At a meckhing of the Berlin Board of Health held on Tuesday even ng a communication was received from Dr. McCulloch, Provincial Officet â€" of Health in â€" reference to the cow _ of Mr. Lorenzo â€" Schelhaus, Courtland ‘Ave., which died â€" very suddenly . of anthrax on November 10th. At that time a special meeting of the Board of Health . was held and the carcass was ordered to be buried after the cause of death had been ascertained. The matter was also referred to the provincial authorities . 2 Read the Chronicleâ€"Telegraph‘s rew serial story ‘"‘The Lash of Circamâ€" stances.‘" which commences in this LOCAL AND PERSONAL On Thursday afternoon the Ladies‘ ‘Aid of St. John‘s Lutheran Church held a tea at the home of Mrs. .J. Conrad in aid of the Building Fund. A large number were present _ froim the St. Matthew‘s Church, Berlin. ing met with an unfertunate mishap at â€" Ainslee St. Methodist Church, Galt, in which he preached. He was entering the church when he made a misstep and fell, spraining his . leg. As a result it is with difficulty that he is able to get about. The first of a series of E,vangelistic services was held in the Methodist Church, Waterloo on Monday evening under _ the auspices of the Epworth League. The subject ‘"Prayer‘" . was discussed by the President of the League, and other members of the organization also sPoke on the topic. Rev. J. E. Hockey presided. _ Miss Gladys Devitt contributed an effecâ€" tive vocal number. ‘The meeting was largely attended and was of a helpâ€" ful character. Toâ€"night the, topic will be ‘"Service,‘" and will be tanen by CATILE MUSIT BE VACCINATED Anthrax in Cattle Due to Tanâ€" nery Sewage Being Poured HAVE NO ABATTOIRS Dr. Geiger. Dr. McCulloch stated in his letter that after consulting with Dr. Amâ€" yot, who was conversant with . the local conditions, the decision was arâ€" rived at that as long,as the tannery was allowed to pour sewage into the creek, there â€" is liable to be anothetr fnfection. ‘ Further the letter stated that the animal which was buried on the flats would have to be destroyed, otherwise animals pasturing . thete during the next forty years would be liable to contract the disease, . as when.once well _ rooted, it is very difficult to â€" extinguish. _ He recomâ€" mended that all cattle pasturing on the fiats should be vaccinated against the disease. § No Sewage In Creek. ? A communication was received from the Lang Tanning Co. which stated that no anthrax originated from their plant. _ Only hides of animals that have been inspected for food products by the governinent under the â€" Pure Food Acts of Canada and the United States are tanned. The letter furthâ€" er stated that other cases have been reported in Waterloo County before, and for that reason no hides from the surrounding coumtry have . been used. _ At present there is no refuse going into the creek, and if there is found to be any, they expressed their willingness to remedy it. Must Vaccinate Cattle. . . A resolution was moved by Mayor Euler that all the cattle of Mt. Schel haus be vaccinated. In seconding the motion Mr. J. R. Schilling said "it nyuight as well be done now as latet." for some time was that at 1.0.).1. A. 3. MILE LO3, AU! Germania Lodge, No. 104, on 'l'hurp-l day avening, when about one _ iunâ€" Dec. 9 â€"Postponed sale dreal were present. well. M Dr. McNally informed the Board by letter that he had received an answetr from the Dominion authorities in Te ference to having them appoint an inspector for an abattoir if built in Berlin, _ when not shipping products outside of the province. While _ the letter stated that it would be a deâ€" parture from the regular way and mot very probable, Dr. McNally urgâ€" ed that the local membet and others be persuaded to use their influence in the city‘s behalf. ‘The most successful meeting _ hold Eie c Uiesus » at LO.F. | _ A. J. MICKUS, AUCTIONEER. Township Sunday School Convention.|shredded wheat banquet held _ undet which was held in the Methodist|tme auspices of the Mcthodist Young Church, _ was largely attended, the|people‘s Society and tendered by ML church being nearly filled. J. Hewitt, sales agent of the Cana _ _A fine address was delivered by DT. |gian Shredded Wheat Company. E. D. Heist of Berlin on ‘"‘TomPetâ€"| ‘The palatable delicacies which comâ€" ance.‘ The address was one OB pFACâ€" |prised the menu, the programme . of tical everyday life, comprring the |~usic and readings, and the general shortcomings of the church to C0OMâ€"|mement of good fellowship which perâ€" bat the saloon. He said that 50 PCL|vaied the gathering, made the event cent. of the business corners in tOWBS | an enjoyable and bappy 000. and cities are occupied by . hotel®.| The Market House was bright with Boys going to citics cannot be _ €Xâ€"|gecorations of nunting and _ flags pected to lead a lonely life, and|while the market tables which exâ€" consequently they take the street,|tended the length of the building, or saloon life, which is more PlG@Sâ€"| were attractive with carnations and ing to them. The same thing applics|ferns, Handsome menu folders, yF0â€" to the laboring man, as the mo§t |yiged by the Shredded Wheat Comâ€" convenient of all places he knows is pany, also adorned the tables. the saloon, and he would feel out Of|" Supper was served from stt . to place in the church in his working eight o‘clock, during which Starnaâ€" elothes. Compared with this _ @|man‘s Orchestra rendered _ stirting An inspiring essay was delivered by Miss C. Pannabaker, of Hespeler, a returned missionary from Africa, on the ‘"‘Missionary Movement." _ After about two thousand years alter Christ, sbe said, there is only _ one ininister to 200,000 inhabitants ° in the foreign fields, while there is one to every 600 at home. The church is waking up to her epportunities, but only abuut twoâ€"thirds of _ the Christians of â€" Canadian churches gave anything to missions last year. "‘Plod rather than cleverness is often the best missionary equipment,‘" she continued. The great need in Africa is for young men %n give the gospel to the heathen, as they aro fast beâ€" coming Mohammedans. The three great nceds are men, means . and prayer, she concluded. ‘‘Objects of the Sunday School," was the subject of the excellent and bencficialâ€" address by Rev. S. R. «Iohnston of Preston. _ It was 133 vears ago, he said, since the Sunday School was first initiated. At that time the work was to gather in pegiected boys, but as time _ went on the work grew, and others were gathered in. Many homes are now lax in giving their children religious training, and think if the children go to Sunday School that is sufficient without their going to church." In some respects the Sunday School is not an unmixed good. _ The speaker suggzested different ways of having the children attend the church setâ€" vices, one of which was having . a children‘s song, or the pastor . to speak a (ew moments to the children. Another method was having the mortning service together, and: the children withdrawing from thete to their Sunday: School classes, and the pastor preaching to the congregaâ€" tion. Several. objects of the Sunday School which the speaker mentioned. wore to bring children to Christ and make them Christians, and also taain them for service, to make good citiâ€" zens of them. stranger is always welcome in the Officers Elected. ' In the afternoon Rev. E. Butn delivered an address on "Home Life and !ts Relation to Sunday Schools," and Mr. C. K. Hagedotn of Berlin spoke especially to the children â€" on the cate of the body. The officers elected wereâ€" Presidentâ€"Joseph Hilbotn, Blair. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"S. Pannabaker, Hesâ€" peler. Secretaryâ€"J. B. Hagey. Treasurerâ€"Dr. Hilliard. Exocutiveâ€"Henry B. Hagen, Presâ€" ton; Wm. Blesthe, Blair; Louis Sniâ€" der, Bridgeport; Jacob Zeller, Bresâ€" lau; and Louis Wildfang, Preston. Visiting Committeeâ€"O. M. Umbach Watcrloo; Orville Groh, Watetloo; Miss Maggie Moyer, Blair; A. A. Voelker, Betlin. It was decided to hold the next convention one year hence in Doon. Death on _ Monday. renfoved _ a bright young life, in Ed. Rockel who was in his fifteenth year, son of Mr. ard Mrs. Gustave Rockel, Charles St. The funcral of the late Edward Carl Rockel wi~ â€"* held on Wednesâ€" day afternoon from the residence . of his parents on Charles street to St. John‘s Lutheran Ch&rch for setvice, thence to Mt. Hope cemetery. _ The deceased was 16 yeats and 5 months old, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Rockel. Will Pay 17¢ For Live Turkey I will pay 17c for live turkey _ at Baden station on Thursday, Nov. 27. Good prices for other fowl. _ Phons 26, W. C. Brueckner, Baden, Ont. Jan. _ 13.â€"Farm _ stock and irpple ments of Aaron S. Shoemaketr, at Natchez, 2 nuiles east of Berlin at 10 a.m. DEATH OF ED. ROCKEL E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneet. of Jos_ Forâ€" Upwards of four hundred were gath ered around the festive board at the market building, Waterloo, on Thurs day evening, on the occasion o# a shredded wheat banquet held _ under the auspices of the Mcthodist Young People‘s Society and tendered by Mt. J. Hewitt, sales agent of the Cana dian Shredded Wheat Companuy. ‘The palatable delicacies which comâ€" prised the menu, the programme . of rusic and readings, and the general piement of good fellowship which perâ€" vaded the gathering, made the event an enjoyable and happy one. The Market House was bright with decorations of nunting and _ flags while the market tables which exâ€" tended the length of the building, were attractive with carnations and .. 5 Paapices of alhe io 0 tiethodinl man‘s Orchestra â€" rendered _ stirring vided much entertainment and enjoyâ€" ment and included selections by Starâ€" naman‘s Orchestra, ptano numbers by the Misses Mary Moogk and Ida Marâ€" tin, vocal numbers by Mr. J. Ellis, and little Miss May Wildgust, a ten year old young lady. Mr. A. B. Mcâ€" Bride‘s readings as usual _ found much favor with the audience and his presence kept every one in _ good humor. _ Mr. J, Hewitt, representative _ of the Shredded Wheat Company, . gave a brief address on the subject ‘"Emâ€" wheat as containing all the ingrediâ€" ents which make it a desirable food, it being manufactured from whole wheat. He tendered a cordial jfuviâ€" tation to those present to visit their factory at Niagara Falls. _ . pire Building,‘" and emphasized the importance of good food if a strong. healthy nation was to be built up. He incidentally referred to shredded The Mewhodist Young People‘s So ciety much appreciate the generous response to the invitation extended to be present at the banquet, . the proceeds of which will be devoted to charitable objects and _ deserving TESTING NEW |§ ELECTRIC LAMP The Water and Light Commission is in receipt of a new type of electric lamp from the Hydro Electric Power Commission, known as the ‘"Projecâ€" tor." The lamp is of / a difierent shape than the regular type, and gives a distribution of candle power light in the lower hemisphere due to filament suspension. The upper half of the lamp is covered â€" with white enamel. It is claimed that it serves a great nced where the cost of _ a refloctor is not practical, such as in hallways, verandahs, and small rooms The iamp does not burn at a higher efficiency than the ordinary type, but its construction is such that it makes ib desirable under certain conditions. The lamp is a sample and is being sent out to different municipalities to judge its merits, and if reportsâ€" are favorable it will be placed _ on the market. WATERLOO TP. S8.S. CONVENTION IS IN SESSION Practical Topics on the Proâ€" gramme tor Sunday School Workers Interesting and practical are the sessions of the twen‘iyâ€"seventh annual convention of Sunday Schools _ of Waterloo Township held in _ the Methodist Church on Friday. _ About forty delegates are present, representâ€" ing the different schools throughout the township. The sessions opened at 10 o‘clock this morning, Rev. J. E. Hockey conâ€" ducting the _ devotional _ exercises, while Mr. Thos. Hilliard welcomed the visitors. The secretary‘s and treaturer‘s reâ€" ports were bgtesentcd and on the latâ€" ter a lengthy discussion took place as to the proper division _ of the monies. An instructive address was deliverâ€" ed by Mr. W. 0. Ruby of Hespeler on ‘‘Lesson Helps, Uses and Abuse." Mr. J. H. Sheppard of Bloomingâ€" dale replied to the address of welcoma whon the afternoon session convened at 2 o‘clock. ‘"Home Life and Its Relation to Sunday Schools," _ was the subject of a helpful address by setvice at 7 o‘clock, conducted by Mr. P. Shupe. Dr. E. D. Heist _ of Berlin will give an essay on ‘"‘Temâ€" perance,‘"‘ and Miss C. Pannabaker of Hespeler, a returned missionary from Africa, will give one on ‘"Missions." Rev. J. R. Johnston of Preston will speak on the "Object of the Sunday School." This cvening there will be a song \The Fur . | Opportunity ‘of the _ The market icis mornig was | OD€ of the largest of the year. Some of the townsfolk were present before 7 o‘clock, and spent more than an hout standing around waiting for the marâ€" ket to open at 8 o‘clock. Before the opening hour arrived a big crowdâ€"was waiting ‘at the doors. â€" The membets of the Council came to an â€" underâ€" standing at the meeting on Monday night that they would be present at the market at 8 o‘clock, but only the tegular attendants were there. Eggs were scarce and sold at 35 and 36 cents a dozen, while butter brought Dr. McNally makes Report to =â€"___â€" Board of Health TWO OFFENDERS NAMED A communication was teceived at the special meeting of the Board _ of Health on Tuesday evening from Dr. McNally, District _ Officer of Health, advising that the waters of the Grand River were polluted, thus killâ€" ing fish by the thousands. The samâ€" ples tested â€" showed _ the Dominion Sugar Co. sewage to be seven times worse in this respect than the Breitâ€" haupt tannery sewage. _ The mattetr has been placed in the hands of the Provincial Board of Health, so that they may _ look into the whole matâ€" STOOD MORE THAN FOR SALE AN flq'l“kl;! |A|]n.nvl.'r[ Small Farm of 30 Acres Whis _ investigation arose a couple of weeks ago, when at the request ‘of CGame â€" Warden Sattler, Dr. McNally accompanied _ by Sanitary Inspectot Buchhaupt, and himself examined the river banks, _ and found fish ranging from three inches to twenty _ three inches killed by Pollution. We are offering fine trustworthy Furs “i Great Inducements in the Millin at Reduced Prices Department. Special Prices. N. MERNER, Berlin, Ont. Agents Wanted Season a wonderfully beautiful and complete assortment of sets and separate pieces, from which even the most fastidious woman can choose a fur that will delight her mightily. tunity for you to cconomize on your This sale ofiers a Excellent sPot for market gardenâ€" ing. The property consists of about 80 acres on which there are a brick cottage, barn, etc., a fine sPring creek runs across the property. It is situated one mile West ol Waterâ€" loo Post Office and at present occuâ€" pied. by Mr. Jobn Shickler. The soil, location, etc., make this property a very desirable one for carry‘ing on market gardening, teaming, etc. The marriage of Miss Alice Mulholâ€" land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henty Mulholland. Spadina Road, Toronto, to Mr. Richard Reid, Agentâ€"General for the Province of Ontario in the Briiish Isles, (formerly of Berlin), was solemnized by the Rev. _ John MacNeill at Walmet Road _ Baptist Chutch, on November 12th, only imâ€" mediate relatives and friends being present. The bride was given away by her father, and wore a charming travelling suit of mahogany _ plush, and natural fitch furs, together with Parisian toque of the same shade, a large corsage bouquet ‘of orchids and lily of the valley. The brideâ€" groom‘s gift to the bride was a magâ€" mificent diamond pendant _set in platinum. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left immediately for the station, where a ‘lnga party of friends had assembled ‘to escort them to their car and wish them ‘"bon voyage." They sail â€" on the Empress of Ireland for their fuâ€" ture home in London. For price, terms and full particuâ€" lars apply to the owner, A. Mermer, Trout Creek, Ont., or to ED. M. BDEVITT, Drug. © MWater,00. 4711mof BERLIN BRANCH E. W. Lamprey, Manager. Should include the keeping of a "Joint Savings Account‘"‘ in the Bauk of ‘Toronto. Eithet of two persons in the household may then deposit or withdraw money as required. A Joint Account in the BANK OF TORONTO is not only a convenience but it is also as incenâ€" tive to thrift, and to the accumulation of a desirable ‘"‘Bank Balance." Interest is added balfâ€"year> â€" to the balance. Paidâ€"up Capital ... $5,000,000 Reserved Funds . _... 6,176,578 Assets _.__.._._ Over 35,000,000 REIDâ€"MULEHOLLAND. THE HOUSEHOLD EXCHEQUER THE BANK OF TORONTO. CELEBRATED HER i §A4TH. BIRTHDAY T+ €ay Mrs. Isaac Boachtel. Allen St., Wednesday, is in receipt of the congratulations and wel~ «ishes of her friends on the attainment of her 84th hirthday and the Telegraph is pleased to join in the expressions | of _ good will towards a much estecemed _ and respected resident. About a year ago the aged lady sufiered a fracture of the hip, through a fall. Her wonderful vitality, howâ€" ever enabled hor to make a quick reâ€" Ladies‘ Coats, â€" Suits and Skirts Wonderful Values. $9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.0¢ Voney to Loan, Conveyancing and lnunlu:. King Street Try Theseâ€"â€"â€"They‘ll Please! Specials Corn, Peas ayd In Corn and Peas I and Tomatoos . for Saturday 3 Cans for 25 Cte. ** Every day we have something new to to offer you in ltylfli Hats, at prices that will meet with your approval. Our reputation: for moderate prices in high class millinery is a guaranteo at. you will be satisfied. The newest shapes, colors and '-rlmnh'ï¬ WE VALUE YOUR TRA DE C. H. Mills & Co. DAN BOHLENDER, REAL ESTATE "The People‘s Grocetr" “};.terloo WATERLOO BRANCH . P. J. Wright, Manager covory, despite her advanced age and but for a slight lameness sho is dnâ€" joying ber usual good health. _ She preserves her bright mentality _ and continues to take a keen interest in evetryvday hanpemings and events. ‘That she may be spared to _ het family and friends for many moge years is the sincere desire of thoge who enjoy the privilege of her acâ€" quaintance. Rov. S. M. Hauch, a former pasâ€" tor of the â€" Emmanucl â€" Evangelical church, was in town on Wednesday and preached very acceptably at tho special services in the evening. You Will Find Us Busy But Never Too Busy To CGive Your Especia Wants Our Special Attention e