J *â€"â€"[ mcomrsness Â¥7 )1 F Mappened acrors a banking acqua‘nâ€" % ce, who, upon my fnvitation, Joined f At the end of the performance yO‘ fWe emerged. it was now in the neigh | borhood of 11 o‘clock, and. shaking { hdl. we parted for the night, ; :~ Having thrown down my key to the § > » I decided to stay downtown unâ€" T==â€" ___Crossing the street, 1 watered the Pacific Hotel. 1 knew ths. } _ clerk at the desk, and saluting him by ; ta Mame, I asked him to assign me to a‘ mm a few floors up and fronting on | alley, such a location being quieter ; | Bn the early morning hours than a h Foom facing the street. He gave me | the key and a beil boy immediately { mhowed me to my number. /) + The Lash of: | ,. | Gircumstance lost command of myselt. 1 wished him ‘well and told him where 1 was and that I had decided to remain downtown for the night. His answerâ€" 4ng sentences exrpioded in my ear liks distant firecrackers. "That‘s right. Just like you; spendâ€" Ing your money for hotel bills when mey to try and conciliate him now ! we had given full vent *> our rlpen. Going to the wall telephone, ‘msked for his number, and a moment Bater heard his queruious voice over | the wire as he demanded to know wh> | ;t was that called him up at that hour. ! _ Answered him. with the qui:tness I always strove to empioy except upon | Fare occasions when I for the moment | ._Not being accustomed to retiring bs Hore 12, I was not in the least sleepy. E_“th‘l‘ t}o“ll;pt _burning, 1 threw taAt â€" He had ~â€" manâ€"who [ en semi * aaved th: «Ner, as 1 the worse "Then with bri E D00 egi ns n 00ES SUVE VC on the wing. He emptied his glass without reply, and sank back again into his dejected posture. Five minâ€" utes later he seemed to be half asleep, and I determined to take him bodily im bhand. Not wishing to bave him in that condition by any friends m might chance to enter, I shock him into a semblance of life. Then waking him take my arm, | assisted him into the open air. Darkness had @lready fallen and the lights of the akyscrapers _ were beginning £3 aparkle. He lurched heavily againâ€"t me, and seeing that his condition was rapidly becoming hopeless, 1 signalled & cab, opened the door and thrust him Shatita He slar lc onl is to the delicate organs of the body. w--usemu,hn‘uâ€"u-.u Mthouvuuviï¬mmn,muthnmlumwâ€"h the blood, and t! mlflh-nhunmu‘umm“ .m.- "is the ery of starved nerves for food." For forty years ‘*Goiden :In".ty hwmnuy-mm-.m-‘ M“mhdntn‘hmhfln-mdnhnhm or send 50 oneâ€"cent stamps for trial box. Write R. V.Pierce, Buffate, Golden Medical Ppiscovery PE TI Doi 22092 09 CPCEEEITL ‘ He opened his eyes and looked at wie vacantly, but made no reply. in & general way 1 attempted to console him, but be only shook his head in »ilence, and finding riy efforts unreâ€" warded I finaily abandoned them. Ordering a mild concoction for myself, J touched his glass and drank to the h’ahthat‘hetter times might socn be SCpnoogn o w2 00 Bm NNCBUA!!, apparently untasted, stood a the table before him. 1 sat down OD the other side of the bcard, noticâ€" fll:.h.:d M; eyes were closed. * the general Appearance of a manâ€"who had been drinking. . Ordiâ€" immaculate of person, he was E.’ semiâ€"disreputable. He had not Whaved that day, his necktie was disâ€" «¥er, as ! had never known him to be the worse for liquor, I was inclined tb give him the benefit of the doubt §# this case and ascribe his unkemptâ€" pes to brooding over his misfortune. g:u:e." I said efter a Mc=nent. te w 0000 d 1E white bair and wrinkled facese of our busy men and women tell of doubt, fear and anxietyâ€"more than disease or age. Worry plays havoc with the nervous ?-tem-â€"oo thntdï¬ï¬‚on is ruined and sieep hed. What oil is to the friction of the de/ to parts of an engineâ€" Supplied Exclusively in Canada [ by The British & Celenial Press Service, "lcmmnlducnâ€"-aad;an of my troubles never _happened."â€"ELEBERKT HUBBARD h Autnpl c CC CCC Co n been drinking. Ordiâ€" ser te of person, he was ul utable. He had not 4 . his necktie was disâ€" nes ever known him to be l..'h ns o on i P DR. PIERCE‘S b!' 1 inspected it with a glance.â€"No + limoney remained in it, but the papers on ilooked as though they had not been ter ; disturbed beyond a general overbaulâ€" _Aling. 1 swept my eyes about the room m*}and under the bed. No glimpse of my °!7 | uncle rewarded me, and I ran from the room with loud calls for Mrs. Teb bsâ€"| bets. It was her custom not to dis py. | turb us on Sunday mornings until she 6w‘ announced breakfast, and that she me : knew nothing of the condition of #fâ€" ay ‘fairs in the upper part of the house ep-,hld been evidenced by her ordinary mt ; demeanor as she admitted me. From atiroom to room of the upper story ] 1‘ went in rapid search for the missing . r, | one, and at last, in one of the dark ny | closets I found him and dragged him el forth. He was bound hand and foot re, and 1 bent over him and shook him @â€" i He seemed to be rather more uncon 2d : scious than otherwiso, but he certain as | iy was alive. Dr. Morse‘s " Indianâ€"Root Pill Kidneys Wrong?â€" If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once, Backache, *‘ Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetés, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright‘s Disease are some of the results of neglected tidneys. Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root , Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that thz do their work thoroughty and well. Try |__The room was in a state of disorder. |Everywhere was to be seen the hand of violence. Bureau drawers had been innncked and left yawning; the bed was a twisted tangle of sheets and crumpled pillows; clothing was scatâ€" tered about the floor. But what was more startling than anything else was the condition of the iron safe. Jts combination had bee nshattered by some powerful explosive, and its door, standing wide, gave a full view into its looted interior. With the sweat starting from my forehead 1 rushed s uNs & pang after all to leave this place permanently should my quarrel with its owner Gevelop to that acute stage. For it was under these trees that I had passed so many pleasant hours with Clare, or wandering through the marble hballs of my air castles. Mrs. Tebbetts admitted me upon my sumâ€" mons; but no sooner had I entered the empty halls than my fondness for the place vanished in the old depression which always came upon me as I viewed their loneliness. It was like passing into & vault, cheerless, gloomy, the echoes mocking my footâ€" steps. I went straight to my own room. The door was closed between flection. 1 kad fittle desire for hreakâ€" Tast, but 1 Zsupz)ch &5 T RaF told Ulicle mt 1 would be present at that , 1 paid my bill and took a 2; homeward. ‘The morning was a summerday dream. ‘The foliage had been bathed by a night shower and the air was perfumed with the incense of growing green things. As I passed up the walk among the oaks I could not but realize how beautiful the grounds were despite their unâ€" kemptness, and that it would cost me At the ringing of the callâ€"bell the next mornlncatmlonrlhudou“d’ I had slept but little, m%ï¬l'%flf was more like the semiâ€"consciousness which comes from exhaustiq@h rather than the slumber of repose. 1 felt unâ€" refreshed, despondent, selfâ€"angry. Nor was my appemrance in the glass satisâ€" factory as 1 ran my eyes over my reâ€" an order for them to awaken me at seven o‘clock, J locked the door and turned out the light. _ tion. For the present, at least, the matter must rest where it was. Then calling up the Rotel office and leaving (To be sontipnat ) mm,- Harty Irving Greene s a T l # 4 No medical attendance was necesâ€" sary dutring the month. The Matron‘s report showed _ con tributions amounting to $41.40 _ re ceived during November. Number of children admitted, 9. Number of .chilaren sent out, 14. Number of children in Home, Dec ist, 31. 5 i Tuneiduna zul j 0 _ 20 C MEV se venmeoiy AStere In the absence of the President the|Almost every Protestant denominaâ€" first Vice Pres., Mr. Noah Wagner, |tion in the county is represente} â€" at presided. the sessions. The business transacted was chief-! C ly routine; reports of officers, passâ€" Tuesday Afternoon. ing of accounts, etc. The Sunday School ruom of Zios The Treasurer‘s report showed the Evaugelical Church was fillod _ on institution to be in a sound finanCial| Topsgay afternoon when the sessions condition. ¢ | â€" ORPHANACE BOARD _ The monthly meeting of the Berlin Orphanage Board was held at the Homc_»on Monda_v evening, Dec. . Ist. This is a positive cure for Gail Stones, Kidney Stones, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Gravel, Rheumatic i ilments of uric acid origin. Endorsed by Physicians and Surâ€" geons. Price $1.50 per bottle. For sale at A.°G. Hachnel, Druggist, Waterioo., ! Cotrespondence invited. Free literâ€" ature and testimonials from ‘The Sanol Mig. Co. TL1Ad., Winnipe;,. ae . . With your Kidneys do not feel blue. Visit the nearest Drug Store, and get a bottle of WHEN INTROUBLE lTde young burglar appeared before Magistrate Weir this motn‘n:, _ and upon making restitution, was allowâ€" ed to ~0 on suspended sentence. © He will be taken away from City life. to the building was made boldly by the front door which was left â€" unâ€" locked. * Smider, one of her assistants heard ,; noise in one of the front rooms of the institution. She peeped in th: ’door and saw some one movinz about and bravely shut and locked the dootr. The marauder, â€" who has not yet reached his seventeenth birthday, was lodged in the cells at the Police Staâ€" tion over nicht. He is a ward of the Children‘s Aid Society, and was pPreâ€" viously in the Orphanage, and knew the layout of the tuilding. Entramce Whe Berlin Orphanage was burglarâ€" ized on Tuesday afternoon atout 5 o‘clock by a youthful offender. While in the absence of the matron, Miss ATTEMPTED 10 _ BURCLARIZE THE ORPHANAGE Iunl i inl )s ju!l is t pe of so lives thet here is where %fl‘g’%fl Our pills cure it w aile miven ies outuneplemetonine mâ€&kafln“*-‘."rfl _CARTEE MEDICISE 00., HRBW teas. of 20 many lives thet here RE Fip i $ stt ts hÂ¥ L C an . 1911, |_ Tne many friends â€" of the Ullyof,n:e‘;:r{he Philk {family in this county will undoubtedâ€" J. Rice until hi ly‘ be _ interested in the following ‘ monig Investmer obituary notice taken from the Daily {its _ completion Review, Ponyna, California : "NC)with whom he ty stronget testimony could be given ol ) hig gki}} as a ph the esteem in which Dr. Thomas } cognized. | Ullyot was held by /the People â€" of His early dea{ Pomina than the attendance at . the by his young wi fumcral services held in his memoty | roted to him th st Trinity~ Methodist church at .10 ness, his sisters o‘clock this morning. agh, of this city Dr. A. W. Lampott, pastor of the; of Vancoutrer _1 church spoke of the €xemPlary life o(| Arthut Allen vtu the deceased, and gave his biography| ada, an older br as follows : Dr. Ullyot was born in yot, living in the Elmira, _ Waterloo county, Ontatio,|da, and a stepâ€"y Canada, January 24, 1881. he Fame|Ullyot, who lives to California thirteen years ago and | Vancourer.‘" made his home with bis sister, . Mr. A. H. Cavenagh, then living on t:n: snn es Rincon rarch southeast of Chino. 1 tae _ remained a member of the Cavenagh] S€Y*N borses w bhousehold until his martiage to Miss}consumed _ Blue‘s Kathsrine Mcintyre on May 1, 1913. Madoc, eartr yest He was a stnde®t in the medical detama. ce ecrlla Native of Elmira Passes Away in Early Manhood at _ DEATH OF DR. |being manifested in the sessions . of ,the Interdenominationai Missionary Institute of Waterloo County _ has ‘ï¬xcceded the fondest expectations of the local Executive and the visiting ’speakcrs. The attendance at the eve ning sessions on Monday and Tuesday completely taxed the caparity of the Zion Evangelical Church, and the adâ€" j dresses delivered by the prominent speakers were attentively listere f Almost every Protestant denomin-‘ tion in the county is represented at the sessions. I The interest and being manifested i Reading descriptive of Nocturn: Op. 37, No. 1. Chopin. . Miss. E. Salome Ratz - Piano soloâ€"Nocturne Op. 37, No. 1. Chopin. Miss Bertha Christman. Vocal Soloâ€""A Dream"â€"Bartlett. Miss Alma Allemany. : Vocal soloâ€"Prelude OpP. 28, No. 15, tChopin. Miss Hattie Ruppel. 1 Miss Salome Ratz left on Saturday for Hamilton where she will SPend a week or so visitiig friends. Restaurant For‘ Elmira :â€"Mr. Harâ€" vey Haack formérly of Drayton has moved to Elmira where he is ftt.ng up Mr. M. L, Webet‘s block for a teâ€" staurant. We understand he will have for sale homeâ€"made Candies, and will also have an iceCream Parlor. in conâ€" nection â€" Mr. Wim. Mulloy of. Toronto visited Elmira friends last week.â€"Mr. A. D. Vice of St. Catharines attended the} amnual mseting of the Elmira Machâ€"l Winger ; Paperâ€""Life of Chopin‘â€" Mrs. F. B. Meyer. Violin soloâ€"*"Iris‘"â€"Pietre Renardâ€" Miss Alvina Grosch. o. bare Tas: c 8 Mr. Lorme Ratz of Stratiord spent Thursday at his â€"â€" home here.â€"Mr. Nicols of A. Wernor‘s Drug Store atâ€" tended the wedding of his late choitr master at Hamilton last week. Durâ€" ing the ceremony he sang a . very pleasing solo.â€"Mr. Arthur Reichert mira | Broiy News _ Items From Elmirs | Breezy. News Items :â€"Mr. Earl inery Ratz accompanied" by his friend lz.‘.... e Geo, eiten spent fromy Tuesday . to |M. Rupj m-&“&h:hm “lh M'l.-h A in day with Hesim ficads. Tomée in **MMAMmmrretrectcedttes t002a006st a0%e 000 ¢ * Pomina, Cal. i I P Pb Aitoabti ie Aciiintdacs . 3 d stndent in the medical deâ€"term was valued at $ran INTEREST IS MANIFESTED T. H. ULLYOT mthusxum that is Seven horses were burned in a fire consumed _ Blue‘s Hotet stapies at Madoc, earle yesterday motninâ€" On ; with whom he became acquainted and bis skill as a physician was widely teâ€" cognized. Hs early death is deeply mourned by his young wife, who has been deâ€" voted to him throughout his long illâ€" ness, his sisters, Mrs. A. H. Cavenâ€" lgh.,'ol this city and Mrs. E. B. Gale ada, an older brother, George â€" Uilâ€" yot, living in the Notthwest, Cana da, and a stepâ€"mother, Mrs. N. F. Ullyot, who lives with his sister in Vancouver." ‘ of Vancou®er B.C., a twin bt Arthur Allen Ullyot of Toronto [panmmz of the â€" Tniversity of Caliâ€" fornia for four years, graduating â€" in {Junz 1909. _ He at once became a ibouse physician _ in the Pottinger Sanitarium at Monrovia, a position which he hefd for more than a yeat, leaving there to take charge of_ . a physician‘s practice for a month af Impetial. â€" He came to Pomona in January, 1911, and occupied an â€" ofâ€" fice in the Phillips‘ bock with Dr. N.I J. Rice until his removal to the Poâ€" monia Investment Co., building uvon‘ itsl completion. _ He made friends BMCED RCXENC at the increased interâ€" lest being taken in the spread of the 'Gospel. "It is a most helpful sign," he said. ' The music during the evening was provided by the choir of Trinity Meâ€" thodist Church, and a solo by Miss Dreger and a duet by Miss Hallman and Mr. IHer â€" were most beautifully | sc dulla The evening session attracted a large attendance of church members and adherents who are interested in the missionary movement. The chairâ€" man, Rev. Jos. Janes, of the King Street Baptist Church, expressed his great delight at the increased inteorâ€" est being taken in the spread of the Gospel. "It is a most heluful sizn " of the second day of the and work of this worthy routh _ St. _ lately occupied ty Mr. Geo. M. Ruppel.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ziegler of Winnipeg, Man., are spendâ€" ing several days at the home of ths fornfer‘s brother, Mr. Geo. L. Tieg ler.â€"Mr. John Siegmet of Poole visitâ€" mar lor _ the wutafio Seed Company of Waterloo.â€"Mr.. E. G. Winn has bought out the coal business of Mr. Jonathan Ward.â€"Miss . Alma Alle mang \_-imu relatives in Preston iRety «& Transmission t smm J eeme ue l r Â¥ Company, Ltd., ‘ |Reid here last Tuesday.â€"Mre. " Gleo: Since 1 Got a Box of Gin Pilts epebe}eb0fpe{e4e4{epB} '-"’â€:m-iahnna & Ltik . Tout/ rlensed _Yisit to her former Ceveem us seas * . and Mrs. Teaac LCH St., CorywaLLss, N. : """'""“Wflcn?d:m January 23rd, JAMEs C. HAJGHT YVisitors to Toronto . 128$ week.â€"Mr. "About a year ago, I was suffering so | Barrister, Solicitor, Notary P Geofge Kalnfcisch of Washington, V.| BucB with a dreadful buni.cka:d Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. S. is visiting his sisters Mrs. Heary | 1 Je; (Rat [ comle aotstand upstraight. |floe, Letter‘s Block, Waterioo. c Stange and ~Mrs. Simon Reist after| PILLS. box. it hel on nmmmm mt ommmenmememenstnmnmnipnitl an absence of some thirtyâ€"ons years. ;;-.aialszi.'x rimime sCRLLEN & weir _ _ oodless to say he finds a great| have taken J. A. Sce B.A.. a cbhange in Elmira.â€"â€"Mr. R. B. Martin wn hou‘o and & A. Welr, 5“"‘.“ A b.l..“l;fl has 4 PP ,â€,',,‘A‘ travelling â€" sales h.tkl-nrl _ in my rollm<y Ravanseltâ€" Shike +Ar+5. s is.â€"Mr. Roy Roland has moved Mr. Louis Doetflet‘s house â€" on Evening Session Spent Sunday with Hamilton â€"C., a twin brother, d hoo neighbor ws, 10o, in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. #62 Cortnadt $t., N.T. ALL Orfuoarsyts. CRFESOLE NR A FPTIC _ THROAT TA S forthe irritated throat. They are simple, effective and -mh?m:. Of your drudgist or from and when he made no resPonse to the call to arise this morning, the â€" doot of his room was opened and he was found cold in death. The famile phyâ€" sician docided that death was due to heart failure due $go _ overâ€"exertion. The deceased was in his 23rd year and _ was highly â€" respected in the rin o e e eemenp aty ; soothes the sore throxt and Stops the cough, assuring Fextfal michre brde pullal u20 °.° T reatful nights. . It is Invatuahie to mothers with PBuncbiniran @24 sotMUAMs %p mothere with ooo o e e e e mm from Asthma. The air Carrying the antiseptic vapor inspired with cvery breath, makes breathing easy NhA the ce mesee old coiin e T Pu en e ty A simple, anfe and effective ¢reatment for bronâ€" thial troubles, avoiding druge. Vaporized Cresotene Bops the paroxy uns of Whooping Cough and relieves Bpasmodic Croup at once. 1tis a BOON to sufferers from Asthma. The fir CAfrYind the anvieensieacacl _ St. Jacobs, Dec. 3.â€"Th> sudden znd’ untimely death took piace during last | night of Isaiah Martin, son of Mr‘ Nathaniel Martin, . near this village.' The deceased had heen assistinz _ in threshing at a neightoring farm â€" on! Tuesday and returned hom: in thei evening apparently in his usual goodl health. He retited atout ten 6‘clock Miles Baildim Leanine Mar Buidine SUDDEN DEATH «_ OF YOUNG ST. JACOBS FARMER Whocgping Cough __London, Nov. 27.â€"(Can, Pres».)â€" ‘The Liverpool Courier says â€" King George is considering whether to let the Prince of Wales attend the openâ€" ing of the Panama Canal. _ Such 1e cognition .of international importance of the event would be popular in the States. â€" ‘ Stiained Ridneys as nothing else will. GIN ï¬l‘w drive away the pain every | timeâ€"or your money promptly refunded. : soc.-hox.Gfotfa.sm, ple free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co, of Canads, Limited, Toronto. MANGAâ€"TONE BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS htlp pale. nervous women to get well. 5oc. a box. _ 199 PRINCE MAY ATTEND OPENING _ OF PANAMA CANAL the Kidneys in order to stop the cure is with the Kidueys and you must cure reach the part that is causing the pain. The whole trouble back and bips are all gone 1 cannot 3@& too bighly a the vt:'mler(ul efects your GIN PILLS®. B. C. DAVID, Liniments end PAIM IN MY BACK i8 AlL GONE ters won‘t cure ’lf‘!u†1ere Reseabulcla ® DCE mm Send postal for descriptive booklet. TD _ E°CR, Kidneys (oocomagh <® urmoneym&' refunded. ‘ A. L. BITZER, B. A. 3 6forfa.5m, ple free if | _ (Successor to Conrad Bitzer.). _ ational Drug & Chemical Co. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Limited, Toromto: |cte. Money to loan. German spokep Aâ€"TONE BLOOD AND Officeâ€"Peg t‘s Block, nekt â€" ABLETS help pale. nervous Negna St. ’ et welt. 5oc. a box. _ 199 | Market, Frederick . Berlin. h David McMillian of Starkville Jont his barns, _ the season‘s crops, & thrash‘ng mili and a large woodshed by a spark from a thrashing emgine, nal of Osteopathy 1909â€"13, pathy often cures where all elss Chromic comstipation, stomach orders, nervous diseases, rhoumatiom, infantile paralysis, goiter, otc., sulp cessfully treated. Electrical traatp ments. ooo Offices, Room 203 Weber (h‘ Berlin, Onterio, c Osteopathic Physician. * Gradvuate under Dr. Still, !ov_mdet" of the science, Editor Jex DENTIST » Officeâ€"43 King St. E. over Dom® Jon Bank Entrance. 2nd Doot West uf Post Office. « Phome 454. ® = s Rariin . Licentiate of the Royal Collegs ~@f Dental Surgeons, Homor G University of Toronto. ‘Office, :@ floor, Weber Chambers, King St. Berlin. Telephone 202. K Issue+ ol Martiage Licenses. Office:â€" l‘ust Office, St. Jacobs, OR$ DR. WELLINGTON K. JA Dentist, L.D.S., Royal College Den tal Surgeons, D.D.S. Toronto Univerâ€" sity. All branches of dentistry prie tised. Entrance to office same as residence, Queen St. Phone 398 calls by day or night answered. Dental Surgeoms of Toronto. Delit@ Office in Fischer‘s Block, Waterioc, Dentistry practices in all its he P brauc CLAYTON W. WELLS, L.D.S., D.D.S., Dentist, Waterh Hours 9 to 5. Fridays 9 to 12 ‘Tel. After April ist will vistt Ein the second and fourth Friday in ¢ month, 1 to 6 p.m. «CSHF 2 4 Eol oo CCE Phone 143 King St., Waterio® [ Honor Graduate of Toronto Uhivigh sity, Late of the Rideau St. CGenevae Hospital, Ottawa, wm ot the College ‘of Physicians m of ‘Ontario. Note: Night calls AnEgh ered from the office. CLAYTON W. WELLS. .4 : Dentist, Waterloo. i Office bhours 9 to 12 ; 1.30 tn 5. Closed all day Friday. EXPERIENCED® VETERINA SURGEON. J. H. Engel, graduate of. the 8. ECKEL, L.D.S., D.D.S. Graduate Chicago Collego of D&# King St. East. fice, Upstairs St. West, Be Private Funds to Loan. Office: Metcalls Block. Cor. King and Foundry Sts., Offices: Upstairs in thy> Block, Berlin. J DR. LEDERMAN, D.D.S. MILLAR & SIMS Ales. Millar, K.C. Harve Houtg:' 9 am &o 6 p.m. veterinary JOHN L. WIDEMAN DR. WILLIAM GEIGER. * __ Strasser‘s Block, aithe OsTEoPaATMY. Y CLEMENT & CLEMENT Discases of the Eat, Nose and Throat. J. A. HILLIARD Telephone 121. Waterloo.