30 Registered Holsteins including some high grades of all ages. Clyde horses and _ farm _ stock and imple ments, etc. Write for catalogue _ of registered stock. Willow Grove Stock Farm, Lot 21, Con, &, Blenheim, 3 _ miles west _ of Drumbo, or + Pash; over tbhat amount 10 months‘ cred@it on approved joint notes, or 4 per cent. off for eash payments of credit amounts. AMOS DUSKY, Proprietor. A. J.MICKUS, Auctionest. 48â€"3t. Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1913. Cabinet work bench, axes, grain €radlo, forks, chains, shovels, single trées, wheelbarrows, 2 sets _ buggy hatness 1 almost new, plow harness, tie straps, horse blankets, ring chains ropes, Commander 2â€"inch auget bits and brace, corn planter, 2 < bicycles, about five tons of hay, a quantity of Implementsâ€"Top buggy, pair single bob sloighs, oncâ€"horse wagon, cutter, democrat, flat hay rack, single plow. barrow, scuffier, turnip sower, turnip palper, cutting box, feed hoxes, iron Kéttle, pair well buckets, crosscut saw new, rip saw new, hand saw, isgie to commence at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following stock, implements, etc. Tive Stockâ€"Genoral purpose horse 8 years old, good driver; cow. due be ginning of May, cow due July _ 6th, yearling, Jersey heifer cali 6 months‘ old, 4 pigs weighing about 140 lbs. each, 20 White Leghorn hens, 2 thorâ€" oughbred White Leghorn roosters, 20 pullets and a number of cockerels. Has given me instructions to sell by Public Auction on his premises on the main road leading from â€" Preston to Breslau. _ 3 miles from Bresiau, and 3 miles from Preston, on Household _ Eftects ~Corner _ cupâ€" board, sink, 2 sideboards, 6 dining room chairs, 2 parior tables, â€" spring rocker, rocking chair, iron bedstead, 1 wash stand. . TERMS :â€"A1; sums of $10.00 _ and ungder, cash ; over that amount 12 mouths credit on apPproved security. _ =_ JOSEPH K. FORWELL, Prop.! A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. | gates, quantity of fence wite, cedar Posts, _ logging chain, 2 sets â€" heavy teaimy â€" harness, set carriage harness, cream separator, 20 gallon milk cans. <Implements, EFte.:â€"3 wagons, | 1 mearly _ new, pair bob _ sleighs, nearly . new, . twoâ€"seated | carriage, Frost & _ Wood hay _ loader, rearly new, MasseysHarris disk rill, â€" shoe drill, disk harrow, cultivator, â€" twoâ€" furrow _ sulky plough, 2 _ ploughs, wheel scraper, fanning mill, 2 iron &# 1 o‘clock _ p.ns. sharp, the followâ€" ihg waluable property, viz :â€" . ) :â€"Bay team, rising 7 and 9 &®B old, well matched, weight 2900 ‘years old, weight 3000 lbsâ€", bay team rigiMk 9 years old weight 2600 lns. Cattle :â€"Pure Bred Holsteinsâ€"cow with pedigree due to calve in Feb., cow :with pedigree due to calve in March, cow with pedigree due to Calvé in July, heifer with pedigree :&jo calÂ¥e in June, 2 heifers with rees, 5 and 7 montbs old, pure bréd bull with pedigree, 2 years old, grade Holstein cow due to calve in Détémber, 2 grade Holstein cows due to calve in January, grade llolsveinl cow due to calve in March, grade Holstein cow due . to calye in Jure., Also a number of chickens. ! Farm Stock, Implements, etc. AMOS DUSKY Tuesday, December 9th 1913 . PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE COL. WELBY ALMAS W. PULLIN, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE . C. FRY, Proprietor, R. R. No. 1, Drumbo, Ont iction Sale and Farm for Sale Advertisement 18 2t 48â€"2t : Excelient spot for matket gardem ing. The property consists of about |30 actes on which there are a brick Jr‘nflage, barn, _ etc., a fine _ spring | rreek tuns actoss the property. It is situated one mile West of Waterâ€" ’Im Post Office and at present occuâ€" | pied by Mr. John Shickler. The soil, | location, etc., make this property a | very desitable one for _ carrying on ‘umrkrt gardening, teaming, etc. For _ Price, terms and full particn lars apply to the owner, A. Mermer Trout (Creek, Ont., or to ED. M. EVITT, Prug Watet,oo I respectfully solicit the patronage of farmers and others who intend to hold sales the comtng season. â€" Best results assured.. Write, or phone 172, Waterloo, Out. _ The undersigned desires to announce to the public that he is prepared to conduct auction _ sales throughout Waterloo County. Terms reasonable. Best of satisfaction guaranteed. Anyâ€" one intending bolding a sale write, call or phone. E. J. SHHANTZ E. J. SHANTZ,â€".Auctioneer. Jan. â€" 13 â€"Farm ~â€"stockâ€" andâ€"impleâ€" ments of Aaron § Shoemnker, at Natchez, 2 miles east of Betlin at 10 a.m. uutie Feb. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements of Memno Hegadorn, 1 mile west of Bridgeport. Dec. 9.â€"Farm stock. imPlements _ of _ _Jos. Forwell, 1 mile west of Berâ€" _ lin on the Petersbatg road. â€" Dec. 13.â€"Farm stock and implements of Henty Dippel at Centreville. Jan. _ 13.â€"Farm _ stock and impleâ€" ments of William Forwell, 1 mile South west of Hawkesville, 2 miles north of St. Clements, and 5 miles south east of Linwood. 1 Jan. 21.â€"Fatm stock and implements‘ of Adoiph Berlet, 1 mile west _ of Bloomingdale, 3 â€" miles â€" south of Conestogo. Jan. 27.â€"Farm stock and implements of Mrs. Geo. Foerstet, 3 miles west of St. Clements, 2 miles east _ of (‘l‘OSShin, 5 1 It AUCTIONEER‘S NOTICE ec. 30â€"Real Estate to be sold _ at 10.30 a.m., at _ Rerlin _ Market Square, belonging to the Estate ni the late John B. Schmidt, 1% miles east of Borlin, on Preston Road. bntiniaitnn inedineinationd zatin in tcnds in 20tiaicctec0l The undersigned offer for sale that mgund x desirable farm property situated _ in A. J. MICKUS, AUCTIONEERâ€" |ing rownship of pwmy;zot.. 2 miles Dec. 9.â€"Postponed Sale of Jos Forâ€"|south of Haysville, . known as _ the well. Nahrgang farm, containing 100 acres. Dec. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements| On it is a fine brick house, a large of Alphons Ditner, 1% miles north{bank batn, a windmill and all necesâ€" of St. Agatha and 12 miles south sary out buildings. For furtherâ€" parâ€" of _ Josephsburg, on the Bamberg|ticulars apply to road. ‘ A. B. MILLER, Dec. 8.â€"Farm stock, implements and 182 !{ing_ St. East, Berlin. s e C â€" e 7 m TERMS :â€"Chickens and all sums of $10.00 and undg'g‘»cuh; over that amount ¢ months" credit on approved security or 4 per cent off for cash. Small Farm of 30 Acres section iron harrow, Rearly new :/ 2 scrfMers, 1 nearly mow, single plow, lâ€"horse plow, Potato plow, pulper, National cream separator, new, grass seeder, sugar beet fork, potato sPrayâ€" er, single harness, _ robe, duster, _ 2 rockers, § dinidg @om chqys, couch, 100 egg incubator and many other arâ€" ticies. hss ‘ Implements, Etc :~Market carriage, cutter, _ new _ Masseyâ€"ilarris 1â€"horse Commencing‘ ‘ at 1.30 _ o‘clock p.m. sharp; ratPans: . The _ following valgble property Viz : Live Stock :â€"Black mare, 14 years old, good work?_;,cow due to calve in" March, 12 chickens. Saturday, December, 13 1913 Parm JStock and iImplements | There will be soid by public auction IM:L“U“Z::M aue Thete will be sold by public aueâ€"|O" the market square in Berlin, * .. | eigned, 14 ,,,:.,. North of St. Ault tion on the _ premises of the vpderâ€" Ts 5 D tha, and 1} miles South of Josephs signed in the ‘WWhige"of Centrevilie,| Saturday, Décember220th!" T urg yy * **® y ~ ec. 8.â€"Farm stock, implements and household effects of â€" Amos Dusky on wain road leading {from Breslau to Preston. th AUCTION SALES Farm Stock and Implements | There HEXRY DfPPEL, Prop A. 4. MICKUS, Auet, FOR SALE 48â€"2% Numbet unlimited. Highest market price paid. Next shipment Wednesduy‘ w.. sm Highest market price paid. Load every second Tuesday. Nert shipment Dec. 1hth C. C. Diefenbacher Shipping Hogs Wanted At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, aumâ€" ber unlimited. New Hamburg. Executors of the late Henry S. Bean, deceased 37â€"41. 1454 acre farm, good@ clay lGant, 2 miles west of New Hamburg _ and 4 miles east of Shakespeare on the main road leading to Stratiord. Or it is a nearly. new â€" brick house with 10 roems, kitchen and woodshed, heated by furnace, large bank batn with good stabling, cement "mots, large hog pen and hen hous ad drivingâ€"shed, ce nent silo 12x49. 14 acres _ of good bearing orchard / with _ al kinds of, small fruits, 18 acres of good _ hard wood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, 60 . acrtes _ in meadow â€" and pasture never {ailing stream of water, running watâ€"| er _ _at _ house andbarn, good fences, farm well underdrained and in â€" good| state of cultivation, fire location with | Rural mail and telephone. . I For particulars abply to i MRS. HENRY S. Bean, f Shakespeate , R.F.D, No ALLAN C. HALLMAN, New Dundee. | are first class. This is a choice farm. Terms likeral. _ Apply to JAMES M. SMITH, > R. R. No. 1, New Hamburg. & 46â€"2mos _ Lot 31 and part of 32, in the 4th Con. of Wilmot, comprising 180 actes. The farm is well fenced and drained, no waste land, good wator, buildings is for sale. The property comprises 120 acres, of which 20 acres _ are wooded, a log house with board covâ€" eving, good barn with sheds, good water and fine orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Chas. Hummel, Bloomingdale. The farm of the late Thomas Humâ€" mel 1 mile north of New Germany, Hogs Wanted AT BADEN . 16. â€" s CLEMENS & HUNSBERGZER 14â€"3mo. The property is nicely situated along Preston & Berlin street railway and would make a fine home for a. reâ€" tired farmer. Termsâ€"Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance in thirty days. ~Forâ€"further information apply to the undersigned. MOSES BAER, New Dundee, HERMAN SCHNMIDT, Plattsville IRVIN A. SNIDER, Floradale, Executors, F. J. SHANTZ, Auctioncer. | AUCTION SALE*; Pusuc sare ° ‘of Valuable Real Estate‘ |Farm Stock and" Implements Commencing at 10.30 p‘clock a m., the following valuable property, vi/‘ REAL ESTATE.â€"~ Three quarters of an acre of land belonging to the estate of the late John B. Schmidt, situated 1} miles east of Berlin. Un the premises is a good one and on¢â€" half storey brick house, with kitchon, fine barn barn, driving shed, _ large number fruit trees of different varieâ€" ties, including some small fruit. Abundance of hard and solt water. ISAAC BEAN,: Farm for Farm ftor Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale are in first class condition * New Dundee, Executors. 40â€"3 mos 49â€"3tâ€" If so write or call on me. I have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares or sell on crop payâ€" ments. Choice land, good _ water, close to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlement in Saskatchewan. Buy or rent a farm For information that wall leac to the discovery cr whereabouts 0 the person or perssons suffering frow Neqrvous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chrome or Spscia Complaints that cannot be cure: a @he Ontirio _ Medical Institnte | $v0â€"260 Yor ># Street, Toron‘:c@ | Are You , Coming West 'Esbangh, lato ‘of the ‘Townshin â€"of Wellesley. in the County of Waterloo, |Hoteikceper, decegied, "Who died . on or about the 9th day of Fabruary, |1911. are hereby notified to send by post prepaid to theâ€" undersigned, lSoiicitors for the Administratrix on or before the 15th day of, December, [1913. their names and addresses <and full particulars of their claims. and‘ after the said 15th daty of December. 1913. the assets of the estate _ will be distributed among <the parties entitled thereto, having regard caly to such claims of which notices shall have been given a% above. McBRIDE & MacKENZIE, * Waterloo, Ont. Solicitors for Administratrix. Dated at Waterloo, this 26th day of November, 1913. 48â€"3t. M Thursday, December 18th $1,000 REWARD claimse Geonaral Insurance Agent Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Business (ffice 249, House 209. Business soiicited tor first class Companies. In the matter o-f‘\;he estate ;ol John Esbaugh, â€" deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TERMS :â€"Chickens, pigs 4nd an]‘ sums of $10.00 and under, rash ; over that ‘amount 12 nicnths‘ sredit \v.'n] be given on approved loint Motes _ or % per cent. off foi©cash pavments of credit amounts. . of team harness, set of single harn-i ess, pair of log bolsters, emiry grin4 der, new, grind stone, tcngue supâ€" porter,, carriage pole, about $50 n>w bricks, seythes, bag truck, I n>w onâ€" chotr set, about 1 _ pushe} timothy seed, sodder, churn butter bow] and prints, new baking trough Wwith covâ€" | ®,. boney can with tap, 3 cider barâ€" rels, 2 stoves;" < meat tuh, douhle trees, _ neck yokes, forks, shovels, grain bags, logging chains and many other articles foo numerous to menâ€" tion. . All:the gtovei implements PlC} nearly new. pew steel land rollet, Masseyâ€"Harris cultivator, Oxford twoâ€"furrow _ plow nearly new, Bissel disc, No.. 21 Ayr plow, Yanky plow, 4â€"section iron Barrow, scuffier nearly new, Clinton fanning mill, turmfp pulper, _ 2â€"horse power gasoline eigine new, pump Jack, new ; Empir® cream separator, new ; wagon â€"néarly new, péir tohb sleighs, top buggy, cutter,. fat _ hay rack, pig rack, wheelbarrow, 2 sâ€"ts be in Pig, 2 pigs 4 monthg aid, 5 Pigs 3 months:qpl4, about 10 chickens, good Collie dog. P _ Implements, F.!c.â€"Daering 6 ft. cut binder, in â€" good working order ; big B. 51 ft. mower, Maxwell steel hay rake, new seed drill, Frost & â€" Wood Creditors and ali *10f8es :â€"Sorttel mare tising 5 years, in foal to Yonge McQueen, bay Borse coming. 5 years old, roan mare coming 4 years, supposed to be in foal to Flying Sid ;, gray mare colt coming 2 years old, sorrel colt comâ€" ing 2 years old. " * romeninememmmegemmmenâ€"â€"menâ€"aimmmememen Cattle, _ Pigs, Chickens :â€"â€"Cow due to calÂ¥e Feb. 15th, heifer 1 year old, bull 9 months old, sow supposed â€" to Commencing mt 1 o%tlck© p.m. lharl., the lolloting valuable ‘properâ€" $7, viz :â€" . A. BOEHM Horses : ALP“().\',%'.DITNER. Prop. â€" STRA}'EDâ€"â€"T“’() YEAR A. J. MIRUS, Auctioneer, | (.whnte). Apply R. Re ED. K. KAUFMAN: Clerk. lhflm, Ont. 8. B. BLEHN, Guerneny, Sask others _ having! to i Subscribed Capital .............. $250,000 Deposit with the Dominion Government ... ... ...... $117,140.00 All policies guaranteed by the Lonâ€" don and Lancasbire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets of $16,306,638. ALFRED WRIGHT, SECRETARY C .A. BQOEHM, = District Agent The Mercantile Fire INSURANCE COMPANY: WANTED.â€"Good _ The personnel of the Choit was as follows :â€" The Waterloo Musical Society under whose avspices the Cathedral Choir appeared are to be commended upon ‘the high excellence of the consert. . _Not the least enjoyable number was lthq- piano selection, the second, HNunâ€" garian lthapsodie Liszt by Mr. Johnâ€" Waterloo, Ont. ‘ston. He is a piahist of a hich order and his Playing was very favorably commented upen, in fact, it is . seF dom that Watertloo music lovers have the _ oDPortunity of listen‘ny to â€" so talented and gifted a Pisnist. J The program â€" contained composiâ€" tions of recognized masters of music and comprised _ amen; others, _ such wellâ€"known numbers as Dudley Buck‘s Festival Te Deum in E. Flat, and se lections from Rossinj‘s Stabat Mater ‘and Gounod‘s Faust. â€" The last menâ€" ltiomd selections _ especially found [mu«h favor with the audience. . j Of the soloists Mr. Victor Benjaâ€" min, baritone, showed himself to be the possessor of a maynificent mn-! tons voice and he sanz his numbers in fine style. The other solists alsu‘ acquitted themselves in a highly creâ€" ditable‘ manner. | singing . was of the splendia patr[)_nig: a&orded well merited. "N**~D.â€"LGood smart boy to learn Dry Goods business. APPlY to Jaâ€" cob Uffelnfamn, Waterloo. 37â€"t. 1t was essentially m musical evenâ€" ing and was thoroughly enjoyed _ by the large audience present. The company is a well balanced one and takinz into consideraticn all the A crowded house greeted the Cath edral choir, Tuesday eVening, in th> Waterloo Town â€" Hall, who gave the second concert of the Lyceum Course 1ithough anticipations were high as to the excellence of th> concert to be :x"Pgeud they _ were more than . fulâ€" tham: *4 > MB Second Concert of Lyceum It iNOORPORATIDV 1875 ___ Office â€" Waterfoo TWO YEAR OLD BOAR Apply R. Reier, _ Mannâ€" a high standard and 248. 48â€"3t was “;:: Mr. Wesley Cathcart and _ friend ‘h~ spent Sunday in Berlin â€" Mr. . .los. ‘"*/Schammer and _ Mr. Aif. Runstediet S®â€"|spent Sunday with friends in Welâ€" 88 [ lesley.â€"Mr. Francis Donnely of Milâ€" °[ verton spent Monday in our burg.â€" U |utr Hariy Ashby, Mr. R. Weitzel, and Mr. Saddler of Elmira _ spent "'"'l.ï¬m:day in our burg.â€"Mr. _ Archie PY [Hosca of Hamilton was a visitotr | lin our village on Sunday.â€" Mr. Fd. ont} Burnett of Preston spent Sunday at thf!his home here.â€"Mt. A. J. Karn and| his profession hard has returned after spending some time at South River.â€"Dr. H. A. Wahl has bought a new axto, which will be a gteat convenience in Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McAllister have returned after spending a few weeks in ~Philadelphia.â€"Mrs._J. H. _ Shepâ€" lilemang spent Sunday with Breslau{ i s friends.â€"Slrs. Go. Peppler of Tavis«i ~_x~ . Nine Pines C tock returned home after spending a Personais.â€"NMr. and , Mrs. * \ Jobin couple weeks with Mr. and Mrs. (."l\nnkel visited Mr. and Mrs A« Bedford.â€" Mrs. Murdock | and Mrs,is.“’"" on Sunday last.â€"Mrs: Hebey James Murdock _ of Belwood, _ Miss §h{)ema)gtjt on fieston was & M Olive‘ Bemis of Detroit â€" and Mr. ‘vn;ntor with Mrs. Allen Shoomaket.â€" . Joseph Tate of Remus, Mich., _ ali| M}SS CoTa Oberholtzer of Berlin spent were visitors last week with â€" Mrs. several days at the home | of . het â€" Bemis.â€"X‘r. Alton Cressman of Bresâ€" aunt, Mrs. 5. F. Shanteâ€" Mis# lau catled on his brother, Mr. and Lydia: Ann Bczge_y of Mannheim sptnt" Mrs. Ivan Cressman last Wednesday. n{e x eok suo wifh her cousin Mss ’â€"â€"Mt‘s. Crummer of Crosshill â€" spent (L!2"!° SWartz.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Milong: last weck at the Meadow Brock Farm bt{ome and {amily . have moved : to j with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Snyder._| !CX DCw home near New Dundse.WÂ¥eâ€" Mr. Joseph Kiefier and Miss â€" Eliza| O° SO*TY to lose them.â€"Mrs. M.. E. Kuhry of Mosa called on Mr. and'“"‘b" svont _ Tuesday | last .. with" Mrs. Heintrman last week.â€" Mr. J. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swata. A. McAllister of Toronto gave our!-?‘"’ ‘\Allen Shocmaker and daughter . burg a business call.â€"Mr. and Mrs.lLuP heria sneas Tuesday at Totonto. Hilbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Bmsv-'-'l h? Mfsses Cora Oberholtzee and man of West Montrose Sundayed MgS_y{wa Shantz and Mr. Porcy Shants theâ€"home of Mr. and Mrs. _J. B. 4Vl‘8l!l:l? at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bingeman.â€" _ Miss Florence Shephard =â€" /\ "C"» Petersburg _ Road, __ on is spending a weck in Dundas.â€" Mr. ndar lastt.â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. Dets D. A. Hemis of Toronto called on ler and family have moved onto the his mother Mrs. Bemis last week. â€" farm Ewenuy oceupied by Ma. | and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McAllister have "[TSâ€" Strome, where they intend . to returned after spending a few week, Wake their future home. " Mr. Joseph Kiefier Tarvndï¬limz; C ‘i-:ilza Kuhry oï¬ Mosa called on Mr. _ and Mrs. Heintrman last week.â€" Mr. J. _ Local News.â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. Allemang spent Sunday with Breslau friends.â€"Sirs. Geo. Peppler of Tavisâ€" tock returned home after spending a couple weeks with Mr. and Mrs. â€"C. Bedford.â€" Mrs. Murdock and Mrs. James Murdock _ of Belwood, _ Miss Olive Bemis of Detroit and _ Mr. Joseph Tate of Remus, Mich., all were visitors last week with â€" Mrs. Bemis.â€"Xr. Alton Cressman of Bresâ€" lau catled on his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cressman fast Wednesday. â€"Mf‘s. Crummer of Crosshil #pent . last week at the Meadow Brock Farmi with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Snvder.â€"| in the west.â€" Mr. Thomas Wilford® spent a few days of last week with’ friends in Wallace.â€" Miss _ Verna Parsill spent a week‘s vacation with |in‘ends in Peterboro.â€"Itev. Vail and] Mr. Orin Schnutr spent Thursday _ in ‘Guelphâ€"Mr. Albert _ Roth _ spent Friday in Berlin.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hayes spent Tuesday with friends in | Arthur.â€"Mr. Wm. Dugnch spent tho week end in Waterloo.â€" Mr. _ John Duench and family spent Thursday in Wellesley.â€"Mr. L. A. Heimler spent : r'l‘hursday in Berlin~â€" Mrs. _ George| lHeimbel and family of Waterloo arei 1spending a few days with her sister‘ Mrs. P. Kreutzweiser.â€" Miss Mabel! Carnochan spent the week end wiih’ friends in Waterloo.â€" Miss Gropp and Miss Zimmerman â€"of Milve:lzon' spent the week end with Miss Jean| Gropp.â€"Mr. Otin Schnurt â€" made al‘ business trip to Toronto on Monday. few School Concert.â€"The School conâ€" cert will be beld in King Edward on the evening of Dec. 11th, consisting of a varied programme. Everybody welcome. . very M. MacBeth. Dr. Tye and Mr. Boyce gave excellent papers.â€" Mr. â€" Thos,â€" Hutchison and his pupils are hï¬y’ preparing for a concert which is to â€" be held on Dec. 19th. Wait for k 8 as these entertainments have become ~ |Mrs. Geo. Kirkland had two f ‘happy surprises last week. Her came from the west on Monday George walked in on Thursday. Hg are welcomed back to town. . M Robert ‘Tanner who was k% s horse a few weeks ago, is oelâ€" ing the effects of same by unable to even _ do _ his * chores.â€"Yir. and Mrs. David Davidâ€" on celebrated their â€" silver w ag last Friday evening. Only relati f wete present, but all wish them many happy returns of the occasion.â€" Rey. has come at last. The little lads of our village have heen watching every train for the past weck. _ The wea: chans are greatly rejoiced over his ; arrival, as Roy is a general favor~. ite with all. â€"The Instituto ladies ce port a very successful meeting held last Thursday zt the home of Mrs. 1 10 mt Siegner.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Robt. HeB with their three children _ spent © week visiting friends in Wiarton,