‘PREPARE FOR THE RAINY DAY f A SAVINGS â€"ACCOUNT with us will provide for such an emergency, arnd will at the same time carn you 4 per cent. on your * money. $1 opens an acopunt. THE WATERLOO COUNTY LOAN &SAVINGSCO. Thos Should sickness, accident or other adversity overtake you, it is a source of great contentinent to know that you have some monty saved up to meet tho additional expenses. Overcoats that usually sell up to $16. two way collar or shawl | colâ€" lars, double and single breasted, soft finish, comfortable _ cloth, 59 .95 smartl= tailored. Sale price W $20 AND $25 OVERCOATS $15.65 A special clearing purchase sold inâ€" dependent of _ our _ regular _ stock. There are only 35 coats in the lot, come early Saturday for _ selection. Regular price $20 to Sflï¬,sls 95 Sale Price ... ...20 22 o Black British Melton, well lined and properly tailored overcoats. you can see elsewhere at $10. §5_95 Sale PFiCE ........_......2 .200 Overcoats worth up to $14, belted and plain back, two way and shawl collars, double and _ single breasted. wool serge, lincd, solid comâ€" $7 95 fort coat, Sale price ........... & $16 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $9.95 182 Odd Suits at Half Price or less. 82 Men‘s Suits. A stunning group which will surprise you by _ their Style, finish and general good â€" looks. Materials are mostly tweeds _, and all the new models, colors and styles are well represented, reguiar $12.00 Price to $14.00, Saturday' to BIGBL ......cc¢ .. csrinls cesiveumvegs # $14 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $7.95. $10 MEN‘S OVERCOATS $5.95 $15 MEN‘S FUR COLLAR OVERâ€" COATS FOR $10.95. 100 Men‘s Suits of extraordinaty character, quality and styles, . Maâ€" terials are in smart and conservative tweeds and worsteds, styles are «the slightly form fitting and Joose cuts, well‘ shaped shoulders and carefully tailored : collars and lapels, regular $16.00 to $18.00, Saturâ€" @10 A1 day Our $2.00 _ and $2.25 Trousers, made of splendid tweeds, suitable for work or rough wear, many patterns to select from. A well made, _ perâ€" fect fitting pair of trousâ€" sl 49 ets, Saturday .....0 ...000 & MEN‘S TROUSERS. & Extgemely stylish well cut trousâ€" ers, in fancy worsted _ and _ stripe as fine as you can find anywhere for 94 and $4.50. We offer memsz 98 on Saturday at ... ... o THE HIGH COST OF LIVINGCUT LOW IN SUIT DEPARTMENT. MEN‘S TROUSERS Hilliard, President E. F. Seagram, Viceâ€"President. Bricker __P. 11. Sims Thos. Trow‘ M. M. Bricker Kumpf Fred JMalstead Geo. D. Forbed:â€" Dr. W. L. Hilliard s 1o} P.Yv. WILSON, Manager. Waterloo, Ont. & Heavy imitation lined beaver shell, Directors : Ts M M l $18.01 j # A HOLIDAY PURQCHASE SALE 6 f oF | J Cw omabr .. < QLOTHING BAQTS AND SHOES We have anxiously waited to see which would wip .outâ€"â€"the backward seaâ€" son or the manufacturer.. The backward s@as0n Mide@ by (the weather has won out. _ The manufacturer been leftw ipwmiaensg stock on his one of these stocks from one of che best manufacturers of highâ€"grade pl'o'tbing in the Dominion of Canada. _ It is an immense stock, and ‘we lgot it at ou own price. ‘The firm had to turn this stock into cash; to enable us to do the same thing we are going to start a sale which will be called the HOLIDAY PURCHASE SALE and which will stay in force until Christmas. The following prices and descriptions tell how we are going to do it. When the clock in the post office tower strikes eight eiglg o‘clock Saturday mornâ€" ing this sale startsâ€"â€"and starts in dead eatnest,. ‘Break the banner and get bere first. : m pmiyy wo EMV MEN‘S FURNISHINGS. MEN‘S UNDERWEAR. Warm fleece lined Underwear, from one ~ of _ the best manulacturers, reg. 50c 39¢ per garment, Saturday ... MEN‘S UNDERWEAR. Warm well wearing Scotch knit garments {fresh from the knitting _ mills, 69 reg. 85¢ and $1, Saturday ... C ed garmcnts of superior quality, the kind that keeps the lad free from colds, regular 45c garments, SAUIGAY ....c=i ssceisicy necrisess MEN‘S SWEATER COATS. Choice of high or low collars, in every color, plain or fancy weaves, all sizes, regular $2.50 and $3 51 69 SatuUrdgy ... .....0.00 .0. * MEN‘S SUITS. A wide assortâ€" ment of negligee shirts, including evâ€" erything new in the way of stripes, checks, dots and new patterns, well made and laundered, all sizes to choose from, regular $1.00 LQOr $1.50 per pair, Saturday at MEN‘S GLOVES for cold weather English Mochas, wool lined, regular RUSH SPECIAL IN BOYS‘ OVERâ€" ° COATS. Long ‘"Mannish" Coats, belted backs, shawl and two way collars. We are showing the largest selection and best values in the city. Come in and see them, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.50, $8.00 to ... _ $10 CHILDREN‘S FANCY OVERâ€" COATS, $1.98 to .:. ... 3 SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS SUITS Two piece Suits, in good durable English Tweeds, dark and _ medium shades, double breasted coats strongâ€" ly lined with Italian cloth, knee pants, sizes 24 to 30, low 52 98 $FICBU â€":â€"oen. nrreliecsinecsnine care * Big Boys‘ Bloomer Suits, double breasted models, in handsome _ patâ€" terns, with neatly _ shaped lapels, twilled Italian body lining, fashionâ€" able bloomer pahts, sizes 28 to 33, regular $6.00 to _ $7.00, 5495 Remarkably Good Values from the boot section. All new _ goods with such extra low prices. . There is plenty of reason for coming to the store ear.y Saturday motning. SHOES! _ SHOES! BOYS‘ UNDERWEAR. Fleece linâ€" * ... ERNB8T‘3 T ... ." UNKNOWN MAN ns RLLED Guelph, Dec. 8.â€"A man apparently about forty years otf age, of _ datk complexion, smooth faced, about five feet eight inches in height, shabbily dressed, but whose name is as _ yet @nknown, was found this morning on the Grand Trunk Railway track _ a little more than a mile west of the diamond crossing by a little boy on his way to school. The man was terâ€" ribly mangled, put the bode was still warm when the officials _ arrived. A search of his clothing revealed _ the fact that he had no money, but a small red pass book was found in his $6.00 Women‘s Patent Fine _ Leather Boots,. Ametican made well known brand with buttoned .dull kid _ tops beautiful style and quality, _ semi round tofs with the popuJar short vamp and Cuban heels, sizes 3, . to 7. regular $3.50 to $4.00, @9 OR , Men‘s Boots, in velours, calfskin gunmetal, biucher _tog, Goodyea® welted soles,"sizes 54 84, also finc high grade samples, in tan, black, calf, vici kid and patent leather, in size 7 oply, regular $3.50, sz 69 $4 and $4.50, Saturday ... U Saturday . Women‘s Gunmetal Caliskin Boots, dull finish, bfucher styles, very pop ular designs for new fall wear, sizes 3 to 7, Regular $2.50 and sl.98 $3.00, Saturday ... ... Boys ‘strong box kip boots blucher style, double solid. soles and héels, sizes 1 to ular $2.25, Saturday ‘ to Men‘s stromg Box Kid Boots, made on a‘neat blucher last, with double solid leather.soles. A neat, durable solid leather..soles. A neat and easy fitting boot, sizes 10, regular price ©$2.50, Saturday °........ 5 to 7. Regular $1.35, Satâ€" HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. In Men‘s Fine Furnishings. A whole store brimful of bristling newness at prices that command an everâ€"increasâ€" ing patronage. Women‘s warm comfortable house slippers of f&ncy material, felt soles, covered with ‘léather, sizes °3 _ to ol 7, regular 60¢, Saturday _ 30q urday . SILK KNITTED MUFFLERS by the hundreds of dozens, English and American neckweag, in a magnificent arfay of styles and colets. ' fur silk and wool lined. Little Boys ‘and Girls Boots, fine quality box calf skin and dongola kid, blucher and bal. tops. These are very neat and serviceable. Sizes GLOVES British and French suede Kid buck cape Mocha and chamius, for silk and wool lined. HANDKERCHIEFS, â€" Pure linen from Belfort, plain and initial. HOSE. Silk, Cashmere, Lisle pocket. In this were seveTal entries. (Un the first page was the name of ‘F. Johnsom, 348 Leslie street. Toronto whether this is his name or not Teâ€" mains to be learned. On another page thete was a list of the towns _ be tween Toronto and Berlin, with the number of miles between each . Place, and on another Page were the names and addresses of a number of gitls in different parts of England, thus ;} ing rise to the idea that he was an Englishman. Whether he was hit by a passing train or , was riding the bumpers of a freight and fell off _ is not known. An inguest will be held. It has been ascertained that Mr. T. Johnson, {,l the Toronto address givâ€" en is alite and well. He does . not know who the dead man may be, but the latter may have met him _ some time. sn ‘to $00. €2.95 .1tom 5. regâ€" ‘t«_ $1.0 $1.98 in laced Jeather Power Commission, announéed a subâ€" stantial reduction in rates for several 'i-ion nd&xnegl.n? »"wy &?’I"’I These reductions apply to municipaliâ€" ties where the consumption wer bas increased to such an ¢xi ure ing the past twcive months‘ that the ï¬kw"m?z Tr“u' aï¬m ed Agures . * ; ihe ted scalé of ;}3 ito dopetat * % Te io. o moolee a eApicit 02â€" _ At the same time the demand for power has growh ‘to stch ‘proportions that the commission bas decided _np’~ penditure of upwards of threeâ€"quarâ€" ters of a million dollars. ‘"This action E{- the dommission," Mr. Beck, based on the incr consumpâ€" tion of power ‘ï¬i inticipating a copntinued ;rt:a .AG; immedâ€" hm set to work 10. @1 te the main tnnsml-lâ€â€˜, k Niagara Falls to Dun&. i Ix douâ€" bie. cireugt,~ wo" wiB. d the linpe from Dundas to fll.».’l‘h%v cendon: W ? ‘w esc The Municipal C J of the Townâ€" ship of Wellesley &% at fife Townâ€" sbhip Hall, Crossbill, o%. the 1st !ay of Dec., 1913,/!at 10 ‘prclock in those of the special sedsion, were tead and passed. Communications, pills and accounts were received‘ and read. ~ ‘ _ Moved by J. Reidel, seconded by J. Holiman that the following accoun be paid and that the Reeve {#sue orâ€" ders in payment thereo!" as follows, that is to say :â€" ° ht James Hewitt, for road work in _ _ day, of Dec., 1913,/!at 10 ‘rclock in the forenoon. _ ~ : u‘t | A1 nismbers were in attendance, A. B. Robertson, the Reeve preli_dul. ' The minutes of the regular and sessed re Camppell drain ......... 4.00 Noah S. Sitlet, rep. bridge ...... 18.95 G. G. Manser, sanitary work for Board of Health‘........ ...... ... §0.00 Jacob Reichert, building railing 28.00 H.‘W. Kaufman, printing as per Milton Seifert, gravel to pathâ€" John Wilkinson, gravel to Pathâ€" WIESUETS ........ cosin iscc asrcc se l C. Frey, grayel to Pathmasters, Reaming graÂ¥el ........ ......... ... 10 Jacob Bricker, gravel to path Jolin Baltzer, gravel to path Iashers ....... lollns enc m o8 Milton Seifert, contract work and cleaning pit ... ... ... B. J. Ballard; tent for division and BRY ... ... csoc cce _ TB Sid. Snider, filling in washout... 5.00 Jas. Pirmingham, erroneously asâ€" _ Court and extras ........ ........ 42.00 St. Clements Policeâ€"Village balâ€" _ ance for 1913 ... ... ...... ... 170.00 Geo. Logal, refund of dog, tax... 1.0@ Levi Stricker, refund of dog tax, 1.G0 Mrs. W. Baesler, refund of dog + 'l:oulit' pporti en d Rasie: . E. Bowman bfid * ba Town y ge on Tow Tige, l’pn_v Mess n . nwn'-z Cemada Ingot Iron CulY ‘o. Eol . .} . mu]lel’t Co., Albs. Clark, 235 yds. ‘l’gffl‘ {†Daiti Wagier, gravel } pay Fromg. p. 3. Adam, Sanitary Inspector‘s vork 1f Memno (;. Erb, gravelling and @Bome ....., ... 200. .. 13.00 Aamdrew Bast, work and teaming T. H. TaDper, statute labor teâ€" _ ‘â€" funded ... ..00.. .ls .0. ... 19.00 hj. Lavery, overseeing contract 1.00 Lotne Rannie, cleaning ditch, J. G. Seip, nail and spike acâ€" road WOTK .000 use sires on Joseph Erjel, filling in washout N. l.avery, overseeing Contract ! E. C. Knobloch, concrete tile and ~1912 and 1913 ... o n 4 oC _i _3~ > ut wene.’iey'row' ghip Giguncil‘ Fink, gravel to Pathmasâ€" t, Hon. ‘Adans , 10.00 . 1040 222.50 13.93 48.45 10.70 20.90 31.10 34.05 19.%5 19.00 1.87 5.62 * â€" @5 [“‘ ’ » 41. SB. » » peskl, Rolip Bx: | C dioat n wocke wer to" the uis |!n attefic â€" ties for another year, with_th The minutes of last regular meet: of a few, where we feel"m ;s were read and adopted and "3 in making a reduction at th: |amounting to $22.95 were passed 1ï¬ nt moment." _ Paymept. â€" reductions in the cost of Hy | ‘Mrs, A. M. Schiedel, the President %’5’“‘:‘ by the ©9%> |ang 1ady _ Superintendent an® f i C . % buk® ts :":‘ u;‘c ‘to ,,5:‘9,,.:_ the buying comtaittee Tfor tm from $16 to $15; . {month. % $29.10 to $25; 1,..‘.’:{_. ‘,’.‘:.., The annual fee was received ""'E to $23; ngn.mmnuosn; Mesdames, Doegr, Krug and . GeQ: mp-.’tvpg $22 to $21; Gaif, from | Lang. ~ t*"*1 4. $3%2 to $21.50; Waterloo, frond $23.5C | _ °A letter from the Secretary of th¢ to $22.50; Berlin, from $22.50 _ to was Ieadl askipg for the aP" '. 1.50; Baden, trom m to $32; Port mt d‘twm IILXI f of these‘ my ities, e discussion the Presigest, rg! rates from Nov: 1. â€" chosen to represent ‘the > * o t B annks oo eeons Seacil c mg ndag, MT. =*â€" 4; [regardipg the new Jayndry, which pPFPA 'nimnn 1:::‘ will mean an -:m mwA ï¬tï¬n‘ ,“" The “ appliances. It is alt if fust the commission Thire "bew . ‘outhl "of iraifileinatbh '!;ï¬ hery morfences. IC is altogether Tikeâ€" | ena iA a private ri fagk onl igut $100,000 . dady a 2 size, and foundations are now in for another‘ addition that fl bring _ its capacity to between 120."0 and 150,â€" 000 horseâ€"power. The :utl:w Toâ€" ronto ‘bas beerf goubled twicé, and large additions have ‘been‘ made to the Dundas station. The stations at St. Thomas, London, Stratford, Berâ€" lid and Guelph have all been enlargâ€" . Already a great ‘déxl of extension work h&B been done. The transform er station at Niagara Falls bas hng énlarged to three times Its ariginal We third was east of Macton on the Wellesley and Peel Townline. The ‘majority of the cases were of a mild type, although a few were of a more severe nature. Your Board had _ all cases quaranteed and tried to vacciâ€" nate as many People as posSible. _ Our Board passed an ofder to have al school children vaccinated. _ The ‘great majority of parents willingly :‘complied with the order. A few howâ€" .ever refused to obey either _ through ignorance or su{:ï¬mion. The matâ€" ter is now in the hands of the Proâ€" vimcial Board ol Jléalth, and will be ‘icted upon by â€" that Board in‘ the near future. In the meantime would advise all those, who have not comâ€" plied‘ with the otder of your local Board, to do so. Those different outoreaks have proâ€" duceéd a _ very considerable financial Cost to the Municipality in quaranâ€" tining, vaccination, disinfecting, etc., which could be very materially _ reâ€" {uced or altogether prevented through proper and systematic vaccination. _ Bignry Kelly, rep. culvert :.... ... 2.50 D. McRae, putting in‘ culvert ... 3.00 . 3. Lichty & Son, tile accom;t‘;o io gart pay ...... .2 02. .l.0. . 400. Jelin B. Leis, drawing lumber, _ _ Alsr Urquart, lumber account setvlingly .â€"Ca _ lime, 4 Pay .000 .00 .00 i2 248 #: 1. Campbell, for catch basin 4.00 M. &. Erb, building bridge> :.: 37.50 a McGoey, rep. bridge ......... 15.00 C %.. Hintz, rep. bridge ... ...... 2.00 K. F. Dammeier, filting in wash @Mt ebC. .llll... 222022 .22 ... .. 10.50 Biaphen Scherer, cleaning sewers, Jge. Martin, putting in culvert Wm. Ujley, cleaning ditch, etc. The new Health‘s Act requests all Medical Officers of Health to attend the annual convention of flealth Ofâ€" ficers. Very able papets on different matters relating to outbreaks of disâ€" eases and their prevention were read and the discussions on them were very beneficial to all present. 1 would ask _ the people, of this Municipality, to make war on the orâ€" dimary house fy for as a disease Calâ€" ANNUAL â€"REPORT OF THE MED + 1JCAL OFFICER OF HEALTH e the Municipal Council of the Tow * ship of Wellesley : @entiemen :â€"In presenting to you #eport for the year 1913 1 would i‘.egond covered a Jarger area | Of efritory â€" some cases on the 11th k Stself, and the line will be Built a private rightâ€"ofâ€"way to be purâ€" aod. ‘The Goubling of thy Dands»â€" ut $100,000. No new towers will Jantzie, gravel 11 (MB ) ) IL .A M oc for th uk 7 mu.'dwu e mestPeonno e Ape e Renemnemngeose > Nce rigpeis t e en ow +. ns N C NEG ol the & ... 11.00 23.84 4.00 and lady Superintendent w the buying comtaittee for the 1 month. ® ‘The annual fee was received "“Q !lpd.nnu, Doefr, Krug and . GeQ: matter. Yuletide joys should _ not ciuu%m% the Hospital Donations of all Ki will ‘be hiost gratéefully accebted. The Commission by ruoluao;’g knowledged the reveipt of 4. from the City Treasarer, the . bak ance due on $100,000 debenture acâ€" count, :Iter deducting the sum _ of $9995:48 paid by the City Treasuter rier it undoubtedly ranks first. One, moment it is among refuse and scraP heaps, in the next, if it has free acâ€" cess\ to our houses, ~it is craw) lng aver our desks and food with its feet loaded with filth and bacteria. . This is one of the best ways of spreading Typhoid ‘fever. â€" ‘Im ‘¢onclusion would say that your Board has tried to the best of . its ability, _ to stamP out the Yarious outbreaks although we met wi great deal of opPosition from U rd quarters, and 1 express the that our Municipality may ‘not Â¥ikited with any such outhreaks ~ some â€" time to come, and hope that the people will help your Board to that \end. â€" The â€" proposed _ electric railway scheme â€" from Hespeler to Geofgian Bay was endorsed at a meeting in Guelph of representatives of twentyâ€" five municipalities. ~* Besides the Smallâ€"Pox outbreaks we had a great deal of measles all year and Considerable Typhoid fever durâ€" ibg the summer and autumn months. Your Obediant Servant, D. McEachern. Medical Officer of Health, Wellesley : To: . Moved by R. Lintick, seconded 1. Hoflman th.t this Council now joutn to meet again at the Township Hall, Crosshill, Monday, the 15th day of December, 1913, at 10 o‘clock . im the forenoon.â€"Cartied. _ SHC AAIALIUD UI ANBMNUCE . ll.uln er from $190 to $200 per month, 24 Boonacte 41. brichaell. hok St. Clements, Dec. 3rd, 1913. e caoione on cuptaie a 1 i the salaries of Enginéer J. H. on debenture account this year. Accounts wete paksed amounting to $4955.92. The Commission adjourned at 11 o‘clock. to $90 per month. Acknowledged Receipt. mals. .A campaign has been commenced in Europe to save the wor}d‘s wild abdiâ€" PETER F. SCHUNMER, it ©10 Yarious r"' w p & ot ks ~F t%