Beautiful costs that spell economy with big letters at these low prices. Every latest model is shown. Every popular weave, wanâ€" .ted color and desirable pattern. A surpassing fine display this. Carpets, Rugs, Chenilles, Tapestry and Lace Curtains going at a discount of 20 per cent. A $10.00 Rug for A $15.00 Rug for L ady‘s Astrachan Jacket, regular 35.00, §O10§ BL ... ..:.sissrirss srirees «+s224.08 12 Ladies® Black Beaver Cloth Jackets, regular 12.50 to 15.00, going at.............. 8.98 12 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Fancy Coats, regular 16.50 to 22.50 to 25.00, going at .. ... . 12.48, 16.48, 17.48 1 Ledy‘s Coat, Chamois Lining with Fur Coliar reg. 25.00, going at...."...... .... .... 18.48 _ ‘Ladies‘, Misses‘ and Children Coats _ 15 Child‘s Bear Coats in all shades, going at Half Price 1 Lady‘s Black Sealette Cont, regular 25.00, §OIN§ BL.... :...s......s...c.r5s+â€"â€"18.98 10 Misses‘ Coats, going at . store in this section. WE have been thinking about and planning for Christmas for a very long time. The result is a store just stacked, packed full of h _and bulging with extra good values in Christmas Gift Goods of every description, at prices that will make this the busiest _ _____. WOMEN‘S l STYLISH OUTERWEARâ€" AVERY BIG COLLECTION OF HANDâ€" KERCHIEFSâ€"you can choose just the kind you want to give men, women and children, and you save at these _â€" _ AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Gift â€" Handkerchiefs GLOoVESs ARE WELâ€" COMED BY EVERYâ€" ONE VERYONE NEEDSâ€"~GLOVES. One _ can‘t have ;d,ihmï¬ny_ p;;n ';: te safe in giving them. ....... Half Price Haelf Price $12.00 Out of which can be fashione the Loveliest of Garments Vari colored Ribbons in the Christmas Sale A very big assortiment of holiday ribbons, and very inexpensive too. Suitable for tying up your gifts ; giftâ€"giving. 25 pieces Dress Goods, all shades and weaves going per yd. at..39c 25 pieces Dress Goods, reguiar 85c to $1.00, going per yd. at......,..,........ssc 10 pieces Melton Cloths, all shades, regular Boasting is never particularly becomingâ€" but we do feel like putting our thoughts into print concerning the splendid assortment of drm:t:odswemmwahowint. We not only think that it is the best we have ever shown ; but the best in this town. It is a reâ€" fiection of the latest and most fashionable weaves in dressdom. All patterns, colors and materials are here. There is a very wide choice. And the prices are exttemel;modeâ€" rate. We want you to see them. You will certainly wish to make your new clothes out of this dress goads. $ pieces Cream Figured Lustre, regular 40c, going per yd. at 25c 2 pieces Figured Black Lustre, regular 50¢, going per yd. “353 3 piece Black Figured Lustre, regular 35¢, going per yd. at ..... 1sc 4 piece Black Cashmere, regular 50c and 60c, going per yd. at ...... .......... ae 1 pieces Black Satin Cloth, regular 50c and 60c, going per yd. at.............. BA 25 Silk Waist Lengths, in plaid, stripes, and plain silks, regular 85¢ to $1.00, going per 1 piece Blue Serge Dress Goods, 50 inchâ€" wide, regular 60c, going per 34. at @Qa 10 pieces Cotton Cashmere, all shades, reguâ€" lar 15¢, going per yd. at .......... 1 Oe Specials: #y 7 KNOWING just what to give does not always come so dasilyâ€"-oft_en-times its disturbingly puzzling. Our great big stocks of sensible, practical and beautiful gifts offers you the best way out of your difficulty. Come and look them over. You can decide what to give each one on your list much better with the merchandise in front of your eyes. You‘ll find appropriate gifts for man, woman and childâ€"â€"â€"gifts that are certain to please them and will surely please you when you see how little they cost you. No Do Your Christmas Shopping Hereâ€"â€"â€"At the Xmas Store. Lowest Known Prices. Our Assortments Are Immense. Take a Tip. _ Buy Eariy, MorningShopping is the Best. 35¢, going per yd. at .............. yd. at DRESS GOODS J. UFFELMA NN For Everyone at Specially Low Prices . regular . regular 35¢, ......"5c ir 50c and 60c, gular 50c and ......35° ods, 50 inchâ€" * 39¢ s and weaves 85c to $1.00, hades, regular shades, reguâ€" 200 Pair Ladies‘ Corsets _ â€" _ â€" 200 Yards Wrapperette, reg. 12ic. Going per yard at 15 Child‘s Trimmed Hats, regular $3.00 to 4.00, going each n“ .98 25 Ladies‘ Trimmed Hats, regular $4.00 to 5.00, going each lt“ -98 20 Ladies Trimmed Hats, reguiar $6.00 to All Trimmings, Feathers, Plumes, Wings, etc., going at SACRIFICE PRICES. prices we have found it possible to quote. Wonderfully pretty hats in most u%eunm 20 Children‘s Trimmed Hats, regular $2.00 to 2.50, going each at ............... Afam OTHER SPECIALS Ladies® Fancy White Lawn Waists, regular $1.00 to $1.50, going each at 79c .ndm Fexrs tOIIE . 98c $ deozen Ledies‘ Night Gowns. tet . "30¢p shapes. 3 dozen Ladies‘ Night Gowns . reg. 50¢c, going each at ..... .... ..... 1000 yds. Grey Factory Cotton, reg. 12jc, going per yd. at.... ....... THE BEST MILLINERY able gift. What is more appre c iated by wives or sweethearts? 8.00, going each at...... .... will make a rich, beautiful We have ever shown at the very lowest ces we have found it possible to quote. A set of Furs FURS ARE THE GJFT PAR EXCELLENCE memorâ€" WATERLOO $3.49 39¢ 84c . *4 4 10c U in + snt1 1. p * 4t ow * 1 Piece Bieached Table Linen, 66 in. wide, reg. 65¢., going per yard at 1 Piece Bleached Table Linen, 72 in. 79 wide, reg. $1:00, going per yard a, C 25 Ladies‘ Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Skirts, in Navy Ladies‘ Corset Covers, reg. 50¢c, 75¢ and $1.00, going each at.. .39c, 5%c, Black and Grey, reg. $5.50, 20 dozen Ladies‘ Grey and White Vests. and Drawers, regular 25¢ to 35¢, 19C yoing each BL...... ......rllsie. 10 Ladies‘ Sweater Coats, reg. u.SQ.gdnceachnt.............$1°89 ! 5 doz. Men‘s good working Shirts, reg. 50c, going each at.... 39C ’ 20 Pieces Bleached Cotton, reg. 12}¢, 10C 200 yds. grey with white stripe Linen 7C i Towelling, going per yd. at.... ...... | 10 Pieces Delane Waisting, reg. 50c h to 60c, going per yd. at.......... 39CJ 10 Pieces Kimona Cloth, regular 20c 16c | to 25¢, going per yard at.......... j 200 Remnants of Flannellettes, light and dark shades, going at SACRIFICE PRICES. i 10 Heavy Dark Flnnnellétte Shirt â€" 121 ings, reg. 15¢ & 18¢, go. per yd. at 2C | Here you will find only absoâ€" lutely dependâ€" able qualities, and prices that are surâ€" prisingly low. At a discom} of 20 percent. _ $2.98 c 45¢ 79¢ 50 Dozen Men‘s Fleece Lined Underâ€" 39 wear, all sizes, reg. 50c, going at C 1 Piece Heavy Table Linen, reg. 60c going per yard at -‘m-‘ * 42¢ 3 Boxes Kellogg‘s Corn Flakes for 6 Bars Comfort Soap........ ... GROCERY SPECIALS 4 lbs. Currants for............ 2 Fine Roasted Rio at ................ Gtiffin Seediess Raisins, going per ib. l(]§ f PM Seeoac ons Porn and Tomatoss tblng 8 Men‘s Overcoats, with Fur Collars and curied lining, regular $20.00, going at 1 2.50 2 Ratâ€"linedâ€" Overcoats with Persian Collars reg. $80, going at ........... g?.so 2 Men‘s Black Dog Coats, regular $25, at 10 Men‘s Waterproof Coats, rnnllggg Men‘s Suits, regular $12.50, going at q;ag Men‘s Pants, regular $2.50, 3.50 and 4.00, goâ€" Boys‘ 2â€"piece Suits, regular $3.50 to 4.00, goâ€" Boys‘ 2â€"piece Suits, regular $3.50 to 4.00, goâ€" â€"ifg at.......l...................# A@a Boys‘ 3â€"piece Suits, regular $4.50 mi&?.g- Men‘s Suits, regular $7.50 to 8.50, going at 1N AU, . 2222 0k2 k02 se 2e se en se Boy‘s Suits, long Pants, sizes from + regular $5.50 to 7.50, going at .. ..‘ 10 Men‘s Waterproof Coats, recnlzr‘ï¬.'.‘ 8.50, going at ................. R& thay See pooe io Hook aeue adoitne. Ahe ‘are to at t &‘ materials, patterns and colorings do very near elude description. The prices are fadeâ€"away prices in every instance. Come and save on a new suit or coat. Men‘s and Boy‘s Overcoats at a Discount of 20 per cent. A $10.00 Overcoat going at ..... @&@ AAM ing at........ { | ?g'""' and 2.48 Men‘s Overcoats, with Fur Collars and curied MEN‘S NOBBY_SUITS ~AND COATS ng Pants, sizes Imgr@ g. That will come to you at great savingé. Here are Biankets that will put a damper‘on Jack Frost and for many a season too, Yes, they are plentifully warm and attractively designed. £5 pair Fianneliette Biankets, grey and white, 10x4 and Tbex, regular $1.50, going per pair 50 pair Flanneliette Blankets, 12x4, Ibex, a!z and white, regular $2.00, soiz iet o‘ Here is a great collection of fine neckwear shirts, suspenders, etc. from which you can 200 Men‘s and Boys‘ Sweater Coats at ' <% GREAT SACRIFICE PRICES ; s 500 Men‘s Fancy Ties for Xmas, ; that men appreciate so much. LO’I‘S OF PEOPLE will give l'ldéâ€" the sensible Xmas Gift â€" and we‘ve accordingly prepared big assortments of reliable qualities, put up in pretty boxes that add to the value of the gift. 200 Pair Ladies‘ Cashmere Hose in plain and ribs, regular 25¢ to 35¢, l going per paifiy, . â€" s _ > t ir f Children‘s Ri&’ammar.gc to 3. 79A We have ever shown at the very lowest prices we bave found it possible to quote, Wonderfully pretty hats in most bocoming and white, THE BEST MILLINERY B ... sily select the For the Men on your list _ WARM _ _ WINTER BLANKETS HOSIERY IS USEFUL [ USEFUL GIFTS .‘ ARE LIKED â€" /: d Tbex, regular $1.50, going per pair Ties for k 256 and 50¢ e and practical gifts