, m. irttt'ette%i F, b meat dmas at aloo- i' bk mixtures when 'ttrt-q '? - “a...“ to repair - the and body and More 9 h - cl health. f For son, - the beat pttr- aieuneuvemlied on thewhole- i, one undigested nourinhment " in W: “whichitmully In. from alcohol or 'rrinus. Scott’s iambic: alumna 7 the appetite-gee- blood-- _ nourinheo nerve-ae-hens r bone. and name. the courage , of health to make life blight. John Rawciifip has accepted 81,123 in watchmen! of his claim against the G. T. R. tor the loss of an eye some months ago while at work in the shops here. The award includes costs. Tho action of Charles Maicho against John Baumbach. tor damages for the loss of plaintitT's hand by an unloding shitgun at a chariVari at detendant's home, was dismissed without costs. Stratford, Nov. 13.--The Perth Fall Alsius were brought to a close this afternoon. when the jury brought in a verdict of guilty of assault with firearms against Henry Martin Ben net, charged with attempting -to shoot T. J. Merlihan. proprietor of the American Hotel, on the evening ot April 3. He was sentenced to one year's imprisonment'. The funeral will take place on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. His wife and two daughters at home, and one son, E. w. K"'d or Owen, Wis., curvive him. GETS YEAR IN PRISON FOR-- _ ali ATTACK Since the death of R. Y. Kidd a few years ago. Mr. Kidd has been President of the W. C. Kidd, Listo- wet, Limited. Many excellent, Clydes. dates, Belgians and Percheron horses lave been imported by him and dis- tributed throughout the Dominion. He was the senior member of th: tirm of Kidd Bros., widely known for their fancy drivers and saddle horses,, which were ribbon-winners at Boston, New York and Ihieago Horse Shows. Listowel, Nov. 16.--Horsemen in general throughout Canada will re- gret to learn that W. C. Kidd ol Lis- towel, Ont, one ol the best-known and most popular horsemen in this country. died at his residence uthis afternoon at the age ot sixty-tour years. Mr. Kidd had been cotrrated to bed lor several months with heart trouble, which disease caused his death. Hamlet. Nov. 17.-The mystery 0! the recent burglaries in Hespeler bu been somewhat de'epenud try a re- turn visit to the G. P. a: H. dime and that of the Grand Trunk dupot coma time during Saturday night. On Sunday morning it was learned that both places had bear visited and hunched tor booty. Entrances were qnined by lowing windows to the one“. At the former, less than one dollar was secured in small change ad stamps, while at the latter the nun of ton dollars was secured. There is but little doubt that the parties who previously had gained entrance to the G. 'P. & H. were. the same who on Saturday night repeat- ed the call. Places where money or Valuables were secured before, were town-d open. and places where noth- ing had been gained by their prev- ious attempt, were left unmolested. NOTED HORSE OWNER DEAD IN LISTDWEI. ROBBED BOTH RAILWAY OFFICES IegTSiiSiiee,iiliiil, tttthet.,'": LTia' has [not In“; 'lh1'lgl"gft'd,u'lf. m. The courtroom was crowded to the doom when the sentence was given. Eighteen minutes was the entire time whirh the Grand Jury was_out. Court Clerk Hewitt asked the prisoner at the bar it he had anything to say ll hy sentence should not be passed upon him. Taylor maintaining the sullen art- poarance and apparently inditterent attitude which he had held all dur. ing the trial, in fact since arrested, said not a word. Senienco was then scathingly passed by Mr. Justin Kelly, while not I stir was bend in the courtroom. Mr. Justice Kelly, who presided, after the jury had brought in their verdict, stated that the case was the most terrible that he had heard ot, that the crime was atrocious and un- speakable, and that he lullv concurred in the verdict which the jury had brought in. He stated that though Taylor had sent young Dawson to eternity without a moment'l warn- ing, he would give Taylor plenty ot time to meet his Maker. and accord- inglv Mn the date for the hanging on January 23rd. The whole case was heard ttr-day. The evidence presented by the Crown, “nth .l. J. Drew, Guelph. as Crown l'xoinrutor, was overwhelming In do rail Mule the only datum- offered xl as that of Taylor himself, who gave pxtdrncp that he was drunk that night and knew nothing ot the time between which ho let: the city in the hugzv with Dawson and wtrrn he ramo hark. Tho insanity plea had rum-n “Ilhdrawn ‘hen it was mu that the 1'rown evidence on this point has very strong. manifold, Nov. t2.--Jatrtet, Taylor was found guilty this.aftertsoott by the jury of having murdered Charles Dawson, aged thirteen, on the Blos- som road, a mile from Cainsville and tour miles Irom Brantford, alter com- mitting an unspeakable crime upon him. He will be hanged on Friday, January 23rd. - EVIDENCE OF EACCUSED Brantford Man Sentenced by Judge Kelly for Murder of Lad JAMES TAILOR MUST HANG uncle, Mr. Mind Howard. " Kent street, Guelph, when Miss Gertrude Lamond. was united in marriage with Mr. George Todd Old, son oi Mr. and Mrs. David Old ot Rodin. Scotland. The wedding march we played by Mrs. Avison, and the core many, which took place under a wedd- ing bell suspended in the green-ni- nhite decorated dmwinrrooat, was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Avison,, pastor ot Paisley Memorial Chareh. The bride was goseaed in ivory duete esne satin, with shadow lace and em- broidery or seed pearls, and her lace; Veil was adjusted with orange bloc- ‘soms and sprigs or white heather.‘ She carried white thrysanthemums, and wore the groortf's gilt. a beauti- lul pearl necklace. The bridesmaid, Miss Mamie Anderson, was dressed in pink satin trimmed with lace and mantis, and wore a Pearl and ama- Ithyst pin, the gilt of the groom. Miss Mamie Needham of Gait, tt cou- sin ol the bride, acted " tiower-girl, and wore white foulard. The groom's gifts to Bower girl and organist were pearl pins, while the best man, Mr. Jas McGowan, received a pair of gold cull links. The bride's gift to the groom was a gold Signet ring. Mrs. Alfred Howard, aunt of the bride, was gowned in blue brocaded messa~ tine, with a corsage bouquet of vio- lets. About sixty guests were pre- sent from Galt, Hamilton, Berlin, Waterloo, Brantford and Toronto. Many handsome presents were re ceived, among them being a. Morris chair trom the congregation, and a mahoganv clock from. the choir ot Paisley Methodist Church, where the bride acted as organist and the groom as choir leader. Mr. and Mrs. Old left tor a honeymoon in Toronto and other eastern points, the bride wear- ing a suit of taupe velvet with sable turs and velour hat trimmed with King’s blue. nizea a the residence of the bride'l “we My at I pan. " “BI-Ill Pom," Ham: and, when Mir. Ida Elizabeth. mood - dud-tat ot Mr. and In. Ano- OIdI. - the bride at It. “no Snyder ot Berlin. The “mu Knot was tied by Rev. A. B. Snyder cl Volcano township. in the plea-co ot titty iw vited gusts. TI. male was “toad- ed by her sister, Ila Esther, while the groom was Bttp.orted by his cow sin,,lr. Isaac Snyder, ot Baden. The yoom'l gilt to the bride was t gold watch and lob. The may costly gifts bore testimony ol the populati- ty ot the bride. After a short honeymoon Brett, with triads in PemylVania. In! and Mrs. Snyder will with in _ lin. A very SN YDEWW. OLD-ttt MOND. iii Clean and tree trom dandrutt and possessing all the radiance of per- tect hair. This is just what "grime means to those who antler with itch- ing scalp. dattdrtttt,aroarse, dry or mlann looking hair. Susi-inc is n~w He to faded unattractive hair. Fascia? feeds the hair root with the necessary food lor promoting shoal- thy growth. Sage-me is the daintiest tonic you could wish for. It is hat a dye and is not sticky or greasy. A‘ large shaker top bottle costs only) sac, and Mr. EM. Devitt gives his\ persotat guarantee to refund the none-y it you are not entirely satis- fed. Be sure to m to RM. Dewitt): drug store as other stores cannot sup ply you. . ' In addition to these witnesses Liv, case Inspector Walters was called by the defence to show that it is the custom fol: empty liquor bottles to be strewn in the lavatories of hotels after the bars have been closed. After hearing the evidence Judge Reade) laid he eouid find nothing but suspicion. To fnd the delendant guil- ty until prawn innocent, instead of innocent until proven guilty. Another conViction made by Police. Magistrate last January in which he found Proprietor "gutter oi the \Walper House guilty of Selling liquor 'after hours, was quashed by Judge Reade on Monday. A fine. of $50 was imposed and an appeal was can tered but not heard until to-day.) This is the second conviction which has been quashed in three days. white judgment has not been siren in the third. "The evidence showed that P. C's Gusset and Median had tntered the lavatory of the Walper House Sat- urday night at 11.15 and found BeNer- al young. men, one ot them having liquor in his possession. It was " leged that the, liquor had been se cured from. the bartender. who was in the lavatory at the time. The defence was that Reich. who had a bottle ot beer in his pocket. had pur- chased it helore 7 o'clock in the evan- ing aloha with two other Donia. which had been consumed earlier in the evening. He had carried the botr tle around with him and was drink- in: out of it when the police entered. Hieck's ovidcnce was supported by A. Hummel, bartender, and H. Gross. I ANOTHER 'aa-aaa.--.-.---;.-.-...-,------,, CONVICI'ION _ NOTORIOUS iiitgd CHARAQ mu. loss. Freighters 13120 M. Scott and Midland Queen are still missing. but may be sate. An tmidesttitied steamer was seen near Port Austin. Lake Htr. ron. She is believed to he a total The E. F. Holmes, America freighter. on which were George Hadley. steward. Toronto, and his wile, is reported sate " the Son Large vessels tmateottntad for no: Hydms and Argus ot the Picks“: a Mums; Co., Cleve. land, and the Isaac M. Sec" of M. A. than: a Co., Clank“. 33.000300. EwenIy-ou would; were whol- ty or Partiaiir"wmeud. but crew. Lake Michigan: Plymouth, Mr- Immune. Mich. t man. Lake Erie, Ligtttahip/6 man. luko Huron exacted grant. tou. with crown, vow: Juno: Cm than 01 Toronto, um; Bosh- ot Toto-10,30 ma; Jain A. Mo. om. Cleveland, u an; Chub. S. Price. Cleveland. ll Inn; We:- lord at Toronto, " not. In» on Lake Superior: 1o.ttetd, Boo.. Out. " new, Willi“: Nob. linglmn, Chi-chad, " not; M. F. Butte". Milwaukee, " m; "an" B. Smith. Cluck“. so man "ttmite. Beauteous Hair lone: will 1e about 'Ili, 197 (‘ollingwood humus not. . batd- headed eagle in that town which mea- sured ' {an hon) top to tip ot “up. The deceased was a horse dealer in Cleveland and was delivering a casload of horses when the freight train was wrecked at Worcester, and he wu instantly killed. Mr, Thumct and his dunghkr. Miss Mabel loft on Sglurday night lot Cleveland to attend the lunch] srhieh took place on Monday. robot"; Board M Trade has been told that three English Industries am locate in that town nut your. A mange was received on sunr- day morning In Mr. E. H. Humor. of Berlin informing him of the death ot his brother, Mr. Levi Tham- er, which took place " Worcester. Ohio, on Friday atterttoott. an be overcome by the NEAL 3 DAY TREATMENT. Call upon, " dress or phone The Neat Institute. "ST. ALBANS ST., TORONTO. TELEPHONE N. am. BlL1ullEll WASKILLED whiskey any mom-4n doe-art want It and won’t look at it. I who! “Pres: my gratitude --." From a genuine letter among the acom m can show you, proving shookâ€) that th- . Nine years ago he was sentenced to a year in Central Prison from here, lot getting into a tight in a hotel and breaking a lellow's jaw. At about the same timc.tlle Gan band- stand was burned down, as well as several barns in the country, and al- though Jones was suspected, no eet- dence could be found on that score. Since that time, Jones has grown a mustache, any! was scarcely recocnr able. Saved her Husband A notorious character was arrested 330 wooed on Friday night last. as a Vagrant, mum {Mount giving his name as Burns. He appeat- J. Havereon. ed before Magistrate Weir on Satur- peered tor Mr. day morning, and was remanded “Ir Clement, Ky til Wednesday in order that his past Crown. record Could be ascertained. Being on The judgme- remand he was removed to the Court- “and. "that ty jail. Gaoler Cook, thinking In need premium had seen the (prisoner before, looked tral Hotel, E up the photographs, and both Chief bar, contrary O'Neill and he recognized the person Liana! Lima: as James Jones. However. he gave, The onencc ' his name as McCormick, but when Fall Fair day, fonfronted with his picture admitted W†ttreeted main.- highlypniud. manna-co lbsmhkingthcmforldlin‘dmb “and“ trouble. “My loft Imp-instilled! the “In. and Whaler. my period. wttielt won 'mehrmtdpainftilit-tet-a. Toni: Wanted In pub-adula- b. and I would be no 'her%Nhtt MMtqr- Lima-duthuIdnotha-rtouomy muhmanyoueupuk: Little-peeks won“ Baat before my eye. Ind I In. “unwanted. “Inmtuytoomuch forLydhE. Pinkhun’u Vegetable Compound and 1dverPt%,forther-sdmedieine. like than. I hue uken than Ind I 'oemrtmmtdthemtont1women. Youmy publish this toattmonial."i. the. mm J. Hum, Chest-ilu. Ontario. Hum 0m, GGdaiiiiktims. 6.1: Museum-lit 'l't4ttdttattaetieii. Maw up... - t'ad.fesem-.ttb. Giuliani It“. tht-"' Ilia to. P'"od"r%"iart'r1r-iiifiiiG. 'str , (trtetmitt CHARACTER IN THREE DAYS. DRINK HABIT IN l WRECK We. " old abolished drugisisyl this community. wish to recommend to you a product that has Sr: mm. "he! and may mean the ot your any. The product is . mild, sim- ple wash, not: patent medicine con- cocted ol various worthless drugs, but a treiettUfk compound mad. of well known anaemic ingredients. " is made in the DIN). tatyomtories ot Toronto and is called tho D. D. D. Ptrseritttion tor Eczema. We mutt all skin antler": who but unlisted tor many wars the torture: ot disuse nnd who lave sought mach cal aid in vain, to read this. This is a doctor‘s special prescrip- tiott-mte that In: mm may Aetittit Chief Gusset received, a message from the Chief of Police of St. Catharine: on Thursday inform- ing him ot the death ot a man nailed John Yadley, who was run over by a car of the St. Catharine's. Niagara and Thorold line last night. The message stated that the deceased had relatives In Berlin. Beret. Gusset In making enqumes. Mr. Hover-on said that ths law was to prevent a man trom running two businesses. Mr. Clement areued that it the law is reasonably construed hoteieeepera would know where they are at, other- wise everyone would be at sea. man-:1) T0 HAVE RELATIVE IN BERLIN The liquor not says nothing about ample bar-room accommodation, said Mr. Clement. A fair is held once a month in Elmira and the bar could be Put. up on each occasion. "It is a question of law more than tart" commented Judge Reads, "It is a Barrow point, but an important on: I suppose." words, "keep" and “have"" were in- terchanged. He also claimed that two bars were for the convenience ot the public. The ottemx, occurred on Sept. Mth, Fall Fair day, when a temporary bar was erected in the sitting room across the hall from the bar-room. and liquor was sold there in the tr gular way. _ In his arguments Mr. Haverson bas- ed his one principally on the man- tng of the word "keep". contending that to keep a bar mean’t for more than one day. He contended that the information was wrong. as the The judgment ot Magistrate Weir “and. "that he did keep in his lio. enned promises, known as the Con- tral Hotel, Elmira, more than one bar, contrary to section " of the Liouor License Act." 330 wooed. After lengthy any» nuns Pdgment was reserved. Mr. J. Hmrenon, K.C., ot Toronto I]? pelted tor Mr. an2, while Mr. R. P. Clement, K.C., represented tbs Crown. The appeal was heard Friday monk in; by His Honor Judge Reads ot Albert Gena, hotel keeper, ot Elmirs who was com/1cm of an inlnction ot the Liquor License Act by Musicians Weir levers! weeks Mo and a tine, ttt Jud e Reade Hem Appeal at A1bert Gen: Accused of "keeping" Two Bars so much dun-go to property. nil only to make an honest living, and caused was» sullen-g and [on of had caught. an interview to clear 111.0. a. Inte. w" "ouit "the up erroneous impression: that had human as the rain cum down " been held in some qdarters regarding torrents. The When 01 the Party them. C. E. Webb said in daily ale "tuned In good health, and greatly by himself ol (my pllons ot bottled alloyed the outing. milk he made " profit. Apia" that --._.---.---- he had vuious expenses of 85.45 per "t day. bringing his net profits per day to 32.25, which titttteed out to 23 "1mm cents an hour for an eleven-hour day. ,7 ,V - ,--__--- ....._. - "v... w..." ion": in the north, they and that imperative on their part. while no been or onVee wen an. Thom You assured the Mayor that the howl ot the vol"! cumulus"! there was no ring Among them. but " night, end in the only awning. an association formed in 1884, . and The bl: Storm ot Nov. hh which did minimized ever since. They desired Dunn, ,.. Hood], D. Moody, (‘ Hmtw. M. Bean, A. Beckett, _ Sow. all Chm O’Neill. 1 The not" In“ Berlin on Oct. am. and reached Ruth's Fall. the m high. "navel, it took until tior. llttogotinto thewoodsand on the trail proper. The Party took with them [our dogs. 100M duet. m on Sunday. M W! with them u an do:- a, a. result of the but. By man; who have in. th. dou in Harttsarr's NW lb}. thy no new the hon tot over bromttt monm. city. TI. party was content! ot Wm. In -mation att, members 0! Skin Sufferers-Read! It" I 0.01). 80.9 is made of the same trip-mean“ ingrMiettta. Ask us about it. muy‘A. H. llubml. Dwain. Waurtoo. lil-PQ Itl THE MAYOR We ateso eontidern ot the marvel- ous power of D.D.D. that we have taken advantage, of the mnnufwctur- or: gunman, tooiter you: lull-size bottle on trial, You are to judge the Trritn ot the remedy in your own particular use. If it doesn't help you, it costs you nothing. wonderful cures. The mm. of 0.0.0. is to “the Instantly. " soon as applied; (“it penetrates the pores, destroys and throws at! all disease ms and In": the skin clean and healthy. I St. Catharines, Nos. 18.-JoU 'Yeagley of Berlin, Ont., a tormer cook tor a construction company on the new Welland Ship Canal, was struck by a main line Passenger car on a high trestle at Thorold late last night and almost 'instantly kill- ed. Thomas C. MacDonald, a con- Itruction railway brakeman, who was walking with Yeagley. jumped and es- eaped with slight injuries. " diam to locate relatives up to to-night had been unsuccessful. An inquest was ‘openod this afternoon and adjourned ‘until next Thur-day. _ g No Reining Here. I i Alter making extensive enquiries Acting Chiet Gusset reports not lining been nble to iind anyone " the name oi Naehley living in Berlin at present. There was: mnYaegley who came to Berlin about fifty years Mo from Pennsylvania, but he only re- mained here a law years. ' WAS CAUGHT (Ili . HIGH Till-SHE M. E. Warren told ot the gradual increase ot the price ot milk by the products. The Mayor replied that he did not wish to beclused as a strike organizer, but he did advise the public to retrain from the use of milk as a protest against the in- crease. In the last ten years the price ot milk has doubled. although grass grew just as cheaply to-tttty as ten years ago. Cows were dearer. ‘but tood, with the exception oi corn, was not. He could not see any rea- aon lot the increase in the price ot milk. The producers advanced two cents a gallon, and the retailers Charred their customers (on! ants in gall: Wore. I P. ktent Secord said. after the conference. that there was little like. “hood ot the dealers selling eight cent milk. S" wan“; g ..... Van Canola. Co. " W! Se., " ""tiet' P.lfue um manila; the milk situa- tion. and the result um annually all. n In any change in an ant we at the Mayor is coma-med, while tho milk Galen Nasal. u "prena- utlu ot the small deal“: only shown-l an 13'1“th to who: the prion from nine out: a quart, to which it was mood: that time Mo. The dealer: chum-i they could not. make a reasonable Protlt at eight cont- 3 quart, and the Mayor was than in his stand that they could, notwithstanding their contention that the increased price charged by "fl-Jul. In. - A “a. -arterrrsetvoere-e-t for in). and main. without that“ (an non-ct m - _'-"""'.-,--.-,;,','." Th- ur earn-id "a Ink“!- vapor. m with every breath. mam breath!“ any. Booth- u-osonu-mt..nd ,'ettt"k?mu.u-Aimuitiia aim cm I. hula-bl. Io “he" with - and“. and- walk-Illumin- A-unu. ""tr-"tar-tiiriiauiau".' ata. once-ma. 'a C tt B BOE.E I 3 Ant EVI'IC THROAT TAB ttTests-trt-itat" than. my ar- BU-- My" Aanglgnliseyuc. A - ties contend with Mayor Allan this Hamilton, Nov. IS.--- when Asthma Catarrh WISE? ____IP_a8t_tpre9emr E, M. Devin, Wuotloo, and C. E, Swuillud, Berlin. mu- It. Then hair tall. out, grows thin and was»; results. Young mun, put your faith in delightful PARISIAN SAGE, it will stop falling hair. kill dmtdrutt germs, abolish daetdrutt and itching scalp, or money back. I’ARISIAN SAGE is only 50 cent! a bottle at E. M. Devin. Waterloo, (an. Swaisland, Berlin, trtutraettereit. and dealers everywhere. Girl with Auburn hair on every arm. Ask got PARISHN SAGE. IT'S THE LITTLE DANDRUFF GERMS THAT ARE CAUSING YOUR HAIR TO THIN OUT. PARISIAN SAGE STOPS FALL- ING HAIR AND DOES NOT CON- TAIN P0rs0NoUs LEAD OR DYES. The clever young man at My doesn't take any chance; on losing his hair. A man who is hldheadod at " looks like 45, and is placed at. di - advantage when seeking employmm‘h ate attacking the hair root and destroying ts vitality. BEWARE The donation of $12.08 from the St. Andrew's Pannier!“ chum was reported. The members present were In!“ Hughes, 'Diebel. Clement. Sehiedgl‘, Sheppard, Roos, Merrick and Bee. tary Eby. Two Peterboro' grocers were fitted 350 and costs each tor selling adult- erated maple syrup. ---_'_ -- r H on Friday evening the various stand- /acrsc' ing committees for the year were appointed. A lecture of the selection . _ of the House Committee was the do- L vision ot the Board to regiment the ", Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary to appoint T two oi its memhen as members oi _ . this committee which is in chap nitncmternaimnnament ot the .' institution. The committee: were» pointed as follows:-- _ Finance-Messrs. S. B. Ericka. _ " chairman; L. D. Merrick. G. M. Weld f and the Waterloo County Council ro- . Preaerttative Houao--Mamrs. Dr. Mincpin. chalr- _ ;, mo" Geo. Wegenast, E. P. Claim j K.C.. A. J. Kimmel, W. H. Sclnu‘ l tttty representative of the Berlin Coun- cil. and two members to he appointed by the Ladies' Auxiliary. F Property-Geo. Diem. chairman; < (A. J. Roo., P. W. Sheppard.“ m? , representative of the Waterloo ,2", Council. , , 1;?! _ The superintendents rqiort to: ' ,,,' l tuber showed IM days tor been.» '. Eagle. total 680; receipts $660.M; . l, ilted 40, discharged M, in an Oct. am. M. _ , Accounts were passed, amounting to. $1302.78. T The report ot the Finance cur. mittee respecting the toque-t made to the BerlinCiiy Council to: lub- [pitting a lay-law to the ratepoyerl ttrr the sum ot $5,000. and Wawrloo br the sum of $1500 " the next Municipal elections was presented. . The matter of disposing ot t por- tion of the Hospital ground: was in- formally discussed but action we deferred until a future meeting. " you have dandruff _ it man: down near the rooui ot your hair an “my oi, damiruit mm: Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary Re quested to Appoint Two tor House Committee COMMITTEES" . APPOINTED M the monthly meeting of the Balm. a Waterloo Ptaritat Bonn] it, liver and kid-my: tanned this non-uni union and mum upward. “when haul Ind! mind-you time vitality. hifi I an a well an out. theta-thank humankind. and I nuke-[Mn ly [in you "it mama: tot who!!!“ i!†with" _ _ - === - --_ as“; 13121wa 15 'Grate' At any ate, the-e tablets have paved the but mun ttuwiredtot-ud-esoril4 have been cured by ukh'thun. so“ box.,6 foe 32.50. trial sin, 'se. At ell dealer: P, 1'e.t 9n rtrrlrt of [nice by ID. Q. MK. II: hundred: of has. necked by the man-um Company, the“. «who. “99 in an). 1t'_ttitttltu Amt "tistneelihdiriiiiG aTiai Gk" the resigns att that could have b. Fruit-armies LimhiiftiGii." men-“LL; 0a., A . an. , _ “About "to yen-I iirt, w M mu: in a may bad In Mr apt! ti-yfeisotyuinettseirGreE' I been-u All run-down. I felt th- of some good remedy, and u. - “Puma-lives" dunked, l dad " trr_the. _ VlIAllIYREGAllEIé KIDNEYS tllllfll _,:',' m iiiiGo U 'ftdittittt" m YWNG "