k “oolehn&wthm at | commission, on which the Minister ol Whis ofice not than Saturday | Trade and Commerce, the Minister of f -": Customs, _ the â€" Minister _ of Labor ‘«7 in lfl:mï¬:'m ;:: “’c‘.:l would sit, and they would go all over E milvertizements accepted up to '“_‘ihe country from Halifas to Victofia â€"â€" essday each week. investigating the situation, asking the _"_ Mdvertising rates reasomable and|Producer to giVe testimony, asking _ will be made known on application. |the workingmen to give testimony, ‘_. Aitmpninmnrmmmmun ns cmemmonpecmmm omm en ancmmamnammmnmmmmam and asking the manufacturers of every e . large city to find what would be the E-†Municipal Electric Roads | pest mea!;is of reducing the tariff, so E’;h connection with the introduction | Yacitati *‘"of Niagara power received fresh iraâ€"| their co gi.petus this week through the meeting the new _‘ at Guelph, at which ‘"The _ Hydro fore dat ** ‘Electric Radial Union of Western "~.Outario‘ was organized. _ The imâ€"‘ _uâ€"mediate object of the meeting was E, the promotion of a radial elect.ric| ‘®"road between Hespeler and Georgian ,f‘x Bay. and to organize the reptes«entu-1 .. tives of the various â€" municipalities ‘4@%ies along the proposed _ route in :. favor of the scheme. ‘!. The presence of Hon. Adam . Beck _ gave added importance to the meetâ€" > ing, which was attended by . repreâ€" »â€"*â€"sentatives of twentyâ€"five municipaliâ€" / tiea, including the counties of Waterâ€" "‘.Joo, Wellington, Grey and Simcoe. y.,_ It is satisfactory _ to note _ that ~~#he enthusiasm of the municipalities infavor of the scheme did not sweep '_"?!t. Beck off his feet. The man . to .. whom the municipalities are largely > indebted for the success of hydro ‘»‘ power was not prepared to ap])rove‘ *‘"pbefore a thorough investigation | had fw been made by the hydro ‘engineers t and the feasibility of the undertakâ€" > Amg favorably reported upon. It is &: well that this note of caution should $1.00 per annum payâ€" in advance, $1.50 if not so paid, tor United States subscribâ€" es 50 cents extra. Kiigh class printing, English end Merman, in all its branchss. ; mmunicipalities coâ€"operate in the con:â€" _struction and < operation â€" of â€" radial electric railways along the same lines ""they have so successlully coâ€"operated tr ~‘be in a better position to _ answer after the hydro engineers have « reâ€" â€"‘‘ported upon the proposed Hespeler to Georgian: Bay line. If the report proves. favorable the municipalities will likely have the opportunity to «‘put the radial railway idea to the _ Byr ‘adding the railway | business to the power business the municipaliâ€" ties will have two highly complicated usinesses to manage. Are they preâ€" red to assume, and do they fully realize the added responstbilities the ‘‘amunicipal railway. project _ would mean? These are questions they will â€"»» Should the tests prove successful, ms we hope they will, a big _ field awaits development, and Berlin: and MWaterloo are in the heart of perâ€" haps the most promising section of 4t viewed from a _ radial railway standpoint. It is to be taken â€" for : granted that local interest in this connection will be carefully watched «by the civic heads. be sounded. Because the municipaliâ€" ies have been able to make a sucâ€" cess of Niagara power it does not mnecessarily follow that they will be successful in â€" the electric â€" railway business. ‘The municipalities will do well to proceed cautiously in comnecâ€" Whe movement to have Ontario ness, and as Mr. Beck indicated at Guelph the province is not likely to l6nd its credit to municipalities for undertakings of this kind unless _ it is thoroughly satisfied as to the abilâ€" ity of projected lines to pay erpensâ€" .. WATEBLOO, ONT. "If the tariff were reduced, as & . proPose to do, we would take away the scost which weighs upon the poorâ€" gr classes of the community. It does Rot affect so much those who sit at =&his board, but it does affect _ very Flosely the artisan, ‘the mechanic, the The splendid bamquet given by the Montreal Liberal Cluh in honor of the Hon. W. S. Fielding last week was m fitting tribute to the distinquished public services of Canada‘s exâ€"Minis Ker of Finance and a suitable welcome back to journalism as editorâ€"inâ€"chief of the Montreal Daily Telegraph,. The prent afforded an opPortunity for the Liberal leader, Sit Wilfrid â€" Lauriet, o reiterate his free food policvy and #or MUr. Fielding to discuss the quesâ€" #ions of the day which he did in his msual clear and trenchant war. Sir Wilfrid Laurief laid down _ his Platform of free food in the followâ€" fng clear terms : Tribute to Mr. Fielding the teacher. We aze fighting for the wives, for the mothers, Jor thig Childâ€" ren ; we are fighting ¢ven foxr those government 1896 and declared : "I will tell you what we would do if we were in office mow, what . Mr. Fielding wouldâ€"do if â€"ne were in fice. He would go on as head c and doing no injustice to @DYbOGY. We have done it before. We can do it m_n f Hon. Mr. Fielding trenchantly critâ€" icized the present government for its vacillating _ inaction and ridiculed their course in waiting to see . what the new American tariff would do be-‘ fore daring to ‘nndefl.ake any _ taril reform â€" {for themselves. That Mr. Fielding would not rest _ upon bis laurels put E0 forward with his leadâ€" er to fresh victories was shown . by his ringing declarationâ€"‘‘We are livâ€" ing in a mew century ; a century wiD which new conditions are arising. It is the age of democracy. It is the age in which the great mass of peoâ€" ;plc in this country is going to make a» change, and the worker is going to lllema.nd a larger share of the fruits of his labor." It was throughout a splendid _ deâ€" monstration by a party now in OPpoâ€" sition, and from first to last it tingâ€" led with the living sense of a Party so clesely in touch with the people that no doubt could . be felt that whenever the people should be called upor they would be triumphantly reâ€" turned to powet. Women‘s .Confidence in Hon. Geo. ~E. Foster, when he joins in campaign work, occasionally lets out a hint as to why Mr. . Borâ€" den and the Cabinet ate so determin ed to keep him on the road as Cana:â€" da‘s wandering representative. . Evet since the Porden Government came to power they have been appointed com missions for every possible . purPose under the sun, not forgetting . the scores of men appointed at high pay as commissionets to dismiss Libscals from GOovernment entploy. Regarding this Hon. Mr. Foster te: marked at Smith‘s Falls last Tues day,â€""‘The â€" Lord â€" knows we . baÂ¥t enough commissions wandering «round the country. _ Commissions are _ 28 plentiful as _ blackberries in 5 azubaâ€" tua, and are wasting good _ ink and Paper on reports that ate Put cCn shelves and forgotten." Hon. (Geo. E. Foster _ undoubteadly spoke the truth. For the past iwo years â€" Canada has heen cursed with Corymissions, drawing _ good Goverm: ment ‘money and expenses. lt _ was most unkind _ of Hon. Mr. FEoster to criticize his own Government a2d ihe commissions it had appoilted. \her needed the money and some of them the efficacy of this thoroughly tried home remedy is never misplaced. In every wayâ€"in health, strength, spirâ€" its and in Jooksâ€"women find themâ€" selves better after timely use of opemed up a good many vacanCies fotr needy GoÂ¥ernment friends, $ A NO L BEECHAMS PILLS Cortespondence invited.* Free literaturt and testimonials from THE JANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTR FOR sale by A. G. HAEHNEL, Rexall Store, + Waterloo, Ont. An effective remedy for the reâ€" moval of Kidney and Gall Stones, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Gravel,Rhoumatic Pains, ailments of Uric Acid origin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons, PRICE $1.50 ‘\â€"--â€" w‘i‘-'h- Emt ET .. ud heve """‘.‘:.‘.'.‘........'..m.»n!“ Is . Defzated. and. Arthur moves vative, . 35 ., a well, playful child again. s Hawkes, "Canada First" Leader, . . Sick children needn‘t be couzed to it Hobhtr Vatesâ€"â€" AlGE. ooR UWnmRWn EETRTLO NO OB L D take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be‘|‘ ‘ mwwmuuo:u the . | .. . stemach, liver and bowels is prompt ands sure. Ask your druggist for a 50â€"cont botâ€" | of tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which cantaing directions for habies, children ** of all ages and for grownâ€"ups. is rj ASK BIGGER HARKET :Farmers Wii! Dermmand That the j Tariff Be Reduced. Increase In Preference to Britain, Ré |~ ; _ OTTAWA, Dec. 16. â€" Representaâ€" tives of the Western Grain Growers, together with Ontario delegates i0 the National Council of Agriculture, arrived yesterday and will be received toâ€"day by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. They zre here to demand the removal of the duties upon wheat, fiour and wheat products, free agriâ€" eultural implements; a reduction in, or removal of the duties upon farm products, lumber and cerient, and an immediate increaze in the British preference. WAE CEMUECCTZNE A number of the matters to be dealt with toâ€"day in respect of the tariff are to be found in the resoliâ€" tions passed by the Western Grain Growers at Branden last October, which declared :s follows: . Asre e (e s g "1. That v& urge the Parliament of Canada to fhcrease at iis first sesâ€" sion, the British precerence to at least 50 per cent., cnd to provide for a gradual increase from year to year until we have free trade with Great Britain in five years. "2. That Parliament accept the ofâ€" fer of the United States of a free inâ€" terchange of all agricultural and aniâ€" mal products between Canada and the United States. . _ h ETT snn "3, That all foodstuffs not providâ€" ed for in the above offer of the United States be transferred‘ to the t‘reo list. Em som n e 2 "4. That agricultural implemen‘s, tumber and cement be transferred ‘o the free list. "5. That, pending the passago of legislation asked for herein, any duâ€" ties now imposec under the Canadian eustoms tariff, which are the means of countervailing duties being imâ€" posed against any food products of the country by any foreign country, be immedistely removed. "g. â€"That any tariff or traue conâ€" eession granted to any other country be immediately extended to Great Henders, Culros:; Roderick Mackenâ€" zie, _ Winnipeg, representing . th» Manitoba Grain Growers‘ Associan tion; James McEwing, Drayton, and W. 8. Good, Brantford, representing the Ontario Grange. Railway Board Reserves Decision on Freight Service. | OTTAWA, Dec. 17.â€"Just about fifâ€" § teen minutes before the Railway Commission adjourned last night at §.45 o‘clock after hearing arguments and suggestions anent the question of future practices of railway comâ€" panies regarding cartage facilities since halfâ€"past ten in the morning, it looked as if the officials of the railâ€" ways would consent to continue the present cartage system for another six months, instead of cutting it off at the end of this year as proposed, but the suggestion feM on stony ground and judgment in the case beâ€" fore the board was reserved. W. T. Gundy, viceâ€"president of the Toronto Board of Trade, suggested the six months‘ extension, but J. W. Leonard, assistant general manager of the C.P.R.. wouldn‘t give it conâ€" sideration. Agricultural Implements and a. Bweeping Reduction of Tariffs Pastor Sanctions Wedding. KINGSTON, Dec. 17. â€" The first marriage to take place in Kingston between a Chinaman and a white girl was solemnized by Rev. E. Leroy Rice, pastor of the First Congregaâ€" tional church, The groom is F. K. Sam, proprietor of a laundry, and the bride, EtHel Salter, daughter of a wellâ€"known Kingstonian. Sam wanted the ceremony performâ€" ed over a year ago and although he had the girl‘s consent and also that of her parents, all the ministers in the city refused to officiate. The miatâ€" ter was discussed at a meeting of the Evangelical Alliance, when explanaâ€" tions were made and the Alliance stated that Mr. Rice would be justiâ€" fied in performing the ceremony. Extra Room Not Required. OTTAWA, Dec. 17.â€"Hon. Mr. Pelâ€" letier states that it will not be necesâ€" sary to increase the accommodation of the postoffices in any of the cities because of the parcel post. The mail matter will be handled so quickly that extra room will not be requized. Staffs, presumably, will have o be somewhat augmenied. All Along the Line Among CARTAGE CASE HEARD. 14 he.| .. : More Than Previows Roll, * PERTH, Dec! 15/â€"Dr. A. E. lluu.I m of Perth, was elected Saturday to ren represent the riding of South unrli in the Dominion House of Commons. on | TD€ Aght‘was a" threeâ€"cornered one, "~/ Col. J. M. Balderson, Pertb, an Inâ€" dependent Conservative, and Arthur EI Hawkes, of Toronto, "Canada First," \ | entering the contest with the nomiâ€" nee g the Conservative Association. the Dr. Hunna ran 135 ‘votes ahead of Col. Balderson. Mr. Hawkes only reâ€" celved 70 votes in the whole riding â€"â€" â€"â€"| and~losesâ€"his deposit. _ _ _ _ The riding has been Conservative «since Confederation, Hon. John Hagâ€" gart representing it from 1872 until the time of his death, early in the summer of this year. Hon. Alex. Morâ€" ris representéd it from 1867 until his death in 1872. â€" Beckwith ..;. NolQy bhrec North Elmgley ... Morltagu .....} .. Perth ...:2. ..n.ss Seuth Sherbrooke . Totals |..... ... 1907 1772 49 The tot. 1 vote polled Saturday was 3.749 out of a possible 5,035, which is considerably larger than at the last general election, when it was 3,300, the Liberal ‘eandidate at that time losing his depesit. Smith‘s, Fatlg ,... "The split in the Conservative party in this election occurred when Col. Balderson alleged te hbad not been given a square deal by the party counâ€" vention and appoynced bis candidaâ€" ture.. Mr, Hawkes‘ coming into tho‘ riding was a supprise, as he was unâ€" known, ‘wptch:';fwtnbly accounts for his small vote.s . © °/ * * ‘Morrison Is Elected. WINNIPEG, Dec. 15..â€"â€"Alexander Morrisou (Con.) was reâ€"elected in Macdonald on Saturday by a majority of 200 or more in excess of that by which he was‘returned a year ago. With two polls to bhear from Mr. Morâ€" Figon: has a lead of 913 over Dr. A. W. :Myles, the Liberal ::ndldne. Rl;.!;n;.d;o;'. vi;r-sljnzleï¬)r of The Winniâ€" peg Free Press, fam as an independent Liberal, and was detoatog_ by 700. AaisPan‘s EDW OE PCmm emel eï¬ ns A heavier vote was polied than at. the previous election, when Mr. Morâ€" rison was elected and later unseated on petitions. _ Seve~al polls in the Winnipeg suburbs ran up the increasâ€" ed majority, showing an advance of 186 over the former majority: they gave the Conservative candidate. O enne en d gb t o w k 1 was cured of painful Goitte by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. _ _ . _ Walter Burnside wa‘ errested in St. James,‘ charged, with perjury. Aside from this incident the election was I was cured â€" of Inflammation by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. y quiet. â€"Walsh, Ont:> 1 was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD‘S. LINIMENT. > 0 =â€" DONT GROW BALD _ _ ~ _ YOUNG.MAN! TAKE _ CARE OF YOUR HATR wHILE YOU HAVE HAlIR â€" TO TAKE CARE OF. 1t‘s a sale ten to one bet that the young man who uses PARISIAN Sage as an occasional bairâ€" dressing . wil) mnever «row. bald. â€" Dandruf g;};l;l _ceause falling _ hair and falling hair means thinner _ hait aad in due time baldness. o There‘s a reason, â€" of course, . and it‘s a very good and sufMficient one. PARISIAN Sage prevents bakiness by destroying the cause of baldnessâ€" the little persistent voCiferous dandâ€" ruff «erm. ~~ C If <â€"wou . have dandruf or itching scalpâ€"it means that dandruff . germs are â€" ‘sapping the vitality from _ the roots of your hair. Get rid of _ all hair â€" troubles by using PARISIAN Sace. ‘ï¬â€œis not a dye, mind you, neither does‘it contain â€" poisonous sugar . of lead or even suiphur. It is a scientiâ€" fic preparation that abolishes dandâ€" tuff, stops fallin= hair and scalp itch amd makes hair grow lustrous + and Many‘ younk women as well as men are erowing bald and for the _ same teason. _ luxuriant Parkdale, Ont. Tse delightful, _ refreshine PARISâ€" IAN Sage ; it nourishes the | hait if the roOts are not dead, and brings to every user a head of glorious hair â€"radiant and fascinating. Large botâ€" Me for 50 cents at drug stores â€" and teilet countets. _ Bee that you _ get PARISIAN Sage. E. M. Devitt, Waterion and C. E. Swaisland, Berlin. In the previgys byeâ€"election R. L. 3y e : ie sitdr it MRS. W. A. JOHNSON BAYARD McMULLIN. ie * "| d Etariie Amghernt [ " â€" capitai‘d necorve â€" > 9470 y Mgitark â€" uchi blind or Iru:a & â€" â€" $8,100,000 IN â€" MACDONALD]| lel you how to cure yourself at s5 BRANCHES IN CANADA. ~ ht‘ ‘home by the new absorption treatâ€" "%& GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Tadpenden: Cobeqs .:"'&':.‘if.'."&.‘&?“m"'u" CIRCULAR LETrRERS OF CREDIT ... bogeet n oi [ it w 4 aecand. m Baik® Mokey onbers ... . 2. f Issuedt L‘uns, mes |melad "éokEne Rometn wl Pn Pacw move o mm a o ‘roun. _ > |others of this offer, Write_toâ€" |B , At all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. 15â€"Dr. A.l‘..lulu.i"’:"“t‘o Mris. l(o.'zum Bo® |M° ;> ; Wagerlop,;Out. Branch, Jacob Hespelet, Managet. . ... > m t t Windsor, Berlin. Ont. Branch, J. R. Kirkpatrick,‘ Manager. ¢ ‘*~ ° ..114 0 91 J. H. BAILEY. 312 118 118 14 90 219 366 242 78 83 504 542 1778 146 36 12 ® 10 Council of the Corporation o to submitted to the votes of the electors of . the said Town on the date mentioned in the notice hereto appended, that â€" is to say : The purpose of the By-h-J is to grant aid to The Berlin and . Waterloo Hospital Trust to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars for the erection of necessary additions to the said hospital and equipment thereâ€" of and to create a debt of the said Corporation by _ the _ issue of _ a debenture or Aebenâ€" }tures to that amount, such debt . to bear interest at the rate of six Pef cent., Per annum and the principal thereof to be repayable . by . yeally sums â€" during the period of fiiteen years, such yearly instalments of principal to be of such amounts that with the interest in respect of the debt payable annually, the aggregate amount payable yearly for principal and interest â€" shall be as nearly 28 possible the same. ‘The amount to be raised anpually for payment of the said instalments of principal and interest accruing annually in respect of the said debt, \ls the sum of $154.45, the said deâ€" benture or debentures are to be iSSUâ€" ed in sums | of not less than $100.00 lm\, are to bear interest at . the rate of six per cent., per annum, ale to bear the same date and to be is gued within two years after the day on which â€" the said Byâ€"law iy. passed, and to have coupons attathex‘flletoto for the payment of the imterest, are to |‘be payable poth as to PrinciPal and interest at the office of the Treaâ€" surer â€" of the said town, and to be payable in fifteen annual instalments during the filteen years next after the: time when the same are issued. TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a symopsis of a proPosed byâ€"law of the Municipal Counci} of the Corporâ€" ation of â€"the Town of Waterino to be submitted â€" to the votes of the elecâ€" tors at the same time and at the same places as the annual election for the Municipal Council and the Deâ€" puty .Returning Officers appointed to hold the said election, shall take the ‘The following is a synopsis of, 2 roposed â€" Byâ€"Law ol the Municipal vote : AND that the third day of Januâ€" ary, A.D., 1914, at two o‘clock in the iiternoon at the Council Chamber in the said Municipality has been fixed for the appointment of persons . to attend at the polling places, and at the final summing up of the Yotes bY the Clerk ‘ . AND that if the assent of the elecâ€" tors is obtained to the said Proposed byâ€"law, it will be taken into considâ€" rration by the Municipal Council | of the said _ Corporation at a meeting thereof, to be held after the expiraâ€" tion of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such first publication _ was made on the 11th day . of Decembet, &A .D., 1913. + TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant who desires to Yote uPon said proposed byâ€"law‘ must deliver to the cletk. not later than‘ the tenth . day before the day appointed for . taking the vote, a â€" declaration under the Canada â€" Evidence Act, _ that he is a tenant whose whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be treated, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed Byâ€"law _ is payable _ or for at least twentyâ€"one years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes % respect of the property, of which he is a tenant, other than local imâ€" provement rates. Dr. Morton Pardoned. WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 17â€"Dr. William J. Morton, who served a term in Atlanta penitentiary with Juâ€" lian Hawthorne for complicity in minâ€" ing stock selling frauds, has been pardoned by President Wilson to re store his civil rights as of Dec. 10. _ Notice JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clerk _ _ ‘The Dominion Bank has branches in all sections of Canads. Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Shippers are requested to write the Head Offige for a complete list of Branches and correspondents. BERLIN BRANCH: . + + + KARL BERGMANN, Manager. m BADEN #* »â€" . «_ E. R. FITZGERALD, s Je keteieoreieote io e teoteo iWe Wish > § $ Our Customers :+ ?And Friends A § EMerry § i Christmas ; *And A | gHappy $ ‘New Year i eogepe4e0e4ea4e4e4040+40+40+ FREE LABOR BUREAU : §3 King St. West, Berlis. We have vacancies for men and woâ€" men in all lines of work. If you are out of employreent communicate with us at once. No charge for registra tion of services rendered. 1444 Miss Myrtle Gilroy of Glem _ Buell, mear Brockville, was rendered unconâ€" scéous by a shock . while practising Saturday nieht for a Christmas canâ€" tata. and has not yet recovered. Ei In all conntries. Ask for our INVENâ€" TOR‘S ADVISER.which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 304 University St., Montréat The E-Jmen Association of aterioo County %o KING STRRET EAST EDGAR FISCHER $ Successor to J. B. Fischer. ® Berlin, Ont. Branch, J. R. Kirkpatrick, DIETRICH‘S GROCERY qin EDMUND 8. OSLER M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, Vi0Eâ€"PRESIDENT, Whether your business is confined to Canadaâ€"or you ship gd- to all parts of the worldâ€"you will appreciate the facilities of Dominion Bank in making collections. f ‘The Brarch in London, England, is in immediate touch with the Eur,:‘pean financial centresâ€"while correspondents throughout the world expedite all transactions. _ . M Headquarters For Xmas Candies and Fruits THE DOMINION BANK Come to this store forâ€"your supplyâ€"ol candies _ and All this year‘s stock. â€" Fresh groceries at right prices. E MOLSONS BANK C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.. INCORPORATED 1858 incorporated in 1863. Total Assets 31st Deg., 7§0,0 terloo M tu* w:lll: msum_vcï¬?gg. ~€. BOARD OF DIRECTORA Pr. J. H. Webb, Eeg.> | > William Snider, Eog. Geo. Dicbel, Esq. . J. L. Wideman, Esq., 8%. t Allan Bowman, Esg., | P. E. Shants, Prestor. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelpli James Liv ngston, Esq., Bade Frank Haight, Beq. hibsindaitiadainiratt ids n oï¬ diabigsiinane Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. C A. BOEHM, District Ageat. WATERLOO, ONT. OFFICERS BERLIN, ONT. stt Â¥t Ax