. _â€"3> @ Send all orders to the «4@ Fls y #e« {%+ T . : and as the BERLIN _DAILY TBLEGRAPH | gives .. UE more attention and space to 7 â€" matters affecting the Farming Interests than most . daily papers, , their circulation . is rapidly increasing. â€" . flome nt‘the ‘miost import is ‘all" dews "teatures are:â€"‘A :KNew Hamburg, Cnt. ‘ Dec. 25.â€" C rl:s Mern r, Superintcndent of the &ew Hamburg Felt and Boot Comâ€" pany bore, met with a fatal accident. & Saturday last ho was enzaged in works examining a loom that was «lose to another _ one in full operaâ€" tion. While doing so his sweater caught in the drum, and he was inâ€" bnf.ly carried up off his feet into ihe machinery. He linzered until 5.30 gin. toâ€"day, whon he died. Ths deâ€" egased. was atout fortyâ€"five â€"years old ~+m1 unmarried. He has numerous reâ€" latives hare, and his sudden death has ~sast a glcom over th> village. _ His luneral takes Place h>re on Monday _ FATALLY FOR * ~â€"â€" MR.C. MERNER No matter how Jong standing your case may be, don‘t despair, . get‘ g{ Fottle of Rheumo toâ€"day. E. M. Deâ€" vitt sells it with a guarantee to benefit you. Rheumo is wonderful in its quick action, the pain ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of _ soreâ€" ness and stiffness and very soon a KWheumo patient is able to have the lï¬e strength and vitality of youth Rheumo builds blood so rich and thick that uric acid cannot possibly €X:St. Rheumo costs antâ€" $1.00 for a MARRIED ALLEGED INSANE MAN . It is reported that acticn might be taken against a Cletgyman in a town pear London, who is said to have teâ€" n‘ly married a man of weak mind. "Ris is in contravention of the Staâ€" tes woverning . matriage of those tally deficient, and renders any Tgyman or issuet of a matriage liâ€" se liakle _ to punishment. 7he m has been examined with a View having him taken to the _ London ital for the dInsane, but it . is possible that room may te found for xl at the county house of refuge at rathrov. â€" Bt. Thomas toasts om> of the largâ€" est calves ever bred in Ontario. The ealf, which was pred by Philip . Osâ€" Wâ€"REMARKABLE CALF. ï¬aifler, Yarmouth â€" Centre, weighs 9 pounds, whicl! is remarkable, On account of it being only seven weeks 'We publish simple, straight . testiâ€" #ionials, not press agents‘ interviews, from well known people. * â€" MENT, the best of Housebold Remeâ€" .From all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD‘S LINTâ€" Rheumo Cures Rheumatism _~â€"_ TELEGRAPH, W aterloo, Ont. MINARD‘S LINIMENT CO., LTD. cBifiplete and acrurate produce lind~live‘stock .quotations, list of auction sales, budgets . af correspondence for all importâ€" ant points in the county, interesting serial story, and special page of interest . to woien. and allâ€" important hapâ€" penings throughout the world. YOU CAN‘T AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT THIS NEWSâ€" PAPER. â€"" CHRONICLE â€" Subscription Price estension ol the Rural TAKE NOTICE. Weather was mostly ‘fine some stormy days.s _ â€"Ground white with snow on . the :’t:‘_sn, 11th, 123th, 18th, 21st and Mild or wet on the 4th, 6th, 10th, and ‘16th. & e * Roads very sloppy on the 1I/th. RaIDNCE, COURCINONS, 11. BRADE, _ F. Coldest days, lith 10 above zero,|Kmell, Jacob Mohr, F. G. Gardiner, the 22nd just zero. i Alex. Millar, Hy. Schwenn, Conrad Miss Louisa Rebberger and Mr.|Bitzer, Ben. S. Hallman, . J. _ M. Jacob Brandt were married on the|Staebler, Wm. Hendry, John A. Macâ€" 25th. kie, P. E. W. Moyer. On the 15th the Economical Fire} Berlin‘s population was 6,810. Ins. Co. moved their business from| The assessment was $23,617,900.00. Queen St. North into their new block | Mr. Geo. C. H. Lang was Presiâ€" on the southâ€"west corner of â€" King |dent of the Board of Trade, â€" which and Foundry streets, being the first| was organized in 1886, Mr. John building on the vacant _ lot _ from|Fenmell being Rresident the . two Foundry St.‘to Simpson‘s _ factory.|former years. ‘The Direcrors were Messrs. lHugo | Mr. Fred Holwell was the retiring Kranz, John Fennell, Wm. Oelschlaâ€"jWarden of the C C il. germ P. E. W. Moyer, ny det , T. T, W you your John A. Mackie, John Motz, Geo. C.{many readers the compliments of the I. Lang, L. J. Breithaupt, all ol season. THE HAZARDOUS TRADES Roads very sloppy on the 17th. Coldest days, 14th 10 above zero, the 22nd just zero. i Miss Louisa Rebberger and Mr. .lacob Brandt were married on the SEVEN THOUSAND INJURED _ IN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS CHiawas, Dec. 26.~â€"The toll of death MA Mtoues 1 . o o from industrial accidents‘ throughout , BOn fatal accidents. . Camada â€" durina th> year 1912, as | Dynan}ate explosicns killed 50 men shown in a report just publishod, cost and seriously injured 37 others _ emâ€" the lives of no less th.n 1,220 workâ€" ployed in railway construction, while men, while 5,780 ‘Teceived serious inâ€" 19 were killed and 28 injured thro juries. Thus 7,000 workers in Canaâ€" falling material. da‘s industrial â€" army met with fatal © t s or serious accidents while in the dis-‘ public EnUloyees Sufer. cRarge â€" of _ tivir duty during . the‘ Th: list of fatalities and serious inâ€" twelve nsonths. , luries amenz public employees indiâ€" . | rates that th> duty of keeping the Railways and Metal Trades Worst. peace, fichtinz fires, etc., is attended n analÂ¥sisâ€" f i.4 “ith c. n iderable risk of life and lim». drAnl:s.:l aas )mi:d: ‘b\m:ll:?::-o: 'De;:il‘» Cl h puplic â€" emplovees were ln}led nent, shows that the railway servicâ€" “:. 266 seriously injured last . Yeat is and the metal trades afe be far while on duty: Four were fatally the most hiratilous employments. | ls.llot. while n:gkm;.-_ an arrest. _ One On Canadion steam railways 382 fitemar was killed and 31 were in}Urâ€" employees. were killed durinâ€" the year rd by bein«g 'hm"‘.n-"om fire abpata and 1.831 â€" were injured, a somewhat :.iu s€ {nd 2:., es lt'-m"fll thr?ugh ‘.ml- nresuiing 1olgy " in adpdimien to. Abst moer shmidh tho secuicuie i. tbre were 152 men‘killed in railway h ; y enolen Ewo laft! nt,g ate pu‘t . C ed in railwW2Â¥y jgoun to "froun while fiph.ing fires." On Canadian steam railways | 332 employees. were killed durinâ€" the year and 1.831 â€" were injured, a somewhat startling total. In addition to that tbore were 152 men‘killed in railway construction _ wo®k, and 111 injur C In the metal trades 103 men were killed snd 1,326 were injured. Navigation Comparatively Safe. Navigation is comparativel~ a safe vall:mz. _ â€"The total num}er of fataliâ€" ties among those emploved in na\'iga-' tion last year was 69, and non accidents totalled only 62. _ Mn nies c oc nB Ees E} tion last year was 69, and ncnfatal The Lakor Department â€" does not accidents totalled only 62. jclaim to bhave secured a comPlete ligt In the puilding trades the fatal aC of all industrial accidents durinz the cidents totalled 90, snd non fatal acâ€" year, but the record is as thorcugh tid nis 298. The collapse of scafiolds, ard accurate as â€" a careful tabulation etc., a preventible cause, accounted pf press refPorts and â€" of Provincial for 71 of _ the accidents to workmen Government statistics will allow. HAIR DOESNT PIEâ€" _ 1T HAS TO BE KILLED Hair often continues to live _ and grow long after the death of the body. But it is often killed through neglect or misuse. Almost 'arways the woman or man whose â€" hair . is falling out, or is stringy, | lifeless and dullâ€"looking, is entitrely to blame because of not, giving it the proper care. It is easy to take care of the hairâ€"easy to make it more beautiâ€" ful. Use Harmony Hair Beautifier, to make it glossy, soft and _ silky, and Harmony Shampoo to keep hair and scalp thoroughly clean. â€" â€" Harmony Hair Beautifier, _ delightâ€" fully: perfumed with true rose, is very Eooo aneeieetens on T easy to applyâ€"simply sprinkle a litâ€" tle on your hair each time before brushing it. It contains no ofl, and will not change the color of _ the hair, not darken gray hair. To keep your hait and scalp danâ€" drufiâ€"free and clean, | use _ Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo is most convenient to use, giving an instantaneous rich, foaming lather that immediately penetrates to every part of the hair and scalp, insuring a quick and thotrough cleansing. . It is washed off just as quickly, the enâ€" tire operation taking only a _ few moments _ Contains nothing that can harim the hair, and leaves no harshâ€" ness or â€" stickinessâ€"just _ a _ swret cleanliness. Both preparations come _ in _ oddâ€" shaped, _ very orhamental bottics, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Mair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo 50c. Both guaranteed, tq satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold in this communi{ty only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Storeâ€"one of the more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada _ and Great Britain, which own the â€" big Marmony laboratories, Toronto, }v\hrrc the cclebrated HMarmony â€" Per fumes and Toilet P‘reparations _ are made. A. G. Hachnel, King â€"street, Waterloo ath Toll Upon Canada‘s Worker‘s Amounted to 1,220 in 1912 was wet, â€" and the | couutry 5& ndd ‘ Mrs. W. H. Bowlby, candy for sup TRIAL ACCIDENTS > =â€"BB="" SX r:n. o Weber, St. J % T ' fruit and jelly, * in the buildinz trades. 3 Mrs. Rarney Jonas, quart of fruit s ; q or nurses. .‘ Classes of Railway Casualties. _ ...| j og;ogr fipg Auxflia)y, nower In railway service collisions caused|ing plants for ABIl patignits, Ata 35 deaths and 174 nonâ€"fatal injuries | bles in dining W ol S%- to railway men. There wetre 91 killâ€"|dent and _ Assistant Saper &; ed and 104 injured through being run|one yeat‘s subscription to Cosmop! ever bpâ€" trains or locomotives. _ Deâ€" litan and Ladies‘ Home Journal f railments caused 25 deaths and 115| the nurses. . son fatal accidents. J. B. H.u.‘('hcs. candies for officers, Ni oo e DL D40 0 L42@ 204 Lanea staf Street cleaners, who to the casual observer, always seem to be in im~‘ rnent peril of sudden death, . apparâ€" intly bear charmed lives. In the list ef accidents to pullic employees only two are ascribed to the running down of street clean:ts by sireet cats . Ot vehicles. ‘ ‘ North Bay, Dec. 29.â€"(Can. Press.) â€"Particulars of the accident on Friâ€" ‘day in which David Brown, | cxptess messenger, and T. Jobin, brakemar ) were killed, have been receive1. TWO KILLED The express car was smashed to ed a west bound express crashed inâ€" death. y Jobin was on the tor of a ‘reight car which collapsed and he feil into the wreckage to be ground to «i~ath in a mass of twisted _ timber _ and steel. their lives. Brown was from Bri@ghton where the remains have been taken. he leaves a â€" wife and three _ child=<o. Jobin, who lived at Chapleau, â€" also had a wife and three children. NEW HYDRO . RATES PASSED AT BRANTFORD An east bound freight climbing . a the engine started on with the front grade at Ridout broke in two and half, but before the sidting was reich ed a west bound express crached inâ€" to it head on. Brantford, Dec. 23.â€"Without oPPoâ€" sition from iny of the Aldetmen the aew Hydroâ€"lectric rates have _ been passed by the City Council. The lighting rates will be a fat rate . of four conts Pet month pert 100 Squate feet, _ with a service rate of three wnts per kilowatt hour. The _ c@mâ€" mercial rates vaty according td the amount used. _ They _ statt at 8iÂ¥ cents per kilowatt, dropping as t amoint used is increased. . PoweT Tgtâ€" es are equivalont to $24 per _ ho power pet aDnum. IN HEADâ€"ON COLLISION ‘engine crews jumped and. saved ~â€"Ine Superintendent, Mrs. Dowman, of the Berlin & Waterloo _ Hospital, gratefully acknowiedges the followâ€" ing Christmas donations which have seen réveived at the institution â€" up te this zâ€"â€" Mrs. m. Abrens street, six quarts fruit. and jelly. _ _ _â€" =___ nurses. 'Mrs. Geo. Rumpgg iMon.‘Pres. Laâ€" dies‘ Auxiliary, ’iém of oranges. C. H. Doerr, iR pounds of candies for the nurses, Robert Gunning, candies for . offiâ€" cers, nurses and house staff. Mayor J.,. B, Fischer, _ Waterloo, one goose. : The Secretaryâ€"Treasurer also . ackâ€" nowledges receipt of $10.00 as donaâ€" tion from the, Merchants‘ _ Rubber _J. B. Hughes, candies for officers, nursing staff and houseâ€"stafi. . Geo. Diebel, Chrigtmas . tree © for Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Wegenast, cn: turkey. .00 ,; Mrs. W. IL. Schmalz, plum pudding, cake and cookies. L Mrs. A. J.;{iabel, ice cream fot of fcets and stall. Dr. Callalt.n, one crate of oranges for_officers and staff. Mrs. H. Krug, crate of oranges. Mr. J. E. Jacques, om> box _ layet Taisins. 4 s Lamg Pros. & Co., oranges, grapes ind candy for, nurses. i stomach. sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. for nurses Mrs. Brechbill, six towels for hos Pital, cn» quart fruit for nurses. _ W. J. McCutcheon, one turkey. {. Bohlender, oranges, fruit, candy BARRETT AFFAR « STILL A MYSTERY . AT GUELPH _Dr. Kalbfieisch, rox of oranges for nurses. i s Guelph, Dec. 23.â€"Frank L. Battett, President of the Parrett Dairy Comâ€" pany, who was found in the cellar of his premises tound hand and foot and securely gagged on Saturday night, still _ lies in the General HosPital. Whn visited by friends Mr. Barrett has continued to say that he was struck. on the head and left as found, but there is no sign of a bruise _ Of blow on tha < head. _ He is highly strung and nerveus. The idea gained credence that if the whole thing was a masquerade inâ€" stead of a drama approaching trage dy, it was essential that a confedectâ€" ate was in the plot, but this is now reported not so. The police remain very retic nt, but that thsy never harbored the robbéry >r revenze theory is evident from the way they have worked on the case. A Danish research ship on an imâ€" portant mission was lost in the West Indies. * » The â€" British Royal family _ spent Christmas quictly at Sandringhamâ€" While several hundred miners and their wives looked on, the children pressed eagerly toward the stage to receive Christmas presents, At the instant a man put his head in at the door of the hall and yelled "Fire." ‘The cry was taken up by those in the hall. Every one startcd for the doors. â€"The weaker were thrown to the ficor, and those behind tried :o climb over those abead of them. The principal exist was a narrow stairway at the back of the hall. When this had been cleared of the bodies that filed it to the top, and & quick acâ€" had been made it was found t seventy‘four corpses had been wup beside the hall building. It hought that a dozen others were ed away by friends. The dead that were piled up beside. the hali included 37 girl, 19 boys, 13 women and five mep. Excited men tendom Is ‘met"Asid© as a day of reâ€" joicing over the birth of the Savious, Calumet, stricken to the beart by an almost . unbelievable . catéstrophe, stands mourning by the side of its dead, the 72 victims (most of whom were children) of the frightful panic on Christmas eve in the Italian ball. This panic followed a false alarm ery of fire during the progress of a Christnias tree entertainment arrangâ€" ed for families of the copper strikers. ‘Toâ€"day the people of Chlumet see their neighbors, their brothers, their Warning Issued by Inland Deâ€" sisters and their 10 io ie | partment Againat Use of _ A great mass meeting of Calumet citizens was held yesterday afternoon to express their sympathy and devise ways and means to ameliorate the sufferings of. those on whom death had fallen so heaviy. A committee of twelve was appointed to visit each individual home of the bereaved families and assist financially. Unâ€" limited funds are assured and .no outâ€" side ald will be necessary. ‘and women stood about the building, some dazed by the sudden change from hboliday festivities to tragedy, others calling hysterically for a missâ€" ing child, and a few even threatoning violence to the rescuers for keeping them back from the long row of *‘With the.kindest feeling ror those who offered it, we ask no outside help," states the resolutions of symâ€" pathy adopted. : ‘"These are our own people and this is our ‘sacred priviâ€" lege to care for our dead and to comâ€" fort the living." The statement of President Moyer of the Western Federation of Miners that no benefits from the citizens would be accepted, was disregarded. The strikers also met yesterday afterâ€" noon and named a committee comâ€" prising representatives of the nationâ€" alities of the victims and call on the stricken relatives and learn their wishes regarding the funeral. This committee will meet toâ€"day to make arrangements for the services. _ ‘‘The authorities have so far been unable to trace a man who is said to have gone up the stai:s of the Italian Hall and raised the cry of fire, which is supposed to have started the panic which led to the fearful crush in the stairway and caused the death of the other theory that the cry of fire origâ€" inated within the hall was substanâ€" tiated yesterday by Matt Sari, a strikâ€" er, who lost his son in the disaster. He declared the cry came from a group of men and women toward the front of the hall. nearly four score men, women and bope he will be apprehended. The President Moyer of the Western Federation of Miners, said yesterday that he had with difficulty kept withâ€" in bounds the relatives and families of the dead.‘ The reports that the Miners‘ Union hbad started the panic spread rapidly among the strike ., and there were many threats of reâ€" any untoward act was an example of the restraint which he said had characterized the action of strikers from the beginning of the trouble five months ago. President Moyer alâ€" so said that he could bring witnesses to prove that the man who cried "WFire" wore a Citizens Alliance inâ€" signia, and said that he had teleâ€" graphed this information to Secretary Wilson of the Department of Labor with a view to having the Governâ€" ment investigate the case,. M Wilson Will Not Reply. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. â€" Secreâ€" tary Wilson said last night that he would not reply to the Moyer teleâ€" gram, *‘The question whether or not the Government has the authority to nake the investigation suggested by Moyer," said Secrotary Wilson, "has 10t yet been passed upon. Until it s disposed of I cannot prediet what, ( any, action will be taken by the Federal authorities." Sir Mackenzie Powell, K. C. M. G., celebrated his 90th birthday at Belleâ€" ville in the midst of numerous relaâ€" tives from fat and near. Hydro Will Be Used. LCNLON, On.., Dec. 26. â€"Up to he present the city has been unable o supply the street railway with !ydro power because of the lack of irect current. This has been remeâ€" ied, however, abd Wednesday night 1e new system vas tried with satisâ€" «ctoâ€"y results. The railway will take .000 horsepower and the added conâ€" ampttion means a lowâ€"ring of the eneral rate in the near future. He pointed out that the absence of "3% but a note attached stated that the money was te be used for a new church and parsonage. * Theâ€"© ‘ gift solves the question for the congrega tion of a new churth, ‘and attange ments will be made â€" to ©commence building operations ‘in ‘the spring. POWDERS: MAY DO MUCH HARM Ottawa, Dec. 23,â€"A bulletin is8U4e0 | saw them. ~ .. .. s 5) o_ by th> Inland ReVenue PePartmeBt 02| ‘The wind c.n;ed'fh\,“l' d "Readache powders".calls Public : 2t |recticns, and the nekt WO seve tention to the fact that "‘there CANlqpy crisp. tens wetre scen Mfo*Ob in amrtnrets tns o tnaigets To 1 Aomniniient mfGerNed e iscri use of ~PO#â€" | Montgomery deposited ‘his i ders."" After noting that beadache is| ho Merchants Bank oV°F B ,‘wlu‘ merely a . symptom 86 somethinDg)others left what theâ€" Lound « vtrng, and not itgell a disease that! _ Mackey of Hotel CeCil, 1 can be treated by a ‘"cure," the llllll- took th: mormsy home with 25 & letin adds : *4 . Who lost. the money‘? w@s tÂ¥a que: *‘"The drm which the efficiency Piicp all were askin>. Later " wa »f th:se he ‘fowders is due alt|parng that it belonged 1 powerful heart depressants, and a"e| Wrisht, who is not a ~tresig@nt o gapable under certain conditions . O{{ perth, put is paymaster. fot: a : produc mz fatai ,â€"results, while undel | ractcr who is builditg $Â¥ation@ 0 most conditions they mustâ€"do harmâ€"" | the new C.P.R. lins from _ Nearly all of the 171 samples an |go Toronio. > va 3 00. > mt alyped contained ‘acetanilide, or Fhenr | ‘yesterday Mr. Wright was b8§y" Te acet.n, and are so marked under the | eqvering what ‘h> lost tha night tegulaticns in regard to the Patent|fore, and is understood te have it ml medicin> act. The amount of acetaniâ€" |noy prt $260. The day b64 t lide present in most of ~the Powder®| mas h> cashed a cheoue at the M# rxcteds three grains which is the limâ€" |thaats BanÂ¥\, and on: v@y: R it of ~dosage prescribed by the Britâ€" 2 roll of $2,700 or "'M . is ( ‘ ish Fharmacofocia. /‘ !‘ som in cn»s, twos, fives and , Â¥e "No dowbt,‘? says th: bulletin, "serâ€"| with string. . lt is aller.d that, lous results wouldâ€"more frequently | been drin‘in~.in the eÂ¥ and lollow their use were it not that they E.llled the roll of mersy oh. * ronta n other dfugs, usually caffeine, | hip nocket, zni in a id ‘whith act as stintilants of the hart. | sgain half ol it heng 08 MM&.0 | 1 little reflection shquld. convince the |of his pocket, so that 85 he /m comsumer of these powders that he is | ;alkinz about it worked dooseâ€"% 4 taking great liberties with â€"his bealth |his ‘qvercoat. The small m. +R ‘md life." " yia a * 1d in his pocket, and totalledâ€"& bi ze o o n i wio s .. 1 ';""" $800 ‘and “‘kmu""c iterin WATOUMAN o) c|g@rfusescecessew o DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS| t Nearly all of the 171 samples an: alyped contained ‘acetanilide, or then‘ acet.n, and are so marked under the tegulaticns in regard to the patent medicim> act. The aprount of acetaniâ€" lide present in most of ~the powders xcteds three grains which is the limâ€" it of dosage prescribed by the Britâ€" ish Fharmacojf ocia. ‘‘ !‘ No dowbt,‘? says th: bulletn, ‘serâ€" lous results . wouldâ€"more frequently lollow their use were it not that they tonta n other dfugs, Usually cafteine, which act as stintulants of the hsart. 1 little refection, shquld. convince the comsumer of these powders that he is taking great liberties with his bealth Hamilton Manâ€" Says he Was| * ifacked and ‘Lted by HAMILTON, Dec,. 29. â€" Frank Stevens, a mildleâ€"aged nightwatchâ€" man, who resides ou fHoimes avenue, West Humilion, is in 2 precariou, cqndludt\ in the city hospiial as the result of being brutaily assaulted in the basdinent of Stauley Mills & Co.‘s store: t#,the ncighborhood of nine o‘clock‘ last night. ,The first intimaâ€" tion that anything had bappened was given by the victim when he rushed tp James street from the alleyway in the rear of th» store with biood streaming down his, f1co, screaming at the top of his voice that he had been robbed. Stevens‘ hands were tied borind his back anj his clothes were covered with flour, Constable Hardon rushed to the man, and after receiving the keys with the words, ‘"He‘s got all the money and is in there yet," entered the building. In the meantime police headquarâ€" ters had been notified, and a squad of officers and constables quickly arrivâ€" ed. Despite a thorough search noâ€" body was found in the tuilding. The victim affirmec that he was asâ€" saulted by a relative who had called at the store, about 8.30 o‘clock, with a message. f. Roy Malien of Morrisburg, who played for London intermediates sevâ€" cral years ago and who has _ since been with the New York A. C. seven, joined the Ontarios "pro" squad vestorday. He is a brother of Ken Mallen and plays at rover _ of left wing â€" C An eyeâ€"witness stated that he saw the man rush from the building and disappear in the direction of York street, but the authorities were unâ€" able to get any ‘*race of the man in that direction. + D. A. Brown, _ @xptcss inessenget, and J. R. Obim, â€" brakeman, _ wete kilféd in a headâ€"on collision on . the C.P.R. at Ridout. > The police found (he basement in a state of the utmost confusion. Flour strewn about, upturned stools and clots of blood on the flour told the story of a furidu» battle which had recently been ..gcd. On a counâ€" ter nearby was found the coat and bat of the culprit. In the pockeis cf the coat two revolv>‘s, a length of wire rope and a blvodâ€"stainedxhandâ€" kerchief were discovered. Members of thomn were brought to the place, but & ty investigatioh failed to reveal any theft. Stevens was reported this morning to be in a serious condition, sufferâ€" ing from a severegash over the temâ€" ple and several mimor acerations about tie face. w s t m _ ASSAILED carts cas w a Relative )trust people, who ma spots which ‘were‘ by the wind, < |~ * ~ Whia al1 the bills cevered : Montroméery: tens. . The news 8008 aAimbor â€"a(â€"Peopleâ€"seat for other billsâ€" Son as seventy ‘olhm smoat b ilf{ big wad of lorty, and some teh ; ut of the way. Place tance Trom where Mo Winnipeg, a guest, at the Mine 5 Fevhne. Lu}om‘w 2 Nery narrow . escaba; ifst=might M asphyxiatice. by: the sulp Merefted: being suppfied Galt by . tik Dog Natural Gr L‘ompa"’ lllzl ‘ Kas. ing abath, â€" and. ighted 34 : beater for the water. ’l‘hnhq.‘ so strcag that ho was ‘oÂ¥@rcome, fell into the bath unconscidus.‘~, : Fewinzs, hearing the thud, Broke 0 the door at onts, but it took., Charitcn, who was hutr J balf an hour to restore,conscigusn Toâ€"day Mr. Morriscaqf is:sbmew bat tovered. & B : tect hair. This is‘ ob®# what : means to those vh:o sufler wi common lookin, ir. Sageing~~v new life to l:di‘ unattractive. *1 Sagein: feeds the hair root necessary food for promoting / thy growth. St_gine is the tonic you could ‘Wish for. d Â¥ P a dye and is not sticky fl..’#y. A large shakerâ€"top bottle.costs.. . only 50¢, and Mr. E.M. Devitt gives . bis perscnil guarantee to M the money if you ate not satisâ€" fed. Be sure to go to E.M. itt‘s drug store as other stores: Catndtâ€" syp ply you. f, * MIyARD‘S LINIMENT â€" COURES CoLDsS, ETC. is ith string. . lt is allec. d that 3# en drin‘inm~.in the eÂ¥ . illed the roll "of mersy [ * P nbocket, â€"zni in {ï¬ E zain half ol it heng 08 MM§.0 his pocket, so â€"that 88 he / t¢ alkinz about it worked doose f s ‘overcoat. â€" The small Wifa,remia® ". 1 in his pocket, and totallad * t .'r“ :re;n $800 and $1.000. ~,*Comsi . 1 tircum#tintes he i# t ~*tel . tering ‘as whuch ‘of ‘m C . #f CE C esb | | ALTs CAS Wa§ . }: : | > r A ®p ts } * Allï¬ST ‘AbBL .+ |â€" “:’ 1 '\ se Ee dne eA e ; +\ [ "2 0 se e the e ty 5l Galt, Dec. 28. â€"W._C. Méettisgl, ~bf â€"â€" ‘innipeg, a guest. at th ‘",flm}fa 3 .: Fewings, Lnsown’ we,%) Nok > Beauteous Hair * all the t +4# A theâ€" found otel Cecil, : home with noney * :was in>. Later it belonged