Mrs. W. T. Wallace has sent; out rardn for a tea next Tuesday after- von. November the eighteenth. (Mrs. J. W. Hinehcline has returned u In: home in Ottawa, anon: visit t lcvctal weeks with relatives. Dur- lng her stay many tea parties we†"Wen and the meets ttreatiy 07110)"! talkmg mm: nld “mu. stts." L. .1. 1trrithaupt was in Tor- onto on Wednesday of this week Mrs. H. F'. Pearson has vacated DIG r'.',',", gg'," the danger in n her house on Young street and is neg ect can , . I. at present with Mrs. u. H. Bowlhy. "ijir,iiir'i'!:"iisr:vst, 23935318“ . . .. ' "r ' PY'. new executive of the Twin City I it has stuck to you for a long time, if tskalmg (My held. In meeting you go about it right. m the Library “all on Tuesday ee Keep out in the fresh air as lulu-has ning, November the eleventh. Maw; rou CNT, Wild “P your 'strength with and unions plans were discussed ti, plenty of wholesome .rood, aryl. t' make the coming season the best Na-Dru-Co Symp of Linseed, Licorice "I,†and with such I did ._. . . and Chlorodyne. . . ' . . an en} executive This reliable household remedy has “hm†trtck, ot it, the Club ought} broken up thousands of hacking, per: to ho a decided were†this winter. sistent coughs, which were just as Mrs. W. T. Wallace has sent; out] troublesome as you“, and what it has rardn for a tea "ext Tuesday “up. doyterso1neruturjspwi1Hororrou. E Ms. and Mrs."l'. W. Seagram are palpated home tho end of this week trom abroad, when they have been spending a most delighliul six wears. Ther, will occupy the residence of Dr. G. H. Bowlby this winter, as Doctor and Mrs. Bowlby leave short- ly tor the Old Country. Miss llodgins and Miss Nettle Sod, gins were the hostesses of a delight- hll lea on Thursday afternoon at their home on Queen Street South F The Grand River Country Club pre- seats a rather deserted appearance these dreary November days. How- ever. the members are still hoping tor a touch ot Indian Summu V so that they may once more be able to met out on the links and enjoy the High: Wand the delightful et erase ot wielding the clubs. Just 'at present. though. 1.1m ladies have to be content to stay indoors, and this afternoon another of those de- lightful Bridge parties will be held at the Club House. Mrs. H. J. Hail and Miss Rather, ine Hall of Young street, are spend- ing some time in Hamilton, where they are the guests of Nts. T. A. Hall. _ Mrs. C. L. Smith, who has been spending several months at the home of her son, Mr. F. L. Smith, St. linger street, left on Wednesday on a protracted visit to relatives in Min- neapolis, Minn. Miss H. A. Wilkinson and her aunt left Wednesday evening, November 12th, on a visit to but two brothers in Edmonton, Dr. W. R. and R. H. E. Wilkinson. and may spend the Witt- ter with them. I Miss END, Enery of New York arrived in Berlin on Tuesday to as, sist. in the increasing work oi the Bethany Girls! Home on Alma St. Miss Ellery came here direct "iroml India. I Mrs. J. Tolton and her sun George ttet on Wednesday tor has Angelos, tul., where they will spend the win- ter months. _Mr. F. Armstrong ot the G.N.W. teUgrapts stun has been removed to Sunni: to aid in handling the large number of dispatches due to the re- cent accidents on the lake. a tew days at the hum; of iiirGise. my in “annuals. Mr. Louis and Milt Josephine thbrarta and Mr. James Campbell no “in; the week-end with Mr. gill". Alum Schulu, Woodstock. III- Shun has resumed from a wild with Royal City triads. I Me. J. E. Shaun†Is spanning I W days with Guelph hind... I "I Ellil, ot Guelph, was a vis- uttt9c9euaaruauaiitatiL, ( Mr. Herbert Botmer ot Herbert, BIL. ig home again after spending Mr. Wsu. Shaw: or Woodstock, m the Canadian Mattutaeturers, was a 'bitor in the city on Wednesday. I.-- .. a. n. - I u-v-uu nave returned from a week. “’3 WM with relatives in Dr Mrs, Isaiah Wildlolig and damn". tmit. Miss Irene spent Sunday with her Rev. C. L. Mclrvino, President of daughter Mrs. “in. Mitchell in Lon- he Hunmon Coattereaee Mt. on don: may [or Oakville where he Miss B. Mabel Dunham. librarian, “Mined at the tuneral services of the lelt on Monday to attend the Lite “to Rev. J. H. Robinson. Mr. Geo. rary Institute at Ottawa. "milieu, ot Berlin, an intimate Mr. A. P. Carroll ot Edmonton is Maul ot the tteoearsed. is also attend- the guest ot Mr. Louis F. Schwartz. his the tunerort. gprr vistithu. in New \'an- In- In [our - . -- -_. "W""" IDKI BIKIIIIIIIB Me mt: in the West. In. T. C. Sebrag'pnd Mrs. Fwd Iltltertti, have returned from a It. a.†(Ii-mick ot an. any is “dung at the home a! Mr. and In. Jen. A. Wither, in Preston. Il- Enlyl Btualdl, Bowl, is lb - ot Mitra Once Crooks, York .tmet.-Hnmitto. Hutu. IlgI. Abs. BUNS, ot Wallaby, 29.3 Iete, Eif. is? wow. Mr. . Dr. fr, Ladeerna. has returned trom Mia. mar Hmrte, of Tom-in, Detroit who he attended the Nita] the weak“ in Berlin, a. I}: " Cu. Hmong-mo Kan-L It. a." (MIMI: ot . . Mr. H. E. Wetthulor Utt on B is can" n the home (,/tt. le', threeyooh' bull-ea: trip to Enter. Mta. J.“ A. What. in PM“, Ola!!!) terNy. In. an... Au-aa. 3-..- 2, Mrs. Tom Sour-m will new. " . H. Schweitzer is _sspettdittg Tty11-ieatthetunutt, Idea.- ttalt, Summarized. Local more“ Louis "aa; w Canr' ai. Berlin E The welcome news was received {on Saturday by Clerk B. C. Schism [at the Bulton Street Baptist Church. notifying him oi the acceptance ot the call extended by the congregation to Rev. Hugh F. Shade, pastor of the. Nottingham Station Baptist church, Cleveland. _ Reports. I The futatteial report presented by the Librarian showed receipts $3,- 850.M; expenditures $3,779.90, lear- ine a balance ot $73.35 on hand. The book report for October trhow- ed "a big increasa in the number oi rearlers, clearly showing that the Library is increasing in popularity. Put hp m 25c. and soc. homes by the Nauonal Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. an Wprtt-CrssrruP of Linseed. Licorice and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful drugs. and so can be given safely to children, as well as adults. Your physician or druggist an routirtu this statement, for we are ready to send them on request I complete list of all the ingredients. The monthly meeting or the Berlin Library Board on Wednesday evening was of unusual interest, as the ques- Ition as to whether the "Orange Sentinel" should he permitted. to be :placed on the tables of the reading! room was decided, Aim consider-11 ‘Ihle discussion the deacon was reached that owing to it being a re- ligious'oontmversial paper it sbtNId i not be accepted. _ Do you realize the danger in I neglected can ht Then why fowl you get rid of it? Yes, you can shake it off, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go aboytit rjgllt. WHY KEEP tlt tllMlllilt8t 1 Tlo every-member canvas to be Lcomlncted by a committee ofbetween may and fifty men in connection with Trinity Methodist Church dur- ing this week, was inaugurated 1m Sunday by tio excellent and lotcelul "ttrntotgs delivered by Rev. A. l. Terrvberry, ot Preston, and Rev. W. B. smith, of Hespeler. , i I I A little eight-year-old lad, "of Mc- (Naughton street, by the name of Walford, has hem missing from his home since Monday and although the police have searched for him so tar they have been unsuccessful. Mrs. M. Itoos,' Irvin, St. esttertain- ed a few friends at progressive euchre on Wednesday evening in honor ot Mrs. I).'B. Dover, of Winnipeg. Mr. Howard Fleming of the van Bot,nd Sun was a visitor in Berlin on Friday. . Mrs. Wm. Becker has In". [or her Imam in Wiarton after spending: the last week with her sister, Mrs. I. ll Ehy. RN’. A. I. Terryberry, of Prestcn, was the punt at Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Clement while in the Twin-Pity on Sunday, Mr. A. P. Carroll ot Edmonton is the guest ot Mr. Louis F. Schwartz, utter visiting in New York lot alew weeks. Mrs. C'. D. Bowman and Miss Pet- erson ot West Montrose are spending .ere.'cPye?.--ap-tatahh?re,.heue-ee1 Mrs. Lynn, Fr r . . Mr. Arthur Lewis ot Toronto spent Sunny in Berlin, at the home ot Mrs. J. Hellman. Miss V tiraee Jordon Jr Cariington was the guest ot Mrs. I Human, Elle}: Street for a tew days this Mr. ered Crobln oi the Dominion Sugar Co. Ital is a blunts Vilitor i1ft-7tyomast for a law days. ' tuv. Mr. Smith ol lib-polo! was the guest. ot Mr. and Mrs. M. Snyder on Sunny. Thursday atterGim at " Weber Si. West. , In. Itsrig “unlined a numhot ot _ trieodst-sMomurevetr- Ikretsthm4rTu'il1tta" with "com (I The visntnrs were cordially welcomed ‘by Past G. M. Lochead, in the mt- uoillahlr absence of 0. M. Richmond. Thr programme was largely provided by the Toronto visitors, who brought with them a lumber of clever artists incinding soloists Ind humoriMa. An elegant lunehmn was sowed and sev- eral fme atterdinnet spmhos were delivered, The Toronto visitors rp- turnml to the Queen City hr sprrial train. Two hundred barrels of apples, Pirkrd from the orchard of R. ll. (“Mom Durham 1'ouotr, brought over $500 to the must. . ‘ The local members or the A. F. & A. It}. lodgrs were visited " between frfty and sixty ol the members of (leorgina Lodge, Toronto, as well as Masons from Stratlord, Gall, Press ton, Guelph and other places. Thu D. D. G. M., Prof. Day, ot Guelph, was also an honored guest and took part in the evening's programme. An interesting icature of the pro- gramme were the readings by the pastor of the church; Rev. C. L. Mclrvine. His interpolation ot "The Chariot Race" from Ben Hut was era-lien: and clcier, and the imper sonation of "Old Farmer Gray" rear istic and impressive. These two numbers warn greatly appreciated by Aha large audience. Mr. H. Doeri-g presided at the “man and playbd the various accom- paniments in faultless and artistic atyle. FRATERNALTISW TO BERLIN BY 1'0lliMl ll MASONS The sacred song service try the choir ot Trinity Methodist Church on Thursday evening w1urgreatly enjoyed try a large and appreciative atadieme. The large auditorium was filled . " most to its capacity and the pro- gramme throughout was attentively listened lo. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. A. B. Pollock, sang in splendid torm. The following motion was also passed unanimously at the meeting: Moved by I. E. Haller. seconded by Ed; E. Cater, that tho 270 members (oi the Holy Name Society desire to ‘express their hearty thanks and ap- Preciation to the members ot the Berlin Public Library Board tor their fairness in refusing to admit a purely controversial religious publication to the Public Liltrarr,ntyiiussurm, a continuance of peace and harmony among the citizens of Berlin. 1 PASTOR AS A READER Votes of thanks WP" passed to Rev A. Zinger and Rev. W; Benninger to: their ittstruetive sermons on the 00 casion of the two public recepGons of new members. [hood alt pt ii: tlrérTrrTari"aiiire e was - tied in 1888 to Mary Catharine zin~ Inna. Ho is survived try a widow and six daughters: Mm. Hamel, Mrs. Allan, Annie, Tillie, Marie, and min. He is use survived-by two sisters Mrs. Alllnghun, Tatum. Mrs. Alex Ilotter, Ridgetown, and (two brothers, Pred Berlin and win- Cram, Detroit. 7 ' The mineral will br held on Thurs. day afternoon at 2 oklock at the house to the St. Paul's Lathe-um church. that? to Mt. Hope eemetery tot interment. I The Treasurer's statement showed receipts amounting to 852.25. and expenses of 8117.14, leaving cash on hand ot 835.11. The Quarterly Meeting of the Holy Name Society was held on Nov. 16th at which omens submitted detailed reports of the activity of the Society since its organization. Holy Name Society Commends Public Library Board ACTION This ENDORSED A resolution of condolence with the Camily of the late Andrew Englert i The Very trad but mud on lousy aux-oo- a Mr. (Jury WHOLE†" his watt In it. Kuhn- Phui-g mi. in Us 1hr tirtrt year. The downed had in! -ittr" toe th- not “My-9m year: in the pinning mill. an Inn- ‘w ot the Plum durum-m. "a, ,uu one a! a. all.“ .rrteutreea, nu ‘was held in the highest esteem by m‘ employers and “Huerta", u we" as a Wide circle ot TwirFCity friends. During the put you the late Mr Hertlelder had been in Kuhn; health ad on different occasions would be unable to work tor a few by: gt a 'ime-Jurwever, he returned to his bome for dinner on Monday and did not make any complaint, but when he returned to his work he expired about 130 a'clock. The accused was born Bear Bridge- htt1, m m lived in this 'te'trtttror- we 1hetu4eet_trrimd si delrMsiu_artgrwiiikiUiGl ms. L. A. Clemens. St. George Fl. was on Tuesday in norm M a more “assuring telegram in tonal to the rendition of Mid, Burner who “as seriously injurrd " being run down to" a motor tucle in Cotorado Spring: last Friday, ftatry's (hum Tnths are the vpry' inst medicine a mother clan give her little um. They sweeten the Btom- ach. regulate the bowels, break up colds, promote Imalthml sleep-in fart. thes Me a mm- ior all minur mi, ot little Mrs. The ntother may feel atv sotutely safe in mung than to bar children lnrxthry ore guaranteed by a governmrnt analyst to be strictly free trom all injurious drugs. The Tablets are mild by medicine deatrrs or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williann' Medicine tht , Brockville, Ont. h GOOD MEDICINE roll THE BABY l The Marriage of Miss Alice Mui- holland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mulholland, Spadina road, To [rot-to, to ML Rirhard Reid, Agent- ,General for the province of Ontario, lormerly ot Berlin, in the British Isles, was solemnized by the Rev. John Mach-ill, at Walmer Road Bap- tist Church in Toronto, on November 12, only immediate relatives and ‘lriends being present. The bride was given away by her father, and wore I charming travelling suit of maho, gany plush, Parisian toque at Ute, same shade, and natural Fitch turs,', together with a Corsage hquuet. oi' orchids and lily of the valley. The‘ groom's gift to the bride was am'Wl nilicent diamond pendant set in ntat- inum. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left inrl mediately for the station, where, a large party of friends had assembled to esmrt them to their car and wish thrm "hon voyage." They sailed to- day on the Empress of Ireland "i their future hump/6 London. . -----' Full information can he had try calling at our residence any time previous to above date. s†mw§§§msm I The problrtn er Fall and Winter 'sewinx now conimnts every well iregutated household, and you can not atiord to waste.prccious moments at alterations until .your. garment loses all its oritrinalptyio and fat, yet it has been endupd year alter year, been“; of the. mistlken idea What there was no where to go to Jean: to cut a garment so it would mot require those tadiou: fittings. Al course with us will remedy. it, all. Our method teaches how to' cut and put together everything from pininrst shirt waist to most Clair! crate (toilette. Terms for a complete course is $10.00, tntt-irhtrefer'red only part at the course can be taken. A day class wil) commence on Nov, 24th. l WWW Learn Dressmaking In 2 Weeks A tool-labour- a“. - th"tuftsett . “mind: can. but... by“ m‘a Modulus-n 'h-oh-W-, ta,r2g.'t.'2efpe2,iiiiii Pttpe'tegShtt,. “I‘m-I utt,,'1tHtiatiti . mud in alt oh. had ' 2giTf2htt,ttt,tAiit" umwghin . ,ud hcm‘mmmwm‘ '"Sr2it2t2'aia"'i'ic Griiiit Hui - .‘v “I“! l “I. ‘mmummuu A postrmoneln was conducted try in, in“ ttqhtt, a." "I to“ Dr. Hm, m on examination “magnum-aw In made " Dr. Mil-chin and " In 'ru-tthr-a-it, ’Igreed that death was due to anttt- to: M to C. "mat - _ir/t" .. F In in its most serious form. . dud-t Imam-3* q “w h {In rationed that the sauna! “.mwlllhulth. . . F, _ 'fe.? a potted.†Pat.tyy..e?mhtiots ahin, And-uh.“ C" T . on sunny and Monday it died. H...“ -ttitkiiuuH'dsii A special meeting at on. Board at In the Health was held on Wednesday we?» “In†ttsq VOW 0nd unan- im. at which Chairman Abram. Dr. "fir/ill.':;',?,.",':',,', “I Mcoiluwoe, M. ll. o., and Huron Mrs 011-. PMâ€! , Ruler were present, tor the purpou‘ Ml moo tttttt ntt".t'2 Iofhgociding what action should tre; Ellison Dress Ctruing Co. 42 Etry Street, Berlin HEi0-Mttt [OLLA N D, The price oi eggs reached the high- water mark in the, history of the . Berlin market Saturday when the vendors ot fresh eggs asked from M, to " cents per dozen. The supply was somewhat more plentiful than it tlt has been during the but few weeksJ e- WRITT- tttto 1'Q,,t,C,t,t-.ctej have been held back until the highest g possible prices could he demanded. "Nere was a large supply ot-truttar " oiiered for sale at 29 and 30 cents lper pound. Fowl of all kinda was Plentilul and the. prices quite reason- I able. Chickens ranged from 40 to 70 s. rests. ducks no to so cents, and a geese .8140 to $1.75. Potatoes re i-. named unchanged at $1.25 per bag. o, The usual supply ot vegetables. was sh ofiered and found a ready sale. I His Worship replied consenting to comply with the request. It I: ax- peeled that the fund will he raised thrnugh the medium of the newspap- us. Mavor Euler “when a message this morning trom 1.. Henderson, Ple- sident ot the Dominion Marine Asso- ‘niation, Toronto, asking if he would ransom acting as Honorary Treas- urer of a fund to no known as the “‘Lake Disaster Fund of Canada.†whieh is to be opened in this city. The movement is in aid of the rela- liws ot sailors who lost their lives during last‘Sunday’s storm on the great lake's. _ MAYOR EULER WILL ACT m!MFIIIC4-.W Att-eds a†rug" "In a "" rut: g-tted of your want but I/le "I" tied. Walt “AM-k II how "any (Mann you in". and what other ntoeh. Ind we wilt and yen Inc a “In dour â€All! M Boot. You unlit on the lam. Intonation-l Pacing food and Penn" lame-1h the Innvnnm-l Dork Food and Yen-mun "repnrtttiottsnre for Ink , "ralern nun where, " your D.aurearmot supp ' you. writeusdirrct, _ FOWL WAS PLENTIFUL trndent. ot tho institution. She also engaged in, private nursing in this vicinity lor some tirpe before going lo Colorado Springs. Her many Friends win hope her cdnditmn isrnut as serious as the message would in- dicate. ' International Poultry Food tor her ‘rwovory. Miss Betzner is well and favorably known in ttie TWitt-City. She graduated front the H. at W. Hospital Training School in 1902, and for some time tiliod the position of Head Nurse and Superin- I The sad intelligence was received in marlin on Saturday at an M" ' HE t- 'nate and probably fatal accident which belt" Miss Eliza Betzner, oi Colorado, Springs, t'oi.. Ot Vll'lay when she was seierely injured by be. run down by a motor cycle. Friends in Berlin have hora in- formed that no hopes are entertained SEVERELY and h keep them hem; Ordinary feed in not enough to mat. has " t'th"e" INT INATIONAL Pot; Ttty FOOD pay. for indkover and out again --m the hum-e m ".,. " if am an oed'omry (and. but a tortic. purely mtedicirtat. " - prudures more " whip. fowl: wett Ind "T,T-d'.,T"l'; F'f,'i7c,%TclWr. curt. Ron? jun! Cd INTERNATIONAL POULTR FOOD and we how it mac-m Yo'" w, production. , nu te9titr II bow m-nv chitin“ yaw have. and ISM muhthtimemfcd INTERNATIONAL P ULTRY FOOD. "rm noel the tonic I‘M! of this wonderful 0;; Faint-n to sum than [lying and I? keep 'hey' l)mg_ 9einary feed in not THIC IS THE WAY YOUR HEN. WILL LAY I ". “It. and mnemon- both a! a column; to Lou-so Sahel lilo. who asides on Courtland Aver ND. malt†in " tnreotigauors he- .llg Ind. tr the Berlin Hoard of ham as to the cause ot th- allnl’l deertde. _ A -batortem was conducted by YI- IIAAAI~~ ’ '-- , a - 5cm _s1i.t,1ttii"ii/itr,atio/ 'tttttttite, l tl,' - t,iahrtuuiiiiiiarti'i IN: mac-:51.†INJURED BY MOTOR-CYCLE o‘f‘... WNI. You - VII- p. 1 £3, 'tremedies. After using your truly rr- 9neq Thoutht Noon ,.m_â€.. V - v Elnarkable preparation. ItHFRNh, il H "ttrt,'.",', 'WIN In: V... was fully cured."-) C. J. Bud '"Bflll', ' Lt't"fe, MH- 'ar- Artur, found View, Conn. I IV 'sG'"Al "e'd.'rl.e.YeMttlilC, RUFiUMh is guaranteed try Ed. Il "Mitt. Watrrtoo. who sells it ior 50 Pants a hottln. Also at C. H. Swaisland, Berlin. 7 "For manv yeaer I was troubled! "dlllgl with Rheumatism, also with Bright'sI Disease of the Kidneys. I suffered . awfully. Tsied many advortisod‘ Truss "Italics. After using your truly rr-l 3neqFttouqetsttt IPROF. BUDLONG WAS QUICKLY l 'RELIEVED OF BOTH AFFLIC- TIONS BY USING RHEUNA. If you suffer from any form of Rheu- matism, remember that RHEUMA M to work quickly to remove the Lcause, not simply to relieve the dis- tress. Many years' use has 'demon strated that it goes to the seat of :he disease and expels the GLa,al matter through the natural ifiiiiil'.'-) the kidneys. bowels, liver and skip. Mr. L. B. Clemens, St. Ledger street, received a; message from Pol- orado Springs, Col.. on Sunday at- temoon, regarding the condition of Miss Eliza Betmer, who was serious- ly.- injured try being run down by a. mint-cycle on Friday ammo. "r Fira that an operation was per“ normed Saturday altelnoon and it 1was found that Miss Bonner atgriered an extended fracture oi the skull and‘ no hopes were held out lot her mom'- cry by the physician. - I Rheumatism and Bright's Disease N0 HOPE FOR MISS BETZNER’S RECOVERY Mr. J. "averson, K. r'., Toronto. appeared tor the appellant. and Mr. E. P. 1'iement, K.('., tor the puma-Ir Accordingly, he said, he would Md the delendant not guilty, as the evi- dence was doubtful and unreliable, and the accused would be than the benefit of the doubt. tion In rendering his decision His Honor Judge Reade said there was only the evidence of the three young men, one ot whom is now suing sentence. He said although the evidence was con- tradictory. he thought the three ot them were drunk at the time. I The defendant It. Stielelnwycr de- nied positively that he had served the previous witnesses with liquor ,w the night. claimed. Albert Sterner, wine clerk at the hotel also testirred, and Said he had not served the men with liquor. 'lite evidence of thas. Harland: was, with low exceptions. the sumo as that given at the Police l'ourt examina: tion. brought G. MeLaugtrtis was the first witness to be called at. the appeal. His evis deuce was the same as that given at the first hearing. with the exception ttt I taught): details which he said my ot G'. McLaughlin and (has. "unlock. The three or them claimod to have waived whiskey at the Grand Central Hotel on the same nirht, about " o'clock. At'strut imro.i-tit-etdt800om B. SWâ€, noan at the and Celt-n! Hotel, [or telling liq- Iol' during prohibited hours. Th can arose out ot Aural Heh- ter claimed In had pun-hand whisk†"on the Duh! Central Hotel. saute: In: sentenced in Canal Prison for stealing gun; box-from in from ot L. Iurdott's bakery on Sat- urday aidâ€, July 5th. At the time ot the theft Stine!†was in the com- Judeth+ue-rVerdiet ttteau a; judgment ot ‘Mmu mulunllll's ot rum-n men. when mullin- unly. Alan Maury-d " many mmkm. Win-re other, fail us when- I have my m "tttess. Nothing rPmtturssted. no pain " ten. Oatlnn. hm w, a natural â€an?!†when. tmtuctta rum-l guaranteed. No “knot“. -Nst maul" hmlmms. Do "011.1% m I delay, but tear all true MEI not. o'uHasmonert "ms torture is no Ion not.» an" Iinlliouprlng trusses Ind tgaat 'm-lhnas of trratmg rnpturo gm than w.. hel'g ug, T,'dfr11! 'JT/fthe? A m us no u ti ty yrars 3 GI. Ion Tite marwlum new EM! "Gm yvm to the tuptured Install! tench?“ Nt mum" where an others mn. " It! rrlmlmn and "Ntores i'W, put h I.- ural pmmnu m sum as It small-1| In II amp und old Hyu- u nuts are thrown pray. â€NAN'S CUIAI'IIUS" cures aw Chaim tttth. III errant)" and the rm! is shall. Mo mum-s ot rum! men. when mullin- egij. Alyo "ndorsrd by [mun Mums-Inn ,‘v-.. v--...n. Th la mum". upon t'/TI'ktt.'."t to J. y. Egan "mum- spoon! ", P!ttee,ffootA " In“. h'i,iiiii'ii(; Turnnun who wlll “I the town, on u "es lurntlmwd below. willow-14.. Mun-r In rum gamma-“n... --6- . . .V __. ...... ' ""T"brF"rN8 "enunwi bearer " fro-v ""tottltxungg and an at “mph". Ink "I ttotet once tor of my mom. Note dates 11y: WiCiiiic"iGiiiiGiiGU, nu. and mbEEujt-m hon-um mm, _-J_|__ -,_i.. -. - RUPTURE '_":,,", The right white _", for white clothes 3 can he had only when " _ The undersigned desires 1.0% to the public that he in m , conduct auction sale- Now‘ Waterloo C'ounty. Terms te-ttite. But of satistttetiort unravel. Any- one intending holding a all 'rettn, can or phone. Ottieo in Click Block, aim" in? Drug Store, King St. M Phone 706, Aucnoumgs 'mgr,i, BERLIN Walper lfotvie, Hat., Sum. tall dat and mghtt, 2 . days only. lot 29. 30. STRATFORD oatsmaaristrtotaaed+ M tut community. Mr. In: Dietrich. The dem-" M a : tank at heart (saw. H. m it you: ot atte August, * broth: - mm; in tit. span. when. ' Th Mun] was held WM! " M) mm. " Duln'ood OMO . Fro. Cortsttttattoo “up", Windsor Hotel, the Th can. look M in DOM (SEE nuns AT Barron) To get spout-sly whit. linens, dresses, blouses. can. ask you grocer lot ONO. 10c. ONO cleanse: mug†without the but hull to the most delicate fabrics. 0M0 bleach" and put!- fies ttetter,than the an: and country air. 0M0 make: not only I both! will! but an easter “a. toe no rubbing oe hard work is required. 0M0 remove- Iulns from tea, cottee, cocoa. in“. "a, like magic. F.riiii"ru7irGTe", aut H. J. SIIANTZ Torture Is nolon - ies 3nd 530-...- a an duos tn [ a on sun "am In renal. In! .1 (all. -ytLytthi " ixaiiitiGi