and Iteircrs, $7 to $7.30; common to medlum, " to 57.25; choir.) cows. $6 75 to $7; good vows. t6.50 to $017.2; ‘ommun. I-LL'; to t5.7rc cumin: and cutters. " lo $4.S0; buns. n-huice. 86.75 to 3725; good bulls. " to 86.50. Slackers and Sudan. Storm-rs and [orders were none too plenliful. Prices of steers. 800 to Wu Itrs, at $6.75 to tr. ulcers. Tito to 301) lbs. at 36,25 to $6 "alt; slackers sold at [mm “.551 to "o. _ . _ . Milka: and Sprlngen. There was a air supply of milkers and swingers. which sold at $130 to 810! each. two at the latter prim: Veal can". .. (Thain-o vent (uh-es svll as welt as over. at $10.30 w sum; Aoon. at " to 39.5.0; but nununuu to medium I'anrs suld Iully Pa. per cwt, lower. I'm-3mg [rum " to 87,50 -. . ..,..- Sheep and Lambs. Rocvipts light and prices ttrm. Simon. owns. 36 50 to " 5tr. nuns, $150 to " Mt: lambs. n-hoice, " to 5913. Host. _ .. ... - Svlmls. m1 ona'i77riar,ut. sn‘ll at $9.25: 3K9» to $9, Co b, mus. and $9.50. weighed ott this. Fiir 'KI’I-FA‘JAI LIYI“. il‘hFh. EAST “VI-VITAUI March P,t--C"attle-- l:--ro-ip:s_ 3.0. :1an an! may; [wit-vs I'n- Human] -- _ 0' --, A -.-.. I..‘ " Ct t.ultr'.Tr'. IN FOR.“ .i'l'lllX FRI-IE Sinai}. and 1;,mhs-r'. and I‘m tc 12.1w h'u‘rr $5.53" vonlilnas. $.13†$635 In ti: “MAL SC, mixed. SET») to $13.73 I'HH‘AIU» tr" "llll‘.\(1ll Mun": (ll, O'ou'. mum: “can berm-s. 36V. In inn-IS. tar, nmmlnlin, bunny cello, corbet ot' other ingrmnvnl. No knoalt'dgt' of music TN required. Those who 'have Sound old mrthods dilhcnll, or 1rnpossilrle, learn quwkly and evily "tiri.sr-tteiscins. 23 to tlt. -- tlopsr--_e'pt%. ly 10c 51IH\"'I. hr thy. L" In " LV. yovbois. ii'.' rtsughs :‘V.;‘;'- In 331;;- w m m I Ln us tell you of a Wonderful, New and simple Method by which )uum: and old mm Irarn to play by not» the piano. Mann, viohn, gui- tar. mandolin. batro. cello. corttet Thimuamls of pleased pupils thron :uham'ml pupils “ho “NI to 1m- ;imnt the l‘nilml Matt‘s and Canada lll.n\'f‘ this marvelous, wt MIrrmolx wmplo and Pasy systrni. Srml Sour llng<-- New gonvmlly sre mixed. "i tr, an; ru-u'zDL to 9 1pt. l-uik 's-p-ttttcc) gun-"3,: lunzkw. ' tr. gnu-"mix c, 5' ST Ot m n " “meat. "It ttu.het.....80 " to " I Murray. bushel ......... ll " 0| Peal Mung! ........... tt " .. (Illa. Dunno. ........... . " .. Rye. bushel ........t... lt " .. Buckwheat. mum .... . " " TORONTO DAIRY MARKET. CATTLE MARKETS lev combr. dnzrn..;;;. , 'io - WY, enameled. lb. ...-. 0 " \\’I\\II‘NG G'ttAth N tttti l. Learn To Play DULUTH â€It," N M A “REIT. to -stt. , c.w.. 2021:: No. ' CAC. ic in l†“until-t4. 'dsoF: sr r3". mum 55.7." It to 3? 73. wan will“. IZIIII‘IS: Inux actit e, ale-ply 1H? and Gr' In. mist-d. 4 t.'.' Ctr: pin i. $7.7G. um. " " in to a! 99 ' " 0 vs“ oz: Ir it. I an TAKE NoTrt'r: that the above named Insolvent has made an assign- ment ul hirestate and eiiects to me, ior the t,eneht gut his creditors, pm suant to ILSJI. lli97, Chap. 117. _ IN THE MATTER oF' KARL FRIEDMAN, oi the _ Township oi Waterloo, Itoot and Shoe Dealer. lnsnlvrnt. T A "wrung or tho Creditors oi the insolvent “ill he held at the ofrut McBride & Mackenzie,, Water%o ont.. on the 4th day oi April, 19ll, at 2 o'clock Fm., fur the purpose " receiving a statement of the airairs, vi the said Insolvent, and to appoint Inspectors, and to giye dirttct,iotvsior the disposal of Ins "state Creditors urn requrstt'd to f1te their claims duh proved by aTulavit (le nl' hrfurt- HIP "ate of such "wrung. . rink at such tur'ti,n:r,. tnd Notice IN further giu'n that' ulll‘r Um ttrst da, Inf Mav. l 1). P." i, Illé Assigm'r soil prucoml ' to div, Inhulc- the mums nf the mum aim-newt the parties "ntitled thereto, having toga"! only to the Hailm of \xllirh notice shall have been given. .IHIIV .1. STRONG. Assignee, "lrrominplale, ttni, Ntthl “Uli'l‘ll Sl‘hl‘mm Mcmtlrtr'. h' w,wKF.hzlr, 1iatrrloo, NHL, Sulxrllur“ fur Hm “simm- 1mm Cuis 2ith tiav of March, 19li. 13 2t ttict ste, Mrs: l, " Il 1frprmrn " Prntos I nnrrul $13it, to, n lup of NOTICE T0 CREDITORS IF YOU ARE Sold by all up- to-date grocers WM. SNIDER, cl thoq an“! Wives " can to: ad who In "a experimenting with); that“; with diluent Boursr g g “r ask that next time you bake you use it, AND THEN satished every possible condi- nun oi hating, and is fairness to yourself; you should try it. Vt ll? " K \x ill be over And hava not yet tried “WI. Tdettrarh I OCEAN FLGUR l, " valurn. nmhvt'ui H. -pI-.urn, nu'mlu-r nf I‘nrlnamrnt mm Ilium"! l'nuuh'. has lw‘m l “mum†fur stt'tU' lands in the hm of 'Inn', \lppuwing dw-' “huh sltt, "twut-rd yomit' \mrs l " mm.- mulling Att l-‘nzlush ate tN :l'q'lalfillL' all ihe land " t m the urn-It) of HI: Lake. Flour Mills Waterloo Phone No. 239 OCEAN FLOUR K?ipr'ntlMr:?iTiNG' I ONE gho- M. Gabi I!“ to - B. P. Rail " " can pee setting ‘Iqlimed in Interloo and Harlan. tt 'l-t8lrt" to u and.†oataid. mum and ao-wives " - got an, tor ml“ y . A Court of Revision for the hear- ing of complaints against the propos- ed special assrxsnums for the eoit of paWnunts, grading, sidewalks and sewers unstrnmed as Local Improve- mcnls in tle Town at Wat- erlort in th" Hut 1913 will be held in ths l‘mw-il Chamber at the Town Ifall. Waterloo. on Tursday evening, Fur, April, lint, at eight o'vloek, at whith time and, place complaints against thy unarmed assessments or All? momma-y of frontage measure- m'nts, or any other complaint which Pcrsnns interested may desire to make and 'uhlril is tw law mgnimhle by tlr, (nun. “Ill be hand. Warerloo, 20129. March. 1911 r==ezr==== obooobo‘ tun. "it. fo+o+o+o+n+o+o+o+o+o+o BOLD WATCH mt ii" Giri7 iaruFGvrr'iG" I" In}. -iiaei,T TE " ha any.“ -W.H.IA\H t Itoylr, “by.“ 'ttttfry""""" ).w,C4.-alu‘l.x mu. Inn-an. M.. TOWN OF WATERL00 Winnipeg and Return - $35.0. Edmonton and Return - *3.09 [an Tutu-to. and Sudan- We“ and North " Toronto. Pmponmau (an (to. Sudan. Sun at l‘otan no. wig: WEE!" Fair, tik iiiTiihViiii'. No_ch3rg_e (on: Benin. _ - - "Pirrkhar7rGi,i"iiG:auian Pacific Agent. or write M. G. Murphy. l) PA.. Tutor-Io. HOMESEEKERS'r, EXCUR SIGNS when!" una- a to cum 27.1mm“: (ONE-WAY SECOND GLAhS) EACH TUESDAY. MARCH AND APRIL I Settlers tram-Inn: with live stock and elects Mu†Lake SE'I'I LERS' SPECIAL - which leaves West Toronto «mil Tuzsday dud": MARCH and APRIL after adv-u regular â€1.20 part. train from Toronto Union sullen. . magi; iiieHiiiiiriUit 'ricri.kii.' H333; Tutor-lo ith30 In". DAILY. Through Colonist led Tourist Sleeper». . We have the reputation of turning out the fmest meats. ."'°:'!.'.'. tzets.heetev. Wipxérgjml Home made Sausages, the best on the market. Come here tor yuur next order. EDGAR FISCHER Fiona '" REDUCED SE I‘TLERS’ FARES Successor to J. B. Fischer. MEAT MARKET MANITOBA: ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN set.t.iersurdfEirr,i= wiyunul Inn: Ilmk CHOICE BOASIS Beef, Pork . Lamp, Etc. -rtairu7Gui-t Gr a“. THE LEADING s. s. can“, JANiriy', Cr. 1lAiGHT, l'lerk IP,. March. 1911. 13-3t “interim. on Proprietor, 0&00000: "-dt tone and let me demonstrate to you "The Grant. American Eagle†Motorcycle, 2 cylinder, 9 to 12 horse- rmu-r, speed and power to burn. Agrm'y For Watt-rim Cocnty, 'trt u! our warmest wishes for your haupin ss and good Imam! in your n'w home. m Signed on bchnlt of your friends and neighbors. "- ol Insult z-lt. not. Kol- ml cl m. Jacob was - II on: berm.-Mr. it“ Ladle! n- Wd by We. Joh. Reid-l ol the “It com-kr- ol Well-d†spelt a [or do" inqt week n (have end he} in the interest: a th My we! the Hrdreeleetr.ie "uwar.--V a Aim. Falwell all Hilda Dorie". til Berlin Visited at the form's home our tetnbr.--td- George Powell ot Berlin visited " do†our yiutt.- jleun. George Forwell and Alex. “arson visited a low days last week " Toronto, Markham and thiamine. --Mr. Thomas Wallington uncut. iday at Unwed last week-Messrs. Fred Bull r and that!" Hoelseher of Elmira spent Sunday in our ttur.-- Mrs. George Powell was the guest 'nt the Misses lleimler " Linwood on Thursday.--Mr. Peter iii-due: is on the sick list-Mr. Jacob Fry ot Stratlotd was a businrss visitor to our burn on Thursday.--Mr. Sydney Snider spent Thursday at EUnira.--A Very inverestirtt euchre party was beld at Mr. Gordo Petersons on "totday.-Mr. N. Enabler of Josephs- hurg visitd tnder the parental roof on F1uttday.-Misst Irene and Mr: M. Forwetl spent Weunesday at Elmira --Iraw'uscine Swing Show will be lb ld W.drcasdar, April t5th.-Mr. Mahlon Spies of Berlin visited at his home over Fatnday.--Mr. Ezra Fowler returned to the Goldrn West after As we Itarn that you are a'ovt to leave our midst, we, a [ewpi your mightors rave gathered about you tonight to extend. to you our best wish s and hope you will tn‘oy liie in tour npw home. To show our ap- PreHation of good neighbors we ask mu to aeeep' this toilet set as a slight reTnembriirtre. Again assuring has arc-ptzd a [usitiun as tinsmith- ing at Mr.' lottzr's Hardware Store, Beriin.--Mr. and Mrs. W. Messier, Jr.. spot Saturday at Waterloo.--.) very en oyable can.†was spent at Mr. llrnry Ballard's on Friday (Welt ins. The time was spent in dancing. ind playing games.--Mr. Walter Mar- tinmn spent Monday in the Twin 1Htyv-lddress and Presntation: A number oi trirnds and neighhors oathered at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Flrra 'llnrllmnll on ths evening of March 23rd, and presentrd them with a handsome toilet.set prior to their departure tor the Sth (my, oi Ieel, where they will take up their rrsidenee. Mr. Hurlhal’dt than'ced the neighbors tor their kind remembrance 111' remainder of the evening was shut in games till thavwee small hours. FoPowinx is the adllreSS: Tuesday livoning. April Nth. Wrd, 1:esday Afternoon and Evening, April lith. Mnglv Fares p.m. Trams 13th, mind returning mm. Fine mogul“ of Moms at each mAertainment. visiting at his ham) a few months. --Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1Anringer spent. a week at Iterliu.--Miss Mabel Pal- lard or. Berlin spun. a couple of days at " home here.-Mr. Ruelxl Spies 757".“ Eur Prim List and Conte to the Show. GF." .l.'l‘llnR|‘, WM. LUNA“, Pr, sideni. .sYrrrtary, SEED GRAIN Srlcrtcd stork ot No. 1 Red Clover Tunoihv, Msike, 010., Government qttamrard. Finest in the land, best mlne in tbe city. (MIN HORSE SHOW HEWY G, MONK CYCLE 201. GEO. IRAN" 208 Que" s., siogo HACHBORN Proprietor Repair FIND. Berlin. li-8t, l --q.-- vvvv-vvaVV-vv- - '" I . I I EASIER I i I 4; ' [i) ea. , 'tssai7i:s'ri!i, I I We extend i I ", S' MI...“ L) 3M1. /) an . earnest i ;, d etc . ke-tss 't invitationto I ’ everybody I _ I, to come and l III see our l Alll. " handsome g , . ll . Ill, ’ m footwear. a 'irt . . New and I $6??? choice for men, wo- i Fi?:" 'i ttltr",':,' men, boys, misses i “2.421 iii), J',' and children. The I - (diie/) iti.ij,.ijs?N, handsomest and best li. M'LM'Ii.~17[% shoes we have ever i i [.32’75 shown. TE THREE WAYS IN cojiy PLAN OF SALVATION " Princess Theatre, Waterloo 7.30 p. m., SUNDAY, APRIL 5th SEATS "" All. WELCOME " counties FREE BIBLE 1.E0TOE . SINGLAR of Toronto TOPIC _ " Tim. to shed that heavy win- ter overcoat and don one of our handsome new spring weights. We are showing some dandy grey in the new styles. " . irou are bound to like them when you see them. Let ds show you. Prices. runlrom $10 to $20 Thornton & Douglas, Ltd. RAIIGOATS "o.