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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Nov 1913, p. 3

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tion to afternoon tea. The cordial‘ welcome of the hostess and her mothâ€" Or, Mrs. McFaut, the cheery _ zooms â€"___with lights and flowers, all tended to a most enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Eâ€" W. slement, Mrs. C. L. Laing, Mrs. Sitms, Mrs. J. P‘. Fenneli and Mrs. Kirkpatrick were assisting in the tea reoms. 6 in the city. ( J. H. Wiegerhold . % in Rochester, N. Y \Pp, . DK E.D. Heist is a pu: A number of Berlin prople have reâ€" crived invitations to a ball to â€" he given by the officers of the Guelph Garrison at the Armouties in Guelph. on the evening of Friday. November the twentyâ€"eighth. _ The _ members of the Executive Connittee are Colonc} A. B. Petrie, Colonel A. H. Macâ€" donald, K. C., Lient. Colone! J. H. Reed, Majot F. T. Coghian, Captain W.: â€"Simpson. Captain C. C. Crowe, Captain M. E. Wideman, Lieut. Colâ€" nol J. J. Craig, Major D: M. Fos er, Major E. C. O‘Brien, Captain . ilarvey, Captain J. Sâ€"_ Tavior, Lieub. A; M. Berry, Lieut. H. de B. Mercer, and the Hon. Secretary Liout. F. Watt. The ladies of the Garrtison are the patronosses â€" The members of the Women‘s Musiâ€" cal Club wiil meet next Saturday afternoon, November ‘the twentyâ€" minth. at the home of Miss Tyson, Watér Street S. Modern ~Composers will be taken up. An excellent pro grammo bas been arranged by the convenets, Mrs. Wm. Metcalle _ and Miss Lena â€" Snyder. During _ the absence of the president, Mrs. (} Herbest Bowlby, the viceâ€"president, Miss Jackson will preside If we may judge from _ the Club Calender, â€" a pleasurcable and instructive _ season is assured. : The first moeting of the ‘"Bridge Club"‘ will be held this (Saturday) afteruoon at the residence of â€" Mrs. Henry G. Brownc, King strset west. The time of meeting has been changâ€" ed, for this season, ‘from Monday evening to Saturday afternoon. . The elub _ includes sixteen â€" ladies, _ the same as formerly. greatly improved. . The Grand River Country Club was thoâ€"scene of a very pleasant gatherâ€" ing on Saturday last, when the ladies #ave _ another oi those delightful Bridges. Mrs. W. 11. Breithaupt and NMrs.â€"E. F. Seagram _ were the hostzsses of the afternoon. A great any .of the ladics availed themselves ef tho opportunity of spending _ a sociable hour or two together; . the majntity going. . out early. for the gar‘s, and _ a few coming in _ later for the tea hour. : On Monday last Mrs. G. D. _ Rich mond heid her posiâ€"nuptial reception &t her new _ home, 179 _ Markland §ireet. Hamilton, wearing her lovely Wwoedding gown. She was assisted by. ker mother, Mrs. George Dav!dmn.‘ and Mrs. .J. Robertson, Miss Flndlay‘ and Miss K. Colquhoun of Hamilton. The house was charming with lights and flowers. and many old as well as kew friends called to offer their feliâ€" gitations to the charming bride. i The disagreeabie weather of last Tuesiay ‘did not keep the many Triends of Mrs. W. T. Wallace irom taking advantage ol her kind invitaâ€" per hoine â€" in Hamilton on â€" Friday giter spending several days with felatives and friends here. . Mrs. Horscy, of London, England, left on Tuesday aiter spending â€" the En week or ten days here with her istetr, Mrs. C. L. Laing, Irvin street. ‘~Mre. D. S. Bowlby gave a family dipser party on Friday evening in #omor of Doctor and Mrs. Bowiby who Jeave Tuesday for Europe. ‘Mrs. S. J. Williams invited a few (?:::' to alternuon tea at â€" the tty Club on Thursday afternoon o meet Mrs. Sheldon Bingham _ of Hamilton. , Afrs. John Lang has returned from Shokapée, Minn:sota, whete she hat heen spefiding the past six weeks for tbe.nenotit of her health. Her friends onto, was the guest of Rev. C. L !!'f‘[?" at the parsonage during his Reov. Jas. _ Berlin News J. H. Wiegerhold is visiting in Rochester, N. Y. E.D. Heist is a pusiness visiâ€" ‘ . The Happenings at the County Seat Careâ€" fully Summarized. Local and Personal. to learn that she has returnod to Ottawa, Nov. 21.â€" (Can. Press.) â€" Judge Chisholm, of Berlin, is among the half dozen Ontatio County Court judges to be retired within a _ few days on pension, having reached the age limit. 1 The mothers‘ meeting hld at the home of Mrs. J. B. Weaver on _Thitsâ€" day _ afternoon _ was well attrmded. PaPers on "Moral Education" sand »‘*Mothers Hour" were tead fol‘owed by lively and helpful discussions,. In View of the many existinx evils Parâ€" enis would do well to safeguard their boys and girls hy keeping them off the streets at night. Special â€" music was acceptably rendered by the Missâ€" es Hohnen, Haliman and Wildfang. tired in Listowel. He leaves a wile, five sons and five davghters. The funâ€" eral will be conducted by Rev. W. Dreiet and Rev. S. R. Knechtel of Berlin. _ Messtrs. A. C. and H. O. Beniet of Berlin left _ for Listowel to attend _ the funeral of the late Rev. Jacob Wailter, who passed away on _ Sunday morning. The deceased was a wellâ€"known and highly respectâ€" ed resident of that town for the last twenty years. He has teen living re her manvy friends, wearing her beautiâ€" ful wedding eown of white satin ani Carrickmacross _ lace. Mrs. G.â€" H. Bowlby and Mrs. H. F. Pearson, the bride‘s mothâ€"r, _ received with â€" bor. Mrs. E. F. Seagram. and Mrs. J. P. Fenn>lIl were in charge of the â€" teaâ€" table which looked _ charmine with sporklin= silver and pink roses â€" and liliesâ€"olâ€"theâ€"valiey. _ The young ladies assistinge in the teaâ€"room were Miss es Rumpel, Olive~ and Freda Boyd, Hall, Smyth and Hespeler. The Misses Krug left for Toronto last Wednesday morning, where Miss Krug is the guest of Miss Kathleen Cosgrave and Miss Marie Krug is with Miss (Gladys Foy. During â€" the past week they have attended several of the debutante dances, among them being those pf Miss Clara Cosgrave and Miss Mary Foy. Mrs. T. W. Seagram, (nee Dorothy Pearson), received for the first time since ber marriage on,Friday _ afterâ€" noon at the residence of Mrs. G. H. when you see the mist of blue on the distance hills. It is romance when you sec shadows of purple â€" boneath the farâ€"off trees. All this is romance because if vou rlimb up to the disâ€" tant hills they are green; and if you stroil in the shade of the ttecs, all is wreen there, too." E Temple Thursto: says in Theltesponuing secretary, J. G. Hurst, Greatest Wish in the World: "What Conestogo. Representative of the asâ€" is romance but colot? It is romance (°°%2tton on the Ontario &. S. Asso Rev. J. W. J. And:ews has left for Halifax, N.S. wnere he will â€" as sist in a two weeks‘ missionary camâ€" paign. During his absence Rev, T. .J, Cotton, professor of Wyceliffe Univerâ€" sity, Toronto, will conduct the. ser vices in the Anglican Church. ROMANCE.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wurin of Magnetawan, Parry â€" Soupd Vistrict, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stapieton, commt Cedat and King streets. Mr. C. L. Laing, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, received the sad intelligence Monday of the death of his mother, Nes. Laing, which took place in Dundas Monday morning. Mr Laing ieft Monday afternoon for Dunâ€" das. will leave on Saturday for Montreal and Ottawa ijof a mouth‘s vacaticn accompanied by her aurt Mrs. A. P. Campbell of Batavia, N.Y. Mr. Tim PN‘lg has been appointed to manage Giriffina‘s theatre in Chatâ€" bans. _ The «<arah Gibney players opened at that theatre on Monday. Mr. Wm. Gottiried, Jr., has .re turned to his home on Weber St., afâ€" ter spending the Past few months in Calgary. Miss Olive Lobsinger has gone to Miildmay and other points where she will visit her pafents and friends for a few weeks. Mr. A. if. Schweitzet was a busi mess visitor in Hamiltonâ€"onâ€"Fuesda, and Wednesday. Mrs. A. Ahbreas of Hawkesville is yfsmng at the bome of her daughter Miss Allie Duench of St. Clements returned home on Friday after a week‘s visit with Berlin friends. irs. A. M. Schweitzer, 83 Cedar S1. Miss Viola Hertel of 53 Alma St. _ Anton Reroos, a Pole, naid ** in to the citvy coffers, for not paying his poll tax. i Provincial License InsPéctors Bave been busy in the Covnty durine . the Past few davs ond consenventiv ovrer $100 was paid in fines by hotelkeepâ€" ets on Saturday. J. Halter and F. Scheret of Kew Germany were both fined $50 and costs each for supplyâ€" ite liquor on Supdays. C. Zin:er of Wiesenbere contributed $1 and costs for havir+ refused to supply _ meals to travellers. The three ofenders all Pleaded _ guilty, and did not abPear. Provinciat ITnspector J. A. Avearst was presented in Court on behalf of the Crown. Mr. _ Albert Finch, of the Que n‘s Hotel, Guelph, was a visitor in this city on Sunday. « a glass. The assault took Place at a dance a little over a week a°o, and Semen as been idle ever since, on account of his in‘uries. _ Mrs. ofski objected strenvously to paying . the fine, but the Magistrate gave hr the alternatéve of one month in jail. The fine was forthcom‘nâ€". dence was taken.. Aâ€"fins of $20 and costs each was imposed, amounting ip Wagner‘s case to $25.55, and in Rum mig‘s case to $26.05. . It cost Mrs. Cofski $25 smmi.y morhning in Berlin Court for hitting a man named Semen, in the face with Since the judgment of Judge Reade was handed | down in the A. Genz case of Elmirs, who was charged with having two bars, Messts. P. Waznet, and Leo. Rummig of Welles ley settled Saturday. ‘They plead ed guilty to the offence, and no oviâ€" No ie s ereeeine o es alter the said 15th day af December , ilfll:f. the assets of the estate _ will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard caly to such claims of which notices shall have been given as above. . s McBRIDE & MacKENZIE, ig Waterloo, Ont. Soliciters for Administratrix. Dated at Waterioo, this 26th day . of November, 1913. f 48â€"3t. M y . Creditors and ali others _ having claims against the Estate ol John Esbaugh, late of the Township â€" of Wellesley, in the County oi Waterioo, Hotelâ€"kceper, deceased, who died on or about the 9th dasy ot Fabruary, 1911. are hereby notified to send by post prepaid to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Administratrix on or before the i5th day of December, 1913, their names and addresses and NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the maiter of the estate of John Esbaugh, deccased. ciation Executive, R. G. Struthats, Galt. . UH _ At the close of successful sessions of thsy Waterloo Cornty â€" Sunday Srhool Association, held in Galt 01 Tuesday in Knox Church, ths followâ€" ing officers were elected for the year: President, G. T. Hamilt®, GalJt. First Viceâ€"President, A. G. Watson, Aytr. Secend Viceâ€"Presid nt, A. L. Breithaupt,, Berlin. Retording Secteâ€" tary, Miss Bessie Watscm, Ayr. Corâ€" tesponding Secretary, J. G. Hurst, Conestogo. Representative of the asâ€" were initiated into the first dogree Of the Order.‘ The event was under the auspices of Bismarck Lodge and was followed by a monster banquet â€" at Hotel. Royal where addresses were deâ€" livered by G. C. C. Runpel and oth er Grand Lodge officers.. Berlin poultry owners were «un cesslful in winning several prizee at the Galt Poultry Show this werk. Mr. A. Ciemmer did _ exceptionally well, winning all the prizes for the Houdan class. Mr. E. Kechnie won third prize with bis White Wyanâ€" doite hen. In the Black Ancona class Mr. C. Emmerich won the second and third prive for bis cocks, and for his hen took the second prize. old way. Take your car to Lo# hart‘s Garage for overbauling. . } _ _D. A. Gordon, MP., has resizgned the president of th> Dominion Buger Company at WMR‘.‘J spend a month or two in the + with the hope of improving bis and uo cases s docket #t ,‘uh;cn hdulu ? The only . m.um&:.‘,'d... and only gcosts P .*u old way. Take your car 1 particuiars of their claims. candidates 4 Tess ol ol O 2i Mn ooo Rooe e vee t SPree. John Bathorst of Fort Loranie. ©.: | *®iChb have been “":’““" under ": "After treatment by three doctors|4U8Pi¢¢s of the I.R.S.A. The lm; without result, I have been cured of|°T: EYabselist Carpenter, Pointed ou a very bad â€"case of rheumatism _ py |SOM® of ths mistakes which, he said. using two bottles of RHEUMA. 14 NaYye been made in the past in _'_‘;‘" is now two years since 1 have used ‘5P¢Ct to BiMle interpretations which the remedy, and 1 am still as â€" well have tesulted in _ numerous relicious as ever. Previously, 1 was a cripâ€") Aenominations. ple, walking with crutches." t ie Such testimony should be convincâ€" ing. 50 cents, from Ed. M. Devitt, | Mr. .James McCafiery, of the Royal Waterloo, guaranteed. City, was a visitor in Berlin yesterâ€" Ailso at C. E. Swaisland, Berlin. day . ; ‘ DOCTORS FAILED. s If you have tried masy other remeâ€" diss and doctors‘ treatments fot Rheumatism and found they failed, do not be skeptical about trying RHEâ€" UMA. Read the testimony of .Judge John Barhorst of Fort Lorangie. 0.; «JUDGE BARmORST WAS RELIEVâ€" ED NF RHEUPMATISYM AFTER Tha Advisory Industrial Committee recommended that its action bo fatiâ€" At the monthly meeting . of the Board of Education on â€" Thursday evening the report. of the Advisory Industrial Committee, making . te commendations in connection _ with the industrial classes for the reason was formailly adopted. Arrangements are being made for‘ conducting _ the sqwing classes in the Victoria School which. it is expected, will result in greatly increasing the attendance of young women desiting to learn sewâ€" ing. Four teachers with Mr. D. Forsyth as principe! wiH conduct the avening classes. Chairman J,. F. Iinasbetget, H. L. Stacbler, A. Poguegnat, Dr. H. H. Huchnergard, E. Smyth, J. A. Lang, E. D. Lang and Sectetary Ed. Peguegnat were. present. : Value of Rheuma from ihe Cou{t heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and ltqg:ciâ€"hondaflc_. you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fiftyâ€"cont case of Pape‘s Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needâ€" less it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or, any stomach ilsorder. It‘s the .quickest, surest stomach docâ€" tion is â€" known as "The â€" Lutheran and ";E:?EE"I.';hT;;‘"{{:%u Laymen‘s Movement <of _ Canada." {testant church in size in Car Its objeqt is the development of the united force for righteousness "Pape‘s Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine 4 Jn five minutes. ol Hoboken, N. 3., spoke on _ "Lay Hamilion. servico in the Church," and Mr. C.| German Secretaryâ€"Mr. L. Peine, G. Graner of Buflalo, N. Y., on "The New Hamburg. Lavman and His Work." Both adâ€", Treasurerâ€"A. L. Bitzer, Berlin. dresses were received with marked: The determining of the place ~ for attention and not only struck the the next meeting was left to â€" the keynote of the movement but burned ; Executive Committee, theâ€" reed of "‘lay service‘"‘ into the; This convention marks an epoch in nearts of the hearers. the history of the Lutheran Churcn The constitution was presented hy |of Canada. It will gradually obliterâ€" the Rev. M. J. Bieber. The organizaâ€" {ato language and Synodical business tion is known as "The Lutheran and assist in miking the fifth Proâ€" s 2 n i 2 W C LCW T I 2 1 END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DVSPEPSIA AZ. S OVIOD, _ OW them with a eonâ€" Secretary. The delogates present comâ€" stitution Ict"â€"Tocal 808I¢TIPSâ€"â€"â€"Phoâ€" fottably filled the church and repre Literature Committee is to select and sented moet of the congregations in circulate the propor misgionary _ and Cantral Ontario. â€" aducational literature among . the The officets and Dr. E. Hofiman and local societies. A Jubllee Committee Rev. M. .J. Bisber, both of Toronto, is to prepare for special commemoraâ€" wore . appointed a committeo. ° to tive and jubiles wervices, and ‘will z:!l a constitution and report at take into speciai enn@idetation the evening session. celebration of th~ four hundredih anâ€" The aiterncoon was profitably spent niversary of the beginning of â€" the in an informal discussion by the layâ€" Protostant Reformation in 1917. It men and someé of the clergymen un is the aim to raise an educational the ‘‘Object and Necessity ol the fund of at least $100,000 during the Lutheran Laymen‘s Movement." Bext four years. The evening session, which parvook The committees were appointed and of the. nature of a mass _ meeting, the following offcers wore _ slected followed by business, was largely atâ€" for one year: tended and proved intensely helpful. Presidentâ€"\ir. C. L. Stimer, U‘nionâ€" Rev. Dr. Hoflman red in the devomonâ€" vilio. ‘ al services and presided at the mass| Vice Presidentâ€"Mr. E. W. Stoskopf | meeting. Rev. W. C. Miller of Zurâ€" Zurich. % { ich offered prayer. Hev. H. Breuckner! Fng. Secretartyâ€"Dr. C 1. Johann»« | INDUSTRIAL CLASSES Large and Enthusiastic â€" sentatives at St. V INSPIRING ADDRESSES DELIVERED If what you just ate is Industrial Committeo Report. It‘s ADDRESS ON "THE _ GREAT HEREAFTER the final lecture J. E. Lynn, Messrs. Ed. Stuchin C. M. Bezzo, Geo. Schnart, R. . Haley, E. O. Weber and others. Feeling references were made by : number of the speakers to the anni versary of the birth of Sit â€" Wiltri( Laurier, and the hope â€"expressed that be would be spared to celebrate iman wore of them and that he would 5o0 bave an opportunity of leading th Liberal forces to victory. The reception of J. F, Honsborger, the Liberal candidate fot the Yawin ion House, _ was most enthusiastic ettesting his poPulatity. _ It was decided to appoint a nomin ating commpttée to frame up two c! Posing _ slates of officers to ue sutb mitted to a meetine to be called at an early date. The following . wil compose _ the â€" Committee :~Messts Ed. Stuebing, J. M. Bezro, en Schmarr, R: J. Haley, J. C. Haight Wm. Hessenaver, Horry Aylward, E. O. Weber, W. H. Gregory. The committee â€" will meet on Tues day evening next. _ The Liberals of Berlin and Waterâ€" loo commemorated by the 72nd . anâ€" niversary the homored leader of Canâ€" adian Liberalism by reâ€"organizing the Laurier Cjub. The meeting war held in Glick‘s Hall and was largel,," at tended. _ . Pithy and interesting addresses breathing the spirit of Liberalism were delivered by President H J. Sims and Sectetary J. C. Halght of thr North Waterloo Reform Associatio l Dr.. J. F. Honsbergetr, the Libera Candidate, Mr. Thos. Hilliard, Re Seventyâ€"Second Birthday of *: the Old Chief Fittingly Commemorated ‘ LAURIER CLUB REâ€"ORGANL FEng. Secretatyâ€"Dr. C. J. Johanors Hamilion. to cominittees, the most prominent of which is the Ezecutive Committee, composed of the officials of the moveâ€" ment. An organizing Committco is to.see to the organizing of a men‘s socioty in every Lutheran coneregaâ€" was a it large in t them with a eonâ€" the New _ Gran‘ Sunday. afternoon attâ€"ndance e â€" at Gran & Carloads of Cattle _ Going to the U,$, = | From This Gounty ,z /‘ es "%“g . A, > e Bleacher >*5 [ Cleanser f:; Pumflef‘ :: apoas ldls : > [ faks CA The 1913 campaign of the Dominion Sugar Co. closed on Thursday, the beets being ground. The campaign oPered â€" on Oct. 6th and has been somew hat shorter . than usual. The reasons assigned for this, by Mr. H. Stokes, Superintendent ol the Agricultural Department were that while the acreage was about the same as previous years the crop was a somewhat liphter one. Whu â€" one started th> Tactory did not have to close dovn on account of brra‘ downs or accidinis, ond the num:icr of tons SUCAR FACTORY : _ _ CLOSED [::" t T e ues progones c o 0 0_ Lloert _ CALIOIC after carload of the best cattle shipped to the United Sfates haYTkets fromâ€" Waterloo county, especialivy from Waterloo, Wellesley and Wilmot townâ€" ships. The local butchers are finding it difficult to buy cattle for killing at the usual prices because the American buyers are offéring #ho farmere more for their cattic. The result will be in the very near future that the Price of meat will be higher than it has ever been.‘‘ The newspaper man was also informed that the farmers are holding their wheat, claiming that 83 cents a bushel is not enough, and flour mills which are generally running twentyâ€"four hours a day at this season of the year are running short time. * ; The special committee of the BerlinCouncil has a big problem ‘to deal with to keep the cost of living in Berlin from going up, instead of trying tn hrine it dAnwn * ‘‘What other cummodities do you think the deal with?" asked the nowspaper man. . "I‘lH tell you a problem for the City imanufacturer. ‘"and that is tne meat ques At a meeting of the Berlin Council on Monday evening a special comâ€" mittee was appointed to take smps to brimg about a reduction in . the price of milk. A confgrence with the milkâ€"dealers followed with the resul} that the vendors practically courinced the special committee that the inâ€" to bring it down _ the City Council to solve,‘" replied the meat question. Do vou know that _ since Port Huron, Nov, 26.â€"(Can. Presm) ‘~â€"The Gramd Trunk shops. were deâ€" stro.ed by fire toâ€"day i®ym unascer tainable cause, throwing one thou sand mon out of work and. causing a ; loss of $1,000,000. â€" | INPORT HURON O DESTROVD: G.TLR. SHOPS of beets ground per day was latger.‘ The number of pounds of suzar turnâ€" ed out, cannot be ascertaingd as yet. Ths closing of the factory will throw over 200 nin out of wortk. special committee _ should e have seen RF

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