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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Apr 1914, p. 9

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There will be sold try Public Aue tion on the Premium out. H. shark h. at (“tantalum on Saturday April 4. 1914 Thunnmlmrrd Mann! Plrntottttt Kirk our» [has item nu pn/o “I" non at M "(I [IN xdhng WrNTr'.tt-tiiiti. PHI: HUI'SI‘IWURK m n‘hm‘d hum? m Toronto snhurh. Must hr fond of rhnhlrvn. Apply statme: my. "xptarirnru. and “ages expected In \lrs. Hulls, thnno, "Path, UllLlllu II. Mn: .N \l.l~I-huli.m, Tm" nlimlvr. "tohrrcxclr, If”?! mmlr'l. inrludtng att :ldnllllnmll attnvhrueMs. This macho" has run "uh limo miles "ml Is prarlimlh as gum! as "PW. Apply 330 Kim: Ht I-T, "ertur. H JC MAllt li" tNTF0t -VsT "H. tttip..", lo cook and fond of children. Good wngrs. No mulling. Apply mm Teh'ir,rit"h. :1 CI tr. I 1vrs"l'r',p AT "NTT:-. First rlasu milrtnerv prrpnrt-rs. The Ruso MIL Inwry. IO-U. FmtsAr.F1--g00 lll'SHl'ZIA‘ NICE!) barley, No. 21, at 75c. a bushel.-- Chas. A. Seine", Mannheim. Ont. Highest. market price paid. Load every "to" Tuesday. Next unionism At Wallcnstcin C.P.R. station, num- hor unlimited. Shipping Hogs Wanted April 7th FOR SALE AT LINWOOD V. It. Berke is offering his welt located property, containing a store and dwelling combined. an tum dwelling, a good barn and garden. A splendid opportunity for any kind of business. V. R. Benet. 3-H. Limit“! quantity of red clnrcr seed, $ll.l|ll per hushx-l. Standard extra No. I. li. A. Thmnsnn. ft. H. i, Blair. Phone 751m. 14-it. Limited quantity of red clover seed, $11.00 per bushel. Standard extra No. 1, W. A. Thomson, KILL, Blair, Phone 754rfl. It. 12-ti. Mrs. Peter Balge is offering her well iocated property, containing an extra good dwelling. a good hunk barn. l'vr acres uf~land, all good ience. guml hard water on property. A splnuliul opportunity. FOR SALE AT Crne Mark stallion. one lilly rising three years old hull: 1racktsevs. v, ANTHONY Itt5u'H, Phone 754 It 2, Berlin t'ows or heiiers coming in. Ayrshires and Jrrseysc--Wilt sell six the mum: oi tiftern (I5) also a iew young trnlls.--Apply to C. C. DIEFEN BACHER Fine.th “Sin: 2 years old, got by Highland l hief ' gnu! mp buggy, cut- ter nearly but, single harness, good tone. blankets, tiy net, lap robe. whip, saddle, Gladstone, good (-001: skin our (out, good doe skin fur um. weather proof coat, quantity of cloth n.5, quantity ot bed clothing, numb" at tous, trunk, suit case, and many min-r articles, ton numer- nus to rreektiort. Tim Mt4--t 'ash. t'oertmeo'eitte at 2 o'clock NIL, limp, the lollmnmg valuable proper- tritrelangins to the late Titus Gia- Auction $alii,iiii GENERAL WANTS For Sale. PUBLIC SALE Of Vain-Ho Chanel: FOR SAL E FUN Y'sti.l F or Sale H. SIIICRK, Executor. J. stun”, Auetioneer In For Sale SIMI‘IUN I .unsf P. mun-1 St . I'leuien ts. :Ixmm'll, Ir'l.r', G " I: tw m K " m (iii) e e ee tt 14-11 it! 2 -3t Dunn 12-4t 13-1t, 'ru) The Ontario Oxypathor M. Brite fur iree Hunk, “ilhuut ohii ttation to purchase. j Yott can tMil, an "rypathor. ‘ The Irxvvathot cures you and keeps you well by fillog tttttr lulnnd with that, Life Rising Tiviue Building (In mrnt, "XYtirisi. Without Oxygen there rmlltl be nu Lift; 1sith "hytren in abnlulam'l' there IS Itie and Ilrallh in autumnal-tr. A, NHL“, Manager Plume Ito. Pros! 8tf. The Employ” Association ol Waterloo County I FREE LABOR BUREAU I " King St. Welt. Berlin. We hare vacancies for men and wo tee in nil lines of work. It you at out of employment communicate with no at once. No charge lot may “on of nonlet- under“. I“ Hots _Wanted5 I tioTu'H. is HEREBY GIN-IN, pursuant to the Statute of Ontario, l Geo. Y, Cap. 26, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the estate at HERBERT JAMES l.At'liNrut, late oi the Tosnship of Wellesley, in the (‘unnly oi Waterloo and Province of Ontario, Farmer, de ceased, who died on or alum-t. the (rs,:",',)),',', any of “member, mm, are required, on ur betote tlv, eighteenth; day at April, i9M, to deliver or semi by post prepaid_to JOSIAH sun-1 y'FF.ut,. Waterloo, Ontario, one ot the Fhtecutors of the Will of the said deceased, their nannies in full, with their addresses and rim-timings, lull particulars of their claims, an state- ments or the muritv, it am, held by them ; and that alter the said eighteenth dav of Apr., tNt, the said F.secutors will mar-Pm to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the Parties entitled thereto, Jim“: regard only to claims of which they shall then have received notice. and will not, be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim ' shall not then have received notion urn-2n mm Man-1., um {our to Jan 8.-h'tbrrr, stack an sum-Imm- I cl Abram mama, " nub! gina' I at Bum, 4 mun South at in. plements ot tt/e late /itiUt sTULs In: links was! at Yatton, 3 miles east n! G'lenallan “an 2.-HousrhoId effects ot Noah lt' Gingrich at St. Jacobs. April 3.-tfouseitd effects ot the late Mrs. Henry Martin on the (ownline between Woolwich and Wellesley. _ tpril IL-Fann, farm stock and ttu- April 4.-i'atuaitie chunks [)9]le to the late 119": (lingerie?! to be sold on the premium ot J. H. Shark, Wtttreviile. April C-Household aliens, at ten o'clock sum, Berlin Market Square. NOTICE TO CREDIT Illlli we You Coming West AUCTION SALE TIhr' F.STATT: “I“ HERBERT JAMES LARKNER, deceased. AT BADEN .iA It Fir; 1'. "A IGI IT, MARY LM'KNI'IR. JOSIAH .uiTAUF'HFnt, FRI-tn t'. [ACKNFJL l-ermltwl's. E J. Shanta Amine! t. C. Class Audtionetr Suliciturs for the Executors 11-3t. Guernsey Sask. Waterloo, ontario. Prr'ston, (in! “Hat "l speak with great hesitation an! ’ almost apprehension in dealing with I this subject," said the Premier, "he t Eattse I have the watchdog at the P treasury, the Minister or Finance, here beside me. Be good enough to realize that we have some pretty . large commitments in connection with transmutation in Canada at, I, resent and some very big questions) that have to be taken into f".?.','.','.,'.'." . '.'Tocdav in t'unatla we are under. . taking works that in other muntriesl have ou-nntell centuries. and we must ' take into art-Hunt all the ultimatel lei, grin-ml “an to which I hive al 1 l lule. We shall " that for nu one: appreciates mm- lully than my ml i t leagues and myself the great tsork) _ Iltrne in tht Past "nd mhirh I hopel. “ill be dom, in (“turn hr the hydra-J eiectrit. rmnmissit-n of “Mario, All!!! with that uvmnissiun there are (“0; names that stand out pre-t-mitnnllLt tine is that at Sir James “bunny! " whose rermpry all t'anmlu, int»; s0t'rtive of rat-r or t'rnud is thank I ml. and the o.imr is the name nt tite; mun “hust- elmuwnt and inspirin,rad ! dress we Imu- listrned to here to . Ila“, Hon, Adam Heck. I mm! nut tpit nut that sumret to the mn<irlrr atinm I haw mt‘nliuned and “huh mu must apprrriaMr umtlmn; that tdau, Ilt‘rh \tlmvrslx to Ill" rmrrn I vmnt n! Canada is regarded as a" Drum: iarie rtght and in that tlt") people of 1'arr.Ma are ns cn" wtth the monk of I'ntario." ohrsersiy. I ln lwumtunz his replt to the ,irtrar-l on \lr. North- remark“! an the Jur I rmnw um o,' the vmtln; "',".'".y""'"l and Karl Ir' “NIH rem-rut ll cr, "I hull!" ultvllrt fur ther" that thrsir at 3 runl lull tornridvd 'sith ttt, "Ir-ml. at ttrs but tcal 8mm: mu, Ito tout ', puturnted the vspeakerw on the o'""""'; IMSV ut thwr remarks uu-l 'inirl that; HM In um th, 'lvhurai:ort hall uw-u i Int-(l In“ lime Ihtn am Ilt‘ll‘gatmn url had mrr tpeprtpd I lte pointed out that th~ prmrrts) “hirl' had horn hurl home the ';rtr_l, rrnmmt were " a far non-hm: rtnrr' not" and it must he understood that] at th? House being occupied by Teieu gates and standing room at the r024 ol the seats was at a premium. Tit-i entire gallery surrounding tlt? (harm her was also occupied by the deputa- tion and it is estimated that 2,000, mm lillrd the lluusc, instead " the 1..500 reported at first. Pren:ier bur-f 'drn, accompanied by Hon, Messrs: Ithite, Rogers; Reid and Kemp, were, loudli' applauded and cheered “Inn lthev (mu-rm! at 12.10 o'elook. j Most interest ctntred, oi course, in the reply of Premier Haida] with re- gard to the Proposal for the subsidv in; " Hydra radial railways. livery available space in the rum-é modinus and histuric chamber wast mrupierL thp seats of the mt'tttN'rsil Immruliately an” we arrival oi the special u. T. It. train from delegates was held in the large cur- ridors oi the Chateau Laurier, at w.hich Mr. It. ll. netweiler was ap- pointed chairman and the speakers ’Stratford and Berlin a meeting of the were selected to present the various phases ot the three uuestions sutrmit- ted to the consideration of the Gor-, ernnum. At 11.30 o’clock the irc-' mense deputation marchfrd lo the Par-1 lianunt buildings where they were photographed on the large steps, aft-l er uhich they crowded into ""I Hausa oi I'tetutrons. representatives was the eloquent and business-like aadress ot Hon, Adam Heck, sho assumed the role ot a re- presentative ot the people of Ontario rather than being a member ot the Ontario Goverttmettt. He was cheer- ed to the echo when he cmmmnced his address and Was given the ova- tion of thr dat when he con?luded. Tho reply ot Pretcter Porden Was“ most "tut-tom/tttal but mummy the importance ot the requests of the do" lutatim- and the desire at the titrv- ermmnt to wire thrst- requests cart-l (r.ii cottsiuieration below ammuncingl definite action was responsible " the Premier's guarded remarks. He “35' undoubtedly impressul with thelargel deputation and their runifPst deerr.iicl inalinn that the Government slmnld' assist in promoting tho varttrus t'n~ trrprises tie-Inmulml In) the (Inlariu people. t . mean-a, March M.--0r Western (Inuit) Mutation which waited on Premier Horde; and the numbers of his Government here 'Iodhy I.“ for their rosnettive homes twilight. more than unaligned with the success ot ‘lhan deNhted with the success oi largest and most "museum": dele-; gation that has ever “and on an)" Government in Ottawa and the "tears-i orials preheated was among us: most! important plated More the Fabian. ot this Dominion: 5 ProUttrly the ot'tstattditte feature d‘iui‘anada. It unheard .every class tle wall-um with the Government (“and m the UH resolved itself down DEEP WATERWAYS Jiiiii -iiiriuto SUBSIDES URGED 5“Anytlun' that Ad Bock r,' undo i!,',ili"iits'il,','ii Ptima 'St l den-c wo Thousand Western Dcpululinn 1trpr,anizes The Premier's Reply Prem ier A rri Ue.q IS Itjliiijiiiijiiiijriiiiiiiii tt8t1ll9ltrlillllrWh, prded as Prim Fido Right” Gini tGGi'G irc wo- 'r,.'ytueed..Westttn Ontario Represen- " In a neat speech Mr. Weiehet pre- (5mm! the Ilelegatiim. It was a high ihonnl‘ and knowIedse. he said. to pre- isent to tin Prerrder this great depu- Italian a! business men, artisans and “killers retleeting the industry PM JIM-st thought of the pruvime of (Inn ‘ltariu musing to Ottawa ti, meet the) ll,','?,?.?.", minister and cabinet and m ‘llrvsuu sane and wall considered .ixiews an same vital quastiuns of "tansmrrtation aiiectinr 'not only Western lilnlariu hut all Pam-Ida as - welt. . Ilr. Weichel then introduced. the) " hairman of tle Ilelcgutinn, Mr. Ir.'; H”. llotm‘iler or licrlm “In: read tiiil 'nmunrial with regard in Ihr drama-n ing at thrs waterways hetween Mon-l treal and th, head of the lakes. I ' (In thr. nun-rm that puurr rights in tb.. Niagara district tte runsorvwl [or the tseople oi (lllluriu Mr. P.ordeu lsaicl that the alhrvation ot lower {rights In the trrovince “mud cum- (maml {he mum sympathy " Hr Governrurnt. 1ir. Beck had pointed out that .ttty 'lPreltrpnrerst oi Tower “uuld do murh to Sulm thy great. problent of rural Iiie and it “as nut ttNessary to auel' "pun the Fiytttpa- thy which mph a Proposition mus” ('ummanll from this or an other 'A'""': rrlum‘nt. P.am-ma is a my: um In! "In, Ann-II. bun-L n umL n Ily run R. uh" nun. 'm,",am. nun. n. ”a. c': ', u ' u an unbvuulum In! 'hrumausm, “aura: and II'IUIA. HI _ to. and run: " Mh. hit. m yum! 'rr . hum Inn-Run (m. ’luwnln. Lst "In. Reins: MIMI-I uhmuln. was he had not had time to '" our the Proposals with his colleagues he ‘ could do no more now than say that they would receive the Very Itraveat consideration. This would be the (case not aloue because ol the very Hume and in'lunmal delegation but le, welt because at a. Very an "at im, ,portanée ot the sutrtects “him had ibeen put to the front. I Dealing with the general question :01 transportation Mr. “omen saith ‘Ilhat nowhrre was it more vital than} '.itt Canada. It "rneernmtl.every classl aways unequalled on any other run- tmun. There were big questions; in this regard tihiclt were being Ctqcsid cred at the "resent [mm and in SHIN-P ram-s living acteul upon. There \u-ri- nth-rs of a wry iuryorrant nature that were oder consideration Incluy. Me. ht. 'tetris an”: "The 1"" mm l-nvku "ut u-n DH who and um: "NV of my hm. f (nulul art no ~In p " . .uht‘ul theituotou, mul|uin. and In ' Luv "UN' in an: l, " slun'hn: “Indium! IL” " tun toontlts I Jot 1...! 'do and ml the lump. l apphvd P "vulva and my doctor treatrd mt. but "ithout cttcrt. Inn!!! one “JV he mid that th. unly I'm: “ill! h nuulul In “Av hwmmm-nuwlum huh. I In tidy hu'nxum-nu‘lum huh, I pm- mm! a supply and to an a long 'trtre' \hnn, in Ttew \\u ke Iain-Bulk l mul nu: 1otnpit Id) . Inning no Mrs. SI. Denim of Thumnnon St., “Ruby". Wiunipeer. snifrn‘d lnnu mill: in mum: ind "hilly her (Sm tor amid only Gum-Huh u-uld euro 'ter - number line trihun- n! a sciroutic mun to this arc-I herbal heater. Dr. Andrew Witson. Dr. Gor. don Shrink-s and Dr. hurdles Stun. the tannins I-Zhgllsh un- atyst. haw" u" prruumlly trlrd 2.4"!»th and cxnrm 'est themselves u.umin.cd oi its (an healing "he, "ealincr tsith the Proposal " the 'Yrpetttnur, of the waterways Mr. “or drn said that In I'anada there had hem created a system. " inland “at Allusion Lad been made lo the aid granted to private mrpuratinns by paigovernments. For himself he did not know how the results would have been accomplished by any other Ine- thud. Yet it might be queslimwl ii in the days Amu- by there might not have been lu-Hrr nmglnuls oi Suh‘lllg the probing. to my question ol linking as dost-l; as possible the larm and the mar- ket. (OIL. Thursday. My... .1914. I Page 9. F Mr. Weichert; Adder Wait on GovisrGlGu- 'rll.lltj,.litlfiV, IS mum“ toAe Garment of tyd I Jt"'rrt,ut Hrrv unulxl hr u sun": of “I itm'n nullun lio'lars n year In Ilu- il'uh'le- and “Marin “mum be' jmbpo it!!!“ "t Inn-mu um] tfr. "erii hr luncs that th:. rertttest tor a stutsitly 'inr the hulrnmclmls “as in mm mm Jushlwi Mr arr tire" of [mum humans," he said, "the ho ill-mo much for tho. o ti. pm! an! 3 in 9 III “I the, T'a.'ip,N' the r:ulss.is “hm hull! has hm" hawk-II mrr In Manu‘ slf‘ah' lauds," I Mr. Beck reierred to the puwrr Ill" 'lvelopment in Northern Cnlario and “in the Trent district and Mid that 1'U/"L2 was "well In the |m~mnl ieurvernnunt, for what it had dull" Inf (th? wank in th w districts try nrak iin.ur poser unmahlr. I Th, hydro radial Irrojert “as n'H ltouchot mun. lhrre Ind teen " "P 'pietrun of rum! pup-llama: m (Illa! C, and th. kev.uirs,.r, at tho [Hugh 0.: Uh: farms was a titat my“: 'llus innmrnmrnt “as Ilmng much Irv rural “Murry {minis POM, gunl’rnnllr, 10112. but “IT? i16'rt' "Hm-r trils, In! , {in tran.,portatson and clrrmper te Ir [ ,plmn‘ systems;. “In high um! “I iloiic uotslel hr Vss a 'prt/;ls:sm \WI‘I' llh'rr better “Walk of irarriportation 1 ', Rhon Ulnar"; had Ctr. Wan»? it) 'incrdrut thm, “unlrl be u sunugnf Irl l um: .um rut-Mm: and”: and mum. Mr Jul." Luv" ot G'twlph “ax thr m-H what". ll" rmiounl hilt-XE} the rpread of cheap [mun m “Mann and asked that the Government mm spur tttt pnswnlr power in the kit gum (mum " the mplf- of um um. _ swam “unis." "l min-n- and have hull: in mm uni-d Jutrtr,tuent and u.- look Eur t'ullllfahlr urrd "dr'rptate wumulrrulu-n (In liw par! “I tlu. Government," nix-l lir “mi. trt nmrlunun- “In. Hw “HIP-NW 1.I' l'ottcr ('rtrl "1mm! the run”! atUttrt ww- to " for! and chrvrrut nuan- anal alum". l llon. Adam Heck, who spoke next, iwas Areeted uith a trememlous storm, [of applause, the delegates rising to their leet chPering and warm; tlt?ir hints. fur. Iteck said that as one in- terested in the progress and Pros- horny of the province he cusinirntled t'the Projeet and hoped that it, would; Ireceive the fullest. "rtgtsi6eration of; {the kovernment. He assured ltr.; ‘llorden .that this additional public} iimdertaking Ras' largely augmented‘ (and stimulated by the success thatl Hue attendzd electrical distribution in (,iiirtiiiT. Ontario people had (amid-I 'rrnre that they could carry out ano-l lther great project in transportation? Ht was the government of ontario; Ite had entire control as to whe- ther designated railways should he! 1.miert"iiir"ii' 'lhe commission could', itell “hethrr a road was 1.reftelel or not so that tht vimicipaliuesl mould have ample insurance.. Alll “mild be safeguarded and no venture of an unprofitable character would IN" Undertaken. It would be the d... i tie, governmrnt to engage experts to get the best information in every Case. It was not a special lulu!" that was asked as regards waterpoa-f ers. (intnrio Has prepared to pay adequate "Mails. They were not, asked free but the stand has taken. that the province and "tts WUNPI should have the preferenr-e. 'th, sur- plus'wuters of the in“ Welland (hill-l al would he I‘HillirMI i..- “mum. .....i Cases Were cited M and gamut] hy Carliutttt-nt in the Past to WNW)!“ at sinnlar character and as Idle Br 19tg tn a raihay operated by thw tricity and “Inns? bonds more gun!” amen! bv rnttrtieipalities. Alumna-g. ytranted, by tit. gm'ernmrnt would he more than paid back by tite urn-as I'll trade and prosperity or a 'shole Crr'at district the must Impuluns in Canada. 7 It, “as pointed nut by Alit lluIIIIigun that there WPre 'lelegates prvstnt nun aver 250 "tuuicoalities and that 4" townships were repre- mum try their full (hum-HS. I Tl:- three memorials explained iclearli- the Hens of the delegmimi. lthat on hydro-radiats being nun: 1ty?y.: than the others aim impress- Jug the boon which Would run.“ to the rural districts by iruptoved tran- sportatiun and (Map power, " was also emphasized that this 1sytltotod ials would act as feeders tor ill? Government's min railways an! 1xoulti be ior the general advantage of 1'aruula. A general railroad busi- ness “mild be done and there would hr a substantial ("Hack on [might rates, Th: nulls would Meyer trust- to be publicly "vvned and Would he alums shawl 'ur Act of Parliamrttt.i Mr. G. Tower Hamilton, ot Guelph. mad the memorial with respect to Penetration of power in the Niagara district tor the use ot tbe prev‘in:e ot “maria a mile subsidy lot tiirsyU7oGiiais to be built in Ontario. '. Ald. Hannigan oi Guelph [allows-3| with the 'ye.ryrial ragga-sting atq4e0 Ho. Mr. Beck’s Speech rural popular" kev.uirs,.r, uf the Explained Views p. "reithaupt, W. u. Hem-m. F.'." .IAHIII’I‘K'S'. of the “mm! “f Trail"; Ir ( W. Burns, Ii. i'. Halt, Alus: 131 haefer, Ftizar H. Hoist. ..\H:m A lilsy, Philip (Hes, G. M. “rims, I Waterhi-uayor .1. It. Kaufman vlortrvillor.s M. S. Mailman, Yarn: In. Study A. C. Mayor, w. n. Eu” Waterhi-uayor J. It. li Cortrvillor.s M. S. 1lallruan, ll. Strum A. C. Mayor, w. I Clpason Fltrtttz- A. l'af'ar \‘clIiI-III-L w, L. Hilliard, A, dun-on, “m. ”(2:21. Wittorlo, Toau " '--Ht'tsve rrrstw, ('uum'iiirxs A. .lLlIIHI Walter, J. Heswnuuer I 'llty Merlin and “lerrhm 1'otmtylt, “may “hirh started Hum the (:.'l'.H. 'I depot l- t (“Thing for UHawa Iran-ll» 3 tl rd in three Sllm'lal Pullman»~ "ltivlt n nrn- uttaulml to tin truin on Its arrival [rum Htrutinrll, runtainiu; the I 1te.siertr "Mevstiitrtt, tlr, rutirl' litmm C ('rll'usiing or. trn coaches and lzaugugv ii rat. The party in 1min! the fullmr l "tg.:-- I Walter, J. Newman”, J. ticltxartr I'. C, Hahn, (1m, .cthlee. DI". ‘x. '2 Itudell, ot th, l'itv thrvmril; \. " 1.artr, II. P,. llvtivcilrr and (L ll 1'larke ot th? Light Uo'unicesum: l. lieu. l. 1.. v,rvithaulu,,w. Y'.. lag,her, ll, A. Hagen, It. Gru,s, Master. W. U. Knr-ohtrl, Dr. J. (In Fllt "l. Tt Fly; DIST“ " 'T Mural prices tor all classes "i horses. F'weepstake.s for best willie Imrsr, 10ml Ilrs hum-ml "seal, doyVedh Ihrrutnion Mum-en nil Company; ia'uc $10.0". Surepstnkos fur best murv, filly 0r pivrdiug,, an an» at breed, It, lbs. ground HIM-ml, donated by lhvlninmn I.il!'~.Pl'll Iul Fug; value 816.00: There uill be an interesting minim! of maul mu. nupphml by the (1.1 all!) Corn Growers' Association. This Inhibit shows "tsir-atm. and mil siraMe types of mm, umulaly runs, rlr u, 1'lvruss mi Halt tsito ‘wil hr in tiytrge wiilulso glu- instruction in hulk tsstatrr, :unl "ruinaxrwort Mr. C. T'. Walker, Sen-Al ‘luslu-leur. “ill have charge of a rlover an grass sved exhibit, showing graded, :I-Jl'l'lwl svetls, Nu. There will be, A mini srrq-ens Eur removing rihgrnss sired iron, clover. ' _ mm; the boys, we want tn mm thmn. . SAM! F'.1, I'hssriL. A. ll. H. SMITH, . l'Irsidrnl. T .\‘m'l'r ’I‘rnnu 132t k " w Merli- :--Nasor Fink-r, Alds WILMOT AGRICULTURAL SOC They no the cheaper" kind of mad, at thr end of trn, fdtren or heavy "an haunt»: ther prarticails t-h'mEmn- tht Cost " upkerp. Thee enablc vnu to haul hiya" I,wr, with Ir s (Mon and h 'T \-war and tear on harsh and whirl“. " Inn ihrn'J-r mu: _ Len" comhtiom, generally, und dentin: the co t n1 mini. Write for. free, Good R vull btueht-you. If Concrete Roads Mean Road Economy They prevent your road tuws being spent patching up roads that nru-r wpl he gum! roads. MI FRANK Tummy, Anansmt; THE Good Roads Convention at Tacoma, Washington, gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads : “I am a cabbage grower. l haul my produce to the sauerkraut factory at South Seattle. Ilcforc the road Over which I travel was built, I had to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to Mart an mv journey. The limit of the load I could haul with a team ot lyino pound horses “an .25th pounds. and after visiting the factory I Would arrivc back at my home late in the evening. llut look at the difference now that a permanent hard surhut. has been laid down. I start on m) trip about 8 o'clock and need only a team weighing I400 F pounds to haul a load of SIN"! pounds of (abhaue, which is double my previous capacny. And, [ best of all. I find on my return to the house early in the afternoon, that l have finished the day’s work wtthout the hours hating turned a hair." ‘amilzdr Ttit ata P' r944. SPRING FAIR, II\IH~.\', Till "'.ci0Y, titttG'rt" Clinch Cement Company Limited 806 Herald Building, Montreal toh . In It you get. m tn agreeable term. all th van-known tome. It" properties of the best Nor, Malt Sana. Cherry Ban oh.- It is such . hard "u' Khan}; atrsrrgth u. night. on of the vary best aids is Inland In _ Concrete Road: Depart-ell! tr Rude. literature, oM [urn h In cases ot chronic ccughs. " nervous dobilny. all" fevers or I or when you are just "an dow Tasteless Preparation of C‘ t Halon hullh and vitality. w mum", I “vain livti. " " , C, li-, c . _ . l . l T a, M, Vvito Gal In Connie-can . Nth-10m and 0..qu Co. of Cam-6., mama. Mun-34ml. (“um-Jinn: A. A, Hart brrd [Ix-Hus, (has. Hiltletmotd; b'. lxu1zstnucivr; Hark; Innis ' i.oui:; Hahn, Jum-Lh Ita", yt. R. “an. ttm. r;uth"rlawl, of the I of Trude. Vrtston :--ilayor "tto Hon Revves Vain, :Lllll h. It. St" l'ulu-ill’urs, l;tess, trsgorsde, F. Km mm, 1iurruaxlter, and (mm: (ll'rk H, c. Edgar“ Fi, ('lz‘mrnts :-.lulm Honk-l. Ilaukrsviil.":--r1 I'. Lavlart. .. . .._........ r17 .nmn.-ra-nal P'"icrici'uiriucll'a7e'2flfd {me Ghnranh-od "on: Ovid f", Kinds of Clout Clo-n. 51mph. No Chum-n “n! 5mm "tr Free Lulu“ grumble and - admin“ omc, tt"agtheaiadaad caulk. ,est Norwegian Cod Lvet OI]. My Bark and Hrrophoar_. l. H. Not ughs. colds or tsrodehis, vers or wasting diseases. an down", Wood wads IPO " HOME 4' ( DYE rt that , ANYONE - n! MM no!!!“ .94 SMITH. . Srl'ry. Treag.. I. New Hamum m", tU-Dru-Cd Cod Liver on trilt your Dru 7 hi" '1 i:i'iiti'78'tlci: Get}! from in arl‘ll

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