XÂ¥ 48 t WATERLOO In our splendid stock of the finest readyâ€"toâ€" wear clothing made for men and boys we have made sweeping priceâ€"cuts. The opporâ€" tunity to buy garments of correct styles and most dependable quality at genuine sacrifice prices must strongly appeal to:every man. 25 Men‘s Overconts reg. 15.00 to 16.50, sale price ... 1 1.98 Boys‘ 2â€"piece Suits, regular $2.50 to 3.00, goâ€" Boys‘ 2â€"piece Suits, regular $3.50 to 4.00, goâ€" ifg At.............222020.0...1 OA Persian Lamb Throw,; regular © 22.00, sale price.... .... .... 1 Black Fox Sett, regular $50.00, 10 Men,.s Fancy Tweed Overcoats reg. né.so. sale price...... ...... All Stoles, Mufis in Sable Marmot Oppossum Thibet and Coney at and below cost. * going atioclocl. coslol .. ... 34.50 TERMS STRICTLY CASH These headlines tell the story of the most stupendous and sensational disposal event ever held in Waterloo. We are making radical and sweopini price reductions on everf- thing in the present store. Profits and costs have been lost sight of in our desire to rapidly distribute these immense stocks. All cold weather needs can be filled at unhoped for savings. â€" 5 1 Real Coon Sett, regular 39.00. Boy‘s and Child‘s Overcoats at Sacrifice Prices We will Hold An Electrifying Three Weeks Sacrifice:Sale!of All Our Present Stocks to‘get them to the lowest possible point A $40,000 Stock Must be Cut in Two By February 7th | The Greatest Bargain Opportunity Ever Known to the People of This | Vicinity Is at Hand. These Items Hint Only at the Hundreds of ' Matchless Bargains to be Found in All Parts of the Store T Men‘s Clothing Furs! Furs! tÂ¥ AYÂ¥:: Sett, regular 39.0?: 28.98 5’).358* "**_8.98 100 pair Corsets, regular 50 and 60c, 4 salé price...... ...... ...... :. 39¢ Ladies Black, Navy and Grey Skirts in Panaâ€" . ma Voiles and Tweeds, reg. 5.50, 2 7 5 to clear at half price ........: .... 4« Special Mono Corset, regular 2.50, 50 pair Corsets, regular 75¢ sale price Ladies Silk Waists in Black, ‘White, Fancy and Nett, regular 400 to 5.00 gom1 at 2llsssss 2e ...2...... .. .. HALF PRICB 3 dozen Ladies White Fancy"Lawn 79 4 Waists, reg. 1,25 to 1.50, sale price. . A 2C Ladies Self Reducing Corset, regular 3.00 to 3.50, sale price........ 2-39_ 200 pair Corsets, regular 1.25, sale ies\ White Lawn Waists, im‘ %dr:::l.;rLrol:.}nknï¬w "*"*"*"* 50C Shirtings, Ginghams, Cottonâ€" ades,‘;At and ;Below Cost: Waists and Corsets‘ All Trimmed Hats goin‘g at Sacrifice prices, selling from 98c up, must be cleared. j Quilts, At Boys® 3â€"piece Suits, regular $4.80 to 5.00, goâ€" NBE , .ez eisees cacirr e siesis=" t BBE Cretonnes and Satteens for Boy‘s Suits, long Pants, sizes from 28 to 33, regular §5.50 to 7.50, going at .. 3.98 & 4.48 Men‘s Suits, regular $7.50 to 8.50, Men‘s Suits, regular $12.§0, going at 8.48| Men‘s‘Pants, regular $2.50, 3.50 and 4.00, goâ€" Ing #1...â€" ...« 1 -98 and 2.48‘ 8 Men‘s Overcoats, with Fur Collars and curled lining. regular $20.00. going at 1 2.50 2 Ratâ€"lined Overcoats with Persian Collars® reg. $60, going at ...... 37.50' 1 Man‘s Black Dog Coat, regular $25, going 1«! 10 Men‘s Waterproof Coats,"regular $7.50 to 8.50, going at 1. UFFELMANN â€"â€"â€"â€"1%98 and 2.48‘ RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Millinery wb SALE STARTS ON THURSDAY, JANUARYI16th AND LASTS] TOJFEBRUARY 7th Below "*** 50¢ * 1.069 it iWw tW1 2 t t dAAAE en i mCP a-' 18.98) Lost at 4 Bed Comforters, regular 1.75, sale 10 pieces Table Oil Cloths, 5x4, sale 8 Ladies Print House Dresses, reg 1.50, saleprice........ ......... Towelling and Table Linen At and"Below,_Cost *T ofe secprce. ... .. ...C 106 Te prnem nc io. nc . BC "he oo reeome css 5 TO0p Best Reo Coffee per?lb ............ ...... 19¢ Shredded WheatIper pkg .... . ......... 10¢ Corn FlakesJper phg................. ... .86 Eggâ€"Oâ€"Seeper pkg. ... ..... ............ 6€ Comfort"and Surprise Soup 6Tbars for . . . . 25¢ 1000 yds.{Bleach Cotton, regular 10c, SBIG DFICB mys sexsrurcrene rirlcks 2000 yds. Special Grey Cotton, going SE DEF Â¥O . . ... :s ues eï¬ n iÂ¥ acns r ons Shirts," collars,‘ hosiery, gloves, underwear, ties; the ‘very latest conceits and best qualâ€" ities, Mr. manâ€"it‘s up to you. _ We‘ve put the prices where you‘ll wonder to find them at this"season of the year. Men‘s Hats‘and Caps at sacrifice"prices 100 pair" Men‘s Smocks, Overalls"and Cotton Psnts in Black, Blue and Striped 80 reg. 1.00, sale Price.... ...... ... ... OUC 50"pair Leather Label, Union Made Smocks and Overalls reg. 1.35, sale price 1 1 2 All Men‘s Fleeced Lined"Underwear to clear at........... 39(: Men‘s Wool[Underwearreg 75¢, goin, 21 17â€" minl * l 50¢p Men‘s Wool Underwear reg. 1,00 to "7GJ _ 1.25,"sale price...,.,....... .... 79C M.n'ln Black Cashmere Sox reg\25c:and 50c, saleprice...... ‘""*P‘®~â€"~ 19c and 39c¢ 50 doz. Men‘s Linen Colâ€" lars to clear at . ... 3 fOl' ZSC Men‘s Working Shirts, Sweater Coats, Mitts, Gloves, going at cost and‘below. 10 pair 12x4 Ibex Blankets, regular 2$.00, sale prite.......:.. :sl.... 20 pair 11x4 Ibex Blankets, regular 1.75, sele price........... ...« 15, 10x4 Ibex Blankets, regular 1.50. 1 can each of Pears, Corn and Tomatoes going ME . narranes oves se ezsne‘s Cesenies ca‘e s d 1d Bar Seediess Raisins reg. 15¢ going at 10¢ Men‘s: Furnishings [ Grocery Special : 1A LCl 3 o. sale Pice 1 13 "*" 0C ‘1.19 20c 1.59 1.39 1.19 1.19 | ,_ It‘s the time to stockâ€"up on stockingsâ€"that | is, if you value certain savings on fresh, perâ€" , fect hosiery which is the product of the leadâ€" i ing makers of the country. The items show average‘reductions in this stock. | ‘20 doz. Ladies‘® Wool Hose reg. 25¢c, ’{ Sale price..........0.......0..... 19c r‘ 500 pair Ladies‘ Woollen and Cashâ€" 39 ‘__ _ mere Hose reg. 50c, sale price ... ... C | 3 pieces Coating, Cardinal, Fawn and ‘f Navy, reg. 1.50, sale price.... ... 98(: 'l_'he ppqurm’nif;; i:fyours _now to fill them at 50 pair reg. 50c and 60c, sale price 39(:‘i All Floor Oilcloths going at 25¢ square‘yard. 4 pieces Galatea Shirting, regular 18¢ io She. saepice.... ... =... 14¢ 3 pieces Stri Awning Ticking, reg. great price Carpets and Rugs at and beâ€" low cost, must be sold 15 pieces Heavy Dark Flannellettes for shirt; ings, regular 15 to 20¢, sale price 121 2 pieces Ticking, regular 28¢, sale 1 20 pair Lace 'Cunains reg. 75¢ and 59C $5¢, HOA§ Bt...+:+â€"}â€"2cnare curcer j 30 pair Lace Curtains reg. 1.00 to 12579c sale price...... ...... ........... All Wall Papers going at Half Price 1 piece Ticking pï¬wâ€.fc:k.nfg[regular 22c, sale 18 10 pieces Dark and Light Colored Flanâ€" 8c nellettes, reg. 10¢, sale}price...., .... 15 pieces Dark and Light Flannelettes, 36 inches wide, reg. 12%¢, sale price... 1 M.. Lace Curtains and Draperies | All of our reiular stocks, and only our regular stocks are included in this storeâ€"wide sacrifice. Forty thousand dollars worth of seasonable, high grade merchandise at the lowest prices ever quoted on goods of equal merit. You can save richly on everything you need. This announcement cannot fail to arouse the highest shopping enthusiasm. news can‘t be resisted. ~ 4ï¬3 Big Bargains in Hosiery Pillow Cottons, Sheeting â€" At and Below Cost mte‘ t ** 9c .â€" 1 0GC to your curtain t tm c Satteens, Black and all shades, ‘reg. 15¢, sale price, per yd. ........ .... l lC‘ 10 piece Satteens,,Black {with White ‘.â€"ï¬;u_n] Crum‘s Standard (Cloths, regular 15¢, going @t...........2 22222200 8 pieces Kimona Cloths, regular 20c and 25¢, going at................ We find our"dress goods stocks are most complete, and the assortments unusually wide just now. Every latest weave and fabric are here. Don‘t miss this tremendous opportunâ€" ity to get your new dress goods at a saving. All 50c to 60c goods, sale price . 7 pieces White, Cream, and Ecru All 75¢ to 85¢ goods, sale price All 1.00 to 1.25 goods, sale price. Curtaining reg. 50c, going at Prints, regular 12}¢ going at ... 15 pieces Wrapperettes, regular 15c and 12}c ""*"..10c and 8c yd. 10 100 pieces Dress Goods, as follows, Black and in all shades of Cashmere, Panamas, Serges, Lustres, Mohairs, Broadcloths, Satin Cloths, Voiles, striped and‘checks, Plaids, Poplins, Fancy Tweeds, etc. f Closing Out Sale of Dress Goods | and sprigs reg Vestings," Muslins At and Below Cost ces Melton Dress Goods, all es, reg. 30c, Sale Price per yd. ZOC ."..> * 18c yd.| a# **~~~~~10¢ *""** 124¢ * ** 116C ""_ 36c .. 39c =~.59c¢ â€"â€" 749¢ j Silks, Satins, Velvets [ _ es At and Below Cost ____{§ â€". " ""JYtoue CCC‘ * 106 UE TERMS STRICTLY CASH WATERLOO 5 doz, Ladies‘ Vests and Drawers 19C reg. 250. going at.;.. ... :::::.... Picked qualities in knit undergarments â€"or cotton, cotton and wool and all wool fof women and children at decisive savings. To appreciate to the fullest the extraordinary nature of these offerings you must note the fine quality and finish of these garments. All Ladies‘ and Children‘s Winter Underwear must be sold 20 Boxes Iderdown Woolâ€"reg. 15c a skein, sale price, per skein.......... Bargains in infants‘ wear section“_whicil mothers will greet with enthusiasm. 16 doz. Ladies‘ Vests and ‘Drawers reg. 50c, 75¢ and 1.00 sale price going at........... All Ladies‘ Sweater Coats, Toques, Caps, â€" Motor - Hoods at clearing Ladies‘ Winter Jackets ‘and Coats 1 Ladies, Fur Astrachan, reg. $35.00, $25 6 Lullec"tcck‘ Beaver Coats, n¢.8.58 s Famy Inoes ng 1530 uk 19 qg 5 Misses‘ Coats, reg. 5.00, at half All Children‘s Coats in Tweeds, Bear skins, at half price. Big Values in Infants‘ Wear s e t 2.050 sacrifice prices ..39, 59 and 79c Underwear i" * Oc