Subsequent _ with the lowering â€" of ithe Hydroâ€"electric rates by the comâ€" *‘mission a few days ago, the Watet camd Light Commission through Mr. + ‘F. S. Kumpi announce the new rates i to the local comsumers. _3 Per O‘My Heartâ€"Manners, J.H. at M.em.d L'.'ht and Otherwise Phyllisâ€"Nicholson, M. Water Commission [‘ Midie] °m fure, & At k ‘errysâ€" |â€" pepe l Pertrsâ€"Pastore, Mrs; H./TO _ INCREASE â€" PLANT _‘ Looking Forwardâ€"Pedley. sw« +. ‘White Motleyâ€"Pembertom, M. The annual _ reports presented at s .Depm:o'. wifeâ€"Pbillips, D.G. the meeting of the Water and Light . ‘Pollyannaâ€"Porter, E. H. Commission on _ Monday afternoon, _ + Heart of the might windâ€"Roe, V.| were very encouraging. The report EEm.: â€" of the electrical department by Manr * -" APDle of discordâ€"Rowland, H.C. ager Kump{ showed a net gain lolf ¢ Keeper of the vineyardâ€"Stanley, C.|the year of $3105.71. The profit for : 4. th» year after the depreciation of 5| Praitie Dresâ€"Swan, A.S. *|per cent. is written off, leaves the { Happy acresâ€"Turpin, EHL. met gain. During the year 103 â€" new & Custom of the conntryâ€"Wharton, E.| tonsumers of Hydro energy were addâ€" â€" _: Heart of the desertâ€"Willsie, H. ed. _ The report continues, "We are RATES HAVE _ . k BEEN LOWERED « There are many useful and harndsome articles suitable as Christmas . gifts m o'ffl‘ed at Uffelkmann‘s big + Domestic and commercial lighting. "Ths discount has been reduced from 85 to 20 per cent. electricity | for fc,w-er, the discount has been lowered <Brom 10 to 25 per cent. The rates wor street lighting have been reduced gto such an extent that the town will &5 about $450 annually. The new â€"*tates will take effect January 1st. ‘The final meeting _ of the Watetino Public Library Board was held _ in the Library on Monday evening, at 7 e‘clock. In the absence of the chairâ€" man‘ Mr. H.J Hass, Rev. W. D. Lee was voted to the chair. The meeting was â€" called as Provided for by . the Statues, and the only business tran Bacted _ was ithe passing of the _ ar counts. Adjournment was made _ at §.45 o‘clock. Â¥ Ome of the best storeés to get suitâ€" able gifts for Christmas is Weichel‘s. DoR‘t fail to note the big bargains offered in their page ad. on another page. Ih FJNAL MEETING OF pIBRARY will be well repaid. Read big ad.â€"om another page. _ Readers of the (Chronicleâ€"Telegraph who have not _ shopped eatrly, _ can shop quickly by reading the numerous Christmas offerings in this issueâ€"you will be well repaid. C htistmas SaLe at Watetlco. _ | early ahd make your choice and Do You’r‘Xmas Shopping Now . Recent hunting trips in â€" British ‘Notth Americaâ€"Selous, F. :Getï¬}; into Parliament and alterâ€" Faise modestyâ€"Lowry, E.B. Himsel{â€"Lowry, E.B. ~'qu vanishing wild lifeâ€"Hotnaday, W.T. r Century of sail and steam on â€" the Niegara River. P; My climbing adventures in four conâ€" #inentsâ€"Tuirner, S. African camp firesâ€"White, S.E. _ Beyoud the old Frontietâ€"Grinnell, . Hagarâ€"Jdhnston, M. _ _ > Taste of applesâ€"Lee, J. Doc, Williarsâ€"Letrigo, C.H. m. Making over Marthaâ€"Lippmann, J. 'F"ool and _ his moneyâ€"McCutcheon, a i’_’mi-};&â€"ï¬ayso-,. D. Story <of the counties of Ontarioâ€" o Youthâ€"Bailey, T. ipringsâ€"BHenson, A.C. 1â€" John Reganâ€"Birmingham, G. Schedule will go into Force Jan.1st. of the rangesâ€"Cody, H. A woman~Culjum, R. ° Library are now available Nonâ€"Fiction româ€"Burnett, F. N. There is a probability that Waterigqo will lose one of its BHask~Clerkâ€"â€"Buschien, J.| dustries, vis., that of Bechtels, Limited, manufacturers of c the _ desertâ€"Machiaugh womar questionâ€" «o«. _ |ADDED 103 NEW Mactaughâ€" | Gratifying Reports Presented . JH. t wï¬"&d Light and Come _ you partment of $595.86. Sunday we heid three services, cach The members present were Dr. Hilâ€"|crowded. After the morning service liard, and Messrs Bauer, Sanderson,\a number of women stayed and : ! UMuebn, and _ Mayort .Fischer, and F.|had a litéle service with them. A S. Kumat. couple of them came back Monday [ esc ez .lz _ _ motning. . . We expect to go to Chintu for a ELOCUTION CONTEST. few days. Onjour return Mr. _ and An élocution contest will be held|Mrs. McAmmon will be with us for in the Library Hall Thursday even~l' week of revival services which we ing, Dec.â€"i8th | mt 8 o‘ciock. . The hobe to follom uP with inditidual PlrogL s Ese * " n | Ehe svangelist . here i | a .. poor Readingâ€"Come to Stay. sperimen of a Christian and inatâ€" Piano Soloâ€"Helen Roos. tentive to his Wol’k.‘ Pray â€" for us Readingâ€"Christmas. that we may be ‘"Vessels meet for Chorusâ€"Loyal Temperance Legion.|the Master‘s use‘ and that we may Readingâ€"Crime‘s Waterloo. truly live Christ before this people. Song~â€"Mrs. C.@S. Bean. We are very bappy, for we feel we Readingâ€"The Cost of a License. :h" l'h":le‘:otd wants “". :“ “l."':: Soneâ€"The Bi . ing, Mr.] thirty m rom a doctor w 3 oï¬ C "tame o = Nok Mt T Tikke ©God:. Will joke care ~of _ us\ Readingâ€"The Bridal Wine Cup. until our work is tinished, whether Readingâ€"Rescued . it he soomer or later. Soloâ€"Rosalie, Miss Olive Ritzer. | Well one week has passed, and we Readingâ€"Sign if You Dare. are coming on slowly. We are quite Soloâ€"Mr. W. 1.. Badley of Eimira. |comfortable mince the repairs _ are Readingâ€"Eben Lander‘s Cider Mill.Jdone and we are séttled. We _ atre Chaitmanâ€"Mr, â€" Thos,â€" Hilliatd, ‘living in the same building with two Accounts were Passed for the watet @ommisgion totaliing $412.26, gas de Partment _ $202.58, and electric _ deâ€" partment of $595.86. The members present were Dr. Hilâ€" liard, and Messrs Bauer, Sanderson, UMuebn, and _ Mayor . Fischer, and F. S. Kumpt. ui on O thout forther deloy:. Theihave a small cook arove My.." Me. tramsformers required will be two of Ammonds loaned us, and wit.h the 150 k.w., our | tramsformer 800 h.p.| 3 coming from the kitchen â€"_"we Bs Present there is one sPate M@KiNE|think we shall be quite comfortable. 600 available h.p. The transformers| _} also brought our spring ~couch will cost approximately $2000. voltâ€"| _ organ, several _ wicker _ chairs | age remulator | $1500, switth bO3t0| which are light to carty, but" quite panels, two 13000 volt panels with comfortable. f instruments and one power Panel will ‘The children sleep on Chinese beds eost in all about $1350. The TePAiTS| with plenty of straw. and nscessary changes in plant. Will| e are having windows put in .. a cost $5350. 1t will also be necessary couple of rooms, and a chimney put to add 50 k.w. transformers to _th€|in we are scrubbing the. woogwork. transier house on Caroline St. WhiCk|The neople never scrub Of clean,just is loaded to its full capacity. WhiC"|sweap down the dust wmum,j;- will cost $950 installed. The strett,ers won‘t stay on any IOnger. _** lighting regulator is loaded and it] ‘The country around is levet and might be well to consider installing the paths wide, so that we Scan another comstant curremt regulatol,| take nice walks. The children * alâ€" and increasing the present 60 _ watt ways go with us; Marie in het carâ€" itrest iamps to 100 watt. The Stâ€"|riage, which interests the ~â€"#ebple lighting â€" regulator will cost _ @2b0Ut|very much. They are very good | $700. The total cost will require is though and not annoying © even when suiee debentures for about $10,000,{thev follow us. Some times we are ual>ss the profits for the neXxt Y8@!iable to get out without many com are anticipated, and these the report‘ing after. You see we are the first| Points out, will be small when _ the|inreigners to live here and naturally rates are again lowered. The total / the children attract much attention. debentures issued so far by the COMâ€"| They do not admire Jean, she is too mission total $56,000. fair but Paul being a _ boy and Accounts were Passed for the watetr|darker is quite popular, and the baby @ommisgion totaliing $412.26, gas deâ€"|â€"well every one and especially Chinâ€" partment _ $202.58, and electric deâ€"{ese, admire a baby. s ‘ed’ motor capacity the connected load for residential and commercial light lhg means 516 h.p., this can be add ed 160 electric irons, demanding colâ€" lectively 110 h.p.; street lighting te quiring 60 h.p. making a total oi 1396 h.p., while the peak load bill Jor thr month of _ November was 482} h.p." "All the high tension wires which were of No. 10 coppet have been chaneed durine« the yeat to No. 6 and No. 4, and have peen put up so as to cope with any load which might be added _ within 15 years or more.‘" _ ‘The secondary will require rebuilding _ during â€" the coming year. The most of this was installed before the town took over the plant, and are of No. 8 coppPer wire. This will be changed to No. 2 and No. 0 as required. ts ‘The rePort stated that it was necâ€" essaty to consider the installing . of more station icformer capacity, and necessary switchboard panels, and switch board apparatus. . FMis. Readingâ€"The Bridal Wine Cup. Readingâ€"Rescued . Soloâ€"Rosalie, Miss Olive Ritzer. Readingâ€"Sign if You Dare. Soloâ€"Mr. W. 1. Badley of EAmira Readingâ€"Eben Lander‘s Cider Mill Chaitmanâ€"Mr, â€" Thos, Hilliatd, } The annual _ reports presented at the meeting of the Water and Light Commission on _ Monday afternoon, were very encouraging. â€" The report of the electrical department by Mar ager Kumpf showed a net gain _ for the year of $3105.71. The profit for th: year after the depreciation of 5 per cent. is written off, leaves the met gain. During the year 103 â€" new ronsumers of Hydro energy were addâ€" ed. _ The report continues, "We are mow changinz for 655 h.p. of installâ€" A voitage regulator should also he We ate living in the chapel > with the evangelists. ‘There have always been two or three rooms kopt ~tor the foreigner, and these we ~~ure cleaning up and think we shall ~be quite comfortable. Thetre is a bedâ€" room. living room and kitchen. We have a small cook _ stove Mr. /‘ llc-‘ Ammonds loaned us, and with the, heat coming from the kitchen ‘we think we shall be quite comfortable. We also brought our spring ‘couch, our organ, several wicker _ chairs which are light to carty, but‘ quite comfortable. â€" on getting here ~about â€" noon. We were auite a curiosity and after the doors were shut the â€" children did their utmost to get a peek at.. n5 through cracks, for one side of the front of our building is right on the street. . At the back there is a small yard enclosed by a high wall ll;dâ€" _o:n: thf_ other side buildings. â€" e It takes considerable time to get ready to come out here, gathering and selecting what clothes we uced ’a.ud bedding and books,‘ etc. We left in warm weather and expect to stay inptil near Christmas, so that . one has to bring quite aâ€"supply for the changes in the weather. We hoped to get along with as little as posâ€" sible to make us comfortable.. . Just a week ago toâ€"day we left Jenâ€"Show and went fifty li (a li one third of an English mile), to one of: Albert‘s stations _ where there is . a . good chapel. The next morning we came Mr. Elson and I have decided <â€" to leave our home in Jenshow and~ go to one of our outstations and*~ live among ‘our people for some weeks and work with them to the hest of our ability. > The following interesting â€"letter has been received by Rev. and Mrs. l!o;key. from their daughter, * Mrs. Elson,â€" who with her husband â€" are missionaries in China:â€" Dear Sister and Mother t urer‘s entire stock 0j 'ijh'cvmt" ost comprehensive ;:;zedfon' .f-- 0 "I%'lï¬}'ï¬ m m Yom‘gllm'and 50‘08':00?%&! Be:l::; and. THE {’RICE{? ARE _ JUS [ w-- ln e THEY WOULD BEï¬y tf sold in their regular way. : , uEhon rim m 5> 4 * ~diecd ey! t J ++ * * po# 5 P t »wm “d flm‘y Letter to Her Parents Rev. Come Friday or Saturday ; eusnual baiap and M:Hoekey 14 4’“.""{“&!‘“‘ solve manya gift problem. There are hundreds of others, bes ‘The prices at the market Saturday motning . were with few exceptiqns the same as those of last week. The first Christmas trees of the season, were on the market, and were disâ€" > ' posed of at from 20 to 50 cents. The § _ Thrift lollowing is a list of the prevailing â€" d h prices. Butterâ€"30 cemts. + P afl C: FEegsâ€"40 to 44 cents. Chickensâ€"18 cents a pound. 1 THE | ‘Turnipsâ€"2 for 5 cents. m APPlesâ€"15 to 25 cents a hasket. _ | 'T‘l" 7 Uabbageâ€"8 to 10 cents each. i &. W. MO m“- Onionsâ€"20 cents a basket, | OO Danebaneanmianet=iln Doi ie orditetin s PRODUCE PRICES .. _ AT MARKET EVELYN ELSON. Wan~â€"Kiaâ€"Chang, Oct. 1913. ceive the Word and influence . them t6‘come to the chapel. We are cxâ€" pecting the Lord to answet _ our prayers. We are looking éach day‘ for supâ€" pd::: Poor Albert is finding the 1 hard these days. No bread, no potatoes. We have rice and tea, biscuits and muffins, but no _ yeast to make bread. We shall enjoy havi in~ some again. < With love, | SBunday we had Sunday school and préaching service in the morning, then in the evening a song . service fot school children, and a few others, and in the evening after service a few members were in for a sing. We hope to n&. the people feel we aré: their friends. Every day Albert spands a couple of bours in _ Bible study and prayer with the two evanâ€" eHsts, and I have a little prayer ce. with the two wives and mvwlittle woman. This morning they all/fled in prayer that God â€" would op‘ the hearts of the people to reâ€" evu‘felists; one has a wile and ons child, the other a wife and . two children. Fortunately both families are real clean, so far as Chinese go, and we do not mind our _ children playing with them some. Our $2.00° and $2.35 Trousers, made of splendid tweeds, suitable for work or rough wear, many patterns to select from. A well made, _ perâ€" fect fitting pair of trousâ€" sl 43 ers, Saturday ... ...« & MEN‘S TROUSERS. THE HIGH COST OF LIVING CUT LOW IN SUIT DEPARTMENT. 182 Odd ‘Suits at Half Price or less. 82 Men‘# Suits. A stunning group which will â€" surprise you by _ their style, finish and general good looks. Materials‘ are mostly tweeds . and all ‘the néw models, colors and styles are well{ tepresented, regular |$13.00 to $14.00," Saturday \ to and properly tailored overcoats. / you can see elsewhere at $10. ï¬_bs collars, double and‘ single ‘breasted. wool serge, lined, solid eom-s7 5 fort coat,. Sale price ... smartiy tailored. Sale price Overcoats that usually seH â€" up to $16. two way collar or shawl col lars, double and single breagted, soft finish, comfortable cloth, ‘@AM AF Overcoats worth up to $14, belted and plain back, two way and shawl $10 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $5.95. Black British Melton, well â€" lined $11 MEN‘Sâ€" OVERCOATS 37.95, $16 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $9.95 4Ais Christmasifoliday sale ht about through the recent purchase of a manufactâ€" urer‘s entire stoc!::;cn}hc mtwmmwmedfon ; zf Hdmy. Wear ablcf s for ï¬c‘m. Yolugllcn'and Boys ever seen in Berlin and. THE PRICES ARE JUST HALF WHAT THEY WOULD BE'.y +f sold in their reaulnay n * 4 loots mc‘ A 28 actiiiihes e ,{m mfl in fnmm\ | This Christmasiholiday sale brought rer‘s entire stocgï¬cn "the most com# H0 L L93 Y §_’A;L E 0F CIFT WEARABLES Bould you asjpot.A hetter gift for father, .brother, §on or swootheart, y PB Astrts â€" 5. e EBs § Te s 1 ced OKER T 100 opbmitnat Hiienk M Ti s ces ieram t WeA imA . cauefiiitn it it eliPract Mn tm ntntizn is e freminntorth se cnce â€" * a K *3 5 'j’ § $ %C+ « * g+s 2 “.:’: > Exceptional w €*~s z rae: A in Men‘s, Fine v o satess $ 0@ © dh . T n VCE Rirlâ€"ams. + * C ; mas elfts. [ Fn s _ mfl»flv. Engis P I Save Because said parties is cortectly â€" stated above. 50â€"3t. in the Chronicleâ€"Telégraph newspaper, the first of such insertion being on the eleventh day of Decenber, 1913, and that the name, occupation . and usual place of abode of each of the _ IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN BENTLEY BEEMIS, of the Towr of Shakopee, in the State of Minnesota, physician, and ARAMINTA MARIA BALLARD, of the town of Shakoâ€" pee, in the State of Minnesota, nurse intend to intermarty that they intend to have their marriage solemnized in the town of Waterfoo, in the County of Waterloo, after the publication of this notice for three successive weeks For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Dehility, Fius, Skin Div $1,000 ; J. G. WING & €O., Berli REWARBD $ rhone 852 '3&2:«":: ltltn.’ 3:& ba«w ase, Bloc« Poison, Genito Urinary roubles, moud Chrmme or Specia omplaints that cannot be cure MA » Ontime ‘led.¢al Instithtg be 2598 Yor > Suecet, Foronte @ ‘The I-"eo{blec Stove" Notice °_ RUSH SPECIAL IN BOYS‘ OVERâ€" CoATS. brand with buttoned dull kid â€"tops â€" and â€" quality, semi round toes> with the . popular, short vamp and.Cuban heels, sizes 3} ; _ to 7. regular $3.50 to $4.00, 32.95 BAbREEAY .:.;.....s s.sssile kevvencss Remarkably Good Values from the boot section. All new â€" goods with such extra low prices. . There is plenty of reason for coming to the store ear.y Saturday morning. Women‘s Patent Fine _ Leather sHOES! â€" SHOES! backs, shawl and two way collars. We are showing the largest selection and best values in the city. Come in Two piece Suits, in good durable English Tweeds, ‘dark and _ medium shades, double breasted coats strongâ€" ly lined with Italian cloth, _ kaee priced ......, SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS SUITS $5.00, $6.50, $8.00 to ......... . $10 COATS, $1.98 to ... ... , Genito Urinary CHILDREN‘S FANCY OVERâ€" C l '*r x ~> '*q" r'.-"-""cg;â€"-â€"- C" ~ekee :onr. M’-dMand profit ti: ::::yy THE BANK OF TORONTO. Thrift brings rewards in money and character. ed with EIalian clo knee , sizes 24 to 30, low *a# vorte B aihgngcatp t i ‘"‘Mannish‘‘ Coats, belited + Anr energetic real estate lql(-smln’ capable of handling agents. An _ exâ€" ceedingly _ attractive opening to _ a ‘ hustler. Apply with references, Port Wellet _ Securities Corporation, 47 . Beott St., Toronto. 51â€"3t. J.G. WING & co.i . REAL ESTATE SITUATIONS VACANT. $12,200 Buys 100 acres, 3 miles from Berlin. .. 4 $9,000 â€" Buys 122 acres, 16 miles from Beclin.. * $9,500 Buys 441 acres, 12 miles from Berlin. $7,500 Buys 100 acres, 10 miles from Berlin. $8,500 Buys 147 acres, 10 miles from Berlin. $9,700 Buys 167 acres, 12 miles from Berlin. $5,200 Buys 14 acres, 1 mile from Berlin. $10,800 Buys 154 actes, 4 ailes from Berlin. $12,000 Buys 1% actes, 2‘ miles from Berlin. _ $11,300 Buys 113 acres, good buildings, 3} miles from Berlin, Also 90 Properties for sale in the City of Berlin, from $2,000> Women‘s warm comfortable house â€" slippers of fancy material, felt soles, covered with leather, sizes 3 to 7, regular 60¢, Saturday 07. SILK KNITTED MUFFLERS . by the bundreds of duozens, English and American neckwear, in a magnificent array ol styles and colors. : fur silk and wool lined. Kid buck ‘cape: Mocha and chamius, for silk and wool lined. from Belfort, plain and initial. HOSE. Silk, Cashmere, Lisle. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY . GIFTS. In Men‘s Fine Furnishings, A whole store brimful of bristling newness at prices that command an everâ€"increasâ€" ing patronage. Men‘s strong: Box Kid Boots, made on a neat biucher last, with double solid leather soles: A neat, durable and easy fitting boot, sizes:. 6. to 10, regular price $2.50, sl .†SEBUATURY : ....::+." s2â€"rnitie crsrsssers Men‘s Boots, in velours, calfskin, gunmetal, biucher toz. Goodyea: welted soles, sizes 5J 81, also fine high grade samples, in tan, | black, calf, viciâ€"kid and pstent leather; size 7 only, regular $3.50, nï¬ $4 and $4.50, Saturday ... FURB CAPS HANDKERCHIEFS, Pure linen and fur lined. These No. will I n