JOf the death of a cow alieged _ to kave been due to anthrax. The soliâ€" _ Citors stated that theirâ€"client was _~~â€"â€" notâ€"satisied and â€"that unless the sum of $200 was paid action _ would be taken at an early date. Funds for Sanitarium. Dr. J. F: Honsberger, Treasurer of the Berlin Sanitarinm Traust, _ subâ€" mitted a _ request for the sum of ;z $2000 to defray <building accounts, Isolation Hospital Payments. Architects Cowan & Cowan recomâ€" > mended the payment of the balauce “ »ef the contract to C. Braun for the C erection of the Isofation Hospital. Resignation Submitted. Mr. Chas. A. Ahrens submitted his . resignation as a member oï¬ â€" the Board of Health owing to lack â€" o \_ time. ' Ald. fiazhn proposed th> following members for the & Light,Com ; mittee, _ Alds. Rumpel, Breithaupt , k Hagen, Gallagher and (itoss. The ‘ Council considered that as Ald. Waiâ€" ters has been a member oi the Light Commission for some vears he would be a valuable member of this committee and his name was â€" sub stituted for that of Mld. Gross. l t‘What are you going to do xith * me"" asked Aid. Hett. _ \ld. 1lahn replied that he considered Ald. Hett would be a useful member pn _ the . Sewer Committee That committee %’hslways had a _ doctor on it The , M committee as named was then apâ€" pointed. Alds. Rudell, Nessenauer, Knechtel, Gross and Hett remained jor â€" the Sewer * and Cemetery Committee and ther were so appointed. Selecting Chairmen. Ald. Hahn expressed _ the opinion ’l that _ the _ respective committees | i? lconomy and oo ie eeninim t Td The Dominion factile Press solici< tery Committe ted subscriptions for that journa) Eiven the post. in‘ aid of the work of the Associaâ€"i~ The committ . fion for the Blind. l ~il adjourned t f us o to complete th .. _ Claim for Damages. t The 1914 Cor . Clement & Clement, acting {for ; ©W‘Ring with t Lotenz Schellhaus, wrote respecting | Which will reqi . the proposed settlement of $65 offer.|©ration. ed by the City Council of last _vea:‘ Lorence Schel $ ap ud P V m The appointment of the Roard oj Works and Sprinkling Coarmittce was quickly performed by the reâ€"appointâ€" ment of four ol last year‘s members, Aids. Schwartz, Hahn, Schlee _ and Hacher. and Ald. Master, the latter filling the vacancy caused by the re tirement of exâ€"Ald. Dietrich. \ Ald. Breithaupt was apjpqinted Chairman and after it was decided that the entire Council compose the Finance Committee Mr. Breithaupt G. . Bucher, « I. Master. I1. A. Hagen, «J. J. Walters, M.D., W. Q. Knechtel, J. Hessenauer, (ico. Schiea, A. E. Rudell, J. 8. Schwartz, C. C. Habar. 4 Communications. After the reading of the Mayor‘s inaugural address and the mirnutes nf Iwo protracted meetings held _ last December the following communicaâ€" tions were received:â€" menced with commendable punctualâ€" ity. _ The Council will be seated in the following order, starting _ from the Mayor‘s right:â€" Aldermen J. E. Hett M N The City Fathers â€" were on â€" hand early to subscribe to the usual oaths | of office and the session was comâ€" to order was the reading of the "Inâ€" augural Address" _ by Mayor Euler, which was loudly applauded at its conclusion. WbA inbandstts dilih~+ 4.i .l tions. for 1914 on Monday morning with â€"an entire absence of "Hrills," and the usual formalities which feaâ€" tlure inaugural meetings _ of City Counciis. The only extra proceeding y e td t uhwe 10 2O ELCOA Cg vutside of the calling of the members VARIOUS COMMITTEES AND CHAIRMAN APPOINTED Berlin Appointment of (‘m;nniu,c(-s ROmasd unanimously reâ€"appointed Chairâ€" hss is " y e Pï¬ e t aon, o eage s ht o i eC t o o t e se P 0 e e on en o oï¬ e c [ 1 % ; â€" *A 40 tyR F 4 e sB x+ 7Â¥ , td oo . +€ ; i $ 2s y k 3 ® i+. ~< . m o f P AF > Oiadlh & i. % % ,’ ' ICL E TEL E‘ ' " . ’ ‘ a $ t 3 £ ® « , . 4 ..V = ‘ 4 GRAPH ‘. SeCONM® Ccpemrrcns. ® Mn " s mm e c #4 s dca 65. . : Subscriptions Solic:ted A. L. Breithaupt, W. E. Gallagher, B. Gross, jr., J. E. Hett, M.D Geo. Rumpel, Council for 1914 Starts its Work SseCcoND SECTIOR day and Has Progressive Programme Outlined hlee _ andl TIP eonstable ‘saw Melif and ano the latter ( ther man _ with their arms full _ o by the re |wood, goingz down the CP.R. track h. When the folicentan took up the pur iollowing,:â€it. Meliff fointed.a gun _ at him ight, Com j which caused the constabie to draw Retrenchment | This motning H. J P. RehkofG who rwned the wood testified to the wood seing his. _ witle another foreigner raid that _ Metifâ€" _ had been drinking with lhim on the fight in qyuestion. Nagistrate Weir found the prisoner guilty and ithposed the above penalty After some scutrying around by the friends of the prisoner, the fine was Paid, and Melif left the courttoom a sadder but wiser man. Paid the Damage 4. Holdemeit who has been in Poâ€" lice Conr; on difflerent occastons, on arcount of Its bring off a revolyer in the West ~ Ward recentiv, and doing ’.ome damage _ to a house, had his fase settled toâ€"dav. Both sides had tarpenters to testifs as to the dam a48, one claiming fin noticeable dam | age, and the nthor claintine $3 mvuld! Pav for (gre reDaiting. »Holdemeir was allowed dn sn with PayiMy  } 2000. »HCuH fointed.a gun at him, which caused the constabie to draw bis own gun, and shoot in the _ air, after which the pPoliceman arrested his man. Melitl was arraigned in Poâ€" lice Courf on Saturday msorning, and remanded until teâ€"day. ° ‘ This motning H. 4 Po BRebkaf® o wha |FINED ND c eogt fol | _ POINTING GUN Foreigners who drew a gun on | a Policeman and attemiPt to take â€" the law into their own hands, were tauglt a lesson, when Castaden Meâ€" liff was fined $50 and costs or three months jail by Magistrate Weir for Pointing a gin at P.C. Fatrrell last Friday night. pther injuries â€"AMessIs. Scellen and Weir, actingâ€"for h’a!h‘?rino Whiteman, gavre mnotice claiming damages from the â€" Council for _ injuries _ sustained by her on Tuesdav, January 6th, such injuries reing caused 6y an icy sidewalk opâ€" Posite â€" Snider‘s hardware store â€" on King street, Berlin. _ On that day while walking along the sidewalk about half Past four or five in â€" the alterncon she slipped and fell, _ fracâ€" turing har _ right bip, and sustaining Lorence schellhaus is not satisfied with the settlement offered of $65 and is demanding $200 or an action _ in the High Court. The 1914 Council started Monday txoiBing with two Claims for daimmages which will require immediate considâ€" eration. _ The committee arose and the Coun vil adjourned to meet at 2 o‘clock io complete the business. Ald. EKnechtel declined to accept the post of Chairmar of the Cemeâ€" tery Commil.t@e and Ald. Heth was Ald. Hessenauer was proposed and the oflice ï¬nalfy landed _ on _ his shouiders. Â¥ For the Sprinkling Committee Ald. Iucher had no opposition. _ Alds. Rumpel and Hagen were apâ€" pointed for the Fire & Light and dlarket Committees unopposed. _ There was some great "‘declining" when the appointment of the Chairâ€" man of the Sewer Committee was proceeded with. Ald. Hett was proâ€" posed, _ and he declined by _ saving, *‘*You shoved me to the Sewer Comâ€" mittee but. you cannot â€" shove the: chairmanship onto me, and besides 1 wil} be out of the city next fall." Ald. Schwartzâ€""I think that when a man heads the poll he ought to arâ€" cept some chairmanship,‘‘ Ald. Gross was named and he like wise declined, urging lack of â€" time as his reason. Ald. Hahn asked that all the memâ€" bers he requested to vote with the result that 9 to 5 favored Ald. Schlee. Works. but he absolutely declined to accept the post, and he proposed Ald. liahn. The name of Ald. Schiee was proposed and there was a vote taken. it resuited in Ald. Schlee getling the majority . of a 6 to 5 vote. cided that the entire committee point the chairmen. Ald. Schwartz was proposed _ fof the (‘hainpa_.nsbip of the Board â€" of I‘. Rebkoff who pocpcoecs COADDEOL® NERCEY Rentebe, 90. Catharines,â€" Mis$ Hope Bowman, Ontâ€" ario College of Art, Toronto; Miss Ruth Rowman, Kingsthorpe *School, [Hamilton, Miss Catheriae _ Breit haupt, _ Ontatio _ Ladies‘ College, Whitby, _ Mr. William Breithaupt , Toronto Universits, ‘Miss Florence Krug, Villa Marie Convent, _ Montâ€" real, Mr. _ .John Krug, University, |OttaWwa, Miss Mal:,v Lang, Saultâ€"Auâ€" , Recoliect, Sacred ‘ Heart _ Convent, Vontreal, Mr. George Lang, _ Notre Dame College, Sonth Bend, Indiana, Mb es hn Antbad {been chosen on the Board of Educaâ€" tion. Although there are few suftraâ€" gettes in the city, there are many who belreve that in some positions, woman‘s judgment is equal, if not superior, to man‘s. In matters _ of education it has been #own that she compares very favorab Â¥, and she is undoubtediy a fair judge of its Â¥lemands and the reauirements _ of those who are being instructed | Among those who have been spendâ€"i ing the holiday season in Berlin and have returned _ to resume ihe.rl studies are:â€" Miss _ Aleen Andrcw.l Havergal . Coltege, Toronto, Mr. Marshall Andrew, Ridley College, .\'t.[ T _ _Dr. E. D. Heist left this afterâ€" noon for New York where ‘he wil} attend the International Motor Exâ€" hibition. _ He will also attend the meeting of the Executive of â€" the American Osteopathic Association in Philadelphia on Saturdav. WO Een iooniden. HCY (‘‘Bridge," on Wednesday next,, Janâ€" vary the fourteenth. Dr.‘ McGarvine, who has been spending some time with his daughâ€" ter, Mrs. White in Stratford, | is, with Mrs. McGarvine, staying with Mr. M. M. Bricker, Frederick street. _ We regret to learn that Mrs. Thos.. E. McLelan, formerly _ of Berlin, has undergone a â€" serious operation t the Fergus Hospital. She is now progressing favorably. _ Her Berlin friends hope her recovety â€" will be speedy. Mrs. August R. Lang is entertainâ€" ing the Bridge Club this alternoon. The members are enjoying the weekâ€" ly meetings and continue to take a great interest in.this popular game. . Mrs. Norman Smith and two chilâ€" dren, who have been visiting Mrs. A. Harvey Devitt for the past _ two weeks, returned to their â€" home in Ottawa last Monday. Mrs. _Joseph H. Webb, _of Waterloo, hasâ€"sentâ€"out invitations for a Six o‘clock tea to â€" be followed by WDu:rs css L000 ® No e e e on Rev. C. L. Mclrvine returned on Wednesday from St. Catharines where he atterded a meeting of the _ proâ€" gramme committee of the Hamilton Conference. Mr. E. A. Snow is spending a few months with friends in England. Mrs Snow and her little daughter _ are staying with her parents, Mr. â€" and Mrs. Thos. Pearce, Queen St. North. Miss Marion Law and Miss Edna Spence, who were the guests of their friend, Miss Lottie Ahrens last week, returned to Toronto on Saturday. . T Pevani diereliniridh nds 7 London. «Mrs. E. Bricket will receive on Friday, Jan. 9th, â€" and Mrs. Lorne Bricker, her guest from Winnipeg, will receive with her. Mrs. Claude L. Laing:and ner cnilâ€" dren returned at the beginning of the week from a visit with friends in Mrs. Stugrt Buchanan of rtochester, K.Â¥.. is visiting ber sister Mrs. J. H. Wiederhold. Mrs. G. A. Bowman of Conestoge is a guest at the home of her mother Mrs. G. A. Mcintyre, Lancaster St. Miss Eva Power has returned to to the University in Toronto to reâ€" sume her studies. Mrs. Herbert J. Bowman has gone to Hamilton for a visit of several | weeks. _ _Mr. Douglas Hutchins, of Calgary, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell for the week end. Mr. and xrs. M. F. Sowden, _ of Toronto, spent the week end â€" with the latter‘s sister, Mrs. J. F. Honsâ€" berger. â€" Mrs. George C. H. L.: was | a visitor in Toronto this week. Miss Clement spent a few days in Toronto this week. ' Mr. Mossom Boyd was a visitor in the city this week. Miss Elva Krug left on Tucsday for a visit with, Mrs. Valiquette _ in Montreal. day on an eXxtended trip to Jacksonâ€" ville, Florida. Beriin News TTXA No s neoe o e en eE rt stt "Caouncil, delivered two excellent adâ€" dresses to boys and _ men a@d also completed arrangements for the forâ€" | mation _ of a _ class of High School i bovs for the encouragement of â€" clean [1ving, ctean athletics and clean assoâ€" |cia1iom among the students. f ' Mr. and â€" Mrs. J. S. Hohner were the victims of a runaway on _ Monâ€" { @ay evening in which the former was ‘ quite seriously injured, receiving â€" an ‘ugly gash in the forehead and otherâ€" ‘wise bruised. Mrs. Hobner had â€" her tight evye injured and was badly shaâ€" ken up. While turning the cornet at King and Younz streets their ° horse became frightened of a passing street se ies Oe e e en aptt tar and ran away throwing the occr Jilg at 10 n Pakts out of the sleigh, Mr. Hohner use being thrown violently against a tel-l Mrs. Chris egtaph post. He was taken into the the Forks r Brumswick Hotel where Dr= Honsberâ€" the age _ of ger rendeted medjcal .attendance. Bearly nine Although Berlin has no Y.M.C.A. @rganization the Nationa) Council is deeply interested in the welfare _ of ‘the boys and young men of Bertin. On Sunday Mr. A. W. Forgie, Boys‘ i:’ol‘k Secretary _ of _ the National About one hundred men â€" of the Twinâ€"City listened most gttentively to a splendid address on the *‘Busiâ€" ness of Being a Man," in the King St. Baptist Churc“ on Sunday afterâ€" noon, by Rev. S. E. Griggs. Mr. Grizgs is the secretary of the Socia} Service Department of the _ Baptist Church in Ontario and Quebec, which is a new department in this deénomiâ€" nation . ‘ a centre piece of _ silver candelabra lholding red and white candles. The decorations throughout were suggesâ€" tive of Christmas. A great deal of merriment prevailed and the ladies spent a delightful time in play ing the keenly contested games, William Roos presiding® at the â€" tea table, which was in charge of Miss Katherine Hall. The club will meet next week for skating on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Purves was the hostess of a Bridge party on Monday afternoon. The guests, numbering a score. inâ€" cluded Berlin and Waterloo young people. Mrs. Purves and her mothzr_.‘ Mrs. Henry G. Browne, received in the drawing room. Tea was served at hballâ€"past foutr o‘clock, after which cards were resumed. The tea table was lovely with red carnations and white narcissi, and brightened with The Twinâ€"City Skating Club â€" met on Wednesday evening at the , Audiâ€" torium, and fn spite of the soft ice, there was a fairly good attendance. Cocoa and cake were served, | Mrs. al Mrs. Cecil Lentz of Chicago is the |@ guest ol Mrs. G. A. Mcluatyre. l in | _ Miss Elva Hollingshead of Durton. ‘miaitiq her aunt Mrs. W. H. Wilâ€" or 8, Foundry St. N. : Mrs. i. H. Schweitzer, 82 â€" Cedar T y |North, spent a few days in SPptieg | j in | Â¥ille, the guest of Mrs. John Boos. 4 top. DC Onennrendiiiesrataiee & son of Mrs. and the late ‘James Dunr of New Londos, Conn., U.S.A. The marriage to take place early in spring. A few of the young gentlemen enâ€" tertained a small: company of their: friends, quite informally, at dinner, at the Grand River Country Club,| last Saturday evening. Dinner was served at ‘seven o‘clock, after which the time passed pleasantly in cards and dancing. terd: u6 ciop cce onto this week, where she attended the performance of the ‘"Taming â€" of the Shrew." The Messrs Ivan and Edwin Steckle oi Stanley, who have been spending the past few weeks with friends and relatives here returned to their home en Tuesday. Br. C. H. Milis, Mâ€"P.P., and Mrs. Mills are attending tin opening _ of the rnew Field Husbandry building at the Agriculturail College Guelph, this evening. Mr. A. W. Forgie, â€" of Toronto, Boys‘ Work Secretary of the Y.MÂ¥.C. A., of Canada, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Eby, §4 Abrens St. west, during his visit to Berlin. Mr. J. J. MacCallum was a busiâ€" mess visitor in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Card announce the engagement of _ their daughter Alberta Blanche to James Cassidv her iather, Mr. John cis St. North. Mrs. Paul ana Mrs. Anderson and lamily of Embro kave returned after yisiting the former‘s sister, Mrs, D. Kerr, Roland St. Miss Geneva Jackson was in Torâ€" Mrs. B. Stuart Snyder and Miss Hattie . -f{or- D 000 GOL0C0R UT SEonday. |Hahn nd Mrs. John Card announce | groun agement of their daughter/audit: Blanche to James Cassidy.) The Mrs. and the late ‘James propo: New Londou, Commâ€" TS a fill‘_ anuaty, 15th. 193 Swartz, Franâ€" . w. . wil} {"¢ nfost importapt byâ€"law of the wl haltâ€"dozen passed at the initial meetâ€" img of the Berlin Council on Monday iz * spriae |F8t that appointing, the various munâ€" in _ Springâ€" fcipal oMcers for the year. John B69Sâ€" |"‘rbe appointment of the members of sas, Rochesâ€" the Park Loard iï¬y &3 on. t! t!\‘ nomâ€" / NO _ BUCJ": FCICX, were accepted hy the Counâ€" rpd aitet [ril. Mr. Feick will sucgeed Mr. R. Mrs. D.}F. Gofton, who submitted his .resigâ€" Ration a few weeks ago, in Torâ€" | Mr. H. w. Brown, the retiring memâ€" attended | ber of the Pubplic Library Board, was ring â€" of |reâ€"appointed _ for a Period ol three | Mrs. Christina Eastetman, Jiving on the Forks road, Wainfleet, died _ at the age _ of one hundred years and Bearly nire months. P. C.‘s Blevins and Grasser â€" took up the chase, and followed the footâ€" prirts as far as water St. While Mr. Thiel only saw two men, _ the the _ police at _ tlitat tinte believed there were three implicated. This theory has proved to be corâ€" rect. One of th> three lads has made & written statement, which resulted 'ln Kuempel, and Wideman be‘bg placâ€" ed under arrest. "It is a lie,‘ was the curt reply, he made to the Magistrate, when thel charge was rea@ over to him. He was remanded until Wednesday mlvrrr’ fig at 10 n‘clock. While walking along the street two usknown men, who had been in hidâ€" img, â€" jumped | out and pursued Mr. Thiel. Overtaking bim, an eim clup eighteen inches long, and two inches thick was used to knock him â€" down. While the blows dazed the assaulted. man, . hbe managed to cry, ‘"murder" . several times. This caused the â€" asâ€" sailamts to take fright and beat ai basty retreat. ’J. F. Beck, shortly before 12 o‘clock at night, when _ Mr. Thiel was teâ€" turming to his bome from his billiard Parior. â€" The essault which was a boid one, e@ccurred on Queen St., Berlin ibetween the residence oi Afrs. Tuerk and Mrs. For an assault which was committâ€" ed on November 26th, 1912, on Mt Conrad Thiel, , Ed. Kuempel, _ and George Wideman, were arrested â€" on Monday night, as it is all:ged tliey were the assailants. Ed. Kuempel is sbout eighteen years of age, â€" while Wideman is ahout twenty years â€" of ASSAILANTS ] lhe name of Ald. Breithaupt _ was ‘|proposed and carried by the Council before the alderman had a chance to j deciine. Mayor _ Euler then‘ informed _ the new appointee that there was a reâ€" :uneration ofâ€"$4.00 Per day in it for: im. ‘ Ald. Hahnâ€""You slould have told: the members about that before." ( Mayor: Euler asked the Council tol appoint 3 representative on the Hosâ€" pital Board. He was the representaâ€" tives last year but he found it imâ€" possible to attend the meetings _ reâ€" gularly. _ Alds. Rumpel and Breitâ€" haupt nominated Dr. Walters as the representative. Dr. Walters declined to accept ex-! Pressing the opinion that a layman should represent the city and not a, doctor. With . the consent of the Council Mayor Euler appointed Ald. Gallag herâ€" asâ€"the Council‘s representative. The Council appointed exâ€"Ald. N. B. Detwiler as a member of the Board of Health to succeed Mr. C. A. Ab rens, who had tendered his resignaâ€" tion. Messrs. F. E. Mackiin and J. R. Schilling, the retiring members, were reâ€"appointed. Oswald _ Leyes â€" was reâ€"appomited Pare at the munificent salary o# 50 tents per meeting. & f When the appointment of a memâ€" ber of the Board of Audit was to be Brade Ald. Hahn Proposed that Mayâ€" or Euler act in that capacity. His Worship declined to accept the duties and in turn nominated _ Ald. Hahn. _ The latter declined on . the ground‘that he knew nothing _ about auditing. Brown ExAld. N. ‘8, Defwiler Sucâ€" eï¬,gd%m I > the retiring memper, and A. ed Robbery of Mr. C. r..v“E 44‘, APPOINTEE ried Ald. Hahnâ€"I did not say 1 did the legal business of the Council. ’ Committees Appoint Cbairmen ’ The Council decided that the refer ences in the Striking Committee‘s report to the appointment of chairâ€" men be struck out and _ Ald. Hahn‘s motion that the committee‘s rflirel to make the appoiniments was carâ€" | u0 Em TT TMO C T is not the only member of the Connâ€" ?‘", lcil of this year that knows the city‘s ;iu; !l-yâ€"laws or the _ tules of proceedure. zet When T make a mistake I am vroad. minded enough to admit it. As far as Ald. Hahn doing the legal _ busiâ€" 7 ness of the Council last year 1 was}for not aware of it." sCse Mayor Euler, with considerable self control, informed the Council that when he makes a mistake he â€" is frank enough to admit it, and he had done so as soon as his attention was drawn to the provisions of the byâ€"laws or the rules of procedure . uncalled for remarks," Mayor Enier: continued, "I can tell him that he Ald. Hahn then moved that _ the various committees as named at the morning session retite and appoint their respective Chairmen. He teâ€" minded Council that he drew their atâ€" tention to the fact that the procedure was irregular but was opposed _ by the majotity of the members. Turnâ€" ing to the Mayor he stated "Every member of the Council should make themseives acquainted with the rules of procedure,, and 1 am surprised Mr. Mayor, that you did not know, when making the proposal this mornâ€" ing, that it wasicontrary to the by-J laws. I hope it will not be left to‘ me to point out the rules of order in this Council this vear as Io was compelled to do on numerous | otcasâ€" tons last yvear." It did not J and at such meeting shall elect one of their number as chairman, who shall forthwith notify _ the Clerk of the Council â€" of such election." Mayor Euler, who had made the suggestion that the entire Council elect the Chairmen, frankly admitted that he was unaware of the â€" provisâ€" ions of the byâ€"laws and consequently ruled that the report was out _ of order. ‘* City Council Vm;eâ€"t-ing. be appointed by the entire Council was contrary to the byâ€"laws, and read the following from Byâ€"law 757, clause 5: ‘The said Committees shall meet at their convenience within at least one week of their ap~ | pointment, the first named in each _ committee to be the convenor, | Ond Hele d mm 1 in his hand and drew the attention of the Council that the procedute of the morning in dec‘ding _ that â€" the Chairmen of the various committeea Ald. Hahn arose from his seat with a copy of the Consolidated Byâ€"laws in his hand and ‘dreu tÂ¥ha sthanitnn /s As soon as the motion adopting the report had been submittéd by Alds. Breithaupt and Rumpeil _ the pyrotechnical exhibition commenced. ! After calling the members to order shortly after two o‘clock Mayor Euler referred the various communiâ€" catiops to the respective committees and then asked _ Ald. Breithaupt, chairman of the Striking Committee for the report. | were entirely devoid of the harmony and goodâ€"feeling which had characterâ€" ized ihc newlyâ€"elected Councils of teâ€" cent years, and the indications are that there will be more "Areworks‘" this year than was displayed by the Council of 1913. In fact, one of the complaints against last vear‘s Counâ€" cil was that they were "too â€" harâ€" monious."* ALD. SCHWARTZ FINALLY ACcEPTs Inaugural Session of City Council on M "g day Afternoon was Marked by P‘nre-wf works and Lac_k of Harmony ‘ COUNCIL REFUSED TO ALLOW _ ALD. HAHN TO BE CHAIRRMAN The alternoon proceedings â€" of ALD: J. S. SCHWARTZ take tong for the respecâ€" moved that the c as named at the tire and appoint airmen. He teâ€" 1 he drew their atâ€" that the procedure was opposed _ by OF THE B0 ‘h¢ wimer for the unemployed. AMd. Walters said that public worke should be undertaken wherever _ posâ€" sihie . The C w‘elock, |_ The following byâ€"laws were passed: }'To raise $1700 to defray â€" cost â€"of \PJsolation Hospital caretaker‘s â€" resiâ€" | dence; appointing various municipat {officers; to extend garbage _ system ‘ throughout the city; authorizing the purchase of _ additional park lands; road and sewer constructfon byâ€"laws, 5 Ald. Rumpet desited to secure _ a lieelinu oï¬ the new members on Ahe questiiin of extending the garbage [ system. Ald. Rudelt said it was a matter of public health and all citi« aens should help to pay for it. The matter of securing the bonus for the Dominion Fireâ€"Co. was conâ€" sidered and it was decided that apâ€" plication be mage to the Ontatio Municipal Board to have the byâ€"law validated. â€" Mayor Euler asked for the coâ€"operâ€" ation of the Courcil in providing emâ€" plovment wherever possible â€" during the winter for the unemblovad Fire and Lightâ€"A1d. Rumpel. Marketâ€"A1d. Hagen. * Sewerâ€"Aid. Hessenguer. _ Cemeteryâ€"Ald. Hett. 5 __Ald. Hahn informed the Council that _ the _ appointment of _ Ald. Schwartz as chairman of the Boatd nf Works was unanimous. e The various committees retired Appoint the chairmt‘n. and in a minutes returned and reported as lows:â€" I Board of Worksâ€"Ald. S’chwar‘% Sprinkling and Garbageâ€"Ald. & Ald. Master took Ald on the Sewer and Cam tee _ Finally the following was upon: Alds. Bucher, ‘Schwartz S{-thee and (Gross. Another ‘committee proposed | was / Composed of Alds. Bucher, Grqn.‘; Master, Rudell and Schwartz _ ‘and â€" this was also defeated. d Finally the following was eed _ upon: Alds. Bucher, 'Schwnrtz,alï¬la,;; Sechlon and AZLL_ PAGES ; TO 12 _ _The majority of the Council. their heads together and heid a ference with a view to prevent . Hahn from taking charge of important committee, Twenty : utes was taken up in atriving at decision. 200 00 en |tive committees to appoint the Chairmen, all of then selecting the ’samc as were named by the entire Council with .the exception of . ~ the Board of Works. w _ _As soon as the Board of tke merubers entered the Council C a ber from the committee room it be. came known that Ald. Hahn» had i *Parmbliichin zhi tssc 1 been éfected chairman instead Ald. Schiee who was named in motning. Reâ€"appointed Chairman of the ance Committee â€" ang also se as Berlin‘s representative on County Board of Audit. ouncil adjoutned _ atâ€" 4,10 Other â€" Business ALD. A. L. BREITHAUPT, vaster took Ald. Gross‘ Sewer and Cemetery en Report Referred Back Byâ€"laws Passed reported as fols commitâ€"